You Raise Me Up

Chapters 24-30

by Bonnie





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.







Chapter 24


Heath collapsed to his knees on the barn floor and ran his hands through his hair.  He turned around and sat down in Charger’s stall.  The kindly horse looked down at his master as if to ask if he was all right.  Heath reached his hand up and the horse’s snout sniffed him.  Heath moved his hand to pat the side of the horse’s snout.


He looked around and realized Gal’s old stall was across from him.  He saw the hole that was boarded up and remembered his black pony and the way she had died. He crawled across to the opposite stall and sat with his legs stretched in front of him and his head leaning back against the side of the stall. Heath thought back to his pony Gal and how she was a gift from his Mama.


Heath’s reverie was interrupted by the sound of horse hooves and a woman’s soft voice.  His mouth turned up into a lop-sided smile when he recognized the voice that belonged to his beloved little sister.


“Now your home girl,” Audra cooed to her horse as she led her to the horse’s stall.  “Let’s get you rubbed down and cooled off.  It’s hot out there isn’t it girl?”


Heath poked his head around the stall and watched as Audra removed the saddle and blanket from the horse.  Getting a bucket of cool water she picked up the sponge and rubbed down the horse.  After she rubbed down the horse she walked over and lifted the lid to the storage compartment in the barn and took out a couple pieces of sugar.


“There you go a little treat for being so good,” Audra laughed when the horse happily took the treat and then nudged her for more.


“And Nick says I spoil Charger, he should take a look at you.” Heath grinned when Audra jumped with surprise.


“Heath!” Audra scolded, “you scared me to death. What are you doing hiding in here?” Audra walked over and knelt down in front of Heath.  When she looked closer to where he was sitting and the hole that was boarded up she realized it was Gal’s stall. “Oh,” was all she could say.


“Sorry Sis didn’t mean to scare ya,” Heath grinned.


“That’s all right,” Audra smiled, “I never could stay mad at you.” Audra turned around and sat beside Heath in the stall and stretched her legs out in front of her.


“How was your day at the orphanage?”


“Wonderful, I just love those kids. They keep asking about you and Nick, they miss you two.” Audra smiled. “I keep telling them you’ll both stop by when Nick gets better.  Speaking of which wasn’t Dr. Merar suppose to be by today?”


“He was here.” Heath looked down at his hands. “He said Nick’s recoverin’ very well and can get out of his room and do some walkin’ and eat solid foods.  He still can’t work though.”


“Oh I bet he didn’t like that,” Audra giggled imagining the wrath the poor Physician probably received and the scolding Nick would get from their mother in return.


“No he didn’t but Dr. Merar set him straight.”


“Good for him. He always knew how to handle Nick.” Audra paused, “ Well we better get in the house and get ready for dinner.”


“Yeah if we don’t go in soon Mrs. Barkley might send a posse out for us.  She sure does like to have everyone at the dinner table.  She’ll be happy when Nick can finally join us.” Heath laughed as he stood up and reached his hand out to help Audra stand.


“Yeah she’s always wanted us all around the table.  I think it’s the only time she really gets to pry any information out of us,” Audra laughed as she and Heath walked hand in hand towards the house.  As they were walking towards the house Audra stopped.


“What’s wrong Sis?”


She kept her hand in Heath’s as she stared up at him, making contact with his blue eyes. She wanted to make sure he could see into her eyes, the mirrors to her soul.  “Heath, if you want to call her Mother I want you to know that I’m all right with that.  We all would be, and it’s what we all want.”


Heath was stunned by Audra’s words but as he looked into her blue eyes that were much like his, he knew she was telling him the truth.  “Uh, thanks Audra.” Heath smiled as he felt the heat rise on his cheeks.


“I just thought you should know,” Audra kissed his cheek. “Now we better go in and get cleaned up.” Audra paused and then chuckled, “I’ll race you for the tub.”


“Ya sound like Nick,” Heath replied surprised by her playfulness.


“I’ve always wanted to say that and you better not let me win just because I’m a girl,” Audra laughed as she turned and darted for the house.


“I won’t,” Heath replied before he began to race her.


Jarrod was standing at the doorway from the library when he saw his two youngest siblings run into the house, past by him and up the stairs. Their laughter leaving a path behind them.  He wondered who would win. He burst out laughing when he heard Heath’s response to Audra’s words that he couldn’t hear.


“I didn’t let ya win. Ya run pretty good…for a girl.” Heath laughingly teased.



   * * * * * * * *



As the family gathered in the parlor for pre-dinner drinks Heath came down the stairs and Jarrod offered him a drink.  Heath looked around and noticed Nick wasn’t in the room.


“I thought Nick might be joinin’ us?” Heath asked with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.


“I thought I’d have him stay one more night in his room.  Silas is fixing him a special plate and will take it to him.  He’ll be joining us tomorrow night.”  Victoria answered.


“You aren’t giving him chicken broth are you?” Audra asked.


“No, it’s beef broth,” Rosa teased as everyone laughed.


“No it isn’t any kind of broth, he’s actually going to have what we’ll have…roast.” Victoria answered between her chuckles.


“Mrs. Barkley dinner’s ready.” Silas walked into the room.


“Thank you Silas.” Victoria answered as Jarrod escorted her into the dining room.  Everyone sat down and Victoria said grace before everyone began filling their plates with a variety of roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, vegetables and warm bread.


The family shared idle chatter about their day. Everyone was oblivious to the quiet behavior of the blond cowboy who played with his food by pushing it around his plate. 


“Jarrod, I forgot to ask earlier did everything go all right with the arrival of Matt Barrett today?” Victoria’s question caused everyone at the table to stop eating. They all thought about the man who almost stole a member of their family from them.


“Yes, a Marshall brought him in.” Jarrod answered as he shook his head in anger. “He even had the nerve to ask how Nick was doing.”


“Like he cares,” Audra snapped.


“No he didn’t, he just tried to rile me up.”


“I hope you didn’t let him,” Rosa replied.


“Well, I have to confess I did let my temper get the best of me.  But Fred stopped me before I could do anything foolish and let Barrett have his satisfaction.”


“Oh Jarrod,” Victoria sighed.


“I know, I know.” Jarrod replied shaking his head.


“What did he say to upset you?” Audra asked.


“It doesn’t really matter,” Victoria corrected her daughter who looked at her apologetically.


“Well he did say something that I think Heath should know.” Jarrod comment caused Heath to look at him with surprise.


“What did he have to say that I need to hear?” Heath asked.  If his family had noticed they would have realized his voice was a low monotone voice that would have told them he was having a hard time keeping his anger in check.


“He made a comment about Gal,” Jarrod paused as everyone gasped.


“No!  He didn’t!” Audra cried out.


“I’m afraid so,” Jarrod sighed. “I’m sorry Heath, but he admitted that he did kill Gal.”


“Is that all he said?”  Jarrod thought Heath’s voice sounded lethal. “What else?”  When Jarrod didn’t respond Heath became more irate. Jarrod detected a slight rise in volume.  “What else Jarrod? Tell me.”


“To paraphrase he said you should’ve gotten the hint with Gal and could’ve prevented what happened to Nick.”


“Oh my God,” Victoria’s hands went to her mouth.  She turned to look at Heath who bowed his head with the words Jarrod had spoken.  She put her hand on his and felt him tense before he pulled his hand back away from her touch.


“I just thought you should know since it’ll probably come out in the trial.” Jarrod tried to explain his reason for hurting his brother with this revelation. “None of us believe that Heath.”


“Heath, sweetheart, Matt Barrett is the only man responsible for what happened with Nick.”  Victoria assured the young man.


“No,” Heath replied. “He’s right and we all know it.  It wasn’t bad enough that Jarrod and Rosa had to postpone their wedding, that all of ya have endured hardships with me here and that Gal was killed. But worst of all Nick almost died.”


“That’s because of narrow-minded bigots Heath not because of you!” Jarrod snapped. His raised voice was now filled with worry and anger.


“So, what are we to do?” Heath snapped as he forcefully stood up from the table causing his chair to fall on the floor.  “We’re just suppose to sit around and wait to see which one of ya will be next?  Are we just suppose to hope the next person is as lucky as Nick was?”


Everyone was stunned at the words spoken and the hurt was evident in their eyes. Heath inwardly cursed as he regretted letting his temper get the best of him in front of his family. He stormed out of the room without saying another word.  Everyone jumped when they heard the slamming of the front door.


Once she gained her bearings Victoria started to stand when Jarrod stopped her.


“No Mother let me have a talk with him.”  Jarrod spoke as he calmly stood up to seek out his wounded little brother.




Chapter 25


Heath ran his hands through his hair as he briskly walked out into the cool summer air to the barn and headed for the bin that held a bucket of apples for the horses.  He walked to Charger’s stall and held the apple in the palm of his hand. The mount eagerly nibbled on the treat from his master.


Jarrod followed him into the barn.  Heath’s muscles tensed when he heard Jarrod.  The brothers remained silent until Charger was finished eating the apple.


“Heath I want you to come over here and sit down so we can talk.”


Jarrod’s voice took on an entirely different tone.  The words weren’t spoken as a request but more as an order.  Something else that struck Heath was that Jarrod’s tone didn’t deny the anger he felt or the authority he demanded.  Unsure of how to respond to such a tone, Heath acquiesced. 


Heath quietly walked over towards the bale of hay that Jarrod pointed out to him.  He sat down and Jarrod pulled out another bale of hay and sat facing him.  The minutes ticked by.  The scrutinizing gaze of his brother’s blue eyes caused Heath to bow his head and nervously rub his hands up and down his legs.


“Let me ask you something Heath,” Jarrod began.  Heath couldn’t help but wonder what Jarrod was like in a courtroom.  He always figured his brother was a very good lawyer. Heath knew he was about to find out just how good.  “If Nick were to walk away from this family how would you feel?  Or for that matter if it was Audra, me or even Mother?”  Heath looked at Jarrod for the first time since he entered the barn. His eyes registered shock and then confusion at his brother’s question.  “Well?”


“I…I…don’t know.”


“I think you do.” Jarrod paused. “You may be a very good poker player, brother mine, but you are a lousy liar.”


“All right.” Heath threw his hands up in the air in frustration, “Remind me never to cross you in court, Lawyer.” Heath paused and Jarrod bit the inside of his mouth as he tried not to laugh. This new brother of his certainly inherited that Barkley temper.  “I’d probably be upset.”


“Probably?” Jarrod raised his eyebrow at him skeptically.


“Aw Hell,” Heath growled. “Yeah I’d be upset.  Are ya happy now?”


“No I’m not happy Heath. I’m not happy because I’d be just as upset if you left. No don’t!” Jarrod paused and put his right hand up on the side of Heath’s face and refused to let him look away. “You are very important to all of us Heath. If you were to leave us it would break our hearts. Don’t you know that?”


“I’ve broken your hearts by bein’ here.”


“You haven’t broken our hearts. The idiots in this world who can’t accept you break our hearts.  They break our hearts because we know that you are a good honest decent man.  That you are someone anyone would be proud to know.  But they don’t want to get to know you and that’s what breaks our heart. Not you.”


Heath felt his face flush with embarrassment from his brother’s praise. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I feel like I’ve caused ya’ll nothin’ but trouble.”


“Why, because these past few months haven’t been easy?  There are times in a family when it won’t be easy.  You have to take the good with the bad.  But you don’t run away when it gets tough you stay and deal with it.  But most of all you deal with us as a family…together.”


“Things have been nothin’ but bad ‘round here Jarrod,” Heath growled. “That’s the problem.”


“You mean to tell me that since you came in March, for the past,” Jarrod paused as he counted the months, “four months that we haven’t had any good times as a family?  That’s upsetting to hear Heath because I sure thought we have.”


“Did I ever tell you that I’ve always hated lawyers,” Heath growled as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.  Jarrod burst out laughing as he stood up and smacked Heath on the back.


“Come on Brother Heath, let’s go inside and finish dinner.  That roast was pretty good and I’d like seconds.”


Heath stood up and started walking with Jarrod out of the barn.  “I’m sorry I lost my temper and said what I did inside. I didn’t mean to upset everyone.”


“That’s all right, Heath. You’ve got that Barkley temper just like the rest of us do.” Jarrod put his arm around Heath’s shoulder. “Besides, we’ve had years to get use to being part of a family.  There are still times we even need to be reminded.  So none of us expect you to get use to this overnight.”


“I just wonder if I’ll ever get use to havin’ a family. This is all so new.”


“I know Heath, I know.” Jarrod looked at him and offered him a smile. “But we’ll help you. I promise.”


The brothers walked into the dining room joining the ladies again.  Heath bowed his head as he quietly took his seat and finished his meal.  Jarrod looked at Victoria and they shared a smile in silent communication.



   * * * * * * * *



The following afternoon Nick was more than happy to get out of his bedroom. It was four weeks since Matt Barrett shot him.  Four weeks of being laid up in bed and receiving nothing but rest.  For the very active cowboy it was four weeks that felt like an eternity.  The once lean muscular chest had thinned out and there was a faint visible line marking the outline of his rib cage.  He was ready to return to the life he had been accustomed to living, the life of a rancher.  But even he knew if he dared to attempt too much right away that he’d receive the wrath of not only his mother but also the good doctor. 


Nick worked in slow motion as he got up from bed. He leaned heavily on his cane and walked across the room towards his dresser.  He took out a pair of dark pants, a white shirt and his vest.  With his clothes draped over his left arm he slowly turned around and made the walk back to his bed. 


He pulled his pajama bottom down and began to slowly put on his pants and then his shirt.  As he put on his shirt he was careful of the bandage around his mid-section.  Once that was accomplished he sat back down on the bed and slowly pulled on his boots.  He released a heavy sigh as yet another small exercise was completed.  He sat up straight on the bed and wiped his brow of the perspiration before he grabbed his cane.  As he stood on shaky legs he gently tucked in the edges of the shirt into his pants, before buttoning them and buckling his belt.  The result of his weight loss since the shooting and the slow recovery afterwards caused him to move from his regular hole to four notches further down the leather strap.


He had accomplished the task of getting dressed yet his body screamed in protest as if he did a day’s work on the ranch.  A gesture that he performed without thought most every day of his life now stole every ounce of his energy.  He cursed his body for not being as well as his mind had wanted him to be.  The tall hazel-eyed rancher chuckled as he gave thanks to small favors that the longtime family physician hadn’t been present to witness this little exercise.


Now fully dressed he leaned on his cane and as he started to walk out of his room he stopped at the water pitcher and basin.  He poured some water into the basin.  He placed his hands into the filled basin and wetted his face with the cool water.  The cool water brought relief to the heated face causing the rancher to sigh in relief.


Satisfied that he was now ready to leave his room he hobbled out into the hallway and was given his first taste of freedom in three weeks.



   * * * * * * * *



Rosa raced her horse Mischief across the fields of the Barkley Ranch.  The horse was given to her as an engagement present from her future brother-in-law Nick.  It was part of a herd Nick and the men had brought down from the mountains for an Army contract.  Rosa was touched by the gift and knew it was Nick’s way of welcoming her into the family.


Rosa had always loved the magnificent animals.  As a child growing up in Ireland she and her older sister Constance would race through the grassy plains.  When George and Abigail Simon came to America to make a new home they had made sure to have enough land so their daughters could ride.  Abigail, Rosa’s mother, died of Influenza when she was eighteen years old, she had lost a part of herself when her mother died.  Although Constance, who was three years older, tried to offer her guidance it wasn’t the same.  When she desperately needed her mother’s presence she would go riding and become lost in her thoughts.  Right now she needed her mother.


When George Simon joined the fight for the Civil War he quickly made the ranks to Major. Constance had married and quickly started a family becoming a mother to a son George and a daughter Shannon.  Rosa, meanwhile, had other ideas.  With her father off fighting a war and her sister starting a family, Rosa started her own life in the way she chose.  She began to work at a Union hospital tent in the midst of the heaviest fighting in the war.  She helped care for the injured soldiers.


Rosa found a career she loved and wanted to continue after the war was over.  When her father found out what she had chosen to do with her life he was furious.  It wasn’t that her father didn’t feel pride with her newfound career, he only believed his daughter should be searching for a husband not a career. The Major and his daughter had many quarrels about her single status. While he would continually try to set her up with marriage prospects, she rebuked each of his choices. 


It was through her association with the Irish Catholic Church in San Francisco that she became the person who helped bring the “Angels of Mercy Clinic” from a dream into reality.  The clinic brought medical attention to the less fortunate in the big city.  While the main hospital turned away anyone who couldn’t pay, the clinic made it there purpose to never turn anyone away.  Rosa worked many hours to make the clinic a success.  She lobbied with high society for charities, she used her own inheritance to help pay for the medical equipment required, and she interviewed the staff that would keep the clinic running.  She had an office at the clinic where she was in charge of the financial matters of the clinic and also helped care for the patients along with the nursing staff.  Rosa Simon and Father Michaels saw the clinic go from an unimaginable dream to an amazing reality.


The Major, however, didn’t let his daughter’s dreams stop his own from becoming a reality.  He met Jarrod Barkley during the war and they worked very closely together on many Government cases.  After the war the Major hired Jarrod as his lawyer.  When he agreed to join the political race to become Senator of California he personally asked for Jarrod to join his campaign.  The Major enjoyed Jarrod and could very easily see him as his future son-in-law.  Rosa had other ideas.  Like the many other prospects her father would bring home Rosa spurned Jarrod.  Jarrod, who quickly realized he was the pawn in the Major’s game to play matchmaker, found Rosa to be a fun game.  While Rosa refused him, Jarrod found it fun to try and win her over.


It took three years from the time they met for the extremely stubborn couple to become engaged.  An event that was originally a nightmare became the moment they were thankful for bringing them together.  A year after their meeting a case Jarrod was working on had him being brutally beaten and left for dead in a dark alley.  Found unconscious and near death after the beating he was taken to the clinic for care.  The events that followed brought down the walls and two people fell in love.


Jarrod was partially paralyzed and suffered minor brain damage.  Unable to defend his client, Jedidiah Owens, it was certain he’d be sent to the gallows to hang.  But with the help of his family, most specifically his stubborn younger brother who teamed up with Rosa, Jarrod worked to free Jedidiah of a wrongful death.  Jarrod, Nick and Rosa played detective and while Jarrod could only work from the confines of his room at the clinic, Nick and Rosa did the necessary legwork.  The hard work from the three determined individuals paid off and Jedidiah was found innocent and the guilty brought to justice.


It took a year for Jarrod to completely recover, a year without being in the courtroom to defend his clients.  The first Christmas a year after the attack Victoria secretly invited Rosa and her father to the ranch.  It was then that Jarrod and Rosa shared their first kiss under the stars in the garden on Christmas Eve.  After another year that was filled with courtship Jarrod felt he had his life back completely so he proposed to Rosa on New Year’s Eve last year.


The wedding that was planned for the week of July Fourth was postponed when the Barkley family had their life turned upside down with the arrival of ranch hand Heath Thomson.  Neither Jarrod nor Rosa regretted their decision to postpone the wedding, but that one time together in April had changed everything.  Rosa had miscalculated her cycle and with the couple’s desire to be together after two months living together at the mansion, they had made an irresponsible decision with devastating consequences.


She rode to the very spot where she and Jarrod had conceived their child. She fell to the ground and succumbed to the sobs that tore through her.  Once she got herself under control she took the paper folded four times out of her pocket.  She had received the letter a week earlier and she sobbed for hours after reading it.  She would go back to the letter many times in the following weeks hoping she had read it wrong. The words remained the same each time.  She told no one of the letter or its contents, as it would only add to the shame she carried.  As the summer breeze brushed across her tear-stained face she read it again.


Dear Miss. Simon,


I hope you are doing well after your recent illness.  It is with deep regret that I must inform you that due to the circumstances surrounding your illness that it is in the best interest of this clinic that you not return to your duties.


This clinic would not have been a reality if it hadn’t been for your devotion and hard work you have given us in the past five years.  It is for this very reason I believe you will understand why your association with our clinic, after these recent events, could damage our reputation if it were to become public knowledge. 


The fact your father is the Senator of California and you are engaged to a high profile figure in our community, I believe we both know this will not remain under wraps for very long.


Please understand this was a very difficult decision but in the end I believe we all will agree it is for the best.  I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming marriage to Mr. Barkley.



Peter Wilson, President

Angels of Mercy Clinic




Chapter 26


After her ride Rosa dismounted from Mischief in front of the house and Ciego came over to take the horse.  “How was your ride Senorita?”


“It was lovely Ciego, thanks.”  Rosa smiled as she handed Ciego the reins before walking into the house.  Rosa was wearing light brown form fitting riding pants, black boots that went to her knees, black gloves and a white shirt.  Her rusty colored hair was in a braid and ended half way down her back.  She pulled off her gloves once entering the house. As she started to walk up the stairs Jarrod came out of the study.


“I was wondering where you had disappeared.  How was your ride?”


“Lovely Jarrod,” Rosa smiled as she stopped and turned around.  Jarrod knew she had been crying from the puffy eyes and the red cheeks.


“You should have told me you were going riding, I would have joined you.”


“You seemed busy with your paperwork, I didn’t want to bother you.”


“Are you all right?”


“I will be when everyone stops asking me if I am.”  Jarrod caught the hint of anger in Rosa’s voice. He walked up the three steps until he was on the one below her.  He reached out and caressed her arm and could feel her muscles grow tense from his touch.


“We need to talk about this Rosa.”


“And how are we to do that with your family always around to interrupt?”


“Maybe it was a mistake to have brought you here…” Once he spoke the words Jarrod wished he could’ve taken them back.


“Maybe it was.”


“That’s not what I mean-!“


“I know what you meant.”  Rosa turned her back on Jarrod and tried to walk away when he grabbed her arm.




“Let go of me.”


“Damn it Rosa, I feel like I’m losing you.  I brought you here because I thought it would help you, help us get through this.”


“Help? I don’t know if there is any help that can be done.”


“You don’t need to blame yourself, it wasn’t your fault!”


“Just stop it!”


“What’s going on?” Nick answered as he stood at the top of the stairs.  “What isn’t Rosa’s fault?” 


Rosa threw a frustrated glare at Jarrod and released a heavy sigh.  Using her left hand she brushed a strand of hair out of her face and tried to regulate her breathing.  Jarrod looked up at Nick as he started hobbling down the staircase and issued his brother a warning glare to not interfere.


“Excuse me, I have to change so I can help Victoria with dinner.” Rosa turned around and walked up the stairs.  Jarrod sighed as he turned to walk into the library.  Nick had watched the scene before him but couldn’t believe what he had seen.  The tension between his brother and Rosa was impalpable.  Nick hobbled into the library and saw Jarrod down a glass of scotch.


“What just happened with Rosa?” Nick asked. “What isn’t her fault? Does this have anything to do with why she’s here?  And why you two are barely speaking?”


“Stay out of this Nick.”




“I said stay out of it!” Jarrod slammed his glass down and glared at Nick. “It’s personal, do you understand that? It’s personal.”


“Fine,” Nick sighed. “But we could always talk to each other Jarrod.  I thought you knew that.”  Nick turned around and began walking out the door.  He stopped but didn’t turn around. “I hope whatever is happening between you two that you can work it out.  She’s real special Pappy, whatever is wrong don’t let it destroy what you both have.”


Once Nick had left the room Jarrod walked towards the desk and flopped into the leather chair.   He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. 


“I don’t want to lose her either Nick but I fear that’s exactly what’s happening.”



   * * * * * * * *



Nick walked outside the house and breathed a sigh of relief.  He breathed in the summer air and smiled as the air brushed across his face and through his raven hair.  He slowly hobbled across the yard and towards the buildings near the barn.  Although it was slow and tedious he found himself enjoying the walk. He noticed more than what he had previously with his rush to get from one place to the other.  Once he reached the bunkhouse he opened the door. He hobbled inside the room and observed the scene before him.  The men were gathered around finishing lunch and too busy with their conversation to realize he had entered the room. 


“Well now what’s this?!  Don’t I even get a welcome home?!”  Nick’s booming voice echoed through the bunkhouse. The men saw him standing at the doorway leaning on his cane and wearing a big smile on his face.  The men jumped up and walked towards him as he began hobbling further into the room.  They circled Nick in the middle of the room and all spoke at once.


“Good to see you Boss!”


“Welcome back Boss!”


“You look great Boss!”


“Thank you!” Nick smiled as he received handshakes and slaps on the back by each of the men.


“Does this mean you’re comin’ back to work?”


“No not yet.” Nick groaned. “Doctors orders, but it won’t be too long.”


“Uh Nick,” Chet cleared his throat as the group of men silenced down. “We’ve all been talkin’ and we just wanted to apologize for what Barrett did.  We could’ve stopped him and we didn’t.”


Nick looked around at the men as they bowed their heads in shame and nodded their approval to Chet’s words. He realized Chet was the spokesperson for the group. Nick cleared his throat as he spoke to the group looking each man straight in the eye.


“You’re right Chet, you all could’ve stopped him.  Instead all of you let one man make your decisions for you.  I can’t lie and say I haven’t been disappointed in each of you.  Instead of deciding and making your own decisions about whether to accept Heath you let Barrett do the deciding for you.” Nick paused, “but despite the fact of what happened the only person responsible for me being shot is Matt Barrett and nobody else.” The men looked up at him and smiled, knowing he didn’t hold them responsible for the shooting.  Nick continued.


“Heath is a good man and I hope all of you will finally give him a chance cause I think, no I know you’ll like what you see.  Now that’s all I’ve got to say on this subject so from this moment on I have no intention of bringing it up again.” Nick paused and then grinned, “now got any coffee left?” Nick started to hobble over towards the wood stove where the coffeepot was sitting when Chet’s words stopped his progress.


“We already know what Heath’s made of Boss.” Chet paused as Nick’s throat constricted of what he feared would be his next words.  “He’s made of the same stuff as you and the rest of yer family.  We can’t wait for the day we’ll have both of ya back working side by side cause that’s where ya both belong.”


Nick could hear the men agreeing with what Chet had said.  His back was towards the men so they didn’t see the huge smile that graced his face. Nick cleared his throat and poured him a cup of coffee and took a big gulp.  As the thick liquid went down his throat he started to choke. He coughed and cleared his throat as he turned around.


“Tully! I see you still haven’t learned the art of making coffee!”  Nick’s booming voice rang through the bunkhouse soon followed by roars of laughter at the expense of their cook.


Tully, the white haired man in his late sixties walked over to Nick waving his fist in the air.  The short man of five foot four stood toe to toe with the tall rancher of six foot two and never flinched.  “Be careful Nicholas or I might ruin yer reputation with these men an let ‘em know yer nothin’ but a big ole softy,” Tully whispered.


“He’s got you there Nick,” McCall chuckled at the threat.


“The only reason I keep both of you on is cause of your blackmail,” Nick replied good-naturedly.


Heath stood in the doorway that joined the bunkhouse to the barn.  He heard his brother’s booming voice and the men’s laughter ringing through the barn.  He had walked over to investigate what was going on.  He couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy for his brother and the ease between him and the men.  He knew the reasons behind it and knew he’d never experience such ease.  These men had worked under Nick for almost four years.  Heath knew these men would never see him as their boss.  He also knew they’d never joke and laugh with him the way they do with Nick. 


The men noticed Heath standing at the doorway and the icy stare from his blue eyes caused them to turn around and look away.  The entire bunkhouse became quiet and Nick looked over and saw his brother. Nick was confused about the chill that had entered the air after hearing what Chet had said about his brother and how the other men agreed with him.


“We’ll be headin’ out in fifteen minutes, make sure you’re ready.” Heath ordered as he walked over towards Nick.  Nick smiled and handed him a cup.


“You want some of Tully’s coffee brother?”


“No,” the one word was spoken with a hint of anger. “Duke I need to speak with ya in your office before we head out.”


“Sure thing Heath,” Duke replied as Heath turned around and walked out. 


“What the hell was that?” Nick looked to Duke after Heath had left.


“Nothin’ we don’t deserve,” one of the men mumbled before he was nudged to be quiet.  Nick looked around and saw the looks on the men’s faces and their attempts to turn away and avoid the discussion.  Nick turned to Duke for answers.


“Stop by in a few minutes Nick, we’ll talk.”  Duke whispered.  Nick nodded his head and Duke walked out of the room.  Nick looked over at Tully who shrugged.


“That boy don’t like my coffee no more an you do, Nick.”


“Don’t know why not.  Your coffee and his beans make a deadly combination, Tully,” Nick chuckled.  A few minutes later Nick hobbled out of the bunkhouse and walked into the barn.  Nick could see Duke and Heath having a heated discussion. Heath stormed out of the office and went outside without noticing his brother’s presence.  Nick turned to the left and headed towards Duke’s office.


“Duke?” Nick walked into the office and shut the door behind him. Duke had his back to him looking out one of the windows. “Tell me what’s wrong with my brother.”


“He’s distancing himself from everyone on this ranch, Nick.”


“Why?” Nick sat down in the chair in front of Duke’s desk. The short walk from the bunkhouse had begun to wear down his strength.  He hoped to cover himself by sitting for a spell. “What the hell’s going on here Duke?”


“Ever since the shooting, Nick, that boy’s been different.  He’s so angry all the time.  Maybe I should’ve let him go with you that night. Maybe…” Duke paused and sat down in the chair opposite Nick. “He wanted to go with you to the Doctor’s. But I made him stay back cause of the drive.  He stayed cause I told him that’s what you’d want him to do.  But he’s changed, Nick.”


“In the months Heath’s been here I don’t think that boy’s voice has gone above a whisper,” Nick chuckled. “Even when we had our fights…err disagreements in the beginning about the running of the ranch he still wouldn’t get angry.  I just can’t imagine…” Nick paused and ran his hand over his face.  “Go on Duke,” Nick encouraged.


“While we were riding the rest of the way to drop off the cattle he would get infuriated with every little thing the men did wrong.  He distanced himself from them.  We all just figured he was worried about you. Hell we all were worried about you.” Duke paused, “after we got into town and he got the wire that you’d be all right well I thought things would get back to normal.  But they didn’t.


“He was the same all the way home.  I’m not saying I condone the way those men had treated him in the early months.  I also know they aren’t without blame.  But they had a lot of time to think about this on the way home. They realized they were blind to what was going on around here and how good you two work together.  They started realizing just what they missed.  They started to try and make things right with him.  They wanted to start anew and bury the hatchet. To apologize for how they acted.”


Duke stood up again and walked to the window. “I don’t know if he just doesn’t see it or just doesn’t give a damn. But he’s ignored every effort those men have tried to give him.”


“Have you talked to Jarrod about any of this?”


“No Nick I didn’t.” Duke turned around and faced Nick. He wasn’t disappointed at the blow-up he knew would come.



“Part of it was cause those men didn’t want me to.  They feel they deserve what he’s doing to them, Nick.  That and they didn’t want to add more pressures on your family.  Your family has been so focused on getting you well and… They didn’t want to add anything else on top of all that your family was coping with.”


Nick ran his hands through his hair in total frustration. “When you say he’s distancing himself from everyone, how exactly is he doing this?”


“It’s hard to explain Nick, it’s just like he’s breaking all ties on this ranch. I don’t know how he is with your family but with us he’s not the same. He doesn’t even visit with Hattie anymore and she misses him terribly. He does his work and your work and plus the work of two other people. Plus he goes into town to work on that house in the spare time he doesn’t have.  But it’s like that’s all he does. He works from sunup to sundown almost like he’s working himself into exhaustion. He doesn’t even smile anymore…to anyone.”


“He’s going to leave when I get back on my feet.” Nick surmised.


“What?” Duke gasped  “You think so?”


“Well what conclusion do you come up with?” Nick threw his hands up in the air. “I had been thinking he was going to leave before the drive but Jarrod talked to me and made me think I was just over-reacting.  Jarrod thought I was just being a little over protective of the boy.  But now…he wouldn’t have left before the drive cause he wouldn’t want to leave me with it by myself, and he wouldn’t leave while I was laid up cause he wouldn’t want to leave you doing this alone.” Nick sighed, “so the only logical option is when I get back into working again he’s going to leave.  That’s why he’s distancing himself, that boy’s preparing himself.”


“Damn it,” Duke growled.  “What are you going to do?”


“I don’t know,” Nick sighed and then he grinned. “Maybe if I never get better he won’t leave.” Nick chuckled at Duke’s wide-eyed expression. “I was impatient about getting better but maybe if I don’t he can’t leave us.”


“I wouldn’t count on it Nick,” Duke chuckled. “You’d drive him away with your stubborn tenacity about wanting to work again.”


“Yeah you’re probably right, but it was worth a shot.” Nick teased.  Nick tried to stand up from the chair.   “You better get going Duke, it’s about time for you to head on out.”  Duke held onto Nick’s arm and helped him stand as he leaned on his cane. The two men began walking out of the office and into the barn. Nick stopped and pointed his finger at Duke.


“Hey Duke I just thought of something!”


“What’s that Nick?”


“Heath’s working on that house in town for his Aunt Rachel and Hannah. He’s going to be leaving for Strawberry to bring them here when I get better.  I’ve been uneasy about him going home alone cause of his Uncle anyway.  So what if I go with him?  It’ll get us away from the ranch and all that’s going on.”


“Kind of like a vacation.” Duke smiled.


“Yeah, what do you think?”


“I like it Nick,” Duke patted him on the back.  “And you don’t have to worry about the ranch.  I’ll take care of everything and even talk to the men about it, they’ll do their share.”

“Thanks Duke, but don’t tell the men just yet. Getting Heath to agree to let me come isn’t going to be easy.  I have to wait for the right time to ask him.”  Nick chuckled.


“Well then good luck Nick,” Duke laughed. “Cause you’ll probably gonna need all the luck you can get.”




Chapter 27


Nick and Duke came out of the barn to find Heath yelling at one of the ranch hands.  Both men stopped at the edge of the barn and listened to the scolding.


“What are ya doin’ workin’ an injured horse?  Ya should’ve put something on that leg.  Ya could make him go lame.”


“I didn’t realize it was that bad Boss,” Harvey replied.


“Well ya should’ve known, he’s your horse,” Heath growled.


“What’s going on here Heath?” Nick asked as he hobbled toward his brother.


“Look at that leg. He was workin’ a horse with a lame leg.” Heath growled.  Nick stole a quick glance at Duke, he had never seen Heath lose his temper like that with one of the men.  He now witnessed what Duke had told him earlier.


“Well Heath, Harvey here has been with us for a long time, he’s not one to be careless with his horse. I’m sure it was just a simple oversight. Right Harvey?”


“Yeah, Nick, it sure was.” Harvey replied nervously as he watched Nick and Heath who now found themselves in opposite roles.


“Are you underminin’ me?” Heath growled as he nailed Nick with his icy stare.


“Undermining you? Boy!” Nick yelled.  He felt Duke’s hand on his back and took the hint.  He ran his hand over his face releasing a heavy sigh trying to calm his nerves.


“I thought we were partners who made equal decisions about this ranch?” Heath continued to challenge.


“Well if there was ever a doubt you were a Barkley that temper of yours sure does clear up any confusion anyone might’ve had.” Nick said, attempting to diffuse the situation.


Heath looked at Nick with complete annoyance.  The big grin on his brother’s face only intensified the blond’s anger.  Heath walked toward the corral his fingers tightly gripping the fence posts. Nick hobbled over to stand beside his brother and without saying a word, placed his hand on Heath’s shoulder.


The action was subtle, a simple touch that showed Nick had the same power to diffuse the anger out of his brother as Heath had over him.  In that moment, anger and frustration released itself from the blond and calmness took its place.  The men standing around watched the scene between the brothers.  This time they didn’t miss the subtleties. 


Realizing the brothers needed some privacy Duke looked at the group of ranch hands. “Get in the wagon boys. Harvey, ride in the wagon for now. We’ll get you a new horse later.”  The hands did as ordered and quickly loaded up in the wagon or on their horses for the ride out on the range.  Ciego took the injured horse into his care.


Nick and Heath remained leaning against the corral fence.  Nick stared him down with hazel eyes.  “Look Heath, there’s been times when I’ve blown up at the men and you’ve come to their defense letting me know I’ve gone too far.  Me telling you to take it easy on Harvey was not undermining your partnership in running this ranch.  That’s what partners…and brothers do Heath.  They trust each other enough to keep each other in line and let the other know when they’ve stepped over it.”


Heath nodded his head as he turned away from the corral. “It’s gettin’ late I better get goin’.”


“Will you be home in time for dinner?”


“You sound just like Mother.”  Heath automatically replied in relation to Victoria Barkley’s need to have all of her children around the dinner table. As realization dawned on what he had said, Heath turned away from his brother. Taking his hat off his head he ran his arm across his brow and released a heavy sigh.  If he had turned he would have seen the big smile that graced Nick’s face, the smile that showed approval to the affectionate word given to his mother…to their ‘mother’.


“I gotta go.” Heath said quietly. He replaced his hat on his head and walked over to Charger and vaulted into the saddle.


“You didn’t answer my question boy!”  Nick grinned with persistence.


Heath simply nodded his head and grinned.  “I’ll be home for dinner.”


Nick smiled as he stood leaning his weight on his cane and watched Heath pull on the reins to turn Charger around.  Heath followed the wagon loaded with the men.  Nick never moved from his spot as he watched his brother and the men disappear out of sight.


“Mother.” Nick paused and smiled as his thoughts went back to the word spoken by his brother. Nick began walking back to the house and chuckled. “Won’t be much longer now till we won’t have to hear Mrs. Barkley or Ma’am.”


Nick hobbled into the house and into the library where he found Jarrod sitting at the desk deep in thought.  “You want to be alone?” Nick’s question brought Jarrod out of his reverie.


“Come on in Nick,” Jarrod smiled as he waved his brother into the room. “I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier.”


“Forget it,” Nick replied as he hobbled to the sofa. Nick twirled his cane in his hands. Jarrod sat beside him and his brow furrowed with concern.


“You’re over-doing it on your first day.”


“No I’m not!” Nick protested, “I just walked out to the bunkhouse to say hello to the men. Duke and I had an interesting talk.  Then Heath and I had an interesting talk,” Nick defended himself and then smiled at Jarrod. “Now here I am!”


“All right, but you look tired.”


“I’m fine Pappy!” Nick waved off the concern. “It’s Heath that’s not fine and he’s the reason I wanted to talk to you.”


“What’s wrong with Heath?”


“Have you talked to him much since he came home?”


“He’s been busy working Nick and he hasn’t spent much time with the family.  He gets in late and gets up early.  He spends most his time out on the range and fixing up the house in town.”


“There’s something you’re not telling me.” Nick reasons.


“All right,” Jarrod sighed in resignation as he leaned back on the sofa beside Nick. “He was at dinner last night, a rare occasion for him lately.  I filled the family in on my trip into town with Barrett’s arrival.” Jarrod paused, “He lost his temper and stormed out of the house.”


“What happened with Barrett to set him off?” Nick asked and when Jarrod became hesitant he grew more agitated. “Don’t keep secrets from me Jarrod! I’ve been out of the loop for too damn long! I don’t like being kept out!”


“I’ll tell you but you need to calm down and I don’t want you to get upset over this.”  Jarrod paused, “I mean it Nick.”


“Fine,” Nick sighed. “Just tell me what the hell’s going on around this place.”


“Barrett tried to push my buttons, that’s all it was. But since it’ll probably come out in the trial I wanted everyone to be warned.”


“Well?” Nick stated impatiently.


“I’m getting there, Nick,” Jarrod growled. “Barrett basically blamed Heath for you getting shot.”


“WHAT?” Nick tried to stand and Jarrod pulled him back down on the sofa.


“You’ve been up and about long enough today.  If you don’t calm down then this discussion is over, Nick!”


“Yeah, all right.” Nick growled.  “What else happened?” Jarrod eyed Nick reluctantly and sighed, “I won’t get upset just tell me. Or I won’t tell you about my discussion with Duke.”


“Blackmail Nick? That’s childish.” Jarrod rolled his eyes.


“If it works,” Nick grinned.


“Heath thinks we’ve suffered enough with him being here and he’s wondering if we should just sit around and see if the next person who gets hurt will be as lucky as you were.”


“Blast it!” Nick growled as his fist hit the sofa’s armrest.


“I had a long talk with him in the barn. Told him families stick together and that we’ll get through this.”  Jarrod paused, “What happened with you and Duke?”


“Duke said that Heath wanted to come with me when I was shot and he talked him out of it.  Said that he stayed behind and handled the job with no problem.  But his attitude with everyone changed.  Says he was angry all the time. He had a short temper and blew up at the men for the smallest thing.  He was distant with them.  Duke said the men had a lot of time to think about all that happened and they’ve come to realize that Heath was good to have at the ranch.” Nick paused.


“Duke said the men have been trying to make it right with Heath but he’s not giving them a chance. When I was out at the bunkhouse with the men Chet spoke for the group and they apologized for not stopping Barrett before it got too far.  They said they think Heath’s a good man and they can’t wait for us to be a team again.”


“I had no idea.  Why didn’t Duke say anything?”


“The men told him not to because the family’s had a time of it with me being off my feet.  They didn’t want all of you to have more to deal with.  Plus Duke said the men felt they deserved the way Heath’s been treating them.  He even blew up at one of the men outside for the way he treated his horse.  It’s just not like him.”


“Nick, remember before the drive when you thought Heath would leave?”

”Yeah, it’s been on my mind since Duke and I talked. I think once I get up on my feet he’ll leave.”


“I think you’re right,” Jarrod sighed with resignation.


“I came up with a plan,” Nick grinned at Jarrod. “After the house is finished Heath will be going to Strawberry to bring back his Aunt Rachel and Hannah.  So I’m going to go with him.”


“You’re going with him?” Jarrod gasped, “Nick do you think that’s wise?”


“What’s wrong with it?”


“First is Heath even going to let you go?”


“I’ll convince him.” Nick replied with his usual confidence but Jarrod wasn’t convinced. “Heath’s Uncle lives in Strawberry and after all that he told us about him, I don’t trust the man.  I also think the time away will be good for the boy.  Since I was the one shot maybe I can get him to open up and make sure he knows it wasn’t his fault.”


“I understand your reasons Nick, but Heath won’t want you to go.  Just don’t force him.  That could just make this worse.”


“I won’t force him…I’ll just strongly encourage him.”  Nick grinned at his brother, who groaned and massaged his temples.


“Warn me when you’re having this discussion Nick so I can stay far away.” Jarrod moaned.


“Oh there’s something else,” Nick grinned. Jarrod raised his eyebrow waiting. Nick beamed, “Heath called her Mother.”




“It slipped out like it was the most natural thing to have happen.”


“That’s wonderful Nick!” Jarrod smiled as he clapped Nick on the back.


“Yeah well he got embarrassed that he said it and changed the subject. But it won’t be long now.” 


“Oh that will make Mother so happy.” Jarrod replied as Nick shook his head in agreement. “Now, you’ve been up too long I want you to go upstairs and get some rest.”


“You’re changing the subject on me again,” Nick growled.


“Yes I am and you are going upstairs. If you don’t and Mother sees the way you look on your first day up she’ll insist you go back in bed.  Which means you can forget about going with Heath to Strawberry.”


Nick growled as he began to stand up. “I’ll go upstairs and rest before dinner. But I’m eating down here with the family and you can’t change my mind.”

“I can handle that,” Jarrod agreed.  “Do you need help up the stairs?”


“No I don’t need help up the stairs. I’ve had enough coddling in the past month to last me a lifetime.” Nick grumbled as he hobbled out of the library.


Jarrod remained seated at the sofa and smiled at his grumbling brother’s retreating form.  He sighed and closed his eyes, “I’m just glad we have a lifetime together, Brother Nick.”




Chapter 28


The family gathered in the dining room for dinner.  Nick slowly hobbled into the room and received applause from his family. “Thank you.”


“Oh Nick, it’s so wonderful to have you joining us.” Audra smiled at her brother, who took the seat next to Heath and was sitting across from Rosa.


“I agree,” Victoria chimed in. “It’s nice to finally get the entire family together around the table.  Can you believe it’s the first time since you boys left on the cattle drive?”


“It won’t be long now before I can finally get some work done around here.” Nick said, making a point of his rapid healing.


Heath grinned as everyone looked at each other. “Well its about time after all this is…”


“A working ranch!” Everyone announced causing the hazel-eyed rancher to wince.


“It’s good to have you up and around but don’t push it Nicholas, you heard what Howard said. You need to give yourself time.”


“Yes I know,” Nick sighed. “I just want everything back to normal. This laying around is making me crazy.”


Victoria sighed and shook her head. “Well Nick since you have finally been able to join us for dinner and you want everything back to normal, how about saying grace?”


Everyone chuckled and Nick frowned before they all bowed their heads.  After grace was given food was passed around the table. Everyone enjoyed the food that had been prepared and had light conversation as they talked about their day.


“How’s the house coming along Heath?” Nick asked between bites of his food.


“Oh Nick you should see the place,” Audra beamed not giving her brother a chance to answer. “It looks like a completely different place. We repaired the outside of the house and had it painted.  We put in the carpeting and wallpaper. Heath worked on the pipes in the kitchen and the water closet.  Rosa and Mother made lace curtains and put them up. Oh and you should’ve seen Jarrod trying to sand and stain the steps.” Audra giggled remembering her clean and tailored brother covered in dust and fighting with the stain mixing.  Jarrod frowned at Audra remembering all too well the experience.


“Sounds real nice Sis,” Nick grinned. “So Heath is the place almost ready for your Aunt Rachel and Hannah?”


“All we have to do is wait for the furniture that Mother has ordered. It should be here in a few weeks, right Mother?” Audra happily asked.


“Yes dear,” Victoria replied. She placed her napkin in front of her face trying to hold in her laughter. “But there is other work that needs done, not much mind you.”


“Oh like what?” Nick curiously asked.  Everyone looked between Audra and Heath to see who would answer the question. Nick chuckled when both remained silent.  “Well? What is yet to be done?” 


“I figured Audra was answerin’ all your questions.”  Heath replied looking towards his little sister.  Laughter erupted around the table.  Audra flushed from the teasing and looked apologetically at Heath.


“I’m sorry Heath.  I just can’t wait for Rachel and Hannah to see the place. I can’t wait to meet them.”


“That’s all right Sis,” Heath winked, then looked at Nick.


“You mean you can’t wait to ask them about Heath?” Rosa whispered in Audra’s ear causing the young girl’s face to flush a bright red and almost choke on the food she had just placed in her mouth.  Rosa innocently smiled as she patted her future sister-in-law on the back. 


“You all right Audra?” Victoria asked concerned. 


“Fine Mother.” Audra glared at Rosa. “Thank you Rosa”


“Anytime Audra,” Rosa grinned.


“The picket fence needs paintin’ and bushes around the house needs trimmin’,” Heath answered Nick.


“So it won’t be long now until you leave for Strawberry then, huh?” Nick asked Heath. Jarrod had just put his glass of wine to his mouth and took a swallow when the unexpected question caused him to start choking.


“Good heavens what is it with the choking tonight?” Victoria asked. “Are you all right Jarrod?”


“Fine Mother.” Jarrod replied as he glared at Nick, who ignored the daggers being thrown his way.


“Well I was gonna wait till you were back on your feet.” Heath replied.


“Well I’m back on my feet now!” Nick replied.


“I mean back to workin’ Nick.  I can’t leave while the ranch isn’t being tended.”


“Duke is more than capable of taking care of the ranch duties, Heath.” Victoria encouraged. “Nick probably won’t be ready for work until around middle of July if we’re lucky.  No reason to wait that long.”


“Are ya sure?” Heath looked at her uncertain of what to do.


“Of course sweetheart.”


“See!” Nick smacked his brother on the back shocking Heath with his exuberant behavior. “If Mother says it’s all right then it’s all right!”  Jarrod groaned as he massaged his temples.  A confused Victoria looked between Jarrod and Nick.


“Ah well all right then,” Heath replied looking warily at his brother. Heath then turned his attention back on Victoria.  “Then how ‘bout the end of next week?  It’ll gimme a chance to get supplies and make sure everything’s set with Duke. Plus I can paint the fence and trim the bushes.”


“Oh Heath you’re miss the July Fourth celebration in Stockton,” Audra frowned.


“There’s always next year Audra,” Victoria assured her daughter as she patted her hand.  Turning her attention back to Heath she smiled at him. “Next week sounds perfect.”


“Then it’s all settled, next week it is.” Nick smiled as he returned to eating his dinner.  However his thoughts weren’t on the food but on how he would approach the subject of joining his brother on his trip to Strawberry.  He only had a week to come up with a plan.



   * * * * * * * *



As the family gathered in the library after dinner Heath walked outside on the veranda to enjoy a smoke.  He sat down on the bench and rolled his cigarette and then lit the match from the bottom of his boot.  He heard a noise behind him and his senses told him it was Big Brother Nick.


“Hey Little Brother,” Nick grinned as he sat beside Heath on the bench.


“Howdy Nick,” Heath smiled back. “I’m surprised your mother didn’t usher you upstairs after dinner.”


“Me too,” Nick chuckled. “She’d like to hear you call her mother, you know.”  Heath shifted uncomfortably in his seat and quickly changed the subject.


“Bet ya can’t wait to get back to work.  I’m sure it won’t be long now.  Ya don’t think it’s too soon for me to go to Strawberry do ya? If it is I can wait.” Heath inwardly cursed his babbling.


“I think that’s the most I’ve heard you say since you’ve come here Heath,” Nick teased his brother causing a red flush to creep up his face. “Nah it’s not too soon for you to go to Strawberry.  It’s not like I can ride a horse for awhile anyway.”


“Bet that burns ya up that ya can’t be in the July Fourth race, huh?”


“How’d you hear about that race?”


“Heard the men talkin’ ‘bout the race while workin’.  Said you ‘an Coco were the reignin’ champs too.”


“Yeah we were,” Nick beamed with pride. “But it’s probably a good thing you and Charger aren’t in it, you’d give me a run for that championship title.”


“Ha!” Heath chuckled, “maybe next year.”


For a moment the brothers enjoyed the peace of the outdoors, both deep in thought.  When Heath finished his cigarette he looked over at Nick. “Guess we should be gettin’ back inside.” 


The brothers walked inside and Victoria sighed when she noticed Nick. “Oh Nick,” Victoria frowned and shook her head. “It’s only your first day up and about and you’re already over doing it.”

“Told you,” Jarrod whispered in Nick’s ear eliciting a growl.


“Goodnight Nick.” Victoria walked over and kissed him on the cheek.


“Isn’t this a bit early for you Mother?” Nick teased.  Victoria lightly slapped him on the arm then pointed for the door.  “Goodnight Mother,” Nick smiled.  Nick received a round of goodnights from the family as he headed upstairs leaving the family behind in the library.


“Heath?” Jarrod handed his brother a pool stick.


“Sure Jarrod,” Heath accepted the stick and began a game of pool with his brother. While the two brothers enjoyed a game of pool the ladies spent the evening sewing and reading.




Chapter 29


It was a week later and Heath was at the house in town painting the picket fence with Audra. “Ya could’ve gone to the orphanage instead of helpin’ me paint, Sis.”


“I know that,” Audra smiled as she stood up and stretched out her tired muscles. “I actually enjoyed helping you fix up the house. It was a lot of fun.”


“Well thank ya for all you’ve done. I don’t think I would’ve gotten this place fixed up so fast if ya’ll didn’t help me.” Heath replied as he stood up and stared at the finished house in front of him. 


He glanced over at Audra and grinned.  She was wearing an old gingham work dress with an apron.  Her dress and apron had blotches of paint and stains resulting from all the work in fixing up the house.  Her blonde hair was wrapped in a kerchief with various strands of hair falling loosely around her face.  Her blue eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun.


He marveled at his little sister on how she seemed to be able to fit no matter the occasion. She could look like a beautiful princess in one of her party dresses and be a demure young lady, who looked to be made of glass.  But then there was the other side of her that contradicted that notion.  He had to admit that although he was happy Audra had agreed to help him fix up the place he didn’t think she’d be much help.  He was certain that with one look at a mop and she’d run the opposite direction.  But she proved him wrong.  He knew that she could out-ride most men on a horse. But she also had no qualms about getting dirty.  Most women of high society would wrinkle their nose at hard work…but not his little sister.  She was a big help in him fixing up the house, and so were Victoria and Rosa.  They showed Heath they were no strangers to hard work despite their privileges in life.


“It does look beautiful Heath,” Audra smiled as she looked over at her brother.  She wasn’t expecting the assault that came her way.  Heath grinned as he tapped his paintbrush on her nose. He laughed at Audra’s shocked expression.


“Ya look cute with a white button nose, Sis.”


“Heath!” Audra laughed as she took her paintbrush and landed it right on Heath’s cheek. 


The siblings began an all out war on the paintbrushes as their laughter rang out into the summer afternoon air.  The laughter reaching their ears inside the house, Victoria and Rosa came outside.  Rosa couldn’t contain her laughter but the experienced mother in Victoria was able to hide the laughter she felt inside.


“Children!” Victoria scolded as she walked towards her two youngest.  “Stop this right now!”  Heath and Audra stopped their attacks with their paintbrushes as they tried to catch their breath from laughing so hard. 


“Oh look at the both of you!” Victoria stood with her fists on her hips.  Heath and Audra had streaks of paint in their hair, their face and on their clothes.


“He started it,” Audra huffed with a twinkle in her eyes.  Victoria turned and glared at her daughter.


“I don’t care who started it, young lady.” Victoria replied as she wiped her face with her right hand.


“Sorry…uh…” Heath coughed as he stopped himself from calling her Ma’am or Mrs. Barkley when she looked at him with what appeared to be a challenge.


Victoria looked at her two children and tried to remain stern but their attempts not to laugh and Rosa’s chuckles echoing in her ears were making it difficult.  Knowing she didn’t have much restraint left she had to make a quick exit and fast. Raising her hand in the air she turned to walk away.

“Just don’t think you will be coming into the house looking like that.  Now get this mess cleaned up so we can go home.”  When Victoria walked back into the house with Rosa, Heath and Audra started chuckling.

“Guess we do look kind of bad don’t we?” Heath chuckled.


“Yeah I guess we do, but that was fun.” Audra laughed.


“Come on, let’s get this stuff cleaned up. Good thing I already got my supplies for my trip tomorrow. Don’t think going into the mercantile like this would be acceptable.”


They worked on cleaning up the outside of the house while Victoria and Rosa worked on the finishing touches inside the house.   Victoria glanced over at Rosa and realized that was the first time she heard her laugh since she came home.


“Guess it was kind of funny, huh?” Victoria laughed.


“Audra always knows how to loosen Heath up that’s for sure.” Rosa laughed.


The ladies enjoyed a good laugh.  “Well I think that’s all we can do until the furniture gets here,” Victoria said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Let’s head on home.”



   * * * * * * * *



Heath drove the wagon home and stopped in front of the barn.  He helped Victoria down.  Audra and Rosa rode in the back and Rosa opened the tailgate as they jumped down onto the ground.  Nick slowly came out of the barn and greeted his family.


“Well look at you!” Nick laughed.  “Did you get any paint on the fence?”


“Very funny Nick,” Audra grinned. Her mother’s words stopped her walk into the house.


“Audra! Heath! I want you to clean up outside.  You aren’t going in the house looking like that.”


“Yes Mother,” Audra frowned.


“Come on Audra, let’s go to the tool shed.”  Rosa spoke as she put her arm around Audra’s shoulder.


“Famous last words, huh Sis?” Nick teased.


“Nick!” Audra huffed as she followed her future sister-in-law to the back of the house with her brother’s laughing echoing in her ears.


“I’ll be out in a minute with Silas to bring you both some hot water and soap.” Victoria called out as she started walking to the house with a smile on her face.


“Come on boy, while Little Sister uses the shed you can use the tack room.” Nick grinned as he motioned for Heath to follow him.


“Where’s your cane?”  Heath asked.


“Doc came out today and said I didn’t need it anymore.” Nick replied with a smile. “Thought I’d use it for kindling.”


“Does that mean you can start working again?”


“Nah, but probably in a couple weeks.”  


“Must be goin’ crazy not bein’ able to work.”


“Yeah, but I’ve found something to keep me busy.”  Nick paused, “It’s a surprise and when we’re done here I’ll show you.”


The brother’s conversation was interrupted with a knock at the door.  Silas and Victoria brought out a metal tub with a bucket of hot soapy water for both Heath and Audra.


“Here Mr. Heath this will help get out the paint,” Silas spoke as he handed Heath a bottle. “It doesn’t smell too good but it works.”


“Thank Silas,” Heath smiled as he took the tonic.  Seeing the tonic caused Nick to elicit a low whistle.


“Maybe you should postpone your trip home, Heath.  Your Aunt Rachel smell this stuff on you and she might think we aren’t treating you right.” Nick teased.


“Very funny Nick, now get out so I can get cleaned up.” Heath replied as he rolled his eyes.


“All right, I’m going.” Nick grinned as he left. “I’ll be back with your clothes.”


Once he was left alone, Heath removed his paint-covered clothes and sank down into the hot water to wash up.  He used the tonic to wash the white paint from his hair, face and arms.



   * * * * * * * *



 “You decent?” Nick teased as he knocked on the door. “Got your clothes and some more hot water.”


“Come in,” Heath answered.  Nick carried Heath’s clothes and a metal bucket.  He set the bucket down on the floor and placed the clothes on a chair. “Well hurry up.”


“To think I believed you were patient as a Saint.” Nick teased as he picked up the bucket and walked over to the tub.


“I am when it comes to workin’ with you,” Heath chuckled but it soon turned into a howl as the hot water was dumped over his head.  “Ya did that on purpose.”


“You’re never satisfied are you?” Nick laughed.


“I think I preferred the paint over this smell,” Heath groaned as the water rinsed off the soap and tonic.


“Its mother’s own recipe.  Don’t ask me what’s in it cause I never wanted to know.”  Nick laughed.


“Trust me I don’t wanna know either,” Heath agreed.  Nick handed Heath a towel as he stepped out of the tub.


“I’ll be in the barn, stop off there before you go into the house.”  Nick spoke as he turned around to leave.



   * * * * * * * *



A few minutes later Heath walked into the barn and saw Nick sitting on the hay bale at the edge of the doorway.  Nick had a string of hay in his mouth and was talking with Duke.


“Hello Heath,” Duke grinned as he wrinkled his nose. “I wouldn’t light a smoke for a couple days if I was you.”  Nick laughed as he watched his brother’s face turn crimson from the teasing.


“Thanks for the advice, Duke.” Heath smiled.


“Well I better get in the house. Night Nick, Heath.” 


“Night Duke,” Heath and Nick both called out.  Duke waved at the men as he walked over towards the Foreman’s home.


“Ya have a surprise for me, Nick?” Heath asked.


“Yep, come this way.”


The brothers walked to the back of the barn and in front of a wagon with a tarp over it.  Heath looked at Nick expectantly waiting for the unveiling.  Nick removed the tarp to reveal an oak porch swing.


“It’s for your Aunt’s house.” Nick beamed with pride. “I figured I haven’t been able to help you with fixing up the house and I wanted to do something to help out.  Not to mention I’m not able to work the ranch so I needed to fill my time with something.”


“Nick,” Heath gasped.


“You don’t already have one, do you?” Nick frowned, “I didn’t even think about that.  You already have a swing up don’t you?  Damn, why didn’t I think of that?”


“No, Nick, I don’t already have one.  I was gonna make one later.”  Heath replied.


“Well good,” Nick heaved a heavy sigh. “So then what’s the matter?  Wrong color?  We can stain it if you like?”


“It’s perfect Nick,” Heath realized Nick had doubted the gift he made. “I just never thought you were so handy with wood.” 


“You ain’t the only one with surprises boy,” Nick admonished him.  “Come on we better get into the house.” Nick patted Heath on the back. “So you really like it then?”


“Yeah Nick I like it, thanks.  But ya didn’t have to.”


“I know, but like I said I wanted to.”


As the brothers walked towards the house they saw Rosa and Audra coming from the shed.  Audra’s hair was wet and a towel was around her neck.  As the ladies walked closer Nick pinched his nose.


“One of you is bad enough but both of you are harmful for our health.” Nick teased as Rosa joined in with his laughter.  Audra and Heath didn’t think he was very funny. As they walked toward the house they met up with Victoria. “Mother!  I think Heath and Audra should sit at a separate table tonight for dinner!” 


Duke had spoken with Nick earlier and he thought about the talk he would have with the ranch hands later.  If Nick was successful with his plan he would be joining Heath on his trip to Strawberry.  Duke would make sure the ranch hands did their part and made the brothers proud.  Nick and Heath’s minds would be elsewhere and it would be helpful for everyone if they didn’t have to worry about the ranch while they were gone.




Chapter 30


When dinner was finished Heath skipped spending time with the family so he could go to his room and pack for his trip to Strawberry the following day.  He was rummaging through his dresser drawer grabbing some clothes for his trip when there was a knock on the door, but before he could say  "come in", the boisterous of his brothers had already invited himself in.


“You all packed?” Nick asked as he shut the door behind him.


“Come in Nick,” Heath smiled not turning around and missing the roll of his brother’s eyes. “I’m almost packed.”


Nick plopped himself down on the bed and picked up Leah’s picture and studied the photo of the young mother and son. The young woman who just entered her thirties was holding her young son on her lap.  The little boy with a toothless lop-sided grin had his tiny hands holding onto his mother’s that were securely wrapped around his little waist.


“You leaving tomorrow at first light?”




“Are you nervous about going home again?”


“I won’t be there long.”


“Are your Aunt Rachel and Hannah excited about the move?”


“I suppose.”


“Well, I’m sure mother and Hattie will make ‘em feel at home.  They’ll probably introduce ‘em to all their friends and everything will be fine.”


“Hope so,” Heath replied as he stopped packing his clothes into his saddlebags and stared at his brother. He moved the saddlebags out of the way and walked around to the side of the bed. He sat down beside his brother.  “Is that the only thing ya wanted Nick?”


Nick chuckled. “Can’t I just come in my brother’s room without having a hidden agenda?”  Heath raised his eyebrows at him skeptically. Nick turned his eyes to the photo in his hands, “No it’s not the only reason.”  Heath didn’t say anything as he waited for him to continue.  Nick released a heavy sigh. “You were a cute kid. How old are you in this?”


“It was right before my eighth birthday.  It’s only one of two photos with us together. The other was taken the same day and that one has Aunt Rachel and Hannah in it. It was a Christmas present for my Mama.”


“That’s why you took it with you on the drive.” Nick spoke not as a question but as a realization to his brother’s actions towards the only photo of his mother. “Your mother was very pretty.”


“Yeah she is.” Heath paused and sighed, “was.”  Heath spoke softly to his brother gently prodding him for the truth. “That photo’s been on my nightstand since I came here and you’ve seen it many times. What’s the real reason you’re here Nick?”


“Your Uncle’s also in Strawberry Heath.”


“I know that Nick and I’ve no intentions of seekin’ him out.”


“But what if he seeks you out?”


“Nick I’ve had to put up with Uncle Matt all my life I can handle it.”


“I know you can, but I…I think I should go with you.”


“To Strawberry?” Heath jumped up from the bed and stared at Nick in shock. “Is that why ya came in here?”




“Damn it Nick!”  Heath turned away from Nick then turned back and stood in front of Nick. “No.  You’re not goin’ with me and that’s final.”


“Heath, listen to me!“

“Discussion’s over Nick.  Ya ain’t goin’ so don’t waste your breath.”


“Heath,” Nick placed the photo on the bed and stood up. He started walking towards Heath. Heath backed up and glared at his brother.  Nick raised his hands in defense. “I don’t like the idea of you alone in a place with your Uncle.  What if something happens?  What if he hurts you?  I don’t trust him.”


Heath threw his hands up in frustration. “I told ya ‘bout my Uncle cause I trusted ya; not cause I wanted ya to beat him up when the first opportunity came.”


“It’s cause I know what he did to you that I know he won’t let you be in Strawberry!  Why are you so against me going?”


“Ya wanna beat him up.  Don’t ya?” Heath paused and when Nick didn’t answer he repeated the question, “Don’t ya?”


“Thoughts come to me more than once-“


“And that’s why ya ain’t going.”


“I’m going to Strawberry whether I go with you or I follow you!” Nick’s voice was more forceful than he had intended. The look from Heath caused him to immediately regret his tone.


“You’d do that to me?” Heath looked at Nick with hurt in his eyes. “How could you?”


“How could I?” Nick walked towards Heath who kept backing away from him until he ran into his dresser. Heath had no place to escape as Nick walked in front of him placing his arms on Heath’s shoulders. Heath had his head down so he wouldn’t have to look at his brother and his chest heaved from breathing heavily. Nick took a deep breath and began to speak softly but with conviction.


“I’m not going to let my brother walk into the lion’s den and not do anything about it and wait at home wondering what he did to you.  Waiting to see if you come back to us hurt or even killed cause of him. We just found you and I’m not going to let that sonofabitch take you from this family.” Nick paused, “Anyway I want to see where you grew up.  I want to see how that little boy in that photo on your nightstand lived.  I want to know all I can about you, about my brother.  Is that so wrong?”


Heath looked toward the ceiling and closed his eyes taking in deep breaths to calm his nerves. After some moments of silence he spoke quietly, “Let go of me.” 


Without a word Nick released his grip on his brother’s shoulders. Once free Heath walked away and stood in front of his open window.  Heath watched the darkness of night and how the view of the ranch yards below looked different than it did in the daytime. Nick walked to the other side of the brass bed sitting on the edge closest to where Heath stood near the window.  Silence engulfed the room as neither spoke, both overwhelmed with their own thoughts.


"I'm 21 years old, Nick, and for almost my entire life I've taken care of myself.  Even as a kid I wouldn't tell Mama a lot of things that happened to me cause I knew it'd make her cry.  I learned early on that I couldn't count on anyone except Mama … and Aunt Rachel and Hannah, too … so I learned to look out for myself to protect them from those things that could make her cry."


“Heath, you have a family now you don’t have to go it alone anymore.”


“I’m not use to leanin’ on people, Nick.  It’s makes me feel…” Heath paused releasing a heavy sigh. "It makes me feel like I'm not the one in control of my life. I don’t like feelin’ that way.”


“I'll be the first to admit that I like to be in control of things," Nick said and ignored the slight smile that tugged at Heath's mouth.  "But sometimes you need to let others be in control.  You need to let 'em carry some of the load. I can’t tell you that we won’t ever make you feel that we've taken that from you.  And maybe that we'll hurt you by doing that…but if we do it won’t be done intentionally.  It's just…that’s how family is.  We’ve probably all hurt each other one time or another by thinking we knew what was best for someone else…but it’s never out of malice.  We’ve always had each other around so we sometimes do it without thinking.  And then, before you know it, you’ve hurt the person that means the most to you.” Nick sighed wondering if he was explaining this right. “Jarrod’s better with this sort of thing than me,” he chuckled.


Heath looked at Nick, “I know what ya mean Nick and I understand, really I do.  It’s just that it’s still hard for me.”


 “I know but in time I hope it won’t be.”  Nick smiled at Heath. “Is that the only reason you don’t want me to go with you Heath?”


“Besides the small detail of ya wantin’ to beat up my Uncle?” Heath replied with a lop-sided grin. “Nick, the cabin’s small with only two rooms.  There’s not much room for two people let alone three. It’d be really cramped.”


“The line shacks are smaller than that Heath.”


“We’d have to sleep upstairs in the loft…together.”


“HEATH!” Nick threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “For heavens sakes we’re brothers!”


Suspicion dawned on Nick and he lowered his voice. “Heath, are you ashamed of me seeing where you lived growing up?  Do you really think I’d care about that?”


“I ain't ashamed of anything!” Heath denied. "Mama did the best she could and our house may have been small but it was filled with love and there's nothin’ about it that I'm ashamed of.  It's just…the past.  And that's where it belongs.  There's nothin’ there that ya need to know."


Nick leaned over and picked up the photo still on the bed then walked over to stand behind his brother.  He waited until Heath turned around, blue eyes meeting hazel eyes, before holding up the photo and lightly tapping the frame.


“See this little boy?  He was my brother…and we should’ve grown up together.  I sometimes wonder what it would’ve been like if I'd met this little boy and whether or not he would’ve changed me back then just as you’ve changed me now.  I’ve always wanted a little brother, someone who’d be my friend and do things with me.  Sometimes I get angry knowing I had him all along and didn’t know it. Sometimes I curse fate for not giving you to me sooner.  But it wasn’t meant to be for us as kids and that’s hard for me at times to accept.” Nick paused feeling a lump in his throat. “But now I have you only you’re not that little boy anymore.  And maybe I don't NEED to know, but I still WANT to get to know him…'cause for me to get to know him means I get to know you a little better.”


“You’re not gonna give up are ya?” Heath shook his head resignedly.


“No,” Nick smiled as he returned the photo to the nightstand.


“Fine, ya can go with me.” Heath held up his hands in protest when Nick offered him a big smile and started to speak. “In one condition and that’s if ya make me a promise.”


“What?” Nick frowned with suspicion.


“Promise me that ya won’t beat up my Uncle.”


“Aw hell Heath!” Nick growled.


“I want a promise Nick that ya won’t search him out and beat him up.  You’ll leave him be and stay as far away from him as possible while we’re there.  Promise me Nick or ya can’t go.”


“All right I promise,” Nick groaned.


“Not good enough Nick,” Heath grinned as he crossed his arms over his chest in defiance.


“Would you like me to seal the deal in blood?” Nick replied sarcastically but when Heath didn’t budge he sighed. “Oh for godsakes!” Nick held up his right hand. “I, Nick Barkley, promise not to lay a hand on your Uncle while I’m in Strawberry.”  Nick then pointed his finger at Heath and tapped him on the chest to make his point.


“Providing that he not lay a hand on you cause if he does then all bets are off.” After speaking Nick crossed his arms over his chest and offered a mischievous smile to his brother who rolled his eyes at him.


“Gimme patience,” Heath mumbled as he massaged his temples. “I guess that’s as good as I’m gonna get from ya big brother.”


"I thought you'd see it my way!"  Nick grinned.


"Ya better get packed, we're leaving at first light."  Heath warned.


"No need; been packed for a week!"  Nick gave him a wink and a triumphant chuckle as he shut the door behind him.


“I think my life was much easier when I was an only child.”




To be continued…