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I believe the children are the future...
Teach them well, and let them lead the way.

 Naomi Wildman 

          Mezoti, rescued from the Borg

                                     The Borg children regenerating

                      The children with Neelix during a power outage on Voyager, in the "Haunting of Deck 12".              Azan and Rebi with their science project                         Icheb prepares to return to his birth home in "Child's Play"

All right, i know this has nothing to do with fanfic or with Janeway/Chakotay, but I couldn't resist. Sorry!
Bless the beasts and the children
For in this world, they have no voice
They have no choice...

Bless the beasts and the children
For the world they see
Can never be.

-- The Carpenters