of the Soul

by Kimberly Wright


1849 - The gathering of Kiowa Villages

Running Buck looked back over his shoulder to see if the little corn-flowered blue eyed girl still followed them. Sure enough, there she was ducking behind some tall grass. His smile was a bit sad because he wished he’d had a sister to pester him sometimes, but he guessed that Sun Hawk’s sister would do just fine. Then he turned to his friend.

“Why does Snow Fox follow us around all the time?”

Sun Hawk laughed as he responded, “What? You still haven’t gotten used to her doin’ this every time our villages get together?”

“Guess not.”

A few moments later the little girl came charging from the grass, straight for her brother and jumps onto his back as her laughter fills the air. Sun Hawk just reaches around, took hold of her arm and pulled her off of him again as he also laughed.

“All right she cat, what do you want now?”

“My brother,” she answered…her eyes wide.

“Not today. You are supposed to stay with mother and the other women.”

“NO!” she argued loudly as she tightened her hold on him. “I stay with you this time.”

Running Buck, Little Bird, Summer Moon, Two Bulls, Tall Stick and Tiny Woman all laugh as the brother and sister argue over whether she returns to the village or not. This goes on for several minutes before they see her mother approaching them.

“Snow Fox, let go of your brother and come here.” When her daughter just shook her head, she added “now daughter” in a firm tone.

She knew to obey her mother when she spoke in that manner and gave her brother a gentle squeeze before going over to where her mother stood. Snow Fox shuffled her feet, grumbling all the way about how unfair things seemed to be. When she stood toe to toe with her mother, she looked up and asked, “How come I can’t stay with them today?”

Wind Singer smiled as she picked up her little girl; “Soon…not today, but soon.” 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

5 years later

Twelve year old Snow Fox stood quietly behind Dancing Cloud’s dwelling, trying to listen as he spoke to several of the men…including her own father. She knew it was possible that she’d get into trouble because she was supposed to be helping her mother with the evening meal. Then she focused her attention back on what the Shaman was saying.

…and some of our brothers will be joining us to…

Dancing Cloud stops speaking when he feels the presence of another and smiled as he says, “Come Snow Fox, I know you are there.”

She stood perfectly still, surprised yet not surprised that he knew she was there. Then nearly jumped out of her moccasins when she heard the booming voice of her father and slowly made her way around to the front of Dancing Clouds dwelling.

“Don’t just stand there child,” Dancing Cloud spoke when she opened the door flap.

Hesitantly Snow Fox stepped across the threshold, feeling shamed for listening in on the men talk.  She lowered her eyes and whispered, “I am sorry Uncle.” Then she sat on the far side while the men continued their discussion.

“Great,” she thought when her father gave her that “we’ll-talk-later” look, “now I’m really in trouble.”

When the men finish their talk, all leave except for her father. When he stood to leave, she did the same then walked toward the Medicine Man. She stood silently, with her hands clasped together and tears clinging to her lashes, till Dancing Cloud looked up.

“Running Buck will join us too?” she asked hopefully.

“No,” he simply answered. 

Meanwhile over at another Kiowa Village, 15 year old Running Buck was still reeling from the devastation of his village so he sought refuge far away from the carnage. Little Bird was gone…stolen by the men who’d killed many of the women and children. Those who still survived told Red Bear and his men what had happened.

“Aiieee,” he screamed towards the sky. He should’ve stayed to protect his mother and the woman who was to be his bride. They were supposed to marry at the next full moon, but now…now she was gone. His mother was among the wounded, but she would survive. He knew he couldn’t stay here any longer, especially after this incident and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. 

The following evening he said good-by to his beloved mother, even though it was breaking both their hearts. “It’s for the best,” he replied before giving her one last final hug. Then he turned and walked away, not looking back. 

A couple weeks later, he was working with horses again. He wasn’t sure how long the job would last, but at least he had a roof over his head and a good meal in the evenings. The owner of the trading post was a quiet man, much like himself, and his wife was just the opposite. She loved to talk. She would tell him of the way she and her husband met, how they loved the land and the Indian friends they’d made as they traded horses. He had to smile. She was sunshine, even on gloomy days.

“Charlie is a lucky man,” he thought as he saddled up one of the horses just after sunup. He sighed as unpleasant memories came flooding back. When he saw the Phillips returning from town, he noticed that they were looking a bit sad and wondered what happened.

“Mr. Phillips?” he questioned as they came to a stop in front of the corral. They just looked at him then Mrs. Phillips busted into tears and fled into the house. “What did I do?”

“It’s not you son,” Charlie replied quietly. “We were talkin’ with the Davenports and heard that a Kiowa village was massacred not too long ago. Wouldn’t have happened to be your people, would it?” 

He felt sick. Now the whole world knew. He’d have to leave this place soon, but before he did, he would make something for the Phillips as a thank you for letting him stay on. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up into Charlie’s face and nodded.

“I’m sorry. Is there anythin’ me and the Mrs. Can do for you?”

He shook his head then asked if they wanted him to leave.

“Leave? Are you out of brains boy. You’re the best hired hand we got. You’re good with the horses and you’re our friend.”

“Thank you.”

So he stayed on for a little over a year, then with the money he’d saved, he bought one of their horses and headed north. 


September 1860

Stepping off the stage with a relieved sigh, Amber took a look around the small, dusty town of Sweetwater then picked up her bags. She thought of how many she’s been through during the past two months as she heads toward the Marshal’s office, hoping he would know whether or not her mother’s cousin lived here. She walked passed a gentleman, who was sitting on the bench reading a paper just outside the office, but paid him no mind as she stepped inside.

“Excuse me, but are you the Marshal around here?”


“Who are you then?”

“Deputy Marshal Barnette, ma’am,” he answered with a smile.

“Do you know when he’s expected to return?”

With a shrug of his shoulders Barnette replied, “Not for certain. Maybe Buck’ll know. Hey Buuuuck…there’s a lady askin’ for Teaspoon.

Buck closed his eyes as he put the paper down. Barnette really annoyed him sometimes, like now for instance. Then with an exasperated sigh he stood, went to the doorway and said, “Barnette, can’t y…” He stuttered to a stop at the sight of the raven headed beauty standing near the desk and walked closer.

“Actin’ Marshal Cross,” he said as he held out his hand. “Is there somethin’ we can help you with?”

Amber hesitated for just a moment before placing her small hand into the huge bronzed one of Marshal Cross. When she did, she felt a little tingle skitter up her arm and jerked her hand back.

“Um…yes,” she began. “Could you tell me if there’s a Miss Rachel Dunne livin’ in town?”

“Yes. She lives out at the Weigh Station. Are you a relative or somethin’?”

“She’s my mother’s cousin and…” Then it was her turn to stutter to a stop when she saw that Marshal Cross was staring at her with a raised brow.

“Snow Fox?”

Stunned that this man knew of her Tribal name, she began backing away as she replied, “My name is Amber…”

“Jennette Dawson,” he finished for her. “I know.” Then he cupped her chin and gazed into her cornflower blue eyes as he whispered, “Don’t you remember me?”

Her eyes grew wide, as his soft brown orbs seemed to peer all the way to her very soul. Then she barely whispers, “Running Buck?” When he nods an affirmative answer, she threw her arms around his neck and launched into a thousand questions.

“Now wait a minute Amber,” he laughed. “I can’t be answerin’ them all at the same time.”

“Sorry. It’s just tha…”

“Ahem. Buck?”


“Ain’t you goin’ to introduce the lady?”

Buck smiled again, only this time he rolled his eyes skyward as he properly introduced Amber to Barnette.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“You shouldn’t tease,” Amber said as she scolded Buck. They had borrowed a buckboard and were on their way to Rachel’s house. “Barnette’s a nice man. Now tell me what you’ve been doin’ since you left our people.”

“I’d rather not,” he replied softly.

She was quiet for a moment before gently placing her hand over his. “I know it must’ve been hard for you to leave, but I still don’t know why you didn’t come to my village.”

“Didn’t feel like bein’ an outcast there too.”

“Oh Buck, you know you would’ve been welcome with open arms.”

“Would I?”

Amber new how stubborn he could be and since it seemed that he’d already made up his mind about their people, she began to talk about her family.

“Sun Hawk finally found someone to ease the pain in his heart after loosin’ his bride during the blizzard of ’56. Her name is Prairie Blossom and I’m glad that she will make my brother smile again.”

“And your parents?”

“Their doin’ just fine. They asked Red Bear about you every time he came to visit, but he always said the same thing…till just recently.”

“What did he say?”

She was quiet for a moment as she remembered the week that the villages gathered again. Red Bear had been talking to Dancing Cloud and she couldn’t help but overhear what they were speaking about. When Buck’s eyebrow went skyward again, she smiled then answered him.

“He said that you risked comin’ to the village to save your friend.”

“Ike,” he replied softly. “I had no choice. They would’ve killed him.”


“Because we deliver the white man’s word.”

“The mail?”


They were silent as they continued towards the Weigh Station, and then she asked why he didn’t stay with Red Bear at that time.

“My home is with the Pony Express. Now what about you? Why aren’t you still with your family or startin’ one of your own?”

“My promised warrior died durin’ a hunt last summer.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged her shoulders and replied, “It’s ok. After it happened, Dancing Cloud told me of a vision he’d had about me. He said I would journey a great distance to find the warrior who was my true promised one…the one who would complete my soul.”

“You haven’t found him yet?”


They rode the rest of the way in silence and when they came upon a house, out in the middle of nowhere, she asked if it was the place where her cousin Rachel lived.

“Yes,” he answered as he helped her down from the buckboard. He held her for a few moments longer, still not quite believing that she was the same little girl who followed the older kids around. “You sure have grown,” he said softly.

“Let me go,” she barely whispered when she noticed a woman coming from the house. He did and she stepped around him to ask if she were Rachel Dunne.

“Yes…and you are?”

“Annitta’s daughter.”

Rachel’s eyes grew wide and she just stood there, speechless, as she looked at Amber from head to toe. When she finally found her voice, she practically screeched and threw her arms around Amber in a giant hug.

“My Lord,” she replied as she stepped back and took another look at her cousins baby. “It’s been too long since the last time. How is your mother and the family?”

“They’re fine. She sends her love…papa’s and Sun Hawk’s too.”

As the women continued to catch up on the happenings of their families, Rachel asked Buck to bring Amber’s bags. Then they turned and started up the walkway, leaving him standing there shaking his head with a smile. With another sigh, he stepped towards the buckboard with the intention of doing exactly what Rachel had asked, but as he did, he noticed that Jimmy, Cody and Ike were already arguing over who was going to take the bags.

“All right you guys, hand them over.”

“No way Buck. I was here first.”

“No you weren’t Cody,” Jimmy argued as he fought to maintain his hold on the bag.

Buck glanced over at Ike, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat, and he raised his brow in question.

~ You sly old fox ~ Ike signed before he wrestled the bags from Jimmy and Cody. Then he handed them over to Buck with a look that said “we’ll-talk-later”.


Amber slowly woke up as the smell of coffee wafted through the air, and then she smiled as she remembered the ruckus at last nights dinner table. When she finished dressing, she made her way to the kitchen, her smile still firmly in place.

“Mornin’ Rachel,” she said as she sat at the table.

“Mornin’. Would you care for some tea or coffee before we take breakfast to the boys?”

“Yes, thank you…coffee will be fine. Rachel?”


“Can I ask you a question?”


She took a sip of her coffee before asking. “Are the boys always that rowdy when a woman is present?”

“Yeah, I guess they are,” Rachel replied with a laugh.

Amber shook her head, hoping that breakfast wouldn’t be anything like last night’s dinner. Then she helps Rachel take the meal over to the bunkhouse. Just before they reach the door, Amber sighed and said a small prayer for the boys to behave this time.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The boys scrambled to their feet as soon as Rachel and Amber walked through the door. Rachel smiled while Amber groaned. Even though the boys were trying to be on their best behavior, she could see that it wasn’t going to last long. They were already arguing softly over where she would be sitting. Then Lou came to stand next to her and whispered, “If Kid were here and he was doin’ this…I’d bop him one. They acted this way when Rachel first came here too.”

“All right boys, settle down and lets eat,” Rachel commanded. Then she turned to offer Amber her chair, but saw that Buck had already offered his. She smiled as she sat down, thinking that the two youngsters were off in their own private world…reminiscing about days past.

“So, Amber,” Cody says through a mouth-full of food, “you never did finish tellin’ us why you’re here.”

“Cody, that’s none of our business. Now finish your breakfast…you got the first run today.”

Later that day while Amber helped Rachel with chores around the house, she asked if there were any homes for sale.

“Not sure,” Rachel answered, “but when we go into town tomorrow for supplies, we could take a look.”

“That’ll be fine, thanks,” she said as she gazed out the kitchen window and focused her attention over to where the boys were lounging on the bunkhouse porch. Then she’s startled out of her thoughts when Rachel comes to stand next to her. “Hmm? Did you say somethin’.”

Rachel smiled. “Yes. How did the two of you meet?”

“A village gatherin’ when I was about seven years of age. He seemed to not have any friends so Sun Hawk, myself and a few of our friends asked him to join us at the river. We found out that his village didn’t really like him, but he never said why.”

“He doesn’t really talk much about his family, especially since the incident with Ike and Red Bear.”

“I heard about that. Anythin’ else happen?”

“Not really, but enough about that. Why don’t you go on outside…I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Amber filled her cup with fresh coffee before going out to stand on the porch. She could feel the warmth of the afternoon sun bouncing off the wooden planks that made up Rachel's porch, as a slight breeze flowed around her. Winter would be coming early this year and she wanted to get settled into her own place before it came. She glanced over the rim of her cup to where the boys sat and smiled, but when Buck looked her way, his eyebrow arching, she blushed and went to sit on the swing. When she heard the screen door opening, she glance at her cousin then sighed. How was she going to deal with seeing Buck on a daily…well not really a daily basis, it would be more like every other day or so.

Rachel had noticed the sigh Annitta's daughter took. She sat next to her, gave her a gentle hug and said, "You want to talk about it?"

"I'm just anxious to get my own place before winter sets in."

"Do you have enough money?"

"Yes. Mama still had her savin’s from workin' with her Aunt at the dress shop, plus the money that was hers when she turned 18." Then she took a chance on looking at Buck again. He was still gazing in her direction. "Rachel?"


"Were the boys really this bad when you first started to work here?"

"I suppose so," Rachel began as she looked for the first time, since breakfast, toward the bunkhouse. She muttered an un-lady like oath when she noticed the boys were just sitting on their backsides, staring at the house. "Why those lazy...excuse me Amber, I see I'm goin' to have some yellin' to do again."

Amber let out a small giggle as she watched her cousin storm towards the bunkhouse all the while raising her voice at the boys for not getting their chores done. Then she, herself, got up to grab the basket of laundry that sat on the kitchen table. After gathering the basket of clothes and the soap, she headed back outside to where the wash bucket sat.

Meanwhile Buck was waiting for just the right moment to sneak over to where Amber was washing the clothes. He glanced in Rachel's direction, noting that she was now occupied in maintaining some sort of peace between Lou and Kid. Buck smiled as he silently walked to where Amber was standing. He looked at her and nearly groaned. Her shirt had gotten wet from hanging up one of the thick wool blankets and now…Gods, he was going to have a tough time keeping that picture from his memory. He cleared his throat as he neared.

"Pst. Snow Fox."

She spun around so fast that she nearly dropped the sheet she'd just finished scrubbing. "Don't be doin' that Buck."

"Sorry. Just wanted to ask you somethin'."


"Tell me about your promised warrior."


"Did he treat you well?"

She closed her eyes on a sigh then replied, "He was kind to me. Didn't hurt me or anythin' if that's what you mean. Now go away, I got laundry to finish."

"Not yet. What did Dancing Cloud mean by what he told you?"

Amber clutched the sheet tighter as she shook her head. She took a small step back as she whispered, "No. What he said is only for me to know. Now please…go away."

Instead of leaving, Buck wrapped his arms around her and just held her even as she was pushing him away. His hand came up to cup her chin, bringing her lips mere centimeters from his. "We are not finished with this discussion Snow Fox." Then he placed a tender kiss on her forehead before turning back towards the bunkhouse.

She stared after him in disbelief. "Yes we are Running Buck," she thought, "for Little Bird will come to you soon."

The next day as she and Rachel rode in the buckboard while the boys rode their horses; they headed for town to buy supplies for the station. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear a word her cousin was saying. When she felt a small jab to her arm, she glanced over to the woman sitting next to her.


"You ok?" 

“Yeah, I guess,” she sighed.

There was something mighty powerful going on between Amber and Buck Rachel noted when her cousin slightly glanced back in Buck’s direction. You could practically see sparks shooting off them whenever they were near each other. But she didn’t say anything and wasn’t going to. The two friends would have to work this thing out for themselves.

Weeks later, after being held so tenderly in Buck’s arms, Amber was returning from town with more information on a couple of places that were for sale. When she reached the station, she noticed several horse soldiers waiting outside the bunkhouse.

“Wonder what they want,” she thought as she jumped from the seat. That’s when she saw Cody leaning against the doorframe then Buck storming past Cody with a scowl on his face and trepidation in his eyes.

“Cody,” she called out as the soldiers and Buck rode away. “What is goin’ on? Why is Buck…”

“He’s goin’ to help rescue some captives from the Souix.”

“Why? What if the captives don’t need to be rescued.”

Before he could answer, Teaspoon appeared in the doorway saying, “Come take a walk with me Miss Amber and I’ll answer your questions.”


How dare the soldiers come into this,” she thought as she paced the porch two days later. Then she sighs as she walks down the steps and over to the corral. After talking to the horses for a few minutes, she goes over to the bunkhouse and begins her pacing again.

“Aaammmberrr…go pace somewhere else,” Cody complained from just beyond the bunkhouse walls.

She stuck her tongue out as she glared at the door then spun on her heel and headed back to the house, mumbling all the way about how much a pain Cody could be. When she re-entered the house, she calls out to her cousin that she was going over to the Maxwell place.

“You want to go now?”

“Yes, ‘cause unless we have paint for the fence, I am gettin’ board.”

“All right,” Rachel answered with a laugh, “let’s go saddle a couple of horses and tell the others before we go.”

After all was said and done, the two women ride out towards the Maxwell place, but don’t get too far when they hear riders coming up behind them. They stop their mounts and turn to face whoever was coming, only to see that it is Jimmy and Ike.

~ You shouldn’t be riding out alone ~ Ike signed when they caught up with the women.


~ Buck wouldn’t want you to get hurt ~

“That’s why I asked Rachel to come with me.”

Ike looked to Jimmy for a little help, since it was obvious that Amber was going to be stubborn about this.

“We know you can handle yourself,” Jimmy replied with a smile. “We’ve seen you in action, but Buck asked us to keep an eye on you and since he’s not back yet, we thought…”

“Well think again,” Amber huffed before spurring her horse into a run.

“Come on you two,” Rachel said, “let’s catch up to her before she gets too far.”

~ Buck’s going to have his hands full with that one ~

“You said it Ike,” Jimmy laughed as they rode after Rachel and Amber.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Teaspoon, Rachel, Buck and the others were sitting on the bunkhouse porch along with another woman, a girl and a Lakota toddler when Amber returned from looking at the Johnson place two days later. Remembering what Teaspoon had told her several days ago, when Buck rode away with the soldiers, she decided to go back to the Maxwell place and take another look at it. When she got there, she looped the reigns once around a railing then made sure her rifle was loaded before walking around the grounds. Moments later, something had pricked the back of her neck and she looked around, then she saw an approaching warrior and raised her gun.

Sun Hawk had to smile. His sister was pure fire when it came to protecting her own. As he rode closer, he called out to her.

“Lower your weapon little sister.”

“Sun Hawk? What are…how…mom and dad are ok?”

“Everyone is fine Snow Fox,” he replied as he slid from Thunder’s back. “We’ve had our best trackers watchin’ you since you left.” Then he laughed as she threw the gun to the ground and flung herself into his open arms.

After giving her brother a gigantic hug, she looks up into identical colored eyes as her own and asks how he was doing.

“I am fine. Prairie Blossom and I were wed ten suns past.”

“You will be happy now and not let any more bad memories steal away your smile?”

“Yes she cat, I am happy once again.”

Then they both glanced over Thunder’s back at the sound of another rider approaching their location. Sun Hawk placed his sister behind him at the same time he went for his own gun. He takes aim at the person, but Amber recognized Buck and told her brother who it was. He slowly lowered his gun as he realizes that the person was indeed his friend from so long ago.

Buck had asked Teaspoon if he could follow after Amber when he’d seen her ride away earlier and Teaspoon said for him to go on. So he’d saddled up his horse and took off. When he had come to the crest of a small hill, he’d seen her drop her rifle and fling herself into the arms of another man. He didn’t like the feelings that crept into his soul when he saw this, so he charged down the hill, intending to pull her away from the man. As he got closer, he noticed her placing her small hand over the man’s hand and nearly jumped from Prince. Then he realized who the man was.

“Sun Hawk?”

“Hello my friend,” Sun Hawk answers as he and Buck clasp arms. “So this is where you run to after the bad hunt.”

As the men continued to talk, Amber walked over to the dilapidated porch and sat with a sigh. When her brother tilts his head in her direction, she stiffened her back. Then she sat up a little straighter as Buck also looked her way. She felt her face flame and ran into the house while trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.

Meanwhile both men were laughing as she ran inside then Sun Hawk answers, “You will understand soon, but for now keep watch over Snow Fox and bring her to the village when her birthday nears.

“I already planned on watchin’ over her.”

“Good. You also help her with this place,” he replied with a wave of his hand. “Help her make it a home and…” He pauses as he swung back up on Thunder. “And have many fine sons.” Then he gallops away with a smile, leaving an open mouthed Buck staring after him in disbelief.

Tossing restlessly that night, Amber finally gives up on any sleep and throws back the covers with a frustrated sigh. After putting on her robe, she heads to the kitchen for a bite to eat, but then decides to step outside where the cool night air might help her heated body…not to mention her thoughts. 

While she sat on the porch steps looking up at the twinkling stars she is unaware that Buck has also not been able to sleep.

“Not fair Dancing Cloud,” she thought. “You knew Running Buck would be in one of the towns I checked.” Then she is startled by a slight noise and sits up to take a look around. That’s when she noticed Buck coming from the bunkhouse.

“Damn,” she mumbles as she stood and folded her arms across her chest while waiting for him to walk closer.

“Amber. What are you doin’ out this late?”

“Not that it’s any business of yours, but I couldn’t get to sleep.”

“Me too.”

“Well,” she replied, “I’d best be headin’ back inside.”

She turned to go, but he stops her with a whisper and the gentle touch of his hand on her arm. So she slowly turned back to face him, asking what it was that he wanted.

“I’ve promised Sun Hawk that I’d watch over you and bring you back to your village when your birthday nears."


“He asked me to.”

She shook her head in frustration then replied, “I don’t need a babysitter. How dare he…” She stuttered to a stop when Buck took her into his arms, then barely breathes as he pulled her closer.

“Let me go,” she softly begged. “Please.”

“Your brother also asked me to help you with the Maxwell place…to make it a home and for us to…” he paused as he took a deep breath, “to have many fine sons.”

“He said what!” she gasped as her eyes flew to his. Then she begins to squirm…to put some distance between herself and this man who’s started to cause the butterflies to dance in her belly.

“Will you stop that Snow Fox,” he hissed when he felt his body responding to her movements. “You are makin’ me think thoughts I got no right to be thinkin’.”

She immediately ceases to struggle and once again asks him to let her go. When he does, she flees back into the house, sliding to the floor in tears and soon as the door closes behind her.


As she left the land office with the deed to the Maxwell place safely tucked away she thought, “That was easy,” and walked to where she'd left the buckboard. Then rode the short distance to Thompkins Store for a few supplies for Rachel. After the supplies were bought and loaded into the buckboard, she decided to pay Teaspoon a visit. 

Her thoughts were focused on which task to tackle, once she moved into her new home, while walking over to the Marshal's office that she wasn't watching where she was walking and collided with Barnette as he was coming out of the office.

"Whoa there Miss Amber."

"Sorry. Is Teaspoon in?"


She thanked the Deputy just before walking in and sat on the corner of the desk, watching the Marshal as he napped.

"Mr. Spoon?"

"Yes?" came his drawn out reply. "What can I do you for?"

"Well, I…uhm…Buck…"

"Spit it out Amber unless the cats got your tongue again."

She pushed away from the desk and began to pace the floor, not sure of how to say what was on her mind. Then she practically jumps out of her skin when Teaspoon places a gentle hand on her shoulder and asks what was wrong.

"I'm not quite sure," she answered with a sigh.

"Barnette, mind the office while I take Miss Amber back to the station.

"Sure thing Teaspoon."

After tethering his horse to the end of the buckboard, Teaspoon gets up on the seat beside Amber and asks once again if there was something wrong.

Before answering, Amber took a deep breath.

"You ever get all tingly when you're around certain people?"

"Been known to."

"Well it's like that whenever I'm near Buck. My stomach starts feelin' funny, my thoughts scatter with the slightest of breezes and my heart starts poundin' like the tom-tom drum."

"Does he know how you feel?"

"I don't think so. He hasn't said anythin' to me," she replied with a sad smile. "Besides it wouldn't matter anyway."

"And why not?"

"Can't tell. I'm not even supposed to know what I know."

Before he could question her further, they arrived at the station and see Jenny taking off on one of the horses with Buck hard on her heels.

Amber sighed again as she looks at Teaspoon and said, "I just can't tell him how I feel. There's too much goin' on for him right now. When I'm able to get my place fixed up…well, he won't have to worry about me anymore."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Lost in her own thoughts as she brushed the dust off the horse's hide, she yelps at the soft touch on her shoulder and whirls around punching the person in the stomach with her hand…the one that held the brush.

He grunted as he stumbled back, gasping "Wait…just a darn…minute." Then he plops onto a bale of hay, takes a deep breath and replies, "Didn't you hear me?"

"No, but serves you right anyway for sneakin' up on me like that," she says angrily in response as she stomped toward him, the brush still in her hand. "Don't you know it's not pol…"

She stuttered to a stop when he notices the twinkling little sparkle in his eyes as his eyebrow arches skyward. As he started to stand, she drops the brush, hikes up her skirt and runs out of the barn faster than a prairie tornado. Amber knew he'd be right behind her and ran faster while trying to understand why he would even be looking at her in that way when Jenny was so much more prettier.

When he caught her, he spun her around to face him. Her fists automatically came up and began to pound on his chest while she demanded for him to let her go.

He pulled her a little closer saying, "You are as exasperatin' as a woman as you were when we were younger. Now be still little she cat…you're startin' to drive me crazy."

"Please just let me go."

"Why?" When she didn't answer, he gently cupped her chin and made her look at him. That's when he noticed the tears brimming in her wide, dark blue eyes and asked what was wrong.

"J-just let me go," she answered softly. "We shoul-d't be t-touch-ing like this."

"Why? You're a woman and I'm a man. What's wrong wi…"

"You don't understand…"

"Enlighten me."

She shook her head and began to push away from him, but not before he placed a sweet kiss on her trembling lips. Then she shoved with all her might. He let her go. Amber ran back to the house as she choked on unshed tears and felt his confused gaze burning too close to her heart that she was afraid he could see what she felt. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Early December 1860

"Finally," she thought as she slumped exhaustedly into her favorite chair. "All the major work is done, now I can concentrate on what to plant come springtime." Then she closed her eyes with a smile as she tried to get a little rest before she had to fix dinner.

Knock, Knock

Amber slowly opened her tired eyes at the sound of someone at her door and pushed her achy body out of the chair. When she opened the door, Lou was standing there with a big smile.  She invited her in with a hug and they went to the kitchen so she could begin preparing her supper.

"Would you like some tea…or coffee?"

"Tea would be fine. I think I'm gettin' a little tired of coffee," Louise answered with a laugh.

"You and Kid doin' ok?"

"I guess, but sometimes I wonder about whether we'll last or not. Anyway, Rachel sent me over to invite you to the Christmas Day Dance."

"Not interested."

"Why?" When Amber didn't say anything, Lou asked if it was because Buck might be there. Amber still said nothing. Lou shook her head and replied, "Well even if he is there, you shouldn't be spendin' Christmas out here by yourself." 

Christmas day came too quickly for Amber and she paced the length of her porch while waiting for one of her friends to pick her up.

"How did I manage to let myself get talked into goin'," she said to the wind. "I don't really care much for these things anyway…rather do a rain dance or somethin' instead of makin' nice-nice to those who don't understand me."

She paced back and forth a few more times, then with a frustrated groan she decided to saddle up Thunder's Pride and meet her friends halfway. Before she even started down the steps, she heard the unmistakable sound of a wagon coming and looked towards its direction. Kid and Louise were coming to get her.

When Kid reigned in the horses right next to her porch, he smiled as he jumped from the buckboard to help her up. Then he hopped back into the seat next to Lou, gave the reigns a flick and they were off to the dance.

"Beautiful dress," he said.


"You know…when Buck sees you, he'll probably chase the other guys away so he could have all the dan… Ow, Lou-ise. What was that for?"

"Be quiet," she whispered. "You talk too much."

Amber smile was a little sad because she doubted that Buck would even notice her. "Not after having someone like Jenny around and not when Little Bird will be in his life again," she thought.

They finally arrived at the social hall and after Kid helped the girls down, he held his arms out so they could loop theirs through them. With a huge grin on his face, they walked in and over to where the other riders(except Buck) were standing.

Jimmy let out a low whistle, which caused both girls to blush.

"Whistle all you want at Amber," Kid replied, "but you keep those lips of yours away from my girl." Then with Lou's hand securely in his, he led her out to the floor.

Meanwhile, standing in a corner across the floor, Buck watched her as she made small talk with the others. He'd been watching her since the moment she walked in with Kid and Louise. Then he decided to get a little air after hearing her sweet laughter echo across the room and stormed out of the building while thinking crazy thoughts.

"Got no right," he scolded to himself as he paced the grounds just outside the dance. "Got no right to be thinking like this. That's Sun Hawk's baby sister in there and she is not one to be ogled at."

When he felt like he'd had enough "fresh" air, he took a deep breath and calmly walked back in. He spotted her in a moment, dancing with some dandified chap in a tall hat then noticed where the man had placed his hand. His fists curled and he stormed through the crowd to punch the guy who would dare put his hand on Amber's backside.

Amber was laughing at something Mr. DuBois had said when she noticed Buck heading their way with fury written all over his face.

"Uhm, Mr. DuBois…uhm…damn."

DuBois looked up, from the charming woman he'd been dancing with, just in time to duck a punch from an angry young man. Then Amber was stepping between them, poking the furious man in the chest while telling him to stop acting like her older brother.

"I already got one older brother…I don't need my friends to start doin' the same. Besides, what harm is it in dancin' with someone from my mother's homeland?"

"Dancin'? Then what was his hand doin' on your…your…where it shouldn't belong?"

Amber spun from glaring at Buck and narrowed her blue eyes at Mr. DuBois, asking him if what Buck said was true. He didn't have to answer…it was clearly written in the blush creeping up his neck.

"Ooooo, you men make me so mad sometimes. I just want to stake you all to an ant hill and…and…" Then she turned back around, pushed past Buck and stormed out the door, only to remember she'd come with Kid and Louise.

"Damn," she mumbled as she stomped her foot. "Knew I should've stayed home."

Continue to Chapter Five

