Chapter Six

SONNY AND BRENDA were back on the road the next morning. Brenda didn't think Vermont was the right place for them, it just didn't have the right feel. So they headed towards Connecticut.

Even though she had made a lot of slips yesterday, Brenda was feeling very positive about their future. The shower they had shared had been incredible. It had been almost as good as the some of the showers they'd shared together when they'd first gotten together. They hadn't made love with each other, but they had come close. She was still tingling from the way had Sonny touched her with his hands and his mouth, and she hoped he was still tingling from the way she had touched him.

At first, Sonny had been all uptight and ill-at-ease, but his natural instincts quickly took over for him. She could tell he wanted to make love with her, but something held him back and she knew why. Subconsciously he knew he was married and that she wasn't his wife, so he shouldn't be doing things like that with her. It had been the same way with Lily. But she'd overcome it once and she would, again.

She glanced over at Sonny. His wavy locks were dancing in the breeze, as he watched the scenery flying past the car window. "A penny?"

He looked at her. "I beg your pardon?"

"A penny for your thoughts." She replied. "You seemed deep in thought."

"I was just looking at all the scenery passing by." He told her. "None of it looks familiar."

"That might be because you've never been in Connecticut in your life before." She told him.

"Yeah." He laughed. "That might explain it."

"So." She sighed. "What do you think of Connecticut? Do you think this is the right place for us."

"I think you're asking the wrong person." He told her. "I don't even know if I have a middle name."

"I think we'll both know it when we find it." She told him. "That you don't feel it and I don't feel it proves to me Connecticut isn't the place for us."

"So," He asked. "Where do we go next?"

"Why don't we try Maine." She suggested.

"What about heading south." He suggested. "What is it that so fascinates you about New England?"

"I just have this feeling we'll find the right place here." She told him. "I can picture the two of us cuddling up before a nice roaring fire during the winter and skinny dipping in the lake in the summer."

"It's a nice picture." He smiled.

"So." She turned the conversation to the subject she was dying to discuss. "How did you enjoy our shower together, last night."

"I think you know I enjoyed it." She didn't like the distant tone that suddenly came into his voice.

"But you don't like that you did." She commented.

"I don't know why I feel this way." He sighed. "I just feel like we did something wrong. Something we had no right doing together."

"How did you feel when you were touching me." She asked. "And I was touching you. Did it feel wrong."

"No." He looked at her. "It felt right. It felt natural to have you touching me that way and for me to be touching you like that."

"Then go with the way you feel when we're touching each other." She suggested. "And ignore how you feel when we're not." She added. "Besides, we really didn't do anything wrong together in that shower. All we did was bathe each other. We didn't make each other climax. All we did was touch each other with our mouths."

"Do you mind if we don't talk about this anymore." He asked.

"Am I turning you on by talking about it?" She inquired. "Making you remember how you felt and how badly you wanted me in that shower?" She added. "Well get used to it. What happened in that shower is going to happen again and again. I also want you to let me undress you and for you to undress me when we check into a motel for the night. Then we'll go into the bathroom together and bathe each other, again."

"We'll see." He told her.

"We'll do a lot more than see, baby." She promised him. "We'll do."

* * * * *

JOHNNY REPORTED INTO Jason with a very strange report. One of the men who'd been searching around the sight of the car crash and noticed someone had stolen the license plate off the back of Sonny's car. "That makes no sense." Jason replied. "When I went over that car yesterday they were there."

But when Max reported in, it suddenly made sense. He'd discovered a woman fitting Brenda's description had taken a car for a test drive at a local car dealership, but she had never returned for it.

"Well." Jason said with grudging respect. "The little nitwit isn't as stupid as I thought she was. The police will be looking for the car she stole, but not with Sonny's plates on the back of it." He added. "This may be a little more difficult then I thought."

"What orders do you want me to give our men?" Max asked.

"Tell them to be on the look out for the car." Jason replied. "And give them Sonny's license plate number to be on the look out for."

"So where should we begin searching for them?" Johnny asked.

"That birdbrain could have headed in any direction." Jason sighed. "So it looks like we'll have to send men in every direction she could have gone in. Hopefully, one of them will find a clue we can follow that will lead us straight to Sonny."