You Make the Survivor Quote!
What is Jeff saying in this Survivor 2 moment?
We've given it a try, but now we want your suggestions!
We'll post the best quotes here, and the funniest one will
be captioned into the graphic for posterity. Remember to
include your screen name so we can give you credit for your comedic genius.
Send us your quote today and join in the Survivor fun!
screen capture courtesy of JCR, thanks JCR!
Last Week's Funny Quote: Elisabeth Eats
screen capture courtesy of JCR, thanks JCR!
FEATURED QUOTE: "Tastes like Richard!" by Dakota
"I told you I don't swallow, Roger"
-submitted by Navcomm70
"Mamma told me there would be days like this"
-submitted by Tammy
"I'm real sorry Roger lost the challenge, but he tastes better than rat."
-submitted by whap-em-back
"I was willing to eat anything to get the taste of Mark Burnett out of my mouth."
-submitted by JBair
Thanks for all your great quotes! Keep sending us more!