Character Guide
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Character Guide

Here are the characters of SpongeBob SquarePants. They've been (or are going to be) divided into 3 sections; Main, Movie and Other. They have really no apparent order, just an outline of popularity, rightful placement and appearence in episodes. Enjoy!

Main Characters

SpongeBob SquarePants
He lives in a pineapple under the sea. Absorbent and yellow and porus is he. Yes, SpongeBob is indeed the main character of the show, appearing in every episode. SpongeBob is happy-go-lucky, and is kind and an all-around good-guy and friend. He adores his job as a frycook at the Krusty Krab restraunt, and handles the secret Krabby Patty formula with care. When not at the KK, SpongeBob likes to go jellyfishing or play with his friends. And so sometimes his head may get a little big, or he makes some stupid desicion, but he will always be our loveable and nieve little square dude.
Squidward Tenticles
Squidward is reluctantly SpongeBob's neighbor in his Easter Island Head home. He works just as reluctantly as SpongeBob's casheir co-worker at the Krusty Krab. He gives new meanings to the words "grumpy" and "privacy". He holds grudges against all the other idiots (aka about everyone he knows) and is usually moaning. Squidward loves nothing more than being locked up in his house, alone, either playing his clarinet (badly) or painting. However, every once and a while his annoying neighbors SpongeBob and Patrick may bring something up that shows a whole different side of Squid.
Patrick Star
Patrick is the final neighbor in the SpongeBob-Squidward strip and lives in a rock. Patrick is SpongeBob's best friend forever. Patrick is flat out stupid. Period. He is umemployed and supports the hobbies sleeping, eating and watching TV. Patrick is also semi-sensitive. However, this dull star is a loyal friend.
Gary is SpongeBob's pet snail. Semi-amazingly, Gary probably has a bigger IQ than SpongeBob does. Threrefore, he has his own mind. When spoken to, Gary will answer with meows. Gary likes to play games with SpongeBob, watch TV and do numerous other things. There is nothing Gary hates more than bath time, to SpongeBob's dismay. However Gary is loyaly, and usually happily, SpongeBob's pet, and will answer him when in need.
Sandy Cheeks
Sandy is a squrriel, and her beloved homeland is texas. Somehow, she managed to move to Bikini Bottom and set up a giant oxygen-filled Treedome for her to live in. Sandy does a lot of extreme sports-she has the muscles to provie it-and is very self-confident and active. Not to mention probably one of the sanest people in Bikini Bottom. But if you insult Texas, she'll be on you "like ugly on an ape". Sandy is also a good friend, and looks out for the wellfare of her two best friends, SpongeBob and Patrick. She may not know it, but SpongeBob has a little crush on her.
Mr. Krabs
Mr. Krabs is the owner and founder of the Krusty Krab restraunt. That makes him SpongeBob's and Squidward's boss. He also has a teenage daughter-Pearl (see below). There is really only one word to describe Mr. Krabs: cheap. His obsession is money, and he'll do almost anything (okay, just anything) to get some green...or in some cases copper. If it's 1 cent or 100 dollars it doesn't matter...the only difference is how much he drools. Mr. Krabs also is "tough" and has supposedly been in the Navy. Once he gets over money, Mr. Krabs cares/worries a lot about the people around him....SpongeBob goes into the "worrying" catagory.
Pearl Krabs
Pearl is Mr. Krabs's teenage daughter (she gets her whale side from her mother). Pearl is embarrassed very easily, especially by her father. She likes nothing more than to hang out with her friends at the mall, or wherever. Meaning she's very fashionable and uses all the "in" words, like "coral" (until her dad used it, then it was "out"). She also prizes her social life and doesn't like much cutting into it. So, basically, Pearl is your average teenage whale.
Plankton is often called the most hated creature in Bikini Bottom, a philosophy that once lead SpongeBob to try to be his friend. However, Bikini Bottom's tiniest inhabitant is hated because of his constant plotting to acheive his life's dream: to steal the Krusty Krab's secret Krabby Patty formula and sell it at his incredibly unsuccessful restraunt, the Chum Bucket, putting the Krusty Krab-and his nemisis, Mr. Krabs-out of business! Every once in a while he might also throw in an evil plot to take over the world, but his main focus is the formula. Plankton has ran every plot thinkable-Plans A-Y-and has failed numerous times for 25 years...until Plan Z, but that's a different story. Plankton's only friend is his computer wife, Karen, whom he built with his tiny, semi-geinus evil mind.
Mrs. Puff
Mrs. Puff is the owner, founder and teacher of Mrs. Puff's Boating School, which hosts SpongeBob's never-ending quest to get his driver's lisence. Mrs. Puff can be ill-tempered when it comes to having SpongeBob as a student, and one time even faked giving a driver's lisence to get him out of her hair, which in a way makes her a bit selfish. She has been forced to blow up-literally-several times due to SpongeBob's constant crashes during his tests. She has also been to jail several times-again mainly on SpongeBob's account. At one point of time she had a husband, Mr. Puff, but, unfortuanatly, he got turned into a lamp. Eventually, Mrs. Puff went datiing with Mr. Krabs. So there you go.
Mermaidman Mermaidman was once a quick-thinking and highly famous and active superhero. Now he is an airheadidly-minded and retired super hero, but still remotely in action, thanks to SpongeBob, who's heroes are Mermaidman and Barnacleboy. He and his sidekick, Barnacleboy, live in Shady Shoal's Retirement Home, where they watch TV all day until they get a call to go fight "EEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIL!" Mermaidman is not only slow-thinking now, but is also a bit forgetful, which is where he needs Barnacleboy's still-sane guidance. But, overall, Mermaidman is still an active super hero, even if he is old.
Barnacleboy is Mermaidman's trusted sidekick, and has been so for years. Unlike Mermaidman, Barnacleboy still has his sanity, which makes him constantly annoyed with his airheaded partner. He also has a bit of a temper and a kind of "just-get-it-over-with" attitude. If there's one thing Barnacleboy hates, it's being treated like a child and being called "boy", which lead him into an act of becoming evil for a short period of time, but resulted in him becoming Barnacleman...and getting an adult-sized Krabby Patty.

Movie Characters

King Neptune King Neptune is the King of the Sea. He values his royal authority and royal objectives and royal belongings to the point where he thinks non-royals aren't superior. Most of all, the King values his crown, which is used to hide his "little problem", aka his gleaming bald spot. If anyone ever touches his crown, it usually means their life...unless a certain sponge and starfish decide to retreive it to save you. If you haven't figured it out yet, Neptune has a pretty bad temper due to his royal superiority. But that's what you get when you have the most power in the sea.
Mindy Mindy is Neptune's teenage daughter; the future Queen of the Sea. However, Mindy's personality varies greatly from her father's. She beleives in second chances and equal rights, and is very kind, generous and life-preserving. her belief in the wellfare of others constantly stalls, stops or delays her father's actions toward regular undersea citizens. Because of this, Neptune used to think that Mindy wouldn't make a good Queen, but she proved herself when she held off her father's persecution of Mr. Krabs and had SpongeBob and Patrick successfully return back to Bikini Bottom with Neptune's crown.
Dennis Dennis is a lean, mean, killing machine. His occupation as a hitman-which, for some reason, he highly enjoys-caused Plankton to hire him to go after SpongeBob and Patrick. Everything about Dennis is tough and mean, from his boots engraved with "Your head here" to his motorcycle lisence with "I Kil U ". You would not want to cross passes with this guy, because you'll get a major butt-kicking...or worse. The only thing that could defeat this super-strong, heartless being is something bigger than him or something human-made, such a a cyclops boot or a boat edge.
Special Guest (aka David Hasselhoff) David Hasselhoff came out of nowhere while working at his lifeguard occupation and kindly aided SpongeBob and Patrick in escorting them back to Bikini Bottom after they escaped Shell City with the crown. How? He turned himself in to a speed boat, which SpongeBob refers to as "The Hasselhoff". His muscles and human siz allowed him to speed SpongeBob and Patrick-and Dennis, for a short period of time-into the middle of the ocean to Bikini Bottom. But how he did help SpongeBob, Patrick and the Royal Crown shoot down into the underwater city? don't want to know.
Goofy Goober Goofy Goober is the symbol of Goofy Goober's Ice Cream and Party Boat; a restraunt/arcade that serves only ice cream and is mainly centered around those under the age of 5...and SpongeBob and Patrick, of course. He is, literally, a giant walking, talking and singing peanut. Though he probably never leaves his domain, he gets out in the world by his popularity. Whether you are singing his theme song or wearing his underwear for 3 years straight, Goofy Goober is a fun-loving icon for adore.

Other Characters

Squilliam Fancyson Squlliam Fancyson is one of the richest least in Bikini Bottom. He and Squidward have battled it out ever since they were in band class together. Inronically enough, Squilliam makes his giant fortune doing exactly what Squidward wishes he could do. And when Squilliam is in town, you could be sure he arrogantly will rub his success in Squidward's face. To his delight, this makes Squidward make a stupid action to try to impress him...therefore more pressure and taunting. Sadly, the story usually goes that Squidward doesn't usually come out on top.
Scooter Scooter is a surfer-dude. He and his friends wonder around Bikini Bottom with their weird voices doing such things like inserting a coin into a live seahorse thinking that it's a kiddie ride they should try out. Usually, however, he is at Goo Lagoon either surfing or possibly playing volleyball. But wherever he is, Scooter will always be a fun-loving, airhead-ish guy.
Manray Manray is one of Mermaidman and Barnacleboy's biggest enemies. Manray has the brains to actually think things over and plot things...not just do them. He has pulled many, many tricks back in the old days, when Mermaidman placed a Tickle Belt on him to tickle him whenever he was evil-doing in episode #17. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy later placed this foe in a frozen prison made out of frozen tarter sauce. But then SpongeBob and Patrick unfroze him and took him to "goodness school", took off the Tickle Belt and supposedly made him a good person...but I guess that didn't last long. So now Manray is still the plotting evil-doer he was years ago.
The Dirty Bubble The Dirty Bubble is a round, mean, poppable machine. The Dirty Bubble is also one of Mermaidman and Barnicleboy's top enimies. The Dirty Bubble sometimes works with Manray...and Barnicle Boy, for that manner. In Manray's opinion, he's annoying. His power can trap things inside him. The downside to his powers is that he can pop. Oh, and he likes to make people eat dirt. Hey, he IS called the Dirty Bubble!
Larry Larry is the most popular guy at Goo Lagoon. He works there as the lifeguard. But he also likes nothing more than to show off his incredible strength to everyone and get the girls. Actually, SpongeBob gets worried that sometimes Sandy likes Larry more than him! You can usually find him lifting weights with his fellow macho-friends or doing lifeguard-related things; even though he likes all attention at his job, he says that the best part is saving people's lives. And so, yes, Larry may be a little show-offy and a bit arrogant, but at least he is well-meaning and kind.
Bubble Buddy Bubble Buddy was blown...I mean born...on Leif Erikson Day, when SpongeBob had nothing to do. He became SpongeBob's new playmate for the day. For the rest of that day, Bubble Buddy and SpongeBob went around Bikini Bottom accidentally causing trouble...but then again, Bubble Buddy couldn't move at that point of time because he was an immanimate object, so it's not all his fault... Anyway, Bubble Buddy has a phobia for shrap objects and takes 2 hours to go to the bathroom. But in the end, Bubble Buddy grew up, and was actually able to talk and move on his own, revealing the kind playmate that SpongeBob created.
Karen Karen is Plankton's computer wife. Actually, since Plankton made her, she had no say on whether or not she wanted to get married. Karen usually is perched up on the laboratory wall of the Chum Bucket, but Plankton seems to have found a way for her to move around a little lately (in the Movie). Karen is Plankton's advisor, and usually goes off talking in lectures. But she does come up with plans for Plankton's constant Krabby Patty theft attempts, and they're usually the best ones. She also finds nothing funnier than Plankton's first name. Karen also plays cook, but can make nothing but hallographic food. In conclusion, Karen is a semi-know-it-all wife with a lot of computer attitude.
Plankton's cousins Plankton's cousins make up most of the Plankton family tree. After Plankton (our Plankton, that is) left home, he never needed-or felt the desire-to see them until he figured out that they would be able to help him in a semi-successful theft attempt to steal the formula. Unfortuantely, Plankton forgot that all his cousins were kind-of-absent-minded hillbillies that have no idea that Plankton hates being called Sheldon and is evil. Plankton's 1000s of cousins love one thing more than anything else: ROOT BEER! Root Beer was their motivation to steal the formula. So they all mean well, they just don't have a clue what Plankton's having them do.
Mama Krabs Mama Krabs is Mr. Krabs's mother. She has a mother-like temper and attitude, and won't tolerate inapporiate or childish behavior. Even though Mr. Krabs in an adult, she still finds the power to successfully ground or punish him...or anyone else that she may catch with him. Mama Krabs means well, and rewards hard work. But she'll faint for a minute if you give her too many things at one time. She lives alone in an achor much like Mr. Krabs's, except pink. And so Mama Krabs is like any mother...well-meaning and protective, yet not afraid to deal with bad bahavior.
DoodleBob DoodleBob is SpongeBob's drawing counterpart of himself. He is poorly drawn and poorly draws. DoodleBpb was created for a prank on Squidward, but ended up beating him up. He was first called "DoodleBoy" and is also known as "The Evil Doodle". DoodleBob's goal in like is to earase SpongeBob and be the new SpongeBob. But now he is a harmless, happy drawing (kind of opposite of what he was in life). SpongeBob's ending opinion on him? "He was just a 2-deminsional creature, lost in our 3-deminsional aquatic world, longing for a perpose."