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Rodger's Final Words

The challenges have been rough. The everyday survival has been really rough. I'm guessing that I'm fifteen or thirty pounds lighter. Fifteen is probably a light figure, twenty is definitely much closer to it. But over all, to be my age, I would not have missed this opportunity for the world. Your values and your morals come first. Even though this is a game, if you give somebody your word out here--regardless if it's a game or not--and you shake on it, to me that is a person's bond. And like my father always said, a person is no better than his word.

On a personal note, I would hope that I've played the game as ethically and as morally strong as possible, with no one becoming hurt or injured in any way, and I believe I've been able to do that. The four people that are left in the game I think an awful lot of, they're very nice people, people with high values and high morals and possibly that's why they're in the final four. I wish them all the luck, and especially I wish the best of luck to Elisabeth. I hope she goes all the way.