Home At Last

by Arkangel





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





The Barkley family, minus one, sat quietly at the diner table. The quiet that surrounded them was almost deafening. It had been almost six months sense the departure of one of there own and they impatiently waited for there return. They each, in there own way, missed the presence of the missing Barkley. Jarrod found that he had no one to team up with during his daily ritual of sparing with his younger brother. Nick found that he missed the quick comebacks and knowing smile of the brother that, until recently, had been unknown to them. Audra was somewhat somber and lonely, she missed his teasing and oh so subtle way of letting her win at cards or checkers and Victoria missed the child she had come to love as one of her own.


"He'll be here soon." Nick said quietly as he pushed the food around on his plate.


"Sure Brother, won't be long now." Jarrod answered.


"He said he's be home for dinner, I wonder what's taking him so long." Audra sighed.


"Let's do be patient, dear. He may have gotten delayed. He'll be here." Victoria said patting her daughter's hand.


The conversation quieted for a few moments, the only sounds were soft sighs and clinking utensils. Then, at the distant sound of a horse, Nick's head shot up and a wide grin broke out. "He's here." He yelled as he made to rise.


The others soon followed suit and stood at the sound of the lone horse. Making there way toward the window, they stood at watched as Heath made his way to the barn to take care of his horse.


"He looks tired." Jarrod said placing a hand on the window pane.


"Yep, bet he's glad to be home," Nick smiled. 'not near as glad as I am though.' He finished to himself.


They watched as Heath walked from the barn and quickened his pace toward the house. "Let's sit back down, I don't want to overwhelm him." Victoria stated trying and failing to hid the joy she felt at his return.


"What?" Nick asked stopping his trek to the front door.


"Son, he's only been a member of this family for a year, he was gone for half of that. I don't want us to jump on him as soon as he walks into the house. He's still adjusting, let's give him some space."


"You're right, as usual, Mother." Jarrod answered ushering his younger siblings toward the table.


Setting at the table, they each waited for the sound of the front door opening.


"Mother! Jarrod, Nick, Audra?" Came a yell from the foyer.


They all broke out into a wide grin at the bellow. "Well, he's got the entrance down pat." Nick laughed as he pushed his chair back and all but ran to the foyer.


Victoria, Jarrod and Audra followed suit, all thoughts of giving him space forgotten, they advanced with joyous tears and laughter as each hugged and welcomed their missing family member back home.