Standing Between Love
and Betrayal
by Debra

The next morning when Kid and Louise enter Doc Barnes clinic, the first person they see is the tear stained face of Jane. 

Kid takes notice to the sulking woman sitting in a chair looking as if she has just lost a dear loved one. Kid instantly becomes frantic thinking that he has also lost a loved one.

Kid rushes for Buck’s room, but is abruptly halted when Doc Barnes calmly steps out of Buck’s room. He gently shuts the door, and before Kid can utter a word, Doc Barnes holds his hands up to warn Kid not to talk too loudly. 

“Please just tell me that Buck’s alive,” Kid spoke his voice cracking with emotion.

“Buck has had a difficult night, but he seems to be as well as can be expected right now,” Doc 
Barnes spoke softly.

Upon hearing this news Jane stands up from her chair and walks over to stand by Kid. 

Louise stands back from Kid and Jane, and observes the weak and frail condition that Jane has put herself in after only one day of caring for Buck. 

“I’m sorry that I can’t make him well,” Jane spoke with tears streaming down her cheeks to Kid.

“Jane, I don’t blame you for Buck not getting better. I know with a wound like Buck’s it takes rest and a lot of time to heal,” Kid spoke reassuringly to Jane.

“What I really believe that needs to be done now, is for Jane to get a breath of fresh air, and good meal and a good nights sleep. You aren’t doing Buck any good by making yourself so ill that you 
can’t even stand on your own two feet,” Doc Barnes stated with authority. 

Louise walks up behind Jane. She places a gentle hold on Jane’s forearm. “Jane, how about if you and I take a little walk and get some breakfast over at the hotel while Kid keeps Buck company?” Louise spoke with a reassuring smile.

Jane glances over at Kid. “You swear you won’t leave Buck until I get back here?”

“I swear. I need to have a talk with Buck. It could take awhile, so take your time.”

Kid walks past Doc Barnes and enters Buck’s room. He quietly shuts the door once he has entered the room. His eyes become fixed on the feverish, unconscious man lying in the bed directly in front 
of him. He has never seen Buck looking so badly from a wound. He is extremely pale except for his cheeks that are warm and blushed from his fever.  The many bruises on his face from the fall he had sustained are starting to turn a deep purplish hue. The crooked smile that is now replaced with a frown has Kid thinking that his friend isn’t coming back to him.

Kid walks slowly to the side of the bed. He brushes his fingers across Buck’s forehead to check for himself the extreme warmth that is coming from Buck’s body. Kid reaches down to Buck’s side, and places Buck’s hand in his.

“I can’t fight Jesse alone. I need your help,” Kid spoke quietly his voice cracking with emotion. 
“You can’t die. I could never run the ranch by myself. I mean you could probably run the ranch without me. For one thing you wouldn’t have to stand between Jimmy and I anymore. But, I can’t 
fight Jesse alone, I can’t calm myself down after a fight with Jimmy, and I especially wouldn’t be 
able to keep Teaspoon from going after Jesse by himself if you should leave us. And, I know how much that would upset you, you being so over-protective of Teaspoon and all. You need to wake up, Buck. I need you to wake up.”

Kid leans his head down gently on Buck’s shoulder. “Dammit Buck, you need to wake up.”

After the intrusive visit from Jesse, Teaspoon couldn’t find a moments peace to guide his body into 
a deep sleep. Instead he found himself pacing the living room of his home with Rachel. When that didn’t tire the old marshal out, he decided to make the trip into Rock Creek to go over the wanted posters and other monotonous duties that comes with being a marshal.

What he found when he arrived was a sleeping Jimmy who immediately woke up simply to ask Teaspoon if he could have the day off. Figuring he would only go back home and ruin the floor 
boards with his pacing, Teaspoon happily gave Jimmy the day off. 

Teaspoon had been sitting at his desk for hours staring blindly at one particular wanted poster. That poster belonged to Jesse James!

Sometime early in the morning, Teaspoon isn’t even sure at what time, Jack Morgan gallantly strolls into the marshal’s office not trying to be quiet at all. Even the heavy steps of Jack’s boots walking toward Teaspoon doesn’t nudge the marshal out of his deep thinking of what he will do next to prevent Jesse James from hurting anyone else that he cares about. 

“How’s your deputy doing this morning?” Jack asked boldly.

Teaspoon looks away from the poster of Jesse to glance up at Jack. “What?”

“How is Buck this morning?”

“Don’t know. I haven’t been over to see him yet,” Teaspoon spoke softly.

Jack takes the wanted poster out of Teaspoon’s hands. He glances at the poster. “How long have 
you been staring at this thing?”

“What difference does it make?”

Jack places the wanted poster on the desk with Jesse’s face turned away from the marshal’s eyes.

“That ain’t gonna keep me from thinking about what an evil person he has become,” Teaspoon 
spoke as he reaches for his cup of coffee.

“You need to give yourself and the blame that you’re carrying a break. It ain’t good for a person to carry as much guilt as you’re carrying right now.”

“It’s my fault that Buck is fighting for his life. It’s a fight that Buck may not be able to win.”

“Then if Buck doesn’t win this fight, that is when you go after Jesse, and not one moment sooner. Your thoughts at this moment shouldn’t be about how you’re going to get revenge. Your thoughts should be on how you’re gonna help Buck recover.”

“What makes you such an authority on what I should and shouldn’t do?”

“I need for you to wait until this old shoulder and arm of mine is healed. We’ll go after the James Gang together, just you and I.”

“Like the old days, Jack?”

“I came to Rock Creek because I had heard rumors that the James Gang was hiding out close to town. Coming here also gave me the opportunity to make amends with you. But, it seems to me that you really don’t want our friendship to mend. It seems to me that you’re doing everything within your power to make sure our friendship withers and dies. You care to explain that to me?”

While Teaspoon is debating over Jack’s recent question, Jack takes a seat in the chair that sits in front of Teaspoon’s desk. “I ain’t leaving until you can provide me with a logical answer to my question.”

“Jack, I honestly get the feeling that you came to Rock Creek more to visit with me then you came here to hunt down Jesse and his gang. I believe your hiding something that you ain’t too sure I’m gonna approve of, so you keep hanging around playing guessing games with me. Which is something 
I really don’t have time for. Why don’t you just make yourself clear on the real reason why you’re in Rock Creek?” Teaspoon spoke with a begging tone.

Jack is quiet for a moment thinking about what the repercussions will be concerning his news about Teaspoon. For a long time now he has wanted Teaspoon to know the truth about his own past, perhaps now is just as good as anytime to tell Teaspoon the truth once and for all. If for no other reason, it will at least ease his conscious. “You are absolutely right. I have been keeping something from you that I’ve been a little worried about sharing with you, especially now that you have so much on your mind. You don’t need anything else that will cloud your mind of what you must do to prevent Jesse from doing your family anymore harm.”

“Out with it, Jack. Like I said before, I don’t have time to play games. I’ve got a deputy who is still unconscious, and I have an entire town that is in a panic because of the James Gang being so close by. So if you have something to say, then just say it.”

“There’s a child.”

Teaspoon’s face goes from an angry scowl to the paleness of a shocked old man.

At that moment, Kid walks into the marshal’s office. Kid realizes that he has intruded in on a rather important conversation going on between Teaspoon and Jack Morgan.

Jack gets up from his chair rather slowly, and walks up to Kid. “I was just leaving,” Jack spoke as 
he turns around to view a very speechless Teaspoon Hunter. “Will further this conversation later.” With those words Jack is gone from Teaspoon’s office. 

Kid walks up to Teaspoon. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m just fine,” Teaspoon spoke flatly as he once again picks up Jesse’s wanted poster and stares blindly at it. “Have you seen Buck this morning?”

“Yeah. His fever has come down. The doc seems sure that Buck will wake-up soon.”

“That’s good. We need to concentrate on how we’re gonna keep Jesse from doing anything like this again.”

“I agree.”


It is early afternoon and a howling November breeze has descended many different deep-colored leaves, from the trees inclosing the ranch, blanketing around Jimmy’s feet as he dismounts his horse in front of the Anderson homestead. 

As he walks onto the porch to knock on the majestic door, Hannah opens the door with a startled expression. 

“What are you doing here?” Hannah asked almost angry that Jimmy has showed up at her home. That privilege will only be given to the man that Hannah falls in love with. For Hannah, she’s pretty sure that falling in love hasn’t happened yet, even though Mister Hickok wouldn’t be the worst possible choice in a husband she could make.

Jimmy is a little taken back by Hannah’s reaction to his being at her home. “I thought perhaps we could go horseback riding so we could spend some time alone and talk about you and I.”

“I thought I had made it perfectly clear that I’m not interested in a you and I relationship,” Hannah stated rudely.

“Hannah, it’s me Jimmy. You don’t have to be so arrogant with me. I only came here hoping that 
you would consent in allowing me to court you,” Jimmy stated his blood starting to boil from anger.

“Isn’t that something you should be asking my father?” Hannah asked calmly. Her instincts tell her that Jimmy is serious. She had actually thought that he was teasing her when he first arrived. Especially since, right from the start of their bedroom rendezvous’, she has made it perfectly clear that she is only interested in what Jimmy can do for her in the bedroom and nothing else.

“Would you rather I ask your father? From my understanding around town, Oliver Anderson would like nothing better than to be able to wed his daughters off.”

Hannah smiles wickedly at Jimmy. She places her hands boldly on her hips. She isn’t about to lose any of the control she has over Jimmy. It has been that way since birth. Hannah Anderson always 
has the control in her relationships with men.

“If I would commit to courting you, would you suddenly act as if you own me?”

“You mean I wouldn’t own you?” Jimmy asked with sarcasm.

Hannah reaches her mouth boldly up to Jimmy’s and kisses him with all the passion she can muster up without actually tearing his clothes off of him in broad daylight.

Rachel quietly opens the door to Buck’s room at the doc’s clinic and finds the young man still unconscious and Jane sitting at his bedside looking as weary as ever. She walks over to stand at the bottom of Buck’s bed. 

At first, Rachel doesn’t think that Jane had heard her walk into the room. 

“He still hasn’t woke up,” Jane stated sadly.

“Buck is strong, Jane. You have to believe that he will be fine.”

“I’m sorry you made the trip into town for nothing. I’m sure you would have liked to talk to him.”

“Jane, I actually came into town to see you. I want you to come back to the ranch with me for a good meal and a decent nights rest. You can’t go on much longer just sitting here waiting for Buck to wake up.”

“Rachel, I can’t leave him. Besides, I don’t want to spend time at a dinner table that will include Charlene’s rather annoying personality.”

“I moved Charlene over to Kid and Lou’s home. I’m fixing that downstairs bedroom up for Buck for when he is allowed to come home. He won’t be able to take care of himself for awhile, so Teaspoon and I have decided that he will stay with us.”

“Well at least Charlene won’t be able to dig her claws into Buck if he’s staying with you and Teaspoon,” Jane spoke somberly.

“Now, what about dinner?”

“I’ll pass. I’m really not very hungry.”

Rachel shows her disappointment, but Jane’s eyes are glued to the man she so desperately loves.

Jimmy and Hannah are at the hotel restaurant having a celebration dinner over their newfound love.

Charlene and Cody are also having dinner at the same restaurant celebrating more scheming and plotting.

“I’m tiring of all the scheming and wrong doings that I’ve done to my family. When they find out 
what all I’ve done, they will never forgive me. I’ll consider myself damn lucky if Buck just doesn’t 
kill me! And, if Buck doesn’t kill me, I’m positive either Jimmy or Kid will,” Cody spoke sadly.

“I told you before that I am not ready to hand Buck over to Jane,” Charlene whispers loudly to 

“Charlene, just who is over at the doc’s clinic at this very moment waiting for Buck to wake up? It certainly isn’t you. It’s Jane. You aren’t going to hand Buck over to Jane because she already has him.”

“Do you always have to make everything sound so bleak?” 

“I’m just willing to except the truth when it’s staring me right in the face. You don’t see things for what they really are or perhaps you just don’t want to see things for the way they are.”

“Maybe I just love Buck more than you love or want Jane,” Charlene spoke boldly. “You want Jane to be your wife, but yet you’re not willing to fight for her.”

“I would fight for Jane if I knew it was gonna do me any good, but when I see the two of them together all I see is love between them and no place for me.”

Hannah takes Jimmy’s hand in her hand. “Don’t you think it’s about time we leave the restaurant, and engage in dessert upstairs in our room?” Hannah spoke in a rather seductive tone.

Jimmy gets a playful smile on his face. “I think we can manage that.”

Teaspoon pulls up a chair to sit next to Buck’s bed. When Jane decided against coming out to the ranch for dinner, he and Rachel decided to bring dinner to Jane. She had just finished, and Rachel wanted Jane to get a little fresh air before her and Teaspoon went back to the ranch. Teaspoon was more then happy to stay behind and watch over Buck.

“You know everyone is more than a little worried about you. We all need for you to wake up.”

Teaspoon watches Buck carefully to see if there is even just a slight sign from the Kiowa that he is going to wake up soon. After a few seconds when there is no visible sign that Buck is responding to Teaspoon’s voice, Teaspoon gets an uneasy feeling that he is going to lose Buck.

“I guess you didn’t hear me. You know Jane…she’s been here with you since we brought you home. She’s getting awfully weary, Buck. She’s making herself ill watching over you. You need to get well so you can keep Jane from getting sick. Of course….I need for you to get well. I couldn’t stand 
living on the ranch if you aren’t gonna be there. Rachel, I don’t think she’d be too pleased with me if 
I made her move away from the ranch. Oh, after awhile she’d understand that I just couldn’t stay there anymore. But Buck, it would be a whole lot easier if you could just open those eyes of yours.”

Still Teaspoon gets no respond. He breathes a heavy sigh hoping that he hasn’t inadvertently helped Jesse bring the demise to one of his boys.

Charlene and Cody are just getting ready to leave the restaurant when their waitress brings 
Charlene a note.

Charlene opens the note with Cody desperately trying to read through the paper, but with no luck. 

“Dear Charlene, meet me in the barn tonight at The Kid & Buck Horse Ranch, Jesse,” Charlene silently read it to only her.

“Who’s the note from, Charlene?” 

Charlene glances up at Cody. She can’t possibly tell Cody that her orders of destruction for his 
family are coming from Jesse. Cody wouldn’t understand. He would call her a desperate woman. 
“It’s just a note from Hannah. I was suppose to wait for her after she finished her little romp with Jimmy upstairs, but she’s decided to stay in town and spend the night with him.” 

Jimmy crawls out of the bed that he is sharing with Hannah. He stares down at her and places a gentle kiss on her lips as she sleeps. He slips into his trousers and walks over to the window. He gazes over towards the clinic. He wonders how Buck is doing today. He hadn’t had time to check on him because he had been in too much of a hurry to wine and dine Hannah. He’ll make sure that tomorrow he spends some time with his friend. 

Jimmy turns away from the window to walk back to the bed where Hannah is still sleeping 
peacefully. From out of the corner of his eye he sees her purse lying on the floor with a piece of 
fabric sticking out from it. Jimmy bends down and picks up the purse, and from it a pair of black leather gloves fall onto the floor! He picks them up from the floor his hands starting to tremble with the knowledge of what these gloves could mean. 

Jimmy almost hates to inspect the gloves closely. He remembers back to the day at the jailhouse when they all realized that the blood stained black leather glove that Cody had found belonged to a woman. Now, he finds an exact pair of black leather gloves in Hannah’s purse!

“What are you doing out of bed?” Hannah spoke drowsily. 

Jimmy quickly places the gloves in her purse and sets the purse on a chair close to the window. 
“Your purse was on the floor. I was just picking it up and placing it on the chair.”

“I must have thrown it when you were attempting to unbind me from my clothing during our frenzied attack on one another.”

Jimmy slips out of his trousers and crawls back into bed next to Hannah, gathering her into his arms. “Would you like some more dessert?” Jimmy asked as he slowly begins to kiss her.

“That sounds delicious.”


Charlene and Cody pull up in front of Kid and Lou’s home. Cody walks to Charlene’s side of the buckboard and helps her down. Just as Charlene plants her feet on the ground, Kid is walking out of his house.

“Charlene, I need to speak with Cody in private. Could you excuse us, please?” Kid asked his tone demanding.

Charlene walks onto the porch. “Of course.” She turns and takes one last look at Cody trying to reassure him that she has everything under control. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Charlene spoke as she walks into the house wondering what it is that Kid couldn’t say to Cody in front of her.

“I don’t need a lecture at this late hour, Kid,” Cody spoke tiredly.

“What makes you think you’re going to get a lecture? You feeling guilty about something you’re doing that you ain’t suppose to be doing Cody?”

“No! I just mean that lately I’ve been pretty much getting berated by everyone. I’m not in the mood for it tonight.”

“Charlene is a deceitful woman, Cody. She can’t be trusted and you’re spending a lot of time with 
her lately. I can’t help surmising that you are manipulating our lives right along with Miss Anderson.”

“You’re accusing me of being no better than Jesse. I wouldn’t hurt any of my family intentionally.”

Kid gazes at Cody with suspicion. He is sure Cody isn’t being truthful. Cody, I will never forgive you for all the pain you are causing Buck and Jane,” Kid spoke boldly as he turns and walks into the house not giving Cody a chance to defend himself or lie further to him.

“He seems to be getting some color coming back to his cheeks,” Jane spoke auspiciously to Teaspoon and Rachel.

The three of them are gathered around Buck’s bed trying to will the young man to wake up from his deep sleep.

“Are you sure you won’t come back to the ranch with us tonight? You could use a good night of rest without having to worry about Buck,” Rachel spoke softly to Jane.

“Rachel, even if I go out to the ranch, I’ll only pace all night wondering if Buck is all right,” Jane spoke quietly.

“We understand,” Teaspoon spoke his arm around Jane for comfort for her as much as for him.

“Teaspoon, we should get going so Jane can at least try to get some rest,” Rachel spoke as she makes her way over to hug Jane. “Are you sure you’ll be all right? I could stay with you if you’d like.”

“I’ll be fine.”

Teaspoon gives Jane a hug, and gently touches Buck’s hand. “Please son, wake up,” Teaspoon spoke pleadingly as he gently squeezes Buck’s hand.

Rachel takes her husband’s hand and the two of them turn to leave the room. Jane watches them as they leave. It would have been actually nice to have some company through the entire night, but she can’t allow Teaspoon and Rachel to be engulfed with grief too. It is difficult enough for Teaspoon to see Buck lying unconscious for this long. Jane knows Teaspoon is fearful that Buck may slip away from them while he sleeps.

“I’ll see both of you tomorrow,” Jane spoke as she hears a soft moan come from the sleeping man next to her!

Rachel and Teaspoon rush back to Buck’s bedside as he fights to open  his eyes!


Buck tries to figure out where he is as he adjusts his eyes to the light. He tries without success to sit up in the bed. But, the pain in his chest and Jane’s gentle hand pushing him lightly back down keep Buck from moving around too much. 

Teaspoon races back to Buck’s bedside. “Rachel, get Doc Barnes!”

Rachel has already left Buck’s room to retrieve the doctor. 

Teaspoon tries to help Jane hold Buck down as he continues to want to get out of bed. “You have to lay still, Buck.”

“What happened?” Buck mumbled quietly.

“You were shot. You remember Kid, Jimmy, Jack you and I were all tracking Jesse and his gang. 
We got caught in a crossfire,” Teaspoon stated, hoping the Kiowa remembers.

Buck shakes his head that he remembers. “Yes. I remember.”

The news that Buck can remember the events that put him in this bed brings a smile to Teaspoon’s face. At least Buck’s memory was not altered from the bad fall that he took when he was shot.

“It was Jesse who shot me, wasn’t it?” Buck asked softly as he tries to stop a cough.

Doc Barnes bursts into Buck’s room with Rachel tagging along behind him. He makes his way over 
to Buck’s bed. “I need to examine my patient. You can wait out in the waiting room,” Doc Barnes stated with authority.

“Can’t I please stay with Buck,” Jane asked pleadingly.

Doc Barnes turns to face Jane, Teaspoon and Rachel. “The three of you will wait outside,” he 
spoke demandingly.

Doc Barnes is so insistent with his words that Jane, Teaspoon and Rachel all make their way, 
walking backwards not wanting to take their eyes off Buck, slowly to the door that leads out of Buck’s room. 

Doc Barnes gently presses on Buck’s ribcage to check for possible bruising or breaking of any ribs. A loud groan from excruciating pain escapes Buck’s lips, and has Rachel, Jane and Teaspoon stopping just as they reach the door. With their eyes wide open with fear, and their feet unable to move their bodies, they never make it out to the waiting room.

“I’m sorry. I’m trying not to hurt you, but I really need to see if anything is broken,” Doc Barnes spoke quietly.

“I’m alright,” Buck spoke in a whisper.

The doctor continues his examination of his patient while Teaspoon, Jane and Rachel look on nervously. Everytime Buck makes the slightest moan from the pain he is feeling, all three of them 
are nearly jumping out of their shoes. 

Doc Barnes covers Buck back up with the coverlet, and quietly turns around to leave the room. He 
is stunned to see that Rachel, Teaspoon and Jane have not left the room as they were explicitly ordered to do.

“I thought I made myself perfectly clear. You were to wait in the outer office,” Doc Barnes spoke in 
a scolding manner at the three concerned family members of Buck Cross.

Doc Barnes practically pushes the three of them out of Buck’s room, with him following close behind them. He shuts the door to Buck’s room quietly and turns to face Buck’s family.

“Does Buck’s waking up mean that he will survive his wounds?” Jane asked almost pleading for the doctor to tell her yes with absolutely no complications attached to his answer.

“It is a good sign that Buck has woken from unconsciousness. But, Buck still has quite a bit of healing to do.”

“Meaning that we can’t take him home yet?” Teaspoon asked somberly.

“I can’t force him to stay here, but it would be best for him to stay for a few more days. Buck needs to regain the strength he has lost from the profuse amount of blood that he lost. The trip back to the ranch alone will put added stress onto his wounds.”

Rachel turns to look at both Jane and Teaspoon. “Doc Barnes is right. The both of you know that if we took Buck home, he wouldn’t get the rest that he needs to make a full recovery.”

“Buck would be up out of bed in no time figuring that he was letting Kid down with the work that needs to be done on the ranch,” Teaspoon spoke assuredly. He has known Buck for a good many years, and he knows that Buck doesn’t like being bedridden anymore than he does.

“In a few days, if he makes progress on healing, I will allow him to go home. Now, I think we’ve had enough excitement for one evening. I think it’s time you all go home. Of course, Jane you may stay with Buck if you’d like,” Doc Barnes spoke with gentle authority.

Rachel and Teaspoon both bid Jane a goodnight and silently leave the doc’s clinic both praying unspoken words that help Buck make it through another night. 

Teaspoon puts one arm around Rachel’s waist and with the other hand he opens the door. “We have to have faith that Buck’s waking up is a good sign. A sign that he’s gonna be fine,” Teaspoon spoke softly as they both vanish out the door.

Jane glances back at the door to Buck’s room. She smiles warmly. She knows that his waking is a good sign. There is no doubt in her mind about Buck’s recovery now. They will have that long and happy life together.

Charlene hadn’t wasted anytime shedding herself from Cody’s presence. It isn’t that she dislikes 
him, but Cody has far too many guilt feeling about what they are doing. She needs a man that is strong and has the backbone to see this job through. Cody may be an army man, and he’s seen 
plenty of death, but he doesn’t have the stomach to capture the heart of the woman he loves, even if at first it would mean hurting her. Eventually Jane would forgive him. 

Charlene stands impatiently in the midst of the barn at the ranch waiting for the man that has the backbone she needs in order to make Buck Cross hers once and for all. The night sounds keep her twirling about in every direction wondering just what waits for her just beyond the barn doors. 

As she made her way over to the barn she had to be careful not to awaken anyone from the three households that reside at the ranch, and that included Cody who resides inside the smallish bunkhouse. She had actually tip toed out of Kid and Lou’s home, and walked the distance from their home to the barn without a lantern to guide her. She hadn’t wanted the light to arouse anyone’s suspicions as to where she was going, and whom she is meeting.

The howling wind of November had almost swept her off her feet more than once. She had kept her nightgown on and simply thrown a robe over her revealing gown. In case there are any eyes 
watching her, she wants to make this whole scene look as if she couldn’t sleep, and just needed a 
little fresh air to make her drowsy. 

She quickly turns to face the barn doors when she hears them slowly creak open. A pleasing smile spreads across her face.

“You should smile more often. It brightens up your entire face. You are a beautiful creature when 
you smile,” Jesse spoke as he makes his way towards Charlene, and lightly caresses her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Thank-you. But, at this moment I am quite angry with you. You hadn’t informed me that your plans included shooting Buck!” Charlene spoke louder than she had intended.

“It wasn’t part of the plan to shoot Buck,” Jesse spoke as sincere as he possibly could not wanting 
to arouse the suspicious nature in the woman that he has shrewdly managed to convince to plotting against this family with him. And, poor dumb Cody, he doesn’t even realize that he is actually taking his orders from Jesse.

“I won’t go along with anymore of your schemes if the man that I want ends up dead.”

“Is he recovering?”

“Earlier this evening Rachel and Teaspoon came back to the ranch after being with Buck. He woke up while they were with him. The doctor says that he believes that Buck will survive.”

Jesse must not let his disappointment over Charlene’s news appear on his face. He’ll just have to make sure that the next time he aims a little more to the right. “Then why are you berating me 
about shooting him?”

“I just don’t want it to happen again. I want to make myself perfectly clear. I am helping you out because you promised me a plan that would make Buck mine. But, I only want him alive. He is no good to me dead!”

“I have come up with another plan that will make Buck yours forever.”

Charlene’s eyes become as wide as saucers. She is as excited as a child about to open a Christmas gift. She is actually hoping that Jesse’s plan is something quite like a Christmas gift.

Kid couldn’t sleep as the bright moonlight radiates brilliantly into his and Louise’s bedroom window. The rustling of dried autumn leaves shivering on the branches of the many trees around the ranch should rock him gently into a peaceful sleep. Instead, tonight there are at least a dozen thoughts running rampant in his mind. Most of these thoughts that are keeping him from closing his eyes and drifting off into a vulnerable sleep are thoughts of Buck and Jesse’s plans for his family.

He can’t stop thinking about Buck finally waking up, and that he wasn’t there. He should have gone right into town after he had heard the wonderful news. Louise had made him see reason. She knew that Buck would already be asleep for the night, and that it would be a bad idea to awaken him just because he wanted to make sure that Buck is really out of danger. If there isn’t anything else that Kid is sure of, there is one thing he is sure of, and that is that his best friend, and business partner will be back on the ranch working along side him. He actually can’t wait until sunrise so he can ride into Rock Creek to check on Buck. 

“I should just ride into town right now. Jane would be there making sure that Buck sleeps,” Kid whispered quietly.

“Hmm?” Louise spoke still asleep.

Kid reaches over and kisses her forehead. “Everything’s all right. Go back to sleep.”

Kid waits until he is sure that Louise has drifted back into a deep sleep.

He throws back his blanket and crawls quietly out of bed not wanting to wake his lovely wife up 
again. He knows from past experiences that if Louise is awoken too many times during one night, 
she is rather moody the next day. 

Kid makes his way over to their bedroom window that overlooks the ranch. His face suddenly becomes tense with fear etched on it. “Who could have forgotten to blow out the lantern in the 
barn?” Kid mumbled a little louder than he had intended. He turns around to grab a pair of pants while hesitating to move when he notices that Louise is tossing and turning in their bed. He waits again quietly until she finds a comfortable sleep position. 

He leaves the bedroom in a hurried fashion as he stumbles down the hallway trying to put on his pants.

“That is a brilliant plan, Jesse!” Charlene remarked with excitement etched on her smug face. Her smile quickly vanishes when she starts to realize the danger this new plan of Jesse’s could bring to Buck. “How do I know that Buck will be kept safe?”

“You don’t. But, once Buck has had time to get over losing Jane, you should be able to get him right where you want him.”

“What is going on in here?” Kid spoke boldly as he draws his gun on Jesse and Charlene.

Jesse thinks very quickly, and grabs Charlene by the throat. He draws his own gun and rests it 
gently against Charlene’s now pale face. “Drop it Kid, or you will force me to shoot her.”

“I should have shot you the second I walked through this door after all the pain you’ve caused 

“He’s going to live,” Jesse spoke with sarcasm.

“How do you know?” Kid asked wondering if Charlene had told Jesse that Buck has woke up.

“I have my ways of knowing everything there is to know about the goings on of Rock Creek,” Jesse stated boldly.

“Why are you here?” Kid asked his temper showing through in his voice.

“I need a fresh horse.” Jesse pushes the gun into Charlene’s face to cause her cheek to indent. “I found this lovely creature walking around outside. I just needed a little insurance to get out of here just in case you or Jimmy decided to stop me.”

“Kid please, just let him go. He’s a mad man!” Charlene spoke her voice laced with fear.

Kid hesitates for a long moment wondering if the two of them are in cahoots together. Jesse knows too much about their lives. He must have someone working for him on the inside of this ranch. As 
for Charlene, she has been the sole detrimental force that has been trying to keep Jane and Buck apart. Even though Charlene has been trying her absolute best to conceal her evil ways, Kid has seen through them time and time again. He just had figured that Buck could handle Charlene and her deceitful ways. That will change once Buck is back home again. 

“Get out of here Jesse,” Kid spoke trying to hold onto his temper.

Jesse makes his way cautiously over to the barn door with Charlene grasped in his arms. “I’ll just take this pretty little thing with me until I get on my horse.”

Kid doesn’t disagree. He would like it very much if Jesse would ride off with the troublemaker and never bring her back. Kid figures they couldn’t be so lucky to get rid of Charlene from their lives so easily.

Jesse and Charlene vanish from Kid’s sight and out of the barn. Kid stands perfectly still with his arms folded in front of his chest waiting patiently for Charlene to make her way back into the barn. 

It takes only a brief moment for Kid to hear Jesse gallop off into the darkness of the night on yet another one of their horses. 

Charlene strolls back into the barn. She keeps her mind guilt free so that Kid can’t see her guilt plastered all over her face.

“Are you working with Jesse James?” Kid asked without a moment’s hesitation. 

“I couldn’t sleep, Kid.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“I love Buck. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.”

“Why can’t you just answer my question, Charlene?”

“No! I am not working with Jesse James!” Charlene spoke loudly. She doesn’t wait for Kid’s response. She huffs out of the barn leaving Kid still wondering just how honest this woman is really being with him. 

The evening had turned out all right after all. The man attached to her arms happens to be the sole most important person in her life. He accepts her totally for the way she is. Not the all frill young woman that most young ladies at her age are. Instead, of chasing boys around town, she’d much rather put on a pair of pants and work along side him in the jewelry store.

He clasps her hands into his. “I hope you aren’t too disappointed about none of the boys from 
school asking you to dance.”

She leans her head onto his strong shoulder. “There will be plenty more dances for me to attend. Besides Papa, there really aren’t very many boys at school that would have asked me to dance.”

“That’s nonsense. You were the prettiest young lady at the dance tonight.”

She laughs that joyous laugh that makes his heart warm. “You’re just saying that because I am 
your daughter.”

“Jane, you must not go through life thinking that you are less than someone else. You are a 
beautiful young woman and very smart too. I won’t always be here to guide you. Don’t let this 
world knock you down just because you are a woman. Your understanding of this will allow me to go someday without any regrets that I may not have taught you the things you’ll need to know to 
survive in this world. I would like to believe that you wouldn’t let anything or anyone stand in your way when getting what you truly want from life.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about you’re not being around to guide and protect me. Papa, you 
are built like an ox. You’ll probably live longer then me.”

“Daughter, you aren’t listening to what I am trying to teach you,” Papa spoke with authority.

“Papa, I always listen to what you say, but I don’t want to discuss your sudden demise.”

“That is one thing in life Jane that you never take for granted. Life is fragile. You must live life to the fullest each day because you never know when life will be taken from you.”

“All of this because I wanted to attend this dance by myself.”

“Oh, so now I’m a lecturing old fool.”

“I didn’t say that Papa.”

He stops their progress to the jewelry store. He turns and faces his lovely tomboyish daughter. He places his hands on her shoulders. “It isn’t that I don’t want you to get involved with a young man. When I am gone, I hope that there will be a young man in your life that would protect you with his own life if need be. But, I am an old fashioned fool and I just want my daughter to have the best of everything. I have yet to see a young man in this town that I would approve of for you. Of course, they are all still very young themselves. The point I’m trying to make to you Jane is that you have plenty of time for a man. I would prefer you think about being self-sufficient. An education back 
east would be my choice for you after your elementary schooling is finished here in Church Falls.”

“Papa, I’m not sure that further schooling is really for me. But, to keep peace with you and ease 
your mind, I will give a further education some thought.”

He smiles warmly at his young daughter as the two stroll through the moon lit night streets of Church Falls.

“Papa! Papa! Papa!” Jane screamed in her sleep startling her body to wake up when she hears Buck struggling to breath next to her.

Jane hurriedly throws the blankets from her trembling body as she makes her way to Buck’s bed. 
He is coughing so badly that he can’t catch his breath. 

Jane grabs the glass of water by Buck’s bedside and brings it up to his lips. 

“Take a drink of this,” Jane spoke softly.

As Buck drinks the refreshing liquid, his coughing settles down. Jane can’t shake the dream she 
had. Why does her Papa have to invade her sleep every night? Is he trying to tell her something? 
She simply refuses to believe that she will lose Buck the same way she lost her Papa. If she has to kill Jesse James herself to keep Buck safe then she will!


Teaspoon is sitting at his desk trying to work around Jimmy’s propped up feet that are resting on 
the one corner of his desk. Teaspoon latches onto a piece of paper that is being held down onto the desk by Jimmy’s big boots. Teaspoon tries yanking the paper out from under the boots and in the process tears the paper in half. He looks up disgusted with Jimmy who is paying no mind to what Teaspoon is doing. Jimmy is casually reading through paperwork concerning Cody’s murder investigations.

Jimmy senses Teaspoon’s watchful eyes on him. He glances up at Teaspoon to see the impatience written on the marshal’s face. Teaspoon silently holds up the half of the paper that he did manage to get from under Jimmy’s boots.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Could you please remove your dirty boots from my desk?” Teaspoon asked behind a mask of calmness. 

“Sure,” Jimmy spoke softly as he sits up straight while placing his feet flatly on the floor.

“Jimmy, you’ve been studying those damn papers for the better half of the morning. I don’t think you’re gonna find whatever it is you’re searching for.”

“Teaspoon, I ain’t even sure what it is I’m searching for.”

“Why all the interest all of a sudden in Cody’s investigation?”

Jimmy can’t tell Teaspoon his suspicions about Hannah just yet. He doesn’t even know what the 
truth is himself concerning Hannah and the murders. He keeps telling himself that it doesn’t make Hannah a cold-blooded killer just because she happens to own a pair of black leather gloves. “I just want to make damn sure that Cody can’t try to reclaim the absurd idea that Buck is the killer he’s looking for. Cody is still in love with Jane. I don’t trust him not to use this investigation to his advantage again.”

“You really think that’s what Cody did when he had Buck arrested?” Teaspoon asked somberly. Teaspoon doesn’t want to believe that Cody would deliberately hurt Buck that way, but then again Cody has always been a little bit on the obsessive side. He was always that way when they were all riding for The Pony Express. If Cody saw an expensive new saddle that he wanted, you can bet that somehow Cody would come up with the money to get it. Teaspoon doesn’t even want to know how many times Cody may have ordered a beer when out on a run instead of sarsaparilla. The women in Cody’s life were another matter. Again, the marshal doesn’t even want to know how many women Cody may have paid to spend an evening with him. Something he is sure none of his other riders had done. As far as Buck and Cody, well the two of them were like night and day back then. That hasn’t changed.

“I do. Where is Cody’s witness that saw Buck commit murder? I’ll tell you where Cody’s witness is. There never was a witness, because Buck never committed murder! I’m sure Cody made the whole story up just so he could keep Buck locked up for a few days far away from Jane.”

“It sure sounds like something Cody would do, but I hope you’re wrong. I would have a difficult time ever forgiving Cody if he deliberately jeopardized Buck’s life like that.”

Both men glance over at the office door when Kid strolls in with a look of worriment etched on his face.

“You look as if you’ve been thinking too hard, Kid,” Jimmy spoke flatly with an annoying grin attached to his face.

Kid walks over to the two men. “I caught Jesse in our barn last evening, and Charlene was in there with him.”

Teaspoon abruptly stands up from his chair. “What?”

“Jesse claimed he was there to steal one of our horses…”

“That’s a surprise,” Jimmy stated with sarcasm.

“He claims that Charlene stumbled upon his attempt in doing so,” Kid spoke frustrated with all the lies and betrayal going on around all of them.

“Now that’s a believable story if ever I heard one,” Jimmy stated with much more sarcasm.

“You’re the one that brought Charlene out to the ranch! I don’t trust her and I think it’s time we 
sent her back home! Let her father deal with protecting her from Simon Davenport,” Kid stated boldly.

“I would have never saddled Buck with Charlene if I would have known what a deceitful woman she can be. I’m just having a difficult time dealing with her getting nearly beat to death again. You didn’t see her after that first time Kid. Charlene was a mess.”

“She’s wrecking havoc in our lives. As much as I hate to say it, I’m not too sure a trust Cody any further than I can see him. When the two of them are conversing with one another they are always whispering, they’re constantly having dinner together, and they even act guilty to me. I’m telling the both of you that those two are up to no good. Hell it wouldn’t surprise me if Cody were working with Jesse, ” Kid spoke somberly.

“Kid I don’t want you worrying about Cody. I’m keeping my eye on everything he does. You don’t think I accepted his apologize just to be buddies again? I don’t want to fight with Cody, but I sure as hell don’t trust him either,” Jimmy stated flatly.

“I’m going over to Doc Barnes and visit with Buck,” Kid stated with worriment and frustration.

Kid leaves the office and strolls slowly down the street towards Doc Barnes Clinic. Jimmy remains speechless until Kid is out of his sight. He turns to face Teaspoon who is now looking every bit as worried as Kid.

“Kid really seems upset about finding Jesse and Charlene together,” Jimmy stated flatly.

“He’s probably worried because Charlene is residing in his home with his wife and children.”

“I can go back to Buck’s every night if you want to move Charlene out of Kid’s. I don’t have to 
spend my nights with Hannah when there’s so much going on at the ranch.”

“No. I don’t think I want that woman back at Buck’s. When he’s ready to go back over to his home, 
I don’t think he’d have much patience for her.”

“Teaspoon, Buck has more patience with women than any man I know.”

“Yeah, I know. But, I think even Buck is starting to get a bit annoyed with Charlene. Besides, Jane and Buck deserve to have some time alone once he’s healed completely. I don’t want Charlene intruding on them any longer.”

Jimmy laughs and shakes his head thinking about Buck and Jane and the way everyone is trying to give them time alone, but still nothing intimately has taken place between the two of them. 

Kid walks into Buck’s room with his hands shoved into his front trouser pockets. As soon as he sees Buck though, a smile immediately replaces the frown he came in with.

Buck is sitting up in bed and Jane is sitting on the edge of the bed engaged in a passionate kiss with Buck. 

Kid clears his throat. The two lovers either don’t hear him or they are simply ignoring him. Kid 
clears his throat again a little louder than the first time.

Jane pulls herself away from Buck. The two of them gaze at Kid.

“I’m sorry. I really don’t mean to intrude,” Kid spoke sincerely.

“That’s all right Kid, we’re getting used to people intruding on us,” Jane spoke with a warm smile.

Buck tries to get more comfortable on his bed, but instead he ends up causing himself extreme pain when he tries to move backwards on the bed to sit up better. He grimaces with pain causing Jane to jump off his bed in a hurried fashion. She is at her wits end trying to help him.

“Buck, are you alright?” Jane spoke hysterically.

Kid hurries to Jane and Buck’s aid. “Jane let me handle this for you.”

Jane moves over to make room for Kid next to Buck. Kid takes one of Buck’s pillows and fluffs it 
up and then gently places it behind Buck. He manages to help Buck move back to lean on the pillow.

Kid turns to Jane. “Why don’t you get some fresh air? Go for a little walk. It can’t be good for you 
to be cooped up in this room all the time. I’ll stay here with Buck.”

Jane gazes for a reaction from Buck. “Buck?” Jane asked apprehensively.

“Go. You need to get out of here once in awhile. I’ll be fine with Kid,” Buck spoke reassuring Jane that he doesn’t mind that she leaves him for a while.

Jane reaches over Kid and gives Buck a quick kiss. She puts her shawl around her shoulders and makes her way out of Buck’s room.

Buck waits until Jane leaves before saying one word to Kid. “What’s on your mind, Kid?”

Kid turns to his friend and sits down in a chair that usually is occupied by Jane right next to Buck’s bed. “What makes you think I have something on my mind?”

Buck arches his eyebrow at Kid. Kid has seen this look many times before. It is impossible to hide anything from Buck. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?” Buck asked dumfounded. 

“You always know when something is amiss.”

“It’s written all over your face, Kid. Now, you mind telling me what it is that’s bothering you.”

Buck, you need your rest. I shouldn’t be troubling you with problems right now.”

“Kid, if you don’t tell me, I’m going to just lie here and worry.”

Kid hesitates a moment. He wonders if telling Buck about Jesse revisiting the ranch and Charlene being out in the barn with Jesse is a good idea. He knows Buck will fret over the news. But Buck will also fret if he doesn’t tell him. And, there’s really no sense in trying to make up some unbelievable lie, because Buck can read right through a lie.

“I don’t want you worrying about this, I can handle it myself.”

“Kid, just tell me what it is that’s troubling you.”

Kid hesitates a moment longer. “All right, but I don’t want you worrying about problems. The problems can wait until you’re well enough to worry about them. “Last night I was having trouble sleeping. I got up and noticed a lantern burning in the barn so I went outside to check it out.”

“Let me guess, you found Jesse out there stealing more of our horses.”

 Kid is a little stunned that Buck knew exactly what he was going to say. “Good guess. He did bring one of our horses back though.”

“How thoughtful of him,” Buck stated with a hint of sarcasm. 

“I let him go.”


“I had to. He was holding Charlene hostage.”

“Why was Charlene out in the barn that late at night?”

After Jesse left, I asked Charlene that very same question. She claims she couldn’t sleep so she got up out of bed to go for a walk.”

“Do you believe her?”

“I don’t believe anything that woman says. I don’t know how she got mixed up with Jesse, but I’m almost sure she’s working with him.”

“Keep an eye on her Kid. I don’t trust her either.”

Doc Barnes walks into Buck’s room.

“I think Buck needs to get some rest, Kid. You can come back later.”

Kid gets up from his chair “I’ll see you later Buck. Take good care of him for me Doc.”

“Oh, I will. I know how much you all want him back on his feet and completely well again.”

The two of them both look back at Buck, who is sound asleep.

The streets of Rock Creek by mid-morning are just starting to bustle with townsfolk. Some are just strolling from building to building going about their everyday business in town before heading back 
to their homes. Some are gathering up some supplies at Thompkins Store. Some people, like Jack Morgan, are just simply sticking their nose into the business of what goes on at the jailhouse.

As Jack enters Teaspoon’s office he startles the old marshal almost right out of his chair. Teaspoon had pulled Jesse’s wanted poster off the bulletin board and has been staring at the man intensely.

“I see a man that’s blaming himself for an outlaws wrongdoings,” Jack remarked somberly.

Teaspoon glances up at Jack and then gets up from his chair and hangs Jesse’s poster back up on 
the bulletin board.

“Jesse wasn’t a bad kid when he came into my life six years ago. I suppose that would be rather difficult for you to believe.”

“He’s near. He hasn’t finished his revenge on your family,” Jack stated somberly.

“I don’t doubt that, Jack.”

“You don’t sound too worried.”

“At the moment I’m more concerned about getting Buck home and completely well again. Once I get that accomplished, then I’ll deal with Jesse.”

“Yes, your deputy,” Jack stated boldly.

“You got something you wanna say Jack?”

“I’ve heard a rumor in town that it’s a possibility that your deputy just may have committed cold-blooded murder a few years back, and that you had no witness to charge him with the murder. 
Or is it possible that you were just hiding the truth…”

“Leave it be Jack!” Teaspoon spoke rather harshly at his friend from his past, as he’s almost in Jack’s face, his rage for Jack’s meddling in his life reaching the breaking point.

Jack smiles at Teaspoon knowing perfectly well that he’s pushing Teaspoon just a bit too far. He 
has no intentions of stirring up Buck’s past, he just wanted to see just how close the marshal and his deputy really are. “I’ll leave it be only cause you asked me to so nicely.”

Teaspoon wearily sinks down into his chair. 

Jack watches the old man with intensity. It certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Jack at how quickly Teaspoon became fretful over his remarks concerning Buck’s not so innocent past. “Don’t worry Teaspoon, I have no intentions of investigating what happened with Buck. He’s a good man, even with his Kiowa blood. I’m sure that if Buck did commit murder it had to have been because that person had caused Buck a great deal of pain.”

“Can we change the subject? You’ve brought Buck’s name up in conversation before and it worries me. I’m hoping that the reason you showed up in Rock Creek isn’t to hurt the people in my life that 
I care about. I have Jesse already doing that. Why don’t you tell me more about my past and leave my present family out of our conversations?”

“I’ve told you everything I know.”

“Yeah, you left me in shock the other day after you abruptly announced to me that there’s a child involved. How is it that you happen to know this?” Teaspoon asked sounding as if he doesn’t believe a word Jack says. 

“I told you before that those savages held me hostage.”

“Please refrain from calling Indians savages in my presence. I don’t particularly like that word 
much. There has to be more to this story then you’re telling me, Jack.”

“As I told you they held me hostage. I was there for about six months. I was getting so discouraged about my imprisonment that I could be wrong about the exact amount of time I was made to spend with them.”

“Go on.”

“The Indian men of the village were away from the village on a hunting trip. White men, who looked to be just ordinary trappers like you and I, raided the village. During the attack, I managed to 
escape. She was with child, Teaspoon.”

“She probably didn’t survive the raid,” Teaspoon spoke quietly.

“She was pretty determined Teaspoon to keep her unborn child safe. I can’t say for sure, but I’d be willing to bet my life that she and her unborn child survived that raid.”

“You know Jack, this is a fine time to bring me this sort of news.”

“I’ve been debating nearly half my life Teaspoon on whether or not I should tell you about the child. Even after I arrived here in Rock Creek and met all your family, I still wasn’t sure. I look at you and all of them, and I see the happiest family that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I don’t want this news to cause you any grief. But, if I know you, you’ll do whatever it takes to find this child.”

“There ain’t much I can do, Jack. I have no idea where this child could be if there even is a child. 
Not to mention the fact that this child would be an adult now. There are so many possibilities here. The woman could have survived the attack, but perhaps she didn’t survive the next time her village was attacked. Even if the child were born, he or she could be gone from this earth by now. Unless I have something else to go on there’s no way I will ever know the truth here much less be able to find this child,” Teaspoon spoke starting to feel a little helpless about the idea that he may have fathered a child that could possibly still be alive, that he may never know.

“I’m sorry, Teaspoon. I thought the news of a child would cheer up your day.”

“Jack, I’m happy that you got it all out in the open, but the news doesn’t bring me much joy. How would you feel thinking you have a child somewhere that you deserted before that child was even born?”

“You’re asking the wrong man that question, Hunter. I actually wouldn’t be surprised to find out that I do indeed have a few children running around somewhere. But, to be honest, I feel those children are better off without me. I’m not the fathering type.”

Jane walks back into Buck’s room. For a long moment she stands in the doorway caressing his body with the warmth of her eyes. She loves him. Her face is stained with the many tears that have recently fallen from her eyes. The bright redness of her eyes, from all the crying that she’s been doing lately, are sore and itchy. 

She continues to watch Buck sleep so peacefully. Just a few days ago his sleep had been filled with painful moans in the middle of the night as well as during the day. 

She can’t stop her thoughts of his being gone from her life. She knows that she wouldn’t be able to face losing another man from her life that she loves so deeply. Even though Doc Barnes has assured her many times since Buck has awoken from his deep unconscious state that he is going to be all right, Jane can’t stop the thinking that pounds in her mind. Buck has lost a lot of blood, just like Ike had lost a lot of blood. Buck nearly lost his own life from grief when Ike had died. Jimmy had told her that Buck wasn’t himself for a very long time. That is how she felt when her Papa had left her alone 
in this world. Buck was actually the person that helped her cope with her Papa’s death, but then 
Buck left her. They were young then, perhaps to young to realize that there was already a special bond between them. She can’t bear the thought of ever losing him! 

Buck stirs in his bed as Jane wipes the last of her tears away from her damp face.

Buck’s eyes light up when he sees Jane standing in the doorway. He holds out his hand for her to come to him. “Come here,” Buck spoke barely above a whisper. 

Jane hesitates a moment and then almost clumsily walks to stand at his bedside.

Instantly Buck can sense that Jane has been crying, and not only crying, but crying for a very long time. Her eyes are almost swollen shut from the tears that have spilled from them.

“What’s wrong?” Buck asked concerned for the woman he loves.

Jane can’t seem to get the words to form that she must say to him. She can only look at him wondering how she would ever live without him if he should ever die from the bullet of an outlaw’s gun!

Buck caresses her hand gently. “You can tell me what it is that’s upsetting you. I’m sure that whatever it is we can fix it.”

“Can we fix you Buck?” Jane asked angrily. 

Buck is confused and it shows on his face. “I’m going to be fine, Jane. I just need a week maybe two to get my strength back.”

“What about the next time, and the time after that? Can you promise me that you will always come back home alive?” Jane asked tears flowing from her eyes.

Buck looks defeated. There is no way anyone, who chases after outlaws, knows whether they will come back home with or without a bullet hole in him. “Jane, I know that my getting shot has you upset. Teaspoon and Kid both told me how you have stayed by my bedside every day and night since they brought me home.”

“I don’t think Buck that I could ever do this again.”

“I can’t promise you that this won’t happen again. Even if I were to quit as Teaspoon’s deputy, there is a chance that this could happen again.”

Jane pulls her hand gently out of Buck’s grasp. “We can no longer be together,” Jane speaks so softly that Buck is unsure of her words. Jane turns from him. She can’t bear to see the tremendous amount of pain that is in his dark ebony eyes. Jane runs from the room.

“Jane!” Buck hollered as he tries to sit up in the bed only to be brought back down from the excessive pain in his chest. “Jane!”

Doc Barnes hears Buck’s yells from another room. He comes rushing into Buck’s room to make 
sure the Kiowa isn’t out of bed, which is what his mind is suspecting.

Teaspoon enters Doc Barnes clinic, and abruptly runs right into Jane as she’s trying to make her escape out the front door from the emotional pain that she is causing the man she loves.

“Jane?” Teaspoon spoke questioningly as she makes her way past him and out the door. Teaspoon watches after her for a moment, but then he hears the commotion back in Buck’s room. He secures the front door, and walks quickly back to where he still hears Buck calling Jane’s name.

Teaspoon enters Buck’s room thinking that Jane’s tears where due to the fact that something 
terrible had happened to Buck. The doctor looks up at Teaspoon when he enters. 

Buck is lying quietly on his bed. Doc Barnes figures it is safe for him to talk with Teaspoon for a moment. He walks over to Teaspoon.

“I think perhaps they may have had a disagreement, but Buck seems pretty upset. Perhaps you can get him to quiet down and get some rest.”

“Sure thing, Doc.

Doc Barnes leaves Teaspoon alone with Buck. Teaspoon stands back and watches Buck for a moment. He seems to be blindly staring off somewhere. There are a few tears that have cascaded down his face. Teaspoon knows before he even approaches Buck that what took place between him and Jane had to have been worse than a disagreement. A disagreement wouldn’t cause Buck this much pain.

Teaspoon sits on the edge of Buck’s bed. He doesn’t say anything to Buck. He brings the Kiowa up into his arms in an embrace.

Doc Barnes sits quietly at his desk going over some medical notations concerning his patients. He hears a light rapping on his open office door. He glances over to see Teaspoon standing in the doorway looking like a beaten, worn man. “Come on in Teaspoon.”

“When can I take Buck home?”

“Let him stay here tonight. If he doesn’t have a setback from the obvious emotional pain that he is 
in, he can go home tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be here bright and early to pick him up.”

“Make sure you bring the buckboard, and someone else to sit with him in the back. I don’t want him riding for a few weeks.”

“I’ll see you in the morning, Doc,” Teaspoon spoke disheartened.

“Teaspoon, is Buck alright?”

“He’s a bit confused, but we’ll get things settled between the two of them as soon as we can get him home. Good-night Doc.”

Goodnight Teaspoon.

Jane comes running into the Hunter household and practically flies up the stairs to her bedroom. Once there she throws herself on the bedroom. “Oh Buck, I’m so sorry,” Jane cried, as tears flow fiercely down her face.

Continue to Chapter Nine
