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Mitchell Olson

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Luxury Item: Song Book

Mitchell Olson is an aspiring singer/songwriter who has traveled around the country performing in various stage productions. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in vocal music performance from South Dakota State University. He is most proud of having the courage to leave his family and friends behind to move to New York City in pursuit of his career.

Olson describes himself as witty, outgoing and (with tongue in cheek) downright all-around, completely and totally, without a doubt, sexy. He is 7' tall, which affords him a slightly different perspective on many things.

His perfect day goes something like this: wake up with friends there to greet him; avoid long commute to work where more friends are there to greet him; lunch with friends; avoid long commute home to make a timely dash to the clubs with friends. His favorite television show is CBS's The Price Is Right while his favorite motion picture is Adventures In Babysitting. He prefers pop music, insisting that Britney Spears has a crush on him, although he concedes that it may be the other way around.

Olson is happy to report that his "List of Things To Do Before I Die" is coming along quite nicely (established when he was 12 years old, he is able to add to the list as he scratches a task off). Being a contestant on CBS's The Price Is Right was Number Two on his list -- he accomplished that in 1998. He gleefully admits that he once tried out for the Harlem Globetrotters (Number Twelve). Olson actually applied for the first installment of Survivor, and now that he's finally made the show, is happy to scratch off Number Sixteen. According to Number Six on the list, Olson is to run for President of the United States as soon as he comes of age.

Having been raised on a farm in Vermillion, South Dakota, Olson currently resides in Union City, New Jersey, when not traveling with a production. He is a member of the National Academy of Popular Music for Singers/Songwriters.

His birth date is March 17.