Chapter Four

TWO MEN WATCHED as Sonny and Brenda stepped off the elevator and into the lobby of the Port Charles Hotel. They headed for the desk to check out and to start the new life that awaited them, whatever it might be. "There they are." Rocco hissed to his cohort Ziggy. "You know what we've got to do."

While Sonny and Brenda basked in the afterglow of their recent love making and had a hard time keeping their hands off each other, Rocco and Ziggy slid by them unseen. Then they made it over to the limo that was waiting to take Sonny and Brenda to the airport and knocked out the bodyguard and driver and dragged their bodies into the nearby bushes.

After quickly stripping them and donning their clothes, they took their places and waited for Sonny and Brenda to arrive.

Sonny and Brenda were laughing and smiling at each other as they came out of the hotel and walked over to the limo. But when Sonny saw that the bodyguard and driver waiting for them were strangers, the hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood on end. He immediately knew that something was wrong and if he and Brenda got into that limo, they wouldn't be getting out of it alive.

Sonny tried to stall for some time as he engaged the bodyguard, who was holding the back door of the limo open for them, in conversation. "What happened to Johnny and Max?" Sonny smiled, trying to make his inquiry seem like polite conversation. "I thought they'd be driving us to the airport."

"Something came up." Rocco smiled. "Mr. Morgan had a need for them, so he sent us in their place."

Sonny knew Jason would never do any such thing as that. "I hope it was nothing serious." Sonny wished he was packing heat, but this was his honeymoon and he knew how Brenda felt about guns. So he was completely unarmed and defenseless.

"Nah!" Rocco shrugged. "You know how it is."

Sonny suddenly started patting the breast pocket of his jacket as if he was trying to find something. "Oh, damn!" He heaved a sigh of frustration as he turned to Brenda. "I think I left my wallet back in our room." He began tugging Brenda away from the limo. "We'll have to go back inside and get it."

"Not so fast, Mr. Corinthos." Rocco suddenly pulled out his piece and shoved the barrel of his gun in Sonny's face. "I suggest you and your little bride just climb in the back of this here limo, cause where the two of you are going, you aint gonna be needing no wallet."

If Brenda hadn't been with him, he might have tried to make a run for it. But she was, so he climbed into the back of the limo with her, hoping he'd be able to think of some way to get them both out of this mess alive. Brenda clung to Sonny in fear, believing he'd find someway to protect her and save them.

Rocco got in the backseat with Sonny and Brenda. "You really thought you could get away, didn't you?" Rocco sneered. "Don't you know there's only one way out of the mob. That's in a pine box."

"Just where are you planning to take us." Sonny asked. "To finish us off."

"Oh," Rocco said, enjoying himself. "I've got a most romantic ending planned for you two love birds. It'll bring a tear to the eye of the romantic at heart."

"You don't need to kill Brenda." Sonny suddenly declared. "I'm the one you want. She's done nothing to you. So just let her go and do whatever you want to me."

"Oh, that's where you're wrong, Chum." Rocco replied. "She did do something quite unforgiveable. She ruined you. You were brilliant. You could have taken the mob to heights never before reached. Then you met her." He pointed the barrel of his gun at Brenda. "And she ruined you. Now you both have to pay for that."

Sonny didn't know how long they had before they got to where they were going, but he figured they had more of a chance now than later for escape. Which meant he was going to have to take the risk of Brenda getting hurt and making a move now. He just had to wait for the best opportunity and then he'd take it.

"You don't think you're going to get away with this, do you?" Sonny asked. "My people will come after you."

"Who do you think are paying us." Rocco spat. "The only of your people who is still loyal to you is Morgan and he can be easily disposed of."

"Brenda, would you get off me!" Sonny shoved her away from him. "I can't think when you're clinging to me like a second skin."

"What!" She couldn't believe the way Sonny had just talked to her. He'd never spoken to her like that in his life.

"Rocco's right." Sonny suddenly declared. "This is all your fault. If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't be happening to me."

"I didn't hold a gun to your head." Brenda spat back. "And what about what's happening to me."

"Do you know everything I gave up because of you?" Sonny threw at her. "The money. The power. And for what? What I have with you, I could have with any whore off the street."

Just as Sonny was hoping for, Brenda went for his throat. When she did, he shoved her behind him and made a grab for his gun. Brenda watched in horror as Sonny and Rocco engaged in a life and death struggle, then she screamed when she heard the gun fire.

Sonny threw Rocco's limp body off of him and pulled Brenda into his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked, as he held her face in his hands.

"I'm fine." She told him. "But don't ever do that to me, again. For a second there I thought you were serious."

The limo suddenly came to a crashing halt, and flung Sonny and Brenda on the floor. "It's Ziggy." Sonny told her. "He must have heard the shot. Stay down." He placed himself in front of her to shield her body as much as he could.

Ziggy threw open the back door. "Rocco, what happened back there?"

Sonny fired point blank at him and his body went flying backwards from the impact of the bullet. Then he dragged Brenda out of the back of the car over Rocco's body. He looked around at their surroundings and they seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. They also seemed to be alone and safe for the moment.

Brenda looked down at Ziggy and saw the blood still gushing from his chest, even though he was staring straigh ahead in a death stare. She felt sick to her stomach and felt like she was going to vomit. She watched as Sonny stuck Rocco's gun down the front of his pants and leant down over Ziggy's body to go through his pockets. When he was finished, he pried the gun out of Ziggy's dead hand and shove it into her hers.

"I don't want it." Brenda shoved it back at Sonny. She didn't want to touch it. All she could think was that it had been laying in Ziggy's dead hand only a few moments ago.

"Take it!" Sonny ordered, as he forced her to hold the gun in her hand. Then he suddenly shook her and screamed in her face. "This is why I didn't want you to come with me. This is what your life is going to be like from now on. Now it's too late for you to get out. You're trapped in this life now." He added bitterly. "Can you tell me you want this life now?"

"No." She screamed back. "But I still want you, so I'll just have to learn to live with it." She gripped the gun more firmly in her hand, as she firmed her resolve. "So, what do we do now."

"I don't know!" Sonny threw his arms up in the air and exploded. Then he forced himself to regain control over himself. "We just have to get as far away from here as it's possible to get." He took her hand in his and started walking down the road having no clue where they should go next, just knowing they had to keep moving. Their life on the run had just begun. There was no turning back for either of them now.