Chapter Twenty-Seven

ALCAZAR GLARED OVER at Sonny who looked shell-shocked as he listened to Ned Ashton giving his eulogy for Brenda. That bastard had survived, Alcazar boiled with anger. His fury had continued unabated in the days following Brenda's death. It just wasn't fair. Why couldn't he have died, too. When the doctor had told him that Sonny would survive and have a full recovery, Alcazar had wanted to scream like a wild man in anger. It just wasn't fair. He was like a cat with nine lives. How many more times would he have to try to kill him before it finally took.

But all wasn't lost, Alcazar reminded himself. Corinthos' associates now knew what Alcazar said was true and they weren't happy with him. They couldn't get over the fact he had almost died because he'd been two busy screwing his lover to notice how hot it was getting inside that steam room. No one believed his claims that they had gotten locked inside the steam room and the temperature had been turned up. There was no evidence to back up his story. Thankfully, his employee had removed all evidence before Jason Morgan had arrived on the scene to play hero.

Alcazar was playing the grieving husband to the hilt. They all lived by a code. It was the wise guys own particular code of ethics. You didn't rat out one of the good fellas, and you certainly didn't screw a fellow good fellas wife. Corinthos had broken that rule and if Alcazar played his cards right, he'd be able to convince Corinthos' people it was right to seek vengeance on thier boss and kill him for what he'd done.

When Ashton finished speaking Alcazar stood. "I would like to say something." He announced, as he went to stand at the podium. "I know none of you know me, but I loved Brenda as much as all you did. I want to say something. She would be alive today if not for that man." He pointed an accusing finger at Sonny. "From the minute he knew she was alive, he hounded her every step. He wouldn't give her a moment of peace until he finally managed to seduce her into bed. And as god is my witness, I'm not going to rest until you pay for your sins, Sonny Corinthos."

"Are you all right?" Jason asked Sonny.

"I'm fine." He glared at Alcazar. "He's very convincing as the grieving husband, isn't he? No one would guess he's the one who really murdered Brenda."

"He's fooling a lot of people with this grieving widower act." Jason sighed. "Including some of our own people. They feel you've broken the code we all live by, and that he has a right to have revenge against you. He's also gaining ground in his to take control of the mob away from you."

"What about our plans for him." Sonny asked. "Are they in place?"

"The off-shore bank account has been set-up in his name." Jason answered. "Now all we need is to get our hands on some money from his operation that can be traced back to him, and the set-up will be complete."

"Let's get out of here." Sonny suddenly stood. "I've had more than enough of this."

"What's the matter coward." Alcazar spat at him. "The truth too much for you to bear?"

"No." Sonny spat. "If I have to sit through another moment of your phony grief, I'm going to vomit all over the floor." He added. "You may have fooled everyone else here, but you and I both know the truth."

"How dare you try to say my grief is false." Alcazar sputtered in indignation. "Do not defame me to try and relieve your guilt."

"Did you all see the marks he put on her face." Sonny looked around at the church full of mourners. "Who do you think put them there. It sure wasn't me." He pointed a finger at Alcazar. "He put them there. The grief-stricken husband loved Brenda so much he was using her as his own personal punching bag. That's how much he loved her."

"Whatever I did to Brenda, the fault lays on your shoulder." Alcazar didn't even try to deny what he'd done. He came from a different culture that believed it was a husband's right to do whatever he wanted to his wife. So he felt he had nothing to defend himself over. "Just like her death does."

Sonny rolled his eyes in disgust at Alcazar and stormed out of the church. Jason followed after him. Then got into the back of Sonny's limo and instructed the driver to take them back to the penthouse.

"Alcazar has a meeting scheduled with Dembrowsky, Kelsey and Schnieder, tonight." Jason informed him. "He'll probably press them to join forces with him and try to convince them of the rightness of killing you."

"Then you know what you have to do if they agree with Alcazar." Sonny replied emotionlessly. "Make an example of them by killing them to show what happens to anyone who betrays me." He added, as the limo pulled up in front of the Harborview Towers. "It's about time I show everyone I'm in charge of this organization and I have no intention of giving up that control. Alcazar has kidnapped me, played with my head and tried to kill me all in an attempt to steal my power out from under me. It's time it stops."

"Do you want me to kill all three?" Jason asked. "Or just one of them as a message to the other two."

"Kill Dembrosky, first." Sonny sighed unhappily. He hated killing or having someone killed, but it was either them or him, so he had no choice in this matter. "He's the worst of the three. Then give the other two a chance to reconsider their position, if they align themselves with Alcazar." Sonny climbed out of the car. "I'd prefer you killed Alcazar instead of Dembrowsky to serve as an example, but we still have the problem of his people retaliating against any action against him. Besides, if our plans works, his own people will take care of Santiago for us."

Sonny watched the limo drive away, then he headed into the building. He said hello to the doorman as he got into the elevator and punched the button for his floor. Sonny leaned against the back of the elevator as it travelled up to his floor, wondering if this nightmare would ever be over. Then he stepped out of the elevator and walked into his apartment.

He walked out to the bar and poured himself a stiff drink, then he walked over to the window and stared out at the city. He smiled when he felt her press herself against his back as she wrapped her arms around his middle.

"So." Brenda smiled into his back. "Just how was my funeral?"