
by Arkangel





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





"I didn't know." Tom said sadly as he watched the events unfold.


"I know." Came the short, comforting reply.


Fight after fight, argument after argument, harsh words thrown meant to sting and injure. Tom closed his eyes, the cruelty of the life of his son, his son by another woman, flashed slowly and deliberately before his eyes. "Why?"


"You know."


Tom thought, but only briefly, "I would have wanted him with me. I would have raised him as a father should." Turning and looking into the soft eyes, "I would have loved him."


"Yes, you would have."


"My son." The care and pride of those two words encircled both as they quietly spied the two cowboys, one dark haired, one light.


"He's so much like you."


"He has my eyes." Tom smiled, "My smile."


"Your courage, your heart ..... your sense of right and wrong."


The smile slide quietly from Tom's face, "Right and wrong? I never looked back, I didn't know ..... I should have checked ..... I WAS wrong. He suffered because of me."


"It made him stronger."


"It made him bitter." Tom redirected. "It made him hate me."


"No, no bitterness ..... no hate.


Tom shook his head, "No love."


"Always love, Tom ..... always."


Tom felt compelled to reach out ..... to touch his two sons, "Nick is angry ..... he doesn't understand."


"No, but he will. He's very bright ..... just like his father."


"He's afraid." Tom whispered. "He's afraid to love him as a brother."




Tom raised an eyebrow.


"He handles his emotions differently, this is not hate or loath you're seeing.


"What is it?"


"Confusion ..... conflicting feelings ..... heart over mind ..... call it what you will."


"He believes him?"




"But he still fights." Tom spoke.


"He is not the only one fighting."


Tom watched, he had been watching from the first day of his newest son's arrival to his beloved ranch. What passed as minutes to Tom, were days, weeks, months in the life of his family.


"It's getting better, they're getting along." Tom grinned once the newest fight was resolved.


"They fight less and less ..... a good sign."


"He has my boots. I loved those boots." Tom chuckled.


"So does he, as much as he loves you."




"Yes, he is understanding ..... he loves you because you gave him brothers and a sister ..... you gave him a family, Tom."


"He had to look for them, I didn't give them to him." Tom frowned.


"You did ..... you also gave him a wonderful ..... caring woman that he can call mother ..... she is very special."


"Sometimes I wish I could go back and un-do all the wrongs I've done ..... but that would mean that he wouldn't be here ..... Nick wouldn't have the little brother he wished for to help him with the ranch."


"That's right, everything happens for a reason, Tom. The future could have been quite different if Heath was not part of this world."


Tom nodded but didn't answer.


"Do you understand, now?"


"Yes." Turning to the woman standing at his side he continued, "You raised a wonderful boy, Leah."


"Thank you." She smiled. "You raised a wonderful family for our boy."


Smiling to one another, the two turned and, in the dim light of evening, walked slowly, ever fading into the surrounding, peaceful in the knowledge that all was well and good with those they love.