Newlywed Games

Chapters 13-27

by BonnieBee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





"Newlywed Games" is the name of a book written by Mary Davis.  I borrowed her storyline and rewrote it to give it a Big Valley twist.




Chapter 13


For the next week and a half, Katelyn made a conscious effort to hold Jarrod’s hand or put her arm around his waist in her mother’s presence. It didn’t take long though, for the actions to become second nature. She was holding his hand without being aware of doing so, as though it were the most natural thing in the world.


Which it was. What wasn’t going to be natural was stopping.


But she couldn’t go back. As Jarrod had so often reminded her, appearance was everything. If only it didn’t leave her heart unprotected and vulnerable. If only it didn’t mean, in the end, the hurt would be much greater.




Jarrod sat in his office going over some witness statements when he thought he heard Katelyn’s voice. He waited a moment and then walked toward the door. When he opened it, he saw Katelyn and Miss Pierce talking. Katelyn looked up at him, her cheeks turning slightly pink. Jarrod smiled at her and then asked Miss Pierce if she would mind delivering some papers to the court house. The other woman rose and followed Jarrod into the office. Katelyn was about to leave when Jarrod said, "Could you stay a few minutes Miss Mahoney? I need to ask you some questions about a deposition you took for me."


Katelyn nodded and waited for a few minutes. Miss Pierce returned from Jarrod’s office and said good-bye. Jarrod then motioned for Katelyn to come into his office and closed the door behind her.


"So, what brings you here today?" he asked, hardly able to refrain himself from taking her into his arms.


"My mother was feeling rather tired after our shopping trip so I decided to run a few errands. I needed to come by and pick something up that I had left in my desk."


Something wasn’t quite right. Katelyn wasn’t looking Jarrod in the eye which told him she wasn’t telling him everything. He looked at the appointment calendar on the desk and noticed he was free for the rest of the day.


"Well, I’m done here, so why don’t I go on your errands with you?"


Katelyn did look at him then. Her eyes were wide with shock and she shook her head.


"I’m sure you have better things to do-"


"Now what better thing could I find to do?" he asked, walking toward her. Katelyn shook her head again.


"Really, there’s just one place I need to go and -"


"And I would really like to go along with you. I have some shopping to do as well."


Katelyn still looked uncomfortable, but agreed. Jarrod retrieved his hat and coat and the two were on their way. As they sat in the hired carriage, Jarrod asked where to instruct the driver to go.


"Park Place," was Katelyn’s terse reply. Jarrod raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.


Their trip was quiet, Jarrod watching Katelyn’s profile as she stared out the window. That she was not happy with him coming along was clear. He couldn’t help but wonder why though. Lately, she had seemed to really warm up to him. Of course, that had always been in front of her mother. He had encouraged her to "play the part", and had to wonder if that was all it was for her. He knew a moment of sadness at the thought. He was hoping that she was developing the same feelings for him as he was for her.


Katelyn was very aware of Jarrod’s close scrutiny, but she refused to look at him. How she wished she hadn’t had to go to the office before going to the jewelry shop, but she had to have the receipt with her to make the payment. She had thought that since his door was closed he wouldn’t have been able to hear her and even if he had, that he wouldn’t have come out, let alone wanted to accompany her! The carriage pulled to a stop and Jarrod helped Katelyn down.


"I’ll meet you back her in say, half an hour?" she said and didn’t wait for him to respond. He watched her walk away and waited for just a moment before following her. Katelyn was so intent on getting her mission accomplished that she didn’t notice him. Jarrod watched her go into a small jewelry shop. He peeked in the window and saw her waiting to talk with the clerk. He decided he would go on in and see what this was about.


She was looking at some necklaces when he said, "Those are nice."


She jumped, not expecting him to be standing there.


"I thought you had shopping to do?" she asked uncomfortably.


"I’m done already," he said. She raised an eyebrow telling him that she clearly didn’t believe him. He smiled innocently and she turned her attention back to the display case.


"Are you looking to buy or just trying to avoid me?"


She didn’t respond or look up. He wished he could see her reaction. Looking down into the case that had her rapt attention, he spotted a strand of pearls and pointed to them.


"Those would look nice on you."


She looked at him in surprise.


"May I help you?" the clerk said, having finished with his other customer.


"I would like to make a payment," Katelyn said, digging through her purse for her receipt.


"Mahoney, isn’t it?" Katelyn looked up in surprise that she would be remembered. Jarrod wasn’t. She was a woman who would stay in a man’s memory. He should know. Although he had been involved with Amanda at the time, Katelyn’s face would pop into his mind at the oddest times. He tried not to think about her and had pretty much succeeded until he had rescued her from the cat. He smiled at the memory.


"Ah yes, I remember you. It isn’t often that a woman comes in to buy a wedding ring. Usually the man takes care of that." The clerk looked at Jarrod with a strained smile, hoping he hadn’t said anything out of line. But Jarrod wasn’t paying any attention to the clerk now. He looked at Katelyn’s left hand and realized she was wearing a wedding ring. It was a simple gold band, but it had a small solitary diamond set in the top. He supposed he had noticed it before, but it hadn’t registered to him what it really was.


"How much do you want to put on this?" the clerk asked Katelyn.


Katelyn started to answer but Jarrod spoke instead.


"I’ll go ahead and pay it off."




Jarrod squeezed her shoulder and continued on as if she hadn’t spoken. "And I’d like to see those." He pointed to the pearl necklace he had noticed. The clerk unlocked the display case and set the necklace on the counter.


"Is it all right if she tried this on?"


The clerk nodded and handed the necklace to Katelyn. When she didn’t take it right away, Jarrod did. "Try them on for me, kitten, please." Katelyn opened her mouth to protest, but Jarrod gave her his most endearing smile.


She nodded and turned around for him to put the necklace around her neck. When it was in place, she looked into the mirror that the clerk had provided for her.


"Beautiful," Jarrod said. "And the necklace is nice too. Do you want it?"




"The necklace. I’ll buy it for you."


Her eyes widened. "No!" She quickly removed the necklace and laid it on the counter.


Jarrod could have kicked himself. Why had he done that? Of course she wouldn’t accept jewelry from him. Was it his subconscious testing her?


"I guess not today," Jarrod said, smiling at the clerk and pulled out his wallet to pay for the ring. It pleased him that she wasn’t a money grabber like so many people these days. So why did he feel like such a heel?


They walked back to the waiting carriage in silence and rode back to the town house. Carol was still asleep and Katelyn had gone out into the garden to gather her thoughts. She still couldn’t believe he had paid for the ring. She’d struggled with the idea, wondering how she could afford it, and finally decided it was the right thing to do. But she had only made her down payment. The gratitude she felt for Jarrod’s kindness threatened to overflow.


It had mortified her when he came into the store. She’d been careful not to mention anything about it, so sure that he’d tease her for buying such a thing. Instead, he had paid for it.


Appearances are everything, remember?


Maybe so, but she would enjoy them nonetheless.


Jarrod had been watching her and decided to join her. She smiled at him when he came to stand beside her.


"These flowers are beautiful," she said, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence.


"Yes, beautiful," Jarrod said, but he wasn’t looking at the flowers.


Katelyn’s gaze drifted to the house and Jarrod’s followed. The curtain to her mother’s bedroom moved just a bit, letting them know they were being watched.


Jarrod smiled.


"Shall we give your mother something to talk about?" he asked.


Katelyn looked over at him and noticed how close he was standing next to her. She swallowed and said, "Something... to talk about?"


Her breathless little echo of his words - combined with the flash of anticipation he saw spark in her eyes - dissolved whatever control he had been exercising. He drew her close, lowered his head, and did what he’d been waiting to do for days.


He kissed her. Really kissed her.


And he didn’t intend to come up for air until it was absolutely necessary.




Chapter 14


When Jarrod finally lifted his head and set Katelyn away from him, her heart was racing like a runaway train and she felt lightheaded. She’d wondered if her legs would support her. Embarrassed at how deeply the kiss had affected her, she glanced up at him - and had to fight not to burst out laughing. He looked like someone had smacked him over the head. His eyes as he looked down at her were wide and dazed...and they stood there is silence, both too dazed to comment.


Finally, Jarrod led Katelyn to a small iron bench in the garden and they sat down. He held her hand, playing with the wedding ring on her finger.


"I’m sorry for pulling that stunt," he said, regretfully.


Stunt? "I don’t understand." Did he regret paying for the ring? Or did he regret kissing her?


"I’ll pay you back for the ring," she said, watching him, hoping he was concerned about the ring.


"You don’t have to. That’s not what I’m talking about."


His eyes shifted away from her, and it was clear how uncomfortable he was. Her heart plunged. If he was feeling this badly about kissing her -


"I’m talking about my offer to buy the pearl necklace. It was inappropriate."


Relief so powerful that it made her giddy washed over her. She smiled at him. Actually, the offer had touched her. "Please don’t feel badly. It was sweet of you, but I just couldn’t accept an expensive gift like that."


"My point exactly. And if you thought I was insinuating anything...well, please know I wasn’t. And accept my sincere apology for any offense to you."


"You have nothing to apologize for. I wasn’t offended."


He stood to his feet, pulling her up with him. He smiled at her and bowed, every inch the perfect knightly gentleman. "In gratitude for the lady’s graciousness, will you permit me to escort you and your mother out to dinner?"


She laughed, touched by his sincerity and gallantry. Who could resist a man - and a smile - like the one before her? She made a curtsy. "Why, my lord, I accept with sincerest gratitude on behalf of myself and my mother."


Seemingly pleased with her response, he led her indoors. "I need to go back to the office for a few hours. I’ll make reservations for seven o’clock. Is that all right with you?"


She nodded.


"Where are we going?" Katelyn asked.


"It’s a surprise."


"How should we dress?"


Jarrod smiled. "Dress up a bit. I’ll see you around six." He winked at her and then was out the door.


Katelyn went upstairs to check on her mom. She met her in the hallway and her mother sported a knowing smile on her face. Katelyn told herself not to blush at her mother’s look and then informed her about their dinner plans.


"Jarrod said we should dress up. I’m going to go take a bath. I won’t be long."


Carol smiled. "Take your time dear," she said as she made her way back to her room to select something to wear.


As Katelyn sat in the hot bath water, her tension started to ease away and she wished her problems would do the same. Where was the emotional ride she had put herself on going to end? She didn’t know, but she feared it would be no place good. How could it? Yes, there were moments when she could almost let herself believe she and Jarrod were growing close, but then she’d remembered they were simply playing their respective parts - playing a game, as Jarrod said.


They’d managed to pull it off so far, but how much longer could they keep it up? At least she felt fairly confident it couldn’t get much worse.


She slipped on her robe and began brushing her hair. There was a rapping sound at the bedroom door. Her breath caught, then she released it. Her mother, it had to be.


The knob turned, and she smiled, ready to greet her mother. "Oh!"


A strange man, with dark hair and hazel eyes stood before her, looking as startled to see her as she was to face him. A scream escaped her lips and she threw her whole weight against the door. It slammed shut and she fumbled to lock it. Her mind raced as fast as her heart. Terror swept through her as she wondered what the intruder wanted and who he was.


She put her ear to the door and listened for any sign of him. There was so sound from the


sitting room. That’s when it hit her...her mother was out there. With the intruder!


She grabbed the knob, then froze. What if he was waiting out there for her? She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the door.


What am I going to do?


Feeling trapped and sick to her stomach, she sat on the bed to wait. But for what? The stranger to return? For Jarrod? He would still be gone a while. She wasn’t about to just sit there like a ninny. Not when her mother might be in danger! She had to do something. She scanned her surroundings, her heart still beating wildly.


She grabbed her hair brush for protection, just in case he had ill intentions, and reached for the doorknob, then realized going out there in her robe was not a wise choice. She donned on the clothes she was wearing earlier, took up the hair brush again, and whispered a prayer of protection for her and her mother. She paused, listening with her ear to the door, but no sound was coming from the sitting room.


Taking special care to make no noise of her own, she filled her lungs with a breath of courage as she unlocked the door and eased it open, scoping out the room. No one was there. She went to the other door that led out into the hallway and listened. Was he out there? Or had he left, already having found what he had come for? She whispered another prayer for protection and grasped the doorknob with all the courage she could muster, then paused. What was that sound? Voices? Yes, voices. Happy voices!


Easing the door open, she cautiously stepped out and down the stairs. She found her mother chatting cheerfully with another woman about her mother’s age. With them was the younger man who had come into the bedroom.


Carol was the first to notice her. "Katelyn. Come over and meet your mother-in-law." She barely noticed that her mother motioned her over to the dining room table where they were huddled.




The other woman turned to her, a friendly smile on her face.


"Victoria, this is my daughter, Katelyn, your new daughter-in-law. Kate, this is Victoria Barkley, Jarrod’s mother."


The woman rose, all elegance and grace; she had an inviting warmth that reached out to touch Katelyn, despite her astonishment. Katelyn had the strong sense this woman accepted her fully, her words confirmed that fact: "Katelyn, welcome to the family." She gave Kate a quick but seemingly sincere hug. "I’m glad to meet you."


Speechless, Katelyn gaped openmouthed at the trio.


"I would like to say that Jarrod has spoken so much about you that I feel I know you, but my son has been silent where you are concerned."


What could she say? "He didn’t mention me because he didn’t know we were married?" Oh, that would go over great. But to give any other excuse would be lying. Again. This time to Jarrod’s family.


She felt as though she were falling, spiraling into a dark, dark hole.


"I don’t know what to say." That at least, was the gospel truth.


Jarrod’s mother regarded her quietly, then smiled. "Don’t worry, my dear. I’m sure Jarrod had his reasons and he will explain them to us in his time."


That will be worth hearing...


The elegant woman turned to the young man standing beside her.


"This is one of Jarrod’s brothers, Nick. He also has a younger sister, Audra and two other brothers, Heath and Gene. But you’ll have to meet them later."


Nick smiled at her. "I’m sorry." He held up his hands in mock surrender, letting his gaze settle on her weapon. "I didn’t know you were in the bedroom, honest. I thought it was Jarrod."


Katelyn looked down at her hairbrush in her hand, still poised to protect herself and her mother. Dropping it to her side, heat rose in her cheeks. If there were a tiny hole, she would gladly climb in.


"It seems my dear brother Jarrod has been keeping secrets from us. But what a pretty secret you are." Nick took her free hand and graced it with a light kiss.


By now, Katelyn was so numb she scarcely reacted. She just stood there, mute staring at them all. At Jarrod’s family!


So much for thinking things couldn’t get any worse!




Chapter 15


Jarrod stepped through the front door, then stopped in pleasant amazement when Katelyn came to greet him.


"Hi there," she said, smiling warmly.


He’d expected her to be dressed differently for the evening, and was mildly concerned that she was still wearing the clothes from earlier and her hair was slightly wet. He was looking forward to seeing what she had picked out to wear - but that thought fell away when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.


Mmm. Nice! The kind of greeting a man could get used to. He knew her mother must be close by for such a display of affection, but he held her tight and made the most of it all the same.


He pulled back and held her at arms length, smiling as his gaze took in her full attire. "That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I said ‘dress for dinner’."


She smiled again, but he noticed this time that it seemed a bit forced. "I was distracted by our company, dear."


Kate was definitely tense and a tickle of alarm shot through him. "Where’s your mother?"


Through gritted teeth, still smiling, Kate said, "She’s in the parlor." Her look was pointed. "With your family."


"My...what?" He stared down, sure he had heard her wrong. What would his family be doing here? The pleasure he had felt a moment before was sucked from him, a gnawing panic gripped the pit of his stomach.




He spun at the sound of his mother’s voice. Sure enough, she stood there, watching him and Kate with raised eyebrows. "I have a bone to pick with you, son." Her voice was light and without malice.


Jarrod’s focus went from Katelyn’s concerned face then back to his mother’s as she approached. She was really here. His mother was here, in his townhouse with - dread filled him - with his wife.


"Mother, whatever are you doing here?" Still in a bit of a daze, he let go of Katelyn and stepped into his mother’s embrace for a hug.


"No hello? No how are you? It’s great to see you?"


"This is just so...unexpected."


Now, that was an understatement! And the surprises just kept coming, for there, behind his mother, was his brother Nick.


"You’ve been keeping secrets." His mother glanced at Katelyn with adoration. "She’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you."


Nick held out his hand. "Congratulations! Sneaking off and getting married to the prettiest girl in town, no doubt."


Jarrod shook his brother’s hand, looking back at Kate and smiling a bit.


"Did I hear you say something about dinner?" Nick’s smile was broad. "I’m starved!"


Jarrod watched in dismay as his family took charge. Before long, they were all heading to their rooms to change for dinner while Jarrod, at his mother’s direction, reluctantly sent word to change the reservations from three to five people. As he made the changes, he saw all his plans and hopes for the evening flying right out the window.




Katelyn, the last to get ready, stopped in front of the full length mirror in the bedroom. She wore a beautiful emerald green gown that showed every curve perfectly. As she stared at her reflection she thought, The pearls would have looked great with this dress.


She joined the others and noticed the approving look in Jarrod’s eyes. She had been a bit nervous that her dress would not be good enough, but the look in his eyes told her he was more than pleased.


Jarrod also looked handsome in his dark suit. She had seen him wearing it before, but his eyes seemed so much more vibrant and she almost blushed at the way he was watching her.


Both seemed lost in their own world as they stared at one another but were brought back by the sound of someone clearing their throat.


"If you don’t mind, we need to get going. We have reservations after all," Nick’s deep voice said. Victoria and Carol were smiling at the couple and Katelyn did blush then.


Jarrod held out his arm to Katelyn, which she gladly took. Nick in turn escorted his mother and Carol out the door.


As the maitre d’ at the Crystal Swan led the way to their table, Jarrod noticed Katelyn’s awe of the lavish interior. Ornate crystal chandeliers hung above the dance floor as music from the orchestra floated around the room. Her quick intake of breath let him know he had succeeded in impressing her.


After seating Katelyn, Jarrod ordered a bottle of champagne. When everyone’s glass had been filled, Nick proposed a toast.


"To my brother and his lovely bride."


The glasses clinked and all took a sip of the sparkling liquid. After their orders had been taken, Nick walked around behind Katelyn’s chair and asked, "May I have this dance?"


Katelyn looked at Nick with a smile. "I - uh..." She glanced at Jarrod. Jarrod smiled at her, but she thought it looked slightly strained.


"It’s up to you darling, if you want to risk your feet with ol’ elephant toes."


"Don’t listen to him. He’s just jealous because I’m better looking," Nick said with a smile and wink. "And as for dancing, let’s just say I’m adequate. I promise not to run you into anything or step on your feet."


Katelyn stood and accompanied Nick to the dance floor. Jarrod knew it was irrational, but frustration washed over him that she was going with Nick. He had planned to ask Katelyn to dance, but Nick had beaten him to it. It took every ounce of self control to stay in his chair, silent. He knew that Nick would not do anything inappropriate with his wife so he shouldn’t worry -


Your what? A little voice inside his head asked.


He swallowed hard at the reminder. Katelyn wasn’t really his wife. There was nothing that bound her to him. She could dance with whomever she pleased. Which also meant she could fall in love with whomever she pleased. And that fact was driving Jarrod crazy.




Chapter 16


Jarrod knew that he shouldn’t feel jealous because Nick was doing nothing wrong. He was simply going to dance with his "sister-in-law". Jarrod was being irrational, but what about this situation was rational? However, jealous he was and he watched as Nick put one hand around Katelyn’s back, then took her fingers in his other hand. Nick leaned close and said something, and Kate shook her head. Now he was talking again, but they weren’t dancing yet. She smiled up at him. What could he possibly be saying?


Jarrod continued to watch Nick and Katelyn, not paying attention his mother’s and Carol’s conversation. Thankfully, the music ended. He settled back in his chair, relieved that they would return to the table now. He took a sip of champagne and almost spit it out when the orchestra started the next piece and Nick swept Kate into another dance.


Jarrod stood and excused himself from the table. He made a comment about rescuing Kate from Nick’s two left feet that made the women smile. Jarrod walked up to his brother and tapped him on the shoulder.


"May I cut in?"


Nick turned and smiled at Jarrod. "Of course! But I have to say you’ve been remiss in teaching your wife certain things." Nick winked at Kate. She took his teasing gracefully and turned to Jarrod with an embarrassed smile as Nick walked away.


"What did he mean by that?" Jarrod asked, watching Kate’s face.


"I’ve never waltzed before. It was so embarrassing. I must have stepped on his feet at least five times. Can we go back to the table now?"


Jarrod stepped in closer, putting his right hand behind her back and holding up his left hand for her to take.


"You’re not going to make me step on your toes, too?"


Jarrod smiled. "My feet were made for walking on, kitten."


"Not the tops!"


"Come on," he coaxed, wiggling his fingers. "How would it look if you danced with my brother but refused to dance with me, your ever-devoted husband?"


Appearances, appearances! Everything was how it appeared with him. Wasn’t there a shred of emotion behind anything he did? Something to hang her hopes on? She guessed not. Well, then, he deserved bruised toes.




Nick watched the couple as they danced across the floor. Something didn’t seem quite right in his mind. He had known that Jarrod was seeing a young lady in town, but he didn’t think her name had been Katelyn. And although nothing had been said recently, Nick got the impression that Jarrod had called things off with the woman. Of course, Jarrod had been staying in San Francisco quite a bit lately and Nick had to wonder if Katelyn was the reason. And why didn’t Jarrod mention anything to the family about her if he was getting that serious? Could the man not at least warn his family about his impending nuptials? Did he always have to run off and elope?


Nick felt badly for his last thoughts. Jarrod had met his first wife, Beth, on a train coming from Washington, D.C. Their courtship and marriage had been so short, had ended so tragically. Well, Nick wanted nothing more than his brother’s happiness and looking at them now as they made their way back to the table, he looked happy. Kind of.


Jarrod had just seated Katelyn when their first course arrived.


"For a wedding gift, I’m calling Carlotta. She’ll completely redo the townhouse." Victoria smiled enthusiastically at Katelyn. "Whatever you want."




"Yes. Carlotta is the decorator I hired to decorate the townhouse when Jarrod first moved in. But I’m afraid it is terribly masculine. Fine for a bachelor, but not at all suited for a young couple."


This was getting worse by the minute. Kate couldn’t let Jarrod’s mother spend money on a decorator when there was no real reason for it.


"They aren’t staying at the townhouse for much longer. There is this gorgeous house for sale that they are looking at." Kate’s mother broke in and to Kate’s horror, she went on to explain about their two places.


"Well, then. We’ll just have Carlotta do the new place."






Clearly her mother was aghast at Katelyn’s curt refusal, but Victoria lay a gentle hand on the woman’s arm.


"That’s all right, if Katelyn doesn’t want Carlotta, we’ll find a decorator she feels comfortable with."


"No, no, no. There isn’t going to be any decorator or house or anything because -" The four stunned faces halted her. She clamped her mouth shut, realizing now was not the time or place to clear her conscience, but the truth screamed in her head all the same: Because we are not married!


Her words hung there in the silence, and Katelyn looked at Jarrod. Do something!


But for once his mind-reading abilities seemed to be on the fritz. He just sat there, watching her, looking as stunned as the others.


Oh, bother! She pushed away from the table, falling back on the only saving grace she could think of.


All out retreat.


"Excuse me," she said, standing, keeping her back straight.


Jarrod and Nick scrambled to their feet as well, and she cleared her throat. "I...I need..." She threw her hands up. "Oh, forget it."


With that she marched away, leaving her so-called husband and his family standing there, staring after her, mouths agape.




Chapter 17


Katelyn entered the lavish ladies lounge and sat down at one of the many vanities. She stared at her reflection, hardly able to believe what was happening. How could just this one little lie have gotten so out of hand? She had only wanted to get her mother to back off a bit when she had told her she was seeing Jarrod Barkley. Then in the hospital, the news of Katelyn’s "marriage" had perked her mother up so, that Katelyn hadn’t had the heart to tell her it wasn’t real.


Katelyn rubbed her temples, trying to ease the ache that was just beginning. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her emotions. When she felt she had things under control, at least somewhat, she decided to rejoin the others. She was checking herself in the mirror when she heard someone speak.


"That’s a drab little dress. It is off the rack?"


Katelyn turned to a woman sitting at another vanity. There was no one else in the room with them, so the woman had to be talking to her. Katelyn studied the other woman’s face and frowned.


Amanda Altman.


"Don’t think dressing up can change the fact that you are hired help. Mummy will see right through you. She’ll put an end to this little tryst."


Mummy? Good grief, the woman made it sound as though she were intimately acquainted with Jarrod’s family.


Maybe she is.


No. Katelyn didn’t believe it. She lifted her chin a fraction. "Tryst? I don’t think so." Amanda Altman might be gorgeous, but her ill-mannered behavior marked her for what she was: common.


Unfortunately, the woman’s sarcasm was anything but common. She all but raised insults to an art form.


"When I say tryst, I mean tryst. Your engagement has never been announced, and no one who is anyone at all has heard about you or the illusion of a marriage. You, love, are a well-guarded secret. I daresay that will be easier that way when he turns you loose."


Katelyn clenched her teeth so hard her jaw ached. Turn her loose indeed! She flung her left hand toward the contemptuous woman. "Does this look like a tryst?"


Take that! Kate thought with satisfaction.


Amanda glanced in the mirror at the ring and laughed haughtily. "That? You think that little trinket means anything? The one he offered me was considerably more substantial. That practically isn’t there. He obviously doesn’t think much of you."


Katelyn’s anger boiled. "This is a wedding ring." She smiled sweetly. "Not a payoff."


Amanda’s eyes flickered at that. Score a point for me, Kate thought, but her pleasure was short lived.


The other woman shrugged elegantly. "Well, I admit I’m surprised he actually married you. He’s carried this a bit further than usual." She offered Kate a sympathetic smile. "But that is of little importance to me. He may be enamored with you for the moment, but he won’t stay faithful to you. You’re not his type."


"And you are?" Kate almost choked on the thought.


Amanda turned gracefully on the stool and bore her icy gaze at Katelyn. "Oh, absolutely. Jarrod and I are cut from the same cloth. We’re both from high society and not ‘common’ like you. We’ll be together again before you know it." A slow smile pulled at her mouth. "And I do mean together, in every sense of the word."


Katelyn stared at the woman. What was she saying?


Amanda turned back to the mirror and touched her hair. "Do you really think he’s at his office all the time...alone?"


Against Katelyn’s will, the mental picture of Jarrod and Amanda together formed in her head. The perfect match of tall, dark and handsome with the auburn haired beauty. The haunting image lodged in her brain. The sitting room suddenly felt stuffy and confining.


Kate backed away, but in her rush to escape Amanda, she nearly ran into a woman entering the sitting room. After apologizing, she rushed out the front door of the restaurant.


She couldn’t go back to the table. Not yet. Maybe not ever. But she at least needed a few minutes to compose herself, to clear her head. Hopefully, the fresh air would accomplish that.


"What did you expect," she whispered to herself. "Nothing good comes from a lie."


Although the day had been pleasantly warm, the temperature had dropped some since sunset. She wrapped her arms around herself to no avail. It was as though the cold came from within as without. She drew in a couple of calming breaths. It would have to be enough. She turned to go back inside and nearly bumped into Jarrod.


He steadied her, his hands on her upper arms. "What are you doing out here? You’re cold," he said, slipping out of his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders. His warmth, his fragrance, enveloped her.


She closed her eyes. "I was just going back inside."


He slipped his arm around her shoulders and walked her back in. "Your mother said you looked upset when you raced out of the ladies lounge, that she saw you almost run down another poor woman." He gave her a sideways glance. "Will you tell me what upset you and sent you outside?"


What upset her? Tell him what upset her?


She fought the irrational urge to burst into laughter. Either that, or tears. How could she tell him what had upset her? There was too much to choose from! This had, without a doubt, been the worst day of her entire life. Jarrod had caught her paying for a ring to go along with her lie. A strange man nearly walked in on her in the bedroom. She was surprised by her "in-laws" and forced to compound lie on top of lie. She’d been humiliated on the dance floor. And last, but most definitely not least, there was the charming Amanda Altman. How could she even begin to describe that encounter?


Oh, not to worry dear. I just had an unpleasant run-in with a woman whose tongue is as sharp as razors and who minced no words about being after the man I’m in love with. But really, it was nothing.


Upset? Oh no, she wasn’t upset. She was ready to explode! But the last thing she wanted to do was tell Jarrod all of that. So she just gazed up at him wide-eyed.


"What makes you think I’m upset?"


"For one thing, your hands are shaking." He took them in his. "And they’re ice cold."


"It’s just from being outside. I’m fine." She freed herself from his grasp.


"Sweetheart, please - " His tone and the concern in his eyes were almost Kate’s undoing. She couldn’t resist when he took her hands again, tugging them gently. She was about to throw caution to the wind and move forward, letting him fold her into a comforting embrace and spill all her worries, all her fears...


But she was saved by the bell. Or rather, by a well-modulated voice from behind them.


"Jarrod, darling. Fancy seeing you here."


He went stiff, as did Katelyn, and he clenched his jaw at the sound of Amanda’s velvety voice.


Jarrod turned and hooked his arm around Katelyn’s waist. "Amanda." Katelyn was relieved to hear how cool his words were.


"I hear congratulations are in order." She looked from Jarrod to Katelyn and back again, then held her hand out to him.


"Thank you," he said with a nod to her hand but made no move to take it.


If he truly disliked this woman as much as he acted, then why didn’t he tell her to just go away? Why suffer her company a moment longer, unless...


Unless there was some truth in Amanda’s words.


The woman’s coy smile slid to one of disdain as she looked from Jarrod to Katelyn. "All part of the game, sweetheart. Right, Jarrod dear?" She batted her lashes at him and turned with a flare, making a grand exit to keep all eyes on herself.




Chapter 18


"What was that all about? What did she mean by game?" Jarrod’s voice held a no-nonsense tone.


"It’s nothing really. Let’s go back to the table." Katelyn made a move to go, but he stopped her with a hand on her elbow.


"Was Amanda in the ladies lounge?"


Katelyn stared at the ground, her lips clamped shut. The last thing she wanted to do was get into this now.


"She said something to you, didn’t she? What?"


"Jarrod, please. This is hardly the place."


"She said game. You didn’t tell her what is really going on between us, did you? She could and would ruin everything."


Katelyn had a sinking feeling something was going to come of her conversation with Amanda, no matter how hard she tried to avoid it. And she wasn’t sure she would like the outcome. "She...she sort of saw my ring."


Only because I shoved it in her face.


"So she thinks we’re married?" He sounded relieved.


"Wouldn’t you?" She noticed Nick approaching and added quickly. "Jarrod, please. Can we drop this? Here comes your brother."


"Smile," he said, turning toward his brother.


"There you two are," he said and came to a stop. "We were beginning to wonder if you skipped out on us for a secret rendezvous. I was sent to fetch you beck." He smiled. "I could always tell them I couldn’t find you."


"But that would be a lie, and the last thing we want you to do is lie for us," Katelyn said, trying to smile. She turned to Jarrod. "Lying never works, does it, darling?"


Jarrod’s eyes flickered at that, but Katelyn just turned from him and took Nick’s arm. "Come on, brother Nick. Let’s get back to the party."




At long last the time came for them to go home. Jarrod pulled Nick aside and asked him to take Carol and their mother back to the townhouse. Nick smiled and winked at Jarrod, making Katelyn roll her eyes. Nick apparently thought they were trying to sneak off to spend some time "alone".


Nick, Victoria and Carol got into a carriage and rode off. Jarrod took Katelyn’s arm and led her to another.


"Where are we going?" Katelyn asked.


"It’s been a long day. I thought you could use a break from our families. It will also give you a chance to tell me exactly what Amanda said to you. This time, without interruption." His tone left no room for argument.


Katelyn swallowed hard. She thought this conversation was finished. Evidently not. "It was nothing, really." Please drop the subject. She didn’t want to think about that woman at all. She could still feel Amanda’s icy stare and hear her haughty laugh.


Jarrod reached over and took her hand. Katelyn looked at him in surprise. Why would he do that when they were alone?


"Kate, it’s clear she upset you and I want to know what lies she is spreading."


Hope sparked inside her. Lies? Were they lies? She hoped so...with all her heart. "Why do you think she told me lies?"


"Amanda Altman is incapable of telling the truth. Unless, of course, it gets her what she’s after." Jarrod still couldn’t believe he had ever had any interest in her. His mouth was a thin, hard line. "She will say anything to get what she wants."


"And she wants you." Kate hoped she didn’t sound as jealous as she felt.


"Well this is one time Amanda is not going to get what she wants. I have absolutely no interest in her. All I want from that woman is her absence."


"She said you two were seeing each other at your office."


Maybe that’s why he gave you the time you wouldn’t see them. She closed her eyes against the suspicions. Shut up. Just shut up!


"She said that?"


Don’t embellish, Kate. You’ve done enough of that. Speak the truth. "Well, no...she implied it."


Jarrod turned to face her. "Tell me every word she said." His words were forced like it was a chore to get them out.


He was not going to be dissuaded or put off. Fine then, she would tell him. He asked for it. This day had already gone from bad to worse, she might as well make a complete disaster of it. "Let’s see, she started off by saying that my dress was drab and that I am a lowly employee and beneath you."


Jarrod’s face became a hard mask. Katelyn could tell he was upset.


"She said she broke your heart when she left you and the engagement ring you offered her was much bigger than the ring you’d given me, so I was unimportant."


"Me, marry her?" His words came pouring out. "I never proposed to that woman. She did all the chasing. But I knew before long that she was the type of person to get what she wanted, then stab you in the back and laugh while washing the blood from her hands. She’s a user and manipulator."


He leaned his head back against the seat, running a hand over his eyes. "What ever attracted me to her in the first place?"


The fact that he had been attracted to her stabbed at Kate’s heart. "She’s beautiful."


"Kate, there is beauty-" his voice dropped a little and he touched her shoulder-" and then there is beauty. Amanda Altman is an ugly person where it counts."


"She was convinced she’s going to get you back. That you were just using me to make her pay for hurting you."


"I broke it off with her. And she is not going to ‘get me back.’ Things are over between her and I and if she can’t accept that, then that is her problem."


Katelyn couldn’t help but wonder if Amanda would try to make it her problem as well. Realizing her face was probably betraying every thought, she turned away. She hated being so transparent to him. Could he tell she loved him? Probably. If he returned her feelings, he would have said something. But he said nothing of the kind.


"We should get back." His tone was weary and resigned. "They’ll be wondering what happened to us." Jarrod knocked on the side of the carriage to get the driver’s attention. He instructed him to take them back to the townhouse.


He turned back to Katelyn and reached out to lift her chin with a light touch of his finger. The tenderness in his eyes was heart wrenching.


"Ah, Kate...what you do to me."


His hand cupped her face, and the gentle touch sent shivers coursing through her. She knew he was going to kiss her and she was glad. She wanted him to do it. Now. Here. With no one around to see them.


But even as she leaned toward him, his hand fell away. Mortified, Kate sat there, gripping her hands in her lap. She was such an idiot! Why would he even think of kissing her? She was a friend, nothing more. Someone he’d promised to help.


The sooner she got that through her stupid head - and her foolish heart - the better off she’d be.




Chapter 19


When they got back to the house, there was a big hullabaloo about where everyone was going to sleep. The first option was for Jarrod and Katelyn to stay at her place, but Katelyn insisted on being near her mother. So she suggested that she and her mother go to her place. Wrong. It seemed that everyone wanted to be around Katelyn. Everyone except Katelyn herself.


She just wanted to get away. To be someplace where she wouldn’t have to put on a front for a while. She felt like a favorite toy being fought over.


The final decision was made: Victoria would take the master bedroom; Katelyn and her mother would be in one guest bedroom; and the two brothers would share the other guest bedroom.


The rest of the evening seemed endless. Finally, Kate saw her escape when Victoria turned to her and said, "Dear, are you all right? You don’t look well at all."


"I’m not." The first truth she’d uttered in days. "I’m sick."


No sooner were the words out of her mouth than she found herself being ushered to bed by two cooing mothers. But for all that, Kate was more weary than she’d ever been in her life - heart weary, soul weary - she couldn’t sleep.


She spent a restless night sharing a room with her mother, thinking about Jarrod. Could he have feelings for her? Not love, at least not yet - but could he someday? But even the possibility that he could filled her with uncertainty and dread.


Because she knew what she had to do. She had to get up the courage to tell him how she felt about him.




The next morning, Katelyn made her way to Jenny’s house. She hadn’t had a chance to see her friend since before this all began, and she needed someone to talk to.


They were seated in Jenny’s parlor, her mother having set out some tea and delicious tea cakes then left them alone. Katelyn told Jenny that Jarrod’s mother and brother had shown up yesterday.


"So, your in-laws are here."


"They aren’t my in-laws."


"Close enough. And maybe with any luck they will be someday," Jenny said impishly.


"Jenn, this is serious. Now I’m lying to his family, too."


"Ah yes, but apparently Prince Charming didn’t tell them the truth, either." She seemed intrigued by this information.


"That’s not the point."


"Oh Kate, lighten up! Why are you taking all this so seriously?"


"Why don’t you take anything seriously?" Katelyn snapped back. "What am I going to do now? I never should have let you talk me into this."


"Fine, blame me," she said, holding up her hands. "See if I care. But answer me this, why did you take my advice if it was so awful? You could have told your mother the truth. I didn’t exactly hold a weapon to your head and force you into this little charade." Jenny picked up a tea cup and sipped from it.


Katelyn opened her mouth for a retort...but there was none. Her friend was absolutely right. She was the one who’d given in to the urge to lie. She was the one who’d passed by opportunity after opportunity to set things right.


Nobody else.


Just her.


Jenny put down her tea cup and asked gently, "Is your mother improving or not?"


"Well, yes." It was true. Her mother had most of her color back, and she didn’t need to sleep as much.


"Well, then, I rest my case. Clearly what you’re doing is for the best. Besides, you’ve only got a few days and Jarrod’s family will leave. Then soon your mother will go home and you and Jarrod can go back to your lives. No harm. No foul."


Jenn looked so pleased with herself that Kate didn’t have the heart to argue. But deep inside - where she felt the constant struggle, the tug to do what she knew was right no matter how terrifying it might be - she knew her friend was wrong. Flat wrong.


There was a great deal of harm taking place. To Jarrod. To Kate’s heart. Maybe even to her spirit.


She just didn’t know what to do about it.




Nick and Jarrod had gone to lunch together. They hadn’t seen one another in quite a while and Nick was looking forward to getting some information from his brother about Katelyn. Why the hurried wedding and why did he keep her a secret from the rest of the family? And why was there such a strain between them? Last night at dinner, when Nick had gone out to find them, Nick heard Katelyn mention something about lying and how it never works. Nick was concerned for his brother and wanted answers.


After the waiter had delivered their meals the brothers fell into easy conversation. Nick told Jarrod all of the happenings at the ranch and how Heath and Audra were doing. Both had wanted to come and see their lawyer brother, but Heath agreed to stay behind and tend to the ranch while Nick accompanied their mother. Audra had a charity dance she had organized for the orphanage and felt she couldn’t miss it.


Nick congratulated himself for waiting as long as he did before bringing the subject of Katelyn up.


"So, this thing with you and Katelyn seems sudden."


Jarrod, who had been cutting into his thick steak, slowed his movements. He had hoped that Nick wouldn’t try and get answers to questions Jarrod knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t answer.


"Well, you know how these things go," was all he said.


"I can’t help but wonder why you never mentioned her before. And would it have been so difficult to at least let us know beforehand that you were going to be getting married? We would have liked to have been there."


Jarrod looked at Nick, seeing the hurt expression on his face tore at his heart. He hadn’t expected this reaction from his younger brother, though he should have. Theirs was a close family and although Jarrod rarely talked about his involvement with the fairer sex, he knew Nick felt somewhat betrayed that Jarrod had not shared this most important event in his life with his family...again.


And yet, Nick really hadn’t missed anything...really.


"I’m sorry, Nick. But trust me when I say we had our reasons for doing what we did and those are reasons I can share right now."


Nick narrowed his eyes and then spoke the first thing that popped into his mind.


"You haven’t gone and gotten that girl into trouble have you?" Nick asked and Jarrod’s head snapped up.


"Lower your voice and no. Katelyn’s not in any trouble," he said. "At least not that kind." Jarrod muttered.


"What is that supposed to mean?" Nick asked.


"Nothing, forget about it."


"Well, something isn’t right between you two."


Jarrod held his hand up. "I don’t want to discuss it anymore Nick. Just leave things alone." Jarrod’s stern voice then turned to a plea, one that Nick couldn’t refuse. "Please."


Nick nodded, but Jarrod knew his brother was not happy with him. He would let the matter drop for now, but was determined to find out what was going on.




Nick and Jarrod parted company after lunch. When Jarrod returned home, he found Katelyn and their mothers in the kitchen, fixing dinner. Nick was sitting at the table, telling them all an amusing story about something that had happened on the ranch. The scene before Jarrod warmed his heart.


He came up behind Katelyn and kissed her on the cheek and held out a long, narrow, velvet case to her. She stopped chopping mushrooms and stared at the box. Slowly she set her knife down and took the box. Turning, she looked up at him. "What’s this?"


"It’s a present for you."


She looked down at it, then back up at him with a confused expression on her face. "Why?"


"Because he loves you, dear. Now open it," her mother said.


"It’s for our two month anniversary," Jarrod said, watching her closely.


"That’s not for eleven more days."


The fact that she was keeping track, even in make believe, pleased him. "Open it." He was careful not to sound demanding, but he couldn’t help sounding eager.


She seemed to prolong the act of lifting the lid. Or was he just anxious to see if she liked what he’d brought her?


"It’s beautiful," she breathed out. Then she did it. She looked up at him and gifted him with the most beautiful smile; her expression was warm, her eyes glowed...surely this was true affection he saw reflected in their depths? In any case, she enchanted him with that single look. It seemed as though they were the only two people in the room.


Jarrod carefully removed the gold locket from it’s velvet case. "Let me put it on you." He held it up by its delicate gold rope chain and reached around her neck to fasten it.


She fingered it reverently as her tear filled eyes swept up to his face. "Thank you," she whispered.


Though the others mistook her tears for joy, he could see a touch of sorrow in her eyes, and it broke his heart.


Why are you sad, Katelyn? This was supposed to make you happy.


Would he ever figure this woman out? He hoped so. And he hoped it happened before he lost everything that really mattered to him.




Katelyn stood before the mirror in the guest room she and her mother shared, fingering the beautiful locket. She removed it from around her neck and continued to admire the beautiful piece of jewelry.


"It’s beautiful," her mother said as Katelyn carefully placed the locket in its velvet case.


All this attention from Jarrod felt wonderful...until reality came crashing in. Appearances. That’s all it was. His actions were calculated moves. She should be grateful he played his role so convincingly, but with each passing day, she found it only broke her heart.


"He loves you very much," Carol said, watching her daughter carefully.


"Yes, so it seems." She touched it one last time before turning down the lamp.




Chapter 20


Jarrod sat in his study, pretending to go over some paperwork he had brought home from the office. He was really thinking about Katelyn’s reaction to his gift. He had thought she would love it and she acted as though she did, but he couldn’t forget the sadness he had seen in her eyes. What had caused such a sadness and what could he do to make it go away?


He looked up and saw his mother standing in the door way, watching him. He smiled at her and stood, holding out his hand in invitation for her to join him. She closed the door quietly behind her and then took his hand as he led her over to the settee.


Neither said anything for a moment, then Victoria spoke.


"Katelyn seems like a lovely young woman, Jarrod."


Jarrod sighed. "She is."


"So what’s the matter?"


Jarrod looked over at his mother and smiled softly. She was always so perceptive. But just as he couldn’t share the truth with Nick, he couldn’t share it with his mother. It wouldn’t be fair to Katelyn or her mother either.


"What makes you think there is something the matter?" he asked.


"I just sense a strain between the two of you. Is it us?"


Jarrod shook his head.


"Let’s just say, we have some things we need to work on."


"As in any new marriage," Victoria said. She paused before continuing on with her thoughts. "I know that you are an adult, Jarrod and can make your own decisions. But when it comes to something as important as marriage, I had hoped to at least been given some advanced warning."


"I’m sorry, Mother. It’s just Carol was so sick and she wanted to see her daughter married. We did it because of her."


Victoria’s brow creased. Did this mean that Jarrod and Katelyn didn’t love one another? That this was a marriage of convenience? No, it couldn’t be. Jarrod and Katelyn had to love each other. The looks that passed between them almost shouted the fact. But maybe they had rushed into this marriage too quickly. She patted Jarrod’s hand and squeezed it.


"I know that with time, you two will get things worked out. If there is anything I can do to help..." She let her sentence hang, knowing that Jarrod was aware that he could count on his family. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before going up to bed.




The next evening was spent just relaxing. Jarrod and Nick played a game of chess while the women talked among themselves. At one point, Katelyn came over to sit near Jarrod and watched the game. After the game was over Jarrod couldn’t resist pulling Katelyn closer to himself. The feel of his arm around her, his leg against hers, sent her heart into somersaults. Jarrod leaned back and Katelyn lay her head on his chest. He relished the contact between them.


Katelyn didn’t realize how comfortable she was until she drifted off to sleep. Her mother had had a restless night last night, so she hadn’t slept well, either. At least her mother had taken a nap or Katelyn would be worried all the more. Soothed by the steady thump, thump, thump rhythm from within her pretend husband, she allowed herself to drift away on a dream and a prayer, serenaded by his strong heartbeat.


She woke sometime later to find herself being transported across the room by strong arms. "I can walk."


Jarrod stopped by the bottom of the stairs and set her on her feet but kept an arm securely around her. Katelyn couldn’t tear her gaze from his and licked her lips self-consciously. Her pulse quickened and her lungs didn’t seem to need air at all. She swallowed as he leaned closer. Surely he would stop, pull back as he’d done so many times before....


But he didn’t.


He kissed her tenderly, with a gentle reverence. Her mind scanned their surroundings for an audience. But there was no one. They were alone.


Her hope soared at the thought. And when his arm tightened around her and he deepened the kiss, her heart flooded with joy.


But bleak reality quickly came to light when the sound of a throat clearing reached her ears. Jarrod tensed and broke the kiss, muttering something under his breath. He gazed down at her as if he wanted to say something, but Kate couldn’t meet his eyes. She was too afraid she would weep at what she’d been hoping and what she now knew was true. They hadn’t shared a beautiful moment after all.


It had been the same as all the others. A kiss calculated to get caught.


"Why don’t you two make it easy on yourselves and go to Kate’s?" Nick said, teasingly.


Jarrod’s jaw tightened. Why did he look so upset? So they had been caught kissing. Wasn’t that the point, after all?


"Good night," she whispered.


"Good night, my love," he whispered back. "Sleep well."


His love? If only it were true, this whole thing would be so much more bearable. She tore herself from his arms and escaped up the stairs. Her eyes were awash with tears, her heart awash with the pain of dashed hopes. The light had been dim and she hoped he hadn’t been able to see the tears gleaming there when she turned from him.


She leaned against the bedroom door, clutching her chest. I love him so much. Why can’t this be real?


No answer came. But she knew the answer. It was all a lie. A lie can never be the truth. And it stood between her and her mother and her and Jarrod. She slid down the wall, feeling hollow and alone.




The shimmer of unshed tears he’d seen in her eyes confused him. What had he done to hurt her? He had kissed her first of all because he wanted to and secondly to gauge how she felt about him. For one brief moment, hope had coursed through him. She’d leaned into him, and the small sigh that escaped her as he kissed her had made his head spin.


But then...


Then she pulled away, looking at him with such sorrow.


"This is just an observation, Pappy, but if you aren’t careful, you’re going to lose her," Nick said. Jarrod had forgotten about his brother. He glanced at Nick and then made his way up the stairs, fearing how true Nick’s words were.




Chapter 21


Katelyn sat at a table at the Crystal Swan and forced a smile for her pseudo-mother-in-law. She had tried to get her mother to come too, but she insisted that Katelyn and Victoria needed this time to get acquainted.


Katelyn sipped her coffee. "I’m sorry that the wedding was such a rush and we couldn’t invite all of you. It was nothing personal. If we had more time, we would have invited everyone."


Victoria rested her hand on Katelyn’s forearm. "It’s all right, dear. Jarrod explained about your mother’s health condition. But I insist on giving you and Jarrod a grand reception this summer at our home in Stockton."


"Please don’t go to any trouble."


"It will be no trouble at all. I’m looking forward to it."


The waiter delivered their food and Katelyn was having a difficult time eating. She mostly picked at her food and Victoria noticed, feeling some concern.


"Are you all right, Katelyn? Is there something wrong with your food?"


"No, it’s fine."


Katelyn picked up her fork and swallowed hard before taking the bite it held. She was going to eat every last bite on her plate, even if it killed her. Her tense stomach lurched in protest with the first bite. She swallowed carefully, forcing herself on to the next bite.


She already swallowed her pride, choked on her lies and stuffed herself with humiliation. In light of that, eating a plate of food should be a snap.




That evening, Kate stood out on the small balcony overlooking the garden at Jarrod’s townhouse. The sun was setting and it would be dark soon, but Katelyn needed some time alone to gather her thoughts. She heard movement behind her but didn’t turn to see who it was until Nick came to stand next to her. He watched her for a few minutes then spoke.


"Something is not right here. With you and Jarrod, I mean. I’ve seen it in his eyes."


"Why don’t you go ask him about it?" Katelyn said her heart sinking. First her mother had seen things weren’t right, and now Jarrod’s brother was picking up on it. Trapped in her own lie, she felt defeated.


"Distrust. That’s what I’ve seen in his eyes. Tell me, what have you done that has caused Jarrod to not trust you? I won’t let you hurt my brother and get away with it."


If only she could tell him the truth...tell him she loved Jarrod with all her heart, that she’d never hurt him, that she was dying inside because she knew she’d never be with him.


But she held her silence. All she could do was stare up at him, grasping for something to say to him to make him leave her alone.


His gaze bore into hers. "What have you done to lose my brother’s trust?"


"You don’t have to answer that." Jarrod’s dark voice made them both jump.


Katelyn looked from Jarrod, who stood in the doorway, to Nick.


"I lied." The whispered admission came out before she could stop it.


Nick’s expression changed from condemning to a surprised questioning. Before she gave herself away any further, she moved from him, heading for the French doors and her escape. Jarrod stopped her with a light touch on her arm. She waited, and he lifted her face until her eyes met his. "I do trust you."


How? After lies on top of lies, each one eating away at her soul. She could no longer stand herself. No longer trust herself, her integrity. How could Jarrod possibly trust her after all the pain she’d caused him?


She searched his eyes for the truth, but it was useless. Sometimes she wondered if she would even know the truth anymore.


She went inside without a word. How could she say anything? How could he believe a word she said after all her deceit?




"How can you say that?"


Jarrod turned to face his brother, pondering his frustrated question.


"Your wife just admitted lying. How can you trust her?"


"I understand why she did what she did."


"You’re defending her, condoning her actions?"


"I’m neither condoning nor defending, only understanding."


Well Nick didn’t understand. He wanted Jarrod’s happiness and didn’t want him to be hurt. He hadn’t intended to question Katelyn, but before he could stop himself, the words came pouring out.


"She said she lied to you. Is that something you can live with?" Nick asked, knowing his brother’s desire for the truth always.


"She didn’t say she lied to me, just that she lied."


"And you can live with that? Doesn’t that bother you?"


It bothered Jarrod a lot. Almost as much as his own lies bothered him.


"Yes it bothers me, but I also understand." He chose his words carefully. "None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. We have to forgive one another and help each other to become stronger. Love covers a multitude of sins."


"You can forgive her just like that?"


"I have to, Nick."


Nick regarded his brother. He had never seen Jarrod like this and he admitted it bothered him. He could see the love Jarrod had for Katelyn, but he could also see that something wasn’t right between them.


"Tell me, Jarrod, are you and Kate going to make it?"


Jarrod took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I’m only holding on to her by a thread. If it weren’t for her mother visiting, we wouldn’t be together at all."


"It’s that bad?" Nick’s eyebrows rose. "You can’t tell. You two look like lovebirds."


"It’s all an illusion. I don’t know what is going to happen when everyone leaves. I don’t want to lose her."


"Have you told her that? Woman like to hear that kind of thing."


No, he hadn’t told her. He had to figure out how to let her know that. And how to make her believe it.




The next morning while Katelyn was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast, Nick came in. She nervously wiped off the table to keep busy, wondering what he wanted and hoped he got it fast and left.


"I was hoping we would have a chance to talk."


Talk? No, she didn’t think that was such a good idea after last night. "I need to..." She put down the dish cloth and turned to leave.


"Please. It will only take a minute. I want to apologize." He sounded sincere, but she kept her distance. She slowly sank down into one of the kitchen chairs and bit her bottom lip.


"I’m sorry for my behavior last night. I acted inappropriately. Jarrod explained things to me."


Her eyes widened in astonishment. "Everything?"


"Enough that I think I understand."


That meant that Jarrod most likely didn’t tell him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But what had he told him?


"Will you forgive my rude behavior?"


"Yes, of course."


"Thank you." A sad expression crossed his face. "But I’m afraid I may have damaged what could be a pleasant family relationship between you and me. I won’t bother you any further, milady." He gave a courtly bow and turned to leave.


"Nick." She felt this whole misunderstanding was her fault and wanted to make amends. He was sort of charming in his own way. He faced her and she held out her hand. "Truce?"


He raised and eyebrow and hesitantly took her hand to shake. "Truce."


"We sort of got off on the wrong foot anyway. Let’s start over. Forgiven and forgotten. I’m Katelyn."


His smile broadened. "I’m Nick. The good-looking one in the family."




Chapter 22


While Jarrod had some business to take care of at his office, Nick accompanied Katelyn to her cottage to feed and play with Lucky. On the return trip, they stopped off at a shop for a present for Victoria. Her birthday was in a few weeks and Jarrod had asked Nick to pick up the gift he had picked out.


Since their conversation on the balcony and his apology, Nick seemed to be more friendly and polite, like he was on her side now. Before he seemed to be judging her every move. Now, he accepted her without question. He seemed to want her to know that she was welcome in their family. What had Jarrod said that made him so accepting of her all of a sudden. He said he understood when Jarrod "explained" things, but just what was it he understood?


As they were waiting to pick up the gift, they browsed around a bit. They were just about to leave when Katelyn heard someone say,


"I see you’ve found a new playmate."


Katelyn turned to stare in the unwavering face of Amanda Altman. Kate’s stomach turned at the prospect of a confrontation with the other woman - and there would be a confrontation. Amanda would see to that.


"Well, he’s awfully cute. I wonder what Jarrod will say when he finds out you are spending your days with another man? And that he’s buying you expensive gifts." Amanda nodded toward the package Katelyn was carrying. "I best get over to his office. I’m sure he’ll need a shoulder to cry on." Her smile was disgustingly smug.


"Jarrod already knows. And he vastly approves."


"I doubt that. He’s a very possessive man. I know." She lifted her chin. "It’s only a matter of time. Only a matter of time." With that, Amanda spun on her heels and left.


Katelyn looked over at Nick who was watching the gorgeous woman walk away. He turned his eyes to Katelyn and asked, "Who was that?"


"Amanda Altman. I need to go back to my house."


They walked out of the store and Nick hailed a carriage. They rode back to Katelyn’s in silence and when they arrived he helped her down.


"You can go ahead and go back to the townhouse. I’ll just stay here for a while."


Nick’s expression was hesitant. "Are you sure you don’t want me to wait for you? I could just wait out here."


"No, thank you." Katelyn began to walk away, but Nick touched her arm to stop her.


"Don’t let her get to you. I’m sure a woman like that could mean nothing to Jarrod."


I wish I were so sure. She once meant something to him. "Thanks."


Nick still gently held on to her arm. She looked at him and smiled sadly. "I just need some time to myself. I’ll be fine."




Jarrod looked anxiously at the door as his brother came in, but without Katelyn.


"I thought Katelyn was with you."


"She was. We ran into an old friend of yours. Amanda Altman. The witch had her claws out and unless I miss my guess, she drew blood."


"Where is she?"


Nick raised his eyebrows.


"Katelyn! I mean Katelyn!" His brother couldn’t possibly thing he wanted anything to do with Amanda when he had someone as wonderful as Katelyn. Well, almost had.


"She asked me to leave her at the cottage. I guess she needed time to lick her wounds."


Jarrod was out the door before Nick could say any more.


Katelyn, please don’t believe that woman. A woman like Amanda could make even the most secure woman have doubts. And the relationship he had with Katelyn was anything but secure.


He was relieved when he saw Katelyn outside playing tug of war with Lucky. The dog was getting the better of her, yanking her around the yard even though Katelyn was digging in her heels. She looked happy. Jarrod stood and watched for a moment, listening to the dog’s growls mixed with her laughter. He didn’t want to be the cause of her smile fading, not just yet. He wanted to enjoy her for a moment longer.


Suddenly, Lucky’s ears perked up and she let loose of the rope. He had been spotted. Katelyn sprawled backward into the grass.


She was still laughing when he rushed over to her. He held out his hand and pulled her to her feet.


"My dog has no consideration for me when you are around." Katelyn brushed herself off.


"I’m sorry. Would you like me to teach her some manners?"


"No. It probably wouldn’t do any good. She only has eyes for you," she said with a wave of her hand.


And you, Katelyn, who do you have eyes for?


"Would you like something to drink?"


"Coffee sounds good."


Lucky jumped in front of Katelyn with the rope again and dropped it at her feet. "No, I’m not going to play with you after you dumped me in the grass." She stepped around the dog, but the persistent dog dropped the rope at her feet again, nearly tripping her.


"I think she’s trying to say she’s sorry," Jarrod said on Lucky’s behalf.


"I forgive you." Katelyn scratched the dog behind the ears. "But I’m still not playing with you." She picked up the rope and threw it as far as she could. "Hurry up," She called to Jarrod as she hurried for the door. "It won’t take her long to retrieve it."


They hurried inside and Katelyn started some coffee. They didn’t speak until Katelyn set a cup in front of Jarrod.


"Nick said you two ran into Amanda today." He put the cup to his mouth and sipped it. "I’m sorry she bothered you."


"It was nothing, really."


Uncertainty accosted Jarrod. The encounter with Amanda wasn’t the least bit upsetting to Katelyn? "What did she say this time?"


"Nothing of importance."


"Nick said she was pretty catty."


She shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of coffee.


"Then you didn’t believe her?"


She set down her mug. "It’s hard to ignore someone like Amanda, but when it came down to it, I chose to believe you instead of her." Her gaze met his. "I hardly know her. I certainly don’t have any reason to trust her. But I do think I can trust what you’ve told me about her. So that’s what I’m doing."


His spirits brightened. She had chosen to believe him. He felt like a man pardoned at the last hour.




Chapter 23


Jarrod and Katelyn headed to his bedroom to dress for dinner. They were going to the Crystal Swan again.


As always, Jarrod grabbed his change of clothes and moved into the bathroom - his "changing room". Then he pointed to a box sitting on the bed.


"You can wear that tonight if you want," he said apprehensively and quickly left. She had never known him to act the least bit nervous before.


Katelyn opened the box and lifted out a beautiful off-white silk dress. Clearly, this was no off-the-rack garment. She wondered whose it was but dared not ask, lest she burst her fairy-tale bubble. She held the dress up to herself and gazed at it in the mirror. It looked to be a perfect fit.




"Jarrod, why don’t you go and hurry your wife up," Carol said. Everyone was ready and waiting on Katelyn.


Jarrod leaned casually against the corner of the wall. "From my experience, rushing a woman is more trouble than it’s worth. She’ll be down soon." He hoped she was aware of the time, but more than that he longed to see her in the dress if she chose to wear it. He had bought it last week in a compelling moment and wasn’t sure if he should give it to her.


"Would you look at that!"


At Nick’s breathless exclamation, Jarrod turned toward the stairs. His breath caught at the sight of Katelyn. He pushed away from the wall slowly. She looked like an angel, better than in any of his dreams.


He strode over to her. "You look lovely." He leaned closer and kissed her cheek, then whispered in her ear, "And well worth the wait."


She looked up at him, eyes wide, a touch of pink on those smooth cheeks, no doubt wondering why he didn’t make his second compliment public.


Because, my dear Miss Mahoney, I love you and plan to win your heart.


As soon as they had given the waiter their orders, Jarrod escorted Katelyn onto the dance floor. She stared up into his face as their bodies swayed to the music. The clock would strike midnight soon enough, and she would have to go back to her ho-hum average life. After living in the palace with the attention of the prince, normal life would seem dull...plain...colorless.


Her heart ached just thinking about Jarrod going on with his life without her, of him once again being out of her reach. Would working for him be enough? Assuming, of course, he would even want her back. The thought of losing all contact with him was too painful, so she pushed it away.


But if she did continue to work for him, could she be that close to him knowing he was never to be hers? No. She didn’t think she could. It was clear to her that she would have to quit her job and make a clean break. She would leave Jarrod behind. It was the price she must pay for lying, but she would enjoy this moment while it lasted.


His eyes were telling her something, but what? Or were they probing deep inside her?


She met his gaze, willing him to read what was in her heart. I love you, Jarrod Barkley. Can you read my mind tonight? Do you know how I feel? Would you kiss me if I thought about it hard enough? There are, after all, plenty of people around to see.


He did indeed lean forward but not to kiss her. He rested his cheek against the side of her head as they continued to sway together. His telepathy definitely was not working tonight. Either that or he was purposefully ignoring the messages she sent because he too, knew it would all be over soon.


His arms tightened slightly around her.


"May I-"Nick began.


"No." Jarrod kept them moving to the music.


"They want you back at the table," Nick said. "The food-"




"Okay." Nick held his hands up and moved away, a slight grin on his handsome face.


A thrilling tingle raced through her. She wanted to kiss Jarrod for not wanting to give her up, even if it was for show. She wanted to stay in his arms.


Not until the music faded out after the orchestra’s final note did Jarrod walk her back to the table.




Chapter 24


Jarrod needed to work late in order to make up for some of the time he had taken off during the month to be with Katelyn. He hated the fact that he might not see her, but he had to get these things done. There was a knock at his office door, and for one fleeting second, he wondered if Katelyn had come to see him.


"Come," he called out, and looked up in time to see Amanda saunter in like a cat on the prowl.


"Jarrod, I’ve been looking all over for you."


Jarrod pressed his lips together tightly. She was the last person he expected to see today. In fact, he could quite happily go the rest of his life without laying eyes on this particular woman again.


He knew she’d been wanting to talk to him. She had left at least twelve messages with his secretary while he’d been out. He’d said all he had to say to her. History had proven no good came of talking with her. Whoever said ignore a person and they will go away, never met Amanda Altman. But leave it to her to take matters into her own hands.


Why couldn’t she just leave him alone? Having a face to face with Amanda was definitely not something he wanted taking up his time.


"Amanda." He nodded his head at her, reaching out to straighten his papers and close his file. Maybe she’d get the point that he was busy. Then an even better idea came to him: he’d just go home where she couldn’t bother him.


Scooping up the file, he stood. "Sorry I can’t stick around to chat. I’m in a hurry." In a hurry to get away from her. He did his best to keep the impatience from his voice, but even he could hear that he wasn’t succeeding.


"Hurrying home to your little wife?" Her tone was so sweet. Too sweet. "Oh, but then again, she’s not really your wife."


Jarrod froze, his hands tensing on the file he held. How in the world had she found out about that? He met her smug gaze. "What is that supposed to mean?" He kept his tone level. The last thing he wanted to do was reveal his jumbled emotions.


"Quite simple, my dear. The courthouse has no record of your marriage."


So the cat thinks she’s cornered this mouse. Not if I can help it. "And you assumed we married here?"


"Not at all. I never make assumptions. My man did a thorough check of the surrounding areas. You know what he found?"


Yeah, he knew exactly what he found...or didn’t find.


"Nothing." She stepped up close to him and ran her finger down his tie. "But I can keep your little tryst a secret." Her voice dropped to a low, sultry tone.


He held his breath and clenched his jaw. Having this information in Amanda’s hands was bad. Very bad. She could and would ruin everything, given the chance. He needed time to decide what to do about this new development.


Lifting his chin, he did the only thing he could: bluff. "I hope you get a discount for your man’s incompetence. Maybe you should have him try again." A new search would keep her occupied and off his back for a few days. This mouse was escaping, one way or another.


He walked away, leaving her standing there speechless, such a blessed sound.


Unfortunately, it didn’t last for long. "I’ll get to the bottom of this," she called from behind him. "I promise you that."


He turned, putting on the most nonchalant expression he could muster. "There is nothing to get to the bottom of, so don’t waste your time." With a sigh, he stepped toward her. "Amanda, please, I have tried to be polite, to be civil to you, but you just have to accept that what we had is over. It has been for a very long time. And I’d appreciate it if you’d leave me-" he gave her a pointed look - "and my wife in peace."


She didn’t flinch. Instead she closed the gap between them, stroking his tie again. "I could make you happy if you would only give me the chance," she purred.


As calmly as he could, he removed her hand from his tie. "No, Amanda. Not now, not ever. Now, please, I need to go."


She sniffled and looked away. "You don’t have to be mean about it."


"Your false tears aren’t going to work on me."


Her head came up with a snap; anger burned in her eyes. "You can’t fool me, Jarrod. I know you too well."


"No, Amanda, you don’t. You don’t know me at all."


She blinked, staring at him. "Maybe we should test that assertion." Before he could react, she slid her arms around his neck and pressed herself close to him.


Repulsion swept through Jarrod and he reached up to take hold of her arms, then stopped. He looked down at her for a moment, eyes narrowed. Maybe this was the best way to convince her she was wasting her time. Show her she didn’t affect him, not even a little, no matter how close she got.


He dropped his hands to his sides, arching his brows, letting her see in his expression how tedious her display was. "Amanda, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for your games." He slid his hands in to his pants pockets. "Or interest, for that matter."


Anger flickered in her beautiful eyes at that, and Jarrod felt a surge of triumph. Thank heaven he was getting through. He’d had to go to ridiculous lengths to do it, but if it ended this woman’s assault on him and Kate, it would be worth it.




Katelyn had decided she was going to take some dinner to Jarrod. She wasn’t sure if he would have already eaten or not, but she wanted to see him at least a little today. She opened the door to his outer office and walked on to the inner office. She came to an abrupt halt. What Kate saw as she stared, dumbfounded, almost stopped her heart.


Jarrod was holding Amanda in his arms. He didn’t see Kate, but Amanda did. And a triumphant smile oiled the woman’s face as she nestled her cheek on Jarrod’s chest.


As though sensing her presence, Jarrod turned and saw her. His expression was one of utter horror. Evidently he was stunned he had gotten caught. Caught red-handed! Literally!


Her head spinning, Kate put her hands on her warm cheeks then spun and dashed from the scene. She couldn’t bear to see them together. Her shock gave way to hurt then to anger. Rage burned in her at the thought of Jarrod using her to make that woman jealous. That was what he must have been doing all along.


How could she have been so stupid as to let herself be manipulated like that? She was a first rate fool


She had believed him when he said there was nothing between him and Amanda anymore. She guessed that was accurate; from what she’d seen, there wasn’t even room for air to separate them! How could she have been so foolish as to think he could possibly have harbored feelings for her when that woman was so obviously available?


She rubbed her eyes, trying to erase the sight of them in each other’s arms. But she knew that image - and the picture of Amanda’s victorious grin - would haunt her for the rest of her life.




Chapter 25


Jarrod stormed into his townhouse after going to Katelyn’s and finding that she wasn’t there. He didn’t know where else to look, so he headed home. He halted at the sullen faces of his mother and brother. By the silent stares he was receiving, he guessed that Katelyn had been this way.


"Your wife is pretty upset." Nick’s accusing tone shattered the silence.


Jarrod met his brother’s reproachful gaze without flinching. "Where is she?"


Nick pointed up the stairs. "She’s packing."


The words took Jarrod’s breath away as effectively as if Nick had punched him. Hard. Drawing in a deep breath, Jarrod gave his brother a curt nod and went upstairs. He knocked on the door of the bedroom that Kate had been sharing with her mother. Carol opened the door. She shook her head, throwing up her hands.


"Jarrod, thank heaven. Maybe you can talk some sense into her."


Carol walked past him and he stepped inside, closing the door behind him.


Katelyn didn’t even look at him. Her focus was on the clothes she was cramming into her valise.


"Kate, it’s not what you think."


She glared at him and snapped the valise shut. If that look had had substance, he would be mortally wounded. But he wasn’t dead yet.


"Give me a chance to explain."


She pushed past him to yank the door open and marched out, valise in tow. He couldn’t believe she wasn’t going to give him a chance to explain.


"What happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’?" he called as he followed after her down the stairs.


She set down the valise and turned on him, standing in the doorway of the parlor. "You can hardly claim innocence. Don’t forget, I’m an eye witness. And believe me, I have already seen all the proof I care to." Unshed tears glistened in her eyes. They were bluer today and he wanted to kiss her tears away.




"You were holding her in your arms!"


"Not quite true. She held me. My hands were at my sides."


This bit of information only served to further anger her. She sputtered, as though she wanted to say something, then clamped her mouth shut. Jarrod shook his head. They’d been through so much together. How could Kate believe he’d do such a thing to her? "It sounds like your mind is made up and there is nothing I can say - not even the truth - to change it."


"You wouldn’t know the truth if it came up and hit you on the nose!"


His eyes widened at that jab, and he felt the burn of anger in response. "Bit of the pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think, Kate?"


Tears shimmered in her eyes, and she looked away. "It doesn’t matter anymore, does it? I’m leaving." Her voice was choked with tears. "This marriage is over!"


Her declaration was met with stunned stares from others in the room.


"Kate, honey, you can’t be serious," her mother said. "All couples have problems. You’ll work this out."


"I’ve never been more serious!"


"She’s right."


Kate looked at Jarrod sharply, clearly startled by his agreement. He met her gaze firmly. "If Kate can’t trust me, then what hope do we have?"


"But you are so right for each other," Victoria said, trying to smooth ruffled feathers. "Your marriage is so perf-"


"Our marriage? There is no marriage!" Katelyn was nearly shouting now. "There never has been. It’s all been one, big fat lie after another."


The stunned silence that met Kate’s words lasted for all of a minute. Then the room exploded into chaos.


"You two are living together?"


Jarrod wouldn’t have believed that anything could make him laugh right then, but the stunned expression on his brother’s face almost did just that. Almost.


Carol gasped as the color drained from her face, and Jarrod waited for Katelyn to cave in to one of Carol’s well timed spells and try to backpedal. But she didn’t.


"No, no, no! We are not living together. We aren’t even dating! Jarrod -" she rolled her eyes - "Mr. Barkley is my boss. I made it up...I told Mother that we were dating to placate her. Then, when she was so ill, there was a misunderstanding. Suddenly, she was looking at me, all excited about my marriage, and I didn’t have the courage to tell her it wasn’t so."


Jarrod watched Katelyn with mixed emotions. He was proud of her for finally setting things right, but he was also afraid. The lie had kept them together. Now...


Now there was nothing.


" did Jarrod get involved?" Nick asked incredulously.


"I never intended for that to happen, but he was in the right place at the wrong time and took pity on me and played along with the farce."


She held out her hands in entreaty. "We didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It just kept growing, and then you all came, and we were suddenly caught even deeper in the deception. But it’s over now. I’m so sorry for all of this, but it’s over. And everyone can go back to their own lives."


So saying, Katelyn snatched up her valise. Jarrod didn’t want her to walk out like this. He caught her arm. "I can explain about Amanda. If you’d just listen-"


A single lonely tear rolled down her cheek, then she pulled free of him. "I’ve had enough lies to last a lifetime and then some." His hand fell away, and she turned to walk out the door.


Jarrod stared at the closed door and thought he’d go mad. What should he do? He could go after her, even force her to listen, but doubted it would accomplish anything.


But if he let her go, he’d be saying good-bye to more than just Kate. He’d be saying good-bye to his heart.


He raked a hand through his hair and turned around. Three faces stared blankly at him. He threw up his hands, marched off to his room. And so help him, if anyone came in and tried to talk to him, he would not be responsible for his actions.


Carol’s gaze went from the stairs Jarrod had just taken to the door her daughter had just walked through, broken-hearted. She had pushed too hard. She had caused this. Her anguish was disturbed by laughter. Turning, she stared at Nick, who was sitting on one of the parlor chairs.


"What is wrong with you?" Victoria scolded.


With an effort, Nick reined in his merriment. "Isn’t it obvious?"


"Isn’t what obvious?" Victoria looked as thought she wanted to throw something at him. Carol thought she might join her.


"They’re in love!"


"Of course, they are! We know that," Victoria said.


Carol nodded slowly. She was beginning to understand. "But they don’t know it."


"Exactly," Nick said, smiling at her. Carol was surprised to find herself smiling back. Her daughter had certainly married into a charming family. No, not married - her smile broadened - not yet.




Chapter 26


Katelyn spent the night at Jenny’s house. She had intended to go to her place first, but realized someone would come looking for her there. She just couldn’t face any of them, not yet anyway. The next morning, Katelyn made her way to her cottage. She found her mother there, waiting for her.


"Oh Katelyn, I’m so sorry."


Katelyn’s eyes flooded with tears and she embraced her mother. They sat on the sofa and were silent for several minutes.


"I just wanted you to be happy," Carol said, holding onto Katelyn’s hand.


"Why can’t I be happy without a husband and a house and a baby?" Katelyn asked.


"I never said you couldn’t-"


Katelyn took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "But you did, Mother. Every letter, every visit you’d ask if I’d found someone, every time you sounded so disappointed when I said no. You made it abundantly clear what you wanted for me, from me. And I just couldn’t give it to you. Not in reality. I want to make you happy, and when I don’t live up to what you want for me, I feel like I’ve failed you."


Her mother rose from the sofa and went to stand by the window. "You aren’t suggesting that I’m meddling, are you?"


"Have you ever listened to yourself, Mother? Did you ever think how it sounded? ‘Kate dear, are you seeing anyone? You know I’m not getting any younger. I want to hold my grandchildren before I die. You are all I have in this world.’"


"It’s just that you sometimes need a little nudge. Dreams don’t come true on their own accord."


"Whose dreams, Mother? Yours?"


"Well, I thought they were your dreams, too." A tear slipped down her cheek and she brushed it away.


Katelyn went to touch her mother’s arm gently. "They are, Mother. But in their own timing."


"I suppose you are right. I’m sorry dear."


"I just want you to be happy for me just as I am, unfulfilled dreams and all. If none of the things you want for me ever come to pass, can you be happy for me?"


Carol took a couple of deep breaths. "I am happy for you and proud of you. I promise not to meddle in your life anymore."


"Thank you, Mother." Katelyn was exhausted but also relieved. They’d faced the truth about many things, and they’d survived. And despite the intensity of it all, her mother was fine.


Kate wished she could say the same for herself.




The next day Jarrod stopped by Katelyn’s cottage. She had left a few things at his townhouse and he’d decided to bring them to her. It gave him a good excuse to drop by. He only hoped the extra day he had given her to cool off was enough for her to talk to him. Or at least listen.


He opened the gate when Lucky came running around the corner. "Hey girl." He petted the dog’s head then looked up - just in time to make momentary eye contact with Katelyn before she disappeared around the corner of the house.


He followed her and found her leaning against a tree that stood in the middle of the backyard. Well, at least she hadn’t run into the house and locked the door. The despondent expression on her face tore at his heart because he knew he was the cause of it. He held out a small valise.


"You forgot a few things."


She took the valise. "Thank you."


"Katelyn, I’m really sorry for what happened at the office."


"Stop. Don’t. It’s not necessary to say anything about it. It doesn’t matter anymore."


But it does matter. He needed to explain.


The back door opened and Nick stepped out. "Here’s your tea, just he way you like it-"


Nick stopped halfway across the yard and stared at Jarrod. Obviously he hadn’t expected to see Jarrod here any more than Jarrod had expected to see him. And how did he know how Katelyn liked her tea?


Jarrod looked from Nick to Kate, his jaw clenched. "I see you’ve moved on rather quickly." He turned and walked back around the house before he did something they all would regret.


"Jarrod, wait!"


When he didn’t even pause, Nick turned to Katelyn. "Aren’t you going to go after him?"


"What’s the point?"


"He came to talk to you. Don’t just let him walk away like that."


"He could have stayed if he wanted to. I don’t want to hear his excuses about Amanda Altman, anyway."


"He loves you, Katelyn."


She stared at him, then turned away. It wasn’t true and she knew it. "He has a funny way of showing it."


"You’ve got him all wrong. You could have at least talked to him."


"I have nothing to say. He’s the one who was wrong."


"Are you sure about that?"


Positive. She’d seen it with her own eyes and it still hurt. Jarrod had put in a token appearance here - how fortunate he’d actually had an audience in his brother - to show he was properly sorry for all that had happened. Now he probably was off to see that woman.


Nick was staring at her, and Kate lifted her chin to meet his look.


"You know, Jarrod could draw the same conclusions about you and me that you have about him and Amanda."


"Hardly." She hadn’t been locked in a romantic embrace with Nick when Jarrod showed up.


"You don’t think me walking out of your house like I belong here, with a cup of tea made just the way you like it, won’t look the least bit suspicious?"


Why would it? Nothing was going on between them.


"Katelyn, I know you are in love with my brother."


She opened her mouth to deny it, but he didn’t give her the chance. "And he loves you, though you both are too stubborn to admit it."


"I may have thought I loved him, but it was all an illusion. And any feelings I might have had are dead now."


"Right, which is why you’re so hurt over what you think you saw; why your eyes are puffy and red from crying. Because you have no feelings whatsoever for Jarrod."


She wasn’t going to listen to this. "Why don’t you just go away?" She stalked off toward the back door.


"Because someone needs to talk some sense into you! Admit it. I must have hit a nerve for you to get so mad."


She went inside, slamming the door behind her, cutting off any further comments. She marched through her little house, holding up a curt hand to stall her mother’s words before she could speak them and stormed into her bedroom.


She slammed that door shut as well. If only she could shut the door on her feelings as easily.


"Stay away from Kate." Jarrod’s words strained from his throat.


"What?" Nick turned around from where he was standing on the balcony to stare at his brother.


Jarrod moved forward to grip the railing with both hands. The cold metal helped to cool his anger. "You heard me. She’s off limits."


"Off limits? What are you talking about?"


"Katelyn. I love her like I’ve never loved any woman before. Just give me a chance to work things out with her."


Nick was staring at him as though he’d gone mad. "You think I’m trying to steal Katelyn away from you?"


"Maybe not steal, but in her vulnerable state she could easily be lured away spending time with you."


"You’ve got it wrong, Pappy." Nick walked over to Jarrod, his hazel eyes showing the hurt that he felt. "I’m trying to talk her into listening to you. I’m on your side. In spite of the low opinion you must have of me to think I would do something like that to you."


Nick stared at Jarrod for a moment more then turned and walked inside. Jarrod ran a hand over his aching eyes. It isn’t enough that the woman I love thinks I used her, but I have to alienate Nick too.


With a heavy sigh, Jarrod bowed his head. After regaining some control, he went in to find Nick to make things right.




Chapter 27


Katelyn made her way to Jarrod’s office, each step taken with dread. She held a letter of resignation in her hands, knowing that quitting was the right thing for her to do. She thought a lot about what Nick had said to her and realized he was right. She did need to allow Jarrod to explain. Her heart was still bruised and hurting, but she would never forgive herself if she didn’t at least try to listen to whatever explanation Jarrod had. But, her heart cried, what if Jarrod was prepared to tell her he and Amanda were back together, or that he still cared for her...? The hurt she’d felt that day when she saw him holding Amanda had been so deep.


She opened the door to the outer office and noticed it was empty. The door to the inner office was open and she tentatively walked across the threshold, pushing away the images of the last time she had been there. Jarrod’s office was empty as well. The disappointment that she felt surprised her. As much as she was dreading having to face Jarrod, she was sad that he wasn’t here. She looked down at the letter in her hands and decided to leave it for him on his desk. He had to be expecting it. He had to have known she couldn’t continue to work for him. She took a deep breath and turned around. Standing in the doorway was Jarrod.


He walked in slowly and closed the door behind him. Katelyn waited for him to say something.


Jarrod’s voice was low as he began to speak. "Amanda came to my office with the news that she knew we weren’t really married."


So she was blackmailing you into getting back together with her? You could have told her no.


"I told her she was mistaken and to go back an check her facts. I told her what we’d shared was over, never to be resurrected. That I wasn’t interested in her. Apparently she felt she could prove me wrong. She felt she could get a response from me by embracing me. I started to push her away-"


And well you should have!


"Then I realized that the only way to get it through to her that she didn’t appeal to me any longer was to let her pull her stunt and see that it didn’t work. I figured even Amanda wouldn’t be inclined to pursue a man who reacted to her embrace with as much enthusiasm as a dead fish."


He smiled slightly. "So that’s what I did. I didn’t hold her. Didn’t put my arms around her. In fact, I had my hands in my pockets, telling her I didn’t have time for or interest in her games when you came in the door. After you left, I told her in no uncertain terms that if she ever bothered either of us again, I would have her brought up on harassment charges."


His gaze roamed her face, and when their eyes met, Kate only saw sincerity there.


"That’s it, Kate. The gospel truth. I’d swear to it on a Bible if you wanted me to, but the bottom line is, you’re just going to have to decide whether or not you believe me. And we’re going to have to decide whether or not we can trust each other. I hope we can."


Entranced by his fierce gaze, she could neither breathe nor talk. She just stood there unmoving. Her heart thumped so hard against her ribs she thought it might break free.


"I’ll warn you right now, I haven’t given up on the two of us." His voice had a new earnestness, low and husky. He moved toward her. "Katelyn Mahoney, you are the woman I’ve waited for all my life. I know it as surely as I know my name. And I’m going to hound you until you realize it, too."


"You are?" His ardent pledge sent her stumbling back into his desk chair. If not for the quick reaction of his strong arms she would have fallen backward into the chair and probably tumbled to the floor.


A slow smile pulled at his mouth as she stood there, motionless, nestled against his chest - the place she was meant to be.


"I am. Because I can’t fathom living life without you."


His words washed over her, and she felt the final remnants of her doubts slip away. This was true. This was solid and real and what mattered most - Jarrod’s feelings for her; hers for him.


As for Amanda, she was the fantasy. The mirage that deceived her into seeing things that weren’t true. Jarrod had told her the truth; Kate was certain of it, deep inside.


He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers and leaned closer. "I love you, Katelyn Mahoney, now and forever."


She basked in the feel of his hand on her face and covered his hand with one of her own. "I lov-" but her declaration was lost in his tender kiss.


And at long last, Kate felt as though she’d come home.






The wedding was held in Stockton six weeks later. Nick and Heath stood with Jarrod, while Katelyn’s friend Jenny and Audra were her attendants. Everyone who attended agreed that is was the most beautiful wedding they had ever seen.


After the reception, Jarrod and Kate were driven into town by Nick to the train station. Jarrod’s private rail car was hooked up to the train that would take them back to San Francisco for their honeymoon.


Katelyn was busy looking out at the scenery as it passed quickly by. She felt Jarrod’s arms come around her and he softly kissed her neck. Her eyes close with pleasure. She turned to face him and he placed a tender, yet passionate kiss on her lips.


Katelyn pulled back for a moment and said in a serious tone, "Promise me something, Jarrod."


At her somber request, he gazed down at her. "Name it."


"No more games. No pretense. No lies."


"I promise. Just a lot of years of love and honor and remembering how blessed we are."


He cupped her face in his hands and bowed his head, reverently sealing his vow with a kiss.