Otaros Aromay

My Favorite Things About Sorato

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REMEMBER! IF YOU ARE VISITOR 999, COPY AND PASTE THAT PICTURE AND E-MAIL IT TO ME AT music_angil@yahoo.com SO YOU CAN REDEEM YOUR KIRIBAN! AND PUT THE SUBJECT, '1111 Visitor'. *WARNING* IF YOU HATE SORATO PLEASE LEAVE NOW! I AM WARNING YOU AHEAD OF TIME SO YOU WON"T HAVE TO FLAME ME*! THAT IS ALL. Hi! Thanks for coming to my sorato site! I will be updating it soon so check it out later! Thanks! til my 14th birthday!


August 22, 2002-Summer Vacation almost over...=( but it's not over until the bell rings so At 8:10am on Tuesday, September 10, summer is over but not til then! If your asking me if I would pick friends over family...I'd say friends! Erg, I hate my dumb family. My lame mom, my jerkish sister, and my ignorant dad. Even though my friends ignore me, they will be way better than my family...EVER! SOMEONE ALWAYS says I copy them in something when i always find it first. Then they think I'm lying and say I never told them. WELL DON'T YOU THINK THE FRICKEN PERSON WOULD HAVE COPIED ME IF I TOLD THEM???? Plus, I just found out that he/she COPIED ME in ANOTHER thing today. They ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS copy me and I can't go on living life like that. You DO NOT know how suicidal I feel. Nobody does...Nobody understands me...

August 20, 2002-ERG!!!!!! I'm so mad right now! Some jerk keeps going into my account and deleting pages! If there is a broken link or missing page(thanks to someone...), email me at music_angil@yahoo.com and please tell me so. I might be paranoid and think that someone is deleting pages when Angelfire might be but I doubt it. This has to stop!

August 19, 2002-Yes, it's almost that day again...September 11...well I have something special for it! Here is a little flag to show support to the US. Well I just want to be patriotic and show my support since I do indeed live in the US. God Bless America!(I'll be putting the lil flag on every page)

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Sorry you don't have the right plug in to listen to the music

This song playing is "This Kiss" by Faith Hill.
[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

*Important*If you are the 1111 visitor here, copy it, e-mail it to me and say 'I am the 999 visitor!' with a request of what you want for the hits cause this is going to be my first hit banner! Thankies!