CARLY SIDLED UP to Sonny as he went to the bar to get Brenda a glass of champagne. "Well, we're finally related." She told him. "But not in the way I wanted us to be."

"Do you never quit, Carly." Sonny laughed as he took the champagne from the bartender.

"Never." She assured him. "I think Jamie is almost as happy to have you for his father as he is to have Michele for his wife."

"I hope that's not why he married her." Sonny was suddenly worried and wondered if maybe he had made a big mistake convincing Michele to go through with marrying him.

"Of course not." Carly assured him. "He loves Michele, but he also loves the fact you're really his father now."

"Carly, Carly, Carly." Brenda came up to them. "Do I need to detach you from my husband before you try and touch his crotch again?"

"Detract your claws, Brenda." Carly snarled at Brenda. "All I was doing was talking to him."

"Well." Brenda took Sonny by the hand and lead him on to the dance floor. "You've talked to him more than enough."

"I don't believe it." Sonny threw back his head and laughed with glee. "You're still jealous of me and I'm some decrepit old relic."

"You'll never be that, baby." She assured him. "And I think I have a right to be miffed. Jax had the good class to leave town when I kicked him to the curb, but Carly keeps staying around trying to take what's mine."

"And that would be me." He flashed his dimples at her.

"If you don't know that after almost twenty years of marriage." She retorted. "Then we've got even bigger problems than I thought we had."

"I love you, Brenda." He suddenly declared.

"I love you, too." Brenda smiled. "Now and forever."

Sonny felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. "Even married, and I can't have one whole dance with you without someone butting in." He added, as he turned to whomever had the bad class to butt in on an old married couple. "It'd better not be Jax." But when he turned around he came face-to-face with Stone.

"It's time, Sonny." Stone said, as all the memories Stone had taken away from him came flooding back to him in a flash. Then the next thing Sonny knew he was standing back in his penthouse and he was young again.

"Why did you do this to me!" Sonny exploded. "Why did you do this to Brenda." Then he added. "How can we go back to living our lives as they are now when we know what we could have had if I hadn't gotten scared and run." Stone didn't answer. "Brenda and I were happy living the lives we had. Why did you have to show us what we could have had. Now we'll never be able to be satisfied with what we have now."

"Were you really happy, Sonny." Stone asked him. "Or were both you and Brenda convincing yourself you were happy."

"Why did you do this to us." Sonny eyes got watery as he tried to hold back the devastation he was feeling over the loss of the life he would never have. "And if you had to do this to us, then why let us remember what we could have had if I had made a different choice." He added. "Brenda remembers too, doesn't she?"

"Yes, she does." Stone confirmed.

"Then why put us through this cruelty." His voice cracked with emotion. "Why show us what we can never have?"

"Because something's about to happen, Sonny." Stone told him. "Something is going to happen that is going to rip both your lives apart and you had to know what you can still have together before it happens. Because what's about to happen has the potential to bring you and Brenda back together or tear you apart forever."

"What's supposed to happen." Sonny demanded to know.

"I can't tell you." Stone said as he began to fade before Sonny's eyes. "You have to find out when it happens. I can't prepare you for what's about to happen. You have to experience it as it happens. All I can do is give you the memory of what you and Brenda can have to see you both through this and to guide you two back together." He added as he faded into non-existence. "All I can tell you is you don't have a long wait, because what is about to happen is going to happen very soon."

"What's going to happen!" Sonny shrieked at the empty room. "What!"

To be continued in Don't Dream It's Over, the sequel to Time In A Bottle