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Due to many invalid e-mails, I will re-start the mailing list again. Send me your e-mail adress to me,, with TSW list as the subject. Only the ones who will send me their e-mails will get updates via e-mails.
NOTE:I know some of you would like more drama summaries in my page and as much as I want to help you out, I can't. See, I don't have time to watch any thai dramas anymore and as a matter of fact, I can't add any new sumaries. Therefore, if anyone would like to help me by contributing drama summaries, I'd really appreciate it.
July 13, 2002
Pictures again! Areeya, Kathaleeya, Kejmanee, Sunisa, Woranuch,

July 08, 2002
More pictures today...about 30 pics! Jesadaporn, Johnny, Kathreeya and Patcharapa
I've been having many visitors at angelfire so sometimes pages are not showing...just come back later and I'm really sorry about that. I've tried to find other host, but I think they all do the same thing so I have no choice but to stay with Angelfire.

July 06, 2002
Well, I haven't been here for about 5 months now, but here I am...back again with upates! Thank you for your support and for visiting my page. This summer, I'm pretty much busy with my summer work and other activites as well so I won't be able to update my page as often as before...well..I don't think it will surprise you 'cause this page has been kinda quiet lately...Anyways, I really try my best to update.

I added about 40 pics in total (^____^) of Isariya, Amy, Ann, Pornchita, Bua, Emma, Rinlanee, Kullasatree, Lalita and Captain