Debb's Final Words
Well, this was my nightmare: to come here and get voted off first. In retrospect, I don't see anything I could have done to have changed it. I came here, I played hard, I was strong, keen-spirited, worked from the time I got up until the time I went to bed, and all it boiled down to this: one person in the group who's a very free spirit, and speaks her mind about anything and everything, couldn't respect the fact that I hold certain things very personal and private.
So I'm leaving and it's been a great experience so far. I certainly wish I could have kept playing the game, but that obviously isn't going to happen now. I feel like a loser getting kicked off first, but I guess I made it this far and that's more than 49,000 plus people did. I'll take that with me, but it hurts.
I truly in retrospect think back on it and I don't see what I could do, other than make stuff up to fit in, and go along with the conversations. And I'm not doing that! I'm going home to sleep in a nice warm bed, and I could kill for that. And so goodbye.