Chapter Eleven

AS BRENDA COULD have told Sonny before they even arrived at the house, it was perfect. It was a two-story Victorian that sat by the water. Sonny found himself immediately attracted to the kitchen, which he thought was perfect, while Brenda went upstairs to take a look at their bedroom.

"Sonny." She suddenly leaned over the railing. "You've got to come up here and see this."

He walked out of the kitchen and looked up the stairs at her. "What?"

"Come up." She teased. "And I'll show you. You're going to love this."

Sonny shook his head at her fondly and went running up the stairs after her. "All right." He asked, as he stood in the doorway of their bedroom. "What is it you want to show me."

"It's in here." She told him as she dragged him into the bathroom. "Just look at that tub. It's just begging for us to take a bath in it." Then she pulled top off over her head and threw it in the corner. "Let's do it."

"Well." Sonny flashed his dimples at her as he leered at her body as she continued to shimmy out of her clothes. "We do need a bath after spending the night in jail."

"You're taking too long." She complained, and started working on freeing him from his pants as he continued to unbutton his shirt. Once he was standing before her as naked as she was, she smiled. "That's better. That's how I like you best." Then she ordered. "Not get in the tub."

"Yes, your majesty." He climbed in the tub. "Did the previous owners leave any bubble bath behind?"

She looked through the cupboards. "As a matter of fact, they did." She told him, as she grabbed it and joined him in the tub. "Further proof this is the perfect place." She added. "While we're here together, nothing can go wrong. Everything will go right." She poured the bubble bath over their bodies then turned on the taps full-blast.

As she watched him lounging in the tub as it filled with water, she smiled at him. "What's that for?" He asked.

"I was just thinking." She replied. "It's only been a few short days, but we've come a long way, so far. A few days ago I had to force my way into your shower. Now you're willingly taking a bath with me without me having to guilt you into it or doing any cajoling whatsoever."

He leaned up and kissed her hungrily. "After the things you do to me in that shower, I'd be a fool to want to ever bathe alone." He laid back against the tub. "You are going to do the same things to me in this tub that you did in that shower, aren't you."

"Oh, yes." She promised, shutting off the taps, and laying down on top of him between his wide spread thighs. "That and so much more." She looked up at him and ran her finger along his lips. "Have you ever noticed the way our bodies fit together, baby. It's like they were made for each other."

He ran his tongue along her finger. "Maybe they were."

She slid her hands between their bodies and wrapped her hand tightly around his cock. "This fits perfectly inside me. Would you like me to demonstrate?"

He knew what she was asking. That voice in his head was back warning him it was wrong and if he did it there'd be no going back for him. But it wasn't very loud anymore and it was easy to ignore. "Please do."

Their eyes locked into a smoldering gaze as she slowly took him inside her body. "You don't know how much I've missed having you inside of me."

"About as much as I've missed being inside you." He sighed as pleasure began to flow through his veins.

She laid back down on his chest. "You can't even remember the last time you made love." She reminded him.

"That's true." He ran his fingers through her hair. "But I know how this is making me feel. It feels like it's been a very long time since I've had this and that I've been missing it for a very long time." He wrapped his arms tightly around her body. "Do you mind if we just lay here for a little while just enjoying the feel of being together again like this without taking it to it's final conclusion yet?"

She closed her eyes and sighed happily. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

They stayed like that until the bath water grew cold and they finally climbed out of the tub. Then Sonny carried her back into their bedroom and laid her down gently on the bed where he finally made love to her.

It wasn't so much a passionate wild coming together, but the coming together of two souls that had been apart for too long. More a worshipping of each other's bodies, then the satisfying of mutual desires. When it was over they laid wrapped in each other's arms feeling complete in a way they hadn't felt for as long as they could remember.

Brenda glanced up at him and caressed his cheek. "Any regrets?"

"Just that I waited so long for this." Then he suddenly flipped her on her back and came over her. She screamed in pleasure as he rammed himself into her and kissed her roughly.

This time their coming together was wild and passionate speaking of a long-denied hunger. It became more of a wrestling match as they fought for sexual domination over the other, wanting to drive their pleasure to the limit. The bed sheets came loose and they kicked them off the bed. Sonny gasped in pleasure as he felt Brenda's fingernails sink into his back. She drew blood as she left a long trail of scratch marks down his back. He returned the favor and she shrieked as she felt him sink his teeth into her shoulder. While their first coming together had been making love, this was pure down-and-dirty sex.

When it was over they both collapsed on their backs gasping for air. "That was incredible." She sighed.

Sonny smiled over at Brenda. "I guess sex is like riding bike." He laughed. "Once you know how to do it, you never forget." He started to laugh even harder. "Even if you've lost your memory."

She started laughing, too. "You think you're up to doing it, again?"

"There's only one way to find out." He pulled her on top of him.

"I love you." She declared, as she looked into his eyes.

He held her face in his hands. "I love you, too." Then it began all over again as they kissed each other hungrily and Sonny felt himself growing hard for her again.