In the time of ancient gods and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Xena, a mighty princess, forged in the heat of battle.
The power, the passion, the danger - her courage will change the world.
…and there, at Eclectica, abided a dashing young bibliophile, Darran of Sans Souci.
One day, he came upon a visitor to his establishment and soon they were enjoying a discourse on all things fabled. The conversation with this strange customer eventually touched on a much revered subject: Xena: Warrior Princess. They discovered they were both passionately afflicted by this anti-hero and became good friends.
Soon, they devised a plot to bring into their circle of unbridled enthusiasm others thus enthralled and a call went out to gather them together unto the dashing Darran's establishment.
And thus was born the Gathering of the Fans!
Soon, word spread faster than the fires of Higuchi and Xenaphiles, Xenites and lovers of women in leather were clamouring for more!
The Gatherings grew in number and everyone was pleased.
But alas! Disaster! The dashing Darran of Sans Souci fell foul of his own employment and was no longer able to cope with the burden of so much work. And the Gatherings fell silent.
But all was not lost for the strange customer, the Enigmatic Sue of Sans Souci, was scouring virgin territory for a suitable, sympathetic tavern and, lo, on the horizon appeared Istvan the Hungarian of Waverley who promised to provide the faithful followers of Xena his refectory, and a really big screen. The Enigmatic Stranger fell upon her knees with outpourings of joy and relief, as she was about to give up on her quest.
In a short time, the faithful were gathered once more. The shouts of acclamation were deafening for here, at Istvan's, the Hungarian, were bountiful fare, merry sport and a bloody good time. Here, too, the Faithful met the Mythical MaryD and listened to tales of far away places and derring-do. Many new friendships were forged and a promise made to meet again…
1st Gathering Pics
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The list of Faithful grows and here, in this journal, will be recorded for posterity the Gathering of the Fans for all to enjoy.
In the time of ancient gods and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Sue, a mighty nobody, forged in the heat of desperation.
The power, the passion, the danger - her persistence will change the venue.