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Spike: "I'm much more the 'I did my part, now get this chip out of my head' kind of guy."

Xander: "Maybe I should join the Army."
Anya: "Don't they make you get up really early in the morning?"
Xander: "Oh, yeah. Never mind."

Xander: "Demons versus soldiers. Massacre, massacre."
Willow: "And Adam has a neat pile of body parts to start assembling his army. Diabolical yet.. gross."
Xander: "Does anybody else miss the Mayor 'I just wanna be a big snake'?"

Giles: "Perhaps a paralyzing spell. Only I can't perform the incantation for this."
Willow: "Right. Don't you have to speak it in Sumerian or something?"
Giles: "I do speak Sumerian."
Xander: "See what you get for taking French instead of Sumerian?"
Buffy: "What was I thinking?"

Buffy: "Xander!"
Willow: "Oh, wonderful Xander!"
Buffy: "You know we love you, right?"
Willow: "We totally do."
Xander: "Oh, god, we're gonna die, aren't we?"
Willow: "No, we just missed you."
Xander: "Giles, hurry up! You definitely want to get down here for this!"

Colonel: Incapacitate him with as much voltage as we can muster."
Xander: "Great plan. That's right up there with 'duck and cover.'"
Buffy: "I've seen Adam hit with taser blasts. He feeds on it. And now, you're going to provide him with an all-you-can-eat buffet?"

Riley: "We still got men out there."
Spike: "Well, let's go save 'em, by gum."

Senator: "The Initiative itself will be filled in with concrete. Burn it down, gentlemen. Burn it down, and salt the earth."