BERNIE: Brian Madden, Sergeant Ellen McKenzie
BRIAN: Perfect, absolutely perfect
MAC: (to Angie) Wish I had that affect on all the guys I meet.
MAC: I thought we agreed not to talk about work.
BRIAN: That's right we did. How about religion?
Politics? (Mac laughs)Would you religious beliefs have anything against me ordering another bottle of wine?
MAC: I'm atheist
MAC: I'd invite you in...
BRIAN: But it's late... and your flat is bugged (They kiss on the doorstep, Mac goes inside)
MAC: Goodnight guys
ANGIE: (From surveillance in flat opposite) Goodnight Mac.
ANGIE: I was monitoring the flat last night.
MAC: Oh yeah, life in a fish bowl.
ANGIE: Yeah, it seems you and he got a bit... tongue tied before he left.
MAC: We must have run out of things to say.
MAC: Lets get you wired up, Oscar you'll be monitoring.
ANGIE: Is that necessary? The wire.
MAC: Course, he might let something drop.
OSCAR: Yeah, like his pants.
ANGIE: Mac, this is all I have (the job) what am I going to have if I loose it?
MAC: Something else, and being afraid of that something else isn't a good enough reason to stay.
SHIRLEY(Oscars Mum): I've put you both in your old room, I've made up a double bed.
OSCAR: What? Together?
SHIRLEY: I'm not square you know. (Angie turns and gives a look)
MAC: Now S.W.A.R.M. is headed by this guy. Phillip Sydney Baker. He hates all minorities and anyone to the left of Ghengis Kahn.
ANGIE: OK you want us to go to the mansion and take a look?
MAC: Yeah, but don't blow your covers on this. There could be a number of reasons why Church hasn't called.
OSCAR: Like what? They converted him?
OSCAR: We must be wrong, the place looks deserted.
ANGIE: Well if they've got Church their not about to advertise it are they?
OSCAR: Alright, take a chill pill.
ANGIE: Well stop saying stupid things.
OSCAR: Just get on with it will ya.
BERNIE: AJ's agreed to introduce Mac and Pete as a childless couple, so we are going to have to set up the house with the whole upper middle class background.
ANGIE: (Slyly to Mac) Ahh the perfect couple.
MAC: Here, take this and remember, you're a sterile, impotent tax evader.
PETE: Yeah, and you've got great taste in men.
PETE: Ange, do your blonde thing.
PETE: This case can drag on as long as it likes.
MAC I'm sorry to disappoint you, but our target is right behind us.
PETE: Just as I was about to drag you up to that room...
PETE: How's your arm?
MAC: It's fine. Anyway, thanks, for not getting our heads blown off. Not exactly what I would call nice guys.
PETE: No, but I tell you, when I walked through that door, and saw you tied up... you looked fantastic!
If anyone has anymore quotes, I'd love to put them up.