Dreams Really Do
Come True
by Wild Wind

Written for TYR 2002 Tucson Fan Reunion

Samantha Elizabeth Waters sat quietly holding her sleeping infant in her arms. The boy had finally drifted off to sleep. Samantha looked down at the face of her little angel and couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks. The child was an exact copy of his father. He had silky dark hair, a smooth olive complexion, and dark eyes.

Samantha leaned her head back and closed her eyes. It was then that the memories washed over her the most. Memories of her beloved Bobby. When she closed her eyes she found herself with him once more. She could feel his soft touches and gentle caresses; see his vibrant smile. She could even look into his beautiful eyes. Eyes that held such mystery the likes of which she had never seen. When she would ask him about his past Bobby would just smile kiss her deeply and whisper. "Never mind that. All that matters is right here and right now."

A soft whimper from her sleeping son brought Samantha out of her day dream. Looking down and smiling slightly at her son she couldn't help but whisper, "We love you Bobby." After positioning the baby more comfortably Samantha closed her eyes once more.

Her mind's peaceful visions of the man she loved so dearly were interrupted as shots rang out through the air. Before Samantha even had time to realize what she was doing she placed her child in a basket and slid him under the stagecoach seat and whispered softly. "Please Daniel don't cry." Then her world went black.

= = = = = = = = = =

Buck Cross quickly drew his gun and slowed Warrior to a walk. The sight that was mere feet from him was enough to set any man on edge. The stagecoach was tipped over and the horses were gone. Something terrible had happened here. As he drew closer to the coach Buck silently prayed that no one would be inside.

His prayers were unanswered as he dismounted Warrior and looked inside the overturned coach. There before him was a young woman with short blonde hair. She appeared to be tall and as Buck looked at her face he thought she was beautiful. Buck's eyes traveled slowly down her features and stopped suddenly when he noticed a quickly growing blood stain near her stomach. At that moment all thoughts of her beauty were replaced with thoughts of saving her life.

A short time later Buck had managed to get the stage door open and was just about to lift the mysterious woman into his arms when she whispered, "My baby, please help my baby."

Buck wasn't sure if he had heard her right or not. "What?" he asked himself more then the woman before him.

"Please find my son," Samantha pleaded before falling into the welcome darkness once more.

Buck couldn't believe the words he had just heard. A baby in the middle of this mess. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled his attention away from the injured woman and began to search the inside of the coach.

Looking under the seat that would have normally been across from the beautiful stranger had the stagecoach been upright Buck found no evidence of a baby. Stopping briefly and taking a step back, he sent a silent prayer up to the heavens asking his gods to let him find the child safe and sound.

Buck carefully leaned back into the opened door and he couldn't help but notice the woman had turned a deathly shade of white. He slowly reached over her thin frame and found nothing but empty space beside her. Drawing a deep breath to help slow his racing heart Buck tried again. This time he cautiously reached under the other seat and gently pushed Samantha's skirt aside. Then he spotted a small basket tipped on its side. His heart sank at the mere thought of what he might find inside.

Drawing another slow deep breath this time to ease the mix of sickness and fear that had welled up in his middle, Buck lightly placed his left arm around the basket and braced the front with a firm but gentle hand. In hopes of protecting the precious package he prayed would be found unharmed inside. Slowly Buck brought the basket out into the open and was pleased to see the infant inside. The child appeared to be in good health. It was dressed in blue so Buck figured the tiny one to be a boy. He had a small mass of silky black hair on his head, olive skin and deep brown eyes. Buck thought the boy must resemble his father and he couldn't help but smile at the innocence he saw in the face of this beautiful child.

After watching the baby for another brief moment Buck turned his attentions back to Samantha. Slowly he lifted her into his arms and freed her from the overturned coach. Her eyes fluttered slightly.

"Bobby it hurts," she cried softly then fell silent once more.

Buck acted quickly. He gently laid the woman across Warrior's saddle.

He picked up the basket which now held a sleeping child, grabbed the horse's reins and walked toward a nearby wooded area.

= = = = = = = = = =

As darkness fell Buck had managed to slow the bleeding from Samantha's wound. He had also managed to get both mother and child to keep down a bit of broth made with jerky and hot water. Now the baby who Buck had discovered was a boy was once again sleeping peacefully. Samantha however was not doing well even with the bleeding somewhat controlled. She was hot to the touch and she kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Her eyes would open slightly and she would cry out for Bobby telling him that she was cold. Buck did his best to comfort her. He whispered that he had found her son and reassured that everything would be ok. All the while he couldn't help but wonder who Bobby was.

Several hours must have passed because the next thing Buck heard was the sound of a baby crying. He quickly opened his eyes and realized that the previous day's events had been anything but a dream. He had indeed found an injured woman and her young son.

After checking on the woman and tending to her son Buck sat heavily on the ground and leaned back against a tree, a cup of coffee in hand. "Now what?" he asked himself as he glanced over at the restless woman and thankfully content child beside him. He didn't dare try to make the half day's trip back to Sweetwater. Slowly Buck ran his hand through his hair, still wondering exactly what to do. He knew the most important thing was saving the life of this still unidentified woman and her son.

After finishing his coffee Buck once again placed the woman on Warrior's back, took the baby's basket in his right hand, grabbed the reins firmly with his left and began the long walk toward Silverton.

Once there, Buck found a safe place to hide Samantha and her son and headed to the general store for supplies. He knew one of the other riders would be coming through within the next day, then he could get back to Sweetwater and Emma would know what to do.

When Buck returned to his chosen hiding place Samantha's eyes were open. Buck rushed to her side. She was white as a sheet but at least she was awake. "Ma'am how are you?" he asked dumbly.

"Bobby, Daniel?" she asked weakly.

Buck simply nodded in response. "Miss, what's your name?" Buck said quietly, hoping she had the strength to tell him.

"What? You know my name." she smiled weakly and was quiet.

"Miss . . .?" His question was cut off when he saw the strange look on her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I thought you were Bobby."

"Ma'am?" Buck asked again.

"My name is Samantha. Where is Daniel?"

Buck knew then that she must be asking for her son. Carefully he picked up the tiny child and held him up for Samantha to see. She smiled and closed her eyes.

Buck smiled at Samantha. He was  relieved that he had been able to bring her at least a little comfort. He looked at the young child in his arms and said simply, "Now we wait. Maybe aunt Lou and Uncle Kid will come this way." He stretched out on his back and placed the child on his chest. He closed his eyes and opened them again. Aunt Lou, Uncle Kid where had that come from? Buck shook his head as if trying to clear away the strange thought and closed his eyes again.

= = = = = = = = = =

The next thing Buck heard was someone {a woman} calling his name.

 "Buck." she said softly.

The Kiowa slowly opened his eyes and was relieved to see both Lou and Kid in front of him. 

"Lou, Kid," he said as he ran the back of his hand across his eyes. "I'm glad to see you guys."

"Who's the little one?" Lou asked, nodding her head toward the child who still lie in Buck's arms.

"Oh um this is Daniel . . . I think."

"You think - - -?" Lou,s question was interrupted by Kid.

"Well then who's this?" Kid asked looking at the blonde haired woman that was resting quietly not far from the foursome.

"This is Samantha." Buck said her name as if he had known her all of his life.

Kid grinned widely in response which earned him a swift punch in the arm from Lou.

"Uh huh," Lou cleared her throat loudly getting the full attention of both men instantly. "Where did you find them Buck?" Lou asked quickly getting back to the matter at hand.

"Just outside Silverton. The coach they were in must have been robbed because the horses were gone. Samantha's been shot. I stopped the bleeding and brought them here hoping one of you guys would come this way looking for me."

"Oh my lord!" Lou gasped as she raced to the blonde woman's side and knelt beside her. "Samantha?" Lou whispered her name a bit uncertainly but went on. "Please wake up we're here to help you." Lou carefully pulled the blanket away from Samantha's body. Both women gasped at the same time, Samantha in pain and Lou in shock.

"We have to get her to Emma's. She's bleedin' again," Lou stated matter of factly as she looked into the face of this strange woman. "Samantha I'm Lou, um - - that is Louise and this is Kid," Lou informed her smiling towards the golden haired rider. "We're gonna take you to our friend Miss Emma, she'll know what to do."

"My baby?" Samantha asked weakly.

"Right here." Buck said as he knelt down on the other side of Samantha and showed her the baby. He was wide awake and cooing happily.

"Bobby?" she said smiling at Buck.

Both Lou and Kid looked at Buck with raised eyebrows. He shrugged. Then quickly turned his attention back to the still beautiful stranger before him. "No, Samantha I'm Buck. Buck Cross, remember?" he asked gently.

"Mmmm, sorry." 

Buck smiled, but Lou prevented anything else from being said between them.

"All right boys, let's get movin'. Samantha needs help now. Buck, you double up with Samantha. I'll take the baby; Kid, you take everything else."

No one spoke but everyone did as Lou had instructed and soon they were on the road headed for Sweetwater.

= = = = = = = = = =

By dusk they had reached Emma and Sam's and Emma had managed to tend Samantha's wound and to get everyone fed. Samantha was resting comfortably in the bedroom. To the surprise of all she had refused to be away from Buck so he sat in a chair beside the bed watching her sleep. A million questions  were swimming around in his mind Who was this beautiful stranger? What had really happened to her and her child? Would she be ok? And who was Bobby? For some reason the thought of this unknown man broke Buck's heart and he didn't dare guess the reason for this pain.

As darkness fell Buck couldn't stand the mixture of feelings that plagued his heart and ate at his soul. He had found Samantha and her son two days ago. These feelings couldn't possibly be real . . . or could they? The more he thought about his own feelings the stronger they got. "I gotta clear my head," Buck whispered to himself and he quietly walked from the room leaving the center of his thoughts sleeping peacefully behind him.

He walked onto the porch hoping the night air would help ease his suddenly spinning head. That however was not the case . The sight Buck beheld as he looked across the yard  only made his head spin faster and his heart break just a little more. Lou and Kid sat on the porch of the old bunkhouse. Lou sat holding a crying Daniel in her arms. Kid stood behind her trying his best to help comfort the baby. Nothing seemed to be working.

Buck didn't know what force suddenly made him race across the yard toward the bunkhouse and to the crying little boy. He felt like he would never reach his destination. Finally when he did he found himself looking into the beautiful brown eyes of little boy he truly wished were his son. Without a single word Buck gently took the child from Lou's arms and walked away toward 
the corral.

Buck leaned heavily against the fence and turned Daniel toward him. He drew a shaky breath.

 He felt the need to speak to this child even though he knew there was no way a baby would understand his words. He remembered Emma saying that words didn't matter to a baby; it was the tone of a voice that gave them comfort. Buck looked again into the innocent eyes of this child then spoke softly.

"Well here we are, little one. You scared? I am, but don't worry. I'm gonna help your Mama get better real soon then you will never have to be scared again. I promise." After Buck had said the words he had no clue where they had come from or what made him say them but he knew he meant them the second the left his lips.

Buck looked down at the child in his arms and noticed that he had fallen fast asleep so he walked slowly back up to the main house and noiselessly entered the room where Samantha was still sleeping. He was glad to see Emma sitting with her. "How's she doin'?" Buck whispered.

"Well, her fever broke and she's still askin' for Bobby. How's the baby?" Emma asked as she smiled up at the Kiowa she considered to be a son.


"And you?" Emma asked. Her voice had a worried tone to it.

"Fine. Why?" 

"Buck?" Emma drew his name out as if she were trying to pull the truth out of him. She knew him well enough to when he was trying to hide something.

"A little tired." Buck stopped there hoping that him being tired would be enough to satisfy her but the look she gave him said that wasn't the case. "I'm scared for her Emma," Buck finally admitted.

Emma nodded not only in knowing she had gotten the truth from him but also knowing there was more he wanted to say. "Go on," she prodded gently.

“I don’t know, Emma.  It’s just that when I found Samantha and Daniel I was drawn to them.  I knew I had to save their lives, but it’s more than that.  I want them to be my family.  I think I…”  He hesitated.  “I love her, Emma.  I want to be with her and I want to raise Daniel as my son.”

When Buck finished speaking he let out a long relieved breath he was unaware he had been holding, then waited for Emma to respond.

"Well now I'm glad to see that you're not tryin' to hide your feelin's." She smiled.

"But Emma," Buck put in, "is this right? Is it right to love a woman I don't even know?"

"Buck," Emma said calmly, "Love isn't something you can time. It can happen in five minutes or in 50 years. Accept how you feel and be happy in whatever time you share with this woman."

Buck smiled. "My people believe that everyone has a soulmate and when you find that person It's like you have had them with you your entire life."

"And you believe that you are meant to be with Samantha." Emma finished for him.

"I do."

"Then be happy Buck. Fight for her if you have to." Emma stood to leave and held her arms out to take the sleeping baby from Buck but he stopped her.

"No I want to keep him with me." He whispered.

Emma nodded in quiet understanding and left the threesome in peace. As she did so she couldn't help but wonder would Buck get the family he dreamed of? Only time would tell.

= = = = = = = = = =

For Buck the next few days and nights all became one. He never left Samantha's side, no matter how much his heart broke each time she would wake in the middle of the night calling for Bobby. The pain she was suffering only made him love her more. Then it happened. He had just fallen asleep when he heard her calling. But this time something was different

"Buck? Buck?" 

The Kiowa thought he was dreaming.


No, he wasn't dreaming. As Buck opened his eyes, he noticed it was still dark outside. Looking toward the bed he found Samantha was awake and calling *his* name. He quickly leaned close to Samantha. "Yes?"

Samantha reached up and weakly put her arms around his neck. She was crying.

Buck was shocked speechless.

"Somethin' happened Buck.".

"What?' Buck asked gently as he pulled away just enough to look at her.

Her arms fell from his neck and he instantly took hold of her hand. "What happened?" he asked again.

"Bobby's gone," she whispered.

"Who's Bobby?" Buck asked carefully. Part of him was afraid of the answer.

"He is - - um was my husband," Samantha whispered sadly. Then she stopped and Buck cringed inside as he saw the darkness of pain creep into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Samantha," he said his voice asking her to continue.

"He died, Bobby died." She said it again as if she didn't quite believe her own words.

"I'm so sorry Samantha" Buck told her as he put his arms around her to offer her the comfort he knew she needed.

Samantha accepted his embrace gratefully. Something about being in the arms of this man felt right. They stayed that way for several quiet minutes before Samantha spoke again. "I remember Bobby being sick. The doctor said he thought it might have been something wrong with his heart but there was no way to know for sure." She swallowed hard and a few stray tears slipped from her eyes but she went on. "Two days after he died I packed up Daniel and boarded a stage for Sweetwater. My Uncle Sam is the marshal there."

"Sam Cain?" Buck asked trying to hide a smile of relief.

"Yes, You know him?"

"Yup sure do and I have some news for you."

"What?" Samantha asked confusion evident in her eyes.

"You're in Sweetwater and better yet this is your uncle's house." Buck made no attempt to hide the broad smile that crossed his dark features.

"Where is he, where's my Uncle?" Samantha asked excitedly.

"Hey take it easy, you're still weak. Sam is in town. If you promise to stay in bed I'll get your aunt."

"My Aunt?"

Buck nodded and left the room to get Emma.

= = = = = = = = = =

A few minutes later he returned followed closely by Emma. After introductions were made Emma sat in a chair holding Daniel in her arms. Buck sat on the bedside close to Samantha. Quiet had blanketed the room.

Emma was the one to break it. "Samantha honey, Buck found you in an overturned coach. Do you remember what happened?"

Just as Samantha was about to explain what she remembered her uncle came into the room calling for Emma.

"Emma?" He said as he stopped in the doorway of the small bedroom. His mouth was hanging open in surprise. Whatever he was going to say to his wife completely forgotten. "Sammy is that you?"

"Yes, it's me uncle Sam and this is Daniel." she said nodding towards her son who was cooing happily in Emma's arms.

"Well I'll be." The marshal said as he hugged his niece then walked over to his wife to meet his great nephew.

After the excitement settled Sam returned his attention to his niece. "So darlin' what brings you to our little town and where is that husband of yours?"

His last question earned him a heated look from both Emma and Buck.

"Now Sam," Emma chimed in, "it's late. Maybe you could save your questions till mornin'."  

Samantha was grateful that Emma had tried to help but she just wanted to get it over with. "No Emma, it's ok. Uncle Sam, Bobby died a few days ago and that's why I'm here." As she answered his question her voice was heavy with exhaustion.

Sam Cain went pale. "I'm sorry little one."

Samantha smiled in silent acceptance.

"Well now," Emma spoke up once more, "it's late and you need rest Samantha." Emma laid Daniel in the bed beside his mother. "I'll check on you in the morning." With that she led her husband quietly from the room.

Buck who had been oddly silent for the past hour stood to leave also but Samantha's voice stopped him.

"No, don’t go.  Please stay with me.  I don’t think I can be alone just now."

Buck simply sat back down on the bed. Part of him was elated because she wanted him to stay with her. The rest of him was just tired.

Samantha reached for his hand and he gave it willingly then she closed her eyes.

When Buck opened his eyes again it was just turning light. He was on the floor, a blanket spread over him. "Emma," he whispered. He looked up and smiled. Samantha still held his hand tightly in her own.

A short time later Emma came in to wake everyone for breakfast. Samantha insisted on going to the kitchen with the others. That's when she told her uncle of the stage accident and robbery and also of her being shot. After she had finished her story Buck was more then willing to be the one to change the subject.

"So a Sam and a Samantha how did that happen?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Samantha was the one to respond. "Well, Uncle Sam is my mother's only family so to her it was only natural to give me his name. But to uncle Sam I've always been *Little One.*" 

The marshal smiled at his niece. "That's right Little One."

Everyone laughed.

After breakfast the men went out to do the chores leaving Emma and Samantha to chat. Emma could tell there was something troubling the young woman sitting quietly across from her. "Samantha what's wrong?" The older woman asked in a motherly tone.

"I don't know Emma it's strange." Samantha sighed. "I love Bobby with all my heart and I miss him terribly but there's somethin' about Buck. I know I've only known him for a few days but when I'm near him I can't breathe my races and when he touches me it's like fire. Emma I woke up crying the other night and he held me. I was so safe in his arms and I knew it. I've never felt anything like that before not even with Bobby. I think I love him Emma and I don't know what to do."

"Tell him, sweetheart."

"I want to but then I think of Bobby. Is it wrong for me love Buck so soon after losing him?"

“Honey, first thing: first love is never wrong. Second: you’ve had your time with Bobby.

Now it's time to move on. Don't rob yourself of real happiness for memories of happiness."

Samantha sighed, "Ok I'll tell him but what if doesn't feel the same way? What then?"

"You'll never know until you tell him. Buck is a good man. Trust him trust his heart."

"I do. That's what scares me."

Emma could see that Samantha was getting tired. "All right now, I'll keep Daniel, you go and rest."

Samantha said nothing but did as she was told.

As she closed her eyes she thought of Bobby Then she heard him calling her.


Samantha I'm here.

Bobby? You died how are you here?

I'm in your heart I'm here to set you free

Set me free?

I know you love another and I want you to know that it's ok to let me go. We've had our time together and now I'm gone Be happy Samantha. Let your dreams come true and remember I loved you.

Samantha felt Bobby brush a kiss across her lips then he was gone.


Samantha opened her eyes and found Emma starring down at her. "Are you ok?" Emma asked.

"I'm fine Emma." Samantha smiled knowing her heart had been set free and that she could love the man of her dreams and that man was Buck Cross.

Later that night as Samantha entered the kitchen she was shocked to see her uncle holding Daniel while "Emma was slipping on her coat. Buck was seated at the table which was aglow in candlelight They smiled at each other knowing they were being set up but neither one knew why.

"Well now" Emma smiled. "You two enjoy your supper. Sam and I are takin' Daniel for a walk." The gushing aunt and uncle left without another word.

Buck and Samantha ate under a heavy silence neither sure of how to break it So both decided to try at exactly the same time.



"Go ahead." Buck nodded.

"Buck this is gonna sound crazy but I love you."

"And I love you Samantha."

Both smiled.

By the time Emma and Sam returned with the baby Buck and Samantha were sleeping in each others arms both still smiling.

= = = = = = = = = = 

Six months later Buck had moved his ranch to Sweetwater and Samantha Elizabeth Waters became Samantha Elizabeth Cross.

As she danced with her new husband Samantha could not have been happier. All her dreams really did come true.


Comments? Email Wild Wind
