The Rock Creek Adventurous Tales
Part Two:
Ghosts from the Past

by Debra


Dusk has fallen onto The Kid & Buck Horse ranch. The sky has become a very soft blue almost pale
gray hue. The deep orange and vibrant ambers of the sunset are slowly descending beyond a
mountain in the far distance away from Rock Creek. The astounding sunset still holds enough light to
keep the owners of the ranch still laboriously at work. 

Louise walks out onto her front porch from the inside of her harmonious home, which is sometimes
difficult to obtain with teen-agers in residence. The beautiful sky nearly taking her breath away,
almost causing her to forget the reason she came outside in the first place. She searches the ranch
grounds for the men in her life that she loves dearly, and couldn’t bear to live without. 

Her eyes meet up with Jeremiah painting the last coat of paint on the newly constructed picket fence
around the front yard of the Hunter homestead. Even though the sky has turned to dusk, Louise can
clearly see that Jeremiah is wearing at least one coat of paint on his clothing. She smiles. Jeremiah
had been rather insistent that he be allowed to help Kid and Buck with the repairs that needed to be
done to the ranch. The only thing being that Jeremiah wasn’t counting on Teaspoon volunteering him
to fix and repaint the white picket fence that extends around the front of Rachel and Teaspoon’s
home. Jeremiah would have rather been involved with helping mend the corrals. Teaspoon certainly is
one smart old man. He knew that Kid and Buck needed to see that Jeremiah is a hard worker and that
he’s responsible enough to stay with a job until it is finished. Teaspoon also knew that Jeremiah
should be a distance away from Kid and Buck, and the work they need to complete before the summer
heat turns to winter frost.

Louise stretches her body forward to gaze out over the porch. She squints her eyes to search the land
before and beyond horse corrals. She barely can make out the silhouettes of two men still connecting
and hammering the new corral sections back together. She gazes over the newly constructed corrals
and notices that Kid and Buck accomplished a lot today. They both will be hungry and tired after the
strenuous day they just put in repairing the corrals in the late summer heat. When they first went out
to the corrals that morning, Kid and Buck made a commitment to her that they weren’t retiring for the
evening until the corrals are finished. It looks like they kept their promise. But, tomorrow will just
bring another day with other repairs that need done before cold weather sets in. The weeks that have
passed since the relentless storm have certainly been a tiring time for the family who reside at the Kid
& Buck Horse Ranch.

Louise reaches her hand up to the dinner bell hanging down from her porch roof. She rings it loud and
long to make sure she catches Kid, Buck and Jeremiah’s attention. She smiles when all three men
look away from their work to see her standing on the porch beckoning them to come to supper.

“Supper is ready!” Louise bellowed loud enough for all of Rock Creek to hear her. She prays that she
doesn’t get any uninvited guests for supper.

Jeremiah is the first to put down the brush that is saturated with white paint that he is using to paint
the fence with. He starts walking towards Louise in a hurry to get to the table before anyone else. At
sixteen, his appetite has become rather enormous. When he reaches the steps he takes two steps at a
time, his stomach rumbling to be fed. But, when he reaches Louise, she promptly turns him around to
face the water pump at the left side of the house.

“You’re not stepping one foot in my house with that paint covering you from head to foot. Go wash up
first. I’ll bring you out a change of clothes,” Louise commanded.

“I can’t change out here,” Jeremiah whined.

“Don’t pretend to be modest Jeremiah. I know better. Besides no one is going to see you. All the
proper young ladies from town are already nestled in their homes with their families. Now go clean up
or you’ll go without eating at the table and sleeping in your bed until you do.”

Jeremiah gives out a heavy sigh, but stomps back down the steps in a spoiled fashion and makes his
way out slowly to the water pump.

Louise can only shake her head. She finds it extremely difficult to raise teen-agers. She can only pray
that her two young girls don’t grow up too quickly. Heaven help the first young man that asks
permission to court one of Kid’s daughters. Louise opens the front door to her home, and walks

Kid and Buck place the last section of corral together before calling it quits for another day. The two
men are picking their tools up from the ground and placing them in a wooden toolbox.

“You were pretty quiet today. Something troubling you?” Kid asked Buck hoping to get an answer for
his friend’s somber mood today. Kid lifts the toolbox from the ground as the two men start walking
toward the barn, wiping sweat from their faces with the back of their hands, and depositing the
wetness onto the front of their trousers.

“Not really. I’ve been trying to figure out the murders that Cody’s here to investigate. The person
responsible for the killings didn’t leave a shred of evidence behind.”

“I thought Cody had confiscated arrows from the bodies of the dead soldiers.”

“He did. Cody was hoping I could tell him what tribe they were from. To me they appear to be made
by a white man. I think Cody doubts my judgment.”

“Cody has known you a long time. He should know by now that you wouldn’t lie about something as
important as evidence to cover up a killer, no matter who it is.”

“It would make Cody’s job a lot easier if it were a tribe of Indians.”

“It might make his job easier, but it wouldn’t find the person who’s really responsible for the killings,”
Kid spoke as he turns his attention to placing the toolbox right inside the barn door. He latches the
barn door closed before turning his attention back to Buck. “I’m starved. Lets get some supper. We
can sort out Cody’s dilemma in the morning.”

“Uh…I can’t tonight Kid. Cody and Jimmy are having supper with Rachel and Teaspoon tonight.
They both wanted me to be there to discuss Cody’s dilemma,” Buck spoke with eyebrows arched.

“It seems to me that Cody and Jimmy should be able to handle solving these killings without getting
you involved. Don’t they realize that you have a full time job working our ranch, not to mention all the
repairs we have to make before winter?” Kid spoke harshly aiming his words at Cody and Jimmy, not
at Buck.

Buck doesn’t want Kid to be upset with Cody or Jimmy any longer. As he watches Kid’s anger come
to the surface again, he’s thinking that it might be wise on his part to keep any conversation about
Cody and Jimmy silent when he’s talking with Kid. It seems that whenever he brings up their names in
conversation with Kid, no matter what they’re doing or not doing, his temper takes total control of him
and Kid doesn’t have one good thing to say about either one of them. “Kid really I don’t mind. It’s
only for one evening. Besides Louise will enjoy having you all to herself for supper,” Buck spoke
smiling at Louise’s apparent jealously fits of him and Kid. He is even more pleased when a smile
spreads across his business partner’s face. He hopes guiding the conversation to Lou will help Kid
forget Jimmy for a while.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let my feelings about Jimmy overflow onto everything else that is going on
around me.”

“It’s alright. I’ll see you first thing tomorrow morning.”

“Sure thing,” Kid spoke as he watches Buck walk through the open gateway and up the path to the
home of Rachel and Teaspoon Hunter. Once Buck walks inside the house, he turns his attention to his
own home and heads on over to his family.

When Buck enters the Hunter household Rachel, Teapsoon, Cody and Jimmy look away from their
plates to see who has come through the front door. Buck has four sets of eyes watching his every
movement, while he places his hat on the coat rack near the front door, and strides to the table. All of
them, who are already seated and served, are waiting for an explanation for his tardiness. Cody had
made it a point to inform him that dinner would be at seven.

“I guess I should have escorted you to dinner for what little good it did for me to tell you what time it
would be ready,” Cody spoke gruffly.

“I’m sorry. Kid and I were finishing up the last section of the corrals,” Buck spoke embarrassed
about his being late to dinner. He seats himself next to Jimmy, and across from Cody.

“That’s good that you and Kid have finished the corrals. At least the horses will be a content herd
tomorrow,” Teaspoon spoke referring to his family not being so content these days.

“We’re pleased. We still have quite a bit of work to get done though.”
Buck serves himself a plate of Rachel’s cooking while Cody proceeds to talk with a mouth full of food.
Buck watches Cody shovel his food in faster than he can chew it up. Cody’s incessant appetite almost
causes Buck to lose his.

“Now that Buck is finally here we can get down to business,” Cody spoke in-between his first and
second helping.

“Perhaps son we should wait until you’ve eaten your dinner. Seems to me it would make this meeting
move a whole lot quicker,” Teaspoon stated watching Cody with amazement at the amount of food the
man can still put away, but yet remain so thin.

“What’s the hurry? We have all evening,” Cody spoke.

“Cody you said earlier today you had some important news for all of us. What is it?” Jimmy asked

Cody takes his napkin that is tucked under his chin and tosses it onto his plate. It is time to get down
to business. “The army found two more soldiers murdered at an abandoned farm a few miles north of

“It wouldn’t happen to be the two soldiers who escorted Buck and I out to view those four soldiers,
who I might add had been dead for quite some time?” Jimmy asked still showing resentment for those
particular men.

“No Jimmy it wasn’t those two soldiers. Can’t you just let it go? Soldiers have to harden their souls so
scenes like what you witnessed don’t bother them. They see killing all the time Jimmy.”

“Cody how did the soldiers know where to look for the two men that were just found?” Buck asked
diverting the conversation back to the business at hand.

“They were tipped off. A note arrived this morning by messenger.”

“Who was the messenger?” Teaspoon asked.

“He said his name is Phillip Anderson. Said he found the note attached to his barn with a bloody
arrow!” Cody replied disheartened a bit.

“You think there’s something wrong with that picture?” Teaspoon asked trying to figure out what
Cody actually thinks.

“You know the Anderson’s, don’t you Teaspoon?” Cody asked.

“Yeah. They’re a bit of a wild bunch. I don’t pay them much attention unless they break the law.”

“They have a ranch a few miles from here. They raise cattle and a few horses. The ranch is actually
owned by Phillip’s father Oliver,” Buck spoke knowingly.

“What do you mean by they’re a wild bunch Teaspoon?” Cody asked.

“I think what Teaspoon means by wild are Oliver and Charlotte’s two daughters, Hannah and
Charlene Anderson. The two of them are quite well known in town at the saloon. The both of them
have been known to accompany married men to the rooms above the saloon. Of course this is just
hearsay, and besides both girls have repeatedly denied these accusations,” Rachel stated to the
group of men at her table.

“I thought one of those girls is engaged to Oliver’s top ranch hand.” Teaspoon stated confusion worn
on his face.

“Charlene. She’s the one who’s marrying Simon Davenport, but from what I understand she isn’t
happy about it,” Rachel spoke.

“Why would she marry the man if she ain’t happy about it?” Jimmy asked even more confused then

“From what I understand Oliver Anderson took it upon himself and decided that his daughters aren’t
getting married off quick enough. He’s forcing her to wed Simon,” Rachel spoke turning her attention
to Teaspoon. “I’m surprised you haven’t already heard all this in town.”

“Me! That’s woman talk. I don’t pay no mind to woman talk,” Teaspoon commented with a guilty
expression on his face.

Teaspoon’s remark gets a round of laughs from Buck, Jimmy and Cody. They all figure Teaspoon has
heard the story by at least a dozen or so gossips from town. Rachel pours all the men a hot cup of
coffee before she pours herself a cup, while trying to keep the smirk off her face concerning her
husband’s guilty expression.

“Perhaps the best thing to do Cody would be to pay Phillip Anderson a visit at his ranch and judge him
for yourself,” Buck spoke turning his attention to Cody.

“If it makes a difference, I’ve never heard anything bad about the son,” Rachel spoke softly.

“Is there any other interesting news you’ve heard in town that would be worth sharing with the rest of
us?” Teaspoon asked becoming more interested in the local gossip these days then the law. He shifts
himself in his chair in an uncomfortable fashion, trying to find a better position for his broken limb. He
lets out a painful sigh when he moves his leg to get more comfortable.

“You okay Teaspoon? Jimmy asked with concern.

“Yeah. This old leg of mine just gets a little tired of sitting after awhile.”

“There’s a new school teacher arriving soon,” Rachel spoke abruptly trying to get Buck, Cody and
Jimmy’s attention. She’s hoping one of these young men will have a chance at courting her.

All three men turn their attention from Teaspoon’s agony to Rachel’s thought-provoking news.

“I understand she’s in her twenties and very much a single woman.”

“Is this suppose to mean something to us Rachel?” Jimmy asked in a teasing manner.

This gets a smile out of Buck and Cody.

“It wouldn’t hurt any one of you to court a woman in a proper manner,” Rachel spoke rather upset at
the three men sitting at her table. Her berating of the three men has Buck looking down toward his
plate before him.

“I ain’t looking to get married Rachel,” Jimmy spoke no longer amused by Rachel’s suggestion of
romance for one of them.

“I didn’t say anything about getting married….

“Actually Rachel, I’ll be looking forward to meeting the new school teacher. Just let me know when
she arrives in town,” Cody spoke boldly before Buck got the chance to ask Rachel about the young

Teaspoon notices Buck’s slight disappointment at Cody’s unreserved behavior. Cody has enough
confidence for twenty men, but Buck’s confidence is easily shattered when faced with competition in
the romance department. “What about you Buck? Would you like to meet the young lady in question

Buck turns his attention to everyone at the table. It seems as if they’re all staring at him waiting for
him to stumble over an answer. He clears the hoarseness from his throat before he speaks. “I don’t
think so Teaspoon.”

“And why not?” Teaspoon asked perplexed by Buck’s answer.

“I have enough to handle with the ranch, Kid and Lou.”

“What do you have to handle with Kid and Louise?” Rachel asked with bewilderment. She was
actually praying Buck would be the one taking an interest in the schoolteacher.

“It’s a long story. Too long of a story to tell tonight,” Buck stated softly.

“It’s getting late. Buck, Jimmy can I count on both you helping me tomorrow with the Anderson’s?
We’ll also have to ride out to this abandoned farm where the two soldiers were found. We’ll need to
see if the killer left any evidence behind,” Cody asked turning the conversation back to the army’s

“I’ll go with you,” Jimmy stated flatly.

“I’ll help, but I’ll need to get back here to the ranch. I can’t be away from here all day,” Buck spoke
not wanting to leave Kid with all the work.

“It’s settled then. Cody, tomorrow morning Buck and I will meet you over at the bunkhouse,” Jimmy
spoke as he’s standing up and walking to the front door. “Thanks for dinner Rachel.”

Buck walks over to Rachel and kisses her on the cheek. “Thanks for supper. Good-night.” Buck
walks over to the front door. “Good-night Teaspoon.”

“Good-night son.”

“Oh and Buck, seven o’clock sharp,” Cody commanded softly.


He impels his horse to gallop just a little bit faster. He peers out over the flat plains ahead of him and
the gang of men behind him. He needs to put as much distance between them and the territory they
just came from. They had left in a hurry with a few good memories, but too many bad memories were
starting to bind the noose around their necks just a little to tight for his comfort. The brilliance from
the moonlight shines enough warm light for him to catch anybody riding toward them with
determination to capture the gang. He had ordered his men to stay quiet on this trip. If a posse were
to follow them, he would need to be able to hear the sound of stampeding horses galloping behind

After two days of riding, he realizes that if a posse had started to pursue them, they had long ago
given up. Yet he is still being cautious. Being cautious is what has kept him and his brother alive for
the past few years. He wouldn’t jeopardize their lives at this stage of the game. He loves the game too
much to ever want to give it up. There are times when Jesse senses that his older brother is ready to
call their life of crime quits, but whenever his brother starts feeling that way, Jesse is always able to
persuade Frank that they wouldn’t be suited for an honest way of life.

Frank often dwells on their life of crime. But, when Frank is honest with himself, he knows deep down
in his soul that he or Jesse could never do an honest man’s work. The James Gang just isn’t suited for
the exhausting arduousness of an everyday job. Besides, there isn’t a lawman within a few hundred
miles that would ever allow the James Gang to live a normal life.

Jesse and the gang reach a hill that overlooks a large ranch. Jesse and Frank dismount from their
horses, and walk slowly to the edge of the hill before it descends onto the other side to the ranch.

“You sure he got your letter?” Frank asked his brother with a hint of worry in his voice.

“I’m sure,” Jesse answered bluntly.

The two men watch over the quietness of the ranch down below them. There are a few strong horses
grazing in the corrals. Jesse has his eyes envisioning a plan to take the animals without endangering
any of his gang. There stock of horses are becoming worn out from the vigorous effort the horses had
to endure to get the gang out of danger in the last town they were visiting. The horses would have to
wait for now. He has the safety of his gang to take care of first.

The two brothers continue to wait patiently while the horses behind them give out repeated impatient

“He’ll get here before dawn, won’t he?” Frank asked nervously.

“Frank it isn’t even ten yet. Try to relax,” Jesse spoke harshly to his brother.

“You know we shouldn’t stay in one town for too long. We killed an innocent bank teller and possibly
the marshal during our last bank robbery. You know the town’s gonna send out a posse sooner or
later,” Frank spoke stuttering through each word with every muscle in his face tense due to stress.

“Frank why do you think I chose Rock Creek? Remember, I have family here.”

“They were family Jesse. That don’t mean they will still consider you a member of their tight little
clan. They have to know what kind of life you’ve been leading since you left here six years ago.”

“Shut-up Frank. I need for you to stop whining so I can come up with a plan. A full proof plan that will
surely have Marshal Teaspoon Hunter welcoming me back after six long years.”

“You best start thinking fast, cause I don’t think he’s meeting with us.”

“Frank you should try calming down those jittery nerves of yours,” Simon Davenport spoke quietly as
he takes his last step up the hill he had just climbed to reach the James Gang who are standing at the

Simon reaches his hand out to shake Jesse’s hand. The two men continue to stand facing each other,
while Frank stands off to the side of them.

“I don’t want to sound pessimistic Jesse, but staying here could put the gang in serious danger,”
Simon spoke.

“We need a place to hideout for awhile. Our last bank robbery didn’t go as well as I had planned,”
Jesse spoke calmly.

“You got the money, didn’t you?” Simon asked cautiously not wanting to create an argument with
Jesse right above the Anderson Ranch.

“We got the money Simon. That isn’t the problem. A bank teller decided he wanted to be a hero. He
went for a gun he had stashed under his window. We had no choice but to kill him. The gunshots woke
up the marshal, and on our way out of town, Frank here decided to shoot at him. Problem is Frank’s
aim is just too good.”

“Did you kill the marshal?” Simon asked turning his attention to Frank.

“I don’t think so. I got him in the shoulder.”

That’s enough talk. We need a place to stay Simon until things cool down some,” Jesse spoke getting
a bit impatient himself.

“Jesse there’s no way you can stay here. The ranch is too crowded with workers, not too mention the
family that owns the damn place,” Simon bellowed out quietly.

Jesse gets quiet for a moment. He lets his mind work out their problem at hand. He walks slightly
away from Simon and Frank. Once again his eyes glance down at the strong stock of horses in the
corral. He’ll have to depend on Teaspoon being soft in his old age. Teaspoon and Rachel always did
have a soft spot in their hearts where he was concerned. He’s hoping it is still there. He turns and
walks back to Frank and Simon.

“You got a plan?” Frank asked.

“We can hide out in the mountains for a few days until I can persuade Teaspoon Hunter to cover for

“He’s the marshal in Rock Creek Jesse. Are you sure he’ll hide you out knowing you and your gang
are wanted?” Simon asked not quite sure that Jesse’s plan is plausible. After all, he is a member of
the James Gang. He knows if Jesse and Frank are ever captured, that both men would spill their guts
about him.

“Teaspoon once cared about me as much as he would care about his own son. All I have to do is
convince Teaspoon that I want to turn my life around. Be a law-abiding citizen. If I can succeed in
getting Teaspoon to trust me again, then I’m sure he will do whatever he can to keep me safe until the
law forgets that Jesse and Frank James ever existed.”

“I hope you’re right. I have to get back down to the ranch. I don’t want to keep my lovely fiancée
waiting too long. She’s a very suspicious woman. I don’t want to ruin what her father has offered me
once a wed the little tramp!” Simon proclaimed with a sour tone in his voice.

“Perhaps that should be our way out of this life of crime. We’ll marry you off to Anderson’s daughter,
and then we kill the old man. You will inherit the ranch, and we all have a place to work out an honest
living for a change,” Frank spoke seriously.

“You sound like you’re turning a bit soft Frank in your old age. Except for the part about killing
Oliver Anderson, that is rather morbid,” Simon spoke wondering what is up with Frank James.

“Enough talk. You need to get back down to the ranch, and we need to find someplace to camp for the
night,” Jesse spoke commandingly.

“Where will I find you?” Simon asked.

“I’ll find you,” Jesse spoke to the point.

Jesse and Frank walk back to their horses and mount up. They ride out with the rest of the gang
following. Simon waits until the gang is out of his sight. He turns and walks briskly down the hill. He
doesn’t want to be missed. Oliver Anderson is an intelligent man. He wouldn’t want to have to start
lying about his whereabouts. Up to this point whenever he rode with the James Gang, he always made
up an excuse that he had business out of town that needed his attention. Oliver Anderson had never
once questioned him about his business affairs away from the ranch. He didn’t want Oliver to suspect
anything about his secret life with him being so close to marrying the man’s daughter and obtaining
the Anderson fortune.

Once he establishes himself on flat ground again, he briskly walks across the front of the ranch to get
to the house before he is spotted.

“Where have you been Simon, on foot no less?” Oliver asked as he is approaching Simon while
coming from the barn.

Simon stops dead in his tracks. He tries to hide the guilt that he knows must be pasted on his face. He
clears his throat and proceeds to turn around to face his future father-in-law. “I thought I heard a
noise up over the hill. I went to check it out.”

“What kind of noise? I’ve been out in the barn and I didn’t hear any noise animal or human,” Oliver
spoke demandingly. He walks over to Simon and stands in front of him. “What kind of man would
leave his fiancée because he thought he heard a noise?”

“The kind of man that wants no harm to come to his fiancée,” Simon spoke confidently. Confident that
he has once again fooled Oliver Anderson into believing he is an upstanding citizen, and the man who
loves his daughter completely.

“You found nothing worth investigating further on the hill?”

“Everything seems fine,” Simon answered.

“Well then, I suggest you attend to your bride-to-be. I know my daughter. She enjoys being fussed
over and spoiled.”

“Yes, I’m certainly finding that out.” But only from her father. He thought to himself as he walks
away from Oliver and heads toward the house and his unpleasing fiancée. As he walks into the house,
he notices how majestic the inside of the Anderson home is. The front room just inside the door
resembles a parlor. There are two sofas and a number of chairs in the room. The room is painted in a
rich tone of fawn. The furniture is a velvet fabric in shades of mahogany and chestnut. In the midst of
the parlor an elaborate staircase leads to the second floor. To his left is a magnificent living room. In
this room is where most of the family discussions are held. To his knowledge most of these so-called
discussions end in family arguments with some rather heated language attached to them. Behind the
living room is Oliver Anderson’s study. When the arguments get to be too much for the elderly man
he simply excuses himself and retires to the peace and quiet of his study. Usually he goes over the
ledgers that tell him that he is a filthy rich man. But, soon those riches will be Simon’s to control. To
his right is the dining area and a splendid kitchen is beyond the dining area.

He ascends the staircase two stairs at a time. He doesn’t want to keep Charlene waiting. Of course,
she doesn’t even realize that he plans on visiting her bedroom tonight. He feels he has been a
gentleman far too long. Tonight he plans on claiming what will soon be his to claim every night. Even
though he isn’t truly in love with the whore, he plans on getting from her what every man in Rock
Creek has been getting from her. She can deny the accusations all she wants. He knows that both
Charlene and her seductress sister Hannah are ladies of the night in Rock Creek.

He knocks on her bedroom door.

“Who is it?” Charlene asked. She is lying on her bed with a nightgown that would best be left for her
wedding night.

“Simon. We need to talk.”

Charlene immediately tries to cover herself with the sheer robe that is over the lacey nightgown. The
sleepwear definitely leaves nothing for the imagination to wonder about. “It is late. I’m very tired.”

He opens the door and walks in. “Too bad my precious bride-to-be.” He starts to walk towards her
bed where she had been reading another one of those foolish romance novels. He holds the book up
so he can read the title. He shakes his head disapproving of her reading material. “You wouldn’t have
to read such trash if you would allow yourself to engage in those activities with your future husband.”

Charlene slams the novel to the floor. “I don’t want to engage in any kind of activity with you!” She
quickly gets up from the bed. She doesn’t want herself in a vulnerable position when he reaches her.

Simon makes his way to stand a few feet directly in front of her. He reaches to touch the soft locks
that are hanging loose and draped about her shoulders and chest. She quickly slaps his hand away. He
is sure his face must be a brilliant shade of red because he can feel the heat of the embarrassment she
has left him with. Just the knowledge that Simon knows she doesn’t want him fuels the fire that has
been burning below his belt.

“I will have you!”

“You’ll have to rape me. Which is against the law the last I heard.”

Simon slowly walks closer to the woman who would much rather kill him then make love to him. “It
isn’t rape when it’s with your wife.”

“I am not your wife yet Simon. If I have it my way, I will die before I become your wife.”

“That can easily be arranged my beloved,” Simon spoke his mind mesmerized at the thought of what
he is about to do. He’ll have what is rightfully his tonight. The old man won’t even fault him. He
encouraged Simon to spend some intimate time with his future bride, and intimate time is exactly how
he wants to spend time with her tonight.

He lunges for her, but Charlene ends up being just a little too quick for his over zealous clutches.
Simon lands on the bed face down. Charlene tries to escape, but he latches onto her robe tearing the
fabric, while pulling her violently down onto the bed beside him!

She starts to scream, but he manages to stifle it by cupping his hand over her mouth. He tosses his leg
over her body to keep her on the bed. With his free hand he takes advantage of her position and
begins to taunt her by roaming his hand all over her body as he wishes. She groans as if in pain not
pleasure! She starts to squirm feverishly under his grasp! He knows he will win this battle. He is too
strong for her no matter how much she loathes the thought of him taking her with force!

Simon takes his hand away from her mouth only to trap her screams with his lips pressed against hers.
He tries to invade her mouth, but she keeps her lips tightly pursed together. Simon may get what he
wants, but he’ll have to work extremely hard to get it!

He gives up on the idea that she will kiss him passionately back! He reapplies his other hand to cover
her mouth again. If she won’t allow him access to her mouth then he’ll simply place torturous kisses
all over the rest of her body! That should really cause the poisonous venom in his cold bride-to-be to
heat up!

He leaves a trail of kisses down her neck and across her shoulders. Her attempts to get free of him
become determining. The little tramp is getting difficult to hold down. He quickly realizes that he
needs to get her undressed if he is to have his way with her. He looks back up at her face to reposition
his body when she suddenly bites down on the hand covering her mouth. He lets out a horrifying yelp.
Before he can take any action against Charlene, she spits her venom in his face!

When his hands go up to protect his face from any further assault from her, Charlene struggles free
from his grasp.

It doesn’t take Simon long to realize that Charlene is headed for the door and a way out of the misery
he is putting her through. He gets up from the floor and tries to think about what he can do to sustain
her from abandoning her bedroom. He leaps up and twists a large mass of her golden hair in his
hands. The pressure jolts Charlene backwards, and right into the arms of the man she dislikes more
than death!

She feels his arms wrapping tightly around her waist and chest. She finds that the more she struggles
to free her body from his grasp, the tighter his hold on her becomes. Simon pulls Charlene closer to
his passion flamed body. She lets out a hoarse scream that he stifles once again by placing his
unbitten hand over her mouth. He jerks her head back in one swift motion and his free hand comes
around the front of her neck. Simon embraces her neck so she is immovable. She begins to feel her
life being squeezed from her. She can’t seem to catch her breath. She is sure her face shows the fear
that he is causing her to feel. How else is she to feel when he is choking the life right out of her and
thoroughly enjoying the moment?

“If you ever spit on me again your rich life won’t be worth living. I’ll make a mess of that pretty little
face of yours. Such a mess that no man will want you!” Simon seethed at her behind clinched teeth.

He turns her around to face him. She leans her body backwards to avoid his lips from brushing against
hers. Simon won’t be denied. He places his hand behind her neck and roughly pulls her face forward to
meet his intimidating kiss!

Charlene struggles violently to free her body from his embrace and his disgusting kiss. The feel of his
slimy kiss makes her stomach intensely nauseated. She only wishes she had the ability to retch while
his lips are all over hers. That would certainly make Simon Davenport think twice about ever kissing
her again. He suddenly finishes the kiss, and when he pulls his face away from Charlene’s, she
doesn’t hold her strength back and she furiously slaps his face with all the force she can muster
behind her petite frame.

The slap isn’t strong enough for her to escape his grasp on her. “You just don’t learn do you? You are
to be my wife. I want to see what I’m going to be laying with for the next thirty years or better!” He
reaches out and grabs at her before she can even think about escaping. He encircles his arm around
her waist and tosses her roughly onto her bed.

Charlene closes her eyes against the pain that she is certain Simon will inflict upon her. She is
weakening from the strength of this man that she feels such animosity for. But instead of pain, she
feels the weight of his body suddenly on top of her! Her eyes open wide with terror when she hears the
ripping of her silk nightdress.

She can’t let this happen! She can’t let Simon Davenport take her whenever he so desires. She
musters up the strength within her mind and heart to beat this man. She slaps at him uncontrollably.
She doesn’t care where her slaps land. She just hopes her slaps connect and stun him to eventually he
release her.

Simon tries to take control of her arms that are flinging out at him in every direction. He is totally
caught off guard when her knee connects with his groin! Simon rolls his body off her grasping at his
groin in an attempt to control the pain she has succeeded in giving him. His face feels like it must be
fifty shades of red as hot as it feels at this moment.

Charlene watches his reaction for a brief instant. He could recover at any second, but she can’t seem
to get her trembling body to move up from the bed. When she sees his bulging enraged eyes watching
her every movement, she gathers her body up from the bed and runs for her bedroom door.

Simon recovers quickly from the sudden painful lesson she had just taught him. He races to the door
where she thinks she will be rid of him for the rest of her life! But, before Charlene can open the door,
Simon is pulling her locks of hair back towards him again! Only this time he isn’t as understanding
about her constant attempts at escaping from his charming ways of seducing her. He laughs a loud
laugh that she can only comprehend as craziness!

“You want to go through that door. Is that what you wish to do?” Simon spoke in a maddening tone.

“Yes,” Charlene spoke between her sobbing.

Without so much as a warning Simon walks her close to the door and slams her face violently into it!
“When I’m through with you no man will ever want you again. You’ll have no choice but to welcome
me into your bed!”

Charlene cries out gravelly with every bruise her body endures in Simon Davenports clutches.

The Kid & Buck Ranch has a complete stillness over it in the early morning hours after midnight. The
moonlight shines brightly on the ranch, sheltering everyone into a peaceful sleep.

The four horses that were left to gaze in the corrals are prancing back and forth in a restless manner.
Three men appear in the corral with the horses. They are trying to seize the horses in a quiet, orderly
fashion, but the horses have other ideas. The men finally manage to capture and attach a harness and
reins to each horse. The four animals are becoming more difficult for the strange men to handle. The
animal’s instinct tells them that these men are not their owners. The horses prance wildly about the
three men hoping to gain control of the situation. Unfortunately for the horses, the three men were
warned not to leave The Kid & Buck Ranch without a few good horses.

The uneasy noise coming from the corrals wakes Buck up from a sound sleep. He hasn’t been
sleeping very well the past few nights, and of all nights he chooses tonight to sleep soundly. He gets
out of bed dressed only in his long john bottoms and stumbles in the darkness of his bedroom to a
window that overlooks the barn. He can’t really see what is going on with the horses, but he can hear
the fretful sighs coming from the animals.

Kid is out of his bed that he shares with Louise in a hurry. His clumsiness at getting out from under
the sheet causes Louise to wake up from her dreamlike sleep. He rushes back to her side of the bed
and places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Where are you going?” Louise stumbled through her words half asleep.

“Something is upsetting the horses.”

“Oh please don’t let it be another storm,” Louise spoke barely above a whisper.

“It sounds like a storm, but not the kind that comes with rain,” Kid spoke quietly as he slips on a pair
of pants. He turns to look back at his wife to tell her he’ll be right back. He grins at her. She has
fallen back to sleep.

As Buck is leaving his bedroom, he meets up with Jimmy just outside his bedroom door. “You heard
them too?”

“Yeah. What do you think the problem is?” Jimmy asked.

“I’m not sure. Lets get outside and check on them.”

Buck and Jimmy walk down the stairs of Buck’s home with only a lantern in Buck’s hand to guide

Kid is heading toward the corrals with a rifle in his hand. As he gets closer he sees the three men on
horses guiding four of their horses out of the corrals. He aims the rifle and fires a shot, but misses his
target completely. His missed shot only causes the horse thieves to gallop out of his shooting range
with four of their horses.

Buck and Jimmy come running up to Kid’s side with guns drawn. The two men are only in their long
john bottoms. The three race toward the corrals. Jimmy raises his gun to fire at the men who are now
some distance away from the ranch. He fires one shot before Kid latches onto his gun and aims it
down at the ground.

“What did you do that for?” Jimmy spoke angrily to Kid.

“I don’t want you harming any of our horses.”

“I’m not that bad of a shot Kid,” Jimmy proclaimed loudly.

“Can we not argue about this,” Buck pleaded softly.

“Lets go after them,” Jimmy commanded.

Kid looks Jimmy up and down. “You’re not dressed properly.”

Jimmy looks at the small amount of clothing he’s wearing. “I can tell you’re finding this pretty damn

Kid and Jimmy start to walk away from Buck. Buck just watches the two men with bewilderment
mixed with joy.

“Well Jimmy picture yourself riding into Rock Creek with three horse thieves in their saddles with
their hands tied behind their backs, and you clad only in your long johns.”

“Yeah so.”

“The deputy might arrest you for exposing yourself.”

“I ain’t exposing myself. I have some clothes on.”

Buck stands back and smiles at Kid and Jimmy. Perhaps the tension between the two men will ease up
a bit after tonight. Well at least for tonight they gave Buck something to laugh about.


The next morning the sun hasn’t ascended above the mountains when Buck is pounding on the
bunkhouse door. Buck smiles as he hears Cody inside the bunkhouse stumbling over furniture as he
tries to answer the door. The next thing Buck knows, he’s looking at Cody wearing only his long

Cody’s eyes are clouded over with the residue of sleep. He’s having an extremely difficult time
focusing on the figure standing before him in the doorway.

“Cody, you did say to be ready by five o’clock sharp, didn’t you?” Buck asked with amusement at
Cody’s predicament.

“Five o’clock! Come on Buck, it isn’t five o’clock!” Cody spoke as angrily as a man can possibly get
when he’s standing in an open doorway wearing one-piece long johns. Buck’s amusing smile shatters
Cody’s ego. He looks down at his clothes to figure out what it is that Buck is having such a good laugh
over. “What’s so damn funny Buck?”

Buck points to Cody’s hair that is sticking out in every direction conceivable. Cody takes his hands
and tries to plaster his locks to his scalp.

“That isn’t helping much Cody.”

Cody spits into the palm of his hand and tries wetting his hair down with spit. All he accomplishes from
this act is hair sticking up all over the place with spit on it.

“Cody you might as well just give it up. I don’t think you can make it look any better,” Buck spoke

Cody throws Buck a disgusted look. “Haven’t you ever got up looking like you should’ve stayed in
bed the entire day? What time is it really Buck?”

“First of all. No, I have never looked quite as bad as you do at this moment. It’s actually six o’clock.
But uh…I can’t go with you and Jimmy today.”

Buck, I need your help with this today.”

“Yeah I know. I’m sorry. You know I would help you if I could. Last night we had company at the
ranch. Some horse thieves paid us a little visit. They got away with four of our horses.”

“How many men were there?”

“I’d guess about three or four. Jimmy already went into town. He said for you to meet him at the
marshal’s office.”

“What are you gonna do?”

“Kid and I are going to track the horse thieves this morning before we lose their trail. That’s why I
can’t go with you and Jimmy. I can’t leave Kid to handle the horse thieves by himself.”

“Yeah I understand Buck.”

“I’ll catch up with you and Jimmy later today.”

Jimmy is dismounting from his horse. He’s trying not to think of the abandoned farm that he will
accompany Cody to. Jimmy is hoping the situation is different than the last time he and Buck went to
investigate where soldiers had been killed. He shutters at the memories of that day. He doesn’t want
a repeat performance that Buck had given him the last time. Before they even leave Rock Creek,
he’ll make it a point to ask Cody if the bodies have been removed from the farm. But, just in case
they haven’t, he made it a point of not having any breakfast this morning. He ties the reins to his
horse to the hitching post outside the marshal’s office.

He brings his head up from the hitching post when he hears a soft moan coming from a person or
animal that sounds as if they’ve been hurt. He glances around, but he doesn’t see anyone around the
streets of Rock Creek. The town feels unusually quiet this morning. The time of morning could have
something to do with that. Perhaps he is the only lunatic up at this early hour. “I must be working too
many hours and not getting enough sleep,” Jimmy spoke to himself. “I must be losing my mind. Now
I’m even talking to myself.”

He walks away from his horse and proceeds to unlock the door to get inside the marshal’s office. The
soft moans reappear just as he gets the door unlocked. This time the moans are never ending.

Jimmy hurriedly walks around to the side of the marshal’s office. He sees only an empty dirt street
with dust blowing about from the gentle morning breeze. He starts to walk around to the back of the
building when he hears the moans that have become more intense. He hesitates to listen in what
direction the dreadful sound is coming from. Without hesitation he runs to the other side of the

He stops and peers down the alley that is located between the marshal’s office and the telegram
office. A now silent form of a woman is lying bruised and unconscious in the middle of the alley.

Jimmy runs to the woman’s aid and lifts her up into his arms. Her moans come more often and more
intensely the more he jars her. He’s hoping that he isn’t hurting her further with the tight hold he has
on her. He practically runs with her to the doc’s office that is down the street from the marshal’s
office. He gazes down at the woman watching her chest to see any signs of her breathing. He sighs
heavily when he realizes that she is breathing, but still rather shallow.

When he reaches Doc Barnes office he doesn’t bother to take the time to knock on the door. He
simply takes enough time to kick it open. Almost losing his precious bundle as he does so.

Doc Barnes is sitting at his desk going over notes he had taken concerning a patient’s illness. “What

“Doc! This girl has been badly hurt!” Jimmy spoke with his voice shaky.

The doctor points to the next room in his office. “Take her in there to the examining room.”

Jimmy clutches her tightly and proceeds towards the examining room. He’s thinking that perhaps Kid
is right. Maybe this town is a lot more unruly compared to six years ago.

“Lay her down gently on the bed,” Doc Barnes ordered.

Jimmy does so, and untangles her mass of blonde locks away from her face. Jimmy hears the doctor
let out a horrifying gasp when he sees the young woman’s battered face!

“You know who she is?” Jimmy asked concerned.

“Yes. It is Charlene Anderson,” Doc Barnes spoke as he gently washes her face with warm water and
a washcloth.

“How can you tell? Someone has really messed her up pretty badly.”

The doctor glances up at Jimmy. “I’ll give you one guess at who done this to her.”

“I would guess the man she’s suppose to marry. I understand they don’t like each other much,”
Jimmy spoke seriously, remembering what Rachel had told them at dinner the night before.

“That’s an understatement. I need to examine her. You’ll have to leave,” Doc Barnes ordered quietly.

“I’ll be back later to see how she’s doing.”

The sun has made its way above the mountains. The sky is crystal clear blue with just a few puffy
clouds scattered about. Buck and Kid are on horseback tracking the horse thieves that robbed them
the night before of four horses.

The two men come up to a swallow creek. They ride along side the creek for about a mile. Buck halts
his horse. He doesn’t see any tracks.

“Lets head back to where we last saw tracks. I’m betting they crossed the creek at that point,” Buck
spoke wearily.

Kid nods with agreement. They reach the point where Buck last saw shoed horse tracks. He crosses
the creek. Kid stays on the other side waiting to see if Buck can pick up their trail across the creek.

Buck glances back at Kid. “They crossed!” He yelled.

Kid guides his horse across the creek to join Buck. They ride up over the creek embankment. Buck
watches the ground as they continue to ride.

“It seems like we’re headed straight for the Anderson Ranch,” Kid spoke startled by the realization
that it could very well be their competition that stole their horses.

“Yeah. It seems like it,” Buck spoke flatly trying to not lose his concentration on the task at hand.

Cody arrives at the marshal’s office with his hair laid down in all the right places. His eyes are a bit
bloodshot from the late evening and then Buck’s early morning wake up call. He notices Jimmy’s
horse is tied to the hitching post, but there doesn’t appear to be any sign of Jimmy in the office. “The
damn law in this town is about worthless,” he curses to himself.

He shrugs his shoulders and wonders if his entire day is going to go this badly. It’s all because Buck
woke him up before he was ready to be woken. He heads back outside. He glances down the street
and views Jimmy walking towards him. “I thought maybe you accompanied Kid and Buck.”

Jimmy steps up to Cody. “Nope.”

“Where you been then?”

“I found a young woman in the alley. She’d been beaten up pretty badly. I just took her to Doc Barnes
for him to take a look at her.”

“Who is she?”

“Doc Barnes says its Charlene Anderson. I never saw her before. I guess the doc would know better
than me.”

“Do you know who did it?”

“Doc is guessing that it is her fiancée, Simon Davenport. I guess that makes him the first person I
question. You ready?”

“Sure thing. “We ride out to the abandoned farm first. Then we’ll head out to the Anderson Ranch to
question Phillip Anderson.”

“I guess I’ll be able to talk with Mister Davenport too,” Jimmy spoke as they both mount their horses
and ride out of Rock Creek.

Buck and Kid are on the hill that overlooks the Anderson Ranch. The horse tracks that Buck has
been tracking lead the two men straight to the Anderson’s. The two ranchers guide their horse down
the slope to the ranch. A few loose stones hurtle down the hill each time the horses take a step. The
hill is covered with a lot of brush and tall grass. The only shade from the blazing sun, are the trees at
the very top of the hill. As the two approach the ranch they see that Oliver Anderson is inspecting his
horse corrals.

Oliver Anderson glances up at the two men when he hears them approaching him. He wonders if
perhaps, because one is a deputy, if they have news about the horse thieves that visited his ranch last
evening. As Buck and Kid get closer to Oliver, he realizes that they are the owners of his competition.
He stands straight up and walks over to them as they are dismounting their horses.

Kid eyes up the ranch and its owner as he walks toward them. “How do you think we should handle

Buck also is looking over the elderly man who is approaching them. “He looks a bit irate himself.”

“Good day deputy,” Oliver spoke a welcome greeting to Buck in a gruff manner.

Buck simply nods his head. He has learned quite a few hard lessons in life. One of them is to be
cautious towards strangers. Buck has found that until you really get to know a person, most can’t be
trusted fully. He has found that most men and even women will lie to get what it is they want. Most
will have no guilt feeling about doing it after they’ve done it.

“Is your visit to enlighten me about my stolen horses?”

“You had horses stolen also?” Buck replied a little surprised.

“Last evening. I thought perhaps because you are a deputy you had some information concerning the
horse thieves who visited my ranch last night.”

“We had horses taken from our ranch last night also,” Kid spoke.

“We tracked them this morning. Their tracks lead us to your ranch,” Buck stated flatly. He doesn’t
want to make Oliver Anderson feel as if he can relax simply because he claims he also had horses
taken during the night. There is something about the man Buck just doesn’t like. “How many horses
did they take?”

“Three. They happen to be three of my finest horses. We haven’t had any trouble like this for a few
years. I assumed it was all right to let them out in the corrals during the night. It has been so warm
lately. I hated to box them up in the scorching enclosed barn.”

“We felt the same way. This is actually the first time we’ve had trouble at our ranch,” Kid replied.

“It could be that the horse thieves were at our ranch first. They took four from us. Perhaps four
horses didn’t satisfy their needs. They must have checked out both our ranches before hitting us.” Do
you mind if we look around? Maybe we can pick up their trail again from around your corrals,” Buck
spoke his mind thinking that Anderson is not being totally honest with him.

“Go right ahead.”

Buck and Kid start to walk away from Oliver.

“By the way deputy.”

Buck and Kid turn back to pay attention to Oliver Anderson.

“My daughter is also missing. I assume since last evening sometime since I did see her with her
fiancée earlier in the day.”

“Perhaps she just stayed over someplace,” Buck spoke knowing that Oliver’s daughters stay over in
town quite often.

“I don’t think so. Charlene’s fiancée also saw her last evening, she was still at the ranch around eight

Buck isn’t about to go looking around town for Charlene Anderson when he knows that chances are
she is with one of her man friends. Even though Charlene has a fiancée, Buck knows the young
woman still frequents the saloon. He has seen her in there on many occasions when he has had to
bring law and order into the saloon. Still he is the law, and if Oliver Anderson fears that his daughter
may be hurt somewhere, it is his job to find her.

“When I return to town, I’ll give it a thoroughgoing over. I can’t promise you anything though. I can’t
leave the trail of the horse thieves when were this close to finding them,” Buck spoke hoping his
promise to at least search for Charlene will be comfort enough for her father. Besides, if Buck had a
daughter that he thought was missing he wouldn’t depend on the law to find her. Buck would be out
tearing the town and territory apart till he found her. Oliver Anderson doesn’t appear too upset over
his daughter’s dubious disappearance.

“I understand that the horse thieves are your top priority. I’ll be waiting for your visit once you’ve
found her,” Oliver spoke calmly. He walks away from the two gentlemen.

Kid and Buck glance slowly at each other, one being just as baffled as the other by Mister Anderson’s
unflappable attitude concerning his daughter’s disappearance.

“What just took place here?” Kid asked his confusion mirrored back at him in Buck’s eyes.

“I’m not sure. But, Oliver Anderson doesn’t appear to be overwrought with grief over his daughter’s
disappearance, so I’m not going to make too much of an effort in searching for her. Lets check out his
corrals for tracks.”

“Do you think perhaps Anderson is the horse thief?”

“If he is you can bet your last sarsaparilla that our horses aren’t here any longer,” Buck spoke as the
two venture out to the Anderson horse corral.

Buck and Kid tread in separate directions to cover the area more quickly. Kid is getting a little
anxious about not finding the horse thieves. He’s worried that they might show up at the ranch again
with Louise and the girls alone to defend themselves. Buck had tried to reassure him that he didn’t
feel the thieves would take a desperate risk of stealing horses during broad daylight. Kid kind of
agreed with Buck, but he still didn’t want to take a chance with his family’s well being.

“Buck over here!” Kid hollered.

Buck runs swiftly over to the edge of the corral on the far left side where Kid is crouched low to the
ground studying the hoof tracks. When he reaches Kid he bends down to inspect what Kid has found.

“You think they could be from the thieves?”

“Could be. We’ll just have to track them for awhile and see where these tracks take us.”

Teaspoon had been meaning for quite some time now to do some work around the ranch that wouldn’t
require him to break his other leg while he’s trying to maneuver with the crutches the doc supplied
him with. Rachel is doing her absolute best creative scheming to keep him away from shuffling around
with his faithful crutches. He has to snicker at the ruthlessness she has had to come up with to keep
him prone in his bed.

Her first attempt was to tell the doctor he was ready get up from bed and walk without anyone’s help.
The doc decided he needed more bed rest. Doc Barnes refused his request for the crutches. Once
Teaspoon belittled the doctor into letting him have the crutches, his beloved wife tried to break them
in half, hide them in the hayloft, and she even tried to burn them. He laughs out loud amused with all
her ingenious conniving, not that it did her any good. Here he is out in the barn sitting on an old
wooden stool while fixing some of the harnesses that are in dire need of repairing, his faithful crutches
leaning against his stool.

“Hi Teaspoon.”

Teaspoon sits up straight as can be on the stool. He appears to be in shock after hearing the voice
from his past. It couldn’t possibly be the boy that voice belonged to. That boy had grown up fast. He’d
grown up to a man that is hunted by the law day and night.

“You’re probably doubting your own mind right about now wondering why I would ever come back
here. I guess I did sort of tell you that I’d never be back.”

Teaspoon reaches for his crutches. He stands up and positions them under his arms. He hesitates a
brief moment before turning himself around to view the ghost that has suddenly invaded his home.

Teaspoon stands reasonably composed by the presence of the young man before him. He really isn’t
quite sure how he should respond to his being next to the young man that he dearly loved as a boy.

He points to Teaspoon’s wounded leg. “What happen? Did you get shot?”

Teaspoon sighs worrisomely. He never in all his years expected to be faced with a predicament such
as the one he is facing now. “What are you doing here Jesse?” Teaspoon spoke calmly. He’d like
nothing better than to hug the boy he once knew. But, the man he has become is an outlaw and
Teaspoon is sworn to uphold the law as a marshal.

Jesse is real unsure about the way Teaspoon is behaving toward him. Perhaps this is a bad idea to
come to Teaspoon for help. After all the man is the law here in Rock Creek. Maybe Teaspoon won’t
consider bending the rules not even for a boy he once considered part of his misfit family. “I need a
place to stay for awhile. I thought maybe you could help me.”

Teaspoon looks at Jesse with unbelieving eyes. He can’t comprehend how Jesse can stand before him
and request him to look the other way in his case. He sees that Jesse notices the astonishment in his
facial expression. “Why should I help you out? Give me just one logical reason why I should look the
other way where you are concerned?”

“I want to change my life around, but I can’t do it with the law always hunting me down like a wild
animal,” Jesse spoke pleadingly. He knows exactly how to play on Teaspoon’s soft spot. The marshal
has one even though he always refused to admit it. Jesse could see the way Teaspoon was with the
other riders. When they had done something wrong, Teaspoon was never one to rant, holler, or
degrade them in front of others. Instead Teaspoon was compassionate and understanding. He helped
the boys through many difficult times. Jesse hoped that Teaspoon would help him though his troubled
times even if part of his tale isn’t completely honorable.

“How do you plan on changing a life of robbing and killing?” Teaspoon asked irritably.

“I know I have a lot of sins that I need to redeem. I can’t start a new life when everywhere I journey
there are lawmen who are ready to put a noose around my neck without a fair trail.”

“Jesse I am having an extremely difficult time believing that you want to change. From things I’ve
heard you live for the glory of the next bank robbery. I’m just speculating here, but I think your
intentions aren’t really sincere.”

Jesse’s stomach becomes slightly sickened that he won’t be able to convince Teaspoon of his
trustworthiness. The old marshal can see right through his lies and deceit. He’d thought he could play
on the marshal’s strong desire to have a family. Who is he kidding? Teaspoon has all the family he
needs. He knows for a fact that Kid and Buck are still close by. That would also mean that Louise still
remains. He panics slightly trying to think of another approach that Teaspoon will swallow. The only
scheme he can think of is to play on the old man’s conscious. “Teaspoon I really don’t know how to
convince you that I want to turn my life around and be somebody who works a normal job to have an
honest living. All I’m asking of you is to give me a chance, one chance to straighten my life out before
turning me in.”

The realization of what Jesse is saying hits Teaspoon. The boy will unquestionably hang for all his
wrong doings, and there is plenty that Jesse has done wrong in the past few years. Teaspoon stares at
the man he really doesn’t know. Teaspoon knew the boy that wanted to grow up as fast as he could.
Teaspoon could never figure out why. He had begged the boy to slow down, and simply enjoy being a
boy. When Teaspoon first met the boy he had his mind fixed on fending for himself, and living by
himself. He claimed he didn’t need anybody’s help. He remembers Jesse needed to get a job so he
could pay for doc’s funeral. Teaspoon offered to take care of everything so that Jesse could take time
to grief over the man who was his guidance. How different a life can turn out. Frank James, Jesse’s
older brother, turned out to be Jesse’s only means of what leadership is about. At least what
leadership is about when you’re the mastermind for a gang of carefree outlaws. Maybe he should
shelter Jesse for a while. The man before him possibly is young enough to change into an honest
human being. If there were anyone in Teaspoon’s life worth saving, that person would be Jesse.

“I can’t allow you to stay on the ranch in hiding. I don’t think Kid or Buck would be as understanding
as I am. I can offer you protection from the law as long as you agree to stay out of sight. Find
someplace in the plains to hideout until your name is no longer a household word. No other lawmen
will search for you around here if there are no rumors that you’re around here. Do you understand
what I’m telling you,” Teaspoon spoke gruffly.

“I can do this Teaspoon. You won’t be sorry,” Jesse spoke excited like the young boy Teaspoon used
to know.

“At the moment I ain’t the marshal. As you can clearly see I had an accident. Jimmy is playing
marshal. Buck is my deputy, and he still is deputy, helping Jimmy out. Neither one of them would
break the law to keep your whereabouts a secret.”

“You mean the both of them are just to damn honest,” Jesse stated amusingly. Instantly Jesse notices
that Teaspoon stiffens up and becomes too silent from the harsh words he used about two of the other
men that Teaspoon thinks of as his sons. He doesn’t find what he just said too humorous. He quickly
wipes the smirk from his face. “I’m sorry Teaspoon. I’m actually happy for you that Buck and Jimmy
turned out to be honest law abiding citizens. I know you would be broken-hearted if any of the other
riders would have turned out like I turned out.”

“I suggest you get yourself on out of here. Kid and Buck will be back soon from their search for horse
thieves. I don’t want them to find you here,” Teaspoon spoke brushing Jesse off rather easily.

“Thanks Teaspoon. I won’t let you down,” Jesse spoke as he walked out of the barn, mounted his
horse and rode out.

In the other direction Kid and Buck are riding toward the ranch. They notice the rider in the far
distance riding away from the ranch.

“Looks like we had a visitor,” Kid spoke.

“Yeah. I’m going into town to check in with Jimmy and Cody. I won’t be too long.”

“Take your time. We don’t have a whole a lot of daylight left to work on the ranch. I’ll start getting
the horses in for the night.”

Buck rides away from Kid and towards Rock Creek.

Doc Barnes is standing in the marshal’s office with Jimmy and Cody.

“Did you see Simon Davenport on your trip to the Anderson Ranch?” Doc Barnes asked showing
concerned for Charlene.

“No. We did get to speak with her father though. He claims that Simon was doing work outside when
he told him to go inside and spend some time with his bride to be. He said that Simon later reported to
him that Charlene was nowhere in the house. He claims he searched the entire house and couldn’t
locate her,” Jimmy spoke irritated.

“Must be true then. I don’t know why Oliver Anderson would protect Simon if he did indeed beat up
his daughter,” Doc Barnes spoke calmly.

“What are we going to do about the girl? I don’t completely believe Mister Anderson. I doubt his
story to be completely accurate,” Jimmy spoke with bewilderment as to what to do with Charlene. He
really doesn’t want to send her back to her home if she could possibly be in danger.

“She could stay at Buck’s home. I’m sure Buck won’t mind having a woman around his home. That
would give us some time to figure out who pounded their fists onto her face. She would be under you
and Buck’s protective care,” Cody spoke pleased with himself for thinking up such a brilliant plan.

“Oh Buck will just love this!” Jimmy proclaimed.

“What will Buck just love?” Buck asked standing in the doorway to the law office.

The sound of Buck’s voice and with Buck literally catching Jimmy, Cody and the Doc discussing him,
has all three men looking terribly guilty.

“Uh…nothing,” Cody stuttered.

Doc Barnes turns his attention once again on Jimmy. “I best get back over to my office. Let me know
what you decide.”

“Yeah, sure thing doc,” Jimmy spoke softly.

Doc Barnes leaves and on his way out he gives Buck a sympathetic look. Doc realizes that Buck’s
two friends have just volunteered him for a lot of trouble to come his way. Once Oliver Anderson and
Simon Davenport find out the marshal is keeping Charlene in protective care away from her fiancée,
there will be hell to pay. Both men are hotheads, very domineering with their women, and neither are
very good at taking orders especially from a lawman.

Buck comes into the office shutting the door behind him. Cody heads toward the door.

“Well Jimmy, Buck, I’ll see you both for dinner tonight. I have some urgent business to take care of
with my commanding officer,” Cody spoke hurriedly.

“Yeah, right Cody,” Jimmy stated flatly. He is now alone to map out his plan to Buck. Perhaps Cody’s
idea isn’t such a good one after all. He gazes at Buck and he can see that his friend is bracing himself
for the worse scenario possible.

“What’s up Jimmy?” Buck asked the tone in his voice causing Jimmy to feel guilty about him offering
for Buck to protect Charlene in his home.

Jimmy shuffles through some papers on his desk. His hands touch a large envelope containing new
wanted posters. “We sure do get a lot of these posters,” he commented as he opens the envelope.

“There is a lot of men wanted by the law,” Buck stated flatly.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“You’re avoiding my question, but I’m not going to let you off the hook so easily.”

Jimmy looks up at Buck and ignores the new posters for a moment. “You’re probably going to throw a
bit of a fit about this.”

“I don’t throw fits Jimmy. Will you just tell me what you’ve gotten me into? How bad can it be?” Buck
asked impatiently.

“You’re already starting to get a bit upset, and I haven’t even told you the bad news yet.”

Buck just looks at Jimmy with a look of you best tell me right this minute what you’re up to or I’m
walking out this door, and you can handle your problem on your own.

“Okay. I found a woman beat up pretty bad first thing this morning when I arrived into town. She was
in the alley lying in a crumpled up pile. The woman is Charlene Anderson.”

“Kid and I tracked the horse thieves to the Anderson Ranch. Oliver Anderson asked me to search for
his daughter.”

“Yeah I know. Cody and I went there to talk to Phillip Anderson and Simon Davenport. Neither man
was there. There’s something I don’t like about that. Seems too convenient for both men that the law
is looking for aren’t nowhere around to be questioned.”

“Get back to the girl Jimmy.”

“Oh Yeah. Anyway doc is pretty definite that Simon is the one who beat her up. I don’t want to send
her back home where she could very well end up dead. I…uh…well…I…Cody kind of volunteered
you to keep her at your home and to give her protection.”

“Cody did what?” Buck spoke as his heart is racing about as fast as his temper is flaring.

Jimmy is startled by Buck’s lack of interest in wanting to keep Charlene out of danger. Buck has to
know that if Simon Davenport is responsible for the bruises and cuts she obtained from his fist, that
he could very easily end up killing her the next time.

Buck is visibly upset with Jimmy for suggesting he protect the young woman in distress. He is pacing
in front of the desk. He stops every so often to stare down at Jimmy who is still seated at the desk.
“How could you just assume I would do this without even asking?”

“I didn’t think you would react this badly about it.”

“I don’t have time to baby-sit! Tell her father your suspicions about her fiancée. I’m sure Charlene’s
father won’t put up with Simon being abusive toward his daughter.”

“I already cornered Oliver Anderson about the matter. He defended Simon. He claims Simon is the
one who discovered that she wasn’t anywhere on the ranch last evening,” Jimmy spoke calmly hoping
his calmness would influence Buck to think this situation through rationally.

“Yeah. Probably after he dumped her off in town,” Buck spoke feeling defeated.

“Buck listen, if you really don’t want to do this I can come up with another solution. I just know I can’t
send her back home until I find out who did this to her. Besides, I was thinking that Louise could keep
Charlene company during the day. In the evenings you and I would be there to keep her from harms

Buck takes up his pacing in front of the desk once again. He’s afraid he’ll live to regret whatever
decision he makes concerning the situation with Charlene. If he allows Charlene to live at his home
until Jimmy proves that Simon did indeed beat her up, she could very well be living with him for a very
long time. If he chooses to turn her away, he would surely blame himself if the girl were beaten up
again. He really didn’t want to live with that kind of guilt. He gazes at Jimmy who is patiently waiting
for his answer.

“All right she can stay at my home. I just know I’m going to live to regret this,” Buck spoke in a
subdued manner.

Jimmy smiles broadly, stands up and slaps his friend on the back as a friendly gesture that he has
made the right decision.

“I don’t want her there forever Jimmy. Find the person who left her in the alley near death so she
doesn’t have to be living with me until the end of time.”

“Why do you dislike the idea so much about having a woman living in your home?”

“Look Jimmy, Charlene isn’t just any woman. I envisioned the woman that I would be living with
would be someone I chose to spend my life with. Not a woman who is forced onto me. Just promise me
that none of her male friends will be showing up at the house. I’m not too worried though. Charlene
Anderson has to agree to this. I don’t think she will.”

“She’s not getting a vote in the matter. I promise Buck, I’ll be at the house in the evening so you’re
not saddled with caring for her by yourself.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts. I’ve never known you Jimmy to tie yourself down to caring for just one
female. Keeping Simon away from his fiancée is going to be a full-time job. The man has a temper
worse than yours and Kid’s put together. Of course unless you have other interests in the woman.”

Jimmy hasn’t really been paying much attention to what Buck has just said. His face has suddenly
turned pale as if he’s seen a ghost. He is glancing through the new wanted posters. Buck can’t really
see what has Jimmy’s attention as if he were spellbound. He is holding a poster directly in front of him
not allowing Buck to have visual access to it.

“Is there a problem Jimmy?” Buck asked baffled by Jimmy’s sudden lose for words. When Jimmy
still doesn’t acknowledge his presence. Buck claps his hands in front of Jimmy. “You still with me

Jimmy blinks his eyes a few times as he starts to come out of his trance like state. He glances away
from the posters to look at Buck. Jimmy turns the poster around for Buck to view what had him
“Would you call this a problem?”

The observation that Buck makes about the poster leaves him speechless as well. He takes the
poster out of Jimmy’s hands barely grasping it as he reads it. “Jesse James wanted dead or alive.
There’s a thousand dollar reward for his capture. The bounty hunters will sure be busy until someone
captures Jesse.”

“There’s a poster here for Frank James and the rest of the James Gang as well,” Jimmy spoke

“To tell you the truth, I’m not surprised by this. I hadn’t made Teaspoon aware of this, but I had
heard that the James Gang robbed a bank about a week ago. Made off with twenty thousand dollars
in cash. They killed an uncooperative bank teller and wounded the marshal,” Buck stated knowingly.

“Where did this all take place?”

“Plum Creek.”

“That’s only about a days ride from here.” Jimmy grabs the poster away from Buck and shoves them
back into the envelope they arrived in.

“What are you doing?” Buck asked confused by Jimmy’s actions.

“We can’t post them. It would upset Teaspoon too much to see a wanted poster of Jesse
hang…posted in his office.”

“Jimmy, Teaspoon is neither blind or dumb. He’s aware of the kind of person Jesse has turned into
and the bad choice of company he has decided to keep. You have to post them. It’s against the law if
you don’t,” Buck spoke compassionately to his friend.

“Do you always do exactly what the law says Buck?”

“This isn’t about me, Jimmy. I don’t have my photo on any wanted posters.”

Jimmy shakes his head in a manner with which he isn’t sure what he should do. “I still think it’s a bad
idea to tell Teaspoon about these.”

“Who said anything about telling Teaspoon. He won’t be in here for another couple of months. Post
the wanted posters on the bulletin board. That way we aren’t breaking the law, but we’ll keep this
news from Teaspoon.”

“Buck, have you thought ahead here? What if someone brings Jesse and the James Gang in more
dead than alive after catching sight of these posters hangin…posted in our office? Then how are we
going to explain this to a grieving Teaspoon?”

“Jimmy this isn’t going to be the only marshal’s office with these posters hanging in them. They’ll be
pinned up all across the territory,” Buck proclaimed softly.

“Are you concerned at all about how Teaspoon is going to handle this?” Jimmy spoke. He knows the
old man will take the news of Jesse very unfavorably. He is the one who feels defeated and unsure of
the decision he must make.

“How do you know Teaspoon will react upsettingly about these posters?
He’s been a lawman for a number of years. He has sworn to uphold the law, and it doesn’t appear to
me that he minds doing just that. If it bothered him, he wouldn’t be a marshal.”

“I just have a bad feeling about this,” Jimmy stated as he’s taking the posters back out of the

“You can blame me if Teaspoon should happen to be upset about it,” Buck spoke hesitating a moment
while he watches Jimmy tack the posters to the bulletin board. He senses that Jimmy is saddened by
the action he knows he must take. “Jimmy?”

“Yeah Buck?”

“Are you okay with this? I know Jesse and you were pretty close at one time.”

Jimmy finishes posting the wanted posters. He turns around and focuses his attention back to Buck.
“Not anymore. I tried to make Jesse understand that being good with a gun didn’t make you a better
person. I guess Jesse didn’t understand. How are you with this?”

“I wasn’t particularly close to Jesse. I always felt like he was a little apprehensive about me. So I was
never able to really get to know him. I’m just trying to do what Teaspoon has taught me about being a
deputy and the responsibilities that come with the job. Being a deputy has certainly put me in my place
concerning my own law bending behavior.”

“That wasn’t your fault Buck.”

“Yeah, it was.”

Jimmy starts to say something in Buck’s defense, but Buck doesn’t want anyone making excuses for
his past mistakes. He cuts Jimmy off from speaking his mind.

“Lets just leave it at that.”


A few mornings after Jimmy and Buck discussed what to do about Charlene Anderson, Jimmy is
halting the buckboard he is seated on from going any further than the front of Buck’s home. He jumps
down from the buckboard where he had been seated next to Charlene. A hesitant moment passes
through him. Before advancing to the other side of the buckboard to help Charlene down, he thinks
about how this will undoubtedly change his and Buck’s life drastically. He’s never actually had a
woman living in the same house that he occupied, other then when Lou bunked in with the boys when
they all rode for the Pony Express. Of course it wouldn’t be nothing like being married to a woman.
However, it would involve dealing with her every emotion. Jimmy has to admit, he isn’t very good
dealing with women and their emotions. His mind snaps back to gaze at the woman still seated on the
buckboard. Not only is she battered on the outside, but also inside she must be feeling daunted and
frangible. Staying here she will be able to acquire her strength back, both body and mind. None of his
feelings really matter at the moment. Her safety is all he should be concerned about at this point.

Jimmy walks around the buckboard to the side Charlene is seated on. He reaches his arms up to her,
and she gladly befalls into his awaiting arms. He places her feet securely on the ground, and takes her
hand to guide her onto the porch of the house.

Just as Jimmy is about to open the front door to Buck’s home, the home Charlene will reside at for
the time being, she finds herself unable to take the next step forward.

Jimmy glances down at her with concern. “Is there a problem?”

“You’re sure that Mr. Cross is all right about my staying here?”

“Why are you worrying yourself about Buck? I already told you that Buck is fine with you staying
here for a while,” Jimmy spoke as he grasps her hand a little tighter to give her some assurance. All
he can feel is the trembling of her tiny hand in his. “Are you afraid to stay here?”

Charlene isn’t quite sure how she should answer the marshal’s question. He has been so kindhearted
towards her. She really doesn’t want to spoil her first day in her new home. In her mind she has to be
optimistic that she will be safe here, even though her emotions and mental state are shattered. “I
don’t really know quite how to say this without sounding callous. I really do appreciate what you have
done in an effort to save me from the evilness in my own home.”

“Just say what’s on your mind Charlene. I’m not about to judge you. I know you’ve been through a lot
of torment these last few days. Actually I’m guessing you’ve had to deal with Simon’s rage for a long

“I’m not sure I can stay here.”

“Why not?”

“He’s an Indian is he not?”

Jimmy hadn’t expected the fact that Buck is an Indian to be what is troubling Charlene. He can’t help
but be angry by her prejudice toward Buck. “Buck is a human being just like you and me. Before we
go inside I want you to understand that. He certainly doesn’t go about beating up women like your so
called fiancée does.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Hickok. I didn’t mean to make you angry,” Charlene spoke as she lets out a few quiet

Jimmy reaches out and hugs the frightened woman. “I didn’t mean to raise my voice with you.” He
pushes her lightly out of his arms and holds onto her forearms while looking into her eyes. “Buck is a
good man. You don’t have to be afraid of him. As a matter of fact, Buck is about the gentlest man I
know. You do trust me don’t you?”

“Lets go inside.”

Kid and Louise are sitting at the table in the kitchen with Buck. The three are drinking their morning
coffee while they wait the arrival of Charlene Anderson. Buck has been extremely quiet which makes
Lou a little nervous.

“You don’t seem too elated about your new house guest Buck,” Louise spoke softly.

“Louise, I think you should leave this alone,” Kid stated softly to his wife who seems just a little too
thrilled that Buck will have a woman living in his home.

“It’s all right Kid. I’m not too happy about it Louise,” Buck spoke disheartened.

“Why not? It ain’t like you’ll be married to her, not that that would be such a bad idea.”

“Louise,” Kid spoke behind clinched teeth.

“You want me to be saddled down with the town whore?” Buck asked Louise trying desperately to
keep calm about his present situation with Charlene Anderson.

Louise would rather Buck find a woman that’s more decent than his new intended guest. The only
problem Lou is having with that is that it isn’t happening fast enough for her. She figures that if Buck
were a newlywed, then she could have her husband back. But, Charlene probably wouldn’t be the best
choice of a wife for Buck. Louise doesn’t want to see Buck married to a woman he couldn’t trust much
less love. “You’re right. Charlene is definitely not the woman for you.”

“I’m glad you agree with me. She’s a houseguest who needs my protection only. I intend on keeping it
that way.”

Before the trio can utter one more word, Jimmy opens the door to the kitchen and allows Charlene to
enter. He follows right behind her. Kid, Louise and Buck all gaze up from their cups of coffee to study
the woman before them. Buck and Kid both stand to greet her.

“I’d like all of you to meet Charlene…”

“Jimmy, we all know Charlene,” Louise spoke softly not wishing to embarrass Jimmy or Charlene.

“I guess I didn’t realize with all of you living close to Rock Creek that you would already know one
another,” Jimmy stated with a slight grin.

Charlene doesn’t take her eyes off Buck the entire time they are in the kitchen. Jimmy is a bit
worried that Charlene will say something that will annoy Buck. “Charlene why don’t I show you where
your bedroom is,” Jimmy spoke nervously.

“I’d like that.”

The two turn to leave the kitchen.

“Charlene?” Louise spoke wanting Charlene’s attention.

Charlene turns her head around to glance at Louise. “Yes Louise?”

“The girls and I are going swimming later this afternoon. Since Jimmy will be in Rock Creek and
Buck will be helping Kid with work around the ranch, I thought perhaps you would like to join us.”

“Yes, I would. But, I don’t have anything to wear in the water.”

“I’m sure I have something that will fit you,” Louise spoke friendly.

“Well, you should be well occupied with Louise and Kid’s two girls,” Jimmy spoke thrilled that Louise
as offered her friendship to the woman that is under their protection. As long as Charlene gets over
her initial apprehensiveness concerning Buck’s heritage, her life at the Kid & Buck Ranch should go

Oliver Anderson is slamming shut the door of his study after he enters the room in an enraged
manner. The two occupants that were summoned to the study jump in a nervous manner. Phillip and
Hannah Anderson haven’t witnessed their father’s frenzied temper of late. Of course none of his three
children have disobeyed him of late either. He obviously isn’t content with the marshal interfering in
family business. The marshal made it his business to take Charlene to his home stating that Oliver’s
daughter needs protection from him and her fiancée.
Oliver Anderson doesn’t take kindly to the law making his family any of the law’s business.

“I want your sister brought back to her home before this day comes to an end. I am leaving that
mission to the two of you. She trusts the both of you. You can persuade her better than anyone could
to come back home where she belongs,” Oliver spoke gruffly.

Phillip Anderson, who looks like a twin to his sister Hannah, clears his throat nervously before
speaking his mind. “I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to bring Charlene back here.”

“Are you defying my orders?” Oliver spoke angrily as he approaches Phillip and Hannah.

“Father, Phillip and I will talk to Charlene this afternoon. But, I’m not so sure the marshal will allow
her to leave. You said yourself that the marshal made it perfectly clear to you that he believes that
Simon is the one who beat Charlene up,” Hannah spoke calmly. She is trying to make an impression
on her father so he doesn’t become violent with her or Phillip.

“Simon did not beat that girl! Hannah, you are aware of you sister’s hatred toward Simon. Why she is
that way to him, I do not understand. I am convinced that Simon truly loves her. Why else would he
want to make Charlene his wife?”

“You are right father. All I’m trying to say is that Phillip and I can’t over-ride the marshal. I promise
that I will make an effort to get Charlene home. That’s the best I can do,” Hannah spoke calmly.

Oliver bends slightly to give Hannah a kiss on the cheek. “You Hannah are the sensible one in this
family. Without you the rest of us this family would turn to dust and blow away.” He leaves the study
without speaking another word to his two children.

“Thanks for the save sister. I truly thought I was going to meet my maker,” Phillip shuddered at the
thought of his father’s rage aimed at him.

“It is becoming more and more tedious with every passing day to be a member of this lunatic family,”
Hannah spoke more to herself than to her brother standing right beside her.

“Tedious isn’t quite the word I would use,” Phillip remarked his voice still hoarse with nervousness.

“Sure it is. Father isn’t much of a game player anymore. It doesn’t take much to have him eating out
of the palm of my hand. There’s no exhilaration to his madness anymore. His outbursts of
derangement no longer stimulate my mind to a higher challenge,” Hannah spoke solemnly.

Phillip stares confusingly at his sister. Hannah is definitely their father’s daughter. He reluctantly
doesn’t want to think about Hannah being a duplicate of their father. The mind games are part of her
warped personality, but the rage has not seethed her yet.

The creek behind Louise’s home is warmed from the heat of the scorching sun. Louise and Charlene
are teaching Abigail and Emma how to swim. The two young girls would much rather splash their
mother and Charlene.

Louise watches Charlene closely with her two daughters. She appears to really enjoy spending time
with the children. It could be that everyone including her has misjudged Charlene.

“Mother, I’m getting tired,” Abigail whined softly.

Charlene glances over at Louise, who doesn’t appear to want to leave the warmth of the crisp water
just yet. “I’ll get out with the two girls for a while if you want to stay in the water a bit longer,”
Charlene spoke softly.

“Are you sure?”

”Yeah. I hate to admit it, but I’m still a little weak from my ordeal with Simon Davenport.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Charlene. I hadn’t thought of you needing your rest after everything you’re been
through,” Louise spoke upset with herself for not watching after the woman better. Jimmy would scold
her thoroughly if Charlene came down sick on top of what she’s already had to endure. “If you don’t

“Of course not. We’ll just sit up on the bank and watch you swim,” Charlene spoke with a friendly
smile. She truly likes Louise. She is able to communicate better with her than with her own sister.
Hannah is much more intelligent than what she is, and she lets Charlene know it in everything they
attempt to do. Louise isn’t conceited at all. It’s almost as if everyone is an equal where Louise is
concerned. That includes her friend Buck Cross.

Charlene takes the two girls by the hand and guides them out of the water and onto the bank where
they have a blanket spread out on the ground. She wraps a dry towel around each girl, to control her
shivers from the coolness due to leaving the warm water.

Charlene watches Louise swim about the creek, but her thoughts are on the half-breed Buck Cross.
He had once asked her to dinner a couple of years ago, but she had turned him down. The Indian in
him didn’t agree with her lifestyle. He never attempted to talk to her after that. She thinks how ironic
it is that she is now living in his home with him and Jimmy as her protectors. Perhaps this is a way for
the powers that be to put the two of them together after she told herself that she wouldn’t have
anything to do with the likes of him. He is quite handsome. Truth is, he is down right gorgeous! She
thinks of how he’d be in…She shakes her head to end the naughty thoughts of him that she’s having.
She has to stop thinking that way all the time. Hannah has told her more than once that she needs to
get control of her lustful thoughts about every man she meets. Well not every man. She isn’t having
these same thoughts about the marshal, just his deputy!


Charlene turns slightly to see Jimmy gazing down at her.

“You look as if you were miles away from here,” Jimmy spoke amused by the pale redness creeping
onto her face.

“I was just thinking.”

“Must have been some interesting thoughts. How’s the water?”

“Why don’t you join Louise and find out,” Charlene spoke wanting to be alone with her thoughts of

“Oh I don’t know if that would be such a good…”

“Jimmy!” Louise hollered from the water.

Jimmy turns his attention to a bathing Louise.

“Join me. The water is just right this time of year,” Louise spoke with a teasing smile etched upon her

“All right. I guess it can’t hurt anything for me to take a dip with a friend,” Jimmy spoke as he strips
down to his long john bottoms. He quickly makes it to the edge of the water and jumps in.

Louise watches for him to submerge from the depths of the creek. She anticipates that he plans on
scaring the daylights out of her. She is correct. When Jimmy comes up for air, he comes up right along
side of her. The splash he makes causes her to lose her balance and yell out! Jimmy grabs hold of her
and brings her shivering body close to his!

“What the hell is going on here?” Kid asked his temper seeping out onto his face.

Kid and Buck, along with Phillip and Hannah Anderson are watching the playful scene from the top of
the bank that overlooks the creek. Both Kid and Buck are looking extremely shocked over the
episode they are witnessing. Phillip and Hannah are simply amused that something is wrong with the
picture even though they have no idea what it is.

Louise and Jimmy both are in shock from the anger in Kid’s voice. They are still locked in a tight
embrace when Kid storms away!

Continue to Chapter Five


