Deadly Secrets
by Miss Raye


Chapter Fifteen

Louise left the room to check on the Taylors, needing to talk with Mrs. Taylor before they left. Jimmy stood at the window starin' out into the street.. waitin' for any sign of Nathan.

He heard the door creak open slowly. The person behind him was tryin' to shroud his steps in silence. The other riders had learned long ago that tryin' to sneak up on him was the fastest way to get shot. Whoever it was... couldn't have know that. He heard the door click closed behind him and whirled around guns drawn.

"Hold off boy.." Travers took a step back.

"Sir.. that could have been the worst mistake of your life, and the last."

"I didn't want to disturb Louise," he looked around the room a bit nervous.

"She went to see the older lady.. Mrs. Taylor."

He nodded, "Good, good...she's known Wes since he was a baby. I know how much this hurts her as well..."

"Wes?" Travers rolled his eyes as the young man echoed Louise's question. More and more he wondered if Wes had ever used his given name. "Is that what his name is?"

Mr. Travers nodded his head.

"I guess I should be glad he never used his name. If he'd told me... I would've recognized the name it an instant-"

"So you did recognize me?"

"Not until Lou mentioned your name...then the face and name finally made sense for me." 

He watched the young man with great care, "How is it that a young man like you... this far west... knows about southern man like me?"

"Why should you be surprised? You are very visible in your position."


He'd had enough. Jimmy could tell he was fishin' for information and today was a day he didn't want to waste time with anything. "I don't need to play this game... I've seen your picture before - years ago. My father fought against men like you for as long as I can remember."

"Your name?"

"James Hickok."

Travers chuckled and looked away from the young man, "I haven't heard that name in years. I knew your father."

"That much is obvious-"

"What he must have told you.... You have to know it isn't all true."

"How could you know what he told me? I don't see why he'd lie about any of it."

"No? Well, I guess you wouldn't believe anything I would tell you about him. 'sides, now is not the time to get into such a story. Later, when we've found Wes and brought him back safely, you and I will sit down and air out our problems." 

Jimmy stared long and hard at Wes Travers. Maybe there was something to his story... there were things about his father that never made sense. Looking at him now, Jimmy saw the amazing resemblance to Kid. He was glad he'd never heard Kid's real name before this. Teaspoon had always told him the world wasn't always what it seemed, but this was the first time he'd been ready to question it.

The last few days had called a lot into question. He wasn't sure were the answers would lead him, but he knew he'd have good company on the journey. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The sound her knock made seemed cavernous in the quiet hallway. The instant after it sounded Lou wished she could take it back. The darling couple could really use their rest. They'd been through so mu- "Louise!" Mrs. Taylor took her arm and drew her into the room.

"Mrs. Taylor..." 

The taller woman drew her into her arms. She placed her lips against Louise's forehead. "I've been so worried about you my dear. What did Wes have to say?"

Louise stared in awe, she didn't quite know what to say. 

Her mouth slightly open she tried to make sense of her thoughts.

"Oh dear, I've confused you... Henry always says I fuss too much." She stepped back from Louise and held her by her arms. "I know you've got a lot on your mind, but I hope you know I'd help in anyway I could."

Nodding agreement, Louise felt the full measure of the day fall on her shoulders. "We're goin' to get him... today."

Tears leapt to her eyes, "Dear girl... I can't wait. There's so much to do... so much to get ready! I'll have a huge feast waiting for you all - with all the -"

Louise sat down in a chair and begged, "Please... wait. Don't... don't get ahead of this."

Maude sat next to her in a matching chair, "My dear, what do you mean! Wes is comin' home!"

Folding her hands in her lap, Louise seemed much younger, her small form shaking in the dim light of the room. "We don't know exactly where he is.. or how he is. It's been days - there's no telling what condition he's in. I just hope we get there in time." 

Maude reached out and enveloped her hands in her own. Her cool soft skin feelin' so soothin' on her own, Louise stared down at their fingers pressed together in silent prayer. Wide brown eyes stared up into liquid grey and Maude began to pray. "Dear God.. hear our prayers..." As the two women 
sit together in the shuttered semi darkness of the room, Louise feels herself about to break down. Instead, she added her own voice, "Help me... bring my husband home..."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

As he walked down to the livery to ready the horses.. one for him, another for Louise.. a third for Travers. Jimmy shook his head, frustrated with the warring emotions in his heart. It would all be easier to understand, if only he could be sure Travers wouldn't turn on them when they weren't lookin'. A freight train could've snuck up on him in this state.. and he'd never know it. It wasn't a freight train...but it was something just as loud.

Johnny Vex from the Ashport Express Waystation bounded up beside him. "Hickok! I just got in from a ride, what are you up to?" Jimmy ignored him and continued on, "Hey there... you look ugly as sin... what rock hit you this time?"

"Ain't no time to play around, I've got to go."

Johnny cast him a strange look and followed, "Ain't no call to treat me like a poor relation... what's up Jimmy?"

"We're goin' after Kid."

"Lou finally caught up with you? Well, who's goin' with you?"

"Lou, Kid's dad, me.. that's about it."

"Oh." Johnny almost sounded disappointed.

"Any chance you'll be comin' along? You still owe me one."

Johnny grimaced and scratched behind his ear... "That's right.. I owe you one-" He smacked Jimmy on his back, "You're right, I'm in."

Jimmy headed to the stables, Johnny right on his heels. "Hell Hickok, I'd have done it anyway... anything for Louise."

Jimmy shook his head... it seemed there wasn't a man alive who didn't care for her.

Chapter Sixteen

Louise paused as she closed the hotel door behind her. Maude's prayers had gotten to her more than she cared to admit. She turned her face into her shoulder away from any light, hopin' she'd put her feelin's away before she had to face the task ahead.

"Let me past... I gotta message for Hickok!"

Louise turned as she recognized the voice of the man strugglin' with Kid's dad. "Nathan?"

"Louise? That you?"

Louise fairly ran down the hall. Nathan shrugged off the hand holdin' his arm and moved forward.  "Oh my God Nathan, what happened to you?"

As she reached his side he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her with him. 

"What is he doin' here?"


Nathan nodded furiously.

"Doesn't matter, what news do you have?"

He threw the man a look, "I think I know where he is... but if Quince comes to he'll get back to Rosemary and warn her. We have to go now... we can't wait."

"Jimmy left to saddle horses up for us. Let's go-" she turned back, "Mr. Travers?"

Nathan halted mid-stride, "He doesn't have a place here."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."


"Nathan if you can't put your feelin's aside for the rest of the day... I don't want you comin' with us."

"But -"

Louise squared off against him in the hall, Travers still out of earshot. "I don't like it much either... I haven't known him long... but this is about Kid."

She took a deep breath... "I need you Nathan.. so does Kid... can you do this for me?"

Travers was walking slowly down the hall eyeing them both, worry in his gaze.

"Can you Nathan?" Her voice was failin' her.

He turned back to her and swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. "Let's do it... I don't believe in what Travers stands for, but this isn't the time to worry about it."

She reached out and took his hand, "Thank you," she whispered.

He set his other hand on hers, "We'll get him back, we'll stop her Louise."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Johnny saddled up another horse when they saw the three enter the stables. Louise moved to Jimmy's side as Nathan filled them all in on the cabin in the woods. Jimmy shook his head as he listened. He understood why Nathan had left Quince alive, he doubted he'd have been able to kill the man either, but he still wanted Quince out of the picture. He doubted that Quince would be able to untie himself or cut off the ropes... but he'd keep it as a possibility.

Wes Travers felt like screaming. He'd never felt so helpless. Normally, he'd have a small group of guards with him at all times, but he'd left them in Viriginia to avoid causing a scene. Now, he wished he'd thought twice. He took the reins he was offered and swung into the saddle. Looking around the small group he had the distinct feelin' that the others coming with Louise would rather he took a short walk out of their lives, but their feelings didn't matter... only saving Wesley's life. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Kid was nearly unconcious... he'd been tied up so long, forced to sit down day and night, he couldn't feel his legs. He spent the morning watching dust settle on the floor. 

Hearing noises outside he tried to lift his head, the muscles in his neck were almost frozen in place. The door opened and Kid's heart lept. The sun's rays in the late afternoon came straight through the door. The woman in the doorway was the answer to his delirious prayers, "Lou!"

*Bang* the door slammed shut and Rosemary's booted foot came down on his leg, "Damn that woman!" Four tiny clicks and the hammer was locked back on her Colt. "I'd love to finish you now. As it is, I'm just waiting for Quince to come back... you see your father is due in anytime now. I just get to babysit you while Quince goes to deliver the message."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Five riders surged out of the town boundaries neck and neck with each other. Lou rode in the middle of the group oblivious to the strained looks thrown behind her back. Jimmy and Nathan exchanged worried glances over her head. Jimmy's continued past his brother-in-law and over to Travers. 
His expression mirrored Lou's, strained and straight ahead. One thought nagged in his mind, Wes. The last time he'd seen his second son, he had a death grip on his mother's skirt. Tears in his little blue eyes slid across rounded cheeks and into the dark blue cotton of her voluminous skirt. "Daddy stay!"

He had turned away from his son once. It wouldn't happen again.

Nathan shouted out directions as they raced along. He had been there earlier in the morning, and was trying to remember anything that could be of help. They'd be there in a little under an hour, but darkness was already sweeping overhead. Lou kicked Lightning into a faster gallop and Jimmy pushed Sundance to keep up. He'd never seen her so driven.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

A brash knock at the door shot Rosemary out of her stupor. She glanced wildly about the cabin. Kid's body stayed motionless against the bed and Rosemary grabbed the lantern next to her and held it up to the window.


She slammed the lantern down on the table and struggled to slide the bolt free from the door.  "Rosemary!!!! Dammit woman! Open the damn door!"

The bolt slid free, slicing through flesh of her palm. She grasped her hand to her chest, anger flashing through her mind. 

Quince yanked the door open, "We're gettin' out now!"

"What! Where is Travers!?"

Quince looked back out the door, waiting for riders to crest the hill,"I never got to town, Nathan saw us! I tried to run him down before he got word to Hickok. He got the jump on me instead. I spent most of the day breathin' dirt a few miles from here."

"I'm not going anywhere until I have Travers at the end of a rope!"

Quince held his hands up in front of her face, the frayed ends of rope dangled from each wrist. "Give it up Rosemary... before we both end up swinging from ropes ourselves!"

She looked back at Kid who was starting to come around, "As long as I have him... nothin' will happen to me."

Quince drew his gun and reloaded it with bullets from a box on the table, "Wait around if you like, I ain't that stupid." He moved to the door, "I'm takin' a horse and I'm heading for one of the states. You can still come, there's time."

Rosemary stared straight at him, "I'm waitin' for Jimmy."

He scoffed, "Jimmy? You think he's gonna stick around after you locked up his friend? Fine, dig your own grave...I'm outa here."

The slamming door launched her into action. She counted the bullets out time and time again... methodical and somewhat detached.

Kid watched her out of the corner of his eye as he went in and out of consciousness. If Quince was right, Jimmy was on his way... this would soon be over. 

Rosemary laughed.. not her usual vacant wheezing, a piercing laughter that made him cringe. Silently he prayed, 'Hurry Jimmy hurry....'

Chapter Seventeen

They tethered their mounts at the edge of the trees on the far side from the cabin, and began the long walk to the cabin. They stayed behind the trees at all times, never knowing how many men were waiting for them. About forty feet into the trees Travers stopped dead in his tracks. "We're not alone."

"What?" Jimmy hissed.

"There's someone watchin' us. I should go and find out who it is..."

"Dammit Jimmy," Nathan pulled out his revolver, "I told you we never should've brought him. He's probably off to warn them-"

Traver's face turned beet red from indignant anger in the dying light of day. "How could I do such a thing? He's my son!"

"Like that ever meant anything before-"

"Jimmy!" Lou turned on them all, "Why don't you listen to him?"

Travers set a hand on her shoulder, feeling the rockhard tension under his fingers, "It's alright Louise, it doesn't matter."

Louise shrugged off his hand and walked away toward the cabin, "Hell, if we take any longer...it won't matter anyway - Kid'll be dead and then you can all fight over who's fault it is." Johnny took off after Louise while the other three stared at each other.

Jimmy was the first to break the silence as the sunset turned the sky blood red on the horizon. "Fine, do what you want. Let's go Nathan."

The two followed Lou again, leaving Travers. Neither saw him, but both knew he had turned back. Where he'd gone...neither really cared.

They reached the edge of the clearing as the night turned cold. Jimmy saw a light in the window and held Lou behind him. She swatted at his hand and peered around him. "Do you think he's in there?"

Jimmy reached back and grabbed her hand, "That's what Nathan said. Don't worry Lo-"

"Jimmy, stop sayin' that! God! If I hear that one more time-" she hung her head and stared at the cabin, "I just want to see him with my own eyes."

"I promise you Lou, you'll be holdin' him tonight... I promise." 

He squeezed her hand tightly and felt her harsh breath on his arm, "I believe you Jimmy." It was all he needed to hear.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

A momentary quiet reigned inside and outside the cabin. Rosemary stopped playin' with the bullets on the table and paced to the windows, "Where are all those damn crickets?" She looked out into the darkness, "In all the time I've lived in this God-forsaken territory, every night thousands of crickets squeek out their happy little tunes."

Kid perked up at her ramblings. The crickets stopped? They had company.

A single figure moved out from behind a tree, "Jimmy," she breathed. She could see him in the dim light of the moon, his figure lit from behind.

Her hand slid over her hair, smoothing it in place. "You came."

Kid heard her words and watched with disgust as she preened herself like a cat.

Rosemary leaned forward and pressed her forehead to the glass. A second shadow moved through the trees and Rosemary's eyes narrowed as she tried to identify the other.

For someone so unaccustomed to a pistol she moved like a professional.  "That bitch!" Kid's heart sank, he knew who Rosemary had seen.

Turning the gun around she smashed out a corner of the window. She settled the pistol on the bottom of the window frame and took careful aim. 

He swallowed convulsively, tryin' to resurrect his voice. He caught the glint of fire in her eyes as she lined up her target, "NO!"

In the darkness, Jimmy heard Kid's warning and the glow from the lantern inside the cabin shone off the barrel of a gun.  He raised his colt to fire, but a split second before he pulled the trigger, he recognized the eyes behind death.  A part of his dreams died as a flash of powder spat out the smooth ball of lead that would stop her.

The impact of the shot threw Rosemary back, knocking over the little table behind her. A crash of glass sounded as flames caught on the dry wood floor. Oil coursed under it, feeding the flames' insatiable appetite. Rosemary lay in the center of it all - half dazed by the shock of the pain in her shoulder.

She felt the heat of the flames before she could see them. There was a scent in the air, sweet and warm. "Get up!" Kid yelled at her.

Rosemary turned to argue and saw the river of flames sweeping towards her.

Voices came in from the night, "Nathan?"

"Hickok? You see anyone?"

"No one... looks like they're alone in there."

"Johnny! Cover the back. Nathan, you've got our backs - Lou come on."

As her long hair fell free from its tie, Rosemary stared transfixed at the flames sliding over her arm, catching on the oil that had splashed on her dress.

Jimmy and Lou ran straight toward the cabin. When Lou made no move for her gun Jimmy called back, "Lou... skin that Colt... this ain't no time to lose focus."

She yanked it free and held it, ready for anything. Jimmy tried the door and found it barred from the inside, "Move!" He stepped aside as Louise's bullet smashed the lock.

The door swung open and Lou could smell the fire and something else- "Oh God!" The shrill cry could only come from one person.

"Lou?" She sighed as she heard his voice, the smoke clouded their vision. The stench of burning hair and flesh drove her further into the cabin. Sliding her gun home she stripped off her coat and advanced on the screaming woman.

Rosemary waved her arms, "Stay away!"

Louise rushed forward and covered Rosemary with her jacket. Reaching up on her toes to get the thing high enough to do anything. The flames had sparked on Rosemary's hair and soon she'd be engulfed by the flames.

"Don't touch me you little snipe!"

Louise ignored her and continued to snuff out the flames until Rosemary reached out and backhanded her. Louise fell against the wall, losing her footing on a rug.

"James!" He looked around the cabin, and the smoke cleared enough for him to see her. He met her eyes; they were frantic and glowing from the flames surrounding them. The joy in her gaze repulsed him.

He turned to the bed and cut Kid loose. Jimmy knelt down and slipped Kid's arm over his shoulders and his arm around Kid's waist.

Fire surged up the doorframe and Jimmy turned to Lou, "We gotta get out of here!"

She nodded and moved to follow them.

"James?" He paused just inside the door, "You're leaving without me?"

Kid felt his friend wind up like a spring, "You've got two legs.. use 'em." He pulled Kid through the door after Lou's retreating figure. Moments later, the cabin collapsed in a column of flame.

Three figures rushed into the clearing, one with a dearly vested interest beat the others to meet them. A new shoulder supported him and another strong hand grasped him around his middle. 

Jimmy moved away as Kid's head turned to the side, "Who?"

Eyes found recognition as the older Travers gave into his emotions, "I've got you son."

Lou stayed behind a moment with Jimmy. She touched his arm, "You think she got out?"

"I dunno Lou, and I don't ca-"

"Don't lie to me Jimmy, I know."

Jimmy stared back at the fire and found that he'd shut Rosemary out of his heart. He felt a tug on his jacket. "I'm comin' Lou."

They retreated into the night --- Five horses heading towards town. Lou rode side by side with her husband, while his father held him up in the saddle. 

She stared at Kid who valiently tried to sit up away from his father. Her heart nearly bursting with relief. She felt like crowin' and leaned over Lightning's neck to pat her shoulder. With a laugh she hoped that Mrs. Taylor would still be up. A feast sounded good about now and she was determined to make up for everything Kid had been through.

Kid looked over at his wife and smiled. They had so much to talk about... but tonight, all he wanted to do was hold her and share all of the things that had happened in the last few days. Later, he'd talk to his father. He was sure... once they started talking, he'd learn all about the secrets that had almost cost him his life.

Jimmy was the last rider in the group. He kept a close eye on the surrounding hills, lookin' for any of Rosemary's men. The name still left him shaken and angry. He hoped he'd be able to put her memory out of his mind soon. Again... he locked his thoughts away, tonight was a night to celebrate and she had no place there. She had no place in his life... ever again.


Lou paced the length of the crowded hall. Travers, Nathan and the other riders lined the walls. She was at once comforted at their presence and suffocated by it. She'd been tryin' to find Kid for the better part of a week and now she had to wait even longer to hold him. It seemed like delay after delay pushed her further away from him.

A hand reached out and pulled her into strong comforting arms. Her cry was muffled in his shoulder, "Jimmy?"

A deep chuckle startled her,"Not quite my dear."

"Mr. Travers?"

"I wonder how long it will be before you feel comfortable calling me something else?"

She smiled and wiped at her tears, "I'm sorry... I"

He hugged her close again,"Don't let it trouble you Louise... it doesn't mean anything."

"Lou?" Jimmy touched her shoulder and she jumped. She hadn't heard him walk up behind her. She looked up into his worried face, "The doctor wants to see you."

Louise looked back at Travers, "You wanna come?"

He took a deep in drawn breath, "I'll wait... you're his wife."

Louise squeezed his hand,"I'm sure he'll want to see you."

Jimmy walked her down the hall to her room, his hand lightly touching her back. He stopped at the door and watched her walk into the quiet semi-darkness of the room.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The instant the door closed, Travers faced the other men. Johnny Vex leaned up against the wall calmly staring at the floor between his shoes, but Nathan and Jimmy had a bone to pick.


Travers sighed. The tone of that single word was laced with days of frustration. "Well what?"

Nathan was tiring of the facade of polite conversation, "Where the hell did you run off to?"

"I can see you both think that this concerns you," Nathan's mouth shot open to retort, "and you're right." The statement shocked both men into silence. "The man shadowing us was not there to interfere, but he will become quite well known in this territory before long. His name is Quantrill-"

Nathan scoffed, "I know him- what was he doin' watchin' us?"

"He was worried about Mrs. Burke's plans. Had they succeeded, there would have a lot more trouble for those Southerners living here in the territory. She had a fanaticism that scared a great many people who would otherwise have supported her."

"Is that all he wanted?"

"No Mr. Hickok, Quantrill came to warn me. If Rosemary had succeeded in her plans to capture me...he would have taken matters into his own hands and killed her."

Nathan grimaced, "I can almost stomach the man for that reason alone."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

The doctor whispered into her ear, "Miss? Other than the sore mus-" Louise paid close attention to what the doctor had to say, but her eyes were glued on Kid. He lay quietly in bed, his eyes closed. "-just a few days of rest ought to do it. Mostly? He just needs a little lovin' and care."

Louise touched his hand in thanks and moved to the side of the bed. Reaching out a quaking hand she felt his hair curl over her fingers. The tips brushed against her skin like the breath of an angel. Tears kissed her cheeks as she settled down next to the bed, kneeling next to him. Her eyes devoured every inch of his face and her heart worried over the dark circles under his eyes and hollow cheeks. "Oh Kid-" she breathed into the still morning air.

Eyes, warm with love, opened and stared back, "Hey there Lou."

"We were so worried-"

"It's okay Lou, I'm with you now... that's all that matters."

Louise nodded, overcome with emotion. She looked up as his hand brushed her cheek.

"Lou? I thought...I mean, this is gonna sound crazy but,.... well I think - I must be goin' crazy...I think-"

"Your father?"

Kid looked up at her, a mixture of relief and disbelief on his face, "You don't think I'm crazy?"

"No...he's really here Kid." She waited a moment, letting it all sink in, "He wants to see you-" Her voice trailed off as she watched his expression.


"Yeah Kid?"

"I think I want to talk to him," he still sounded unsure, "Could you ask him to come in?"

Louise nodded and stood to go to the door. Kid grasped her hand and she stopped. Slowly, he drew her down to him, their lips brushing together. Two sighs intertwined as loving eyes met their match, "I love you Kid."

"I love you back."

Smiling, she moved to the door. Her eyes met all expectant looks on her family's faces; her relaxed smile gave them cause to celebrate. She motioned to Travers to come closer, "He wants to see you-"

"Really? Gracious God..." Uncertainty clouded his steel blue eyes, "Now? Really?"

Louise bobbed her head up and down, "Now..." As he started to move past her, Louise touched his arm.

Travers felt the gentle pressure and turned back to the young woman beside him, "Yes Louise?"

She looked up at him confused, "Jimmy?"

Compassion settled on his features, "Ah... Mr. Hickok said he needed some time to think. He mentioned something about needing some firewood.. or some other such nonsense." He would've chuckled if it was any other day. He knew she was worried from her indrawn breath, "I think he stayed long enough to make sure you were alright."

Louise nodded, "Well- let's not keep Kid waitin'." As she stepped aside to let him pass, Louise saw the others in the hall wave as they turned to leave. 

Travers turned to the side and moved past Louise in the doorway. Half-way across the room his step faltered. He felt expectant eyes trained on him.


Travers felt his heart thud against his ribs... it had been so long since he'd heard that voice. "Yes... son?"

A soft laugh wafted through the soft light. Louise took a seat on the edge of the bed next to her husband and watched her father-in-law, the great orator, stumble through long overdue introductions.

The two men stared at each other and Louise cleared her throat, "Would you boys like me to leave for awhile?"

"No!" They both answered at once. Having broken the ice, the three settled into quiet conversation. Both Louise and Travers watched Kid with anxious hearts, looking for any signs that he was tiring. Nearly a half hour later Kid was stifling yawns every couple of minutes and Travers stood to take 
his leave. "Well... if you'll both excuse me.. I am in dire need of rest."

Before he could even take a step he felt a hand in his, "You comin' back tomorrow?"

Even a hardened old man would've teared at the look on Kid's face. "If you want-" He took a shallow breath. "I never thought you'd want to see me again."

Kid looked to Lou, smilin' as she touched his cheek. "Lou told me what you said...about why you left." He cleared his throat, wincing at the raw feel at the back of his throat, " 'seems like I never knew the whole story. I think I'm ready to hear more."

Travers nodded, "I just want a chance to make it up to you."

Kid nodded and settled back against the pillows.. his hand settling back to his side.

Louise followed Travers to the door. They paused there for a moment and Louise looked up into his eyes. "We should tell the Taylors-"

"I'll stop by their room and tell them."

She smiled and he knew how lucky his son had been to find her. "Thank you. I'm glad you're comin' back... I think it's just what he needs."

Travers took her hands in his, "My dear girl, I think you are just what he needs."

She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. She kissed his cheek, inhaling his heady cologne. He laughed and she felt it echo through them both, "Thanks - Dad." He stiffened for a moment before relaxing into her embrace.

When he left a few moments later he had a hearty smile on his face. His journey was becoming better than his wildest dreams. He'd found his son and become part of a family.


Comments?  Email Raye

