A Moment of Happiness
by Ursula Renee

Entry #3 in the Sweetwater Station
"Bits and Pieces" contest

(Disclaimer:  The Young Riders is the creation  of Ed Spielman and the property of Ogiens/Kane Productions!  This work is for entertainment purposes only.)

October 1870

Peace and quiet. That's all Buck wanted. It didn't seem like an unreasonable request. He could think of more elaborate things he could wish for - riches, women, power, and fame. Yet, he didn't want those, he just longed for the peace and quiet of the countryside.

When he rode onto the Sweetwater farm, he had looked forward to spending some time with the people who became his family when he joined the Pony Express. However, all hopes for a nice reunion were dashed within minutes of his arrival.

Ike had rode in from town, sporting a black eye, a busted lip, and an attitude that rivaled Jimmy's on his worse days. After changing horses, the quiet man disappeared for several days, leaving, for reasons unknown to anyone else at the time, an upset Eve. Once he finally returned, all hell broke loose.

Noah walked into his sister's room to find Ike and her in a compromising position. This prompted the man to try and disconnect his friend's head from the rest of his body.

Once they were able to quiet the irate sibling, the couple made an announcement that was more shocking than the discovery. Ike and Eve were in love and planned to go against the law and marry. Now, though it is not socially accepted, it is not unheard of for a white man to marry an Indian. But a white man and a black woman? Buck cannot remember ever meeting anyone involved in that sort of a marriage. Of course, he had met many products of mixed relationships, but never anyone who was willing a partner in that sort of marriage.

The couple's announcement was obviously met with a lot of protests. Did they really know what troubles they face? Could they handle the bigotry? The arguments against the relationship were frequent and intense. So much so, that Buck almost felt he could find more peace standing in the middle of a battlefield.

Eve eventually put a stop to all the protests when she declared that if Ike and her could not find support from the family that should be there for them, then the two of them would simply make themselves scarce. Buck does not know whether it was the thought of them going through with Eve's threat or whether everyone finally saw how happy the couple was. Whatever the reason, the arguing came to an end and there was actually peace on the farm.

Planning to enjoy the tranquility, Buck goes onto the porch. He settles in a chair, leans back and props his feet up on the railing. Closing his eyes, he listens to nature's music - the birds chirping to one another, the wind whispering across the plains, and the bloodcurdling scream of a terrified woman.

The shriek startles Buck, causing him to upset the chair and fall to the floor. Rachel, Jimmy, Noah and Cassie rush onto the porch as he gets to his feet.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asks. He has a gun in his hand.

"I don't know," Buck answers as he surveys the area.

"That was Eve," Noah declares.

"I sent her to the cellar to get a jar of molasses for the baked beans," Rachel informs the group.

Another scream pierces the air. A second later, Eve runs into view. She is followed by Ike, who is wearing the mischievous grin of a schoolboy.

"What is he doing?" Rachel mumbles.

"He's chasing her," Cassie remarks. "But what is that in his hands?"

After a few seconds, Noah starts to laugh when he realizes that Ike is carrying a lizard. Actually, in one hand he's hold the reptile and in the other he has its tail.

"What's so funny?" his wife inquires, not finding any amusement in the young woman's desperate attempt to get away from the creature and the lizard he's holding.

"I forgot how scared she was of lizards."

"You think its funny that Ike's scaring her silly with that thing?" Cassie looks at the other men, who are trying to maintain straight faces. "Well, if you're not going to help her then I will." She looks around for a weapon, finally settling for a rolled up newspaper.

As she moves to the edge of the porch, Noah grabs her around the waist to prevent her from interfering.

"Leave them. I haven't seen that much spirit in her since she was a child."

"And, I haven't seen Ike be so playful in years," Rachel adds.

"But --"

Noah plants a kiss on his wife's cheek and gives her a squeeze. "She'll be all right."

As if to prove him right, Eve runs towards the toolshed. She grabs a shovel that is laying on the ground and raises it above her head. Ike stops in his tracks and looks at the girl. Realizing the tables have turned, he takes a step back while shaking his head. With slow, steady movements, he turns around and releases the lizard. He then tosses the tail to the side, before turning back to the young woman.

Ike smiles and signs. Eve shakes her head and, with the shovel still raised, she starts chasing her fiancé.

"I knew she could handle herself," Noah comments.

"She looks like she means business," Buck says.

"She does. When we were kids, she once clocked me upside my head with a bucket, just for teasing her."

"Ike should count his blessings that I haven't showed her how to use an arrow."

"You're going to teach her how to use a bow and arrow?" Jimmy questions.

"She asked me to."

"Why not a gun?"

"She doesn't feel comfortable around them."

"But they get the job done," Jimmy replies. "How would Teaspoon put it? 'Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.'"

"It looks like she can do some serious damage with that shovel."

"Only if she catches him."

"I think she may have him," Cassie interjects.

The two men turn to see Ike stumble as he tries to dodge a swing of the shovel. He gets his footing, then takes Eve by surprise by grabbing her around the waist and tackling her to the ground. He rolls over, sits up and pulls her into his lap. They laugh, forgetting about the chase and the shovel, which lays a few feet away.

Noah releases Cassie and starts down the steps.

"Where are you going?" Cassie asks as she grabs his arm.

"I think its time I intervene," Noah answers.

"You wouldn't help her when she was fleeing in terror, but now that there's no problem you going to stick your nose in?"

"Look at how he has her on top of him."

Cassie sighs. "Leave them alone."

"But --"

"But, nothing. They're practically married. Besides, this isn't the worse position you've seen them in."

"Don't remind me."

"They do look happy," Rachel observes.

"And, I prefer him over that other guy Noah tried to get her to marry," Cassie adds.

"I liked Luke."

"That pompous windbag. He had more air in him than a hot-air balloon. At least Ike listens to her."

"Yes, but--"

"But nothing, Noah. Eve is happier with Ike and he is good for her. You know I only speak the truth."

"I know, but at least Luke kept his hands to himself."

Everyone laughs.

"Oh, come on," Cassie scolds as she pulls Noah back to the porch and into the house.

"My supper!" Rachel shrieks, before running into the house to check on her meal.

"Someone might as well get that molasses," Jimmy mumbles. "Those two may be able to live off of love, but I need real food to satisfy me."

"You're starting to sound like --" Buck begins.

"Don't say it," the gunslinger warns as he heads around the corner.

Buck chuckles to himself. He looks at the couple, who is still sitting on the ground. They are now engaged in a kiss. Knowing that all the peace that has once again settled on the farm will be destroyed if Noah witnesses the scene, Buck decides to play chaperone and interrupt them. The idea is quickly replaced with another and he heads into the house to keep the big brother distracted.

Peace and quiet. It is a rare occasion that he finds tranquility in his life and he knows that the couple will find even less. Therefore, if it's in his power, he will see that they can at least enjoy a moment of happiness.


Comments?  Email Ursula Renee
