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The Characters

TessaDet Tessa Vance (Lucy Bell)
"The youngest and least conventional of the homicide squad."
SteveDet Steve Hayden (Peter Mochrie)
"He seems detached, but is ambitious. Divorced with no personal life."
(Except for girlfriends, stray cats, and all that DIY he does)
FiskSgt. Lance Fisk (Geoff Morrell)
"Forensic services. Not the most liked man, but is passionate about his work."
(And Tootsie!)
TootsieDr Imogen "Tootsie" Soames (Glenda Linscott)
"Pathologist. She's good-humoured and ready with a joke."
(Not to mention a scalpel)
DeeConstable Dee Suzeraine (Jennifer Kent)
"Photographer, a bit of an odd-bod, who looks up to Steve."
ThorneDet-Insp Malcolm Thorn (Gary Day)
"He's the boss and is feared, focussed and driven."