Ghosts from the Past
by Debra

Chapters Nine to Twelve


As Buck approaches the stairway her sudden movement downstairs catches his eye. He stops his forward advancement in mid-stride. His breath catches in his throat as he gazes at the beautiful woman standing below him in his foyer. She is glancing out a window watching for her escort to the dance to arrive for her. 

The very thought of Cody taking Jane to the dance makes his blood boil. He had wanted desperately to halt the turn of events that had taken place in his kitchen the other morning. He had wanted; no he had wished that Charlene and Cody would simply disappear. Then he would have been free to escort Jane to the dance. However, there was one good thing that came out of the kitchen conversation that morning. The fact that Jimmy has his eyes on another woman other than Louise.

Buck clears his throat quietly trying to calm his unsteady nerves. He doesn’t want her to think he’s acting like a schoolboy with a crush on his teacher. He only wishes it were just a crush. He has had nothing but carnal thoughts of Jane that have kept him sleepless the past few nights. Last night he had even started to think that a midnight ride on Warrior, with the cool summer wind blowing in his face, would give him enough weariness to fall asleep. The problem with that is he didn’t want to wake up the entire household by getting out of bed. So he stayed in bed with images of Jane until the early morning hours finally claimed his mind and imposed an uneasy sleep upon him.

Buck takes a deep breath and starts to walk down the stairs to the foyer where she is standing. He keeps his eyes fixed on her backside, which is facing him. He could easily dash off in the direction of the kitchen and avoid any contact with her all together. To save his sanity, keeping his distance may be the right thing to do. Perhaps his sanity isn’t what he really needs to save. What he needs is Jane! “Now I’ll I have to do is tell her so,” Buck spoke quietly but still loud enough for her to hear him mumbling.

Jane hears his footsteps and his sensuous, soft voice saying something to her. She whirls herself around to find him directly behind her. “Did you say something?”

Buck is totally blinded by her beauty, and apparently unable to hear because he neglects to answer Jane’s question. The dress she is wearing fits her figure perfectly. He is becoming very aware of the sensations she is causing in him. He only hopes that Jane doesn’t become enlightened by what her proximity to him is doing to him! He shouldn’t think that way of her. She is Cody’s date for the evening.

She has definitely taken his breath away. Jane can only smile at the sight of his eyes gazing over her with approval. The dress she has chose to wear to her first social event in Rock Creek is made of a dark green taffeta. The color of the dress enhances her cinnamon locks that flow freely past her shoulders and around the neckline that is daring just enough to give the men at the dance some not so innocent thoughts of the new schoolteacher. The sleeves of the dress rest just above the elbow and they have a slight puff to them. Jane has a taffeta shawl around her shoulders that matches the dress stunningly. 

She can’t help but notice something different in his deep brown eyes as he gazes over her. Jane can’t identify the difference she sees in his eyes, but he’s never looked at her that way before. She so desperately wants to allow herself to get even closer to him then she already is! The fact that she is Cody’s date for the evening halts her from taking any action toward Buck. She doesn’t want to dwell on the feelings he is stirring up inside her. After all, Cody asked her to the dance, and she is the one that accepted. She wanted to attend the dance with Buck, but he has been forced to escort Charlene. At least she gets some satisfaction knowing that he loathes the fact that he has to escort Charlene. What if he didn’t have to escort Charlene to keep her out of harms way? Would Buck have asked her? Jane isn’t so sure that Buck has the same feelings running wild inside him for her that she has running wild inside her body for him. 

“You are downright captivating in that dress,” Buck spoke breathlessly. He is somewhat shocked at himself for the words he had just spoken to Jane. Usually he is quite reserved when it comes to women.

She also is shocked that he has said something that implies that he finds her attractive. “Thank-you Buck,” Jane spoke as she tries to keep her eyes from roaming down his gorgeous body! She becomes slightly flushed by the sight of him. To ward off any further embarrassment, she turns her head around to glance out the window. 

“He isn’t here yet. We would be able to hear the buckboard.”

Jane releases the curtain, and rolls her eyes at the thought of having to face him again. She won’t be absolving Cody anytime soon for being politely late. She will however, be able to blame Cody for his being unpunctual, if she can’t keep her hands in control with Buck being so close to her. She turns herself around to gaze into his dark eyes. Perhaps if she just concentrates on those mysterious eyes, she can keep her thoughts off other parts of him!

In a single heartbeat she can’t keep her promise to herself! Her eyes devour his entire being. He is absolutely gorgeous in black pants, navy blue shirt with a black suit coat that adds a sensuous… uh-nice touch to the rest of what he is wearing. How will she ever be able to keep her mind on Cody tonight when Buck will be at the dance within her sight?

“Do you think Cody will allow us to have one dance together?” Buck asked softly.

Why does he have to speak to her? His voice makes her extremely weak in the knees. She lunges slightly forward as if she’s going to faint. Buck braces her fall by gently grabbing onto her forearms. She sees the bewildered look he is giving her. At this moment, she would just like to crawl into a hole somewhere and hid from his questioning eyes.

“Are you okay?” Buck asked perplexed by her sudden wave of weakness.

She has latched her arms onto his for more support. “I’m really just very hungry for yo…I’m really thirsty,” Jane spoke stammering through her words. Why on earth did she say such a thing? She prays he didn’t catch on to her almost blunder of her uncontrollable mouth.

“I can get you a glass of water before Cody arrives, if you’d like.”

“No. I’ll be fine until we get to the dance.”

“You haven’t answered my question about saving one dance for me,” Buck asked with a warm smile.

She hadn’t really thought that Buck would ask her to dance when he’ll be with Charlene. Jane thought about the malicious glare she would receive from Charlene if she were to share a close dance with Buck. Jane wonders if Buck has any intentions of dancing with Charlene. That could cause an all out war if Buck refuses to dance with Charlene, but then turns around and shares a dance with her. The thought causes a devilish smile to sweep across Jane’s face. She almost wishes she could watch the scene from a distance instead of being the one causing the scene. How delicious her thoughts can be.

“What about Charlene? Won’t it be impolite of you to leave her sitting at a table all alone?” Jane asked seriously.

“I’m not really with Charlene. I’m only doing this because Jimmy roped me into it,” Buck spoke dispirited. He doesn’t want Jane to think he wants to go with Charlene. He would much rather be spending the evening with her. They have seven years of catching up with each other to do. He had been hoping to get the chance to talk with her on what she has been doing since they last saw each other tonight at the dance.

“I guess you’re just doing your duty as Charlene’s protector,” Jane stated coldly. After the coldness in her voice escapes from her mouth, she regrets it. The hurtful look on his face breaks her heart. 

“Something like that,” Buck spoke confused by Jane’s sudden unsympathetic tone in her voice.

Jane doesn’t want Buck to become aware of her sudden bout with jealously. It is probably for the best that she is attending the dance with Cody. Jane isn’t too sure she would be able to control herself if she were dancing with Buck all evening. Being this close to him now is making her feel things that are unfamiliar to her! She doesn’t want to think that all she feels towards Buck is lust! It can’t be just lust. It can’t be lust just because she can’t seem to take her eyes off of him. Or because she feels her eyes roaming over every inch of him! It can’t be lust. She’s never had this sort of feeling for anyone before. Oh god she’s thinking. It must be lust! 

Jane feels like she needs a breath or perhaps two breaths of fresh air. She starts to walk around Buck to escape those delicious eyes of his. Why does she keep thinking up words that describe food to describe Buck? But, as she tries to walk around him, Buck has other ideas. He tenderly clasps his hand onto her forearm. 

“Where are you going? Cody hasn’t arrived yet.”

Jane turns her nervous body around to face the front of his body. “I thought I’d just wait for Cody outside. It seems to be just a little too warm in here for me,” Jane spoke as she fans her face with her hand for a brief moment.

“It’s the summer heat. Unfortunately it doesn’t let up until mid-September,” Buck spoke softly.

It’s the heat all right. Jane isn’t thinking it has anything at all to do with the weather though.

“I’m not letting you go until you promise me at least one dance tonight,” Buck spoke with a smile that melts her heart.

She decides that it would be in her best interest at this moment to just give him what he wants. Which of course is just one dance with her. It certainly isn’t all she wants. What exactly does she want from him? I have to stop my mind from going places that it shouldn’t be going to. She just really needs to distance herself from Buck so she can think straight again. “I shall dance one dance with you, but that is all,” Jane spoke firmly. Now please let go of me before things get out of hand here. She whispers in her mind to him.

They are so wrapped up in each other that neither one of them hears Cody as he over-zealously strolls into the foyer. Cody stops dead in his anxious footsteps when he views his date and Buck practically in each other’s arms. He is bothered by the silence between the two as they gaze tenderly into each other’s eyes. 

Cody is taken back when Jane doesn’t acknowledge him standing right next to the two of them. He is dressed in his best army uniform, but all she visualizes is Buck! 

Buck and Jane aren’t in any hurry to release the hold their eyes have on one another. They continue to gaze into each other’s heart through the yearning in their eyes. Only when Cody clears his throat in a disgusting manner does their attention unlock from each other and they both turn to face Cody with guilty expressions glued on their face. 

Cody figures that if he hadn’t interrupted the two of them when he did, heaven only knows what would have transpired between them. He trembles openly at the mere thought of Buck and Jane possibly embraced in a passionate kiss! 

Jane breaks away from Buck and approaches Cody. “Cody, you are unforgivably late.”

Cody keeps one eye searching Buck’s eyes to give him a clue as to what had been going on before he unknowingly stumbled in on what obviously had been a private moment between Jane and Buck. Buck doesn’t give himself away. He keeps his eyes slightly downcast so Cody can’t see the impassioned feeling that is in them for Jane. 

Charlene comes striding down the stairs. Cody turns his eyes in her direction when he hears her footsteps approaching all of them. As she had promised herself, her dress is alluring. Her dress is royal blue velvet that matches her blonde hair stunningly. As also promised, the low v-neckline does very little to cover her cleavage. 

Buck doesn’t even glance up at Charlene. He is too busy trying to keep himself from kidnapping Jane away from Cody’s captivity. 

Charlene won’t have Buck so obviously magnetized by another woman other than herself. She comprehends that Buck’s dark eyes are envisioning Jane’s flesh against his own in a physical position! She pushes her body towards him, and entangles her arm in his. “I do believe we should get to the dance. We don’t want to be the last ones there,” Charlene stated in a possessive manner.

“Hi everyone,” Kid spoke as he walks into Buck’s house through the door that Cody left wide open. Louise is by Kid’s side with her arm tucked gently into his. 

Louise is wearing a maroon taffeta dress with a cream colored taffeta shawl to warn off the cool air of the night. Kid looks equally gorgeous in a pair of dark brown pants and suit coat with a tan shirt. 

“Are we all ready to leave for the last big social event of the summer?”
Kid asked the somber faces that greeted him and Louise when they walked into the house. 

Cody takes Jane by the hand and gently forces her to walk away from Buck. “We’re ready, aren’t we Jane?”

Jane searches his eyes for the tender man who had rescued her from Simon Davenport. Instead she sees a man that has become absurdly jealous of her relationship with one of his friends. Jane isn’t too sure she likes this side of Cody. Perhaps it’s because she doesn’t have the same feelings for Cody that she most certainly has for Buck.

The three couples make their way outside, and head off to the Annual Summer Dance in Rock Creek.

In Rock Creek the dance is located outside the social hall. A banner that reads Annual Summer Dance is strung up across the main street of Rock Creek.  The town’s social hall is used for the many wonderful dishes of food that the women of Rock Creek have prepared for the dance. There are many picnic tables, covered with white linen tablecloths, set up outside the hall as well as inside the hall. A person’s seating arrangement depends on where one chooses to eat his meal, inside or outside.

A five man band playing assorted musical instruments are standing close to the social hall door, but off to the left hand side. This enables couples to dance outside where the weather is spectacular and inside the hall as well. 

Jimmy is already at the dance seated at a picnic table with Hannah. Where he is enjoying the dance and the music, Hannah seems a bit bored with the entire scene. 

Rachel and Teaspoon are seated at the same table as Jimmy and Hannah. Rachel tried to act, in front of Louise, that Jimmy’s attentiveness toward Hannah Anderson is a good thing. But, the reality that Jimmy could develop serious feelings for the woman displeases Rachel. The girl isn’t looking to settle down. Jimmy insists that he doesn’t want to settle down, but Rachel only hopes that he will find the right woman someday and want to become more settled. Despite the fact that Rachel is disappointed with Jimmy’s choice of a date, she is all smiles and enjoying herself. 

Teaspoon, on the other hand, is still mean as a bear over his leg still bound up so awkwardly that he can hardly move it. Everyday that he must walk with his crutches seems like ten days to him. He’s in a real hurry to resume his role as marshal. He can only hope that Jimmy will stay on for a while and be his deputy. He hasn’t had any luck getting Buck to come back to work. He has only himself and his arrogant personality to thank for that. There is a chance that Buck will come back as his deputy once this whole mess with Jesse ends. The question burning in everyone’s mind though, is when is this thing with Jesse going to end?

Addison and Daniel run up to the table where Rachel and Teaspoon are sitting. 

“Is it almost time to eat Mamma?” Addison asked in a whiney voice.

“Soon. Now why don’t the two of you go play with the other children? I’ll holler for you when dinner is going to be served,” Rachel spoke turning her children around and sending them back off to play.

“They are such good boys thanks to you,” Teaspoon spoke lovingly to his beautiful wife.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. It seems to me that they follow their father around the ranch all day long,” Rachel spoke lovingly to her husband.

“Not lately they haven’t been, Rachel,” Jimmy spoke with a laughing smile and pointing at Teaspoon’s bum leg.

“Jimmy will you please hush your mouth once in a awhile. Do you always have to get the last words in?” Teaspoon asked agitated.

“Not always,” Jimmy spoke softly.

The rest of the ranch family makes their way over to Jimmy, Hannah, Rachel and Teaspoon. Rachel is pleased to see how happy Louise looks with her husband by her side. She isn’t too pleased to see how elated Cody is to have Jane’s arm tucked into his. Rachel had thought that Jane would make a much better date for Buck instead of the tramp…young woman that has herself all over Buck. Buck is definitely uncomfortable with all the affection that Charlene is showing. Her arm is tucked into Buck’s, and even though he is trying to get her arm out of his, she refuses to let go of his arm. Buck rolls his eyes in a giving up motion, and just seats himself and Charlene down at the table next to the one where Jimmy and Hannah are seated at. 

Kid and Louise sit at the same table as Buck and Charlene. Louise had promised Buck that she would befriend Charlene so that Buck didn’t have to be with her every second of the dance. 

Buck shows his disappointment in his saddened eyes when Cody seats Jane and himself at the table where Jimmy and Hannah are seated. Jane sits at the table so that she is on the opposite side then what Buck is on. Much to Cody’s dislike, she isn’t hiding the fact that she can’t keep her eyes and thoughts off Buck. 

Cody takes Jane’s hand in his. “Lets get up and dance. We don’t want to just sit here all evening and make small talk with everyone,” Cody spoke quietly so only Jane could hear him.

“But we just arrived Cody. I’m a little tired from the ride over here,” Jane spoke. Her problem isn’t that she’s tired. She just doesn’t want to loose site of Buck so soon after arriving.

“How can you be tired?” Cody asked more harshly to her then he had actually intended to be.

The rest of the family at the table had heard Cody badgering Jane. They are all watching the young couple to see what happens next. 

Buck isn’t really aware of the fact that Cody is giving Jane a rough time. He just is having an insufferable time taking his eyes off of her!

“Fine. I guess a dance right now won’t tire me too much,” Jane spoke softly. She doesn’t want to make Cody look like a heathen in front of his family. She will simply wait until they are alone before she gives him a lecture he won’t soon forget on how to treat a woman!

Cody helps Jane to the dance area in front of the picnic tables. The two end up dancing to a slow song. Buck turns his head to face Kid and Louise who are sitting across from him and Charlene. He doesn’t care to watch the closeness between Cody and Jane. 

When Buck doesn’t make a move to ask her to dance, Charlene gets evilness in her eyes. “Would you like to get up and join them Buck?” Charlene asked softly.

“No,” Buck spoke gruffly. 

Louise looks at Kid. He can read what she doesn’t say. He shrugs his shoulders. He doesn’t really know exactly why Buck is angry with himself for agreeing to escort Charlene to the dance. 

“Kid, lets get up and join Cody and Jane,” Louise spoke with a happy smile.

The smile Louise gives to Kid makes him so happy that he naturally wants to make her happy. He allows her to drag him onto the dance floor. But first she gives him enough time to whisper into Buck’s ear.

“Why don’t you allow yourself to have some fun? Charlene is a pretty enough woman,” Kid whispered.

“Her being pretty has nothing to do with the way I feel about her,” Buck spoke quietly to Kid so Charlene can’t hear what the two men are discussing. 

“Suit yourself,” Kid spoke as Louise pulls him away.

Hannah glances down the table at her pouting sister. She smiles at the mere thought of Charlene now being in the same situation with Buck that Simon was in with her. Love is very difficult to behold. It seems like the one you love is always in love with someone else. That is why she has a golden rule that she follows, and no man ever breaks her golden rule. She simply will not fall in love with any man, and he best not fall in love with her. 

Hannah takes a glance at Jimmy. “Would you care to dance?” Hannah asked more out of just being polite then actually wanting to dance with him.

“I’m not much into dancing,” Jimmy spoke strongly.

“That’s fine. I’m only asking because I didn’t want you thinking that I wouldn’t dance with you.”

He smiles at Hannah. Maybe he should count his blessings that she is not the falling in love type of woman. Otherwise, he may find himself in front of a preacher saying those damn marriage vows. 

The first song ends. The band takes a brief second to decide on the next song. Slowly the music begins again. This song has a little more rhythm to it. Jane and Cody stay on the dance floor for this song and a few more after the second one.

Cody’s thinking is that if he keeps her attention focused on him, then she won’t have anytime to let her mind wander to Buck. He’s having a hard time figuring out what is going on between the two of them anyhow. They weren’t anything but friends seven years ago when they first met. Maybe his biggest mistake was having Buck pick her up at the schoolhouse the other night to bring her to the ranch for her own safety. Something must have happened when they were alone at the schoolhouse. 


“Yes Cody?”

“Uh…I really don’t know quite how to ask you this…”

“Cody, when you want to ask another person a question, the easiest thing to do is just ask.”

“Sometimes it just isn’t quite as easy as that,” Cody stumbled through his words.

“If it isn’t easy, then it’s probably a question that you shouldn’t be asking,” Jane spoke calmly. Her insides are weak wondering what kind of question Cody is going to ask her. He can’t possibly be thinking about asking her to marry him so quickly. 

“Is there something going on between you and Buck?” Cody asked bluntly. His face is engaged in a serious frown expecting an honest answer from the woman he is courting.

Jane is flabbergasted that Cody would ask such a question. Has she made it so obvious for everyone to see that she has some sort of feelings for Buck? They are feelings that she herself is having a hard time identifying. Well she had best come up with an answer for her date. After all she had told him to just ask her whatever question he needed an answer to. “I’ve known Buck for a long time, but yet we really don’t know each other at all. We are just trying to get acquainted with each other all over again.”

“Well…I guess there’s no harm in getting to know Buck as a friend. I just want there to be something more than friendship between us,” Cody spoke tenderly.

“You are in quite a hurry,” Jane spoke her voice a little shaky. This isn’t what she wants, or at least she doesn’t think this is what she wants. Oh hell! Does she really know what she wants! 

“I’d like it very much if you would agree to allow me to court you,” Cody spoke bluntly.

Jane is stunned into an unbearable silence. She wants to tell Cody no. That it is too soon for her to start courting any man. But, she can’t seem to find her voice to tell him just that. 

Just as she opens her mouth to speak, two army men walk up to Cody and her, interrupting their dance. She can only thank the gods above for this intrusion. Cody stands back from Jane as the men whisper their message to him so any alarming news will not frighten her. 

When they are through conversing, Cody steps toward her. “I have to go with them. I won’t be long.”

“I’ll just go over and sit with the rest of your family,” Jane points to the picnic tables with Teaspoon, and the rest of Cody’s family sitting and watching the scene with Cody and the other army soldiers. 

Cody glances at the tables. The only person he sees is Buck watching what he is doing with the other soldiers. “I won’t be gone too long,” Cody spoke gruffly to her. He tries to make her understand that he won’t be gone long enough for her to sneak off with Buck so the two of them can get to know each other all over again, as she had put it.

Cody turns and walks away from Jane with the two soldiers. Jane stands still in the spot she had been dancing in and watches Cody until he is out of sight. Soon she’ll have to put this man in his place. She is merely a date for one evening. Already Cody is acting like they are lovers who are soon to be wed! Men certainly have a lot of nerve. The second you go out with them they think they own you! She won’t have it. Buck Cross better not think that that’s the way it’s going to be with the two of them! She storms back to the table ready to give him a piece of her mind. 

“Now’s your chance. Ask her to dance,” Jimmy whispered to Buck. When Jimmy saw that Cody was going to leave Jane alone for a while, he got off his duff and promptly walked over to Buck to heckle him about asking her to dance.

“But she’s with Cody,” Buck spoke disheartened.

“Do you see Cody anywhere?”


“Then get up and ask her to dance.”

Jane is right on top of the two men. Jimmy turns to pay attention to her. He tips his hat and smiles. “Excuse me Jane.” 

She moves back a step for Jimmy to get around her. Buck stands up from the table and faces her. “Since Cody seems to have abandoned you, perhaps we can have that dance you promised me.”

Why does she have to melt just because he has asked her to dance? Why can’t she just stay angry so she can make her intentions perfectly clear to him? What intentions? Does she have intentions with him? She doesn’t think she has any intentions with him. He probably has intentions for her though and that’s why she should keep her temper fuming!

“I’d love to dance with you,” Jane spoke calmly. Of course it isn’t really Buck she’s angry with, so instead of being sour toward him, she decides to melt instead.

Buck holds out his hand for Jane to take hold of it. He guides her to the dance area, and turns her around to face him. Much to Buck’s delight the five man band is playing a slow song. The young couple begins to dance. Jane is a little apprehensive about where she should place her hands! It wasn’t this difficult of a decision to make when she had been dancing with Cody. 

Buck senses her dilemma, and places her one hand on his shoulder. He takes her other hand in his. Jane is more than willing to let him lead her around. The only objective she has on her mind is to keep her body a safe distance from his! Jane certainly doesn’t want Buck to think she’s nothing but a wanton woman! Of course lately, mostly when she’s near him, she feels like a wanton woman. It may be all right for her to think that way, but she doesn’t want Buck to know she’s thinking that way. 

Rachel watches Buck and Jane as the two dance and seem very happy with the fact that Cody is gone from sight. She nudges at Teaspoon.
“Would you care to try out your crutches on the dance floor?” Rachel asked smiling foolishly at her husband.

Teaspoon knows what his beautiful wife is after. She wants to get closer to Buck and Jane, and spy on their conversation. “I suppose I could give it a try. But, first time you step on my crutches, I’m sitting back down at this here table. Is that understood?” Teaspoon asked joking with his dance partner.

“I understand boss.” Rachel helps Teaspoon stand away from the table with his crutches in tow. When the two embrace on the dance floor, Buck and Jane are smiling at the two as if they are glad to see them giving it a try even with Teaspoon’s handicap. 

Teaspoon hangs onto his crutches, and Rachel holds onto Teaspoon’s waist. Rachel allows Teaspoon to do the leading since his crutches have a mind of their own. Teaspoon goes in whatever direction they want him to go in. Rachel hugs in closer to Teaspoon.

“Don’t they make an adorable couple?” Rachel asked quietly. She’s hoping that Teaspoon approves of Jane with Buck. Teaspoon is very particular when it comes to a woman for Buck. He has been hurt a few times, and Teaspoon would rather he didn’t get hurt ever again.  She hates to see how he’ll be when Addison and Daniel start to court young ladies. Teaspoon probably won’t allow his two young sons to court any young ladies until they’re at least thirty!

Teaspoon watches the two young people with a quiet intensity. He’s almost certain Jane would make a good wife for Buck, but his only skepticism about Jane is that she is attending this dance with Cody. 
Teaspoon observes the way Buck and Jane are dancing close together, and gazing into each other’s eyes as if they are the only two people at the dance tonight. The way Jane is gazing deeply into Buck’s eyes makes him wonder why she is with Cody.

“Why do you suppose she’s with Cody, with the way she’s holding onto Buck as if she doesn’t want to let go of him?” Teaspoon asked in a confused state of mind. 

“There you go again, getting that over-protective tone in your voice toward Buck. Teaspoon, sooner or later you’re going to have to let that boy grow up,” Rachel spoke stubbornly refusing to allow Teaspoon or anyone else to mess this up for Buck and Jane.

“Well, if you think they’re so right for one another then answer my question. What she is doing with Cody?” Teaspoon asked being just as stubborn as his wife.

Rachel hesitates with an answer for Teaspoon as she watches the couple for a few moments longer. She did come to the dance with Cody. She did dance with Cody most of the early evening. It was only when Cody had been called away on business that Buck jumped in to dance with her. Rachel doesn’t want to believe it is Cody she is really with, and that her and Buck are just friends. That can’t be true. Anyone with eyes can see that Buck and Jane are falling for each other! 

Rachel pulls her attention away from the young couple to only meet up with her husband’s quizzical eyes. “I don’t exactly know where Cody fits in, but those two are falling for each other at this very moment,” Rachel insisted as she storms away from the dance and leaves Teaspoon stranded with just his wooden crutches!

Back at the picnic tables Jimmy is enjoying himself over Hannah’s fits of laughter. “What is so damn funny that you can’t seem to control your giggling? I don’t believe anyone has said anything amusing, or if they did please let me in on the joke,” Jimmy spoke in between his own laughter. Even though he doesn’t know what is so funny, watching Hannah is causing him to burst out with giggles of his own.

“Have you noticed my sister and the mini storm that is brewing on her face?” Hannah asked amusingly.

Jimmy halts on his laughter long enough to peer around Hannah to view the pandemonium emerging from Charlene’s facial expressions. If he didn’t know any better he would swear that a fierce, turbulent storm is to be unleashed on the unknowing town of Rock Creek! He forces his eyes to look away from the woman he is protecting from Simon Davenport. Perhaps he had it all wrong. Maybe it is Simon Davenport who needs protection from Charlene Anderson!

He looks into the eyes of the woman who just happens to be Charlene’s sister. He has to wonder if the venomous rage that Charlene possesses in her veins could also be in Hannah’s. He studies her intently for a long moment.

Hannah recognizes the anxiety on Jimmy’s face as a question if she is just as full of sweet revenge as her sister appears to be. “You seem a bit pale Jimmy. Is my dear sister’s unstable temper have you pondering what I may be like if I became overwrought with jealously the way that she is at this moment.”

“Is that what’s wrong with her?” Jimmy spoke the humor gone from his eyes.

“Charlene is simply getting a taste of her own medicine, and she isn’t quite sure how to deal with it,” Hannah spoke seriously.

“Could you explain that a little further? I may need to protect Buck from the woman he’s protecting.”

“It is quite simple actually. Charlene is to marry Simon Davenport. The simple-minded man has been hankering after Charlene for a very long time. My sister, who would sleep with every other man in town, will not grant Simon the pleasure he seeks from her body.”

“Well maybe Charlene won’t make love with Simon because she despises his violent attacks on her body,” Jimmy stated upset that Hannah defends Simon after he practically killed Charlene with his bare hands!

“Simon has only recently taken to physical abuse toward Charlene. Up until now, Simon has treated my sister like a princess. In the beginning of their engagement, he had made it perfectly clear that they would not share a bed until they were wed. They have been engaged for two years. My father finally had to take it upon himself to announce a wedding date because Charlene wouldn’t. She knew that her days of sleeping with any man she pleases were coming to an abrupt halt!”

“I must be missing something here. If Charlene won’t sleep with Simon, yet she’s more than willing to sleep with other men, what is wrong with Simon Davenport?” Jimmy asked perplexed.

“She loathes him. She feels he has a secret agenda for wanting to marry one of Oliver Anderson’s daughters.”

“Does he?”

“It’s possible. He will eventually take over the ranch when my father becomes incompetent.”

“Why is that? You are the oldest child. Shouldn’t that duty belong to you?”

“I want more from life then raising a herd of cattle. Charlene actually loves ranch life. I think that is why her fate was sealed with Simon Davenport.”

“Your father chose Simon to marry Charlene?”

“Simon has been working along side my father for about six years now. He has been smitten with Charlene for at least four of those years. My father could see that, even I saw how much Simon enjoyed being close to her. At first Charlene would taunt him. You know the type of woman. A woman who teases with promises and passionate kisses of we can be together later, but later never comes. When father told Charlene that she was his choice to marry Simon, that ended the fun and games where Simon was concerned. Charlene has kept her distance and love from Simon ever since their engagement became official two years ago.”

“I see. And now Charlene has her eyes on Buck?” 

Hannah nods in agreement to Jimmy’s question. 

“Buck’s in trouble,” Jimmy spoke flatly. He gazes out at the dance floor at Buck and Jane. He wonders if Charlene’s obsessive feeling for Buck is something else in their lives that he will have to worry about. Jealously can be an evil emotion. Jimmy has witnessed what jealously can do. He has seen people killed over the emotion.

The song that Buck and Jane have been dancing to ends, but the young couple keep on dancing. She is the first to notice that the band is actually disbanding for a break. “Buck, I believe the song has ended,” Jane spoke amusingly at the man who doesn’t appear to want to let her go. He may not be able to tell her, but Jane is almost certain that Buck has some feelings for her other than just wanting to get to know each other after seven years.

“Hum,” Buck mumbled as he looks around. All the other couples have gone back to the tables. The band has even sat down at their table and they are already engaged in conversation with each other and their wife’s. “I guess it has,” Buck spoke his face flushed with nervousness and embarrassment. She must think I am a fool, he ponders to himself.

“You want to go for a walk?” Jane asked not at all minding the fact that he had been lost in the moment between them. 

“Sure. That way I can escape further humiliation from my family back at the tables,” Buck spoke smiling at his blunder of sorts.

Jane takes his hand and the two of them walk down the street and then onto the wooden walkway along the buildings of the town. For what seems an eternity the two of them are too quiet. Neither one of them quite sure in what direction their feelings for the other are going. Buck decides for his own sanity that he would like to get to know Jane a little bit better. He also would like to know what she has been doing with her life since seven years ago when they first had met.

“We haven’t had much time to just talk to each other since you entered my life again,” Buck spoke his voice hoarse from nervousness.

She smiles warmly at his apparent uneasiness with her. “What would you like to discuss?”

“How about like what have you been doing the past seven years?”

“That may take more time then we have tonight.”

“That’s all right, we have all night and tomorrow and tomorrow night, and,” Buck spoke as he realizes he is surmising that the two of them will have a lifetime together to talk about everything imaginable. He notices that she is smiling uncontrollably at him. It could possibly be because his face has turned ten shades of red from his foolishness again. “Uh you know what I mean. After all, you will be staying in Rock Creek for a long time. We have a lot of children who need a good school teacher.”

“That means we will have plenty of time to talk about our pasts, our present time and what we want our futures to hold. But, for now you have narrowed it down to the past seven years. Let me see where should I start.”

“How about after we parted ways.”

“I took your advice about remembering the man my father was, and moving onto something that he would have been proud of me for. I decided to get an education. I wanted to make a difference in a child’s life so that perhaps that child would grow up into a respectable human being instead of a gunfighter or outlaw. Every child has the right to a good start in life.”

“Sometimes a good start doesn’t always mean a person will turn out the way you hope they will,” Buck spoke thinking about the guidance Teaspoon had given to Jesse.

“That is very true. But I have to try and make a difference. What about you? What have you been doing since the day we said good-bye?”

“After the Pony Express ended, I went back to my Kiowa family. When that didn’t work out, I came back home to the people that I consider to be my family. After Kid came back from fighting in the war, he and I decided to start the horse ranch. It’s something we were both familiar with from riding with the Pony Express.”

“Are you happy with your choices Buck?” Jane asked sensing some sadness in his voice.

“Yes, I am very happy with my choices. For a long time I wasn’t totally happy with living amongst white people, but when I went home to be with my Kiowa family, I was very sad. My brother said I was impossible to live with. I missed everyone here that I left behind here.”

Buck and Jane come to an alley. “We can walk down here and head back to the dance if you’d like. Cody may be wondering what has become of you,” Buck spoke softly.

“We can go back if you like. I’m just having such a good time talking with you. It has been such a long time since we’ve been together. I didn’t realize it until now that I’ve missed talking with you,” Jane spoke as the two of them turn down the alley, but stop midway before actually turning to head back to the dance.

He faces her and holds onto her forearms gently. “I’ve missed you too,” Buck spoke his voice husky with desire for her. 

The two of them look intently into each other’s eyes as if nothing or no one else exists. Before Buck can even rationalize what he is doing, he lowers his head to meet and taste Jane’s already parted lips. With a trembling hand he gently caresses her cheek. Buck brings his other hand up to rest at the nape of her neck, tenderly pulling her body closer to him. 

Once Buck releases her arms, Jane entangles her arms around his back, and holds him close to her. She encourages his kiss with all the desire she feels for him. She holds none of her feelings back from him. 

Buck deepens the kiss and in response she moans softly. The only sounds Buck hears are the soft moans escaping from within her. They encourage him to kiss her more passionately. 

Jane moves her one hand up to entangle it into his soft dark locks. A moan escapes Buck as she molds herself to fit his body! The heat between them is making the cool evening unbearable! They are lost in each other until Cody’s hollering of her name puts a halt on their desire for each other.

“Jane! Jane!” Cody hollered.

Buck hears Cody’s disappointment in his yells when Jane doesn’t answer him. Buck pulls away from her leaving them both breathless. They are both so shaky on their legs that they must lean into each other for support. 

“I’m sorry Jane. I…I shouldn’t…have done that,” Buck spoke his voice trembling with passion unsatisfied.

“Don’t be sorry Buck. I wanted…”

“There you…are,” Cody spoke as he walks toward Buck and Jane who are untangling their arms from each other. 

Buck and Jane’s emotions from the passionate kiss are laying out raw for Cody to view. He can see their swollen red lips left behind from the passionate kiss that they obviously had been engaged in before he had interrupted them. He can also see the frustrated glare in Buck’s eyes that tells Cody that his friend wishes he wouldn’t have found them. He would like nothing better than to put his fist through Buck’s jaw at this point. That really wouldn’t solve anything. His only choice is to wait for Jane to admit to him that things just got out of hand with Buck, but that she would much rather be with him.

“I’ve been calling for you. Didn’t you hear me?” Cody asked foolishly. 

Buck and Jane are both stunned to think that Cody hadn’t visualized what had taken place between the two of them just seconds before he found them. 

Jane doesn’t want a fight commencing between Buck and Cody. She decides her best course of action is just to act like nothing happened, since Cody is acting like he saw nothing with her and Buck. “Buck and I were just deep in conversation about the past.”

“Must have been some conversation,” Cody spoke angrily as he eyes Buck up suspiciously. She must think that he is a complete idiot. He can see the look in Buck’s eyes as he gazes at Jane. Cody knows that look. He has the same look of desire in his eyes whenever he is near Jane.

Cody takes Jane by the hand and leads her back to the dance. He glares at Buck with disgust at his friend’s obvious passion for the woman he loves. 

Jane looks nervous at the way Cody is behaving. He doesn’t appear to be a gentle man at the moment. Thoughts of Simon’s attack run through her mind. Cody is giving her the same type of feelings that Simon had given her the night he tried to rape her! “You’re hurting my wrist, Cody,” Jane spoke pleading with him to loosen his grip.

Cody sees the abundance of fear etched on Jane’s face. He tries to take her in his arms to hold her, but she tightens up and won’t allow his touch to reach her. “I’m sorry if I’ve frighten you. You had us all worried disappearing like that with your attacker still running loose.”

“I am safe with Buck, Cody,” Jane spoke assuredly. 

“I think we should get back with the rest of the group. Charlene has been asking for you Buck,” Cody spoke calmly.

Jimmy and Teaspoon are sitting next to each other when Cody and Jane with Buck trailing right behind them walk into view from the buildings of the town. 

Buck and Jane still have the look of yearning for each other in their eyes. This in turn has made both of them feel guilty about Cody catching them almost making love in the alley. No. Buck would not have let that happen. He cares too much for Jane to just let his desire for her take control of what he should do for her. He wants to make it someplace special for her. It will have to be someplace where Cody won’t be able to find them. He can’t believe he’s having intimate thoughts about Jane already!

The glare on Cody’s face is one of utmost humiliation mixed with enough anger to cause bloodshed! He had envisioned him and Jane spending a lifetime together. He is being far too pushy with her. He’ll ease up a bit and she’ll soon realize that he is the man for her and not Buck!

Jimmy is slightly amused by the threesome walking back toward the tables. The look on all three of their faces convinces Jimmy that Cody is the odd man out. “Whatever Buck and Jane was doing, looks like they was caught doing it.”

“Yeah, it sure looks that way,” Teaspoon replied disappointed.

Cody and Jane don’t say two words to each other as they sit down next to each other across from Jimmy and Teaspoon. While they sit silently watching other couples dance, Jimmy and Teaspoon look at each other and shrug their shoulders as if to say that neither one of them understands what is happening with Cody, Jane or Buck. Jimmy takes notice that Buck has taken his place next to Charlene once again. He’ll have to keep his eyes on that vixen and his ears open for anything that might cause him to worry about Buck’s safety.

As Buck is sitting down next to Charlene, she looks his way and gives him a wicked smile. “Where were you with Jane?”

Buck is taken back by her possessive attitude she has toward him. Her voice sounds like it is laced with poison! “I don’t really think that that is any of your business!”

“You are my date for the evening. You are making me look like a fool,” Charlene spoke infuriated with Buck’s irresponsible attitude toward her safety. She knows that she is really just upset with him because he could care less about their relationship. 

“The same way you’ve made me out to be a fool,” Buck spoke angrily.

“That was a long time ago, Buck. I’ve grown up since the time you first asked me out. Your heritage doesn’t bother me anymore. I thought perhaps we could start all over with each other,” Charlene spoke softly as she tangles her fingers into his hair.

Jane is watching with close interest at the way Charlene is coming on to Buck in front of everyone! If it weren’t for her making a complete fool of Cody she would give the tramp a slap in the face! At least she can take comfort in knowing that Buck is showing no interest in her touches. 

Buck takes Charlene’s hand away from his hair. “I don’t have those kind of feelings for you anymore. I may have been interested in you at one time, but you are right, it was a long time ago. I’m only your date for this dance because Jimmy made plans to escort Hannah. Otherwise, Jimmy would have been playing this charade as your date and not me,” Buck spoke bluntly and then storms away from the table leaving not only Charlene numb with disbelief from his harsh words, but everyone at the table is in shock as well.

The only person smiling with gratitude over his words of truth to Charlene is Jane. She is anything but shocked over Buck’s admission to Charlene. After all, it was her he had been embraced in a passionate kiss with in the alley, and not Charlene. Jane is confident that Buck’s feelings are with her.

Jane watches Buck walk away from the family gathering at the tables. She wants nothing more then to get up and follow him. He looks extremely upset with Charlene’s announcement to not only him, but to the rest of his family. At least to the family members who were able to hear their passive conversing? 

She doesn’t like seeing Buck upset over what happened between them or perhaps what didn’t happen between them. She feels that his being blunt with Charlene had something to do with Cody’s interruption of their passion for each other. But, with Cody’s strong hold on her hand she doubts that she’ll be going anywhere unless he is by her side. He certainly won’t let her loose now that he’s witnessed Buck walking off by himself. She is starting to feel more like Cody’s prisoner rather than his date for the evening. She won’t rectify this situation between her and Cody tonight. She doesn’t want to cause him further embarrassment with his family. Tomorrow she will have a much needed long talk with William F. Cody!

The social hall dinner bell rings loudly for everyone to be made aware of dinner being served. All the people at the dance begin to file into the social hall where a buffet type dinner is being served. 

Teaspoon watches everyone gather into the hall for dinner. He waits until last because his crutches are much easier to maneuver when he is away from the crowd. The line is moving slowly as Teaspoon is about ready to enter the hall when from the corner of his eyes he is distracted by a person lurking behind the building next to the social hall. At first, Teaspoon thinks that it is just Buck trying to keep his distance from Jane as well as Charlene. But, when Teaspoon looks a little closer, he recognizes the person as Jesse!

Jesse motions with his hand for Teaspoon to come over to meet with him. Since Jesse has intruded in on Teaspoon’s life, he is starting to feel more like an outlaw rather than a marshal. He doesn’t know how Jesse is able to do it, but somehow the boy pulls you into his way of life. He isn’t even positive that Jesse has completely given up his outlaw way of life. 

Rachel who has already gone into the building stops and looks back at Teaspoon when she realizes that he is not standing behind her.

“You go on. I’m gonna see if I can find Buck,” Teaspoon spoke quietly to his wife.

Rachel is hesitant to leave Teaspoon wander off alone. She starts toward him as if she has decided she will accompany him. She quickly stops herself, realizing that he needs to feel that he can do things on his own without everyone catering to him just because he has one bad leg. “Well, all right. Just be careful that you don’t kill yourself with those crutches of yours.”

Teaspoon smiles lovingly at his wife as he turns and hobbles away. He was none to pleased that for a split second she had thoughts of going with him. He doesn’t really want Rachel involved with Jesse’s new way of life. Rachel knows Jesse is nearby, but Teaspoon keeps Rachel a safe distance away from the young man. He still doesn’t trust the boy wholeheartedly. 

When Teaspoon finally reaches Jesse, he notices four other men in the far distance waiting for Jesse to finish his business with the old marshal.

“Why are you here Jesse?”

“I just wanted to let you know that I may leave the area for awhile.”

“And why is that?” Teaspoon is suspicious of Jesse’s actions to move on. “You thinking about holding up another bank somewhere?”

“No. The fact that Jimmy, Buck and Cody tracked us down has some of my men a little edgy. I just need to find a better hiding place for these men, that’s all Teaspoon.”

“If you’re wanting to change your lifestyle, then why don’t you let these gang members of yours start a new life of their own without you?” Teaspoon questioned.

“They’ve all been with Frank and I for along time. I don’t think they’re ready to venture out on their own. They are free to leave whenever they want to. It’s just that none of them have chosen to say good-bye just yet. I can’t just abandon them Teaspoon,” Jesse spoke sounding very sincere.

“I can assure you that my boys won’t be hunting you down again.”

“You’ve been able to put a leash on Buck?”

“Not quite Jesse,” Buck spoke from the corner of the building next to them. He makes his presence known as he walks out from behind the building to face Teaspoon. Jesse has his back to Buck, but turns slightly to see the gun Buck has aimed at his back.

Teaspoon is watching every move Buck makes. He just made up with the young man, and doesn’t want to really start another war with him. 

Jesse gazes at Teaspoon with an evil look in his eyes. He is starting to understand the depths Teaspoon will go to get him and his gang locked up for life. His eyes mist over with the knowledge that he never really had Teaspoon’s trust. “Was this the plan all along? To lure Jesse James and his gang into town where they can be easily escorted to jail?”

“You have this all wrong Jesse,” Teaspoon spoke softly not wanting to alarm the boy into doing anything foolish. He diverts his eyes to glance at Buck. “Will you please put the gun down? Jesse isn’t going to try anything,” Teaspoon pleaded with Buck.

“I can’t. I won’t let Jesse endanger our lives,” Buck spoke calmly to Teaspoon.

“What do you think I’m going to do Buck? I certainly wouldn’t shoot Teaspoon.”

“I’m not taking any chances where you are concerned. In my eyes you and your so called gang of outlaws are not to be trusted,” Buck spoke his voice and words harsh. 

Back at the tables several family members are seating themselves back down after serving themselves dinner in the social hall. Kid has seated himself facing the social hall. As he’s placing a fork of Miss Cooper’s Best Potato Salad in his mouth, he glances up to see Teaspoon leaning on his crutches behind the Dress Shop building which is located next to the social hall. Kid looks on baffled as he witnesses Teaspoon talking to someone that is not visible to Kid. 

Kid chews on the mouthful of potato salad slowly as he continues to watch the scene before him. Thank goodness everyone else at the table is too busy eating and chit chatting to worry about what he is watching.

He figures he best find out what kind of trouble Teaspoon is in before it gets out of hand. He starts to raise himself slowly from his chair. Louise who is sitting across from him notices his confused expression.

“Where are you going kid?” Louise asked softly.

He takes his eyes off of Teaspoon momentarily to look down at his wife. “I’m just going to assist Teaspoon with his meal. I just saw him go into the hall. I’ll just let Rachel enjoy her meal and I’ll help him out.”

Louise smiles warmly at her suddenly considerate husband. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“Yeah. It is isn’t it,” Kid spoke with a warm smile to her. He leaves the table. At least he didn’t completely lie to her. He is going to assist Teaspoon.

By this time Buck has moved to stand next to Teaspoon. When Buck completes this action, he can also view the four men that are waiting for Jesse down the street. 

“He has other men here Teaspoon. Can’t you see that Jesse can’t be trusted? What is his reason for coming into town?”

“I came into town Buck to let Teaspoon know that I’ll be moving on,” Jesse spoke quietly.

“Then why aren’t you gone already?” Buck asked harshly.

“Maybe I wanted to talk with Teaspoon one last time.”

“What’s going on back here?” Kid asked perplexed to see Teaspoon, Buck and Jesse gathered behind a building directly in Rock Creek having some sort of meeting.

Teaspoon rolls his eyes in disgust from all the rude interruptions that he and Jesse have had to endure during their little chat. “Jesse is only here to say good-bye.”

Teaspoon turns toward Buck. “Please go back to the table and let me handle this.” 

Kid understands at this point that Buck must have intruded in on a meeting that was only to include Teaspoon and Jesse. He strolls over to Buck and places his hand on Buck’s left forearm to keep him from causing a war in the middle of town. “Buck come back to the tables with me. Let Teaspoon handle this his way,” Kid pleaded sternly with Buck.

Buck hasn’t taken his eyes off Teaspoon and the persuasive gaze in his eyes. He trusts Teaspoon to be able to handle Jesse, but it’s Jesse that he doesn’t trust. Jesse could easily shoot Teaspoon in the back as he’s walking away from him. Buck figures Jesse could ride out of town and never feel guilty for the crime he committed against Teaspoon. Jesse James is the type of man who never looks back! 

Buck puts his gun in his holster. Kid and Teaspoon both let out the breath that they didn’t realize they were holding in. Jesse even breaths a heavy sigh of relief. But when Buck hears Jesse’s sigh he turns to him.

“I’ll leave without any bloodshed Jesse, but if you endanger Teaspoon’s life or anyone else in this town in any way, I’ll hunt you down and kill you myself!” Buck stated with cold remorsefulness that he has made the wrong decision.

“That’s right Buck, you know a lot about killing,” Jesse spoke harshly. His words aimed only to be hurtful to Buck knowing that the Kiowa feels guilt over his past mistake.

“About as much as you do Jesse,” Buck spoke softly to the cocky young man as he leaves with Kid.

After the two have left a stunned Jesse tries to find friendly ground with Teaspoon once again. “It is apparent that none of my family cares much for me anymore.”

“It isn’t so much you personally Jesse. It is the way of life that you have chosen that they don’t care much for. From now on it would be much easier for everyone if you just stay out of sight. That means you don’t come visiting at the ranch, and you certainly don’t come trumping into town with your entire gang at the other end of the street waiting for you.”

“Then you don’t want me to ride on out of the area permanently?” Jesse asked forlornly.

“What I want is for you to not cause any headaches in my town. That would include not shooting anymore of my lawmen, which includes Cody, who happens to be here on army business. I don’t want any one of my family being hurt because of your presence here.”

“Does that mean I ain’t allowed to shoot Buck?” Jesse spoke trying to fun with Teaspoon’s already shortened nerves where he is concerned.

Teaspoon is starting to read Jesse quite well. He is noticing the cynical way that Jesse speaks about everything and everybody in Teaspoon’s life. He has no reason not to trust any of them. Teaspoon has kept the law out of Jesse’s life just as he had promised he would do. Yet Jesse keeps insinuating that Teaspoon and his family are the ones that can’t be trusted. Could Buck be right about Jesse? Could Jesse be using him to get the law as far away from the James Gang as possible?

Jesse sees the distress etched on Teaspoon’s face. It wasn’t wise on his part to make a joke about ending Buck’s life. Teaspoon obviously cares more about Buck’s welfare than he does his. “I wasn’t being serious Teaspoon. I understand Buck’s position where I am concerned,” Jesse spoke apologetically.

“Do you? Seems to me I’ve been allowing you and your gang to roam about too freely. Buck has pointed that out to me on several occasions, and I have just been too old of a fool to listen to him.”

“Teaspoon, I do appreciate everything you have done to help me turn my life around.”

“Teaming up with a man like Simon Davenport, and then allowing him to shoot and wound Cody doesn’t show your appreciation much,” Teaspoon bellowed louder than he had intended.

Buck and Kid have made it back to the tables, but just as the music ends to the band’s latest song, they hear Teaspoons shouts of anger aimed at Jesse. 

“I’m not waiting around for Davenport to show his face around here! I’m taking Jane back to the ranch!” Buck spoke sharply to the family members gathered around the tables.

“Don’t forget to take Charlene with you,” Jimmy spoke clearly to Buck. “I’ll meet you there once I get Hannah home safely.”

Jimmy exits the dance hand in hand with Hannah.

“I guess this means our fun and games are over for the evening?” Hannah questioned dejected.

He stops in front of their buckboard. He places a tender hand to her face and kisses her tenderly. “We’ll have other nights. I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Mister Hickok,” Hannah spoke softly.

Buck gathers up Jane and Charlene. He leads them over to their buckboard. Kid follows close behind with Louise. 

“Buck can you take Louise home? I’ll stay to make sure Teaspoon gets away from Jesse safely.”

“Sure,” Buck spoke as he looks at Louise. “Can you get in the back with Charlene?”

“No problem,” Louise spoke calmly. She can’t figure what has Buck, Kid and Jimmy so alarmed. Kid takes his wife’s hand into his and helps her up into the back of the buckboard. Louise sits next to Charlene who is a bit bitter because she isn’t the one sitting upfront with Buck! Instead Jane is given that indulgence!

Buck positions himself next to Jane on the buckboard. “Just get the rest of them back home.”

“I’ll see you when I get to the ranch,” Kid spoke as he turns and walks back to the table where Rachel is waiting for Teaspoon.

“He’s back there with Jesse, isn’t he?” Rachel asked disappointment in her voice.

“Yeah,” Kid spoke disheartened. “But, it wasn’t a planned meeting on Teaspoon’s part. Jesse just rode into town with his gang to talk to Teaspoon.”

“I wish for everyone’s sake that Teaspoon would insist to Jesse that he ride on out of Rock Creek and never look back,” Rachel spoke softly.

“Like he did six years ago?”

“Yes,” Rachel spoke harshly as she turns her back on Kid to watch what is going on between the social hall and the dress shop. 

Kid turns around and places an arm around Rachel’s shoulder for comfort. He feels her trembling in the night coolness or it could be fright from what she knows outlaws are capable of doing.

“Only bad things will come from Jesse’s being here. No good can possibly come from hiding Jesse and his gang from their punishment,” Rachel spoke clearly of her feelings for Teaspoon’s neglect of the law.

Kid looks up from talking to Rachel when he sees Teaspoon walking toward them. He and Rachel walk hurriedly to Teaspoon’s side.

“What’s going on?” Kid asked impatiently.

“Jesse and his gang are leaving,” Teaspoon spoke downhearted.

“Leaving Rock Creek?” Rachel questioned.

“He won’t say for sure. I think he was just trying to see if I would beg him to stay. I didn’t. He and his gang need a safer camp since Jimmy and Buck know exactly where their camp right now is located.”

Kid looks down the main street of Rock Creek. He sees Jesse and four of his gang members riding slowly out of town. Kid, as well as Rachel and Teaspoon are stunned to see Jesse’s four gang members riding on the horses that were stolen from The Kid & Buck Horse Ranch!


“Teaspoon, those are our horses! Jesse and his gang are the horse thieves! I don’t believe this,” Kid shouted angrily. 

What are you going to do Teaspoon?” Rachel asked sternly. 

“I’m not going to do anything at this point,” Teaspoon replied gruffly.

Kid throws his arms up in the air in frustration. “Buck is right! Jesse isn’t ever going to change into an honest, law-abiding man. Jesse’s been playing us all for fools ever since the day he rode back into our lives, and we all let him!” Kid spoke annoyed at his own foolishness. 

Teaspoon leans his crutches underneath his arms and places a hand on Kid’s shoulder patting him in hopes of calming the young man down. “It’s no one’s fault but mine. I’m the one that let Jesse into our lives. I’m taking full responsibility for Jesse’s behavior and the lost horses.”

Cody walks up to the small gathering still chewing on a mouth full of food. He glances around the tables and sees that Jane is gone and so is Buck. “Where is Jane?” 

“Where have you been?” Kid asked annoyed with Cody.

“I was in the social hall finishing up my meal. You know how much I hate leaving anything to waste,” Cody replied.

“Cody, Buck took Jane, Charlene, and Louise home. Jesse was in town with a few of his outlaw gang members. Jimmy and Buck were both worried that Simon might show up.” 

Cody turns his attention to Kid. He swallows his last mouthful of food before addressing Kid. “Why were you yelling about the stolen horses?”

“You always come in when everything is half over Cody? Jesse is the one who stole the horses from our ranch,” Kid explained impatient with Cody and his eating habits.

“Well I might as well inform all of you about my meeting with the soldiers who had shown up here earlier this evening. It seems some evidence has been discovered in the vicinity of Jesse’s camp. “I’m real sorry to have to inform you of this Teaspoon, but I have to consider Jesse a suspect in the army soldier killings,” Cody spoke straight forward. 

“Cody, I know Jesse isn’t being totally honest with us, but I can’t believe he would kill just for the sake of killing someone. It wasn’t like he was stealing anything from the soldiers that were killed.”

“Teaspoon, he stole our horses! Jesse did this after he asked you to help him change his life around!” Kid yelled loud enough for Buck to hear him back at the ranch. Kid is having a real difficult time calming his temper down.

Rachel, who has been standing in the background allowing the men to bicker back and forth finally steps forward to give every one of them a piece of what’s on her mind. “I want all of you to listen to what I have to say, and then I don’t want to hear no more about Jesse James.”

Teaspoon, Kid and Cody turn away from each other and face Rachel. They give her their undivided attention. There is silence in the air for a few moments while Rachel gathers her thoughts.

“Jesse came into our lives as a boy almost seven years ago. Six years ago he brought his brother into our lives and wreaked havoc on our home. All of you do remember Noah.”

“Yes,” all three speak disheartened in unison.

“Jesse has made some unwise choices in his life,” Rachel spoke clearly. She focuses her next statement of fact at her husband. “That doesn’t mean that we should have to live our lives by the wrong choices Jesse has made. I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t want to see Jesse at the end of a noose. But, I also don’t want any of my family hurt or taken away from me because of the foolishness that is going on around here lately,” Rachel spoke calmly but to the point. She glances at each one of them wondering if she has gotten through to their thick skulls. “Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

“Yes,” all three replied in unison.

“Good. Now I think we should go home, and tomorrow morning we’ll talk to Buck and Jimmy about the horses.”

The gathering starts to break up to head home.

Charlene, Jane and Buck have just walked into Buck’s home after taking Louise to her home first. Buck lights a few of the oil lamps that are in the living room, and one that leads to the upstairs. Charlene stands close to the stairway hoping on one foot as she takes her heel off of the other foot. She proceeds to do the same with the foot that still has a heel on. She has kept her eyes on Buck all evening, while Buck has kept his eyes on Jane. She isn’t sure what she can do to draw his attention to her. “I’m going up to bed. Are the two of you coming?” Charlene spoke unable to really think straight tonight about her dilemma with Buck Cross.

Jane looks directly at Buck, but talks to Charlene. “I need to have a few words with Buck first. I’ll be coming up shortly.”

Charlene once again looks disgusted at the thought of Jane and Buck together. She is too tired to deal with it tonight. Tomorrow she will come up with a plan to get the two of them apart. “Well then good-night Buck…and Jane.” Charlene walks slowly up the stairs hoping to catch some of the conversation between the two lovebirds below.

When Charlene is out of sight, and Buck hears her bedroom door shut, he walks over to be with Jane in the living room. 

“What is it you want to talk to me about?” Buck asked softly. 

His voice is so deep yet soft and sensual. Jane can hardly stand on her legs they are so weak from his proximity to her. She takes an awkward step backwards, but not really meaning it as a way to get away from him. 

He thinks she’s about to trip, and he latches out at Jane to steady her on her legs. Buck helps Jane to establish the stance she had close to the sofa. “I wouldn’t let you fall.”

“About what happened between us earlier this evening. Cody is awfully upset with the both of us,” Jane spoke unclear of what she really wants to say to Buck.

“You and Cody aren’t really courting, are you?” Buck asked confused by the way Cody had been so possessive of Jane, and afraid that Jane will tell him that the kiss they had shared earlier in the evening had been a mistake. He wants to shut out her voice from telling him that they can’t allow their feelings for each other get the best of them again.

“I think Cody wants to think we are. It seems like Cody has developed a protective shield over me since he rescued me from Simon Davenport’s clutches.”

“So Cody is your protector, and he thinks that gives him the right to court you as well,” Buck spoke with a little more understanding about what Jane thinks is going on inside Cody’s head and heart.

“So what am I suppose to do?”

“Do you want to court Cody, Jane?” Buck asked almost dreading the answer he will receive.

“I want to…I want to explore what happened between you and I this evening,” Jane spoke nervously. 

He had been worried that Jane really didn’t want anything at all to do with him. But, Jane’s words of wanting to explore their feelings for each other is all the persuasion Buck needs to make an advancement to get closer to her. Buck takes a step toward Jane. All is quiet inside the house except for their delicate intakes of air. He lowers his head to kiss her welcoming lips. She reaches her hands around his neck to pull him closer to her as his tender kiss meets her parted lips. Buck places his arms tenderly around her back as he pulls her body closer to his! Her body molds to become a perfect fit to his. Passion begins to mount between the two people who are so much into each other that they shut the rest of the ranch totally out of their minds. Buck allows his hands to become entangled in Jane’s cinnamon brown strands of hair. 

Jane’s thoughts are going places she hasn’t explored as a young woman. His gentle touch is awakening her body up from its innocent sleep. Her heart begins to race with his every heated touch to her clothed body. She simply doesn’t want to imagine what his touches would do to her body if she weren’t clothed!

Soft moans of passion from each other are the only sound either one of them hears. Buck backs her up to the sofa and she willingly surrenders herself onto the sofa with Buck overtop her! Her hands are on Buck’s hips pulling him down intimately to her. She wants him! But, how can that be? Shouldn’t she take her time and get to know him better, maybe even fall in love with him first.

Buck’s body is only inches from touching hers! The heat between the two is about unbearable! Buck pulls away from her lips and caresses her neck with his lips and mouth. He nips softly at her skin causing more soft moans to escape from within her. They are both breathless from the passionate hold they have on each other. Jane’s mind is lost in the physical aching that her body demands to be satisfied by this man!
Jane’s unguarded state of mind has her forcing Buck’s body completely onto hers! Buck groans deeply and continues another assault on Jane’s swollen lips. Her arms are wrapped tightly around his hips to keep him from moving off of her!

Jane can’t believe the strong intimate feelings she already has developed for this man. She wants Buck, and her need for him is allowing her mind to abandon what she should do, and her heart prevails to allow unrelenting arousal to happen between her and Buck. No other man has ever given her these torturous sensations that she is feeling. She hopes that Buck doesn’t think she does this sort of thing with every man she glances at! Jane’s powerful desire for Buck to make love to her makes her seem too aggressive. In reality Buck will be her first.

His lips part from hers, and he explores the soft flesh of her neck and shoulders. The softness of Jane’s skin has Buck’s body shuddering with passion that needs gratification. He hungrily brushes his lips down her chest and over each of her clothed breasts.

“Please Buck,” Jane spoke desperately yearning for him to make love to her.

She tilts her hips up to meet his body! She feels his arousal against her womanhood. Buck deepens the kiss between them and moans deeply as she continues to press hard against him! He feels as if he’s about to explode if he doesn’t soon make this woman beneath him his! He wants badly to continue to the next part of their love making, but he isn’t so sure that he should. They barely know each other, even though seven years are between them. But, it’s seven years that they weren’t in each other’s lives at all. They need to slow down and get to know one another first. He has to stop this and fall in love with her first. But, his body is telling him differently!

“What is all the noise down here?” Charlene hollered as she witnesses Buck and Jane appearing from on the sofa. Both are unable to stand up or catch their breath. When Charlene realizes what has been taking place on the sofa between Buck and Jane, she turns a deep red in color.
“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to interrupt!” Charlene spoke gruffly and storms back up the stairs.

Buck and Jane are sitting breathlessly on the sofa. They both give out a giggle when they hear Charlene’s bedroom door slam! 

The interruption has both of them thinking about what almost took place between them on Buck’s sofa. His breath is labored as he tries to get himself back under control from the onslaught of passion that Jane released onto him. Buck hasn’t explored the sensations a woman can make you feel for a very long time. His body had been passive for way too long causing him to quiver with every touch Jane had made to his body. 

Jane can’t pull her eyes away from him. She is having a difficult time keeping her eyes off of all of him! Perhaps talking with him will keep her mind focused on other things besides the lust she is feeling for him!
“This is pure lust, you realize that don’t you?” Jane spoke her voice shaky from the passion that hasn’t left her. 

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s exactly what it is,” Buck spoke his voice husky with passion unsatisfied.

They both laugh softly and lean their foreheads against each other for support. 

“It’s also kind of embarrassing at our ages to get caught on the sofa almost doing it,” Buck spoke amusingly. He wants to ease the tension between them. He wonders if she feels as uncomfortable about their situation as he does. He tenderly swipes a loose strand of her hair away from her face. Her senses become alive again with that single touch of his hand to her face. 

Jane looks deeply into Buck’s eyes. She knows she feels more than just a tumble between the sheets for this man. Her only problem is that at this moment a tumble between the sheets with him is what she wants! She begins to kiss him tenderly on his lips that have not yet recovered from their passionate kisses that were halted by Charlene’s entrance into the living room. 

Buck allows Jane to kiss him gently. But, he doesn’t want the passion between them to mount back to where it was. He wants Jane to be sure before they make love. Actually, Buck wants her to tell him that she loves him before they make love. His heart feels fragile as if Jane could break it at any moment. 

“Jane,” Buck spoke softly as he pulls himself away from her. “We really shouldn’t do this.”

“I know you think that this isn’t what I really want, but it is. I want you. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way so fast with you, but I don’t want to wait,” Jane spoke her voice trembling with desire for him.

Buck can’t seem to think straight after she speaks her words of sensual inducement to him. He places her gently back down on the sofa and resumes the kissing that had taken them to extreme heights of passion just moments ago! Buck encircles his arms around her waist and brings her body up to greet his.

Jane moans softly from the heat coming from his body. She becomes aware of the fact that the desire between them is intensely powerful, but the two of them have yet to remove a stitch of clothing from each other. Perhaps Buck is right. Or maybe she is ready to make love to him, but he isn’t quite ready to make love to her. Buck seems content to kiss her, and run his hands all over her body, but that is where it ends for him. Buck hasn’t made one attempt to remove any of her clothes!

The two are so engrossed with each other that they don’t hear the opening and then shutting of the front door to Buck’s home. Their soft moans of sensual pleasure for each other are the only sound they need to hear. Jimmy’s light footsteps are the last thought on their minds.

Jimmy walks into the living room and stands behind the sofa. He glances amusingly down at the two passionately involved on the sofa. “You two look like you’re having fun.”

Buck practically jumps off of Jane. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Jane awkwardly stands up from the sofa, and tries to straighten out her dress that wasn’t meant to have a man’s passionate weight on top of it. 

“I live here remember. Listen, I really didn’t mean to interrupt the two of you. I’ll just head on up to bed. Just pretend that I never came in,” Jimmy spoke softly all the while not being able to stop the grin his mouth is making.

“Never mind Jimmy. Between you and Charlene, you’ve spoiled the mood,” Jane spoke her voice calmer then it has been all evening. She reaches over to a now standing Buck and kisses him gently one last time before retiring to her bedroom. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She turns to walk up the stairs. “Good-night Jimmy.”

“Uh…good-night Jane. Sweet dreams,” Jimmy spoke amusingly.

Buck is sitting back down on the sofa running his fingers through his hair in a frustrated motion.

Jimmy is smiling from ear to ear, and he doesn’t mind if Buck sees the proud look he has for him. Uh…I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“You didn’t.”

“Sure looked that way to me. As a matter of fact the two of you looked downright into it, to me,” Jimmy spoke with uncontrollable snickering.

“What’s so damn funny, Jimmy?”

“Does Cody know you’re compromising his woman on your sofa?”

“I wasn’t,” Buck spoke getting worked up over Jimmy’s taunting.

“What would you call it Buck?”

“She kissed me, and one thing just lead to another…”

“One thing lead to another until the two of you were lying on the sofa two seconds from tearing each others clothes off!” Jimmy stated bluntly.

“Is that how it looked to you?” Buck asked worried that it didn’t seem like he cares about or has any respect for Jane. 

“Yeah! Hell I wish I would have walked in about five minutes later.”

“You wouldn’t have caught us. I was just about to stop what was going to happen,” Buck spoke more calmly.

“Why?” Jimmy asked disappointed in his friend.

“It isn’t very romantic with Jane on the sofa, with Charlene stomping down the stairs asking us what we’re doing. Besides, Jane had already stopped me, but then she started kissing me again. I just wasn’t sure. Maybe all the intrusions, including you, has us both a bit nervous about what was going on between us.”

Jimmy just shakes his head at his friend. He is totally baffled by what Buck has just told him. He knows Buck would never ask him, but he wants to help Buck figure out what he wants, so he’ll try to offer the Kiowa some sound advice on women. “Buck, if she’s kissing you like that then she wants it.”

“When did you become such a romantic, Jimmy?”

“Romance? What do you need romance for?” Jimmy spoke disgusted at the sound of the word romance. That is a word that never enters his mind when he’s engaged in such activities with a woman.

“I thought maybe I should court Jane before taking her to my bed,” Buck spoke wearisome from unsatisfied passion between him and Jane.

“Why?” Jimmy asked dumfounded.

“God Jimmy! That’s not all I want her for!” Buck spoke loudly.

“Why not?” 

Buck looks at Jimmy with confusion. The two of them are in two different worlds when it comes to women. Buck knows he’s confusing Jimmy, but he also knows that Jimmy makes no sense at all to him.

“Look Buck. You’re a man, and Jane’s a woman. Men and women have been doing this sort of thing for quite some time now. It ain’t nothing new.”

“You have an answer for everything, don’t you Jimmy?”

“I’d like to think I do.”

“Jimmy, you’re just confusing me more than what I already was.”

“Why? It’s simple Buck. Listen I’ve already done it with Hannah.”

“I don’t really need to hear this.”

Jimmy smiles proudly at himself. “She enjoyed it too. As a matter of fact, jumping into bed is about the only thing Hannah wants to do.”

“I think I’ll just listen to what my heart’s telling me.”

“And what’s that Buck?”

“That I should court Jane for awhile before taking the next step.”

“Okay Buck. But, ask yourself a very important question. While you’re waiting, do you really think Cody is gonna stand by and wait for you to make Jane yours?”

Buck doesn’t even have to think about that question. He knows how persuasive Cody can be when it comes to his women and his food. “No.”

“No. That’s right. Cody will compromise Jane the second you don’t. Hell Cody won’t even wait for you not to compromise her!”

“Jimmy, I just don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Buck spoke disheartened.

“Anyone Buck or is it that you just don’t want to get hurt?”

“Jimmy, I’m not exactly used to women falling all over me the way Jane did tonight. What does Jane want with me when she can have Cody?”

“Now you’re confusing me. What the hell does she see in Cody?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Jane likes the uniform or the fact that Cody isn’t a half-breed,” Buck mumbled disheartened.

“I don’t think either one of those things matters much to Jane. She’s too sensible to let a uniform hold clout with her. Jane doesn’t even see the Kiowa in you. She sees the man not his color. Look Buck, from what I saw on the sofa tonight, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

“That was just lust Jimmy. Maybe Cody has told Jane that he loves her.”

“Then that would make Cody a damn liar. And, don’t make lust out to be something bad. It’s a good thing.”

Buck glances up at Jimmy and aches an eyebrow at him. He doesn’t realize it, but he’s asking Jimmy to explain that one.

“At least she wants you. In my book that ain’t a bad thing.”

Buck gets up from the sofa, and heads toward the stairs. “I think you’ve given enough advice for one night Jimmy. I’m going up to bed,” Buck spoke quietly. He starts up the stairs.

“Good-night Buck,” Jimmy spoke with a glint in his eyes. Somehow tomorrow he will work on getting Buck and Jane together.

Jesse rides into the dimly lighted camp. There is one small campfire burning in the center of the camp. It is just large enough to heat up the coffee pot and the black, tasteless liquid inside.

When Jesse gets close to the campfire. Simon Davenport apprehends him as he dismounts from his horse. The other four gang members who where in town with Jesse ride off away from Jesse and Simon.

“What do you think you’re doing, going off riding into town with stolen horses?” Simon asked angrily.

“It isn’t any of your business what I do,” Jesse proclaimed loud enough for all his men to hear. He doesn’t want any of them thinking they are running the show around here. This is his show, and he’ll run it the way he sees fit. They either follow his orders or they disband from the group. Of course most of them realize that disbanding from the gang means a certain death sentence. Jesse bends down and pours himself a hot mug of coffee. He sips on it, but he finds out that the black liquid is too hot to drink.
“It is plain foolishness allowing Teaspoon Hunter, a marshal I might add, to see that you were the one that stole their horses,” Simon spoke calmly. He doesn’t want to give Jesse James a reason to shoot him in the back, but he obviously needs an austere lecture concerning tactfulness. 

“I wanted all of them to see their horses. It is the start of my latest plan. I’m going to cause heartbreak and ruination to those who misjudged me. Those people reside at The Kid & Buck Horse Ranch!”


Her black leather gloved hands run up and down the bloodstained knife. There is no other way for her to clean the blade before she embarks on another dark journey into the mind of another victim. How meek they all are when they are in her powerful presence. Her breathing becomes frenzied and gasping as the blood from her last victim rids itself from the knife that was used to end his life. Her gloves become soaked and stained from the cleansing of her mind.

She places the knife gently down on the table that she has been working on. She knowingly latches onto a wooden box from a shelf that rests above the table. She fumbles with the key that unlocks the wooden box as if she can’t contain her excitement of a deed well done. She unlocks the wooden box and quickly scans the items contained inside. There are several sets of matching black leather gloves. However, there is one set that does not have a mate. Somewhere when her mind was not entirely with her, she had misplaced one of the gloves to the set. It doesn’t matter. No one will ever find its partner. She gently takes the gloves off her hands and lays them on top of one another inside the wooden box. On top of her many sets of bloodstained gloves, one set for every victim, she gently places the cleansed knife in the box. She has washed her sins away, and all is forgiven until the next man ventures into her domain. 

She shuts the lid of the box and turns the key to securely lock the box that stores her most valuable possessions. No one must find out about her secret life. No one would understand the pleasure she derives from the acts that she performs. Her victims understand. For a brief moment, they even enjoy themselves. She places the wooden box back onto the shelf. She turns away from the box and slowly walks out of the barn into a sky filled with darkness!


The outside of the marshal’s office looks calm and serene the morning after the dance, and Jesse’s shifty admittance to being the horse thief that had visited their ranch some while ago. The town is quiet with no movement as the sun perches itself slightly into the sky. The cool morning air has smoke trailing into the sky from the marshal’s office. 

Inside Jimmy is fueling the fire in the potbelly stove to heat up the office. About mid-morning he knows he will regret these actions. It will be so hot in the office he’ll be tempted to remove his clothing and walk around in his long johns. He figures the townsfolk won’t appreciate that gesture much.

Teaspoon is sitting at his desk faulting himself for the turn of events that were unveiled last evening. He had thanked the lord when he noticed that a new batch of wanted posters had arrived the day before.
Jimmy hadn’t had the time to even glance through them. Teaspoon’s hopes are that new posters of Jesse and his gang are included in the large golden yellow envelope.

He had given the boy the chance to change as Jesse had pleaded with him to do. But, the rage inside the old marshal, at the knowledge of Jesse turning to yet another crime, has shortened his patient and understanding with the outlaw. Jesse had made him into a complete fool last night in front of his family. The only thing that had saved him from total degradation was the fact that Buck had already left the dance. Buck wasn’t present to let Teaspoon know how wrong he had been about Jesse. 

Teaspoon holds the posters up that he had been searching for. He hands them to Jimmy.

At first Jimmy doesn’t take a hold of the posters. He looks at Teaspoon sharply in the eyes to see if the old man’s heart is really comfortable with posting the posters of a young boy that he loves like he would if he were his son. Hell! Jesse is Teaspoon’s son. “Are you sure this is really what you want? You’re not doing this just because it’s weighing heavy on your mind that Jesse is the horse thief?”

“It’s what I need to do. I should have never fought with Buck over the first ones that he and you posted. I have been totally wrong about the way I have handled this situation with Jesse. And, you know how I hate to admit I’m wrong about anything.”

“You know if the law or a bounty hunter catches Jesse, he’ll hang?” Jimmy asked wanting to make sure Teaspoon understands the consequences that Jesse will face.

“I am aware of what will happen to Jesse. I am also painfully aware of how much I have hurt all of you. I’ve especially made Buck feel like I don’t even care about him.”

“Those aren’t the reasons you’re posting the wanted posters of Jesse, are they?” Jimmy asked flatly.

“I told you why I’m posting them. I have sworn to uphold the law, and I let my feelings for a boy I once knew get in the way of my job. I do love Jesse. I don’t want to see him hang. If that were to ever happen, it would break my heart. But, I can’t let Jesse rule my heart. He has proven to me that he never intended on changing his lifestyle.”

Jimmy takes the wanted posters out of Teaspoon’s hands. He takes them slowly allowing Teaspoon the chance to change his mind. Teaspoon’s grip on the posters is not a firm hold. Jimmy easily takes the posters from him. Jimmy sighs softly unsure that this action won’t someday come back to haunt Teaspoon. Jimmy knows it is the right thing to do, otherwise he would never had allowed Buck to persuade him to post the first batch that arrived at the office. 

“By the way, Buck understands the pain that these posters have caused you. He isn’t blind to your feelings about Jesse. What really hurt Buck more than anything were the remarks you made concerning Neville,” Jimmy spoke softly. He watches the marshal’s face pale. A sudden sadness hangs over the inside of the office, much like a storm drenching the town. Jimmy walks over to the bulletin board and proceeds to pin the posters in the empty space the first ones had occupied.

“You don’t think I realize how much Ike’s death and the way he died had torn at Buck’s heart for months after the incident?” Teaspoon muttered softly. His voice is a bit shaky with emotion.

Jimmy turns around to look at Teaspoon’s weary structure. “I know you were in just as much pain as Buck over Ike’s death. I know that you made yourself strong because Buck needed you to be strong.”

“I spent a lot of days talking with him. He wouldn’t let himself understand why Ike had done what he did. Buck hasn’t learned how powerful the love for a woman can be. He couldn’t comprehend Ike giving his life to save Emily. I tried to make Buck understand that love can be a pretty powerful emotion. Sometimes after I would listen to him talk about the things Ike and him used to get into, I felt the same way Buck did. Ike had a lot more living to do.”

“It wasn’t meant to be that way Teaspoon,” Jimmy spoke flatly. 

“Yeah, I know. I feel so terrible for bringing up the past and causing Buck to relive all those painful memories again. He certainly didn’t deserve the harsh words that came from my uncompassionate heart,”
Teaspoon stated angry that he caused Buck unnecessary emotional pain.

“I think all Buck really needs to know is that you don’t think he’s the same kind of man that Jesse has turned out to be.”

“You’re right there. Where Buck felt very remorseful for what he had done to another human being; Jesse feels excitement for the kill. I would sit and hold Buck for hours listening to him sob over Ike being gone and the fact that he took another man’s life. Oh, I don’t think Buck thought that Neville didn’t deserve what he got. I think Buck just soon realized that it wasn’t his choice to make if Neville should be able to live for his crimes or if he should die. And, even if Neville should die, Buck painfully became aware that he shouldn’t have been the one to send him to his grave.”

“Sounds like Buck had quite a lot to deal with that none of us really knew about.”

“I had a difficult enough time getting him to share his feelings with me about the entire ordeal. I kept our talks just between him and I because that is what Buck wanted.”

“I understand. I wasn’t…”

“What do you understand?” Cody asked boldly as he walks into the office slamming the new door behind him.

“Take it easy on the new door. I don’t think the townsfolk want to pay for another one so soon after they just paid for this one,” Jimmy spoke loudly.

“What brings you here so early in the morning?” Teaspoon asked flatly.

Cody, who is dressed in his army attire, walks toward Teaspoon and removes his hat. “I was rudely awoken early this morning by two of my men. It seems there has been another killing, only this time it is a civilian,” Cody replied somberly.

“A civilian?” Teaspoon questioned.

“Uh Cody, don’t you mean a citizen,” Jimmy asked dumfounded.

“Whatever Jimmy, it means the same,” Cody replied his voice a bit too high and mighty for Jimmy’s tastes. 

“Well don’t just stand there waiting for sunset. Who was it that was murdered?” Teaspoon bellowed.

“It was Mister Carson, the banker.”

“Where did this happen Cody?” Teaspoon asked puzzled.

“Mister Carson apparently was on his way home after the dance.”

Jimmy turns to face Teaspoon. “Teaspoon, Mister Carson was still at the dance when I left with Hannah. Hannah and I ran into him on our way out. I remember that he couldn’t keep his eyes from roaming all over Hannah. I think he was getting kind of flustered by her flaunting appearance.”

“How did Hannah take his gawking at her like that?” Teaspoon asked rationally.

“She kind of smirked at him. I thought it was rather humorous to see the old man interested in her,” Jimmy smiled, remembering the night before.

“Well the old man didn’t die from any physical aliment. Mister Carson was stabbed to death with a knife,” Cody remarked.

“Did the murderer leave the weapon behind?” Teaspoon asked hoping that they would get a break in this case before anyone else is killed.

“Nope. We didn’t notice anything unusual at the scene of the crime. It just seems odd to me that Mister Carson was killed while he sat on the buckboard. That’s how we found him. There was a lot of blood on the buckboard,” Cody remarked.

“Why is that so unusual?” Jimmy asked perplexed.

“You wouldn’t think Mister Carson’s horses would allow a stranger to stab the man a half a dozen times, and just stay perfectly still. You would have thought the noise would have spooked the animals.”

“All these murders are just mind-boggling. Someone really knows what they are doing,” Teaspoon spoke somberly.

Jimmy notices the sadness that has suddenly come over Teaspoon. “You’re thinking that Jesse and his gang could be doing this, aren’t you Teaspoon?” 

“It’s possible. Although, I don’t understand it, I hadn’t thought Jesse had taken up killing just for the pleasure of it. I had thought he only would kill if someone would get in their way during a robbery,” Teaspoon stated as he suddenly remembers the evidence that Cody had said was found near Jesse’s camp. “You were going to let me in on the evidence you found against Jesse?”

“It turned out to be nothing. Some of my men scouting the countryside found puddles of blood near Jesse’s camp. I’m not real sure, but I’m guessing it was my blood from when Simon shot me. But, I’m definitely going to investigate the possibility that it could be Jesse and his loyal gang of bandits. There appearance here in Rock Creek coincides with the first murders. Well, I’ll see the two of you later. I have men waiting for me to do a though search of the area today in hopes of finding the outlaw. I need to see Jane this morning before I go,” Cody remarked with no feelings toward Jesse, but a lot of feelings toward Jane.

“Why do you have to see Jane?” Jimmy asked promptly. 

“I’d like for Jane to have dinner with me tonight,” Cody replied. He notices the anxious look on Jimmy’s face. Jimmy must know what went on with Buck and Jane. “Is there anything wrong with that Jimmy?”

“Uh…no! I was just thinking that I could give her a message from you if you’re in a hurry to get started with your search for Jesse.”

Cody thinks on that for a moment. He grabs a pencil and piece of paper from the desk and scribbles Jane a brief note. He carefully folds the note in half debating with his mind if this is the right way to ask the woman of his dreams for a date.  He hands the note to Jimmy a bit apprehensively. “You’ll make sure she gets it?”

“Yeah, sure thing. I’ll ride out to the ranch this morning, and hand it to her personally.”

“Thanks,” Cody spoke downhearted. He isn’t sure that Jimmy is being honest with him, but he can’t let that impede his day. He has to figure out who is doing all these killings before he is yanked from the case. That certainly wouldn’t look good on his record. “I’ll see you all later.”
Cody rushes out of the office.

Jimmy watches intensely as Cody mounts his horse and rides on out of Rock Creek. As soon as Cody is out of his sight, Jimmy turns his attention back to Teaspoon. He tears the note up in a few pieces and deposits it into the nearby trashcan.

Teaspoon has been watching this entire scene quietly and totally intrigued with Jimmy’s actions. The young man certainly had a plan that worked out brilliantly for him, and not so well for Cody. Trouble is, Teaspoon isn’t quite sure what Jimmy’s up to. “I don’t mean to pry, but uh…what was that all about?” Teaspoon asked pointing to the torn up note Jimmy threw away.

“It’s simple. I don’t want Cody having dinner with Jane.”

“I got that much out of your actions, Jimmy. I mean what is the hidden meaning behind pulling the wool over Cody’s eyes.”

“Does that mean Cody’s blind?”

“Never mind! Just tell me what in blazes you are up to?” Teaspoon asked impatiently.

“Buck is very, and a mean intensely interested in Jane,” Jimmy spoke with a smile larger than daylight upon his face.

“Let me guess. This is your way of keeping Cody away from Jane? You know son, sooner or later Cody is going to figure out that Jane never received his note.”

“I had to do something to stall Cody from moving too fast with Jane,” Jimmy replied worrisomely. 

“Why is that?” Teaspoon asked. He is becoming fascinated with the great lengths Jimmy is going through to make sure Cody stays away from Jane. 

“Because Buck has decided to act like a sixteen year old when it comes to women, but I’ve been trying to give him some good sound advice,” Jimmy spoke very proud of his advice.

“Oh Lord,” Teaspoon spoke concerned about the advice Jimmy is giving Buck. Teaspoon is sure the advice is the way Jimmy pursues women. That doesn’t mean that that is the same way Buck would pursue a woman.

Jimmy is offended by Teaspoon’s slight degradation of his advice before he even tells Teaspoon what kind of advice he has given to Buck. “I can give out good advice Teaspoon.”

“Okay. What advice did you give to Buck about how to pursue a woman?” Teaspoon asked calmly with his hands folded across his chest expecting an answer that he needs to brace himself for.

“I told Buck that I’ve already done it with Hannah.”

At this point Teaspoon is rolling his eyes and he begins to pace the office floor with his crutches.

“I told Buck that he should be doing the same with Jane.”

“Oh Lord ‘y’ Lord,” Teaspoon spoke as he stands still while shaking his head with disapproval.

“Teaspoon, I think Buck can handle this,” Jimmy spoke certain that he is right.

“That ain’t what I’m worried about.”

“Don’t worry about Jane. She isn’t the skimpy girl we met seven years ago. Jane’s grown up into a breath-taking, beautiful young woman.”

“I do have eyes Hickok. I can see that Jane’s all growed up!”

Jimmy’s face is embedded in a confused state. He wonders if perhaps Teaspoon has been married one too many times. The old man has forgotten what it’s like to be single and able to look at any woman that he sees fit. “Then, I don’t see the problem.”

“That’s cause you ain’t falling in love with Hannah. She’s a woman you’re spending time with in this town. The next town you’re in, there will be a different woman keeping you company.”

“That don’t make me sound so good Teaspoon,” Jimmy stated flatly.

“No, it just means you ain’t the settling down type. So the women you choose ain’t the settling down type either. You ever see Hannah other then when you’re gonna lay with her?”

“No,” Jimmy spoke disgusted with himself. “I did escort her to the dance though.”

“Only cause there was probably a rendezvous planned for the two of you after the dance,” Teaspoon spoke calculatedly. 

“How did you know?”

“Now do you see what I’m worried about?”


“Hickok, I swear you can’t see what’s right in front of you. Buck is the settling down type. He wants to find a woman he can fall in love with, get married to, and have a dozen or so children with.”

“Married people do it too Teaspoon. How do you think they have all those children you’re talking about?”

“Jimmy, I swear there is no hope for you. Do I have to spell everything out for you? They need time to fall in love first. You know, time to get to know one another.”

“Seems to me Teaspoon that if Buck takes Jane to bed, they’ll get to know each other just fine.”

Teaspoon has grown somewhat weary from this conversation he is having with Jimmy. He leans his backside against the front of the desk to get up the strength to continue with this conversing that is going on between him and Jimmy. “Jimmy, why am I having this conversation with you?”

“Don’t know.”

“I don’t know either.”

“Have you given any thought about Cody in this Buck and Jane love story of yours?”


“You just heard him Teaspoon. Cody is going to ask her out. If I’m not mistaken, I think Cody has plans on courting Jane. To be honest though, I think Jane looks at Cody as just a friend. But, Cody’s been pretty smitten ever since he rescued Jane from Simon’s clutches.”

“How do you know that friendship toward Cody is all Jane’s feeling?”
Teaspoon asked showing signs of worrisome for Buck. She could end up with Cody, which would leave Buck devastated. He doesn’t want to push anything that could end up pushing Buck further away from women.

“Cause Jane ain’t kissing Cody the same way she’s been kissing Buck!”

“Oh. Well uh…how’s she kissing Cody?”

Jimmy points to his cheek. “Tiny, friendly pecks on the cheeks,” Jimmy spoke amusingly.

“And Buck?”

“Jane kisses Buck the same way I kiss Hannah when I’m trying to seduce her.”

“Oh. Well uh…Hickok maybe you do give out good advice after all,” Teaspoon spoke smiling proudly that Buck has found a woman that can tolerate his Indian background that most white women frown upon.

“I don’t think so Teaspoon. Maybe you should have a talk with Buck,” Jimmy spoke worried that he is wrong and Teaspoon is right. Of course Teaspoon is right. He had almost forgotten that golden rule.

“I think I’ll just let nature take its course where Buck and Jane are concerned. But Cody, now that’s a different matter entirely. I could come up with a plan that will distract Cody for a while.

Charlene is sighing heavily as she picks up the sofa pillows that Buck and Jane had obviously forgotten about during their moment of passion! She slams her body onto the sofa and fantasies what it would be like to be with him. She takes a pillow and hugs it to her mid-section.
“Why can’t he see that we are more suited for each other?” She mumbled out loud figuring that she doesn’t have an audience.

“Why can’t who see what?” Jane asked as she walks into the living room.” She walks close to the sofa and goes around it to face a sulking Charlene.

“Did you enjoy your little romp with Buck last night?” Charlene asked cynically. 

Jane stares right through the snide woman remembering the way Buck had gently brought her down on the sofa. His body lay weightlessly on top of hers. She remembers the feel and smell of Buck driving her senses to the point of no turning back. She hadn’t wanted to stop the passion between them. There had been so many intrusions on their lovemaking. She thinks now, that it is possible the intrusions were meant as a sign that they are not to be together in that way just yet. She can wait. Her only problem will be if Buck continues to kiss her the way he did last night. She isn’t so sure she’ll be able to control her desire for him if he persists on torturing her in that way!

“Hello Jane.” Charlene spoke calmly as she waves her arms in front of Jane’s face to get her to come back from her daydreams.

Jane snaps out of her trance, and glares at the woman who is her competition.

“Oh, I see you’ve decided to join the living again,” Charlene remarked amusingly.

“Charlene do you know how a person can tell she’s going to have a bad day?” Jane asked with sarcasm.

“When your passion isn’t satisfied the night before,” Charlene replied with a wicked smirk attached to her face.

“You won’t keep us apart forever,” Jane snapped back at the vile creature that sits before her. Jane has a feeling that Charlene could be a deceitful woman if she should turn her back for even one second on her.

Charlene stands up from the sofa and confronts Jane face to face. “The two of you won’t make love with me living in this house! You might as well know, I’ll do whatever I have to, to make sure you don’t get your hands on Buck!”

“You little bitch!” Jane spoke harshly.

Charlene is shocked at the spitfire that Jane appears to be. She has her work cut out for her with this woman. She had thought Jane to be the meek type. Charlene figured Jane to be the type of woman who would crawl in a corner if scorned. This will be much more of a challenge then she had first predicted. 

“You may have put a damper on our lovemaking last evening, but Buck doesn’t want you! He has already made that perfectly clear to you. His words to you last night at the dance should be enough to tell you that he is not attracted to you. Whether he and I make love or we don’t, he still cares about me. He won’t even bother with you!”

“We’ll see about that! He won’t bother with you if you’re not around anymore,” Charlene spoke with a sardonic grimace.

“Is that a threat on my life?”

“Take it anyway you want. You’ll never have what you want! I’ll see to that!”

“What’s going on in here?” Kid asked quietly as he enters the living room in a dubious manner. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop on the two women that are battering back and forth at each other.

The two women standing close enough to strangle one another had not heard Kid come into the house. Both turn and pay attention to Kid when they hear his voice mutter something to them.

“This is none of your business,” Charlene spoke in a nasty tone.

Buck walks from the stairs into the entranceway to the living room. He stands next to Kid gazing at the two women who are about to go at it again with each other. 

“I’d appreciate it if one of you would answer Kid’s question. I could hear the two of you shouting at each other from clear upstairs,” Buck spoke calmly. 

Both Jane and Charlene look at Buck. While Charlene tries to make herself innocent looking in Buck’s eyes, Jane’s facial expression is one filled with rage at the other woman.

Charlene rushes to Buck’s side, and clings to his right arm. Her intent is to let Buck know that Jane is a rather mean person. Charlene puts on a very persuasive act with the appearance of fright in her eyes as if she’s met the devil in the personage of Jane. 

“She is threatening my life just because I interrupted the two of you last night during your uh…moment of foolishness on the sofa with this wicked woman! Charlene spoke her voice shaky and her body trembling from fear.

Charlene’s not so innocent mention of last evening with Jane has Buck once again thinking about Jane in his arms. Jane was definitely very wicked! Charlene would be fit to be tied if she knew that Buck could hardly wait for Jane to show her wicked ways to him again.

“I swear Buck, I didn’t know the two of you were engaging in such activities right out in the open like that! I would have thought, with me being in the house, that you would have taken intimacy with Jane to your bedroom,” Charlene spoke her voice impeccable. 

Buck can hear the snickers coming from the other side of him where Kid is standing. Buck glances over at his friend with a stern glare of disapproval. 

Kid clears his throat once he sees the glare that he is receiving from a very not amused Buck. It takes him a few moments, but he eventually shows laborious self-control on his laughter by covering his hand over his mouth. 

Buck turns his attention back to Jane and Charlene. “I’m really sorry Charlene. I won’t let it happen again.”

“You’ll talk to her about threatening me?” Charlene asked in a whiney tone while pointing a finger at Jane.

Buck looks at Jane. His mind starts to wonder again. He curses himself silently. He has never had so many wayward thoughts about a woman in his young life. She really has a powerful hold on him. “Yeah, I’ll have a talk with Jane.”

Jane rolls her eyes tediously. In her eyes Charlene is a pathetic woman. She can’t fend for herself so she hides behind Buck. If that wasn’t bad enough, Buck makes Charlene seem like a saint in front of her and Kid. Why didn’t Buck defend her? Instead, Buck acts as if he believes the pitiful woman that is clinging to him as if she is afraid of her.  Jane wonders if Charlene has Buck playing right into the game she’s drawing them both into. All Jane really knows is that she isn’t about to let Charlene play her for a fool!

Charlene has a proud appearance stationed on her face. She’s content for now that Buck seems to be siding with her on the argument that he had heard between her and Jane. Jane might be a challenge, but Buck is proving to be quite easy to manipulate. “I’m going upstairs to relax in a bath full of lavender water. Living in this household has become quite stressful,” Charlene spoke as she glares at Jane. She unleashes her hands from Buck’s arm and walks away from the small group. 

Jane waits until Charlene is out of sight and eavesdropping range. She makes a slight effort to approach Buck. She doesn’t want to stand to close to him for fear that her desire for him is still heated from last evening. The sofa keeps reminding Jane of her insatiable appetite she has for Buck. She decides it is best to keep the sofa between them. “You don’t really believe that I threatened her, do you?”

Kid can’t keep his over abundance of laughter inside any longer. His whole insides are trembling with exhilaration. Jane and Buck can only stare at Kid, as he has to fold his arms around his waist to keep the pain from his outburst from hurting too much. 

“I’m real glad you’re getting such a big kick out of this Kid,” Buck spoke calmly. 

Kid tries to force himself to stop his amusing outburst. The harsh look he is getting from Buck is a real good sign that Buck isn’t amused by Charlene’s admittance that she had spied on him and Jane last night in a compromising position on the sofa. Kid rubs at his stomach to calm the rippling going on inside. “I’m sorry. I can just imagine poor Charlene stomping up the stairs with her best sinister look on her face, after she’s caught the two of you intimately on the sofa.”

“We were kissing Kid,” Jane remarked flatly.

“We were doing a little more than kissing Jane,” Buck spoke flatly.

“Okay. Since we’re pouring our souls out, would you care to have another laugh Kid? Charlene isn’t the only person that caught Buck and I enraged with passion on the sofa. Jimmy stormed in on us also.”

“Jane, why don’t we just announce to everyone exactly what we were doing,” Buck spoke annoyed.

“Why not? With Charlene and Jimmy knowing, the whole town will know soon enough. Charlene has already announced our promiscuous behavior to Kid. How long do you think it will take the gossip mongrel to spread it around town?” Jane asked smoldering with anger.

Kid wants to change the direction this conversation is going. He had been having too much fun picking on Buck about his behavior with Jane. Kid’s never known his business partner to get that intimate with a woman that quick! “So how did Charlene take it when she burst in on the two of you ‘doing it’ on the sofa?” Kid asked amused.

“Doing what Kid?” Buck asked teasingly serious.

“You know, doing…you know Buck,” Kid stumbled with his words.

“I’m surprised that you don’t know with you being married for the past six years,” Buck spoke smiling at his friend’s awkwardness on the subject of making love.

“We weren’t ‘doing it’ as you call it. We were fully clothed,” Jane spoke as she reaches over the sofa and jabs Buck in the ribs. “Someone wouldn’t take HIS clothes off.” Jane spoke as she steps away from the sofa and walks towards the kitchen. She hears Kid’s snickers again as she walks away.

“Why did you have to tell Kid that? Where are you going? I’ll need help in here to defuse Kid and his annoying jovialness,” Buck asked smiling at her wicked ways of getting even with him for defending Charlene.

“I need a strong cup of coffee before I start this day,” Jane spoke as she disappears from Buck’s sight.

“So things didn’t go exactly as you planned them to go last night?” Kid asked smiling with amusement at Buck’s expense.

Buck turns his attention back to Kid. Why did she have to tell Kid that he was the one doing most of the stalling during their encounter. “I didn’t really have any plans. Things just got out of hand with Jane.”

“Jane seems a little disappointed that things didn’t happen,” Kid spoke with a gleam in his eyes.

“Will you please stop. If Jane’s disappointed then I’ll have to fix that, after her and I spend some time getting to know one another,” Buck spoke in a sulking mood.

“What are you going to do about Cody? He has his eyes on Jane, and you know he won’t back down from removing his clothes,” Kid spoke amusingly. 

“You’re pretty much saying I’m an idiot, aren’t you?” Buck asked taking Kid very seriously.

Kid frowns slightly. He realizes by the tone in Buck’s voice that Buck is taking him seriously. When all Kid is really doing is having fun with Buck’s sense of virtues concerning courtship and lust!

“I’m just funning with you Buck. I think it’s a good thing to fall in love first before lust enters the relationship. I hope all of you riders didn’t think Louise and I were engaged in such activities the second we laid eyes on each other. It didn’t happen that way. But, while all of us do have morals, you know that Cody does not have any.”

“Yeah. I don’t know what to do about Cody’s over-anxiousness where Jane is concerned. I’m hoping these murders keep him so occupied that he won’t have time to even think about Jane.”

“Maybe. Uh…I have some other news for you,” Kid spoke apprehensively.

Buck looks at Kid confused. The upsetting look on Kid’s face tells Buck that it isn’t good news that he needs to share with him.

“You seem a little worried about telling me your news. What’s going on? It isn’t Louise is it? She didn’t kick you out and insist you come over here to live, did she? Cause frankly, I’m running out of bedrooms.”

“Didn’t you get any sleep again last night Buck?” Kid asked smiling.

“No. As a matter of fact I didn’t.”

Kid slaps his friend on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t get any easier once you’re married to them.”

“You’re talking about women, I hope?”

“Yeah, I’m talking about women!” Kid spoke with a chuckle. He laughs a bit louder when he hears Buck joining in on the laughter.

Both men calm their laughing down so Jane doesn’t come busting out of the kitchen wondering what it is they find so amusing.

So, what did you want to tell me?” Buck asked seriously.

Kid’s face becomes drawn in with a heavy sigh. He places his hands on his hips nervously. His features on his face are all straight-laced. He is planning on Buck being furious over his news. “Uh… I found our four horses that were stolen.”

Buck gets excited over the news! A bright smile appears on his face, as well as a gleam of happiness in his eyes. “When? Where did you find them? Why didn’t you come get me to help you with them?”

Kid holds up his hands to stop Buck’s excitement over the news that sounds good, but really isn’t as great as Buck thinks at this point. “Hold on a minute. Hum…lets see. When? Last night after you left the dance with the women. Where? Before I answer this one, you have to promise me you won’t break anything or punch me in the mouth,” Kid begged.

Buck looks puzzled. “Why would I want to break something or punch you?”

“Because the where answer is at the dance. The four men that were with Jesse last night, rode out of town on our four horses,” Kid spoke softly. He squints his eyes shut waiting for Buck to explode.

“You’re kidding.” Buck spoke flatly. The excitement he had felt just seconds before is completely drained from his face.

“You don’t know how badly I wish I were kidding. It gets worse,” Kid spoke startled by Buck’s calmness over the situation. He can’t believe that Buck is going to stay this calm.

“How much worse can it get? Jesse is playing us all for fools.”

“Yeah. He certainly has been, and probably still is,” Kid spoke trying to clear his throat. The gesture is more from nervousness rather than a dry mouth and throat. “Teaspoon wants us to let it go…for the time being.”

“What? Why?” Buck shouted.

“You sure do ask a lot of questions,” Kid replied trying to add a little humor to the situation.

“I’m not in the mood for anymore wisecracks today Kid. What is Teaspoon up to? Doesn’t he see that if we allow Jesse to borrow our horses, then we are just opening the door for Jesse to just do whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases. Jesse is making complete fools out of all of us. I can’t stand around and just let that punk do whatever he wants,” Buck spoke harshly.

Kid grabs hold of Buck’s arm as he’s about to storm out of the house. “Will you hold onto your temper for just a minute?”

Buck calms down when he sees the pleading look in Kid’s eyes. “Cody thinks that Jesse might be the one responsible for the murders that have been going on around here.”

Buck thinks about that for a second. He arches an eyebrow at Kid wondering if Cody is planning on going after Jesse. “Jesse did enter our lives again right around the same time the first four army men were discovered.”

“Cody wants you and I to stay calm about the horses so he can get Jesse accused of much more serious crimes. That is if Cody can prove that Jesse is guilty of the murders.”

“I suppose Teaspoon doesn’t want Cody going after Jesse?” Buck asked somberly.

“Teaspoon had to swallow his pride a little and admit that he’s been wrong about Jesse. I think he plans on helping once the doc takes the wrappings off his legs. Don’t be so hard on Teaspoon about Jesse. He loved the boy that the man once was. Teaspoon will never stop caring about that boy. It’s the man he can’t stomach!”

“I won’t be hard on Teaspoon. I know how much he wanted to believe that Jesse was going to change,” Buck stated flatly.

Jane walks back out to the men with two mugs of coffee. She places a mug in each of their hands. The liquid is extremely hot by the steam pouring out over the rim of the mugs.

“Thanks,” Kid spoke giving Jane a smile.

Buck reaches over and places a tender kiss on her lips. “Thank-you.”

“Both of you are very welcome. Now I have a busy day ahead of me.”

“Where do you think you’re going?” Buck asked demandingly.

The entire house is silent. Kid gazes up from a drink of his coffee and senses that Buck and Jane’s first argument is about to take place, and he would rather not me in the middle. He starts for the door with his mug of coffee.

“I’m just going to take my coffee, and get back over to the house. Remember Buck we’re taking the day off so I can spend some time with Louise and the girls. Maybe if you’re still alive, I’ll see you later on today,” Kid spoke as he leaves the house. 

After Kid leaves Jane turns around to face Buck with a quizzical look. “Kid must think you can’t handle a woman’s temper very well.”

“I’m beginning to think I’m not much good at handling women at all,” Buck spoke disheartened.

Jane gets a playful smile on her face. She approaches him and lifts his coffee mug from his hand, placing it on a table near the sofa. She wraps her arms up around his back and molds her body into his. “I don’t know about that. You handled me pretty well last night.” She reaches up to kiss his soft lips. She kisses him tenderly until she hears soft moans escaping from within him. He gently wraps his arms around her and deepens the kiss. His heart begins to race with desire again! He had promised himself that this wasn’t going to happen just yet. 

Buck stops the kiss and takes his arms from around her. “Jane, please don’t get me started again. Remember Charlene is right upstairs taking a bath.”

“Maybe she drowned in the tub.”

“You do have some naughty thoughts when it comes to Charlene and her demise.”

“Not true my love. I’m saving my naughty thoughts for you. For Charlene I have diabolical thoughts of any early expiration from her need for your protection,” Jane spoke softly.

“Lets get out of this house before a lose my senses again. Where do you have to go today? I’ll take you.”

“The schoolhouse. I need to get the desks and books in order. School will be starting in another week.”

“I can’t let you teach school if Simon is still on the loose,” Buck spoke worrisome.

Jane won’t allow any man to order her around as if she belongs to them. She has been independent for too many years to all of a sudden be expected to succumb to a man organizing her life for her the way he sees fit. She won’t tolerate that way of life from any man, and that includes Buck. If he wants the woman she has become, then Buck will have to accept the independent woman she is. “You don’t have a choice in the matter. I’m teaching the children of this town whether you like it or not! I don’t think Simon will attack me in a schoolhouse full of children as a witness to his crime.

Jane leads, as Buck silently follows her out of the house. He doesn’t make an attempt to nullify her unwavering words to him.

Continue to Chapter Thirteen
