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Buffy: "You lied to me?"
Dawn: "I didn't lie... exactly..."
Buffy: "Oh, really? What about all those times I asked you how school was and you said, 'Fine'?"
Dawn: "Well, it was! You didn't ask if I was in it when it was fine..."

Xander: "Hey, what's up? It's Dawn Giovanni and the Buffster!"

Willow: "So we made a triangle with our bodies. And that's when I called Xander obtuse, and he got really grumpy. And then Dawn said we were a-cute triangle and, well, hilarity ensued."

Willow: "Don't be grumpy with her! Who among us can resist the allure of really funny math puns?"
Buffy: "It's really important that Dawn finishes her schoolwork right now."
Willow: "Yeah, I know, but we were having good, clean, educational fun, and then all of a sudden it was all gloom and doom and the outlawing of human triangles."

Willow: "Well I took Psych 101. I mean, I took it from an evil government scientist who was skewered by her Frankenstein-like creation before the final, but I know what a Freudian slip is."

Buffy: "Chicken salad."
Willow: "Right Here."
Buffy: "Eggplant -- that's me."
Buffy: "Salami with... ew... peanut butter? -- Dawn."
Dawn: "Yeah, like eggplant is normal. It's what? Half egg, half plant? That's just unnatural."