
SONNY CUPPED HIS hands between Brenda's spread thighs as she pushed their baby out of her body. It was a boy, just like she'd been declaring it would be from the start. Their child had been conceived that day in her hotel room when she'd asked him to give her his baby. He was promptly named Stone Cates Corinthos. He would be only the first of many children they would have together.

Not long after Alcazar left town, word came back that his people had discovered he was skimming profits off the top and they had dealt with him lethally. The official police report had read it was a hit-and-run accident. Alcazar's body hadn't even been cold yet, when Brenda came out of hiding to reveal she was alive. Then she and Sonny had married in a lavish ceremony at the church they had supposed to get married in years before.

Sonny's people hadn't been too thrilled when they'd learned Brenda was alive and that Sonny intended to marry her. But Sonny had made it clear to them through Jason that he was the boss and his decisions were not to be questioned.

After the baby was cleaned up the nurse handed him to Sonny and he placed him in Brenda's awaiting arms. "Happy, Mrs. Corinthos." He asked, smiling happily at her with love in his eyes.

"More than I thought I could ever be, Mr. Corinthos." She caressed his cheek.

Maybe they had to go through everything they'd went through together and apart to truly cherish and appreciate what they had together now. Maybe that really hadn't been ready for each other and what they had together before. Maybe they had both needed to do some growing up before they were truly ready for each other. Whatever the case, they would never let each other go again, no matter what they had to do to stay together. Because when it came down to it, the two of them together was all that had ever really mattered.