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Buffy: "Are you mad at me?"
Riley: "No, no, not at all. I'm plotting your death, but in a happy way."

Buffy: "You put it in neutral again, huh?"
Giles: "I'm just not used to this automatic transmission. I-I loathe this just sitting here, not contributing. No, no, no, it's not working out."
Buffy: "Giles, are you breaking up with your car?"
Giles: "Well, it did seduce me, all red and sporty."
Buffy: "Little two-door tramp!"

Anya: "Crap! Look at this--now I'm burdened with a husband and several tiny pink children, and more cash than I can reasonably manage."
Xander: "That means you're winning."
Anya: "Really?"
Xander: "Yes, cash equals good."
Anya: "Ooh! I'm so pleased. Can I trade in the children for more cash?"

Harmony: "So, Slayer. At last we meet."
Buffy: "We've met, Harmony, you half-wit."

Buffy: "Harmony, when you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad. When you tried to chair the Homecoming committee, you were really bad. But when you try to be bad, you suck."

Buffy: "How bored WERE you last year?"
Giles: "I watched Passions with Spike. Let us never speak of it."

Dawn: "She still thinks I'm little Miss Nobody. Just her dumb little sister. Boy, is she in for a surprise."