
SONNY WAS DRAGGED kicking and screaming into the room. He was filthy and he hadn't shaved in days. His clothes smelled of the stench of body sweat and the cesspool he had been imprisoned in since he had arrived here. He looked around the room frantically for Alcazar, the man who was his captor. He wasn't there. Only she was there, standing there and glaring at him with hatred in her eyes. She dismissed the guards who'd been manhandling him and they were suddenly alone for the first time since he'd learned why he'd been kidnapped.

"Where's your husband?" He spat. Speaking was hard, because he was severely dehydrated and had been craving just one little drink of water for days, but his captors had refused to give him any. That was part of his punishment for the sins he'd committed in the past.

"He's gone." She told him. "He left me alone here to seek my revenge against you for all that you've done to me."

"So," He asked, wondering what new torture she had in store for him. "What do you plan to do to me next." He used to know her so well, but now she was a total stranger to him.

"Take off your clothes." She ordered and added when she could see he was about to balk. "Either do it willingly or I'll call the guards back in and they'll do it for you. And then we will begin your next punishment."

Having no choice but to comply, he began to remove all his clothes...