Chapter Eight

BRENDA RETURNED TO the bedroom and walked over to the closet to find Sonny something to wear. "So," He asked. "How did you explain me spending the night in your bed all night?"

"I told him I was following Alcazar's orders." Brenda replied as she took an outfit out of the closet. "I think you'll look great in this."

"You expect me to wear your husband's clothes." He asked in disgust.

"You certainly can't wear the clothes you were wearing when you arrived here." She told him. "They're ruined."

"I suppose you're right." He sighed. Then he got back to the subject at hand. "The guard really believed you? He really believed your husband instructed you to bed me?"

"Alcazar is a very ruthless man." She told him as she began running fresh water into the bath. "There isn't much he wouldn't do, including having me bed another man if there was some sort of gain in it for him."

"That's a real prince you married." Sonny stood up and walked over to the tub. "Just how did you meet him, anyway?"

"Maybe I'll tell you someday." She avoided answering his question, since it would reveal too much to him. For the present it was best if she kept him off-balance where she was concerned.

Sonny climbed into the tub and snatched the bath sponge away from her when she picked it up. "You've touched me enough for the morning." He replied. "I'll wash myself, this time."

"Oh." She smiled like a cat that had just been in the cream. "I could never touch you enough." Then she let her robe drop and she climbed in the tub with him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He gapsed in shock.

"Taking a bath." She smiled. "Since we both want to bathe, there's no reason why we can't do it together."

"There's every reason why." He disagreed. "I'm married."

"So am I." She took the sponge from his hand and began to soap it up. "We'll have to share this." Then she turned her back to him and held out the sponge to him. "Would you wash my back for me?" When he didn't take the sponge from her, she added. "I'm going to keep holding the sponge out to you until you take it, so you may as well cooperate."

He snatched it from her angrily and began to run it up and down her back. Brenda was almost purring in contentment. Things we're going so much better between them then she anticipated. Washing each other, sharing a bath and a bed, the intimacy between them was growing with each moment they spent together. Her slow seduction of Sonny was working and she'd be surprised if they didn't make love before this day was over.

"I'm done." He said bad naturedly, as he shoved the sponge back at her. "Here."

She braced her feet against the side of the tub and sent herself jetting backwards right between his thighs. Then she laid back against him and wrapped his arms around her. "That's so much better."

"You're a bitch." Sonny glared at her. "Do you know that."

She looked up at him. "I'm your bitch." She told him. "And you're a bastard. My bastard."

"Just how am I supposed to wash myself." He asked. "With you draped all over me like a second skin."

"I thought we could cuddle like we used to." She sighed. "You remember that, don't you? We didn't want to be apart for one moment so we showered and took baths together?" She paused to let that sink into his consciousness. "But if you'd prefer to wash, we can do that, too." She turned around to him then found the sponge in the bath water and began to soap it up. Placing it in his hand, she wrapper her hand around his wrist and guided his hand down over her breasts. "That feels so good." She groaned in pleasure. "But it would feel so much better if it was your hand touching me instead of the sponge."

Sonny watched mesmerized as she guided his hand over her breasts again and again. He watched the way they moved as the sponge spread lather over them. He imagined how they would feel if he was caressing them with his fingers instead of the sponge. His eyes fastened on her hardened nipples as he fought the urge to take them into his mouth. His tongue ached to wrap around them as he relearned their texture and shape.

His eyes smoldered into hers as he watched her guide his hand slowly down her stomach and slide it in between her spread thighs. She guided his hand back and forth over herself again and again. He knew what she was doing and what she was trying to make happen. "This would feel so much better if it was your fingers on me instead of the sponge." She complained. Then she threw back her head and reveled in her climax.

When it was over she looked at him and ran her tongue slowly over her lips. "Do you know?" She asked with a hungry look burning in her eyes. "That after all we've shared, we haven't even shared a kiss yet?"

A man could only take so much provocation. He grabbed her face in his hands and yanked her to him. Then his mouth crashed down on hers and he devoured her. His tongue was wild in her mouth. He wanted to swallow her whole. He stood up on his knees and deepened the kiss. He shoved his tongue even further deeper down her throat. He couldn't get enough of her. He never wanted this kiss to stop. He would have never ended it if his lungs hadn't begun to burn from the lack of oxygen

Holding each other tightly this gasped for air. "God, baby." Brenda panted. "No one kisses like you do. You put your whole body into your kiss." She added as she smiled up at him. "Is it any wonder my lips still burn from your first kiss all these years later."

Sonny suddenly realized what he'd just done. "Oh, my god." He said in self-disgust, as he pushed her away and climbed out of the tub. "What am I doing?"

She watched him stomp into the bathroom and slam the door behind him. "You're giving into to your heart's desire." She whispered as she stared at the door. "That's what your doing."