Chapter Eight

AN HOUR LATER Sonny and Brenda were back on the road heading for the Maine state line. The day was hot and muggy and getting more so with each passing moment. Unfortunately, Brenda had more on her mind then just how hot it was and how uncomfortable it was with their clothes sticking to them like a second skin.

She was worried about the memory Sonny had had at the diner. Sure, it was only about a stupid cartoon he'd seen as a child, but it was a sign his memory was starting to return, which mean time was running out for her. And they still hadn't made love, yet.

After his remark at the diner about liking her touching him, she knew she was making progress. And even though he hadn't admitted it, she knew damned well he had loved the way she had touched him in the shower. The moans of pleasure that had been ripped from him lungs by the way she was touching him was still echoing in her ears. But she needed another opportunity to touch him like that, again. Only she didn't want to wait until tonight to do it. Then that opportunity came to her out of the corner of her eye.

Sonny braced his hand on the dashboard to stop himself from flying through the window when she suddenly slammed on the brakes. "What was that all about?"

"Look!" She pointed to the lake sparkling through the trees at the roadside.

"So?" He didn't know what the big deal was.

"It's a lake." She repeated excitedly, as she climbed out of the car and tugged him across the driver's seat so he could stand beside her. "We're hot. And our clothes are sticking to us like they're glued to our bodies." She began tugging him through the trees. "Let's go."

"Are you crazy?" He laughed.

"Some people think so." She muttered.

"Brenda." He tried to make her see reason. "We left our car at the roadside. Someone will see and they'll catch us."

"That's part of the fun." She assured him, as they arrived at the edge of the lake. Then she began stripping his clothes off of him. Before he could form another argument against the foolishness of doing this, Brenda had them both stripped bare and she was tugging him into the water.

* * * * *

JAX AND CARLY arrived at the motel in Vermont Sonny and Brenda had stayed in as Jason and his men were searching it for some clue. They sat in their rental car watching the action from afar. "What are we going to do now?" Carly asked anxiously.

"We'll let them do all the hard work for us." Jax told her. "When they leave here, we'll follow them and let them lead us to Sonny and Brenda."

"What we'll we do when we find them?" Carly asked. "I doubt if you try and drag Brenda away to some institution, Sonny's just going to sit back and let you." She hated to admit that, but she knew it was true.

"He won't have a choice." He assured her. "I'll have all the paperwork in order and I'll have the law on my side. They'll take Brenda in custody and put her some place she can't hurt herself or anyone else."

"What if Sonny pulls strings to get her out of the mess." Carly interjected. "He has people on his payroll in the police department and in the courts. He could pay someone off to get her released." And once Brenda was released she'd be sniffing around Sonny, again.

"Not with all the evidence I've got against Brenda to prove her instablitly." He reminded her. "She stole a car and she lied to a amnesiac man to convince him she was his wife. Added to what I had on her before, no one will doubt Brenda is mentally ill and a menace to herself and to societey."

Inside the motel room, Jason sighed in frustration. There was nothing left behind in the room to show where they might be heading next. Jason was about to give up and wait for the next clue to come in on their whereabouts when the desk clerk remembered something Brenda had bought when they were checking out of the hotel. A map for Connecticut.

"Well, guys." Jason sighed as he looked at Johnny and Max. "Looks like we'll be heading to Connecticut next."

The three left the motel office and got into their car. Jax and Carly watched as they drove off, then they gave them a minute head start before they began following them at a distance.

* * * * *

SONNY AND BRENDA spent the afternoon playing in the lake like a couple of carefree kids laughing and splashing each other with water. At first it was all just innocent fun, but as the afternoon grew longer their play began to take on a sexual edge, as they became more and more aware that the only barrier keeping their bodies apart was the water that they swam in. Brenda finally ended the games as she swam over to Sonny and wrapped her slick body around his. As she hugged his hips tightly with her thighs she could feel how aroused he was and wanted nothing more than to take him inside of her. But she knew if she made the first move, he would pull away. The decision for them to take the final step had to be his.

"So," She teased him. "Do you still think this was a bad idea?"

He'd been staring at her lips so fixedly wanting to kiss her he hadn't heard what she said. "What?"

"I said." She repeated, loving the effect her nearness was having on him. "Do you still think this was such a bad idea."

The gentle waves from the lake were making their bodies rub against each other in a very arousing manner, that was only serving to increase their desire for each other. "I was just thinking." His voice was husky and he suddenly swallowed nervously. "I haven't even kissed you, yet."

"Then maybe you should correct that mistake." She replied in a barely audible voice. Then she closed her eyes in pleasure as she felt his lips on her own and parted her lips so his tongue could slide inside her mouth. It was a kiss that spoke of their deep hunger for each other. It was a kiss that turned more wild and passionate the longer it continued.

When they finally came up for air, gasping to draw oxygen into their lungs, their eyes locked with a burning look. Then Sonny picked her up in his arms and carried her back to shore. Setting her down on the ground gently, he came down on top of her.

Brenda sighed in pleasure as Sonny's hands and mouth were everywhere giving her unending pleasure. She thought she would only be able to feel this kind of pleasure in her dreams and memories. But now it was a reality and she wanted it to go on forever. Then suddenly it was over and Sonny was pulling away from her.

"What's wrong, baby?" She reached up and caressed his cheek.

"Have we done this before?" He asked in confusion. "While I was kissing you this flash suddenly filled my head of us wet, laying in the sand, and making love the way we are now."

"It was Puerto Rico." She told him sadly. "Only then we were wearing clothes." She ran her fingers through his wet hair. "You're getting your memory back. Pretty soon you'll be remembering everything."

"And that doesn't make you happy." He realized. "Why?"

"I just like the idea of us starting all over with a clean slate." She admitted. "I liked the idea of you not remembering any of the bad things that happened to you." Then she explained. "When I look into your eyes, I don't see that haunted, sad look in them anymore. They're free of all the dark shadows that used to haunt you."

"It's all right if you don't want to finish what we started." She smiled. "I think we both know if it doesn't happen now, it is going to happen soon." At least she prayed it would before he got his memory back.

"But it won't be happenin' today." Sonny and Brenda heard a strange click before a gun barrel was shoved into their faces. Then they looked up to see a man towering over them. He was wearing the uniform of a country sheriff. "You two jay birds are under arrest for indecent exposure."