To Those Who Wait

by BonnieBee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter 1

The blond cowboy made his way back to the ranch, weary from the day's work. An entire section of fence had been knocked down from an early Spring storm and he and Nick had spent most of the day repairing it. Nick had ridden back to the house over an hour ago to get ready for a date. He and the pretty new school teacher seemed to have hit it off well and the two were going out to dinner.

Heath almost envied his big brother. Some old friends of Victoria's who had just moved back into town were coming over and although their mother was not happy with Nick's absence, she didn't ask him to change his plans. She had invited her guests out to the ranch after Nick had made plans with Melanie. Nick promised to come home early to see the Sanders.

When Heath arrived home, he took a long, hot bath to soak his weary muscles. Afterwards, he eyed his bed with longing wanting nothing more than to climb in and sleep. He knew Victoria would not be pleased so he tiredly dressed in his blue suit and made his way downstairs.

Audra and Jarrod were talking about the Sanders family as Heath entered the parlor, but he didn't pay them much mind. He poured himself a drink and sat on the sofa. About a half hour later, there was a knock on the door. Silas answered it, inviting the three guests inside.

Paul Sanders entered with his wife on his arm. He was of medium height, and though not what one would consider overweight, there was quite a bit to him. He had a perpetual scowl on his face, though it softened a bit when seeing Victoria. His wife, Mary, came up to her husband's shoulder and had dark brown hair. She looked pale to Heath's thinking, but she too smiled at the Barkley Matriarch.

Heath remembered Audra saying something about the fact they had a daughter but he didn't let it register in his mind until she stepped from behind her parents. Heath's eyes widened. Standing next to Mrs. Sanders was the most beautiful young woman Heath Morgan Thomson Barkley had ever seen in his life. He heard someone refer to her as "Jenny" and when she smiled, Heath thought his heart would stop. She had her mother's dark brown hair, attractively piled up on the top of her head and beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

Heath moved forward as he was introduced and Jenny graced him with her beautiful smile. Heath gave her his lopsided grin and was surprised to see her face flush just a bit. She looked away shyly and they all walked into the parlor for drinks before dinner.

Dinner was a relaxed affair. Victoria and Jarrod sat opposite each other at the heads of the table with Mary to Victoria's right and Audra to her left. Next to Audra was Heath and across from him was Paul and Jenny. Audra, Mary and Victoria were talking about the orphanage while Jarrod and Paul were discussing business matters. Heath and Jenny listened to the conversations going on around them, but were really more interested in watching each other. They would take surreptitious glances at one another and smile when their eyes met. Jarrod noticed Heath's quiet and realized Jenny was also just as quiet. It was difficult to keep the smile off of his face as he watched the two.

After dinner, they adjourned into the billiard room. Jarrod poured drinks for the men, while the ladies sat and talked about the latest fashions and parties. The Sanders had just moved back to the Valley after being away for ten years and Audra was eager for Jenny to go with her to the dances that were coming up. They had been inseparable as children and Audra was looking forward to rekindling their friendship.

Heath listened with interest as Jarrod began teasing Jenny. He had walked up behind her and said with a smile, " I can't believe this is the same little girl who used to run up to me and beg me to read to her."

Jenny returned the smile and joined in with, "Well, I couldn't ask Nick because he was so impatient! He only wanted to read the short books. You at least tolerated my constant questions."

"If that were ever possible."

Heath couldn't believe the words he had just heard. They weren't spoken loudly, but Paul Sanders had said them none the less. At first Heath thought maybe he would begin laughing, as though he meant the words to tease his daughter. But watching Jenny's face, he knew the words were meant to hurt.

Heath grew angry at the man, but held himself in check. Maybe he had had too much to drink. Heath looked to Jarrod, who's eyes stared coldly at Jenny's father.

Audra, who wanted to lessen the tension in the room, began talking about the new foal that had been born a few days before. Heath watched Jenny's eyes brighten and he smiled to himself. When he heard Audra asking Jenny if she wanted to see the newest addition to the Barkley ranch, Heath offered to escort the ladies.

Audra kept up a constant flow of chatter as they made their way to the barn. Heath and Jenny remained quiet, amused by Audra's detailed description of the beautiful animal. As they approached the stall, Heath heard Jenny's breath catch.

"What a beautiful horse!" she exclaimed. Heath smiled. He too thought the cinnamon colored horse was one of the most beautiful he had ever seen. She looked at him, her eyes showing her excitement at seeing the young horse. She reached in and petted the foal.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"We haven't decided yet," Heath answered.
"I want to name him Muffin, but Heath won't let me." Audra said, pouting just a bit. Heath looked over at Jenny who hid a smile behind her hand.

"Well, I think for such a masculine horse, Muffin doesn't seem appropriate," Jenny said. She looked over at Heath who smiled at her. Jenny's heart beat faster as she stared into his sapphire eyes.

They continued to stare at one another until Audra got their attention again.

Heath turned to her. "Did you say something sis?"

Audra smiled knowingly. She had been noticing the looks that passed between he brother and Jenny all night.

"I was asking Jenny if she had a name she could suggest."

Heath looked to Jenny, his eyebrows raised in question. She blushed but took up the challenge. She tilted her head in a way that Heath found adorable. After a few moments, she smiled.

"What about the name ‘Apollo'? He was the Greek god of music and poetry. I read somewhere that he represented manly youth and beauty. And this horse I think, fits that description well."

Heath stared at Jenny, then looked to Audra to see what she thought of the name. She must have liked it because her face was wreathed in smiles.

"That's wonderful! What do you think, Heath?" she asked her brother.

"I reckon that name would be fitting. He is a beauty," Heath said and he wanted to add that Jenny was as well, but refrained. It wouldn't be the right time now to say something like that. It would be too forward.

Jenny looked to Heath, glad that he had liked her suggestion. She smiled at him and again he thought his heart would stop. They began walking back to the house when Audra remembered she hadn't done something in the barn. Heath and Jenny smiled at one another, seeing the flimsy excuse for what it was. Audra was trying to give them some time alone before rejoining the family.

"So," Heath began. "You like to read?"

"I love books. I always have. It's true what Jarrod said earlier. I used to pester him into reading to me whenever we would visit." Jenny's face became sad as she said, "I guess it was true what my Father said earlier too."

"Don't," Heath said quietly. Jenny wouldn't look at him and Heath put his finger under her chin. He gently nudged her face up so that she would look him in the eye.
"I don't mean to disrespect your father, but what he said was out of line," Heath said. Jenny blinked back tears. She should be used to her father's little insults. But in truth, every time they cut her to the quick.

Heath dropped his hand and gave Jenny a lopsided grin. "Miss Sanders, would you care to go on a picnic with me on Saturday?"

Jenny smiled and nodded her head. She didn't trust herself to speak. They continued to stare in each other's eyes until they heard someone approaching.

"Jenny? Jenny Sanders?"

Jenny turned to see Nick coming toward her. She ran toward him and the two hugged each other warmly.

"You've grown!" Nick exclaimed. "Last time I saw you, you were following Jarrod around trying to get him to read to you."

Jenny and Heath laughed. Audra came up then and the four went inside to rejoin the rest of the family. A short while later, the Sanders were saying their good-byes. Heath drew Jenny aside and whispered, "Saturday?" She bit her lip and nodded. Heath winked at her and then bid Mr. and Mrs. Sanders goodnight.

The family gathered in the parlor, Jarrod pouring himself a drink. He took a sip then said, "I see Paul hasn't changed much."

"Jarrod," Victoria said, surprised that her normally non-judgmental son would make that kind of remark.

"I'm sorry, Mother."

"What happened?" Nick asked.

Jarrod looked to Victoria who nodded for him to answer his brother.

"You remember how Paul was Nick. Hardly ever a nice word to Jenny."

Heath stiffened. So Mr. Sanders' remark earlier wasn't because of too much to drink. No one noticed Heath's jaw clench.

"I can't believe he still blames her. It wasn't her fault!" Nick said, glad that he wasn't there to hear Paul's words.

"What wasn't her fault?" Heath asked.

"I'm sorry Heath. I forgot you wouldn't know," Victoria said. She took a deep breath and began to explain. "Paul always wanted a son. It was his dream to have a son to carry on the family name. Mary gave birth to twins. It was a difficult birth and they were early. She has never been in good health anyway. Joshua was born first and seemed fine. Then Jenny was born, but was having trouble breathing. While the doctor was tending to her, Joshua took a turn for the worst and died. Paul felt that if the doctor hadn't been treating Jenny, Joshua would have lived. He's blamed her ever since. And Mary hasn't been able to have any more children, so Paul has become quite bitter. He used to be such a pleasant man."

Victoria's voice drifted off as she remembered her dear friends as they had been before Jenny's birth. It saddened her that Jenny had to bear the brunt of Paul's vicious remarks. Tom had talked with him about it once, but was told in no uncertain terms to butt out. Tom and Victoria agreed to help Jenny in any way they could. Mary confided in Victoria that she had tried to talk to Paul about his attitude toward Jenny, but he wouldn't listen to her. It broke Mary's heart to see her husband treating their daughter so rudely.

"Just so you know," Heath said, interrupting Victoria's thoughts, "I've asked Jenny to go on a picnic with me on Saturday."

Victoria smiled. She thought she had seen something going on between those two. Jarrod and Audra weren't surprised by the announcement either. Nick's eyebrows raised, but he wasn't at all upset. He had always thought a lot of Jenny and he loved his brother. He hoped they would have a good time.




Chapter 2

Saturday dawned clear and bright. Perfect for a picnic. Heath watched as the sun rose, the beautiful colors seemed pale as he compared them Jenny. He couldn't get her beautiful brown eyes from his mind. Or her smile. He hoped to do or say something that would cause her to smile at him often when they were on their picnic.

Heath was impatient for the time to come for him to go into town to get Jenny. He had plenty to do around the ranch, but found his mind not on his tasks. Nick finally got frustrated enough to suggest that Jenny probably wouldn't mind if he were early. Heath agreed and went inside to get ready. Nick hitched up the buggy for him and smiled as he watched his brother head into town.

Nick was correct in that Jenny didn't mind. In fact, she was relieved. Her father had been rather difficult the past few days and Jenny needed a break. Her mother tried to soften the blows of her husband's words, but Jenny felt them none the less. Jenny often wondered if physical abuse would hurt less. Her father never raised a hand to her, not even as a child. But the things he said to her, the insults and harsh words were almost too much to bear at times.

Heath again was finding it difficult to breath as Jenny came down the stairs to greet him. He had been speaking with her parents while waiting for Jenny. She was truly a vision in her green dress that showed the creaminess of her skin. Paul made a remark about Jenny keeping Heath waiting, but Heath firmly, yet politely insisted the wait was worth it. He didn't mind. Jenny smiled shyly at him and told her parents goodbye.

As they rode out of town, Heath asked Jenny about her week. She informed him she had gotten a job at Brenda Martin's dress shop and would start there on Monday.

"I've always loved to sew. Mama is a good seamstress and passed it on to me, I guess."

They had arrived at their picnic spot. Heath had chosen for them to eat by the river that ran through the Barkley land. Jenny liked it immediately and went about setting out the food. They ate quietly for a while, neither one uncomfortable with the silence.

"Did you make your dress? It's beautiful," Heath said.

"Yes," Jenny said, blushing just a bit. Heath admired the dress again, noting how perfectly it fit her slim figure. He couldn't resist and "informational" look and found he liked what he saw. He found himself wondering what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to kiss her soft pink lips. He diverted his eyes before Jenny looked his way again. Jenny was a true lady and he didn't want to do anything that would cause shame.

"How about a walk?" he asked, trying to get his mind off of other things.

Heath helped Jenny up and took her hand. It was just as soft as he knew it would be. Jenny loved the feel of Heath's masculine hand holding hers. It sent little shivers throughout her body. They walked along the river's edge, Heath telling Jenny about his day on the ranch. He paused, knowing that he had to clear the air with her about something.

"Jenny, how long have you known the Barkley's?"

Jenny tilted her head in thought, and Heath had all he could do not to lean over to kiss her.

"I guess all of my life. I can't remember not knowing them."

Heath sighed. "Then you know I'm not Victoria's son. That Tom Barkley and my mother..."

Jenny stopped and looked at Heath. She could see the pain in his eyes and it was mirrored in her own.

"That doesn't matter, Heath. Yes, we were a little surprised when we found out about you. Victoria wrote to mama shortly after you came to live with them, but as long as they accept you we do too."

"Even your parents?" Heath asked, hopeful that Jenny was telling the truth.

"Especially my parents." Jenny paused, weighing her next words carefully. "My parents would never judge you on your past. Or on your parentage. My mother grew up not knowing who her father was. She's told me stories of the hurtful things others would say as she was growing up and how ashamed she was made to feel because of something her mother did. Even if my Papa were to disagree with us going on this picnic today, it wouldn't be because of where you grew up or who your mother was or how you were conceived. To judge you in that way, would be to judge my mother. And he loves her too much to do that."

Heath was mesmerized through Jenny's entire speech. He had been worried that Jenny's parents would take issue with him, but it was clear they understood. He nodded to Jenny and the two began walking again.

The sun had risen high in the sky and was drifting toward the West when they packed up the remnants of their lunch and headed back to the ranch. Victoria had invited Jenny for dinner as well, and Heath was glad he didn't need to take her home yet. On the way to the ranch, Heath reached over and took Jenny's hand again. She smiled shyly at him, and he winked at her causing her cheeks to blush the prettiest shade of pink.

Their evening was spent with the family and as Heath dropped Jenny off at home, he promised to see her at church the next day. He didn't normally go, but he couldn't resist seeing her again. He rode back to the ranch, whistling a happy tune.




Chapter 3

Heath and Jenny continued to spend a lot of time together. If he were in town, he would stop by the dressmaker's shop and take her out to lunch. On Saturday evenings, he would come into town and either take her back to the ranch or they would go out to dinner. On Sundays after church, they would go for a drive in the buggy. In spending so much time together, they grew to care for one another deeply. Jenny had never had someone come calling before and knew Heath Barkley was special. He always treated her as a lady and for the first time in her life, she felt as though she had some worth.

On a few occasions, Heath and Jenny would eat with her parents. Heath came close several times to saying something to Mr. Sanders about his treatment of Jenny, but Jenny would lay her hand on his arm and squeeze, her eyes begging him not to say anything. It would just make it worse for her if he did. As long as she had Heath, she could handle anything her father said to her.

One Saturday afternoon, as Heath was riding into town to pick up Jenny, he was thinking about their relationship. They had been seeing one another for three months and Heath was sure she was the one. Every other woman paled in comparison to her. Almost his every thought was filled with her as were his dreams. He and Nick were going on a cattle drive next week, and when they returned, Heath was going to ask Jenny to marry him. He wanted the wedding to be soon and he hoped she would too. One reason was to get her away from her father. Heath didn't know how Jenny had turned out to be as caring a person as she was after having Paul Sanders' insults thrown at her almost daily. His cutting remarks almost pushed Heath to his breaking point. He knew, that once they were married, if Paul Sanders ever said anything to Jenny in his presence that he felt was the least bit derogatory, he would give him what for.

Jenny was ready when Heath arrived. She was wearing the green dress she had worn on their first picnic together and he smiled. It was his favorite dress on her. He winked at her, causing her to blush prettily, and signaled for the horses to go. Once they were out of town on the way to the Ranch and there was no other traffic on the road to distract him, Heath put his arm around Jenny. He had just recently started doing that and at first Jenny seemed tense. She insisted she didn't mind, it was just new to her. She looked at him with such trust, that Heath knew he could never hurt her. As she became used to his touch, she relaxed and leaned against him as if they had been doing this for all of their lives. To Heath, it was almost like they had been. He couldn't remember life before Jenny. And he didn't want to imagine life without her.

Their evening was filled with merriment. Nick and Melanie were there as well and the four played some games together. Audra was out on a date and Jarrod was in San Francisco. He would be returning the early part of next week.

Victoria left the couples to have a good time and went to her room to catch up on her reading. She thought of Nick and Melanie. They seemed to be progressing well. Nick certainly seemed captivated by Stockton's school teacher. Her thoughts then turned to Heath and Jenny. She was so happy for them. They seemed perfectly suited for one another. And Victoria could tell Jenny's self respect was growing with the time she spent with Heath.

Nick had to take Melanie back into town early, so Heath and Jenny went for a short walk before she would need to be taken home as well. The moon was full and cast a silver glow over the ranch. The mood was definitely romantic as Heath took Jenny's hand in his. They walked to the corral and watched Apollo as he sprinted around.

Jenny was amazed at the beauty of the animal. He had grown quickly and Jenny wondered when he would be broken. She turned to ask Heath but stopped when she noticed the way he was looking at her. His gaze was so warm, yet intense. She swallowed and licked her lips, causing Heath's eyes to drop down and stare at them. He leaned in and her breath caught in her throat. He gently brushed his lips across hers. He paused, searching her face for any distress and not finding any, he leaned in again. Their second kiss lingered more and Heath drew his arms around her. He didn't allow himself to get carried away, but oh how he wanted to!

When they broke apart, Jenny smiled up at him. This was her first kiss by a man. Not even her father had ever kissed her, not to her knowledge. Maybe he had when she was a baby, but she doubted it. Anyway, this kiss from Heath, was different. She sensed a longing in him for more and was surprised that she felt the same way. She was completely innocent in the areas of love. She smiled at her next thought: Heath would make a wonderful teacher.




Chapter 4

Jenny called a good night to Brenda and began walking down the sidewalk. She was humming to herself, thinking about the evening she would spend with Heath. He would be leaving in the morning to drive some cattle to market and would be gone for quite a while. She would miss him so much. She would miss his sweet lopsided grin and his beautiful sapphire eyes; she would miss his hand holding hers and his arm around her as they rode in the buggy. But most of all, she would miss his kisses. They were warm and insistent and she couldn't wait for them. She knew things were getting serious between them and Heath had spoken some about their future. He hadn't asked her to marry him yet, but she was sure he would.

As she continued her walk toward home in the darkness, she thought about the words he had told her just a few nights before.

"I love you, Jenny. With all my heart."

Jenny's eyes had filled with unshed tears as she repeated the words back to him, knowing that she had felt them for a very long time. Maybe even back to the moment she had first seen him.

A noise behind her caused Jenny to quicken her steps. Home wasn't too far and she had been daydreaming. She realized that walking home after dark wasn't the wisest thing and began to feel some fear. Her house was just coming into sight when she thought she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to have a look when she bumped into someone. She let out a little yelp and found herself caught in a pair of arms.

"What are you doing out in the dark by yourself?"

Jenny closed her eyes and then looked up into Heath's serious face. He had arrived at her house and her mother had informed him she wasn't home yet. He grew worried and went in search of her. He headed toward the dress shop as quickly as he could.

Jenny let out an audible sigh. He held her close and could feel her trembling. Heath kept his arm around her as they walked back to her house. When they arrived, she excused herself to change. She was back down in just a few minutes, looking refreshed and beautiful. Heath smiled and bid her parents goodnight, promising to have Jenny home in a few hours.

As they rode out of town, Heath kept his arm tightly around her. Just before they reached the ranch, Heath stopped the buggy and turned to Jenny.

"I love you, Jenny."

Jenny smiled. "I love you, Heath."

Heath leaned in and kissed Jenny deeply. When they parted he said, "I really don't like you walking home after dark, Jenny. It's too dangerous." His eyes were intense as they stared at her. He meant business. He wasn't angry with her, but she had given him quite a scare.

Jenny nodded in agreement. "I'll be more careful, Heath. I promise."
Heath leaned in and kissed her again, wishing that they could be alone. It was so tempting to ask her to marry him before he left the next day. He hated that he wouldn't see her for several weeks. At least they would have these few precious hours together.

Jenny awoke with a smile on her face. She immediately walked over to the homemade calendar on her desk and marked off the day. Only five more days to go, maybe less, until Heath came home. He had been gone for so long and she missed him terribly.

Jenny dressed and went down to breakfast. Her father had already left for the day, and her mother wasn't feeling well, so she went back to bed. After Jenny cleaned up from breakfast and kissed her mother goodbye, she walked to town. She went into Mr. Maddigan's store to purchase some thread and bumped into Jarrod.

"Well, hello Miss Sanders," he said with a formal bow. Jenny laughed, but played along.

"Hello to you too, Mr. Barkley. Any word from your brother?"

Jarrod grinned. "Yes, Nick is doing well. We received a telegram just yesterday."

Jenny smiled and resisted the urge to swat him. "I'm glad Nick is doing well, and I'm sure Melanie would like to hear that news, but I was referring to Heath."

Jarrod's eyes lit with amusement. "Heath is doing well also. They should be back in a few days. Like I said, we heard from them yesterday and things sound as though they went well."

Jarrod noticed how Jenny's countenance brightened at the mention of Heath's name. She was very special. And he was glad that she and Heath had found one another. He hoped Heath would make her a permanent part of his life soon.

"Would you do me the honor of joining me for lunch later today?" Jarrod asked.

"Oh, I would love to, Jarrod. But I have so much to do at the dress shop. With the charity dance coming up, it seems all the ladies in Stockton are wanting a new dress."

"Oh well, my loss." The two shared a laugh and then parted. Jenny was glad she had seen Jarrod. It was nice to know that Heath would be home soon and that things had gone well. Whenever Jenny thought about her twin brother, Joshua, she imagined he would have been a lot like Jarrod. Jarrod had always made time for her when she came to visit. Even though he was so much older, he treated her like she was someone special.

Jenny sighed. She was wasting time by standing there daydreaming, so she finished her business and headed to Brenda's. It promised to be a long day.




Chapter 5

Heath and Nick rode into the yard, both hot and dusty. Nick called for Ciego and the man came from the barn to tend to their horses. Both were eager to get washed up and in to town to see their ladies. Heath was going to ask Jenny tonight. He thought about waiting until the dance on Saturday, but he couldn't wait any longer. He had missed Jenny so much while he was gone and decided the sooner he asked, the sooner they could be married.

Nick didn't know about Heath's plans, but could sense his brother's need to get into town. He was eager to see Melanie, but decided to let Heath get his bath first. Heath smiled his thanks and after saying hello to Jarrod and Audra ran upstairs. He was back down in record time and was pleased that Nick had hitched up the buggy for him. Nick slapped him on the shoulder and told him he would see him later.

Heath whistled all the way into town and decided to stop off at the dress shop to see if Jenny was still there. She usually didn't get off of work until at least five and it was just after five now. He hopped down and walked in. The bell on the door signaled that someone had entered and Brenda came from the back. That she was not in a good mood was evident to Heath. He smiled to her anyway and asked for Jenny.

"She's not here."

"Oh," Heath said. "Did she go home early?"

Brenda shook her head. "She hasn't been here in a few days. It sure has put me in a bind. I've got three dresses to finish before tomorrow!"

Heath felt his pulse racing. Was Jenny ill? Had something happened to her? He thanked Brenda, who continued to mutter about all the work she had to do, and jumped back into the buggy. He smacked the horses with the reins and hurried down the street to Jenny's house. He knocked on the door and impatiently waited for someone to answer. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jenny's mother opened the door.

"Mrs. Sanders, is Jenny here?" Heath was alarmed by the paleness of Mrs. Sander's face. She also looked as if she had been crying. She looked behind her and said softly, "No, Heath. Jenny isn't here."

"Where is she?" Heath was almost in a panic.

"I can't say Heath. She's not here. I can't really talk right now. Goodbye."

Heath tried to keep Mrs. Sanders from closing the door, but reacted too late. This wasn't happening. Where was Jenny? Heath decided to look around town. After an hour and a half of getting no where, he decided to return home and enlist Jarrod to help him look. He couldn't figure out what was going on. He was riding down main street when he saw Nick and Melanie. Maybe Mel would know where Jenny was.

Nick noticed Heath's pale expression as he approached them. He didn't see Jenny with him and wondered if they had had an argument. Melanie too saw that Heath wasn't looking well.

"Heath, are you okay?" Melanie asked.

"No, I can't find Jenny."

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Nick asked, his voice concerned.

"She wasn't at the dress shop and when I checked at her home, her mother said she wasn't there."

Nick had never seen Heath so panicked before and it unnerved him. Normally, he was as calm as a mountain lake. He was truly worried about Jenny. He turned to Melanie and asked, "When was the last time you saw Jenny?"

Melanie thought for a moment. "Monday. I went in for my dress fitting."

"Was she okay? Was there anything different about her?" Heath asked.

Melanie shook her head. "No. She seemed fine."

Heath ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I'm gonna talk to the sheriff."

"Heath, wait. We'll go with you." Nick said and led Melanie across the street. Heath's stride was purposeful and he made it to the sheriff's office quickly.

He explained to Fred that he couldn't find Jenny. Fred told him that he had seen her a few days prior and she seemed fine. He had also seen her parents just yesterday. Her mother didn't look well at all, but Paul Sanders was just as friendly as ever. Fred said the word "friendly" sarcastically. They hadn't reported her missing either.

"Can you go over and talk to them?" Heath asked and Fred agreed to go. If it were anyone else, he might not have, but because it was Heath, he would. He asked the trio to wait in his office and Heath paced around until Fred returned a half hour later.

When Fred walked in, he looked to Nick first and Nick knew something was wrong.

"What?" Heath asked, also noticing Fred's expression.

"They said she left town a few mornings ago and didn't know when she would be back."

"Where did she go? And why didn't Jenny's mother tell me that?" Heath asked, clearly frustrated.
"I don't know," Fred shrugged. "But they insist she was fine when she left."

Heath couldn't believe what he was hearing. Why had Jenny left town? Nick whispered something to Melanie and she nodded, tears coming to her eyes as she watched Heath's tortured expression.

"Fred," Nick said. "Will you walk Melanie home? I'm gonna take Heath back to the ranch."

Fred agreed and Nick led Heath back out to the buggy. Heath climbed in, seeming to be in shock. He kept shaking his head, and Nick wondered what question he was asking himself.

They arrived home and when Jarrod saw them he began teasing them about being home so early. Jarrod noticed Heath's face and immediately grew concerned.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Jenny's gone." Nick answered for Heath.

"What do you mean ‘gone'," Victoria asked, coming up behind Jarrod. She too noticed Heath's face was pale and it looked as though he was in shock.

Nick told them what had happened while in town. Jarrod listened, puzzled at the story.

"This doesn't make sense. I saw Jenny just three days ago. We talked about you, Heath, and she seemed fine. She was excited that you would be home soon."

Heath looked at Jarrod, his eyes showing such pain that the older man almost had to look away.

"Why would she leave?" Heath asked softly to know one in particular.

"I'll go into town tomorrow and talk to Mary. I'll go during the day while Paul is at work. She might feel more at ease to talk if he isn't around," Victoria said.

Heath nodded his thanks to his mother and made his way upstairs. Where was she? His heart kept asking. Jenny, where are you?

Victoria visited Mary as promised, but could get no where. The woman refused to answer any of Victoria's questions about Jenny. She just said she was out of town and they didn't know when she would return. Victoria hated going back to Heath with no news, but didn't know what else to do. She went by Jarrod's office and spoke with him first. He too was puzzled at Mary's explanation and agreed to talk with Paul.

Victoria rode home with a heavy heart. Heath was waiting for her in the yard when she arrived. He helped her down from the buggy and could tell by the look in her eyes she hadn't learned anything new.

"I'm sorry, Heath," Victoria said. Heath nodded and said he had work to do. Victoria tried to get him to come inside with her for a while, but he begged off.

"I really need to get back out on the range. I've been gone so long. I'll be in for supper."

Victoria watched him go, her heart breaking for her son.




Chapter 6

The next few weeks were difficult for Heath. They were difficult for the entire family too as they watched him become more and more introverted. Victoria had tried over and over to speak to Mary, but the other woman never gave any more information.

Jarrod spoke with Paul only once and was informed quite firmly that Jenny left town and he didn't know when or if she would be back. When Jarrod checked around the train station no one remembered Jenny leaving, but the station master did say that if she left on the early train, she might not have been seen by anyone anyway. Heath's eyes were what tore at Jarrod's heart. The sadness, the hurt that shown through them.

Heath went through the motions everyday of being with the family and doing the work on the ranch, but he didn't enjoy it. Not like he had before. He didn't seem to have purpose anymore.

Even after Jenny had been gone for several months, Heath decided in his heart that he would just wait for her. She had to return one day to see her parents, didn't she? He knew she loved her mother dearly and couldn't imagine Jenny abandoning her. He thought about going to see Mary himself, begging her to tell him where Jenny was, but knew that if she wouldn't open up to Victoria, who was a dear friend, she wouldn't open up to him.

Nick did his best to try and cheer his brother, but Heath was almost inconsolable. Nick couldn't imagine Melanie leaving him like that with no explanation. He was coming to care for her more and more everyday and knew he wanted to take things to the next level, start talking about marriage, but for Heath's sake, refrained. He felt guilty being happy when Heath was suffering so.

Nick found himself feeling angry with Jenny for hurting Heath as she had done. Couldn't she have at least left him a note or sent him a letter? At least have told him goodbye so that he could get on with his life? Nick shook his head, not having any answers.

So the New Year came and went and Heath still grieved for Jenny. She had been the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. There would be no one else. How could he give his heart away to anyone else when he didn't even own it himself?




Chapter 7

Heath eventually returned to some kind of normal and the family breathed a sigh of relief. He had lost some weight but his appetite seemed to be picking up. He had started smiling again and even laughed at times but the smiles and laughter never quite reached his eyes. He seemed to be moving on, but refused to go to any of Stockton's dances or social events.

Heath was in town one day on business when he saw Mary Sanders walking into Mr. Maddigan's General Store. On impulse, he followed her and as quietly as he could, walked up to her.

"Mrs. Sanders," he said, his hat in his hands. "How are you today?"

Mary turned to him. She hated looking him in the eyes. They were so sad. She believed that Heath truly loved Jenny and hated that he was in so much pain. But she had made a promise to her husband not to tell anyone where Jenny was and no matter how she felt about Heath, she wouldn't break that promise.

"I'm fine, Heath. How are you?"

"Have you heard from Jenny?" he asked instead of answering her question.

"Heath, I...She's fine, Heath."

Heath swallowed, his eyes begging Mary to tell him more. She new if she didn't leave the store soon, she would lose her resolve.

"I have to go, Heath," she said softly but before she walked away, she reached out and touched his hand. He squeezed her hand tightly, thanking her for what little information she offered. He watched her walk away and went outside and mounted Charger.

He rode home in no hurry, taking the time to think. He missed Jenny as much today as the first day he found out she had left town. He had just become better at hiding it. He knew the family was worried about him, and out of love and respect for them, he put on a front. He forced himself to eat and to join in the dinner conversation. He played billiards with Jarrod and Nick and went on rides with Audra. They all thought he was getting over Jenny, but Heath knew he couldn't or wouldn't do that.

Several months later, Jarrod was in San Francisco at his office. He had just finished a trial and was finishing up some other business as well hoping to be able to go home by the end of the week. It was late afternoon and Jarrod rubbed a hand over his weary eyes. There was a knock on the office door. He knew his secretary was not in so he rose and answered the door himself. He stared in shock at the person standing there.

"Good afternoon, Jarrod. How's Heath?"




Chapter 8

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Jenny Sanders asked. Jarrod shook his head, trying to clear it.

"Of course, of course, come in," he stammered. Jenny looked around at the office, noting how it resembled the one he had in Stockton, but was larger. Jarrod led her to a chair and sat down next to her.

"Jenny, it's been so long...How have you been?" Jarrod noticed Jenny still looked the same, except for a sadness in her eyes. The same sadness that Heath wore in his.

"I'm all right, Jarrod. But you haven't answered my question. How's Heath?" Jarrod's heart broke just a little as she asked this question. It was clear that Jenny still cared a great deal for Heath. But if she cared, why had she left in the first place?

"He's doing well. He misses you," Jarrod answered softly. Jenny's eyes showed surprise.

"You mean, he isn't...he isn't married?"

Jarrod smiled. "No."

Jenny broke down into tears and Jarrod gave her his handkerchief. It took her a few moments to compose herself and when she did she told Jarrod why she had left Stockton.

"Do you remember when Heath was on that cattle drive?" she asked.

"Yes. I remember I saw you at Mr. Maddigan's a few days before Heath returned."

Jenny nodded. "My parents were at a dinner party at the Phelps' home that evening. I stayed late at Brenda's, putting the finishing touches on a dress I had been making. I lost track of time and before I knew it, it was dark outside. It wasn't a long walk to the house and I thought everything would be okay."

She paused and licked her dry lips. Jarrod stood and poured her a glass of water. She accepted it gratefully and took a sip.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"I made it home with no problems. The house was dark, but I wasn't concerned. I heard a noise and before I could light the lamp, someone grabbed me from behind. We struggled..."While she was telling Jarrod her story, she kept her eyes on some distant spot, as if she were trying to detach herself from her story. Jarrod watched her, his eyes wide. He felt his mouth go dry.

Jenny looked at him, her eyes showing an intense hurt. "The man...he forced me onto the floor and he started tearing my clothes. I fought him Jarrod. I fought him as hard as I could but he was too strong."

Jarrod closed his eyes, sick with the knowledge of what she was telling him. He reached out and took her hand. She held on tightly, her knuckles turning white.

"I have a 6 month old baby, Jarrod."

"Jenny, is there any chance that the baby could be..."

Jenny shook her head. "No, Jarrod. Heath and I we...we weren't..."

Jarrod squeezed Jenny's hand again and smiled. "You don't have to explain. I shouldn't have asked."

Jenny returned Jarrod's smile. "It's all right, Jarrod." She took a deep breath and continued with her story.

"When Papa and Mama returned home, I was huddled in a corner, afraid to move. Afraid the man would come back. When Papa found out what happened, he was so angry." Jenny paused, clearly hesitant to continue. Jarrod waited patiently, letting her decide when and if she should go on.

"Papa asked who had done it and when I told him I didn't know, he became enraged. He said..."Again she paused, the story she was telling was clearly painful for her. "He said it was my fault. That I should have been more careful. He made me go upstairs and pack. He said he was sending me away to live with his sister in San Francisco just in case a child was conceived. Mama begged him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He wouldn't go to the sheriff because he blamed me."

Tears freely ran down Jenny's cheeks. Jarrod's emotions went from sorrow for the young woman sitting beside him to anger toward Paul Sanders. How dare Paul blame his daughter for this vicious act. Jenny didn't notice his anger and continued on with her story.

"Papa said if after a month there were no signs of pregnancy, then I could come home. When we found out I was pregnant, he came to see me. He was so angry and demanded to know if Heath could be the father. I told him that there wasn't a possibility. He then told me if I gave the baby up for adoption, he would allow me to return to Stockton. But Jarrod, I couldn't. I just couldn't. Papa was so angry. He told me never to darken his doorstep again."

Jenny began crying in earnest. Jarrod had always thought a lot of Jenny. She was such a sweet young girl and had been as much like his sister as Audra.

"Where are you living now?"

"I'm still with Aunt Peggy. Papa set up an account for me and as long as I stay with Aunt Peggy, I can have access to the money. But if I try to return to Stockton, if I try to have contact with my mother, I'll lose the money."

Jenny tightened her grip on Jarrod's hand. "I want to see my mother again. I miss her. I don't care about the money for myself, Jarrod. But what will happen to Josiah if I lose it? At least with those funds, he can have his needs met."

"You don't have to explain it to me, Jenny. I understand."

Jenny looked pained. "Jarrod, have you seen my mother lately? Her health isn't very good. Is she all right?"

"The last time I saw her was about a month ago. She looked tired, but didn't seem ill."

Jarrod's words comforted Jenny. She missed her mother so much it hurt. She wanted her mother to see Josiah. To hold her grandson in her arms. She knew her mother didn't blame her for what happened. Jarrod interrupted her thoughts.

"Come home with me, Jenny. I know Heath wants to see you."

Jenny shook her head. "He won't once he learns about...about what happened . Besides, Aunt Peggy will tell Papa I've gone and then what will happen to Josiah? I can't take care of him if I can't afford to pay for his basic needs."

Jarrod thought about this. He knew Heath wouldn't blame Jenny for what happened. He would understand, though it would hurt him that she had endured this painful event. Jarrod made a quick decision to return home and bring Heath back with him. He wouldn't tell Jenny his plans. Not yet.

"Jenny, will you come back and see me in a few days? Can you get away?"

Jenny thought about it for a moment. She needed a friend and other than her Aunt, Jarrod was the only other person she knew in San Francisco. She had taken a chance that he would be in town today. Her Aunt was constantly reminding her that she was damaged goods. That no decent man would ever want her. Being with Jarrod, finally having someone believe her story, helped to begin the healing of her wounded heart.

"My Aunt has to make a trip to Sacramento the day after tomorrow. She is supposed to be gone a week. I should be able to get out for a while. What day were you thinking?"

Jarrod set up a time for Jenny to return. He gave her a brotherly hug and walked her to the door. He looked over his schedule and could see there wasn't any pressing business that would interfere with him going back to Stockton for a few days. He only hoped his plan of reuniting Jenny and Heath worked.




Chapter 9

Heath was weary as he rode into the yard. It had been a long day. He hadn't slept well at all the night before and had risen well before sunrise. His dreams had been filled with Jenny. Even after all this time, almost a year and a half, he missed her so much. He felt like something in his life were missing. Like he was incomplete. He planned to go in and head straight to bed. He hoped his family wouldn't mind him missing dinner, but he just didn't feel up to eating or talking.

As he entered the house, he saw that Jarrod was sitting in the parlor. His older brother stood and walked toward him.

"Heath," he said by way of greeting.

"Jarrod. I thought you weren't supposed to be home until later this week."

"Something came up," Jarrod looked hesitant. Heath could tell he was wanting to tell him something.

"What is it Jarrod?"

Jarrod sighed. "I need you to come with me to San Francisco for a few days. Can you getaway?"

Heath's eyes narrowed. Why in the world would Jarrod need him to go to San Francisco?

"May I ask why?"

Jarrod could hear Nick and Audra coming and said quietly, "Later."

Heath's plans of going to bed early were put on hold as he allowed his curiosity to get the better of him. Jarrod had never asked him to go to San Francisco with him before. Heath was a patient man and made it through before dinner drinks, dinner and even a few games of billiards before he and Jarrod finally had a chance to talk. Mother, Nick and Audra had turned in, leaving Heath and Jarrod in the billiard room.

Now that the moment had come to tell Heath about Jenny, Jarrod found himself nervous. He wondered how Heath would take the news of Jenny's sudden appearance at his office.

"I had a visitor at my office yesterday. Someone you know."

Heath, who had been sitting on the sofa staring at the flames in the fireplace, looked over at Jarrod.

"Who was it?"

Heath's heart constricted. Jenny. How often had he thought of her since she left over a year ago? His mind wanted to ask questions, but his heart was still reeling from the shock that Jarrod had seen her. He couldn't speak.

Jarrod, sensing Heath's dilemma, answered his unspoken questions.

"She's living there now with an Aunt. I arranged a time for her to come back to the office and I thought you would want to go with me."

Heath shook his head, trying to clear it.

"Why did she leave?" he asked.

Jarrod sighed. He knew Heath needed to know the truth, but he wasn't sure if he should be the one telling it. He decided to give Heath an abbreviated version and allow Jenny to fill in the details if she chose.

"Heath, while you were gone on the cattle drive, Jenny was attacked. Her father sent her away to live with her Aunt just in case..."Heath's face paled as the realization of Jarrod's words hit him. Someone had assaulted Jenny. And he hadn't been there to protect her.

Jarrod was watching Heath, not sure if he was even listening to him anymore. He knew what a shock it had been for him to hear Jenny's story, he couldn't imagine what it was like for Heath, who he was sure was still in love with her.

"So her father," "Father" was said with a bit of an edge, "her father blames her? What kind of man blames his own daughter for something like that? Can he really hate her so much?"

Heath stood, and began pacing back and forth. He had never been able to understand why she had left so suddenly, but it all made sense now. For a while, he had thought it was because of him. Because he wasn't a full Barkley. That her parents had sent her away so that she wouldn't be with him. Then he would think back to their first picnic and replay Jenny's words in his mind about her mother. He had to go to her. He had to tell her he still loved her.

"What time does the train leave?" Heath asked, turning to Jarrod.

"Nine o'clock."

"I'll be ready," Heath said and began walking toward the door.

"Heath, wait."

Heath turned around. Jarrod came to stand in front of him. "I think we should at least warn the family. I was hoping we could convince Jenny to come back here. She wants to see her mother again."

Heath nodded. They would tell them at breakfast and then Heath and Jarrod would go to San Francisco and bring Jenny home to the ranch. Because in his heart, Heath knew this was where she belonged.




Chapter 10

Heath paced in Jarrod's San Francisco office, noting as he glanced at the clock that Jenny wasn't supposed to be there for another hour at least. Jarrod watched his younger brother, wishing he could speed up the time, but knowing he couldn't, he settled back and took a drink from his glass.

Heath's thoughts went from Jenny to the family. Nick had been none too happy about Heath leaving. He loudly protested at breakfast the morning before and Heath, who hadn't slept at all, was losing his patience. Jarrod saw Heath's anger was just below the surface and informed the family of the reason for their sudden trip to San Francisco. Victoria and Audra had tears in their eyes. Nick looked from Jarrod to Heath, his mouth open in shock.

Jarrod didn't go into great detail, as he felt Jenny's situation was personal. But he knew the family needed to know at least some of the situation since she and Josiah would be staying with them. Heath was thankful that Jarrod had taken charge. He didn't trust himself to speak. Victoria promised to have a guest room ready and waiting. Nick, Audra and Victoria all promised not to say anything about Jenny to anyone. If word got back to her father about Jenny's return to Stockton, things could be very difficult for her.

Heath however had determined in his heart that Jenny would not be returning to San Francisco. He had to make her see that he still loved her and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He would love the baby as if he were his own. He just had to show her.

There was a knock at the door and Heath froze. He swallowed involuntarily and looked over at Jarrod.

"Ready?" Jarrod asked and Heath nodded.

Jarrod opened the door and ushered Jenny into his office. Heath's heart stopped in his chest. She was just as beautiful as the last day he had seen her. She hadn't noticed him yet and he was glad. He needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

Jenny finally turned to Heath, her face becoming pale. Her hand flew to her mouth and she began weeping. Heath was by her side in two seconds and he took her in his arms. Neither one noticed Jarrod leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"I can't believe you're here," Jenny said between sobs.

"I am and I'm always going to be here for you," Heath said, his throat constricting.

Jenny pushed away from him. "No, Heath. You don't know what happened-"

"I do know. Jarrod told me about the...the attack. He said you have a son. None of that matters to me Jenny. I still love you. I've loved you from the moment I first saw you."

Jenny turned away, tears coursing down her cheeks. How could he still love her? She was tainted, damaged goods. Heath came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. He gently turned her around to face him. He placed his finger under her chin, causing her to look up at him.

"Jenny, please believe me. I love you. And I'll love your baby as if he were my own."

Heath's promise was too much for Jenny. She began sobbing again and threw her arms around him. Heath held on to her, stroking her hair and whispering loving words to her. He noticed Jarrod peeking in, a concerned look on his face. Heath shook his head, asking Jarrod for a few more minutes alone with Jenny.

Heath pulled back and stared into Jenny's eyes. He looked down at her mouth, and he lowered his head. He gently brushed her lips with his own.

When they parted, Heath said, "It's been so long, Jenny." He pulled her back to himself and kissed her again. Jenny responded and kissed him back, loving the feel of him pressed against her.

Heath knew he couldn't let his kisses go too far. He was going to have to take it slow. He broke off the kiss, reluctantly, and led her to a chair.

"I'm going to bring Jarrod back in, okay?" Jenny nodded and Heath opened the office door. He gave his brother a lopsided grin and Jarrod sighed with relief. He was worried how Jenny would react to seeing Heath again.

The three sat down and Jarrod told them of his plan to bring Jenny back to Stockton. The plan sounded good, but Jenny had doubts. How would she explain her absence to her Aunt's servants when she returned? She expressed her concerns to the men.

"There's no need to worry about that, Jenny. You're not coming back to San Francisco." Heath's statement surprised Jenny, but not Jarrod. He knew his brother had to have been thinking along those lines. Jenny opened her mouth to protest but Heath wouldn't let her.

"Jenny, I told you I love you. You don't need your father's money. I want to take care of you and the baby."

Jenny's eyes filled with tears again. Heath put his arm around her and looked to Jarrod. Jarrod smiled at him, telling him he approved of Heath's plan.

"Jenny," Jarrod began when she calmed down, "where is Josiah?"
Jenny sniffed and accepted the handkerchief Jarrod offered to her. "He's with Mrs. Holland. She's Aunt Peggy's personal maid. She doesn't like me much, but she adores Joey."

Heath couldn't explain the sudden emotions going through him. Even though he had never met Joey, a piece of his heart had already been claimed by the small boy. He was a part of Jenny which meant he was a part of Heath. He couldn't wait to meet him. He knew there would be rough times ahead for them, but he was sure that as long as Jenny was by his side, they would make it.

"Is there any way you can leave with Joey? Without them getting suspicious?"

"What does it matter if they are suspicious or not?" Heath asked, a little frustrated with Jarrod. "I told you, she isn't coming back."

"Jenny wants to see her mother, Heath," Jarrod patiently explained. "If her father gets wind of her leaving, he might make that rather difficult. If her aunt won't be back in town for a while, it might give us a few days to get to Stockton for Jenny to see her mother before her Aunt can wire Paul."

Heath looked to Jenny who nodded in agreement. She knew her father could find a way to keep she and her mother apart. Her eyes pleaded for him to understand. Heath nodded once and squeezed Jenny's hand to show his support.

"I usually take him for a walk just after sunrise to a park around the corner from my Aunt's house. The park on Fletcher."

"All right then", Jarrod said. "I was able to speak with your mother, Jenny. She told me your father was leaving for Modesto for a few days. I'll go and pick her up the day after tomorrow and bring her out to the ranch. We'll meet you tomorrow morning at sunrise at the park. Jenny, don't pack a lot of things. We don't want them getting suspicious. Just take what you will need for the day and we'll figure out the rest later."

"What if she makes a list of things she needs and we can pick them up today and have them waiting for her on the train."

Jarrod agreed with Heath's suggestion. He'd had the forethought of having the Barkley private rail car hooked up to tomorrow's outgoing train to Stockton. He and Heath would go shopping this afternoon and then tomorrow, they would bring Jenny home.




Chapter 11

Jenny's list hadn't been very long, but Jarrod and Heath admitted they weren't sure what they were doing. Some of the things on the list made them scratch their heads in puzzlement. They finally were able to purchase everything on the list and made their way back to Jarrod's townhouse.

Heath wished Jenny had been able to come with them that night. He didn't like being apart from her again after not seeing her for so long. But for their plan to work, for her to be able to see her mother again, they had to follow through.

Heath only slept a few hours, but he was awake and alert, ready to go the next morning. Jarrod and Heath didn't say much to one another as they waited at the park for Jenny. The sun had been up for a while and Heath was getting worried. She should have been here by now. Where was she?

Jarrod too was feeling anxious. He could tell Heath was ready to go to the house and get Jenny himself. Jarrod saw someone approaching and reached out to touch his brother's arm. Heath looked over and saw Jenny walking toward them. The baby was snuggled in her arms. She smiled at them as she approached.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Josiah didn't want to eat this morning. I think he sensed my excitement."

Heath placed a hand on her cheek and looked deeply into her eyes. She smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat. She was so beautiful.

Josiah squirmed and Heath looked down at him. Brown eyes, the same as Jenny's, looked back at Heath's sapphire ones. He had known he would love this baby, simply because he was Jenny's. But as he stared back at this precious child, he knew his heart had been captured. He felt protective of this young child and vowed then and there to always watch over him.

"We should go," Jarrod said. Their train didn't leave for another 2 hours, but they wanted to be on the train before things got too busy around the station. The three adults walked to the waiting carriage and felt a sense of relief. Heath put his arm around Jenny and she leaned against him. She was so glad to see him again and couldn't wait to see her mother. It would just be a little while longer.

Their trip home was uneventful. Jarrod left the couple alone for a while so that they would have a chance to catch up. Heath watched as Jenny cared for Josiah. His love for her grew at the tender and gentle way she spoke to him and took care of his needs. Jenny needed to feed him and felt self-conscious about asking Heath to leave. At first, Heath was puzzled, but then his face reddened as he realized she needed to nurse the infant. He kissed her cheek and went to the front of the car. He pulled the curtain to give her some privacy. He didn't want to leave, needing to constantly be near her.

A while later, Jenny drew back the curtain. The sleepless nights had finally caught up with Heath and he had dozed off in a chair. Jenny looked at her handsome cowboy and smiled. He still loved her! She was amazed. Jenny's smile faded a bit as she thought about Josiah's conception. She still had nightmares. There were times Jenny could still smell the man's stench. His breath had been so foul and the things he had said to her...

Jenny shuddered. Josiah had drifted off to sleep, having his tummy filled and his diaper recently changed. Jenny looked at her son with love, knowing it wasn't his fault that his conception had been brought on by such pain. Jenny let a tear fall, knowing that someday, Josiah would need to know the truth. She hoped that he would realize what a special child he was and what joy he had brought to her. He was her reason for living.

Jenny looked up and found Heath watching her. She smiled at him and he rose to sit beside her. He gently lifted Josiah from her arms and held him close. Heath would never know how the simple act of holding Jenny's son had helped to begin the healing of the raw open wounds in her heart. Heath looked over at Jenny and leaned in to kiss her. Jenny gave a heartfelt sigh. Heath winked at her and the two sat together enjoying each other's company.

Their arrival in Stockton went virtually unnoticed and the three adults breathed a sigh of relief. Even their arrival at the ranch was low key, which was how Jenny preferred things. Victoria and Audra cooed over Josiah, noting what a good baby he was and how adorable he looked. Jenny looked on with a mother's pride. Anyone looking at Heath could see he was proud of little Joey too. Even Jarrod and Nick took a turns holding the baby and felt their hearts tug at the smiles the baby gave to each of them.

Audra volunteered to watch Joey while Heath and Jenny went for a walk after dinner. They stepped out into the setting sun, hand in hand and began walking toward the corral. Jenny wondered what happened to Apollo and asked Heath.

"He's out in the pasture. I'll take you to see him in a few days. You won't believe how much he's grown."

Jenny looked forward to seeing the horse again. They walked on, enjoying being together again after such a long time.

"Are you sure you don't want me there when your mother arrives?" Heath asked.

Jenny laughed and said, "I'm sure. You'd be bored as we sit and drink tea and talk woman talk. You have your work to do. I'll fill you in when you come home for dinner."

Heath couldn't explain the warmth Jenny's words created in his heart. "When you come home for dinner". He wanted to ask her right then to marry him, but he still felt he needed to give her time. She had been through such a traumatic event and he didn't want to distress her any more.
Instead, his fingers curled around hers possessively and they continued on their walk. They came to a small knoll not too far from the house. They sat down, Heath leaning against the tall tree and Jenny leaning her back against him. For the first time since she had been attacked, she felt safe. They sat in silence for a while. Then Jenny felt Heath's arms tighten around her as he spoke.

"Jenny, do you mind if I ask you some questions about that night?"

Jenny couldn't help but stiffen at his words. She knew they needed to talk about it eventually. She took a deep breath and said, "All right."

"Jarrod said it happened while I was gone on the cattle drive. Where were you? What happened?"

Heath's questions were softly spoken and gentle. There was nothing accusatory about them and it helped Jenny to open up.

"I had been at Brenda's working. The charity dance was that weekend and we had so many orders to fill. Mama and Papa were going out for dinner and I just lost track of time." Jenny paused, knowing that Heath would be upset with her when he heard the next part.

"It was after dark when I began to walk home." Jenny turned to Heath. "I'm sorry, Heath. I know you said you didn't like it when I did that. I promise I wasn't ignoring your wishes, I just didn't know what to do. I couldn't stay at Brenda's and I honestly didn't think any thing would happen. I'm sorry."

She began crying and Heath gathered her in his arms. He waited until she calmed down before he spoke.

"Jenny, I understand you did what you had to do. I don't blame you."

"But it is my fault, Heath. If I had just paid attention or if I had done something differently..."

"That's your Father talking, Jenny. You are at no fault, you hear? You did nothing wrong. A man, no I won't even dignify him with that title. An animal forced himself on you and he had no right. You weren't at fault. Look at me," he said, shaking her shoulders gently. She looked up into his blue eyes, seeing he really believed what he said.

"You aren't at fault," he repeated. Jenny cried against him and he held on to her tightly. After a few moments, Heath asked her another question.

"Did you see who did it?"

Jenny shook her head. "No. It was too dark. But I would know his voice, Heath. I hear it every night. It haunts me." She shuttered and Heath tightened his grip. Jarrod had heard some of the details, but not all. Jenny needed to tell someone and she opened up, sharing everything with Heath. "He said such horrible things, Heath. Words and phrases I'd never heard before. Such vulgar sounding things. And his stench, I thought I would vomit before it was all over. And the pain, oh Heath. It hurt so much."

Heath's eyes closed. The bile rose in his throat and he felt sick. He hated that he had asked her the details, but he needed to know. He wanted to catch the person who did this. Have him brought to justice. But Heath realized that would probably be impossible. He only hoped this monster had left town and that he wouldn't bother anyone ever again.

After a while, they stood and began to walk back to the house. Heath paused for a moment and Jenny looked up at him. He lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Jenny smiled up at him as they parted and Heath gave her his famous lopsided grin. Her heart skipped a beat, knowing she was a blessed girl to have a man like Heath to love her.




Chapter 12

The next morning at breakfast, Jenny was too nervous to eat. In just three hours she and her mother would be reunited. Jenny knew this might be the only time she would get to see her mother, for once her father knew she was back in town, he wouldn't allow Jenny to have any contact with them at all. Jenny wished she could understand her father's need to control everyone. And she wished she could understand why he hated her so. She had never said that out loud to anyone, and even now knew some shame as to the direction of her thoughts. Her father was who he was and she would love him. But just once, it would be nice to have the love returned.

Heath reached under the table and squeezed Jenny's hand. She knew he was trying to encourage her and she appreciated it. The plan was for Jarrod to ride into town and bring her mother back to the ranch. They would spend the day together and then Jarrod would take her home in the late afternoon.

Jenny rose with Heath and walked him to the door. Nick was already outside, waiting for him.

"You're sure you don't want me to hang around?"

"And have Nick angry with me? This is a working ranch after all, Heath. Nick would have my hide if you stayed home after being gone the last few days. We'll be fine. You just be careful, Cowboy." Jenny smiled at Heath and he gave her a small kiss. Heath's desire was to deepen the kiss, but Nick had other plans.


Heath stood up to his full height and sighed. He winked at Jenny, loving the slight pink that showed on her cheeks and went on about his day.

Jarrod was almost to the ranch, his heart heavy. Jenny's mother was not with him and he couldn't stand the thought of telling Jenny. She would be heartbroken. He rode into the yard and was hoping Heath would be nearby to help break the news.

Ciego came around the corner of the barn as Jarrod climbed down from the buggy. He asked the other man where Heath was.

"Senor Heath and Senor Nick had to ride up to the north range. They said they would be back this afternoon."

Jarrod nodded. "Ciego, please send one of the hands to get him. Tell him I said he's needed at home."

Ciego left immediately to do what he had been asked. Jarrod turned around and saw Jenny coming toward him. She must have been watching out the window and saw him ride up. Jarrod took a deep breath and began walking toward her.

"Mama didn't come with you?" she asked, her eyes plainly showing the hurt she felt.


"Why? Did Papa come home unexpectedly?"

"Jenny, let's go inside. I'll explain everything."

They walked inside and Jarrod's eye caught his mother's. She could tell something was wrong and followed her son and Jenny into the parlor. Jarrod led Jenny to the sofa and sat down next to her. Victoria stood off to the side, wondering what had happened.

"Jenny, I went by your mother's house to pick her up as planned. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I thought that was unusual so I walked around back. Not seeing her anywhere, I knocked on the back door. It was unlocked so I went inside."

Jarrod paused, hating himself for what he was about to say.

"What, Jarrod?" Jenny asked, her eyes wide with fright.

Jarrod took Jenny's hand in his, willing her some strength.

"I found your mother in her room. She had gotten up this morning and dressed, but I guess she wasn't feeling well and decided to lie back down. I'm sorry, Jenny. She's dead."

Jenny shook her head, her heart refusing to believe the words she had heard. She heard someone crying and realized it was herself. Jarrod moved forward to hold her and she sobbed against him. He looked up at Victoria who's tears were also falling. She came forward to take Jenny in her arms. Jarrod was at a loss as to what to do. They almost made it! Jenny wanted to see her mother again so badly, and now she was gone.

Billy rode out to where Heath and Nick were inspecting some of the fence lines and told Heath he was needed at home right away. Heath rode back as quickly as he could, wondering what was wrong. When he entered the house, Heath heard Jenny's cries. He rushed toward her, looking into the somber faces of Victoria and Jarrod. He took her in his arms.

"My mother's dead, Heath! My mother's dead!" she kept saying over and over. Heath looked to Jarrod who nodded, confirming Jenny's words. Heath's own tears began to fall. He didn't know Mary Sanders well, but he knew Jenny loved her mother deeply and that the two had been close. He hated that Jenny would have to bear this sorrow now.

Audra, who had been watching Joey, walked into the room carrying the small boy. Her eyes widened as she watched Heath holding Jenny, rocking her back and forth. Victoria motioned to Jarrod to follow her, to give the couple some privacy.

When Audra heard the news, she too began to weep. Jarrod took Joey, allowing Victoria to comfort her daughter. The small child smiled up at Jarrod, seemingly unperturbed at the change of caretakers. Jarrod took him into the study with him and played with him until Joey began to fuss. He was normally a contented baby, unless he was hungry, tired or dirty. Jarrod didn't know which of these Joey was, but if he was hungry, Jarrod knew he couldn't help with that! He hated to, but Jarrod went in search of Jenny. He found her still in the parlor sitting next to Heath, her head on his shoulder. She wasn't sleeping, but was just sitting there, staring at nothing.

Heath looked up when he saw Jarrod and Joey. Jarrod handed the wailing infant to Heath, who nudged Jenny. She sat up and took the baby. Tears sprang to her eyes again as she realized her mother never got to see her grandson. Without speaking to the men, she took Joey upstairs to nurse him.

"I'm sorry, Heath," Jarrod said after Jenny left the room. He walked over and poured Heath and himself a drink.

"What happened?" Heath asked accepting the glass of whiskey.

"I found her in her bedroom. She was already dressed for the day. My guess is she got up this morning and got ready, then lay back down later. She died in her sleep. Dr. Merar thinks it was her heart."

The men sat quietly for a time. Neither one had thought this would happen. Sure, Mary had always been ill, but for her to die before seeing Jenny again, it just didn't seem fair.

"Does Jenny's father know?" Heath asked after a while.
"I think Fred was going to take care of wiring him. He was supposed to return the day after tomorrow."

When Heath thought Jenny had had enough time to feed Josiah, he went in search of her. He didn't see her in the nursery, so he asked his mother to check her room. Victoria reported that both mother and son were sleeping. Heath quietly came into the room and sat in a chair that would allow him to watch Jenny as she slept. He hoped that he could help her in the up coming days.




Chapter 13

The funeral for Jenny's mother was held a few days later. The entire Barkley family attended, save Audra who stayed home to care for Joey. Heath stayed close by Jenny's side, not leaving her for a second. She had barely spoken to him since the news of her mother's death. He kept his arm around her waist, letting her know he was there for her.

Things went well, as well as a funeral could go, until the mourners were moving away from the grave site. Jenny's father had not noticed her as yet, but when his eyes saw her, he snapped. He ran toward her screaming.

"It's your fault! All your fault! If you hadn't come back with that child, your mother would still be alive! You brought your sin to town for all to see and your mother's heart couldn't take it!"

He continued to spout venomous words. It took Victoria, Jarrod and Nick to restrain Heath, though they all felt like taking a swing at Jenny's father themselves. Heath calmed down after a moment, realizing that the man was drunk. He looked over at Jenny, who's face was almost as white as a sheet. That she believed every word her father spoke was evident. Heath went to her and gathered her in his arms, trying to shield her from her father's verbal assault. Others had come forward to pull the man away.

They made their way home, no one saying anything. Jenny just sat next to Heath, holding his hand tightly. Heath helped her down and into the house. Jenny took Joey to feed him, quietly thanking Audra for watching him.

All of them feeling helpless, watched as she walked up the stairs.

When it was dinner time and Jenny hadn't come down to eat, Heath went up to find her. She was sitting in a chair in her room, holding her sleeping son. Tears ran down her cheeks, and Heath gently brushed them away.

He took Josiah from her arms and placed him in the middle of the bed. He stacked pillows around him so that he wouldn't roll off and when he felt confident the baby was safe, he turned back to Jenny.

Heath was worried about her. She hadn't eaten much the last few days, not that he blamed her. But he knew that she needed to eat, not just for herself, but for Joey. Heath knelt down in front of Jenny, taking her hands in his.

Jenny refused to meet his eyes. Heath brought her hands up to his lips and kissed them gently.

"I'll go down and bring a tray up for you. You need to eat something, Jenny," he said, ducking his head to look in her eyes.

Jenny nodded. She didn't think she could eat much, but knew for Joey's sake she needed some sustenance. Heath was back a few minutes later with a tray laden down with food. Jenny's eyes widened. She hoped he didn't expect her to eat all of this. Even if she had an appetite she couldn't imagine eating all of this food.

Heath set the tray down at the small table in the room and brought two chairs over for them. They began eating in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Heath would occasionally glance at her, wanting to say something but unsure what. Jenny kept her eyes on her plate of food, forcing herself to eat the sliced beef and carrots.

When she felt she had eaten enough to satisfy Heath and her own body's needs, she set down her fork and placed her napkin on the table.

"Full?" Heath asked.

"Yes," Jenny said, still not looking at him. Heath decided he needed to take some action. He stood and held his hands out to Jenny. She stood as well, hesitantly placing her hands in his.

"Jenny, look at me," he said softly. Tears immediately filled her eyes and she shook her head. Heath placed his finger under her chin.

The sight of her tears broke his heart. As they fell down her cheeks he leaned in and kissed them away. He drew her close to him and held her. After a few minutes, she pushed herself away from him and went to check on the sleeping Josiah. Joey lay on his stomach, sucking his thumb. He looked so peaceful and Jenny longed for that kind of peace. Heath came up behind her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"My father was right," Jenny said. Heath's arm tightened.

"No, Jenny," he said firmly.

"The shock was too much for her. I shouldn't have come back."

Heath turned Jenny around to face him and held her shoulders firmly.
"Jenny, you had to come back. It was your mother's time to go. It's unfair that it had to be before you could see her again. Before she could see Josiah. But she would have died even if you had stayed in San Francisco. She at least had the hope of seeing you again. She didn't have that before." Heath drew Jenny into his arms again. She snuggled against his chest, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. She felt safe as long as she was here.

Heath stepped back and looked down into Jenny's brown eyes.

"Jenny, I love you. I want to marry you. I know I shouldn't ask on the day of your mother's funeral. I hope you'll forgive me for doing that. But I love you so much. When I didn't know where you were, it was like a piece of me was missing. I was incomplete. Now that you are here, everything is just as it should be. Jenny, will you marry me?"

Jenny swallowed. She couldn't talk past the lump in her throat. She nodded yes and Heath leaned in to kiss her. She accepted his kiss, allowing him to deepen it. Josiah chose that moment to wake. He raised his head and saw his mother. His cooing brought the couple back to reality.

Jenny reached down and picked him up. Heath held out his hands to take the sweet baby.

"Come to Papa," he said. Jenny's eyes filled with more tears, but these were tears of happiness.




Chapter 14

Jenny's bruised heart was slowly healing. The death of her mother would take a long time to get over as would the cruel words spoken by her father. Jenny talked with Heath about going in to town to see him, but he thought she should wait a while. Let him cool off some. Jenny knew Heath was right, but it didn't stop her from wishing things were different. Her father had been so angry with her at the funeral that she shivered whenever she thought of it.

Heath and Jenny decided to wait until Josiah was weaned before they were married. Both felt it was important that they spend their first days as a married couple alone, without any distractions. They would be a family, the three of them, but after everything Jenny had been through, they both wanted to take things slow.

So it was after Josiah's first birthday that the pastor of the church the Barkley's attended was invited out to the ranch to perform the ceremony. Only the Barkley's, Pastor Miller and his wife would witness this happy occasion. Jenny had told the others she didn't want a big wedding. She knew her father would try to interfere, possibly even coming to the church and disrupting the special event.

Just after lunch, the vows were spoken in the parlor. It was a simple, yet beautiful ceremony. Afterwards, Jarrod drove the couple in to town and waited with them until the train departed for Sacramento. For a wedding present, Jarrod had paid for a room in the finest hotel in the city. They would be gone for just over a week and both looked forward to being alone together.

Jenny found it was difficult for her to be away from Josiah. She had never been separated from him before but was confident that he was in good hands. Victoria was relishing the role of doting grandmother. So Jenny decided to sit back and enjoy the scenery as it passed by.

Heath sat next to her, his arm around her shoulders. He watched her profile, his heart again swelling with love for this wonderful woman beside him. She'd had to overcome many obstacles in her short life.

The train pulled into Sacramento later that evening. There was a carriage waiting for them, again a present from Jarrod. The hotel was one of the most grand structures Heath had ever seen. His head tilted way back as he looked up and up at the tall building. His hand took Jenny's and the two walked inside.

The man at the front desk had Heath sign his ledger book and Jenny couldn't contain the smile on her face when he signed it, "Mr. and Mrs. Heath Barkley."

The bell boy took their luggage and led them to a room near the top of the beautiful building. Jenny was enjoying looking at all of the furnishings as she and Heath followed the young man.

At last they reached their room and Jenny noticed a bouquet of flowers of every imaginable color on the table. Heath tipped their young escort and softly closed the door. When he turned to Jenny, he noticed her reading the card that had been with the flowers. He walked up beside her and waited for her to turn to him.

The card read, "The beauty of these flowers pale in comparison to you. You color my world in ways I could never have imagined. Love, Heath."

When she did, there were tears in her eyes and she threw her arms around him. She would forever hold the words from the card in her heart. Heath leaned in to kiss his bride and she held on to him more tightly. When they broke apart, both were breathless.

Heath led Jenny to the bed and they sat down. Jenny was so nervous she was trembling. She wasn't worried that Heath would hurt her, she knew he would be gentle. But she had no idea what to do or expect. She thought, It has to be at least somewhat pleasurable, or the human race wouldn't have survived.

Heath held her hand, stroking the top of it with his thumb. He didn't want to rush his wife. He knew she would need time to adjust and he wanted her first time to be special. And as far as he was concerned, this was her first time. He didn't know if it would be possible, but he wanted their time together to erase all the horrible memories from her past. Even if just during those brief moments of total ecstasy that he hoped to bring to her.
His mind turned back to the night he had first seen her. He couldn't help but smile at the memory. Jenny watched him and asked what he was thinking.

"Oh, I was just thinking about the first night I met you. I remember I was so tired and the last thing I wanted to do was dress up in a suit and meet old friends of the family."

Jenny smiled. She too had fond memories of that night. She had never seen anyone as handsome as Heath Barkley. He hadn't known it then, but that night he had won her heart.

"Well, I'll admit, I'm glad you decided to come to dinner," she said. The conversation between them was relaxing her. Heath put his arm around her and she leaned on his shoulder.

"Jenny, if you want to wait, we can."

Jenny looked up at Heath, her breathing coming in shallow gasps. She knew Heath was eager to begin their physical relationship, and the fact that he was willing to wait until she was ready did her heart a world of good.

"Would you mind if we just held each other for a while?"

Heath smiled tenderly and said, "That's fine, Jenny. I want you to know, we have all the time in the world. Don't feel pressured to do something you aren't ready for. I'm a patient man. I've waited all my life for you, I can wait a while longer."

They decided to get ready for bed and climbed in together. Heath held Jenny in his arms, knowing that his patience was unlimited when it came to her. He had meant what he said in that he could wait for her to be ready. It wasn't easy, his body screaming in protest of having her so close, yet not being able to fulfill his desire. But the saying, "The best things come to those who wait" caused a small smile to play on his lips. They eventually fell asleep, holding one another close.




Chapter 15

Jenny sat in one of the room's many comfortable chairs and watched her husband sleep. Her husband. She still couldn't believe it. She was married to the most handsome man she had ever seen before. The bed sheet covered him from the waist down, his bare chest looking all the more tanned against the sheet's whiteness. Her eyes traveled down the length of him, starting at his sun-kissed blonde hair, going to his handsome face. Her eyes lingered on his mouth, the memory of his kisses causing her to smile. Her eyes then roamed down to his firm chest, her desire to run her fingers through the course hair becoming stronger. She let her eyes drift down further, remembering him as he undressed the night before.

Finally, she could stand it no longer. She stood and unbuttoned her nightgown, letting it fall to the floor. She was ready to be loved completely by this man. This man who made her feel prized and valuable, not dirty and shameful. She slipped into bed quietly, pressing her naked body close to him. Heath was immediately aware of what she was doing, but refrained from pouncing on her. His body was screaming for him to give in to his impulse, but his mind and heart reminded him to be careful. What he did next could affect their relationship for the rest of their lives. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a seductive smile on her face. He could see some fear as well, but he knew he could take that away. She bit her bottom lip and ran a finger from his lips, down his throat, letting her finger continue its path down his body. He could barely breathe. Slowly, he drew her to himself and began kissing her.

Much later, as the couple lay holding each other, breathless and exhilarated, Jenny felt content. This was how it was supposed to be. Her mind replayed every single moment of their time together. He had been so gentle and had gone slowly, teaching her the ways of love. She looked over at him, and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Heath?" she said softly.

"Hmm?" he answered, feeling as relaxed as a cat in the summer sun.

"Can we do that again?" she asked.

Heath took only a second to decide and the two were again lost in a world of passion.

The week flew by and before they knew it, it was time to return to Stockton. They would arrive on Sunday afternoon and would be met by someone in the family. Jenny hoped that Josiah would be there as well, but didn't get her hopes up. It was cold this time of year and she didn't want him catching a chill.

Nick met them and gave Heath a man-sized hug. He then greeted his new sister-in-law with a hug and peck on the cheek. None of them noticed that they were being watched by Jenny's father. He had heard that the preacher had performed the ceremony between Heath and Jenny and that they had kept the wedding quiet. He would wait a while longer and then maybe go see his daughter.

The evening meal was relaxed. Audra was full of questions about what the couple had seen and done while in Sacramento. She asked if they had gone to the opera, seen the Governor's mansion, toured the museums or even if they had walked in the city's many beautiful parks. At each place mentioned, Jenny would just shake her head no and glance at Heath, a her cheeks turning a beautiful shade of pink.

Audra was becoming frustrated. "Well then, what did you do? Stay in your room the whole time?" she asked exasperated.

Nick laughed out loud while Jarrod and Victoria covered their mouths in silent laughter. Heath's and Jenny's faces were red with embarrassment but were laughing as well. Audra realized that that was exactly what they had done and felt the color rise in her cheeks. She promised herself then and there she would never ask newlyweds about their honeymoon again.

Later that night after Josiah was put to bed, Heath and Jenny spent time in one another's arms. Tomorrow things would be busy for the couple. Heath would be back at work at the ranch and Jenny had offered to assist Audra with organizing a dance to benefit the orphanage. But for tonight, they were alone and enjoying every minute of it.




Chapter 16

Heath and Jenny settled in to married life with no difficulties. Both seemed so happy and content. The family enjoyed watching them and one day while out on the range, Nick asked Heath a question.

"Any advice for me on the honeymoon, little brother?" Nick had decided to ask Melanie to marry him and she had accepted.

Heath smiled. He would forever remember their trip to Sacramento, even if they didn't get to see any of the city.

"Take things nice and slow."

Nick smiled. He had already thought of that.

"Anything else?"

"Just two words: Room service."

Nick threw his head back in laughter and patted his brother on the back. He would have to remember that. He had thought of taking Melanie up to the lodge at Indian Springs, but now that Heath mentioned it, maybe a hotel room in Sacramento or San Francisco would be the way to go.

Several months passed and Heath and Jenny still felt like newlyweds. They couldn't wait to be together at night, often excusing themselves early from the family. Everyone also enjoyed watching Heath and Josiah together. The two had strongly bonded and Josiah had learned to say "Papa". The first time the little boy said it to Heath, he had tears in his eyes.

When Heath and Jenny had been married for four months, Nick and Heath went on round up and were gone for several days. Heath couldn't stand being away from Jenny and Josiah and pushed to make it back early. Nick didn't mind as he was just as eager to see Melanie again.

Part of Heath's eagerness to return home was actually caused by a nightmare he'd had while on the trail. He had awakened in a cold sweat, Nick shaking him. He had started screaming and Nick, who usually slept very soundly had instantly been awakened and was by his side.

"Heath, wake up!"

Heath looked at Nick, his eyes wide with fright. When he realized he had just been dreaming, he sat back, feeling dazed.

"Are you all right?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Heath gasped, closing his eyes, trying to dispel the images of his nightmare.

"What happened?"

Heath took a couple of deep breaths before he answered. "I dreamt that when I came home, Jenny and Joey were gone and I couldn't find them. That whoever it was that had attacked Jenny had come back for her. I could hear her screaming for me, begging me to protect her. But I couldn't find her. Nick, it was so horrible."

Nick's face showed concern for his brother. He squeezed his shoulder and said, "They're safe at the house, Heath. Jarrod, Mother and Audra are there too. They won't let anything happen."

Heath nodded, thankful for Nick's attempt at reassurance. The men settled back down and tried to fall asleep, but neither did for quite a while. It bothered Heath that the man who had assaulted Jenny was still out there...somewhere. He asked Jenny if she minded if he spoke with Jarrod and the sheriff about it. The sheriff might have some information to lead them to whoever attacked her. At first, Jenny was hesitant, but then agreed. Every once in a while, she would wake up screaming and it took every ounce of Heath's strength to calm her down. She would then cling to him as though there were no tomorrow, begging him to tell her she was safe.

So Heath and Nick pushed until they were able to make it home a day earlier than expected. Nick ran in to clean up and get to town to see Melanie. Heath hurried in to see his wife and son. As he reached the top of the stairs, he saw Jenny coming from the nursery. She hadn't seen him yet and he stood watching her. She glanced over and stopped. She then ran to him and threw her arms around his neck.

"Whoa, now. I'm a filthy cowboy. Boy howdy, I've got about a week's worth of trail dust on me. You might want to back off," he said laughing, enjoying his welcome.
"Not a chance. What's a little trail dust between husband and wife?" Jenny asked and drew her husband into their room. Holding Jenny in his arms caused the nightmare he'd had on the trail to dissipate. He actually forgot about it as he undressed his wife. He felt her hands unbuttoning his shirt then his pants. He continued working on her clothes until both were divested of everything. Heath broke off for just a few minutes to at least wash off a little. Jenny watched, unable to tear her eyes away from him.

"Heath," she said as he came back and began kissing her neck. "I need to tell you something..."

Her eyes were closed in pleasure as his kisses continued further down.

"Hmm?" he said, intent on his mission. When his mouth reached his desired goal, Jenny moaned in pleasure.

"I said I need to....Oh forget it. I'll tell you later!"

After dinner that night, Heath enjoyed some time with Josiah. The little boy loved to play with his train set that Uncle Jarrod had given him for Christmas. He and his Papa played on the floor in the nursery, pushing and pulling the trains. Heath noticed Jenny come into the room and sit in the corner to watch them. Josiah yawned and Heath knew it was bedtime for his son, though he hated to put him to bed just yet.

Heath changed Josiah's clothes and washed him off, readying him for bed. Then he rocked him for a while, holding him close. He sang Josiah a lullaby, and Jenny couldn't help but smile, even though she had heard him sing the song many times:

"O, there's nothing like gin
When you feel all done in.
And when I'm thirsty for a beer,
Better serve it to me, Dear."

Heath lay Joey in his bed and then he and Jenny bid their son goodnight and went to their room. Heath was exhausted. After all those nights, sleeping under the stars on the hard ground, he was ready to be in his soft bed with his wife. Jenny slipped in beside him, and ran her fingers across his chest.

"Heath, I need to tell you something."

Heath was just starting to doze, but became instantly alert at feeling his wife's hands touching him. He rolled over and propped his head up on his elbow, letting Jenny know she had his full attention.

Jenny took a deep breath. "We're going to have a baby."
Heath stared at her, not sure if he had heard her correctly. She stared back, hoping he would be happy. She couldn't read his expression and was concerned. She bit her lip in uncertainty, then bit the inside of her cheeks to keep the tears from flowing.

"Heath? Did you hear me?" she asked at last.

Tears filled Heath's eyes and ran down his cheeks. He was so overcome with emotion he couldn't speak. He held his wife closely to himself.

After a few moments, he said, "You've made me the happiest man on earth, Jenny."

Jenny let out the breath she had been holding. She had been excited when she found out, and she hoped Heath would be as well. Heath leaned in and kissed her. They made love for the second time that day. The first time had been because of the hunger and intense desire both felt for one another. But this time, it was to celebrate a new life created from their love.




Chapter 17

Heath had spoken with Jenny about officially adopting Josiah and she had been thrilled. They in turn, spoke with Jarrod who was more than happy to start the process. After several months, the papers were ready to be signed. Heath and Jenny went in to town one evening to sign the papers and then were going out to dinner to celebrate.

Once their business was completed, Heath escorted his wife out onto the sidewalk and the two walked toward the Cattleman's Hotel. They were just passing an alley, when they heard a man talking. The words being said were not polite in mixed company and Heath hurried his wife along. He had felt Jenny stiffen beside him, but it wasn't until they reached the inside of the hotel and he noticed her face that he realized something was wrong.

"Jenny? What's the matter?"

Jenny's face was pale and she looked as though she had seen a ghost.

"That was him," she whispered.

It took Heath only a split second to realize who she was talking about. The man in the alley was the one who had raped his wife and left her with child. He was looking around, trying to decide if he should go for the sheriff first, or just go after the other man, but he didn't want to leave Jenny alone. Jarrod chose that moment to walk in to the hotel. He had forgotten to give them their copies of the adoption papers. When he saw Jenny's pale face and Heath's angry countenance, he grew concerned.

"Heath, Jenny, what's wrong?"
"Jarrod, will you stay with Jenny for few minutes?"

Jarrod stared at his brother, not liking the look in his eyes. He had only seen it a few times before. Once had been just after he had seen Matt Bentell in their parlor and the other had been after he saw Gil Anders. Jarrod wasn't about to let his brother leave his sight without finding out first what was going on.

"Heath, tell me what's wrong."

The three stepped over to a corner and Heath told Jarrod what had happened. Jarrod's eyes widened and he looked over at Jenny. Heath had spoken to him about the fact Jenny hadn't seen the man who had raped her, but that she would know his voice. Jarrod believed Jenny without a doubt, but still refused to let Heath go.

"Let's go to the sheriff and have the man taken into custody for questioning."

"By the time we do that he could be gone again, Jarrod. Just let me go and get him. I promise I won't do anything rash."

Jenny stared at Heath, clearly frightened. She wasn't afraid for her own safety, but for his.

"Please, Heath. Don't go alone. I'll be fine right here. I won't leave the hotel. Let Jarrod go with you."

Heath nodded, though he would still feel more comfortable if Jarrod would stay with Jenny. After he sat her down on a bench, he and Jarrod went out the door. They walked back to the alley and found the man was still there. Horrible, vulgar words were spewing from his mouth and the woman on the receiving end was one of the girls that worked at Harry's. She had not been feeling well and decided to take the rest of the night off. The man had cornered her and began groping her. He was forcing her onto the ground and she had been about to scream when she heard someone say,

"Step away from the lady."

Heath and Jarrod both had their guns drawn on the man. He slowly turned around to face them and put his hands in the air.

He chuckled. "You got it all wrong. This ain't no lady."

Heath punched the man in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. He then picked the man up and began hauling him away, toward the sheriff's office. Jarrod helped the woman up, her dress was torn and one arm had some scrapes on it where she had been pushed down.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She looked up at him with wide eyes. She hadn't been doing this for very long and just about decided she wasn't cut out to be a saloon girl. Tonight confirmed that in her mind.

"Yes, I can't thank you enough for...helping. I know I'm just a piece of trash-"

Jarrod shook his head. "No man has the right to force a woman to do anything against her will. We were happy to help. What's your name?"

"They call me Candy. But my real name is Callie," she said shyly.

Jarrod smiled, "Callie, would you mind coming to the sheriff's office to tell him what happened?"

Callie only had to think it over for a few seconds. She nodded and Jarrod escorted her across the street.

Fred had known about Jenny's assault because Heath had wanted to know if any other incidences had been reported around the time of the attack. None had, but after hearing Heath's story and the saloon girl's, who Jarrod had introduced as Callie, he was certain he had enough to keep the man in jail. Callie was thanked for her time and she left quickly, hating being in sight of that wretched man.

The man, who said his name was Pearson, sat handcuffed in a chair off to the side. He watched the blond cowboy, wondering at the hate that filled his eyes whenever he looked at him. He remembered seeing him before, a long time ago. He smiled at the recollection. It had been one evening as he was following a young girl home. She was a pretty little thing. He had just wanted to talk to her. Maybe spend a little time with her to get to know her better. Then the blond man had gotten to her before he could. Pearson remembered it had made him angry at the time. A few weeks later, he had come back into town. He hadn't bathed in quite a while and was going to go down to the creek to wash up since he had spent most of his money on whisky and couldn't afford to pay for a bath. It was then that he had seen her again. What a beauty she was. In his drunken state, he had followed her home and was delighted to find that no one else was there. He didn't remember much about their time together, and had left town soon after. This was the first time he had come back to Stockton since then and had even dared walk past her house to see if he could get a glimpse of her, hoping she was home alone again. Then he saw the pretty barmaid and thought she would do instead.

Heath looked over at Pearson, barely containing his rage. Pearson just sat there, a smug look on his face. It was all Heath could do not to wipe that smile off with his fist. Jarrod took Heath by the arm and began to lead him out the door. They needed to get back to Jenny. She was probably worried.

Heath started to leave, but stopped when he heard Pearson say something.

"So, how's that young filly you were seein' a few years back?"

Heath turned cold eyes toward him. "What do you mean?"
Pearson shrugged. "Just that she was a might inexperienced back then. Just wondered if you were able to teach her anything."

Heath jerked free from Jarrod and ran to Pearson. He slugged him twice, then straightened up and walked away.

"Hey!" Pearson called out in outrage to Fred, trying to stem the flow of blood coming from his nose and mouth. "Ain't ya goin to arrest him for that!"

Fred looked over at Jarrod and Heath then back over at Pearson.

"For what? I didn't see anything."

Jarrod nodded his thanks to the Sheriff then the two brothers walked out of the jail.

"She's going to have to testify against him, isn't she?" Heath asked, flexing the hand that he had hit Pearson with. It pained him to think of putting Jenny through that.

"Unless he pleads guilty. Then he'll just be sentenced."

"What if he doesn't?" Heath asked.

"Unfortunately, even he deserves a fair trial," Jarrod said, disgusted. He loved his profession, but at times it made him sick.

Heath shook his head. "I hate it that the whole town will hear about it. That Jenny and Josiah will be the subject of even more gossip." Most had made it none of their business that Jenny had been gone for so long and then returned with a baby. There were some though, usually the bitter mothers of eligible daughters who had failed to capture Heath's attentions, that fueled the gossip mills.

Jarrod put his hand on Heath's shoulder. "I know. But with Jenny's and Callie's testimonies, he should go to jail for quite a long time."

The thought of that monster getting off so easily angered Heath. He wanted him to suffer. Just as much as Jenny had. Jail was too good for Pearson. Those few punches Heath had thrown showed only a fraction of the hatred he had for that poor excuse for a human being.

Heath and Jenny decided to head on home. Neither felt like eating and Jenny just wanted to hold Josiah close. Later that night, as everyone else in the house slept, Jenny sat next to the window in their bedroom. Tears freely rolled down her cheeks though she didn't notice. The feeling of terror that she thought she had finally put behind her had come upon her again and she was afraid to close her eyes. She was afraid he would be waiting for her in her dreams again. His voice, that had finally started to fade, was back, torturing her soul.

Heath put his arm out across the bed to draw Jenny closer to him. He lifted his head when he realized she wasn't there. He looked around and saw her sitting in a chair across the room. He rose and went to her, kneeling down in front of her.

He gently wiped the tears from her face, and drew her into his arms. She held on tightly, then began kissing him. He returned her kisses, knowing she needed him to comfort her.

"Oh, Heath," she breathed. "Please, make love to me. The only place I feel safe is in your arms."

Heath picked her up and carried her to their bed. He was very gentle and tender, going slowly, listening to her call out his name as he took her to the absolute heights of pleasure and pushed her over the edge. He then held her close, not letting her go. She fell asleep holding him tightly and stayed like that until morning.




Chapter 18

For the next few days, Heath watched Jenny closely. She was very quiet, only speaking when absolutely necessary. Jarrod met with them and explained that Pearson had pleaded not guilty and that the trial would begin in a few weeks. Jenny hated the thought of having to relive everything, this time, in front of the entire town. It was like she was going to be raped all over again, except everyone would be there to see it happen.

One day, Nick and Heath were working together out on the range. Heath's gaze was continually going toward the house even though they were far enough away that it wasn't in sight. Finally, Nick suggested Heath just go home and spend some time with his family. There really wasn't anything too pressing that he couldn't handle by himself. Heath thanked his brother and rode home.

He found Jenny in Joey's room holding him close, rocking him. When Joey's eyes saw Heath, he immediately sat up and reached his arms out for him.

"Papa!" he cried excitedly, hugging Heath's neck tightly.

"Boy howdy, if that ain't one of the best greetings a man can get!"

Jenny smiled, always loving to watch her husband and son together. Heath leaned over and kissed her.

"What are you doing home so early?" Jenny asked.

"Just thought I'd take our son and his lovely mother on a picnic. You up to it?"

Jenny really didn't feel like going anywhere, but she appreciated what Heath was trying to do. She smiled at him and went to their room to change.
Heath and Josiah went downstairs to put together a lunch and wait for Jenny. She was down shortly and the three were off. Heath and Josiah ran around while Jenny unpacked their lunch and then the three enjoyed the small meal. They stayed out until Josiah was literally falling asleep on his feet. They took the little boy home and put him down for a nap. Jenny was going to go downstairs to put the remnants of their picnic away, but Heath took her by the hand and led her to their room.

"We need to talk about the trial, Jenny."

She stiffened at his words, not wanting to discuss it.

"I don't want to now, Heath. Can we do it later?"

She started to walk away from him but he grabbed her and pulled her to himself. He held her tightly, feeling the growing baby between them. He was worried about her and the baby.

"Don't close me out. Tell me what you're feeling," he whispered in her ear.

Jenny pushed back from him, tears gathering in her eyes. "You want to know what I'm feeling? Well let me tell you! I finally was feeling like I could put this whole thing behind me. Like I could forget it happened, when that animal comes back and destroys everything. And now I have to stand in front of the whole town and give every single detail about what happened to me. Every one will know that the man sitting in jail took my innocence away. He took what should have belonged to you and I'm angry! I am so angry!" The dam broke and Jenny let loose with everything she had been keeping in for years. She wasn't shouting, but was close to it. Heath did nothing to try and quiet her, knowing she needed to get this out. He watched her, tears filling his eyes as well. "And I'm not just angry with him, but with my father for sending me away. For blaming me for what I couldn't control. I'm angry that my mother died before I could see her again. Before she could see Josiah. And I'm angry because she didn't stand up for me. That she let my father send me away from her and from you. Oh, Heath!" She finished by throwing herself into his arms and weeping. She had managed to hide this away from everyone, even Heath. He had never seen her display her anger like this but he was glad she had finally released it. Maybe now, she could heal.

He held her, his tears falling and mingling with hers. Jenny had endured so much that he didn't know how much more she could take. She had to testify or Pearson could possibly be let go. Jarrod had told them that Jenny was the prosecution's strongest witness.

Heath continued to hold her in his arms, stroking her hair and letting her cry. He didn't try to tell her everything would be fine or that it would all work out, because he didn't know that it would. But he did know he loved her and no matter what, he would be there for her.

She leaned against him, listening to his heartbeat, allowing it to calm her. She lifted her face to his, noticing the tears on his cheeks. She put her hand behind his neck and pulled his face down to hers. She kissed him passionately and the two lay on the bed, wrapped in each others arms, allowing their passion to help them forget about what was to come. At least for a little while, all that there was in the world, was just the two of them.

Fred came out to the ranch a few days later and Jarrod was the one to answer the door. The sheriff asked for Heath and Jenny and Jarrod went to find them. The four met in the study, Fred's face serious as he gazed at the couple before him.

"Last night there was a fight at one of the saloons. I brought in several of the troublemakers and put them in jail for the night. Apparently, Pearson riled up one of them and the other man took his fork from breakfast and..."He looked at Jenny, deciding not to go into too many details.

"Anyway, Pearson died shortly thereafter. I just thought you would want to know."

Jenny stared at the sheriff, not sure what she should be feeling. She wasn't sorry that Pearson had been killed. And she was relieved that there wouldn't be a trial now. She looked over at Heath, trying to gauge his reaction to the news.

Heath stood, as did Fred and Jarrod. He shook the lawman's hand and thanked him for personally delivering the news. He then took Jenny's hand in his own and they walked outside to the small knoll just up from the house. Heath put his arms around his wife.

"It's over," he whispered in her ear. She nodded against him and sighed. They wouldn't have to worry about Pearson anymore.




Chapter 19

Jenny's pregnancy progressed well. Heath loved watching her body grow with their child. He had never thought her more beautiful. Once the news came about Pearson's death, Heath and Jenny felt as though they had been given a new lease on life. Jenny's outburst had finally begun the healing process for her. After her attack, her father wouldn't permit her to talk about it. Her Aunt had been the same way. She had shared some details with Heath and Jarrod, but had not said anything about her anger toward her parents and Pearson. Heath's and Jenny's love for one another continued to grow and was stronger because of all they'd been through.

Nick and Melanie were married in a beautiful ceremony out at the ranch. Melanie was a breathtaking bride and once she started down the aisle, Nick never took his eyes off of her for a second. They left for their honeymoon to Indian Springs. Nick kept going back and forth as to where they should go, and figured that the lodge was about as private as you could get. They would be gone for ten days. Heath would be busier in the coming days, but both he and Jenny were happy for the newlyweds.

Heath left early one morning, needing to go the southern most part of the ranch. He would be gone all day. Jenny awoke to an empty bed, her heart just a bit heavy. She smiled though, thinking that that wasn't the only part of her that was heavy. This baby seemed to be growing daily. Only five more weeks, she told herself and then they would see who this new little one was.

Jenny kept busy throughout the day by tending to Josiah and doing some sewing for the baby. She had just put Josiah down for a nap and was considering taking one herself when there was a knock at the door. No one seemed to be around so she answered it.

When she opened the door, she found her father standing there. Jenny stepped back and invited him in. He didn't say anything at first, but took in her appearance.

"I heard you were going to have another one," he said, then looked away.

His words were said sharply, and Jenny felt he was trying to make her feel guilty for conceiving another child. Well, this child was conceived in wedlock with the man she loved and she felt no shame at all. Her thought's turned to Josiah. Her love for him wouldn't allow herself to feel any shame for him either.

"What can I do for you?" Jenny couldn't bring herself to address him as "Papa". He just didn't seem to deserve that title anymore. Joey called Heath "Papa" and it seemed like an insult to call a mean-spirited, vicious, old man that term of endearment.

Paul Sanders turned his eyes back to her. She could tell he had been drinking. They had heard rumors that was just about all he did now since her mother's death. Jenny's heart still constricted when she thought of not being able to see her mother that one last time.

"I came to see my grandson," he said gruffly. Jenny wished Heath were here. She felt nervous with her father being so close. He hadn't been to the ranch at all since before her return. He hadn't seemed to take any interest in Josiah before and she wondered why he was now.

"Joey is sleeping right now. You're welcome to come into the parlor. I can fix some coffee for you."

"I don't want coffee, I want to see my grandson!"

There was no way Jenny would allow this man to be anywhere near her son. Especially in his current condition.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to come back later." Preferably when Heath is here, she thought.

Jenny's seemingly dismissive attitude angered Paul and he lashed out. He grabbed Jenny by the arms and began shaking her. Jenny screamed at the shock and pain of what her father was doing.

Jarrod had just arrived home and heard Jenny's scream. He ran into the house and saw Paul standing over Jenny's unconscious form. He reacted quickly, grabbing Paul and throwing him out of the house. Victoria, who had been in the attic, came running when she heard Jenny's scream.

"Jenny!" Jarrod was patting her on the cheek, trying to wake her.

She moaned and Jarrod breathed a sigh of relief. Victoria helped Jarrod take her up to her room. Jarrod then rushed out and sent one of the hands to town for the doctor. He asked Ciego where Heath was and then rode out to find him. He also told some of the hands to stay close to the house, just in case.

Jarrod found Heath eventually and the two galloped back to the house at breakneck speed. Heath jumped off of Charger in one smooth motion and ran into the house. He found Jenny sitting up in bed with Dr. Merar talking to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked as he burst into the room.

"I'm fine."

"Jenny and the baby are fine, Heath," the doctor assured him. "But I want her to stay in bed for a few days."

"What happened?"

Dr. Merar looked to Jenny, allowing her to explain. As she did, she could tell her husband was getting furious. He didn't say anything, but just sat there, seething.

"I fainted when he grabbed me. It was such a shock. But I'm fine, Heath. He was drunk. I don't even think he knew what he was doing."

That didn't matter to Heath. This man had hurt his wife for all of her life and he wasn't going to stand for it anymore. He calmed down some so as not to frighten her, and thanked the doc for his help. He stayed a few more minutes with Jenny, assuring himself that she was fine and then went downstairs in search of his mother and Jarrod. He found them in the parlor.

Jarrod watched his coldly furious brother pour himself a drink. Heath drank it all in one gulp then turned to the others in the room.

"Jarrod, can charges be brought against him?"

Jarrod nodded. He had already been thinking on that, but he wasn't sure if Heath would want to go through with it when he told him, "Jenny would have to testify against him."

Heath stared at his brother. He didn't want to put her through that. He set his glass down. Victoria watched this exchange, hurting for Heath who just wanted to protect his wife. When Heath took a seat on the sofa, she sat down next to him.
"If that man ever hurts her again, I'll kill him." Both Jarrod and Victoria knew Heath meant every word. Neither had any doubt that the blond cowboy would do anything to protect his family.

"We'll keep a closer eye on things, Heath. I'm sure Paul won't come back," Jarrod said, placing his hand on Heath's shoulder. Heath just nodded and then excused himself to go back and be with Jenny.




Chapter 20

Let's back up a bit to Nick and Melanie's wedding night.

Nick and Melanie made it to the cabin in good time. They unloaded the supplies and then washed up from their dusty trip. Nick's thoughts were on his wife, and on what the next ten days would hold. He was eager to begin their physical relationship. So much so, that he almost forgot the advice given to him by Heath just that morning. They were in Nick's room alone, waiting for the wedding to begin. Jarrod had gone out for a minute to check on some detail and Heath turned to Nick and placed his hands on his shoulders. Nick stared into his brother's sapphire eyes and couldn't look away. Heath was about to tell him something that would forever change his life.

"Whatever you do, Nick. Take it slow. What you do tonight, will set the stage for your marriage for the rest of your life. If you rush her, she'll see you as nothing more than someone who just wants her body. You need to show her that you want it all. Her body, mind and soul. And once you can share those things freely with each other, you will experience the most amazing, passionate time of your life. And nothing will compare to it."

Nick bowed his head in silent prayer, thankful that Heath's words had come back to him just in time. Nick had gone down to the river to wash, leaving Melanie up in the cabin by herself to bathe. He took a deep breath and entered the cabin, noticing that there were no lamps lit except for in the bedroom. He and Melanie had talked a lot about their first time together. They agreed to wait until after they were married. It was difficult, for both felt the desire to be with one another fully. But out of respect for each other, remained steadfast in waiting. Now the time was upon them to finally give all to each other.

Nick entered the bedroom and saw his bride. Melanie lay on the bed, wearing the sheerest of nightgowns. So much so, she might as well have not even been wearing anything at all. But it was just enough to allow Nick's imagination to go wild. She smiled at him in a way that he had never seen. It was a seductive smile, a smile letting him know she was ready for him to take her completely. In her eyes though, and Nick made himself stare into her eyes, there was also a flicker of uncertainty, for this was Melanie's first time. She had saved herself for Nick. She wasn't totally naive, but having never experienced it first hand, she wasn't sure exactly what to expect.

Nick held out his hand to her and pulled her up so that she was standing with him. He wrapped his arms around her, never taking his eyes from hers. Melanie could barely breathe. Nick's hold was so gentle and she felt safe and cherished. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Then moved the kisses down to her neck. Melanie thought she would burst with the sensations his lips were evoking. She moaned, not even aware that she had done so, and Nick felt every nerve ending in his body come alive. His kisses went further down. Melanie's eyes were closed, her breathing coming in ragged gasps. Nick picked her up and gently placed her on the bed.

"Nick," she whispered. "I'm not sure what you want me to do."

Nick smiled at her and said, "I just want you to enjoy."

The time that followed would forever remain in their hearts and minds. Nick was so thankful that his brother had spoken to him. For this night, not only were their bodies joined physically, but also spiritually. A bond that would never be broken.

Less than forty-eight hours after Paul's visit, Jenny's pains began. It was the middle of the night and she awoke needing to relieve herself. She started walking toward the door when she felt her water give way. Her gasp woke Heath who was by her side in a moment.


"Heath, my water broke. It's time."

But it's too early, Heath thought. He helped Jenny back into bed and ran to get Victoria. Jarrod, who had dozed off downstairs, was headed up to bed when he saw his mother and brother coming down the hallway.

"Jarrod, can you go get the doc?" Heath asked. Jarrod left immediately.

Heath came back in the room, watching Victoria with Jenny. She was in a lot of pain and Heath hated seeing her like this.

After Victoria examined Jenny, she motioned for Heath to join her out in the hall.

"It's going to be a few hours yet, but she is in labor."

"Mother, it's too early," Heath said in a hushed voice.

"No Heath. She's far enough along that I think the baby will be fine. He or she may be tiny, but..." She let the words hang. She squeezed his hand and then asked him to boil some water and gather some clean sheets. He went to do her bidding, knowing a lot of what he was doing could wait a while, but Victoria was trying to help his keep his mind off of things. He appreciated her thoughtfulness. Silas heard the commotion in the kitchen and came to see what was going on. Heath apologized for waking him, but explained that Jenny was in labor. The black man helped Heath with getting the sheets and told him he would take care of getting the water on to boil.

A few hours later, Dr. Merar and Jarrod arrived. Jenny moaned with each pain and Heath held on to her hand. His face was pale and the doctor motioned to Jarrod, who had come to stand just inside the door.

"Take your brother downstairs for a drink, Jarrod."

Heath wanted to protest, but Jarrod led him away before he could.

It was just after dawn that they heard a baby cry. Neither man had slept at all and Heath immediately ran up the stairs. He waited just outside the door to his room, eager for some news.

Finally, Victoria stepped out with a small bundle. She smiled at Heath, tears in her eyes.

"Meet your daughter, Heath."

Jarrod had come up behind them and the baby's cry had awakened Audra who came to stand next to Jarrod. Heath looked at the howling infant and smiled. She had blond peach fuzz on top of her head and looked so tiny.

Heath looked up at Victoria and asked, "Jenny?"

"Dr. Merar said you can see her in a few minutes. Would you like to hold her?"

Heath gently took his daughter in his arms. Jarrod and Audra came in for a closer look, both with tears running down their cheeks.

"Congratulations, Heath. She's a beauty," Jarrod said softly.

"Oh, Heath, she looks so much like you," Audra said. Heath beamed with pleasure. He now had a son and daughter. He wondered what Josiah would think of his new sister.

"What are you going to name her?" Jarrod asked.

Heath's lopsided grin appeared. "We hadn't decided yet. Thought we had more time."

The bedroom door opened and Dr. Merar said, "Victoria, I need your help."

Heath felt alarm rush through him. Jenny.




Chapter 21

Nick and Melanie arrived home and in typical Nick fashion, he announced to the entire household their return. Audra came out from the parlor shushing him.

"Jenny had the baby early this morning," she explained. "Dr. Merar was here till just a few hours ago. Mother, Heath and Jarrod were up all night. I didn't know about it until just after she was born."
Nick grinned from ear to ear as did Melanie. Nick then noticed tears gathering in Audra's eyes.

"Audra, are Jenny and the baby okay?"

Audra swallowed hard. "The baby was early. She seems fine though. But Jenny took a turn for the worse. She lost a lot of blood. Oh Nick, the doc doesn't know if she's going to make it!"

Audra flung herself at Nick and he held her. His eyes sought those of his wife's and they stared at one another in shock. Nick comforted Audra and led her into the parlor.

"Where is everyone?" he asked when she had calmed down.

"Mother and Jarrod are lying down. Heath is with Jenny. He's so heartbroken." Audra began crying again when she thought about her brother's face when the doctor told them the news. Melanie's eyes too filled with tears. Nick couldn't believe this was happening. They had thought about staying up at the lodge another day, but Nick was glad they decided to come home instead.

"Where's the baby and Josiah?" Melanie asked.

Audra sniffed. "Josiah is down for a nap. The baby is over here. We were able to get some goat's milk from the Watson's. She seems to like it okay."

Melanie followed Audra over to the cradle that had been set up in the parlor. Sleeping in it was the tiniest baby she had ever seen. She reached down and picked up the newest Barkley. Nick came over to take a peek at his niece.

"She looks like Heath," he said softly. Nick kissed his wife on the cheek and told her he would be right back. He took the stairs by twos and went to Heath's and Jenny's room. He opened the door quietly. Heath was sitting next to the bed, his eyes on his wife's face. Nick thought he looked exhausted. Knowing Heath, he probably hadn't slept since this had all began. Heath noticed someone had come into the room. He stood when he saw Nick and walked toward him.

They stepped out into the hall and Heath closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry, Heath. Audra told us about Jenny."

Heath nodded. He was fighting for control right now. He wanted to weep, to beg God to spare his wife. He didn't think he could live if something happened to her. He was also angry. Angry at Paul Sanders because he felt it was his fault. And he was angry at himself for not being there to protect Jenny...again.

Nick watched the emotions flicker across his brother's face. He didn't know what to say, so he just wrapped his arms around him in a big bear hug. Heath appreciated the show of affection. He needed it. Heath smiled up at Nick when they broke apart and then went in to Jenny. Nick went back downstairs and waited with Melanie and Audra.

Dr. Merar had been in with Jenny for about fifteen minutes. Heath paced around nervously, waiting for the doctor to give them some news. Their baby was now twelve hours old. She seemed to really like the goat's milk and Heath was relieved. He couldn't imagine what it would have been like had she not.

Finally, the doctor came from room. Heath could tell by the look in his eyes that the news wasn't good.

"I'm worried about the amount of blood she lost, Heath. I want to give her a blood transfusion."

Heath nodded and began rolling up his sleeves.

"No, Heath. I'll use you if I have to, but I would rather have a blood relative. There's less chance of something going wrong."

Heath just stared at the doctor. The baby was too small, not even a consideration. And Josiah, he was too young as well. The realization of what the doctor was asking hit him.

"You mean you want Jenny's father, don't you."

The doctor nodded. Heath would do anything for his wife. But the thought of bringing that man back into this house after what he did...

Heath reluctantly agreed and made ready to go and find him. Jarrod placed a hand on his arm and said, "No, Heath. Nick and I will go get him. You stay with Jenny."

Heath thanked them both and then the doc. He went back into his bedroom and closed the door.

Nick kissed Melanie goodbye and promised to be back soon. The two brothers mounted their horses and Jarrod told Nick about Paul's visit from a few days before. The doc couldn't be sure, but Jenny's labor could have been started as a result of the altercation between them.

Nick cursed under his breath. "So the man who caused this in the first place is probably the only one who can save her." Jarrod nodded at the irony of it all. He only hoped that Paul Sanders had not left town.

Jarrod and Nick were both frustrated. They had started their search at the Sander's house then went to all of the saloons in the area. Harry had told them that Paul was in the night before, but he hadn't seen him since. They looked everywhere they could think of, even stopping by the jail to see if Fred knew of Paul's whereabouts. They were about to give up and go home when an idea came to Jarrod. He urged Jingo on and Nick followed.

They arrived at the cemetery, and slowly made their way to Mary Sanders' grave. There, lying beside it, was Paul. They rushed to him and then realized in relief he had only passed out. He started coming to when they began moving him.

"Oh Mary, Mary," he began sobbing. He struggled against the brothers as they led him away.

"What have I done, Mary?" he sobbed. He broke free of their grasp and ran back to his wife's grave. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for how I treated Jenny all those years. She didn't deserve it. Oh I'm so ashamed..."

Nick and Jarrod stared at him and then at one another. So a part of Paul Sanders did care for Jenny. They were more determined than ever to get Paul back to the ranch so that he could help his daughter.

"Paul, you have to come with us. Jenny needs you," Jarrod said.

Paul stopped his crying and looked up at Jarrod. "Jenny? She needs me?"

"Yes," Nick put in. "You need to come with us back to the ranch."

Paul blinked a few times, trying to figure out if Jarrod and Nick were actually there with him or if they were just his imagination. He decided that they were real enough and began walking with them toward their horses. They went to the livery and rented a horse for Paul to ride since he couldn't remember where he had left his.

They eventually made it back to the ranch. Dr. Merar ordered that Paul bathe and be given liberal amounts of coffee to sober him up before he began the transfusion. Nick and Jarrod took care of the older man and even found him some clean clothes to wear.

Heath didn't want to leave Jenny's side for a moment. She hadn't woken up at all and he was so worried. What if she died? What would he do? She was his life. He loved her so much that it hurt.

Finally, after what seemed like half of forever, the Doctor said Paul was ready. Even though he couldn't stand the sight of the man, Heath refused to leave the room for fear that his father-in-law would say or do something to hurt his wife again. Dr. Merar allowed Heath to stay, as long as he kept out of the way. Heath stood in the corner of the room, his arms folded across his chest. He never took his eyes off of Paul Sanders. Paul wouldn't look at Heath, though he knew he was being watched.
After the procedure was over with, the doc ordered Paul to bed. Heath breathed a sigh of relief once the man was out of his room. The doctor placed his hand on Heath's shoulder and said, "Now we wait."




Chapter 22

Heath continued his vigil with Jenny. He refused to leave her side unless he needed to take care of his personal needs. Even then he would only be gone for a few minutes. Victoria brought a tray of food up for him but he found it difficult to eat. He was sick with worry.

He began talking to Jenny about the house he wanted to build them. He had realized that things were getting crowded at the mansion and since Nick and Melanie could possibly have a baby sometime within the next year, he figured now was as good a time as any to start planning ahead. He described every detail from the color of the outside to the location. It would be near the main house, but far enough away that they could have privacy. Josiah and his sister would each have their own rooms and his and Jenny's bedroom would be extravagant. He would build it on the East side of the house so that every morning they could watch the sunrise together. He would make sure the kitchen was large enough for a table to fit in it and they would also have a formal dining area if she wanted. There was one special room he wanted to build for her though. A sewing room. She could choose where she wanted it to be and how large it should be. The only thing he hadn't decided on was whether or not to have a wrap around porch.

"That's why I need you to wake up, Jenny. You need to tell me what you want." Heath watched for any signs that she was waking, but saw none. He lay his head next to her and began sobbing.

"Jenny, please wake up. Please. Please let this work," his cries turned to a prayer. He again begged God to spare his wife. He continued to cry for several minutes and then just lay there, exhausted from everything that had happened in the last few days.

Jenny's hand slowly moved until it rested on Heath's head. He raised up and saw her eyes were slightly open.

"Jenny!" he cried. She motioned that she wanted some water and he helped her sip a small amount. She lay back and smiled weakly at him.

"How long?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The baby was born two days ago. It's a girl. She's so beautiful, Jenny."


"She's fine. Just fine. I'll have her brought in soon."
Jenny nodded. "Josiah?"

"He's been having fun with his Aunt Melanie. She's been able to keep him entertained so I don't think he's worried too much about you. He's asked for you and I know he's eager to see you."

Again Jenny nodded. "Heath?"

"Yeah, Love?"

"Can we have a wrap around porch?"

Heath's tears could not be stemmed. "Yes. We'll have a wrap around porch."

Jenny smiled at him. Dr. Merar came in then and checked on Jenny. The fact that she was awake was a good sign and he smiled at Heath. She had a long road of recovery ahead, but the doctor wasn't concerned about whether or not she would be cared for. He knew Heath Barkley well enough that Jenny's every need would be met.

Jenny finally was able to meet her daughter later that afternoon. She was so excited and couldn't wait to see her. Josiah had come in for a little while and snuggled with his mother. He had missed her terribly just as she had missed him. She read to him one of his picture books and then Melanie came to take him for a while. Josiah loved his new Aunt Melanie and went with her without any qualms.

Heath came in with their daughter. Jenny's eyes filled with tears when she saw her.

"Oh Heath, she looks just like you!"

Heath chuckled. He sure hoped that that was a good thing because everyone was saying it.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to be with you baby. We have some bonding time to make up, yes we do," Jenny cooed to her daughter. She smiled at Heath who leaned in and kissed the top of his daughter's fuzzy head.

"We need to name her. I think Audra's getting tired of calling her ‘The Baby'."

Jenny nodded. She had been thinking on names for a while and had come up with one that she thought Heath might like.

"What Leah Marie, after our mothers?"

Heath said the name out loud a few times then smiled. "I like it."

"Would it be okay if we called her ‘Mary'?"

"I think that would be a good idea."

He leaned in close to Mary and asked her what she thought. She responded with a huge yawn that caused the parents to laugh.

"I don't think she's too impressed," Heath said chuckling.

"Well, she will be one day. Because we are going to tell her all about her Grandma Leah and Grandma Mary."

The couple watched their newborn silently for a while, then Heath felt he needed to tell Jenny about her father. Jarrod and Nick told him what Paul had said at the grave site. Heath still didn't trust him, but he wanted Jenny to know that he at least seemed to be softening some.

"Jenny, remember I told you Dr. Merar had to give you a blood transfusion?"

Jenny nodded, wondering why Heath wanted to talk to her about it.

"Well, I offered to give you blood, but he wanted to use a blood relative."

Jenny's eyes widened. "Surely you don't didn't let him take blood from Josiah or Mary?" she asked panicked.

"No, no," he said softly and kissed her brow. He was going about this all wrong.

"Jarrod and Nick went out and found your father. They brought him back here and he gave you his blood."

Jenny took in this information. She took a deep breath, trying to understand what Heath was telling her.

"Jarrod and Nick...well...they found him at your mother's grave. He said some things that I thought you should know."

Jenny stiffened. She was afraid, but then realized she didn't need to be. If what he had said was hurtful, Heath wouldn't be telling her. He would protect her.

"What did he say?" she asked.

"He kept calling out to your mother and he said that he was sorry for how he had treated you all of your life. He said you didn't deserve to be treated that way."

Jenny's eyes filled with tears. She didn't know what to think about it and all of a sudden felt very tired. Heath sensed her need to process this information. He told her he would take the baby down to his mother and then come back up and join her for a nap. She smiled at him when he kissed her.

She was still awake when he returned and he carefully climbed in bed with her and drew her close. She snuggled with him and allowed the beating of his heart to relax her. Just before she drifted off, she asked Heath, "Is my father still here?"

"Yes. He's down the hall, still sleeping the last I heard."

Heath felt Jenny nod. "Maybe when I'm stronger, we can talk."

Heath's arms tightened around her. He still had anger toward Paul Sanders, but if Jenny was willing to try and forgive him, he was willing to try too.




Chapter 23

Paul Sanders lay in bed, thinking about his life. He had met and married the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had been so wonderful to him. Mary hadn't ever been in very good health, but he didn't care. She had loved him and he had loved her.

When Joshua died, it was like a part of Paul had died as well. A part that had never been resurrected...until now. It took what he had almost done to Jenny to get him to see how special she was. He was so ashamed of his treatment of her. Not just for sending her away after she had been attacked, though that had been bad enough. He could just imagine that act alone would cause her to hate him for the rest of her life. To blame her for something someone else had done to her...

Then there were his insults that he hurled at her daily. Like she could never be good enough. And yet, look how she had turned out. She was a beautiful young woman and had married into one of the Valley's most prominent families. He realized that she had turned out that way, because of her mother and in spite of him. He could take no credit for her at all.

He still mourned Joshua, his son that he never got the chance to know. He still mourned his wife, who had been taken from him so suddenly. And now, he found himself faced with the possibility that he might have to mourn the daughter he scorned and never really tried to get to know. What would he do if she died? He had to tell her he loved her. He had to try to make up for what he had done.

That was what he had tried to do when he had come to visit. But his drinking had clouded his judgement and he had hurt her. This time, not with just words, but with his hands.

Paul rolled over and sobbed. His heart-wrenching sobs could be heard down the hall and they reached the ears of his daughter and son-in-law. Heath had helped Jenny to the bathroom and they were on their way back to their room. Jenny looked to Heath in alarm, and she asked him to help her to her father.

"Jenny, why don't you let me take you back to bed and I'll go see him."

"No, Heath. Just stay with me. If you think he's going to hurt me, then you can take me back to our room. He needs me."

Heath nodded and helped Jenny down the hall. She knocked on the door but didn't wait for a response. She doubted he would have heard it anyway since he was crying so loudly.

She and Heath entered the room and watched as Paul's shoulders shook. Jenny walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm. He stopped crying and looked up at her.

"Jenny," he started crying all over again. "Oh Jenny, can you ever forgive me? I'm so sorry for the hurt I've caused you. Please forgive me."

Jenny's eyes flooded with tears as did Heath's. She sat down beside Paul and he put his arms around her. She couldn't ever remember a time that her father had held her in his arms. She held him too and they cried together.

Heath stayed near Jenny, as she was still very weak. He wasn't going to let her stay too long, but this was important. Paul eventually told Jenny to go back to her own bed, as she needed to gain some strength. He promised to come and visit her and his eye caught Heath's.

"If it's okay," Paul asked. Heath didn't think he would leave them alone any time soon, not until he was sure he could trust Paul not to do or say anything to hurt Jenny, but he was more than willing to allow them to visit. Heath nodded his head, then took hold of Jenny's arm and led her back to their room.

She cried against him for a time and he held her until she fell asleep. He hoped that Paul was indeed sincere. He knew Jenny longed for a relationship with her father.

Heath had hated growing up without a father. He still had some issues that would come up from time to time, but decided that he, in a way, had had it easier than Jenny. He hadn't known who his father was. Jenny knew her father, but he had treated her so badly.

He sighed. In the coming weeks and months, he had a feeling things were going to be changing. But as long as Jenny was by his side, he would welcome those changes.




Chapter 24

Jenny's strength returned slowly but surely. She was back on her feet again, caring for the children and enjoying every minute of it. Heath loved watching her with their children. Josiah loved Mary right from the start and was always wanting to be around her. He couldn't wait for her to awaken from her naps, though he did cover his ears when she cried. Mary had some trouble with colic and cried quite a bit in the evenings. Jenny was always patient with her young daughter, but it was Heath who would take the baby and calm her down. He would hold her close against his chest and talk to her in soft tones. His voice seemed to soothe her.

Jenny's father stayed with them for several weeks out at the ranch. During that time, he had not had a drop of alcohol. He admitted he had begun drinking heavily after his wife's death and that it had taken over his life. He wanted to start fresh and knew that it would have to be without the bottle.

While Jenny was still bedridden, Paul would come down to the room and sit with her. For the first several visits, Heath stayed in the room, unwilling to trust Paul with her alone. Paul understood and didn't blame him at all. He would have done the same for his Mary.

It was after Heath had finally decided he could trust Paul enough to leave him with Jenny that the two really began talking about their relationship. Paul apologized again for his treatment of her. He told her how proud he was of how she had turned out.

He also begged her forgiveness for sending her away after she had been assaulted. He had been heartless and was so ashamed of his actions. He was thankful that Heath had never given up on her and brought her back to Stockton.

When his thoughts turned to what he had said to her at Mary's funeral, he broke down. Jenny held his hand and assured him she had forgiven him. They would start anew, and she wanted them to have a clean slate.

Even after Paul left the ranch, he would come by often to see his grandchildren. Josiah was all boy and whoever was watching him had to make sure they kept their eye on him constantly. Josiah loved his new "Ganpa" and enjoyed spending time with him.

Baby Mary was a constant joy in Paul's life as well. He loved holding her and getting her to smile at him. When she was around three months old, she started getting over her colic and began cooing. It was a delightful sound.

Heath began the building of the new house as soon as he could. Nick helped quite a bit as did Jarrod, whenever his law practice would allow. It was a wonderful project for the brothers to work on together. They had built the lodge up at Indian Springs, but this would be a grander structure. It wouldn't be too grand, as that wasn't Heath's and Jenny's style, but it would be beautiful, none the less.

When the house was near completion, Heath took Jenny over to see it. Jenny's father had asked to take Josiah fishing and Victoria volunteered to watch Mary. Jenny's smile was wide as Heath gave her a tour. She loved each room and exclaimed over the beautiful wood work that Heath had incorporated. She hadn't seen it since the roof had been put on and the changes were remarkable. Jenny was eager to move in. Some furniture had already been placed in their home. The kitchen table and chairs as well as the parlor furniture had been housewarming gifts from Jenny's father and the Barkley's.

Heath put his hands over Jenny's eyes and led her to their bedroom. She didn't know about the surprise he had for her in there. He uncovered her eyes and heard her gasp. Their room had a huge four poster bed with a matching dresser and chest of drawers. Jenny turned to him and threw her arms around his neck.

"Heath, I love it! When can we move in?" she asked.

Heath loved the excitement he saw in her eyes and told her they could begin moving soon. He leaned in and kissed her. Jenny relaxed in his arms, allowing her hands to move down the length of his body. Heath groaned with pleasure then said, "You are a wicked woman, Jenny Barkley."

Jenny smiled up at him. "And why would you say that, Cowboy?"

"The others will be expecting us back soon," Heath said, his eyes closing in pleasure as Jenny continued working her hands down.

"Actually," she said in a deliciously seductive voice, "My father told me he wouldn't be bringing Josiah back until dinner and your mother said for us to stay out as long as we like."

Heath opened his eyes and smiled at his wife. He picked her up and carried her to their new bed and the two began their explorations of one another. They took their time, enjoying every moment of togetherness.

Afterwards, as they lay content in one another's arms, Heath thought about all that had transpired in their lives the last few years.

Both had waited a long time to find the love and acceptance they each had with their families. And both had waited a long time to find the love and acceptance they had with each other. They had a good life. Filled with love and joy and the promise of a bright future.

Again Heath thought of their wedding night and the phrase that had come to his mind when he told Jenny he would wait for her to be ready.

"The Best Things Come...To Those Who Wait." How true that statement was. How so very true.