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Joyce's First Scene

Joyce:  (off camera) Buffy?

Buffy:  (sitting up) I'm up, Mom!

Joyce:  (off camera) Don't wanna be late for your first day!

Buffy:  (to herself) No... Wouldn't want that.

(Cut to the school. The camera pans from the street to the main building.
Cut to Joyce pulling up to the school in her Jeep to drop off Buffy.)

Joyce:  Okay!

(Buffy gets out.)

Joyce:  Have a good time. I know you're gonna make friends right away,
just think positive. (gives a thumbs up)

(Buffy looks through the open car door and gives her mother a quick nod.
She turns to go and closes the door behind her.)

Joyce:  And honey?

(Buffy looks back at her mom again.)

Joyce:  Try not to get kicked out?

Buffy:  I promise.

Joyce:  Okay.

Joyce3.jpg (5553 bytes)
Joyce Summers

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Joyce & Ted

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Joyce & Giles
(Band Candy)

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Buffy & Dawn Summers

Joyce's Last Words

Joyce: Who wants to hear everything?

Buffy: ...listen to my mom talk about boys.

Giles: (quickly) Right, must go. See you tomorrow. Bye Joyce. (leaves)

Joyce: Bye Rupert. (Joyce closes the door behind Giles, turns and gives Buffy a big smile.)

Joyce: Gosh, I'd forgotten how much fun dating can be.

Buffy: (smiles) I don't know. I was standing right here. I didn't see Prince Charming. I didn't even see a goodnight kiss. Joyce smiles, walks past Buffy to put her purse down.

Buffy: It all looked pretty tame to me.

Joyce: Well, I suppose by your standards it could seem pretty ... (pauses) Oh dear.

Buffy: What?

Joyce: I left my bra in his car. (Buffy looks shocked and horrified.)

Buffy: Mother!

Joyce: I'm joking.

Buffy: (sighs) Good god, that's horrible. Don't do that.

Joyce: I left it in the restaurant. (Buffy puts her hands over her ears and starts running up the stairs.)

Buffy: No more! No more! No more!

Joyce: (yelling up the stairs at her) On the dessert cart!

Buffy: (OS, faintly) I can't hear you!

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