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Greg's Favorites

Color: Green

Flower: Jimson Weed

Smell: Ponderosa Pine

Game: Pictionary

Sports Team: N/A

TV Show: Discovery Channel

Movie: The Outlaw Josie Whales

Actress: Patricia Arquette

Actor: Robert DeNiro

Music: Jazz/Reggae

Band: Miles Davis

Magazine: N/A

Sunday paper you read: N/A

Breakfast Food: Eggs & Bacon

Dinner: Bean Burrito

Meat: Fish Vegetables: All

Snack Food: Almonds

Candy Bar: Don't have one

Dessert: Blueberry/Strawberry Pie

Beverage (alcoholic): Scotch

Beverage (non-alcoholic): Tea

Activity you'll miss most: Playing at Trampoline Land

Receive a phone call from: Justin

Receive a letter from: Ex-Girlfriend

Comfort item you'll miss: Tobacco