Chapter One

BRENDA SAT BY Sonny's bedside watching him sleep. Things had gotten so out of hand. She'd been trying to find the perfect time to approach Sonny and reveal herself to him, then he'd had the car accident and she ended up saving his life, again. Just like she had so many times in the past. But time was quickly running out.

By now, Jax would have been informed she had managed to escape from the posh sanitarium he'd had her committed to. When he had caught up with her and she had told him the reason she had let him continue to think she was dead because she was still in love with Sonny, he had decided she was suffering from the same mental illness her mother had. It hadn't helped she had hooked herself up with a guy who was a good clone for Sonny. Then he and that private detective he'd hired, Angel Ellis, had had her committed to a Swiss version of Ferncliffe. They had used her past mental breakdown and her mother's mental illness to convince the doctor's that she was mentally unstable. Nothing she said would convince the doctor's it wasn't true. They wouldn't even run tests on her to prove she didn't carry her mother's disease in her blood.

Brenda knew she wasn't crazy. She just loved Sonny. She'd loved him from the moment she'd met him and she would love him until the day she died, and she knew the same went for him. No matter what they did to each other, they would just never stop loving each other. Loving each other was like breathing for them. They could sooner stop breathing then they could stop loving each other.

But she knew Jax would be looking for her and he'd know the first place to look would be Sonny. That's why she'd been watching him from a distance. She was afraid if she tried to approach him, Jax's people would drag her away back to the sanitarium. She'd never really understood how Sonny felt about being locked up, but now she did. She'd sooner die then be locked up in that sanitarium again.

So she'd watched Sonny from afar waiting for the right moment to approach him. She knew something had gone down with Alexis Davis and Carly Roberts [she refused to think of her as Carly Corinthos]. Then Sonny went storming off in his car pushing the pedal to the metal. She'd had a strange feeling something was about to happen to him, then before her very eyes his car went off the road and smashed into a tree. Then she'd seen the car was on fire and managed to get him out moments before it exploded.

Brenda reached over and ran her fingers through his hair to reassure herself he was really with her and all right. If she had waited two seconds longer he would have been dead and she would have lost him for good.

Afterwards, she had called an ambulance, but afraid Jax might be able to trace them before Sonny woke-up and she had a chance to tell him everything, she had lied about who Sonny was when she filled out the admittance papers at the country hospital. She had told them his name was Michael Corbin Jr. And when the nurses assumed because of the wedding ring Sonny was wearing that she was his wife, she had done nothing to correct them.

Of course, things only got worse from there. When Sonny woke-up in the hospital, he had no idea who he was. The doctor's believed he had temporary amnesia from the head injury he sustained in the accident and hoped his memory would return in a few days. But a few days had already passed and he still had no memory of his past, and the longer it went on, the more she hoped he would never remember.

Maybe she really was crazy, Brenda mused. Because no sane person would contemplate what she was thinking of doing. After the doctor assured Sonny he was sure his memory would return in a few days, he had told Sonny what his name was and had explained to him that Brenda was his wife. What if she let Sonny continue to think the wedding ring he wore on his finger had been put there by her. What if they went away together and started a new life together as Mr. and Mrs. Michael Corbin Jr.

Brenda waited with baited breath as she saw Sonny open his eyes and stare at her. Would he remember who he really was and everything that went with it?

* * * * *

"THIS IS ALL your fault." Jason snarled at Carly, as she explained everything that had gone down between her and Sonny, earlier. "I told you to be honest with Sonny, but you just couldn't do it."

"You have to find him." Carly insisted. "He's been missing for days." She added on a tone of desperation. "Something must have happened to him. If he was all right, he would have contacted you by now."

"If anything has happened to him." Jason spat. "Whose fault is it. He gave you everything you wanted and still it wasn't enough for you." He walked out of the penthouse in disgust. "Is anything ever enough for you."

Privately Jason was very worried about Sonny. He had all their men out looking for him, and so far no one had been able to find him, yet. Suddenly his cell phone began to ring. It was Johnny reporting in that he'd just found the burnt out hulk of Sonny's car. He gave Jason the directions to where the wreckage sat.

* * * * *

SONNY COULD SEE, the beautiful woman the doctor had told him was his wife, was waiting to see if he remembered her. "I'm sorry." He apologized to her. "Everything is still a blank." She almost looked happy about that and he couldn't understand why. "You never did tell me how we had the accident. Maybe if you did it would jog my memory."

"All right." She smiled, thinking maybe if she made something up he'd believe her version and stop trying to remember what really happened. She realized she had stopped fantasizing about doing this, she was actually going to do it. "We've been traveling around from place-to-place looking for a nice small town for us to settle down in permanently and to start a family."

"Don't we have a place like that, already?" He asked, becoming even more confused then he already was.

"No, baby." She reached over and caressed his cheek. "We're both a couple of city animals. But we both agree the city isn't the place to raise kids. So we've been saving up our money so we can travel around until we find the right small town to settle down in." She added. "Unfortunately, all our savings burned up in the car, along with all our other belongings."

"You didn't get a scratch on you." He suddenly noticed. "Why's that? From everything you said it was a bad accident."

"Sometimes it happens like that." She replied. "Look at the drunk driver who kills the passenger but doesn't get one scratch on him."

"You were the one driving?" He asked.

"No," She sighed. "You were." On this part she told the truth. "A dog ran in front of the car and you swerved to miss it." She added. "That's something else about yourself I can tell you about. You love animals."

"So," He sighed. "Just where do we go from here? The doctor says he's going to release me from the hospital this afternoon. Do we have enough money to rent a motel room? And what about a car? You said ours was destroyed in the accident."

"I don't want you to worry about a thing, baby." She told him, as she stood up. "I'm going to take care of everything."

She really was crazy, Brenda thought, as she left the hospital room. She was planning to abscond with another woman's husband. But, she defended her actions, by all rights Sonny should have been her husband, so was it really that bad. After all, if it wasn't for Carly, Sonny wouldn't have been on that road driving recklessly and he wouldn't have almost died. Still, her conscience prodded her, no matter how she cut it, she was playing a wicked game. One she intended to play until the bitter end when Sonny finally got his memory back.