The Drink

The Misadventures of Nicholas Barkley 5   

by Arkangel





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





"Papa, can I have a drink?" Young Nicholas said eying the glass of scotch whiskey in his papa's hand.


"No son, ask Silas to get you a glass of milk."




"Because this is a big person drink, it's not for little boys." Tom said gently.


"You said I was a big boy."


"Not big enough for this, now run along and Silas will get you some milk."


"But Silas' out gathering eggs. He ain't here."


Heaving a large sigh, Tom rose from the comfortable chair in the parlor, "I'll get you a glass of milk. You stay put."


"Yes, papa." Nicholas said in his sweetest voice. Watching his papa leave, Nicholas looked, once again, to the large glass of amber liquid sitting on the coffee table. "Just one little drink. He won't know."


Nicholas picked up the glass with both hands and sniffed it's contents. Wrinkling his nose, he figured it must taste better than it smells or his papa wouldn't drink it. So he placed his mouth to the edge of the glass and took a rather large gulp. "Ewwwww." Nicholas spat and coughed as the liquid burned it's way down.


Taking a deep breath to try and cool the fire burning his belly, he took one more drink, just to make sure it was as bad as he thought, then he sat the glass back on the table.


Tom returned a minute later with a large glass of milk, "Here you go, son." Raising his eyebrows, he couldn't help noticing the red checks and watery eyes. Looking to his, now half empty glass, he shook his head, "Nicholas, tell me you did not drink any of that."


"Huh?" Little Nicholas asked.


"You did. Son, what did I tell you before I left?"


"I didn't move from this spot." He ventured.


"But you did drink from papa's glass."


"Just a little drink......hic....." Excuse me.


Tom fought a chuckle, "Nicholas, that was papa's drink."


"I.....hic.....wanted to see.......hic......what it.....hic.......tasted like......hic......hic...." Nicholas stated.




" burned......hic.......and my tummy......hic.....feels funny."


Tom frowned, "Funny how?" Tom worried.


"Hic......kinda I'm gonna.......hic....." Nicholas couldn't finish, he took that moment to demonstrate exactly what his tummy wanted to do.


Moving swiftly to avoid his son's expulsion, he found himself in the steely gaze of his beautiful wife. "Uh.....hello dear."


"Thomas Barkley, what is going on here?" Victoria said running to her young son's side. Sniffing she added, "He's been drinking?"


"I told him not to touch it." Tom said in an almost childish whine.


" uhhh, papa just stay put.....hic."


"Let Mother get you a towel and clean you up."


"I'll get it." Tom stated making a speeding exit.


"Nicholas, why on earth would you want to drink from papa's glass? You know you're not suppose to do that."


"Hic.......I was just.....hic......curos."


"Curious, and that's no excuse." Victoria said reaching for the glass of milk, "Here, take a small drink of this, maybe it'll help your hiccups."


"Can I.....hic....have water.....hic.....instead? Milk....hic.....don't good......hic."


"Perhaps that would be best." Seeing Tom enter with a towel, she took it, "Would you please get Nicholas a glass of water."


"Yes, dear." Tom said hurrying in the other direction. Glad to be kept busy to stave off the wrath we was sure would be coming his way.


"Now, let's get you cleaned up." She wiped her son's face and hands and then cleaned the rug and table as best she could, "Sit down here on the couch, papa will be back in a moment with the water."




Tom returned, a worried frown on his handsome face, "Here you go, son. Drink it slow." Taking a sidelong glance at his angry wife, Tom ducked his head and took a small step back.


Nicholas took the glass in both hands and, just as instructed, took small sips, "It......hic.....ain't.....hic....workin'.....hic!!"


"Try again, dear." Victoria said taking the glass and holding it to Nicholas' mouth.


Finally, after several tries, the hiccups were defeated, "Okay, now.....please explain to me how our five year old son was able to get YOUR drink."


"Well......dear......he asked me if he could have a drink.....I told him no, of course. Silas was out gathering eggs so I went to the kitchen to get him some milk instead. Nicholas took that opportunity to take a drink.......or....two." Tom said with a cringe.


"Am I gonna get.....drunked?" Nicholas said scratching his nose.


"And where did you hear that word, Nicholas?" Victoria asked harshly.


"I heard Duke tell papa the hands liked to drink whiskey and get drunked on Friday nights."


"Isn't that what I drinked, papa? Whiskey?"


"Uh...yes it was....but you are never to do that again." Tom admonished firmly.


"Next time maybe you will take your drink with you when you leave the room." Victoria added.


"But...." Tom said pointing an accusing finger at Nicholas.


Victoria raised an eyebrow and smiled.


"Yes dear."


"Nicholas, I think you will be more than likely threw most of it up. Lie down here on the couch and rest....if you start to feel funny again, you let me know. Okay?"


"Yes mama."


Victoria situated Nicholas on the couch and stood to leave.




"Yes dear?"


"I don't ever want to drink that stuff was awful." Nicholas stated making a face.


"I'm sure you'll change your mind when your older, dear, but right now, that is not a drink for little cowboys. Now go to sleep."


"Papa, I'm sorry I gots you in trouble." Nicholas said as his mama left the room.


"It's alright son. Just please......think before you drink." Tom answered.


"Is mama gonna yell at ya?"




"Want me to go talk to her?"


"No, I can handle it. She can't stay mad at me for long." Tom said with a wink.


Nicholas smiled, "Good." Then he snuggled down and went right off to sleep.


Tom turned and started for the direction his wife had taken, "I hope."