-Mac is at the pub with the handsome Profiler assigned to a case they are doing.
MAC: You’re the profiler, you tell me. Come on, don’t hold back, my life is in your hands, I’d like to know how good you really are?
BRIAN: Ok. Single, late twenties…
MAC: You could have said mid.
BRIAN: Do you want accuracy or flattery?
MAC: Go on.
BRAIN: Upper middle class background, private school educated, high academic achiever, socialist leanings, both parents were probably academics.
MAC: Tell me something that isn't in my file.
BRIAN: You live alone, in a one bedroom flat. Probably only ever had a handful of boyfriends, with only one really serious relationship. One you deeply regret.
MAC: You’re guessing.
BRIAN: Am I wrong?
MAC: Do you play pool?
MAC: (At the pool table) Two. Two bedrooms
BRIAN: Well it isn't an exact science.
-Angie is at Jimi Mercer’s place, a rock star and they have just been singing a duet together.
ANGIE: Everyday I wake up, and I know what I’ve got to do.
JIMI: Yeah, I don't.
ANGIE: Jimi, I don't like it, because it’s all I know, and it’s consuming me. And everything I wanted to do with my life, everything I could have done just doesn’t mean anything.
JIMI: Don't cry (They begin to kiss, then sleep together).
-Angie gets in her car after staying the night at Jimi Mercer’s place and Mac comes up to her car window.
MAC: We need to talk.
ANGIE: Don't tell me I’m under surveillance.
MAC: Look, of course not, I went to your place, you didn’t show up, I figured you’d be here.
ANGIE: I think we’ve talked enough, Mac.
MAC: Don't brush me off Ange, I think we owe each other more than that.
ANGIE: OK, get in.
MAC: How can I convince you to stay Ange? You’re angry, and perhaps justifiably, but this isn't something you need to resign over. Take the paid leave, go on a break…
MAC: There’s some paperwork that needs to be done, I can arrange that. Umm you need to put it in writing, your resignation. Address it to Bernie. What about your locker? Do you want me to fix that up?
ANGIE: Yeah, just a pair of runners I wouldn’t mind keeping, the rest you can throw.
MAC: Oh well, you know you can come and do it yourself when it’s convenient, just come in... Are you sure you’ve thought this through? Look, cause I was thinking, seeing that girl shoot herself, the way she did had to have some effect, I know it would affect me. You’re still eligible for counseling sessions, if that’s the road you want to go…
ANGIE: I’m coping OK.
MAC If you find differently, they’re there for you. Well what do you reckon? Do you reckon it had a lot to do with this girl? Honestly Ange…
ANGIE: There’s just some stuff I need to sort out I don't know. I think maybe I might like to do something different with my life.
MAC: You’re a good operative Ange you know, and you’ve ah, been a good friend.
ANGIE: You too.
MAC You’ve got my number.
-Mac has just told Angie she needs a few days off, and Oscar is forced to take a few days off, after his cover is blown. Oscar is on the phone to his Mum in the locker bay, and Angie is collecting some things from her locker. Previously, Angie had posed as Oscar's girlfriend Michelle when he was in hospital.
OSCAR: (On the phone to his Mum) What do you mean I never come home? I'm coming home now aren't I? Got four days…. Michelle?… Yeah Michelle, she's good. Well she's getting a bit chunky around the thighs, you know but that cant be helped (Angie hears this and grabs Oscar by the shirt) but ahh besides that she's umm perfect. Mum she's beautiful (Angie lets go and returns to her locker). No, she's not coming with me, she's a bit busy at the moment… Yeah of course we're serious… Ok, I'll ask her, but she has a job to remember. Ok, but whatever happens I'll see you tomorrow. Ok Hooroo!
ANGIE: Forget it!
OSCAR Ah come on! It'll be fun and besides, Mum's jealous that Dad's met you and she hasn't and I think Dad may have built you up as prime, A-Grade daughter-in-law material.
ANGIE: All the more reason to give Michelle the flick.
OSCAR: They would never forgive me. Not after the way you stuck by me at the hospital.
ANGIE: Stone, that was a cover.
OSCAR: They don't know that, and it's good for Mum to think I'm with someone, it just stops her worrying about me.
ANGIE: I'm not going to spend four days in the country lying to your family.
OSCAR: It's not lying. I mean we are friends, and you do fancy me. What else are you going to do? Come on, a bit of time in the country, relaxing, unwinding. Do you the world of good. (Angie gives in)
-Angie is laying in bed, Oscar is at the door, saying goodnight to his Mum.
SHIRLEY: Goodnight Darling.
OSCAR: Goodnight Mum.
SHIRLEY: Everything ok?
ANGIE: (Already in bed) Fine thanks Shirley.
SHIRLEY: Sweet dreams.
ANGIE: Yes. (Oscar closes the door on his Mum)
OSCAR: Sorry about this, Mum usually isn't this modern.
ANGIE: Don't be sorry, it's generous. She's thinking of us.
OSCAR: Look, I'll just camp on the floor, I'll be fine.
ANGIE: We're adults. Surely we can sleep in the same bed and not be embarrassed. Come on! Now you don't mind that I'm naked do you? I can't sleep in PJ's. I get restless, it's just a habit. Is that alright with you? (Oscar gives her a worried look, before tearing back the covers, Angie laughs hysterically) Sucked in! Sucked in!
OSCAR: (Gets into bed) Oh yeah, you're a real laugh a minute Mich-elle!
ANGIE: Hey, it'd be good if your Dad and Sean get back before we go. Do they always buy cattle this time of year?
OSCAR: Well it's not exactly cattle.
ANGIE: I thought Shirley said they were buying cattle.
OSCAR: No actually, they are buying sperm. Artificial insemination. Mum was a bit worried you'd be embarrassed.
ANGIE: Right.
OSCAR: Yeah.
ANGIE: Yeah.
OSCAR: Right.
ANGIE: Well are you going to turn the light off?
OSCAR: Yeah sorry.
ANGIE: Sperm hey? (She begins to giggle again).
OSCAR: Sshhhh!!!
-Shirley is making breakfast, and Angie is at the kitchen table in her PJ's looking at pictures of Oscar, the night he had his first kiss.
SHIRLEY: He's never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but a mother knows these things. He's very sweet on you.
ANGIE: He wouldn't say that.
SHIRLEY: He didn't have to. It's written all over his face. And all over yours I might add. So, umm…
ANGIE: So… (Oscar enters)
-Oscar and Angie are in a secluded area fishing in a creek. Oscar is sitting back relaxing, as Angie keeps winding her line in and throwing it back in.
ANGIE: It's not hard for you is it? It's like water off a ducks back. You can leave work behind. Even out here, it's so beautiful and I still can't enjoy myself.
OSCAR: It's you choice.
ANGIE: It's not that simple. I like your Mum, I really do, but everytime I talk to her I just feel so dishonest. It's like we're living a lie no matter where we are.
OSCAR: Yeah, I'm getting to good at it.
ANGIE: I don't know if it's worth it any more.
OSCAR: You're not thinking of leaving the unit are you?
ANGIE: I can cope with being someone else when it pays off. When we get the bad guys. But the bad guys aren't always bad are they? Sometimes the good guys, good people get caught in the cross fire, and I cant pretend that doesn't matter.
OSCAR: Ange, you've got to find a way of separating yourself from the work.
ANGIE: It's hard when I don't know who I am anymore.
OSCAR: Things are just still foggy for you. When it clears, you'll be right
ANGIE: Doesn't it get to you? Just a little bit? Maybe guys are better with dealing with it.
OSCAR: Better at hiding it.
ANGIE: That can't be healthy. When do you get to be yourself?
OSCAR: When I'm with you.
-Angie is posing as Oscar’s girlfriend in a sting involving Oscar’s ex-flatmate Bundy, who is the innocent participant in an illegal skirmish group.
ANGIE: Hey, is Bundy coming over tonight?
OSCAR: Yeah, I’m going to talk him into joining another squirmish group. One with a license.
ANGIE: What time?
OSCAR: Tea time
ANGIE: Oh right. I suppose I’ll be expected to cook and clean up after you and your mates.
OSCAR: That’s your place baby cakes, barefoot and preggers.
ANGIE: Oh. Good to see that you are following in the footsteps of our esteemed General.
OSCAR: Turns you on doesn’t it? You like to be dominated.
ANGIE: (Angie moves behind Oscar, and says in a Southern accent) Yeah, because you’re just so strong, and me, I’m just so fragile.
OSCAR: Glad you finally realised that (Angie grabs Oscars arm and pins it behind his back) Oww!!
ANGIE: Get on your knees now! Now, Angie, is better than me at everything.
ANGIE: Say it!
OSCAR: No! (Angie twists his arm)
ANGIE: Say it!
OSCAR: Angie is better than me at everything…. Except this! (Oscar gets Angie, pinning her to the ground then straddles her, after some struggling, they lean in to kiss. Mac comes in the doorway to the lockers)
MAC: Guys, Pete’s following Strang, he reckons (Mac pauses when she see’s what is happening) he’s got some… explosives with him.
ANGIE: (Still being straddled by Stone) Oh right. Umm things are starting to hot up.
MAC: You better get back to the undercover flat just in case Baker decides to call.
ANGIE: We were just role playing.
OSCAR: We were just trying to get it right.
MAC: Uh huh, well you convinced me (Mac leaves and Oscar and Angie finally get up).
-Later that episode, Angie enters the locker bay after the sting.
ANGIE: Changing your undies big boy? (They move together and hug)
OSCAR: I was so worried about you (Angie kissed him, and they move into one of the lockers, finally breaking away, laughing) It aahhh had to happen.
ANGIE: Yeah, you’re pretty good at this.
OSCAR: More practice I always say (he moves to kiss her again, but Angie breaks away).
ANGIE: Stone, we’re not on the job anymore are we?
OSCAR: There’s always a next time.
ANGIE: Yeah, yeah till next time. I’ll see ya tomorrow.
-Mac and Pete just come back from doing part of a sting, pretending to be a childless couple
PETE: How’s your form you shocker!
MAC: What!?
PETE: Impotent!
MAC: Ohh, I wouldn’t have said that. No sterile I think it was.
PETE: Ahh.
ANGIE: Sterile
-Mac’s informant has just died, and she had promised him that she would take care of his adopted daughter. Bernie had just told her how impractical that would be, as the girl was taken away by social services.
MAC: I am getting a little tired of people telling me what is possible and impossible (She walks away from Bernie and Pete crying, Pete follows her to comfort her) I’m fine.
PETE: Bullshit you are.
MAC: You’re such a charmer.
PETE: Yeah, well this charmer is always here for you. (Mac sobs and Pete hugs her)
-Mac is by herself at the computer, Pete comes up behind her
MAC: You missed your calling, you should have been a midwife
PETE: Yeah, I’m thinking of reassessing my career path. I don’t think you’ve got a big future in the baby delivering industry Mac (Mac faces away from him, with a strange look on her face)
MAC: Meaning..?
PETE: Your pathological fear of childbirth
MAC: Look, I was alright, it was something I ate.
PETE: Ohhh… right. So you’ve been sick in the morning and not in the afternoon. Like now. You’re alright now right?
MAC: Yeah, yep.
PETE: You know what that sounds like to me…
MAC: Don’t even go there.
PETE: Bun in the over or what…
MAC: I am not pregnant.
PETE: You sure? You absolutely sure?
MAC: Peter, I believe you need to have sex to become pregnant (Awkward Moment)
PETE: Well… You know…
MAC: Really?
PETE: Be no trouble this end.
MAC: What are friends for?
PETE: That’s right.
MAC: You, me and a bottle of wine.
PETE: Cheap hotel room.
MAC: Old times. You know, I think I’ll pass.
(Pete hugs her and leaves)
-Angie and Oscar are in the car, and Angie is just about to go in to check out a catering business that caters for illegal Poker games.
OSCAR: Want me to come in with you?
ANGIE: Nah, its ok. Probably a waste of time anyway.
OSCAR: You might pick up a few tips in there.
ANGIE: You having a go at my cooking?
OSCAR: No, hey, I like stir fried caraway seed.
ANGIE: I’ll have you know I do a killer roast.
OSCAR: Yeah, I heard homicide are looking into it.
(Angie belts him with her bag)
OSCAR: See if you can get us a free lunch will ya?
-Later in the same episode
OSCAR: I reckon you owe me one for this afternoon.
ANGIE: Do I just?
OSCAR: You’re not thinking of cooking one of your roasts tonight are ya?
ANGIE: I thought that was homicide’s case.
OSCAR: They couldn’t find any leads. They asked me to help them out.
ANGIE: Matter of fact, I do have a leg of lamb in the fridge.
OSCAR: Mint sauce?
ANGIE: A whole bottle of the stuff.
OSCAR: Sounds good.
ANGIE: You do realise you’re taking you life into your own hands here.
OSCAR: It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
ANGIE: And that someone might as well be you, hey?
OSCAR Yeah, it might as well be me.
-Mac is in the bedroom of the flash hotel, packing her clothes in a suitcase, Pete comes in, in a robe with a bottle of champagne.
PETE: Suite’s booked through till the morning.
MAC: Oh, is that right?
PETE: Yeah, Management offered us a late checkout, be a shame to waste it.
MAC: Mmm, terrible shame.
PETE: Mmm, another one of these in the fridge. (Champagne)
MAC: Really?
PETE: Yeah, French.
MAC: French Champagne.
PETE: But ahh that would be a breaking of the rules wouldn’t it. Staying on.
MAC: Although this case I think deserves a thorough debriefing. (She moves closer to Pete)
PETE: Well we should get on to that immediately (Mac takes the bottle and pops the cork) While the details are still fresh.
MAC: I tell you what, because you have been working so hard…. Perhaps tonight… I’ll take the sofa (Mac takes the bottle and has a swig) Have fun.
Got any quotes that we don’t? Send them along to butterflitter@hotmail.com