Chapter Six

SONNY SANK GRATEFULLY down into the tub of hot water soapy water, relieved to be able to hide his aroused body from her hungry gaze. How in hell was he going to make it through this night without making love with her when he wanted her with a hunger that kept growing stronger each moment he was in her company.

"Feel better?" She asked, as she heard him sigh.

"You never know how much you'll miss taking a bath." He replied. "When you're dirty and you can't take one. So what do you have in store for me next?"

"I'm going to bathe all this dirt off of you." She picked of her bath sponged and began to soap it up.

"And I'm just supposed to sit here and take it?" He asked.

"That's your punishment." She told him, as she ran the sponge over his chest. "To just sit there and take it while I do whatever I want to do to your body."

And it was a punishment of the most pleasurable kind. It was like she was making love to his body with the bath sponge as she moved it slowly over his body. Especially when she slid it between his spread thighs and spent and inordinate amount of time washing him there. It was torture having to sit there and not writhe in the incredible pleasure she was giving his body. His lungs burned from the suppressed groan of pleasure he won't let burst free.

"Your control is incrdible, baby." She complimented him. "But then it always has been."

"What you're doing to me is wrong." He told her. "I'm married. Only my wife has the right to touch me the way you're touching me."

She stood up and began soaping up his hair. "But I should be your wife, not Carly Roberts, so I think that gives me every right to touch you like this."

They lapsed into silence as she finished washing his hair. Then she got a straight-edged razor and and some shaving cream. She noticed the way he was staring down at the razor she was holding in her hand. "What's the matter, baby." She laughed. "You afraid I'm going to slit your throat."

"The thought did cross my mind." He admitted as she smeared shaving cream all over his face. "After what I did to you, I wouldn't blame you."

"That's my guilt-ridden, baby." She smiled as she began to scraped the shaving cream off his face. "No one can punish you as much as you punish yourself."

"What do you want from me, Brenda?" He suddenly asked.

"Sonny." She sighed sadly, as she continued to shave him. "You and I are such liars. But the person we lie most to is ourselves." She didn't explain that cryptic remark or answer his question. "All done. Now you're all fresh and clean. Do you feel better?"

"Yes." He admitted. "Is there any particular reason you wanted me all clean and shaven."

"I know what a neat freak you are." She told him as she picked up a bath towel. "I know it must have been driving you crazy being dirty like that."

"Not half as much as it was driving me nuts to be locked up." He told her.

She held out the bath towel. "Stand up." She ordered. "Your bath is over."

He had to stand there while she dried him off. "But isn't the point of this all to make me suffer?" He asked, trying to ignore what she was making him feel. "So when being dirty and locked up would make me suffer, why did you take me out of that sewer and clean me up."

"All dry." She ignored his question, then walked over to her bed and pulled back the covers. "Now it's time for us to go to bed." She added. "Get into the bed, Sonny."

"Brenda, I can't make love to you." He told her. "I'm married. I just can't do it." Even if that was the thing he wanted most to do at this moment.

"I'm not asking you to make love to me." She told him. "I'm asking you to get into bed so we can go to sleep. Or would you prefer to put back on your dirty clothes and have the guards take you back down to that sewer and lock you in for thing night."

"Since you put it that way." He climbed into bed. "What choice do I have."

"I knew you'd see things my way once I explained your options to you." She slipped the straps of her nightgown off of her shoulder and let it fall to her feet. Then she stood before him naked. "Does my body still please you?" He turned his head away refusing to answer. Shrugging, she climbed into bed with him.

"Does your husband know about this?" He looked over at her.

"He told me I had a week to do with you what I wanted." She told him. "And this is what I want."

"What happens at the end of the week?" He wanted to know.

"He kills you." She revealed. "So I decided I'll give him enough reason to kill us both." She added. "Now go to sleep. I have a lot of plans for us. If I only have a week left with you, I intend to enjoy every moment to the fullest."