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Episode 6.16 The Courtship of Wyatt's Father

Okay, first off, I would like to start out this review by beginning it with a little song of mine.

Piper and Leo, sittin in a tree.
First comes love, then comes marriage.
Then comes Wyatt in a baby carriage!

Ah, I never really was a good singer, but, hell, it doesn't matter. So I loved this episode, basically just because Piper and Leo got back together, and that the writers have decided that Drew Fuller is of some use and keep him as Chris. Anyway, I felt that Piper's pregnancy was a little rushed, but I mean, if they had waited one more episode, Holly Marie Combs would have been 8000 months pregnant while Piper was only supposed to be about a day pregnant. And this is still the case.

1. Piper and Leo

So how cute were these two? Adorable! You know, I didn't even care that Alyssa Milano made that obnoxious snicker about Piper not being pregnant. Piper and Leo spent the night together and conceived Chris, is that more to ask for? Holly Marie Combs and Brian Krause did a wonderful job of portraying Piper and Leo who had once been lovers, but were now back together. Sigh! It's too bad we won't be seeing much more of that love anymore. Oh, sorry. That was pessimistic thinking, wasn't it?

2. Phoebe and Paige

These two kind of had a useless subplot in the episode, but I guess the only reason is because the episode was supposed to be focused on Piper and Leo, and not Phoebe who bleeds pink goo and Paige who changes her hair weekly. Although, Paige seemed to save some of her sisters and was taking the lead when Piper was gone. She also was the one who took Phoebe to the hospital, saved Chris from the arrow in the opening scene, so she wasn't completely useless. But Phoebe? Snicker. Don't worry, though, you get your turn to play 'Head Subplot Woman' next episode, Pheebs.

3. Chris

My only thoughts:
Yay! Chris was conceived!

Other Notes and Nitpicks

• In the first tracking shot of the episode, Holly Marie Combs is leaning forward to give an extra a prop and her belly is very apparent. She is holding the bag that was supposed to hide her tummy in front of her rather than to the side.
• Paige's hair suddenly becomes straighter (no sexual preference implied) when she walks from the dining room into the kitchen.
• Chris says that if he is not conceived then he will not be able to come back in time to warn the sisters about Wyatt. However, why would his disappearing affect what he has all ready done?
• Why doesn't Wyatt raise his forcefield when the darklighter attacks?
• Leo tells Piper that she cannot come "Up There" with him to keep he and Wyatt safe because it is against the rules. However, he took her Up There in last weeks episode to pick Wyatt up and he orbed about fifteen kids from the Magic School Up There in "The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell".
• Phoebe compares the ghostly plane to Limbo, which the sisters visited in "Enter the Demon" and was very different from the ghostly plane. I guess limbo is just for those Asian folks who are, again, evil.
• They named the angel of death Clarence? Clarence? Whoever inherited Frank Capra's estate better have received a check for that one. And Robert Zemeckis deserves one too for Marty's, I mean, Chris' vanishing hand.
• I will never understand the laws of noncorporeal-ness on this show. Chris can walk through walls, but he has to run up the stairs?
• I hope Chris never finds out that he was conceived in an alley. And with all those empty buildings couldn't Piper and Leo have popped inside and found a bed or something?
• Why did Piper insist on taking Leo to Gideon to be healed? Paige has healed Leo in the past.
• Drew Fuller wore that green shirt with the flags in "Chris-Crossed" as well.
• Wyatt still had his own nursery, even though Paige recently broke up with Richard and, presumably, moved back into the manor. So where is Paige sleeping?
• Apparently the writers have decided to forget completely about • Piper's conception woes of "Womb Raider". I should care about that, but I like Chris' storyline and Drew Fuller is pretty so I'll ignore it.
• So I'm assuming that Phoebe is the only sister that bleeds pink goo?
Shut up, Alyssa Milano. Yes, we know that when Piper says, "I'm not pregnant," Holly Marie Combs was actually as big as a house at that point, but don't stare at her belly and smirk ironically when she says it.

The Moron for Wyatt's Father
So is Leo kind of being dense by just leaving his family after spending the night with Piper?

Hell, yeah!
Are you kidding me? I've been waiting all this time for Leo to get out of here!
I never really liked Leo anyway.

Current Results
Best line of the episode: I never stopped loving you. -- Leo

• Okay, so it wasn't a funny line or some sort of joke, but it touched my heart that Leo finally had the will and courage to say that. Goooooooo Leo!

Worst dressed of the episode: Leo

• Excuse me? Can I have that old Leo back that doesn't dress up like a freak wearing ridiculous costumes? I mean, I liked that white shirt in the beginning, but that jean jacket over it? Yuck!
• Alyssa Milano ... no comment. (Which means I hated what she was wearing).
• Ah, Paige looked good. The whole, 'I'm going to change my hair every week' attitude is getting old, but I liked that yellow shirt and her blue jeans. Although, the yellow seemed a little off with her brunette hair.
• Chris looked fine, as usual. His hair is growing like hell, though, but you know, that's just an opinion.
• Holly is pregnant, so you know, I'm just going to say she looked fine. That blue jacket on her was beautiful, and so was that shirt she wore under it.