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This web site is dedicated to the 1977 Filmation live-action TV show Space Academy. Since going online with my Isis, I have become inspired to begin this site as well. Hopefully, it will bring back some good memories for you!

Feel free to browse around. It's a bit bare bones at the moment, but more content will be added as I get time, so check back for periodic updates!

While you're here, why not visit the message board where you can leave comments about this site or make contact with other Space Academy fans? You may also find out some upcoming info about this web site that is posted exclusively to the message board.

Please check back often for updates. I make changes fairly infrequently (as this is a hobby, I have to fit it in as I get spare time), but the date at the bottom of this page lets you know the last time something was changed. Important changes (added content, for example) are usually documented on this page.

We need you! I'm currently looking for volunteers to help complete the episode summaries. If you have episodes on video and think you've got the right stuff to write an episode synopsis, or if you have anything else you'd like to share with the online community (publicity photos, licenced merchandise, etc.), contact the webmaster at


Jonathan Harris: 1914-2002

Sadly, the first news item for this page is the recent death of Space Academy's most recognisable face. Jonathan Harris, who played Commander Gampu on the show, in addition to his more widely recognised role as Doctor Smith on Lost in Space, died on Sunday, November 3, 2002 from a blood clot in his heart, even though he went into the hospital for a back injury.

Born Jonathan Charasuchin to Russian-Jewish parents, he grew up in the Bronx and changed his last name to Harris when he was 18.

Using a falsified resume, he secured a job with a New York repertory company in 1939, playing supporting roles and gradually getting parts in theatre, film and television. His film roles include "Botany Bay" and "The Big Fisherman". Some of his other TV series were The Third Man and The Bill Dana Show.

Harris did other work for Filmation besides Space Academy. He also appeared in two episodes of Ark II as loveable rouge Fagin.

Harris was also a prolific voice artist, once proclaiming himself as the "king of the voice-over." In addition to countless commercials, Harris lent his voice to many, many films and TV shows, including the robot Lucifer in Battlestar Galactica.

Eric Green (Loki) and Erika Scheimer (Peepo) to appear at San Diego ComiCon July 27-28!

David Levine of BCI has informed me that Eric Greene (Loki) and Erika Scheimer (who provided the voice for Peepo) will be signing autographs on Friday, July 27th and Saturday, July 28th at the Funimation/BCI booth. Other Filmation stalwarts who will be doing signings include Lou Scheimer (producer/voice-over artist), Bob Burns (Tracy the Gorilla in The Ghost Busters), Sid Haig and Craig Littler (of the spin-off series Jason of Star Command), and Brian Cutler, Joanna Pang and Ronalda Douglas (all three from Isis). All of these Filmation celebrities will participate in a special panel discussion on Saturday!


Space Academy DVDs now available!

BCI/Eclipse have released a DVD set containing all 15 episodes of Space Academy. The set hit the streets back on January 16, 2007 at a suggested price of $29.95 (thought it can be had for nearly half that if you shop around).

The three-disc set includes the following bonus features:

Audio Commentary on "Countdown" and "The Phantom Planet" with Lou Scheimer, Ric Carrot, Brian Tochi, Eric Greene, John Berwick, Chuck Cominsky. Moderated by Andy Mangels
Featurette: Space Academy: Back to School
Behind-the-Scenes Photos
Cast Reunion Gallery
Memoribilia Gallery
Series Bible (DVD-ROM)
Booklet with episode guide

No idea if there are any easter eggs or not. I know I submitted a really interesting one for possible use. If it doesn't turn up on this set, I'll be sure to post it here instead.

More details will follow as soon as they are known. Don't forget, there are also plans to release the "sequel" to Space Academy, Jason of Star Command, in 2007 as well.


Your help needed!

Do you have contact information for any of the cast? If you know Brian Tochi, Maggie Cooper Burke or Ty Henderson, please e-mail me at as I would like to interview them for the website (I have already had e-mail contact with Ric Carrot, Pamelyn Ferdin and Eric Greene, but unfortunately don't have interviews in the works with any of them).

I'm also looking for volunteers to help complete the episode summaries. If you have episodes on video and think you've got the right stuff to write an episode synopsis, or if you have anything else you'd like to share with the online community (publicity photos, licenced merchandise, etc.), contact the webmaster at

Programme: © 1977, Filmation Associates.
The contents of this web site may not be reproduced without prior permission from the webmaster.
This website makes no attempt to infringe on any known copyrights.
LAST UPDATED: 7th November, 2006