Chapter Twenty-Five

SONNY CLOSED HIS eyes and let the hot moist steam work its magic on him. He was lounging on a bench, wrapped in nothing but a bath towel, in the steam room in the health club located in the Port Charles Hotel. He tried not to think above him in their room Alcazar could be doing anything to Brenda and there was nothing he could do about it. If he tried, he'd just be walking into Alcazar's trap. It was ripping him apart seeing the new bruises that appeared on Brenda's face each day, knowing it was his fault, and not being able to do anything to stop it. It was making him feel as powerless as when he was a child.

Things weren't going much better on the other fronts, either. Despite what he promised Brenda, when he'd left her he'd gone straight to Jason and told him he wanted to arrange a hit on Alcazar to go down immediately. Jason reminded him of the consequences that would follow if Sonny should go through with it. If anything happened to Alcazar, it would be easy to trace back to Sonny, and a full-scale mob war would erupt. So Sonny had settled for a less expedient plan to deal with Alcazar. He and Jason would make it look like Alcazar was skimming profits off his organization and cheating his associates out of their profits so they would turn on him and kill him, themselves. Unfortunately, there was no telling how long this would take, and each additional day Brenda had to spend with that pig, was one more day too long for Sonny.

Well, things on other fronts were going a bit better. Carly hadn't taken it well when he'd announced he wanted a divorce. It had been a pretty ugly scene, but in the end she'd finally face their marriage was over. Although she had threatened to take him for every cent he had in the divorce settlement. And Jason had tracked down the marksmen who Alcazar had hired to kill him when he arrived at the meeting. The doctor who had attended him at Mercy Hospital also admitted he'd been paid by Alcazar to lie to Sonny and make him think he'd been unconscious in the hospital for days when he was leaned on. So his associates were firmly behind Sonny once more and the threat of them selling him out to Alcazar was over for the moment.

Outside the steam room someone hung a closed sign on the door, then quietly entered and locked the door behind them. Sonny suddenly went on the alert an he sensed his was no longer alone in the sauna. Through the steam he could see Brenda staring at him and smiling.

"Brenda." Sonny replied in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"It's been torture not being able to be with you." She unwrapped her towel and let it drop from her body. "I need to be with you and I figured this was the perfect place to make it happen."

Sonny got up and walked over to her. "Someone might come in." He reminded her. "And catch us in the act."

"No, they won't." She assured him. "I've thought of everything. I hung a closed sign on the door, so we have this place all to ourselves."

Sonny tipped Brenda's face up so he could get a good look at it. "He hasn't hit you, again." He said in relief.

"No." She smiled. "I know how hard it was for you to not do anything to try and stop him, but by not reacting to what he was doing to me, it convinced him it wasn't working, so he's stopped." She ran her tongue over his nipple before sucking on it. "Enough of that. Let's get down to what I came in here for."

"That feels good." He sighed. "Now do the other one." He added. "Won't Alcazar guess we're in here together and just what we're doing. You said he's having both of us watched."

"Your wish is my command." She replied as she moved over to his other nipple. "He's known we've been together before this. What's the big deal if he knows we're together again."

"He might start hitting you again." Sonny sighed. "Because I've stayed away from you, he was under the impression I was so mad at you for trying to keep me away from my meeting, that I didn't care what he did to you. If he knows we're together again, he might think hitting you will work, this time. And he may not be wrong. If he ever hits you again, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from going after him, even knowing that's exactly what he wants me to do." He moaned as she continued to suckle him. "You know, that's not the only part of me that craves to feel your mouth."

She smiled up at him wickedly. "I know." Her hot voracious mouth blazed a trail down his chest and her clever little tongue began to do wicked things to his navel that was threatening to make his knees buckle in pleasure. "I can feel it poking at me through the towel." She trailed kisses low down his belly as she unwrapped his towel and let it fall to the floor. "It doesn't like being confined. It wants to be set free."

"God." He sighed, as she ran her fingers through the nest of black curls surrounding his cock. "I've missed feeling like this. I've missed you making me feel like this."

"Go over and sit down on the bench." She ordered, as she traced a finger down the length of him. He was standing proud and erect. "And spread your thighs for me. Then I'll come and give it what it craves."

She watched the way his rock-hard buttocks moved as he walked through the steam and sat down on the bench. She had to just stare at him for a long minute to savor the beauty of him. "If women think you're beautiful with your clothes on." She sighed, as she settled herself on the floor between his spread thighs. "They should see how beautiful you are like this. I wish I could paint you like this. But then I would have to keep it hidden from sight. I want no other woman to see you like this but me."

"You talk too much." He complained. "I can think of a far better use for you to do with your mouth than that."

She ran her tongue up the inside of his thigh, making him start to squirm on the bench. "Have you let any other woman do this to you."

"No." He tipped back his head and gasped as he felt her rough tongue running over the tip of him. "You're the only one I've ever let do this to me. You're the only one I've ever let have this kind of power over me."

"It's funny, isn't it?" She laughed as she sucked on the tip of him, making him come off the bench. "Women think being on their knees between a man's spread thighs and taking him into her mouth is being submissive to a man. But they don't realize while the posture is submissive, it's the man whose being totally dominated and controlled."

She slid her hand beneath his butt cheeks so she could take as much of him inside of her mouth as possible. It didn't take her long to establish a rhythm. She's thrust him into her mouth and down her throat in one quick thrust, then she would slowly slide him out of her mouth until only the tip of him remained inside her mouth and she would slide her tongue over the length of him. Sonny's breathing became labored as she repeated this motion over and over again. Each time she did it she could feel the changes taking place in his cock. It was becoming like a coiled spring ready to spring forth. Finally, when she could feel he was about to come apart, she thrust him down her throat to the hilt and went on the ride right along with him.

Afterwards she sat back and watched as he laid against the wall all limp and replete. "Was it as good for you." She smiled. "As it was for me."

"Better." He smiled in pleasure. "Care to do it to me one more time?"

"Maybe a little later." She promised. She got to her feet, sat down next to him on the bench and spread her thighs wide. "Now it's your turn to do me."

"I'm not sure I have the strength." He told her as he forced himself to sit up. "I think you sucked me dry."

"I have every faith in your stamina, baby." She told him, as he slid off the bench and crawled between her thighs. "Viagra has nothing on you." She closed her eyes and arched her back as she felt his hot tongue on her. "After all, fair is fair."

~ ~ ~

"THEY'RE IN THE steam room together." The man Alcazar had watching Brenda reported. "What do you want me to do?"

Since Sonny hadn't reacted the way he'd anticipated to him hitting Brenda, he figured she must have tipped him off to what he was doing and warned him against reacting to it with his own natural instincts. So he'd come to the decision to just kill them like he'd originally planned to do in Spain and just get it over with. He was tired of this and it was going on too long. Since his dear deceitful wife was thwarting him at every turn, it made no sense to let her and her lover continue to live. Once Corinthos was dead, he could move in and take over control of the entire operation. The only problem was it had to look like an accident and he couldn't be connected to it in any way.

"A couple." Alcazar mused to his man. "So carried away with making love to each other, that they didn't know how dangerously hot it was getting in the steam room until it was too late and they died. Who could prove that it wasn't an accident caused by their own foolish lust for each other." He added coldly. "You know what to do."

"Yes, Senor Santiago." The man nodded in understanding. He headed to the steam room and locked it from the outside so they couldn't escape when they realized it was getting too hot in there. When they were dead he would unlock the door so it would appear they'd had expired without even trying to escape. Then he turned the temperature in the steam room up as high as it would go. Being cooked alive wasn't a pleasant way to die, but then they should have realized their end wouldn't be pleasant when they started messing around with Alcazar Santiago. Only a fool did that and expected to survive.