A Love Foretold
by Kimberly Wright

Chapters Eleven to Fifteen

Chapter 11

“Buck?” Breanna whispered as they headed back to the station.


“Thank you for being a patient person.”

He gave her a gentle hug as he leaned closer to her ear and softly replied, “You’re welcome,” before placing tiny kisses on the tender part of her lobe.

“Buck,” she gasped as the tingles raced down her spine. “I thought you said you…were…a patient…man.” She gasped again when his kisses reached her neck. “Oh Lord. Buck, if you don’t…”

“Don’t what?”

“Stop. Please. I swear…”

“Ok, ok,” he laughed as the station came into view. “I’ll stop…for now.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“Hey, Breanna!” Cody shouted as they rode closer. “Miss Applebee was just here. Said to had you return home as soon as you got back.”

“Did she say why?” Breanna asked as Buck helped her down again.

“Nope, but…”

“Buck, you can let go of me now.”

“But it seemed mighty important to her that you hurry home.”

“All right, thanks Cody.”

She rushed to the barn where she’d left the horse she borrowed from the town’s Livery Stable and swung up in the saddle, thinking the worst…that something was wrong. She didn’t realize Buck had been saddling his own horse till she turned around.

“What are you doing?”

“Going with you.”

She nodded. Then the two of them rode as fast as they could to get back to town. As they skidded to a stop in front of Sarah’s home, Breanna jumped from her horse, ran towards the door and rushed in only to come to a sudden stop upon seeing her parents.

Buck had been just two paces behind Breanna then he was suddenly colliding with her back. As he paused to catch his breath, he peered around her to see why she had stopped so quickly. That’s when he saw them…her parents. Her mother was a beautiful woman…dark burnished red hair and a pair of green eyes that sparkled with diamonds. Her father, on the other hand, was standing stoically beside his wife, arms crossing his massive chest. “Damn,” he thought as he looked into the dark eyes of the Pawnee Chief. “I am in for some major trouble.” Buck then slowly backed away from the Chief’s daughter…enough so that there was a decent amount of space between them.

Meanwhile, Breanna was finally coming out of her shock at seeing her parents inside Miss Sarah’s home and stepped toward them.

“Mom?” she said as she glanced toward her mother. Then she looked at her father. “Dad? What’s going on? Is everyth…”

“All is well daughter,” her mother replied. “We just wanted to surprise you.”

“Surprise me?” she laughed. “Well I think that has been accomplished. She looked at her father again. He had not moved from his stiff position then noticed that his eyes were not on her, but on someone standing behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and noticed Buck. “Lord help me,” she silently prayed. Then she faced her father once again.

Wolf stepped toward his daughter, all the while his eyes never leaving those of the man who stood behind her. Then he envelopes his only girl in a fierce hug and said, “So…is the Kiowa Red Eagle spoke of?”

“Yes daddy,” Breanna answered as she stepped out of his embrace. “And daddy…his name is Buck Cross.”

“That is his English name?”


“And what of his Kiowa name?”

Before Breanna could answer, Buck stepped forward, his own arms across his chest and said, “My name is Running Buck, brother of the Kiowa War Chief Red Bear.”

“Ah, my friend Red Bear,” Wolf responded with a smile. “Now he and I have much to catch up on.”

As this exchange was going on, Elizabeth stepped to her husband’s side, looped her arm through his and softly spoke.

“Wolf, my love, don’t be trying to intimidate the young man. You knew Red Eagle said they were to be together. Besides, I will not tolerate any fighting between you and my future son-in-law.” Then she turned to Buck and said, “You will have to forgive my husband for our Little Moon Flower is our only daughter and we almost lost her once before so he is quite protective of her.” When they hear Miss Applebee calling out from the kitchen, letting them know that supper was on the table, Elizabeth unhooks her arm from her husband’s and gathers her daughter saying, “Let’s leave the men to their staring contest dear. We’ll just have to have dinner with out them.” 

As the two women, mother and daughter, head toward the kitchen, Breanna glances back. The two men were still standing where they’d left them. Neither one had moved so much as an inch. Their arms were still crossed upon their chests as they continued to watch each other through narrowed gazes.

“Men!” she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes skyward. “Why do they always have to act like a damn rooster?”

“Hush child,” her mother gently scolded as they sat at the table. “They’re just trying to size each other up. So don’t worry, your father will come around.”

“Yeah? And will pigs fly?”

“Breanna Nicole!” her mother laughed just before the two men joined the women at the table.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

“So what brings you to Sweet Water,” Breanna asked while they ate.

“It is time to move the village,” her father answered. “Red Eagle sent us to get you and,” he cast a glance at Buck, “Red Bear’s brother is to come also.”

Breanna shook her head as she stood and approached her father. “Daddy, his name is Buck and you…oh never mind. I’m going outside for some air. You,” she pointed an accusing finger at her father’s chest, “are being just too stuffy right now.”

Buck followed her out, so that he could spend a few more minutes with her before he had to get back to the station. When they reached the end of the walkway, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered, “Your father is a bit stuffy. Thought he was going to have my head for desert.”

“Oh Buck,” she laughed as she turned to face him. “He may be, but he will come around. Just give him some time.” Then she saw her father step out on the small porch and sighed. “I guess we’ll be stopping by the station in the morning before they…we leave for the village.”

“All right,” he replied. Then he leaned closer to give her a goodnight kiss before he left. “See you in the morning,” he smiled before reluctantly letting her go.

The next morning, Breanna and her parents say a fond farewell to Miss Applebee before riding off toward the Pony Express Station, but as they neared the station they see that Buck was taking off on Warrior’s Pride like a prairie twister. A little confused as to why, Breanna approached Teaspoon as he stood watching his rider leave.

“Mr. Hunter?”

“Well good morning Miss Breanna,” he smiled. “What brings you out here today?”

“My folks came by. But…where is Buck going? I thought he didn’t have another ride for a few days.”

“This ain’t one of his regular rides,” the former Texas Ranger answered. “Seems as though we got some trouble with the Marshal in Willow Creek, so I sent him to the Territorial Governor’s office with a message about it.”

“Oh. So he won’t be back for a while then.”

“No, ‘fraid not.”

She nodded then said that she should be going since she and her parents were heading back to their village. Then she started to place her foot in the stirrup to get back in the saddle, but was stopped by Teaspoon voice.

“Ride safe Miss Breanna,” he spoke softly.

Her eyes were welling with tears. Then she threw her arms around him and replied, “Thank you Teaspoon. Tell Buck…make sure he stays safe. I’ll return as soon as I can.” Then before her tears could spill over, she swings onto the horse and rides off with her parents towards a home she hadn’t seen in over six months.

Chapter 12

The three people reached the village safely; of course Breanna knew that her father’s men were everywhere, guarding them throughout their journey. At the entrance to the village, her brothers and Red Eagle are there to meet them. As she and her parents dismount from their horses, Red Eagle takes her aside and asks if she had found her mate.

“Yes,” she said tiredly.

“But you are sad that he is not with you?”


“He will come.” Then he gently took her chin, peered deep into the depths of her soul and replied, “You will become as one at the river.”


“I know all.”

With that said, he left her standing in stunned silence till her mother came to stand next to her. She didn’t even realize that her mother was there until she felt a comforting arm wrap around her shoulder.

“Come daughter,” her mother spoke quietly, “let’s get you settled and rested before mealtime.”

That evening, after a meal of buffalo stew, they all gathered around the big fire for story telling. She knew what the story was going to be about. She’d heard it ever since the first time she’d come to the village and as she listened, she began to silently cry. Her heart ached for missing Buck that she just had to get away from the words Red Eagle spoke. So she quietly slipped into the darkness and strolled a distance away from the crowd…her thoughts deep and on the man of her heart, that she didn’t even know her father had followed her.

“Moon Flower,” he called out. “What troubles you so?”

“Oh daddy,” she cried as she wrapped her arms tighter around herself. “I miss him so. I don’t understand why…I mean, we’ve been apart before while he’s on a run, but this…this feels different.” She looked up at her father. “Was it like this with you and mom?”

“Yes. Very much so,” he replied as he tried to comfort her. “Daughter?”


“You do understand what Red Eagle meant about you and the Kiowa being one at the river, yes?”

“Yes,” she smiled. “But daddy…his name is…”

“I know, I know,” he smiled back. “His name is Buck.” Then he gave her a gentle hug and told her not to stay out too late since they were going to break camp early in the morning.

The next morning, bright and very early, the Pawnee camp was alive with busy activity. The men were gathering all the horses; the women and older children were taking down the lodges and the elders kept an eye on the youngest children. When all was done, the youngest and oldest riding on the back of a horse or on a travois, the Pawnee tribe set out for their winter home.

Being the Chief’s daughter, Breanna rode next to her mother on her own horse, but in front of her sat one of young cousins. She truly enjoyed having the child with her and her mind wandered off about having her own someday. Then she noticed that they were slowing down, not realizing they had traveled some distance or how dark it had become. As they came to a stop, only then did she notice the fading sunset. She sighed as she slid from her horse and helped her cousin down then smiled as she watched him run to his father. The laughter emanating from the youngster had her heart constricting. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to block out the sound and wished she had a child to hold in her arms.

Coyote had seen his sister’s hurt and knew she was wishing for what he had, but he also knew that she would just have to be patient. So, to cheer her up, he decided it was time to tease her as he had done when she was a child.

“So, Little Moon Flower,” he spoke as he approached her. “Are we to meet your Kiowa soon?”

“Yes. It seems t…wait just a darn minute,” she replied as she glared at him. “You tell me what you said to Curly.”

“Curly? Who’s Curly?”

Breanna poked her brother, hard, in the chest and stomped her foot before she let her frustration loose.

“Don’t play dumb with me brother dear. You know the Curly I speak of and if you don’t confess…”

“Confess what?” he replied, clearly enjoying her little tirade.

“You…you…” she stammered before screaming, “Aaaiieee!” Then the two of them went tumbling to the ground where she pins him and begins to beat on his chest. “You are not being funny Coyote. Now tell me what you’ve told him.”

As brother and sister bantered back and forth, their parents watched from a distance. Wolf and Elizabeth shook their heads and laughed.

“It is good to see them tussle about,” Elizabeth said. “But, do you think…”

“No. Coyote will learn someday not to tease our daughter.” Then he noticed the men he’d sent to scout the land ahead returning and stood to meet with them. “We will be on our way soon. Let the children know.”

While her husband went to talk with his men, Elizabeth strolled over to where Coyote and Moon Flower were still wrestling on the ground. She stood silent for a few moments longer then, with a smile still on her face, she gently took a hold of her daughter’s arm.

“Come Moon Flower, let your brother up.”

“No. I’m not done kicking his…”

“Now daughter. Your father’s men have returned and we must make camp for the night. You can finish your discussion with Coyote later.”

“Oh, all right,” Breanna reluctantly agreed. But then she glances back at her brother and hissed, “You ever discuss me or Buck with anyone else…I will have your hide.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Days later, after setting up the lodges and preparing the meals, Breanna lets her mother know she was going to go for a swim at the river. So after gathering clean clothing and soap, she heads toward the flowing water unaware that Buck was watching from the other side.

He had just finished doing his run and was on his way back to Sweet Water when he saw the group of Pawnee scouts. Buck smiled to him-self as he followed them back to the camp then his heart smiled even more when he spotted Breanna talking with her mother. Now he was lying on his belly on the opposite bank of the river as she undid the braid in her hair.

Buck’s breathing grew labored as he watched her disrobe and wade into the cool river water. His eyes feasted on her naked buttocks as she swam. Then he decided he needed to cool off and slowly slipped into the water, swimming under the surface till he needed to breath. When he came up for a breath, he realized he was a little bit closer than anticipated, that’s when she stopped swimming.

“Who’s there?” she called out, turning in a complete circle. “Come on…I know you’re…what the…?”

Breanna peered down through the water and to her amazement; there was Buck…a smile on his handsome face and his hand slowly gliding up her leg. She jerked her leg away then dove under the surface to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Sure enough, the man she saw was Buck and coming face to face with him under the water was truly a heart stopping moment. But then she gave him her most charming smile, punched him in the arm and took off for the surface like an arrow from its bow.

“Did you have to punch me?” Buck sputtered teasingly as he too reached the surface. “Is it your intent on giving me a permanently sore arm?”

She didn’t answer him right away, but then she threw her arms around him and scolded, “You’re crazy…you know that right? Besides what are you doing here? How’d yommmfff…mmm.”

Her sigh nearly did him in as he continued to kiss her. Then he pulled back, just enough to give them breathing room and replied, “I saw the scouts and followed them. Good thing too, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

“But the mail.”

“Don’t worry. Teaspoon said for me to take my time in returning. So here I am,” he replied with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “Now…I know of a great way to spend that time.”

“Oh yeah?” she laughed as she splashed him with water. “Got to catch me first.” 

Chapter 13

Dinner was just being served by the time Buck and Breanna made it back to camp and felt all eyes were on them when they sat down, with their own meals, next to her family. Breanna knew she was blushing, but, Dear Lord, she just couldn’t help it. Now she understood just how deep her mother’s feelings for her father still ran and his for hers. It truly felt good to be loved like that. She closed her eyes momentarily, that is, until she heard Coyote speak.

“So,” her brother began. “This is the Kiowa who stole my sister’s heart.”

Her blush deepened, but she managed to keep a grip on wanting to battle her brother again as she whispered to Buck.

“Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s just got a big mouth like Cody. Besides, he already talked about us to Cu…”

Breanna clamped her lips together before she let out that they knew Curly from many years ago. She gave Buck a tender kiss on the cheek saying “never mind” before resuming eating. 

Buck wouldn’t let her words pass as a “never mind” so, with a piece of jerky half-way to his mouth, he asked; “Talked to who…about what?”

“You haven’t told him we know Curly?”

“Shut up Coyote!” Breanna hissed.

Buck looked at her then at Coyote and back to the woman of his heart before saying, “You already knew Curly?”

When she didn’t answer, he raised his brow like she’d seen him do a million times before and with a shrug of her shoulders she replied, “Well…uhm…yeah. We sort of know Curly.”

“Sort of?”

“Mmhm. Met him during a talk session about three summers ago then when you mentioned the Souix Warrior that Kid brought in for questioning…well…I kind of decided to see if it was someone I knew. Sam wasn’t too happy about it, but then I guess he decided that he’d prefer to argue with you later instead of me then.” She then glanced over at her brothers and smiled. “You know…he has that knack of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Both Coyote and Little Pup nodded in agreement then they continued to discuss men things with their father. When Breanna sighed a little while later, they glanced at her with a smile of their own, knowing that she still wanted to be included in their talks. But they also knew that their father would eventually let her know of the conversation because he was totally wrapped around her little finger…at least 50% of the time.

By the time the meal was finished, most of the people had settled down for the night, but the grandfather’s had gathered together for their own talk session and some of the younger couples took silent walks so they could be alone…one of the couples were Buck and Breanna. They took their walk down by the river as they continued their discussion about Curly and the why’s of Breanna not mentioning that she’d known him. Then she decides to push Buck in the water in an impromptu fit of playfulness.

“Aaarrggg,” Buck shouted as he lost his balance and fell into the river. Then as he got to his feet, soaking wet from head to toe, he glared at his ladylove and slowly said, “Little Fire…you…are…in…trouble…now.”

 “Trouble?” she questioned, a glint of mischief still in her eye. “Me? Now why would I be in trouble?”

Buck’s eyebrow arched.

Breanna began backing away, slowly at first, but then she spun around and began to run, laughing all the way. Suddenly she is tackled from behind and they both tumble into a shallow part of the river, wrestling and giggling while trying not to choke on the water.

“Dear Lord,” she thought as Buck pinned her down again. “Never knew that he wrestled like a bear…not that I’ve ever done that you know, but geesh…he is strong.” Then she made the mistake of looking into Buck’s eyes and started to drown. Her thoughts slowed, her movements relaxed and then he was kissing her. “Oh my…”

“Give up now?” questioned Buck when he finally broke the kiss.”

All she could do was nod.

“Good. Now lets get out of the…”



“Uhm, well…Red Eagle said we would become as one at a river and…”

“We’re at a river,” he finished for her. “And we will become as one my Little Fire, for I have felt as if we were supposed to be even when I didn’t want it to be true.”

She had felt the same way and knew it had all started the day he and his brother had come to the aid of the wagons she and the others were traveling in…the day she’d lost her Uncle. Breanna held Buck closer, not wanting to break the contact of the heat she felt from him. Then she began to shiver.

“Come on Bre,” he said when he felt another tremor shoot through her body. “Let’s get you warmed up.”

“Remember the day we met?” she asked as they stood and walked towards the trees.


“It was then that I knew there’d be no one else for me except you, but you didn’t like me, so I just tried not to think about you.”

“Same here,” he replied. Then he laughed. “Guess we didn’t count on that story being really real, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess we didn’t.”

Early the next morning, as they sat eating breakfast, the tribal Shaman made his rounds…visiting each family. Then he came to hers and sat next to her father.

“Wolf…we need to discuss your daughter and the Kiowa.”

“What’s to discuss,” Little Pup spoke as he glanced at the couple. “We already know what they’ve been doing.”

Buck just glared at his future brother in law with a raised brow as Breanna hid her face in his shirt. He knew she was blushing and with her lips so close to his heart, he knew he was going to be blushing pretty soon also. So he whispered her name. When she didn’t look up he began to laugh.

“And just what is so funny,” she snapped as her head jerked up.

“Nothing,” he replied. Then he pulled her into his lap and gives her the barest of kisses on her nose…on her lips. Suddenly her arms are wrapped around his neck and she is taking over the kiss. “Gods,” he thought as the trillion shooting stars zinged through his veins. “Got to…get…control.” Then he slowly broke away from her lips and whispered in her ear. “Later…we can finish this later. We need to listen to what Red Eagle has to say now.”

Breanna’s cheeks reddened more so at the thought that she had just been kissing Buck like…and right in front of her family no less.

Chapter 14

They’d met up with her Uncle’s people a couple days later and now she was riding next to her mother while Buck rode up with her father and the other men. Her eyes narrowed as the men continued to talk and she felt rather uncomfortable when they each glanced in her direction.

“Mother…what are they discussing? Why would they continue to glance at us?”

“Do not worry daughter,” Elizabeth replied. “They are probably discussing men stuff and, as for looking back here, I suppose you are among the topics.”

“Well, if I’m going to be ‘among the topics’ then I’m sure they won’t mind if I listen in.”

“Moon Flow…er!” her mother shouted, causing the men to look back yet again.

Wolf shook his head with a smile as his hardheaded daughter came galloping their way. She looked every bit the Indian Princess that she was sitting stiff backed on her very own Palomino. Her hair braided on one side, flowers intertwined with the braid and the rest of her sun burnt hair flowing freely about her shoulders and face. “Much like her mother,” he thought. Then aloud he said, “Daughter you sho…”

“I know father, but I wanted to ask Buck something.” She looked towards the young Kiowa Brave, a man now, but the little boy still showed in his eyes when they sparkled. Especially when he arched his brow in question. “My father has been behaving himself, hasn’t he?” she questioned.

“Yes,” Buck answered with a laugh. “We were just discussing our future.”

Our future? Discussing…our future. Without me?” she asked. “And when was I supposed to know about our future?”

“No need to get angry Little Fire,” Buck replied as he reached for her and pulled her onto his horse, sitting her in front of him. “No need to.” Then he whispered, “You can save your angry energy for later tonight…you might be needing it then.”

Her face flamed with blush again. She elbowed him in the ribs and hissed, “Don’t be talking like that when I’m mad at you.”

“Sorry my Little Spitfire, but you know there are other ways to expend your energy instead of wasting it on being angry.”

He was right, she knew, but Dear God…how was she supposed to contain her blushing when he spoke so sensually to her? Did he not know that she blushed so easily? Then she glanced at him. Oh yeah…he knew, that’s why he teased her so. “Well, turn about is fair play,” she thought as they continued to ride together.

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It was good to see Buck still red in the cheeks after their whispered conversation as they rode into her Uncle’s village a day later. She just about all but un-tucked his shirt several days ago as she whispered some highly suggestive words and had slid her hand between her back and his chest. Then, before she could do anything else, he stopped his horse to place her back on hers. Breanna smiled, thinking to herself; “Feels good to have some power over him.” Then she went about, helping her mother with the rebuilding of the family lodge and then went to help her brothers with theirs.

As the day faded into night, the evening meal was finished and the youngest of their children sleeping soundly on their blankets, the rest of the Pawnee Tribe gathered around a large fire to hear the Shaman speak.

“Long ago,” he began, “there was a young warrior and young maiden. They had been born on the same day though they were of different families. As they grew, they became inseparable. But one day, the young maiden disappeared…”

Breanna knew the story by heart. She’d heard it every night at the fires of her own village since the time she was eight, when she had finally made it to her mother’s home. She snuck a peek at Buck and smiled. He had the look of pure rapture on his finely chiseled face and then he glanced at her.

“It’s about us…isn’t it?” he asked.


He sighed then whispered, “I can only stay a few more days then I’ll have to get back to Sweet Water.”

“I know,” she whispered back, her heart already missing him again.

3 Days Later

Buck had woken up early to watch the sunrise. As he stood outside the lodge that he shared with his Little Spitfire, he spread his arms and tilted his face toward the sun. Everything felt good…right. He and Breanna were formerly promised to each other the night before. “And what a night it was,” he thought as he deeply breathed in the cool morning air. Then he turned around and ducked back into the lodge. She was still sleeping. He smiled and lay down besides her, watching her as she slept. He was still gazing upon her peaceful face when she slowly awoke.

“Morning sleeping beauty,” he said just before placing a kiss on her lips.

Breanna smiled as she kissed him back then she opened her eyes completely, only to find a twinkle sparkling in his. Her eyes matched his twinkle and then some. Her fingers glided up his well-muscled arm, to his jaw and then to his brow when it arched. Her smile broadened and mischief played in her mind.

“What?” he asked, when he saw a spark flickering in her eyes.

“Oh nothing,” she replied as she slowly traced her finger across his chest and down to the scar that remained as testament to the argument he and Red Bear had had not so long ago. “Nothing much at all,” she whispered before rolling him onto his back. Then she started to place barely there kisses over the scar and continued to trail those kisses up to the very sensitive spot she knew of that lay between his neck and shoulder.

Buck gasped her name as a jolt of a trillion lightning bolts shot through his body. There was no way he was going to be able to ride home if she continued her assault on his neck, let alone being able to face her family.

“Bre,” he gasped again. “Moon…Flower.” Apparently she wasn’t paying attention because another volt of her electricity went shimmering down his spine. He closed his eyes to gather strength then he quickly, efficiently pinned her down with his own kisses. When he broke contact with her luscious lips, he was barely able to say, “We’ve…got…to stop…this. Won’t be…able…to…leave…”

“Guess we’ll just have to stay then,” she replied just as breathlessly.

“You are a…wicked woman my Little Fire.”

“Maybe. Care to see how wicked I can get?”

A deep throaty chuckle escaped his lips then he proceeded to take on her challenge. They did not exit their lodge for several hours and when they did, their horses were already saddled and waiting for them. It was going to be a long journey back to Sweet Water for they knew they would be stopping every now and then to rest the horses, but also for them.

Several Days Later

Breanna was tired, but she smiled at the sight of the Weigh Station that stood before them on the horizon. She glanced over at Buck, who was most likely as tired as she was and said, “We made it.”

“That we did,” he agreed. “Now, how about some of Rachel’s cooking? I can smell it from here.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” And just as they came to a stop in front of the corral, they saw Rachel coming towards them. “Afternoon Rachel. Things been quiet on the home-front?”

“Pretty much,” she replied. “You’re just in time for lunch.”

“Good…I’m starved,” Breanna said as she jumped from her horse. “Course you know I’ve missed your cooking. What with all the jerky and buffalo I’ve eaten lately, I can’t wait to have some of you stew and apple pie.”

Both Rachel and Buck laughed. Then Buck wrapped an arm around Breanna’s shoulder and replied,  “She may say she’s starved Rachel, but then she turns out and eats like a bird.”

Breanna spun away from Buck’s embrace so fast that he momentarily wobbled. Then she was poking a finger in his chest and berating him for teasing her.

“You dare make fun of my eating habits. Well you eat like a…a…don’t be looking at me like that Mr. Running Buck Cross…I am not lunch.” With that said she spun around again and started off toward the bunkhouse, stopped halfway and glanced over her shoulder. “And don’t you be laughing either…neither one of you.”

Rachel was shaking her head as she and Buck watched Breanna storm into the bunkhouse then she turned to him and said, “Welcome back. Why don’t you take care of the horses then come get some lunch for yourself.”

“Thanks Rachel,” he responded as he headed for the barn. Once inside, he removes the saddles, gives them a quick rubdown and some fresh hay. “There you go boys. Now rest up while I have my own meal.” When he turned around to head back outside, he notices Ike leaning against the barn doorframe. “Hey Ike. How’s everything been?”

~ Fine. What did you say to Breanna? ~

“I was just teasing her. Why?”

~ She seemed to be upset ~

Buck smiled then he draped his arm around Ike’s shoulder and said, “I’ll explain later, but right now…I could go for some of Rachel’s cooking too.”

After lunch, Buck and Breanna ride to town in the buckboard. They were first going to stop by the dress shop that Tanya owned before returning to Miss Sarah’s home. As they came to a halt in front of Tanya’s store, Buck asked her if they could take a detour to Thompkins’ store.

“That’d be fine,” Breanna answered. “Did Rachel need anything?”

“No. I just wanted to get you something.”

“I don’t need anything when I have you.”

“Something small,” he said. “Please,” he added when she didn’t answer. “Just a small thing…an early Christmas from me?”

“Oh all right,” she sighed. “Just one small thing.”

So after checking in with Tanya, the young couple made their way to Thompkins’ store. Buck, knowing how Bill didn’t really like him, told Breanna that he’d wait just inside by the door before they actually entered the store.

“You sure?”

“Yes,” he replied as they crossed the threshold. “Now…go on. Pick anything your heart desires.”

“My heart desires you,” she whispered with a smile. But then said, “All right…something else then,” when his brow arched toward the sky. Then, with a swish of her skirts, she headed toward the section that had the fabrics and lady’s hats. When she didn’t find anything to her liking there, she walked to the glass case that held pocket watches, knives and daggers. Her heart nearly tripped over itself when she saw the small woman’s dagger, its handle of carved ivory and embedded with blue sunstones.

“Mr. Thompkins, may I look at that dagger please?”

“Yes ma’am,” he replied. “But do you mind me asking why?”

Breanna had heard stories about Mr. Thompkins and she wasn’t about to let him know how irritated she was with his question so she put on her best “Southern Belle” face and answered, “You wouldn’t be wanting a tiny woman such as me unable to defend herself, would you? Besides, I can’t stand guns.”

“Uh, no ma’am,” he stammered. Then he unlocked the case and placed the small dagger on the counter.

“This will do just fine,” she said as she tested its weight in her hands. Then she glanced back to where Buck still stood and smiled.

Chapter 15

Buck had been quietly standing by the door, watching the child-like glee flit across Breanna’s face as she looked at a variety of things, but when she went toward the glass casing, his heart almost stopped. Surely she wouldn’t be thinking about purchasing a pocket watch only to give it to him? What would he do with a pocket watch anyway? Then he saw her pointing to one of the knives that lay beside the watches and sighed. At least she would be getting something that she could use. When her green eyes turned toward him and she smiled, he knew she had chosen her gift. So he strode over to her and asked if she was sure.

“Yes Buck, I’m…”

“What business is it of yours Indian?” Mr. Thompkins interrupted.

Buck glared at Bill, but Breanna placed her small hand gently on his forearm and said, “Buck, it’s ok.” Then she faced Mr. Thompkins replying, “Sir, it is his business as it was he who had asked if he could get me an early Christmas gift and the dagger is what I choose. So we’ll just pay for it and be on our way.”

Bill knew not to argue with a woman when you saw anger in her eyes, especially the woman who stood next to a half-breed and was starting to look much like a half-breed herself. “Would be a shame if she was,” he thought as he wrapped the dagger and reluctantly accepted the money from Buck.

After they paid for the dagger, Buck and Breanna headed out the door and climbed aboard the wagon for the short ride to Miss Sarah’s. As they made their way to the home she shared with Sweet Water’s schoolteacher, Breanna’s anger was simmering.

“God I just can’t stand that man,” she seethed. “Who the heck does he think he is talking to you like that?” When she didn’t receive a reply from Buck, she took a quick glance at him. He still wore a thunderous look upon his dark chiseled face. So she gently placed her hand on his forearm and said, “Don’t hold in your anger Buck. Remember what you told me? There are better ways to expunge that type of energy.” She still didn’t receive an answer, but she did see him try not to smile.

When they reached the house at the end of the road, Buck jumped from the wagon then helped Breanna down. Then they walked hand in hand to the front door where he paused, wanting to say something to her, but then the door opened.

“Well hello there,” Miss Sarah said. “Are you back to stay Breanna?”

“For now…I guess.”

“Good. Come on in,” Sarah replied as she stepped back. “You’re just in time for tea.” Then she noticed that Buck wasn’t entering her home and said, “You can join…”

“That’s ok, but I’d best be heading back to the station.”

The two women watched as Buck hopped back onto the buckboard, flick the reigns and speed down the road to the place he called home. When he was only a speck on the horizon, Sarah asked, “What’s gotten under his saddle?”

Breanna briefly smiled then replied, “One word…Thompkins.”


“Mhm. So tell me what’s happened since I’ve been gone.”

Sarah smiled at the memory of meeting Mr. Byron Thorpe when he was in town several weeks ago. They had instantly connected and were continuing their relationship even though he had to return to the Carolina’s. She sighed a contented sigh and after getting their tea, she told Breanna all about her new beau.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It had been a week since Miss Sarah married Mr. Thorpe and Breanna was on her way to the station to see if Miss Rachel would mind having her stay so that the newlyweds could have the house to themselves till they had to leave for the Carolina coast again. When she arrived at the station, she was a little surprised at how quiet it was. Then she saw Rachel exiting the bunkhouse with an empty basket.

“Hey Rachel,” she called out.

“Hey yourself,” Rachel answered.

“Where is everybody?”

Rachel thought for a moment then said, “Well, Teaspoon’s in town as his office of course…Lou and Jimmy are on a run…”

“Together? What’d Kid have to say?”

“Yes Bre, together. And Kid couldn’t say anything since Teaspoon said it was ok for them to do the run together. Anyway, Cody’s in the bunkhouse sleeping…”

“Of course,” Breanna replied with a smile. “Buck and Ike? Where are they?”

“Finishing up their chores.”

They had reached the porch to Rachel’s home by then when Breanna sighed. She sat down on the top step, placed her chin in her palms and sighed again.

“Rachel, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Rachel replied as she sat next to the younger woman.

“You think you’d mind me staying here awhile?”

“Not at all. Besides with you here,” she smiled, “it’d kind of even the odds of the men to women ratio around here.”

“Funny Rach.”

Rachel gave Breanna a hug and said, “You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need. Especially since Sarah and Byron got married…she does know that you’ve come to ask to stay here, doesn’t she?”

“Yes,” Breanna replied. “They send their love to you and the boys, but Miss Sarah wants you guys to join them for dinner someday.”

“That’d be fine. Now,” she spoke as she stood, “let’s go get your things.”

An hour later the two women were heading back to town, not only to pick up Breanna’s things, but to also purchase some supplies Rachel needed. When all that was done and they were heading back the way they’d come, Breanna was lost in her thoughts.

“Am I?” she wondered to herself while Rachel told her what had gone on while Breanna was with her family. “Dear Lord…if I am…”

“Breanna you’re not listening,” Rachel jokingly said as she nudged an elbow into the girls arm.

“Huh? Sorry Rachel, it’s just that…well…I’m not sure.”

“Not sure of what?”

“Weellll…I might be…you know, in the family way.”

“I thought so,” Rachel replied. Then she gave Breanna a hug and smiled. “I had a sneaking suspicion that you might be. One minute you can’t stand the sight of food, then the next minute you can’t get enough of it.”

“Yeah, a Cody twin…that’s what I’ve seem to become,” she answered sarcastically.

Rachel laughed then said, “No, not quite Cody, but close enough. We’ll go see the doctor in a couple days. But I think you might want to let a certain someone know about it first.”

“I know.”

That evening as they sat down to dinner, her nerves caused her stomach to bounce around like a bucking bronco and she kept her eyes averted from looking at Buck because she was scared that he might be upset with her when she told him of the possibility of being a father. When she hears him whispering her name, she slowly looked up and gazed into those soft chocolate brown eyes of his. Instant drowning was what she felt. Then tears burst from her own eyes and she bolted out of the bunkhouse running towards the far end of the corral, where she stands and stares out at the land till she sensed his quiet approach.

“Breanna, is something wrong? Cody’s not giving you any trouble is he?”

“No,” she whispered with a small smile. “He’s not the trouble. We are.”

“We are?”

“Yes. We may have caused something that might upset you when I tell you what it is. So, don’t say anything till you think about it, ok?”


She took a deep cleansing breath then said, “We might be pregnant.”

Buck’s heart stopped for just a few beats then he gathered her in his arms and whispered huskily, “A baby? You sure?”

She nodded against his chest.

“And you thought I’d be upset about it?”

She nodded again.

“Little Fire,” he softly spoke as he tilted her head back so he could look into her large, very expressive green eyes. “My Little Fire…never would I be upset about creating a child with you.” Then he proceeded to kiss her till the zinging of tiny lightning bolts reached clear to her toes and gave her cause to love him more.

 Continue to Chapter Sixteen

