Chapter Two

"YOU KNOW," BRENDA said as Sonny twirled her around the ballroom of the Port Charles Hotel. "For a second there I thought you weren't going to say I do." They had cut the cake and tossed the bridal bouquet and the garter, and soon they would be sneaking off to their suite upstairs to begin their wedding night.

"I almost didn't." He admitted gravely. "I just hope I didn't make a big mistake by going through with it."

"What would make you say that?" The last thing a bride wanted to hear at her wedding reception was her groom was having second thoughts. "Do you regret marrying me, already? Don't you want me to be your wife."

"It's the only thing I've ever wanted." He declared passionately. "I'm just afraid you'll regret marrying me. What if you leave Port Charles with me and you regret it. You could grow to hate me for what I've done to your life. Or what if the people who are after me track us down and they kill you."

"First." She held his face in her hands. "I would never regret leaving town with you. You're the only thing I've ever wanted. You are my life and without you I don't feel complete or happy. So get that nonsense out of your head right this minute." She added. "As for the other, the choice is mine and it's a chance I'm willing to take."

"I couldn't stand it if something happened to you because of me." His voice cracked emotionally. "Even though we're married, you don't have to leave town with me. You can stay here, and I'll leave alone and once I'm gone you can pick your life up where it left off."

"And how would I do that, Sonny?" She snapped angrily. "You are my life. Don't you get that? Without you I just go through the motions of living, but without you I'm not really alive or truly happy."

She took a deep breath to calm down. She knew how he could be. Sonny never truly believed he could have what he wanted, so he was just waiting for it all to blow up in his face. He was scared to trust this, but in time she would make him realize nothing was going to happen to ruin this for them. Right now what she needed to do was to get him thinking about something else so he didn't start obsessing over this and end up ruining their wedding night.

Okay." She grabbed him by the hand and began tugging him towards the exit. "That does it! We're leaving."

"Where are you dragging me off to?" He wanted to know, but he didn't fight her, as he went along to where ever she was planning on taking him.

"Up to our room." She announced. "You're thinking too much. And the best cure for that is to get you on your back so the only thing you're thinking about is me."

"I don't believe this?" He laughed. "You're going to use sex on me to distract me from thinking about what you don't want me to think about?"

"Why not." She retorted. "Men have been doing the same thing to women for centuries." She added. "Whenever the little woman starts thinking about something the big brave man doesn't want her to think about, he gets her on her back and gets her to thinking about sex instead."

"Brenda." He sighed, as they got into the elevator. "Sex is not going to change the reality of your life if you leave town with me. It's not going to protect you from a bullet if my enemies track us down."

"Sonny, we just took wedding vows." She reminded him. "Till death do us part, remember?"

"That's what I'm afraid of." He told her as they walked to their suite and he opened the door. "That marrying me is going to be the death of you. Don't you know I'd rather let you go then be the cause of anything happening to you?" He walked in, then looked back at her to see her still standing in the doorway. "Brenda, why are you just standing there."

"This is our wedding night." She reminded him. "I intend to be treated like the bride that I am. What are you waiting for? Carry me over the threshold."

"You gotta be kidding?." He rolled his eyes in disgust. "We're talking about life and death matters here, and you want me to carry you over the threshold like we're some pair of happy-go-lucky newlyweds with nothing more on our minds then tearing each other's clothes off?"

"That's what we are, Sonny?" She waved her her wedding band in his face. "We're happy-go-lucky newlyweds who can't wait to tear each other's clothes off. Now, I'm waiting." She said bad-temperedly as she kept standing there stubbornly. "Carry me over the threshold."

"Oh, all right." He snapped as he stomped over to the doorway and scooped her up in his arms. Then he carried her into the room, kicking the door closed behind them. "Satisfied." He asked, as he set her down in the middle of the floor none too gently.

"Not yet." She grabbed him by his lapels and slammed her mouth against his. As always, he was quick to respond to her and they were both breathless when they finally broke apart. "Now I am."

"Brenda?" He said in a warning tone. "This isn't going to work. I will not let you distract me from what I want to talk to you about."

"We'll just see about that." She replied, as she walked into their bedroom.

"Where are you going now?" He asked, as he followed her. She continued to ignore him as she walked into the bathroom. "Brenda!" He yelled at her. "I'm trying to talk to you."

"This is our wedding night, and you're not going to ruin it for us by talking about anything serious." She told him as she leaned down to the tub and turned on both of the taps, then she poured some bubble bath into the tub.

"You're going to take a bubble bath?" He asked incredulously. "Now?"

"Correction!." She turned to him and began to unbutton his shirt. "We're going to have a bubble bath." Sonny was so shocked by her bold move that he just stood there while she stripped him out of his shirt. "Did I ever tell you about this fantasy I had while taking a bath shortly after meeting you? It was before we met on the docks. It was right after that day you bursted into Jagger's room looking for him." She added with a wicked smile. "You made quite an impression on me even then. Anyway, from that moment I've wanted us to take a bubble bath together, and I think our wedding night is the perfect time to make that dream come true."

She helf his face in her hands. "Don't ruin tonight for us, baby." She pleaded. "It's our wedding night. For this one night can't we just be like everyone else and enjoy our wedding night." She ran her fingers through his hair. "We can talk about the reality of what our lives are going to be like tomorrow, but can't you just let this night be for us."

When she was looking at him like that he could refuse her nothing. "All right." He leaned his forehead against hers giving in gracefully to defeat. "This night will be for us, with no talking about what lays ahead of us when we leave this room tomorrow and head for the airport."

"Now that's my baby." She smiled as she pulled his shirt down his arms and threw it on the floor.

"So," He smiled, as she trailed kisses down his chest. "Just what are you planning to do to me in this bath we're going to share?"

She leaned down and scooped up a handful of bubbles, then slowly smeared them over his chest. "Well, first, I'm going to suds you up with my hands just like I'm doing right now." He leaned his head back against the wall and let her do whatever she wanted to do to him. "You like what I'm doing to you, don't you? His groan was all the answer he needed. "And it's only going to get better from there." She leaned down and scooped up some more bubbles. This time she smeared them down over his belly until she reached the waistband of his trousers. She let her hand rest there, knowing what it was doing to him.

"Once our skin is all wet and hot and slick and we're rubbing against each other in all the right places." She leaned down to turn off the taps, never losing eye contact with him. "Then the fun will really begin."

He closed his eyes as he felt her slowly unzipping his trousers "You're a witch." He declared as she peeled his trousers off of him.

"I'm your witch." She told him as she turned her back to him and held her hair up. "Now unzip me so we can enjoy our bath before the water grows cold."

He pulled down the zip, then wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Just love me." She turned around in his arms and pulled his head down to hers so she could kiss him. "Just love me and never stop. That's all I need. That's all I've ever needed."

"As hard as I've tried." He whispered to her as he slid her wedding gown slowly down her body. "I've never been able to stop loving you." He added as he felt her mold her body against him. "And I know now that I never will."