Back Together Again
by Debra

Chapters Seven to Eleven


An elderly lady, Miss Cooper is yelling at Buck and Kid in the marshal’s office. She is shaking her walking cane at the two young men. An elderly man is standing behind the lady looking intimidated by the woman. Her hair is white and swept up in a bun. There are some loose strands of hair around her face that are evidence of a slight struggle. She is losing her temper with the two men at the marshal’s office. They don’t appear to be taking her very seriously. Although the thrashing they are taking from her walking cane has the two men backed up to the wall.

“I demand you lock Mr. Larson up,” Miss Cooper yelled loud enough for anybody passing by the office to hear.

“Miss Cooper, what did Harry do?” Kid asked comfortingly.

“What did you say?” Miss Cooper yelled as she leaned closer to Kid to hear what he said to her.

“I said what did Harry do wrong?” Kid yelled.

“Took me on a picnic.”

“Why that sounds real nice of you Harry,” Buck spoke his attention turning to Mr. Larson with an amusing smile on his face.

“I thought so too,” Mr. Larson spoke meekly.

“Nobody asked you to butt your nose into the conversation marshal,” Miss Cooper spoke in a harsh tone aimed at Buck while pointing her cane up in his face.

“I’m only trying to help,” Buck spoke defending his actions.

“Miss Cooper, a picnic does sound nice,” Kid spoke trying to get back to the matter at hand.

“He tried to seduce me!” Miss Cooper yelled at the three men who by now are all trying to stifle their laughter. Miss Cooper looks from one man to the next. She is not finding any amusement in this situation at all. She has a scowl on her face and it isn’t budging off anytime soon.
“I want Harry arrested for his actions!”

The laughter coming from all three men suddenly comes to a quiet stop. Buck and Kid straighten up and try to look the part of acting marshal and deputy that they have sworn to do. Mr. Larson’s laughter has turned into a frown.

“Miss Cooper. I really don’t think Mr. Larson meant to take advantage of a wonderful woman such as yourself,” Kid spoke as he lays his smooth talk on pretty thick. He wants to make sure Miss Cooper can’t see through his wicked ways to keep from having to lock poor Mr. Larson up.

“Mr. Larson next time you take Miss Cooper on a picnic remember to keep your hands to yourself. Unless of course Miss Cooper should say otherwise,” Buck spoke trying to offer some advice.

“There won’t be a next time!” Miss Cooper stated irritably. She proceeded to leave the jailhouse. On her way out she slaps poor Mr. Larson with her walking cane. “If the law won’t protect a woman then a woman will just have to protect herself.” She slaps the cane at Mr. Larson several more times before Kid and Buck apprehend her cane.

“Miss Cooper it isn’t a good idea to beat Mr. Larson with your cane right inside the marshal’s office,” Kid spoke. He hands the cane back to Miss Cooper, but escorts her out the door.

“It’s better if you beat Mr. Larson with it out on the street where we can’t witness the action,” Buck spoke with a smirk across his face.

Kid watches from the doorway as Miss Cooper and Mr. Larson walk down the street to their buckboard. Kid watches as Miss Cooper allows Mr. Larson to take her hand in his and proceed to help her onto the seat of the buckboard. “She’s actually going to let Mr. Larson take her home.”

“It figures. She’s already forgiven him. But I bet the next time she sees either one of us on the streets of Rock Creek she’ll use that cane on us,” Buck spoke as he sits down at the desk. 

Kid walks away from the doorway and sits in a chair close to the desk.
“I have the feeling we’re in for another day just like yesterday. I can’t believe our luck. Teaspoon never has this much trouble with the town folks.”

“Maybe he does and just never complains about it.”

“I don’t know Buck. You would think if he had to put up with Miss Cooper too much, he would have shot her by now.”

A man who resembles a mountain man with a frame well over six feet tall, and muscles he has the right to brag about, walks out of the livery stables shouting at Mr. Jenson and Jason. Mr. Jenson and his son Jason own the livery stables in Rock Creek. 

Mr. Jenson is an elderly man with white hair who can barely stand up. At one time in his life he was a tall man, but his hunched over posture has shortened his physical appearance considerably. His beady gray eyes stare up at the brawny man through spectacles that have been fogged over from the man’s heavy breath. His son Jason resembles him  except that he is thirty years younger.

“You best find my horse! There’s no way I’m going to believe that horse of mine trotted out of this livery by himself!” 

“Look mister. My Pa’s telling you the truth. We don’t have your horse. Maybe someone you know came in and took your horse out of here,” Jason spoke his voice trembling from fear.

“I don’t know anyone in this hell hole of a town!” The mountain man shouted loud enough for all of Rock Creek to hear him.

“We happen to think Rock Creek is a pretty respectable town mister,” Mr. Jenson spoke with confidence rising in his soul.

“I don’t give a damn about your town! The only thing I care about is you two losers finding my horse.”

“For the last time, we don’t have your horse,” Jason shouted back at the mountain man.

The next thing Jason knew, he was laying on his back in an oversized mud puddle. He rubs his chin where the mountain man’s fist met with his tender face. He shakes his head from side to side to make sure it is still attached to his neck.

Mr. Jenson tries to help his son stand on his feet. “Don’t you think that was a bit uncalled for mister?” Mr. Jenson asked annoyed at the burley mountain man for punching Jason in the mouth. “We can let you borrow a horse until you find yours.”

“I don’t want to borrow a horse! I want my damn horse! I want my horse right now! If I don’t get my horse right now, I’m gonna have to kill the both of you!” The mountain man proclaimed his intentions to the two livery stable owners.

“What’s going on out here? Buck asked as he and Kid are rounding the corner of the livery stable to stand next to the three men who have been involved in a heated discussion with their guns drawn.

“Marshal, these two so called horse caretakers have misplaced my horse from their stables. I am simply demanding they find my horse so I can get the hell out of this town.”

“What’s your hurry?” Kid asked suspiciously of the mountain man.

“I’ve got trapping and fishing to do before nightfall.”

“Marshal we don’t have this….this….animal’s horse,” Jason proclaimed.

“What did you call me?” The mountain man asked in a bearish manner. His enormous, calloused hands grasping tightly around Jason’s scrawny neck. Jason grabs onto the man’s hands with his own, but there is no comparison in size, and he is unable to free the hold on his neck. He begins to feel his life being choked from him.

Buck and Kid stand in a disbelieving trance of the mountain man’s strength. Jason’s gagging coughs draw both marshal and deputy out of their state of shock. Both men cock their guns on the crazy man. 

“Put him down!” Buck ordered sternly.

The only action Buck’s words enhance are a firmer grasp around Jason’s red neck. The gasping and gagging sounds coming from Jason are putting everyone on edge except for the mountain man holding his hostage. Buck aims his gun at the man’s knees. “Drop him or you won’t be walking very well for a few months.”

The mountain man turns his attention to the marshal. Buck aims directly where the bullet will rip through the man’s flesh, just above his kneecap. He slowly releases Jason’s neck from his strong hold. Jason’s body crumbles into a heap on the ground. He groans softly from the pain forming over his entire being. Kid kneels down next to Jason and tries to help him onto his feet.

“I don’t want to stand up again. He’ll only knock me to the ground again. Maybe it would be best if I just stay on the ground,” Jason commented his voice hoarse.

The mountain man springs out towards Buck. But Buck is a little faster then the heavyweight. Buck backs away from the bullish man aiming his gun directly at the mountain man’s heart. 

“Get back,” Buck shouted at the man about to attack him. “ Jason are you alright?” Buck asked keeping his eyes glued on the mountain man. 

Kid gets Jason to stand again. The three men gather around Buck. Mr. Jenson actually hides behind Kid, Buck and Jason. He peeks his head out between Kid and Buck’s shoulders. 

Marshal, maybe you and the deputy should escort this man out of town. I offered him another horse until he finds his.

“Mr. Jenson!” A young boy on an enormous horse comes riding up to the livery stables. “I’m returning the horse you let me borrow yesterday.”

”That’s my horse!” The mountain man shouted.

Jason turns to look back at his father whose mouth is wide open from shock. “Pa did you let this boy take that horse without the owners permission?”

Ah…ah… I forgot about the boy asking if he could take the horse for a little ride.” Mr. Jenson said his voice trembling and barely above a whisper.

Jason turns to the mountain man who is lifting the young boy from atop his horse. “Your horse’s stay at the livery is on us.”

The mountain man rides out of Rock Creek at a slow pace. Mr. Jenson and Jason watch him leave hoping he never returns.

“Mr. Jenson. The next time you lend out someone’s horse, try to remember that you allowed it before you try convincing a man you don’t have no idea what happened to his horse,” Kid suggested.

“Kid I don’t know about you, but I’m calling it a day,” Buck spoke with a tried voice.

“Sorry marshal. We didn’t mean to disrupt your day,” Jason spoke sympathetically. 

Later that evening after an exhausting day at the marshal’s office and an even more tiring evening making repairs at the ranch, Buck and Kid are stretched out on the porch steps leading up to Kid’s home. Their hats are pulled down over their face. The evening sun is about to descend from the sky leaving dusk upon the two men.

“You think they are right?” Kid asked barely able to move his lips to speak.

“Whoever they are has to be right. Remember Kid, we are always wrong,” Buck spoke barely above a whisper.

“Teaspoon ran us raged this morning before we even got ourselves over to Rock Creek.”

“He did that on purpose Kid. To prove a point,” Buck spoke tiredly.

“What point?” Kid asked slightly angered and pulling his hat back onto his head. He sits straight up on the steps and looks over at his business partner and best friend who obviously wants to sleep. “What point Buck?”

Buck pulls his hat back onto his head and glances over at Kid. “That he still is always right.”

Kid thinks about what Buck has just told him. He takes a deep breath to keep his temper in check. “We can’t let Teaspoon be right again.”

“Teaspoon’s been right since the day we met him Kid. I don’t see that rule ever changing.”

“Then you’re saying we should just admit defeat?” 

Buck hates the idea of admitting defeat knowing Teaspoon will get great pleasure from their failure to keep peace in Rock Creek without calling on his help. “You know Teaspoon’s going to love this. We’re going to get another one of those long lectures of his. Rachel and Louise will have an over abundance of I told you so’s waiting for us. Louise will make us get along with Jeremiah. Eventually Louise will have Jeremiah out here repairing the ranch right along side us. Then for months to come he’ll be bragging about how, without his help, we couldn’t have got the ranch back into shape before winter hit.”

Kid thinks about all Buck has just said for a total of two seconds. “I think I can live with Teaspoon, Rachel and even Louise getting on us. Jeremiah’s smugness I won’t be able to tolerate even if he is Louise’s brother.”

“We could shoot him,” Buck suggested with half a smile.

Kid actually takes a minute to think about the possibility. “Shooting him is probably a bad idea. Louise would shoot us.”

”You sure had to think about it long enough. So our choices are humiliation or death.” Buck thinks on their choices for a moment. “I guess we’ve been humiliated plenty of times before and we always rebound from it.”

“Yeah. I’m not so sure we’d rebound from death quite as easily,” Kid replied disheartened.

Louise steps out onto the porch with two steaming cups of coffee in her hands. She sits down in between her husband and best friend. She hands each man a cup of the hot brew. “You two are looking mighty worn out. Your conversation is proof of that. What were you discussing?”

“Oh. Just on how much Buck and I enjoy being the butt of everyone’s laughter.”

“That’s not what it sounded like to me. I could have sworn you were both contemplating your death or someone else’s. What I think is that the two of you need some help over at the marshal’s office.”

“We could send Jeremiah,” Kid joked with an amusing smile pasted on his face.

Buck chokes back a chuckle. His eyes lock with Louise’s eyes in an apologetic manner.

“I’m sorry Lou about my words for Jeremiah earlier,” Buck spoke almost ashamed that he had been so harsh to a sixteen-year-old boy.

“It’s not your fault Buck. Jeremiah just wants to prove he’s more a man then still a boy. He wants to forget about things a boy should be thinking about,” Louise spoke already having forgiven Buck.

“Like his school work. Last school year the school teacher was over here at the ranch discussing Jeremiah’s poor attitude more than she was at the school teaching,” Kid spoke harshly forgetting that Louise would be upset with him again.

Lou keeps her cool but breaths a heavy sigh of disapproval. “I think we all need a good night of sleep.” Lou gets up and walks into the house.

“I think she’s mad at us again,” Buck spoke softly not wanting Louise to hear the turmoil in his voice.

“She’s only upset with me. You have an extra bedroom made up in that house of yours for me tonight?” Kid asked sadly.

“Nope. You get in your house and apologize. We need Lou on our side when we admit defeat,” Buck smiled.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

Buck gets up to head over to his home located behind Kid and Lou’s home. 

“Hey Buck.” 

Buck stops in his tracks and turns around to look at Kid.

“Finally one of us is right about something,” Kid spoke smiling.

“Goodnight Kid.”

”Goodnight Buck.”


Kid stands on the porch watching Buck walk down the path at the side of his and Louise’s home to reach his own home. It bothers him that night after night, after working on the ranch, his best friend goes home to an empty house. Although Buck never complains about it, deep down Kid knows it bothers him. He watches Buck until his friend is well out of his sight. “I just wish Buck’s being alone was my only problem that warrants attention,” Kid muttered to himself.

Kid glances up at the dark window above the porch. He had hoped she would wait up for him so they could have a much-needed talk. They don’t seem to agree on anything in their shared life anymore. Everything was so much easier before they were married. It’s so easy to hurt someone’s feelings without really knowing what you’ve done. Every event in their life is a conflict in the making. Like a percolator just about to boil over, and then at the last minute someone takes it off the fire! Problem is, he knows the fire with Louise and him is about to burn out unless he can put a halt on the bickering and disagreeing that’s been going on between them for quite some time now. 

Kid walks up the stairs and into the dimly lightened house. He blows out the single oil lamp that is burning near the foot of the stairs leading to the second floor. As he works his way up to the second floor, he wonders what has made Louise become so infuriated almost on a daily basis with him. He thinks that he may not be spending enough time with her. Maybe he hasn’t been giving her the attention that she desires. The ranch has taken a lot of his time over several years to build it to the reputation that he and Buck have developed it into. Now, with his added deputy duties, to help Buck out, he hasn’t spent any time at all with his lovely wife. 

“That can’t be it. She’s been moody longer than just this past week,” he muttered to himself.

He hopes as he wanders to their bedroom that she has waited up for him. The rest of the bedrooms, on the second floor, are dark behind the closed doors. He turns the doorknob to the bedroom that he shares with his beautiful wife of six years, and opens the door quietly so he doesn’t disturb her peaceful sleep. 

Kid walks slowly over to where she is sleeping. The warm glow of the moonlight shines in through their bedroom windows giving him enough light to touch her alluring body with his eyes. He gazes down at his sleeping wife snuggled under the covers in the bed he made her after he returned home from the war. She appears to be so comfortable, yet in his heart he knows she’s not. He starts to undress laying his clothes over a chair. He leaves his long johns on and crawls into bed lying on his back. He stares blindly at the ceiling. With her back turned to him, he takes the hint that she doesn’t want to cuddle with him. His heart is crushed that she would pretend to be asleep to avoid talking to him. They can’t go on denying the problems between them. He sighs heavily waiting for Louise to confess her betrayal. He waits for a few seconds. Louise makes no attempt to admit to him that she is really awake. 

“Louise, I know you’re not sleeping,” Kid spoke his voice cracking with emotion.

Louise opens her eyes shamefully. She wonders when her husband has become so perceptive. Most days she feels that Kid doesn’t notice that she’s even around much less what she’s doing or how she’s feeling about things.

“We need to talk about what it is that’s upsetting you,” Kid spoke softly.

She continues to keep her back turned to him as she speaks to him. “There’s nothing upsetting me,” Louise spoke harshly.

“It seems to me by your tone of voice that something I’ve done is bothering you.”

“Alright. You are not married to Buck!”

“I hope not. I mean Buck and I have a lot in common, but I just don’t see us being real well suited for one another,” Kid spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his words.

“You’re not funny Kid,” Louise spoke while sitting up in bed next to her husband. “You’ve been taking Buck’s side on things lately and completely ignoring my opinions and not to mention my feelings.”

Kid pulls his body up into a sitting position next to his wife. He takes her hand in his while looking very confused by her words. “If this is about Jeremiah, you haven’t been real happy with him lately either.”

“He’s my brother, Kid. He is just a boy,” Louise spoke softly wanting her husband’s understanding.

“He wants to be treated like a man. If he insists that we treat him like a man then he’ll have to learn to deal with disapproval when he says or does something that hurts others.”

“I don’t think Jeremiah really meant to act unconcerned about Teaspoon’s condition.”

“You’re right. His actions were that of a teenage boy. At that age most boys aren’t concerned about anyone else’s well being but their own. The thing is Louise. Jeremiah wants all of us to treat him like he’s all grown up. If Jeremiah were all grown up, I believe he would have been more compassionate and affected by Teaspoon’s injuries. He would have been asking how Teaspoon was doing instead of snickering about Teaspoon’s bad disposition.”

Kid, don’t forget that both Rachel and I found it a bit humorous concerning Teaspoon’s disposition,” Louise stated sheepishly.

“That’s different.”

“How so?”

“You and Rachel were both distressed over Teaspoon’s well being. Jeremiah completely ignored the fact that Teaspoon was hurt badly from his accident and that it could have been a lot worse then it was. Jeremiah has growing up to do yet. I’m not ready to treat him like an adult until he shows signs of being one.”

Louise thinks on her husband’s words for a brief moment. She truly understands how Kid feels, but she also knows her brother didn’t purposely mean to upset anyone the night of Teaspoon’s accident.

“Alright, I can agree with what you’re saying. Just please promise me you won’t be as harsh towards Jeremiah as Buck can sometimes be,” Louise spoke her eyes pleading with Kid.

“Buck was just hurt by Jeremiah’s reaction.”

Louise throws her hands up in the air. To her there is just no use trying to make him see that Buck is coming between them. “There you go defending Buck again.”

“Louise I’m sorry, but I happen to think Buck is right on this issue. Besides, Buck did apologize to you. I don’t hear Jeremiah doing any apologizing.”

She looks at Kid with a confused but grouchy look on her face. “Buck should apologize for his mean words aimed at Jeremiah. Buck is an adult and he shouldn’t be so harsh on a…..boy.” Louise spoke fully understanding the meaning of the words that just came from her mouth.

Kid is warmly smiling at his embarrassed wife. She has calmed down since their conversation first began. “I still think Buck is a little over-sensitive where Teaspoon is concerned.”

“Louise, you know that Teaspoon and Buck have been through a lot together. Remember back six years ago when we were all going our separate ways after the Pony Express closed. Noah had been killed. Ike was already gone. Both their deaths really hurt Teaspoon more than any of us really knew except for Buck. Buck was going through the same pain, and he knew Teaspoon had lost two boys that he thought of as his son’s.  Then Cody joins the army as a scout. Teaspoon loses another son. Jimmy decides to roam for a while, settling down in whatever town needs a lawman at the time. Teaspoon loses another son. I decide to leave and head back home to fight in the war. Teaspoon loses another son. Jesse had left to go on the run with his brother Frank. Teaspoon loses another son. Buck was the only one of us left.”

“I was staying.”

“That’s different Louise. You’re like a daughter to Teaspoon. I meant all his son’s was leaving him. Teaspoon never wanted his family to break up. I’m sure he thought, before the war started to head west, that we would all live in Rock Creek together as a family forever. He wanted Buck to stay. Teaspoon knew in his heart that if Buck wanted to leave then he would have to let him go. I think it kind of broke Teaspoon’s heart just a little that Buck needed to work things out with his Kiowa family. I also know from the letters Teaspoon was writing to me that he was deeply afraid Buck would get hurt again by the tribe’s treatment of him.”

“Sure enough one year later Buck came back home to his real family,” Louise spoke proudly.

“I remember Teaspoon’s exact words in the letter he had written when he told me that Buck had returned to Rock Creek. Kid, at this moment I am the happiest man alive.”

“I remember the day Buck came back. Teaspoon was so excited bringing Buck to the homestead. It was like Buck had been gone a lifetime instead of just one year,” Louise spoke her eyes misting over from the thought of happy memories.

“I believe some of that excitement from Teaspoon was because his family was returning to him. It started with Buck. I think Teaspoon envisioned all of us returning to settle down with our Pony Express family.”

“I realize Teaspoon and Buck have a special bond. But we all rode for The Pony Express. We are all a part of Teaspoon’s life.”

“Yeah, but you haven’t been Teaspoon’s deputy for the past four years. Teaspoon and Buck have become closer than the rest of us because of their working relationship. Teaspoon worries about Buck, and Buck worries about Teaspoon.” 

“Why does Teaspoon worry about Buck?” 

“Because Buck is alone. Teaspoon is going to worry about Buck, until Buck finds someone special to share his life with.”

“You don’t have to be married to him until he does.”

“Are we back to that again. Louise, you are beginning to sound as insensitive as your brother. I remember not to long ago you playing matchmaker. You wanted to get Buck married off because you didn’t want him being alone.”

“Are you concerned about Buck?” 

“Not really. When the right woman comes along Buck will know. But, what I am concerned about is that you are bringing Buck into our marriage. I don’t really think Buck is our problem. I think you are using Buck as a scapegoat to avoid the real problem in our marriage.”

“What is the real problem in our marriage kid?” Louise asked not really knowing what the problem is.

“I thought perhaps you could clue me in on the problem. Maybe I’m not spending enough time with my beautiful wife.”

Louise slips back under the blankets and covers Kid’s body with her own. She showers him with pleasurable kisses until he reaches around and hugs her tightly to his body. He slides down on the bed and kisses Louise deeply. Her soft moans urge him to continue.

The moonlight is bright this summer night. The sky is clear of any clouds. Brilliant stars can be seen scattered about the sky. Tonight is nothing like a few nights ago when the thunderous storm had caused havoc onto their homes.

Buck stands on the edge of the porch to his home. The holds onto a steaming hot cup of coffee. The steam endlessly soars from the hot liquid and disappears into the heat of the summer air. Even in the summer heat, Buck prefers a hot cup of coffee to any other beverage.
Louise often would say how crazy he is as she’s gulping down a full glass of lemonade. He smiles to himself thinking about Louise.

He gazes over at Kid and Louise’s darken home wondering if he’s the problem brewing in their relationship. Could he possibly be coming between them because of his friendship and business partnership with Kid? It was some years ago when he thought he had come between another couple.

It was 1860. They were as close of a family as any blood relations were. There was seven of them riding for The Pony Express. Teaspoon Hunter was their stationmaster, friend and father. He loved them all as if they were his own flesh and blood. They all loved him back, and respected the man also. 

Buck had meet Ike at an orphanage where they both lived. With neither one of them really fitting in very well, they found the courage to walk away from the orphanage. Neither one ever looked back. It was some months later that they ended up in Sweetwater. That’s where they found The Pony Express and Teaspoon Hunter.

They had a few bad times together as a family, but each of them knew they could lean on the others if need be. Isn’t that what family do? They help each other when times are bad. They laugh together when times are good.

In 1861, Ike meet a beautiful young woman who he lost his heart to. Buck feared that Ike would only get hurt. He had begged Ike to stay away from Emily. He had never had much luck with the women he fell for. Buck sensed that Emily’s father was bad news. It wasn’t to be. Ike helped Emily fix up the farm she lived while her father was in another town. That night after Ike had come home to the bunkhouse, Neville had gone out to the farm and set the barn on fire. Emily wouldn’t admit that it was Neville who had set the fire, the man her father had already gotten into some heated words with over a poker game. Ike invited Emily to The Annual Summer Dance. The happy couple had been enjoying themselves at the dance. They danced almost every song together. They left the dance after awhile to go for a walk. Later Buck had found them coming out of the barn. Ike seemed different. Content. Ike seemed very much in love with the woman in his arms. Ike’s clothes were a bit disheveled. Buck knew instantly that something more than a few kisses had transpired between Ike and Emily Medcaff. 

That’s when all hell broke loose. A gambler Neville had killed Emily’s father. A man who witnessed the episode proclaimed the gunfight self-defense. Emily was beside herself with grief. Buck had figured that out later. She went to the saloon with the intentions of killing Neville. There was only one thought that stood in her way. That one thought would be guilt. Buck also knew a lot about that. 

Ike had found out about Emily’s intentions. He tore out of the bunkhouse with the rest of the express riders close on his heels, but too far back to stop what happened next. In the process of coming to Emily’s rescue, Ike was badly wounded. After the Doc had examined Ike and cleaned and dressed the wound, Buck was allowed inside to visit his friend and brother.

The sight of Ike saddened Buck that day. Ike laid motionless in one of the Doc’s healing rooms. Once Buck looked at the wound, he knew it was a wound that would take his best friend away from him forever. They cried together. Ike also knew he would be leaving his best friend. They were two friends who thought they had all the time in the world, and now that time was being taken from them. They told each other they loved the other. The tears and sadness wouldn’t stop! They gazed into each other’s tear-filled eyes and neither one could utter the words good-bye. This wouldn’t be good-bye forever. Buck got up from the chair he’d been sitting on and walked out. Later that same day after Ike died, Buck killed Neville in cold blood. The man deserved to die. Buck felt no remorse in what he’d done to Neville. But as the years have passed since that dreadful day, Buck has grown up and has realized that it wasn’t his place to take Neville’s life.

He sipped on the hot coffee. He definitely knows a lot about grief and guilt. The two simply don’t mix well together. He felt, for the longest time, his meddling into Ike’s business was the fatal outcome of Ike and Emily’s love story. Kid was the one friend that kept reminding him that Neville was the intruder in Ike and Emily’s romance and not him. 

He would suggest tomorrow that Kid stay home and work on the ranch close to his wife. He could handle the town by himself. Kid needs to spend more time with his beautiful wife. He cares about Louise. He can sense that lately Louise has been acting more moody than her normal self. 

He sits on the porch swing tired of thinking, but sleep isn’t quite ready to overcome him.

The only light in the room comes from an oil lamp located on a nightstand next to Rachel’s side of the bed. Rachel briskly walks across the wood floor in her bare feet. She is dressed in a long ivory colored cotton nightdress. She pulls the blanket back and climbs into bed next to her husband. She takes notice that Teaspoon is quietly awake and staring blindly up at the ceiling. 

“Is it too hot tonight for you to sleep?” Rachel asked puzzled by the fact that Teaspoon has yet to acknowledge her presence in their bed. She gazes up at the ceiling wondering if there is something up there. “Is the ceiling dirty?”

That catches Teaspoon’s attention. He clears his throat, and turns his head to look at her. “I didn’t hear you come in. How long you been sitting there?”

“You really are in a trance tonight.” Rachel makes herself more comfortable in the bed. She turns to her side to face her husband. “Is everything ok?”

“I’m just trying to figure out human nature that’s all.”

“How’s your leg holding up?”

“My leg is fine. It’s the rest of me that’s a bit sore,” Teaspoon spoke in a rather harsh tone to his lovely wife while trying to get more comfortable.

She hadn’t really wanted to ask. Rachel knew she’d get a grumpy answer back. She only asked because she didn’t want Teaspoon thinking she didn’t care about his condition. “So what kind of human nature are we talking about?” She reaches her hand up to his face to place a strand of loose hair back behind his ear.

“Buck, Kid, Louise and the rest of this family.”

“Is there a problem?”

“Just seems like they’re all on edge lately. I’m thinking that it has to do with my being laid up. Buck and Kid don’t get too much time away from the marshal’s office or working on the repairs here at the ranch.”

“So you’re worried about how Louise is holding up with Kid spending so much of his time being a deputy and repairing the ranch,” Rachel stated knowing exactly what her husband is thinking. Louise has had problems in the past dealing with Kid’s lack of interest in her and the girls. The ranch has to be top priority if they are to have any kind of a future that they can depend on for income. Buck and Kid both have always been hard workers. During the Pony Express days, neither one of them ever shunned away from their chores. That was always Cody’s job. Back then Louise was more content to have Kid fusing less then what he wanted. Nowadays Louise wants more of Kid’s attention then he can give. Human nature definitely is difficult to figure out.

“Us husband’s all know that you wife’s require a certain amount of loving and attention,” Teaspoon spoke proudly as if he was just discovering something brand new.

“Us wife’s might require a certain amount of love and attention, but it’s you husband’s that get it all,” Rachel spoke a little proud of herself for putting the men in their rightful place. Her husband knows perfectly well who gets all the attention in this relationship.

“Are you telling me you don’t get enough attention my lovely wife.”

“What I’m trying to tell you is that for example, when a husband comes down sick, his wife makes him homemade soup for his nauseated stomach. She drapes a cool cloth over his forehead to comfort his rising fever. She props his broken limps up with pillows. She makes sure he is covered with blankets to keep him from getting a chill. She feeds him when he is too weak to get a spoon to his mouth. She cleans his gun wounds and changes his bandages to keep away infections. But, let a wife get sick and what does her husband do for her. He goes out and mucks out the stalls in the barn.”

“I guess you’re trying to tell me that I get my fair share of attention around her,” Teaspoon spoke somewhat apprehensive. 

Rachel places a warm kiss on Teaspoon’s cheek. She smiles at him reassuringly. “I’m not angry from all the attention you receive. But let’s just analyze your present situation. You have Buck acting like a mother hen. You’ve got Kid putting socks on your feet. That’s something I won’t even do. Louise and I are spoiling you with cooking anything your stomach fancies. Addison and Daniel keep you company practically all day long. Doc Barnes is out here every chance he gets to make sure you are as comfortable as you can possibly be.”

“He hasn’t brought my crutches out yet,” Teaspoon spoke saddened.

Rachel laughs at her husband. “That’s because I told on you. Doc Barnes wants you to rest for a few more days before you try hobbling about on crutches.” 

Teaspoon seems to accept the news about his crutches rather well. He is unusually quiet.

“What is it that is really troubling your thoughts tonight?”

“Can you feel the tension between Buck, Kid, Louise and Jeremiah? Something doesn’t feel right amongst the four of them. I feel like there’s something going on that no one wants me to be aware of.”

Rachel sighs heavily. She wonders in her mind and heart if perhaps she should confide to Teaspoon what has them all on edge. Teaspoon gazes at her quizzically. He can tell by the sorrowful appearance in her eyes that she is hiding something from him.

“Out with it,” Teaspoon spoke more gruffly to her then he intended to.

Rachel sits up in their bed and faces her husband. “I don’t want you getting yourself worked up over any of this. They are all adults and they can fix their problems without you getting involved.”

“Is there too much for Buck and Kid to handle by themselves? They could rope Jeremiah into helping them. I’m sure the boy won’t mind. He’s usually always under their feet anyway pleading with them to let him help out.”

Rachel clears her throat trying to stall for time. Teaspoon isn’t going to let her off the hook so easily. His eyes are glaring right through her very soul. She can’t lie to this man. “Jeremiah is some of the problem.”

“Whatever it is, I can handle it,” Teaspoon spoke annoyed that his wife would keep a secret from him.

“I don’t want you getting upset. Just stay calm until I’m finished.”

“I think I can hold my temper steady until you finish telling me what you’re going to start telling me right now,” Teaspoon demanded calmly.

“Jeremiah had said some things about your accident and kind of laughed about how bad your disposition would get from being made to stay in bed.”

“Why would I get mad about that? He’s just a boy. Boys have a tendency to be smart with their mouth once in awhile.”

“Buck took it to heart,” Rachel spoke softly.

“Buck took it to heart?” Teaspoon questioned confusingly.

“Buck was real worried that you were hurt a lot worse than you was. Jeremiah was mouthing off a bit about your injury and your temper. Buck didn’t appreciate the funning Jeremiah was having associated with your accident. Kid wasn’t real pleased with the way Jeremiah behaved either. I think more because Buck was upset.”

“I suppose Louise witnessed all of this between Buck, her husband and her brother?”

“She was right there. Actually Louise and I let out a few quiet giggles about your mood as well. Buck and Kid didn’t seem to take offense to us though.”

“You know what I think? I think I better have a talk with Buck,” Teaspoon spoke harshly.

“Teaspoon please don’t blame Buck. He is only concerned about you. The trouble between Buck and Jeremiah isn’t anything that can’t be fixed. You know Buck has always been sensitive and caring towards others. Jeremiah is young. He says things before he thinks about what he’s saying. Sometimes what he says hurts others. I don’t really think Jeremiah means anything by it.”
“I already had a conversation with Buck and Kid about Jeremiah’s immaturity. I thought they both understood what I was preaching concerning Jeremiah’s maturity level compared to theirs at that age.”

Rachel kisses Teaspoon softly on the lips. “Personally, I think we all need a good night’s sleep. Everything will look better in the morning.”

Rachel and Teaspoon both slide down onto the bed. Rachel turns out the oil lamp. Darkness is upon the Kid and Buck Horse Ranch.


The early morning sunrise shines brilliant hues of amber and golden honey, as the late August sun makes its way into the sky above the ranch. The sky is a luminous azure blue. There are a few powdery clouds floating endlessly in the breathtaking sky. With a beginning such as this, how could any day be burdened with tension amongst friends and family?

There isn’t a sound being heard at the ranch, except for the sounds of nature. The birds are chirping a rhythmic melody that only they can understand. Humans can appreciate the enchanting songs sung by the feathered creature, but understanding the carefree life of the bird is something humans have no idea how to achieve. The creek that runs along Buck’s home is flowing smoothly. Occasionally the creek water runs into a shallow area. The water babbles serenely over a mountain of tiny pebbles rushing to escape the small stones, only to return to the smoothness of a deeper portion of the creek. The crisp water, on many occasions, has brought relieve to the families of The Kid and Buck Ranch on a searing summer day. A pleasing summer breeze lifts the scent of wildflowers growing nearby to the open windows of the homes.  In the early morning hours, the vibrant floral scent reaches the senses of sleeping bodies and embraces them into a deeper more restful slumber. It’s an explicit morning for anyone fortunate to be up and around to witness its allurement to the mind, body, heart, and soul.

Buck unlocks the door to the marshal’s office with Kid trailing right behind him. The two men enter the building, closing the door behind tightly them. Perhaps they’re thinking that if they shut the door, they can ignore the outside world, and the town of Rock Creek will ignore them. Kid pulls up a chair to sit at the front of the marshal’s desk. He takes some papers from the desk and starts thumbing through them. He doesn’t appear to be studying them much through his obvious weary eyes. He lets out a wide yawn that seems endless. 

Buck studies Kid carefully as he’s opening an envelope of new wanted posters. “I’ll try and keep my distance. If I’m not around Jeremiah than I can’t lose my patience with him,” Buck spoke quietly. He sorts through the posters and begins to post them on the bulletin board, as he takes down old ones and distributes them into a nearby waste paper can. “Does anyone ever catch any of these criminals?”

We’re not taking on that job as well. Let the bounty hunters hunt them down and shoot them in the back,” Kid replied through a yawn.

Buck glances over his shoulder at his friend. Kid is no longer shuffling through papers. He’s leaning his chair back on its hind legs with his hands folded across his chest. “You tired this morning Kid?”

“Louise kept me up late last night.”

“Yeah. I bet she did,” Buck replied in a teasing tone.

“Not for the reasons you’re thinking,” Kid replied seriously.

“Don’t tell me she kept you up late discussing Jeremiah and me.”

“That’s exactly what she did.” Kid looks up from his brief nap to talk to Buck. “You wouldn’t believe how upset she is about me siding with you about Jeremiah. She even suggested I should be married to you.”

Buck laughs out loud and is mystified about Louise and her thoughts of late. “What did you say to that?”

“I told her that I didn’t think we are real well suited for each other,” Kid replied with an amusing smile playing on his face.

Buck walks back over to the desk and sits down in the chair behind the desk. “Oh, I don’t know Kid. We might make a real charming couple. But, I’ll tell you right now, I’m not wearing the dress in this marriage of ours.”

“We’d make a real charming couple alright,” Kid spoke with sarcasm.

“What? You don’t want to be seen in public with me? Are you ashamed of us already?” Buck spoke in a sad but teasing manner.

“Very funny Buck. Your sense of humor is becoming quite wicked these days.”

“It’s from lack of sleep,” Buck spoke through yawns of his own.

Kid places his hat down over his face and clasps his hands together leaving them lay on his lap. “If I could just get a little shut eye, I know I’d wake up feeling refreshed.”

“I’ll wake you if any catastrophes happen by our way,” Buck spoke softly hearing the light snoring coming from underneath Kid’s hat. Buck half smiles at his friend who has quickly fallen into a deep slumber. 

Outside the marshal’s office the late morning summer breeze is cooling off the scorching heat of the day. The sun is almost directly over the quiet town. Most folks will probably be at near by water holes trying to cope with the heat the best way they can. The only problem is that by mid-afternoon the refreshing water holes feel more like a sweat lodge.

The town is just a little too quiet this morning. Nothing compared to the last two days the new marshal and his deputy have had to endure. The sudden sound of heavy boots walking on the wooden walkways could be a sure sign of trouble headed towards the marshal’s office. The creaky wooden framed doors with glass centered in the middle of Rock Creek’s law office open up allowing a swift burst of wind to whip through the room. Unfortunately the gentle breeze doesn’t disturb the soft snores of the lawmen resting at the desk. The stranger enters the office and quietly shuts the doors. The stranger clears his throat as loud as he possibly can manage, but still no sign of life rises from the marshal or his deputy.

The stranger gazes amusingly at the two snoring lawmen. His hands are resting on his gun belt as he shakes his head in disbelief while watching Kid and Buck snooze. “It’s no wonder this town is in the shape it’s in. If the law sleeps all day, the criminals are sure to have plenty of time to play,” the stranger spoke to himself.

The stranger walks closer to the desk. He tips his hat back a little from his face. “I understand this here town is looking for a real marshal!” He spoke boisterously.


The stranger’s loud tone of voice overcomes the two soundlessly sleeping lawmen. Buck wakes up with a jolt just in time to see a startled Kid flip over backwards on the chair he was comfortably sitting on. The chair makes a loud slam on the floor as it hits. Buck wipes the sleep from his eyes, and walks around the figure standing in his way as he tries to get over to Kid.

“Hi Jimmy,” Buck spoke softly still half dazed from his nap. 

“Buck,” Jimmy spoke still being amused by the twosome before him.

Buck reaches his hand down for Kid to latch onto him. As Kid is about to grab Buck’s hand, Buck takes his hand away and stands straight up upon realizing that he just spoke to Jimmy. Kid ends up flat on his back once again. 

Buck turns around to face Jimmy. His sleep-deprived face disappears and is replaced with a bright smile for his old friend. “Jimmy! What are you doing here?” 

But before Jimmy can answer, the two standing men hear an annoyed voice from the floor. “Does it matter to either one of you that my back may be broke, and all you two can think about is ideal chit chat,” Kid bellowed from the floor.

Buck turns his attention back to Kid. By now Kid is trying to untangle himself from the chair that accompanied him unto the wooden floor. “Sorry about that Kid.” Buck helps Kid up from the floor. A few moans of pain escape Kid’s lips. Buck stands the chair up on all four legs, while Kid brushes the dust from the floor off his trousers.

“The floor looks pretty darn clean Kid. I don’t think your pants are too dusty. Looks to me like one of you have been doing some housecleaning, in between your naps of course.” Jimmy spoke still amused at his best friends and brothers. 

Kid straightens his shirt and hat up. “You didn’t answer Buck’s question. “What are you doing here?” Kid spoke annoyed with Jimmy’s careless mannerisms. 

“Don’t I even get a, how have you been Jimmy? It’s real good to see you Jimmy. What have you been doing with yourself Jimmy? Where you been hiding yourself the last couple of years Jimmy?”

“We can go over all that over supper tonight,” Kid spoke harshly.

Buck senses tension in Kid over Jimmy’s surprise arrival in town. He walks closer to Jimmy and extends his hand to shake Jimmy’s. Instead Jimmy grabs hold of Buck to hug him. Buck hugs him back.

“It’s real good to see you Jimmy,” Buck spoke softly not wanting to further anger Kid. 

“It’s good to see you Buck, and you too Kid.”

“You’re not here looking for trouble, are you Jimmy?” Kid asked matter of factly to the point.

Buck is stunned by Kid’s question. He’s hoping he won’t have to break up a fight between the two men. There had been fights between them before concerning Louise, but Buck can’t believe that Kid still holds a grudge against Jimmy for caring about the woman Kid loves. 

“Why would I be looking for trouble Kid?”

“I think what Kid is really trying to say Jimmy, is that we haven’t seen or heard from you in such a long time that maybe you might be in some kind of trouble.”

“I don’t think that’s it Buck, and I don’t think you really believe that’s it either,” Jimmy spoke softly.

“Look, Buck and I have a lot on us right now Jimmy. We had a brutal storm a few days ago. Teaspoon got himself hurt, and the ranch suffered some damage,” Kid spoke with authority.

“I know. I also know the two of you are trying to handle the law around here, and also repair the damages done to the ranch. All while you’re trying to run the ranch as well,” Jimmy stated.

“How do you know all this?” Buck asked.

“There are two caring women in your lives that worry about the two of you considerably…”

“Louise and Rachel?” Buck questioned in a stunned tone.

“Why does that surprise you? Those two women know when the two of you are way in over your heads even if the two of you don’t know it,” Jimmy stated with a smile.


Simon Davenport is seated a top an enormous black stallion driving a herd of cattle from the grazing pastures into the corrals close to the barn. He shouts and hollers at the animals until every last one of them is snuggled in the corrals. The blinding dust from the stampeding cattle has Simon rubbing his eyes with his gloved hands that are also polluted with dirt. Simon watches as a ranch hand closes the corral gate shut and locks it, keeping the cattle inside from escaping. He leads his horse over to the barn doors and dismounts, giving the reins to another ranch hand. The ranch hand leads the black stallion into the barn, while Simon slaps the dust from his clothing.

Simon heads over to the ranch home that resembles a small mansion from a large eastern city. He lives in the home, but Oliver Anderson and his family own the home and the ranch. Simon is engaged to Oliver’s younger daughter, Charlene, and he is expected to inherit the ranch once Oliver Anderson can no longer manage it. 

Simon is six foot tall and every inch of him reminds you of a rugged cowboy. He has a muscular frame with broad shoulders and rough calloused hands. He is not afraid of hard work. His hair is sandy brown and cropped short. He has a mustache and a smallish amount of growth on his chin that can’t really be considered a full groomed beard. It appears to be a forgotten ten days worth of stubble growth. He wears a typical cowboy hat along with a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. His eyes are a cold blue. His facial expression is harsh and stone like. He rarely offers a smile to anyone including his lovely fiancée.

Simon walks up to the steps leading to the front porch of the spacious home. He notices her sitting on the porch swing, but she doesn’t bother to glance up from her novel letting him know she is aware of his presence. Charlene Anderson is his fiancée. She is sitting comfortably on the porch swing, swinging back and forth lightly while gazing through a novel. 

Even through he believes she is unaware of his presence, she knows perfectly well that he is near. She swings her legs onto the swing to prevent Simon from sitting down on the swing next to her. His company she despises and the attention he makes her suffer through disgusts her.

Simon is determined to make this defiant woman obey is every whim and order. He reaches her by the swing. He gazes down at her shapely legs resting on the side of the swing where he should be sitting. Without a single word to his beautiful bride to be, he lifts her legs up high enough for him to squeeze underneath them, and seats himself on the swing next to her. He gladly rests her legs on his lap and places his arms over them. 

Charlene makes an ugly face at his attempt of affection. She swiftly swings her legs back down until her feet are once again touching the wooden porch flooring. Her eyes refocus on her novel. 

Simon is rather stunned by Charlene’s actions. He watches her intensely as she swipes a flying strand of her golden hair away from her blue-green eyes. “I intend to win this battle sooner or later Charlene. Why don’t you make it easy for the both of us and let me win sooner rather than later.”

Charlene slams her novel shut and proceeds to halt the swing from swinging. Without a hint of warning, she is off the swing and turns to face Simon, who is still sitting on the still swing. “You may win the battle Simon, but I intend on winning the war. Why don’t you make it easy on yourself, and surrender now,” Charlene spoke with venom in her tone of voice. She swiftly turns on her heels and walks away from Simon’s sight before he can retaliate with a response.

Simon’s face breaks its normal stone appearance. A shrewd smile plays along the edges of his lips. She is starting to play the little games that he has been playing with her all along. She needs to be put in her place. She meant for her words to be threatening to him. Perhaps he should take the little vixen’s words seriously. He wonders to himself if Oliver would allow his daughter to treat her future husband in the manner that she is becoming too accustomed to. A private conversation with her stringent father might just bring Charlene back to her obedient senses.

Charlene strolls into the study where she thought her father would be going over the financial books. Instead she finds her older sister, Hannah sitting at her father’s marble top desk going through the ledgers of the Anderson Ranch. 

Charlene walks into the study and shuts the door quietly behind her. “Did you acquire a new duty?”

Hannah tucks her long black hair behind her ears as she gazes up from her paperwork to look at Charlene from deep blue eyes. She takes her reading spectacles off her face and lays them gently down on the ledgers she had been thumbing through. 

The two sisters look nothing alike. Hannah acquires her dark hair beauty from her mother. Charlene is an exact duplicate of her father. Both women though are blessed with sumptuous figures and intent on showing themselves off wearing the finest, and most expensive dresses money can buy.

The two sisters are both intelligent and witty. Intelligent enough to stand up and hold a conversation with the most intelligent of men. Witty enough to know the games some men play, and to play right along, not allowing the man to know she’s out smarted him. Always let the man think he’s victorious. That’s the secret to keeping men content. While their guards are down because they are content, lash out at them like a panther stalking its prey. 

One such man is actually Charlene and Hannah’s father. The only real difference between their father and other men is that Oliver Anderson taught his daughter’s how to outwit a man! It is extremely difficult to manipulate Oliver Anderson, he’s played the game for too long, and his daughter’s know it. In his case the girls are content to let their father spoil them with everything their hearts desire.

The evening hours are normally spent with their father. Neither sister seems to have much time for men with the exception of their father. He has taught both his daughters how to survive the ever-challenging game of life. 

Hannah is wearing an everyday dress of marina blue with tiny white flowers throughout the fabric. The cuffs of the sleeves are made of embroidered white lace. The neckline is rounded and enhanced with the same embroidered white lace as the sleeves. The neckline is low and shows off her well-endowed bosom.

Charlene is wearing a crisp cotton dress in emerald green with an attached cream apron over the dress. The dress is made with a square neckline that is cut low to reveal her well-rounded cleavage. Her long blonde locks descend over the front of her dress and her breathless chest. She continues to breath heavily while talking to Hannah.

“Where’s the fire sister?” Hannah asked slightly amused by Charlene’s obvious intent of rushing into the house probably to escape Simon’s clutches.

“Simon tracked me down again. I swear his nose is built like a bloodhound. He’d be able to find me if I were hundreds of miles away from him,” Charlene complained loudly.

“He’s been father’s right hand man for six years now. He’s becoming a master just like our father.”

“Why did father have to insist on my becoming Simon’s bride? Why couldn’t father have chosen you for this terrible duty?” Charlene asked in a whiney voice. 

“This isn’t like you to act so defeated Charlene. Father taught you better than that. All you have to do is outwit Simon, and you’ll be free of him.”

“So you think father is testing me?”

“No. I think father wants his daughters to settle down, get married, and give him a few grandchildren before he dies. Unfortunately for you, Simon is always seeking father’s approval. Which lead Simon to ask father for your hand in marriage. It’s a game to Simon. He knows father wants his daughters to marry strong men, who are intelligent, hard-working, and won’t take any back talk from his daughters.”

“I am certainly not having any babies with Simon Davenport!” Charlene spoke with a sharp-tongue, her hands glued to her hips and her attitude becoming more unpleasant as each minute of the day passes by.

Hannah is slightly amused with her sister’s displeasing predicament with Simon Davenport. The family, except for their father, deeply sees how tormented Charlene is becoming due to her upcoming nuptials with Simon. Their brother, Phillip Anderson, had even suggested that he could take Charlene far away from Rock Creek. Someplace where Simon Davenport would never find her. Charlene had agreed to the elaborate plan at first, but then the mere thought of having to stay away from her family for the rest of her life frightened her back to reality. There is absolutely no feasible way out of her marriage to a man that she can’t even stand his touch. No, there definitely won’t be any babies, unless Simon rapes her. That thought also has crossed her mind. He certainly has shown extreme patience in their unaffectionate relationship so far, but how long can a man lay in the same bed with a woman unable to have her. No, her only real hope is to convince her father that she deserves a better man for a husband than Simon Davenport.

Hannah can see her sister’s mind working feverishly to find a solution to her problem. Hannah wonders, to herself, if Charlene has yet to contemplate murdering the poor man. Truth be known anything short of murdering Simon will not make her problem disappear. Hannah knows that her father thinks highly of Simon. He has already voiced his opinion countless times that Simon will be a good provider for Charlene, and not to mention an outstanding father to any children their union may present to the Anderson-Davenport family.

“Father can’t see through Simon the way you and I can. We both know his past is a tale untold, or at least a truthful version of it,” Hannah proclaimed softly not wanting anyone outside the study to hear her accusations of Simon.

“I believe Simon has his own agenda for wanting to marry me. He knows what he wants and nothing stands in his way of getting what he wants,” Charlene spoke harshly about Simon.

Hannah reopens the ledgers before her on the desk. She places her spectacles back upon her face. “You need to find the hidden meaning for Simon wanting to marry you. I need to seriously attack these ledgers before father arrives back home, and I haven’t finished sorting them out,” Hannah spoke bluntly.

“Is that your way of shoving me out the door?” Charlene questioned meekly.

“Talk to Phillip. Perhaps he can come up with another plan besides hiding you away for life.”

Continue to Conclusion
