Unfinished Business

by BonnieBee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





This takes place the year before the episode "Run of the Cat". I got the idea from the scene where Jarrod finds out Nick has gone after the cat that attacked him. He can’t understand why Nick feels determined to do this until Victoria and Audra remind him of an incident with a horse and a midnight ride Jarrod took.




Jarrod lay on the bed, his leg throbbing. The break was clean and Dr. Merar assured Jarrod it would heal quickly.


As Jarrod thought back on his accident, he grew frustrated. He had been admiring the new horses that Nick and Heath had brought in to break for the army. There was one in particular that had caught his interest. It was a big bay. Jarrod admired the shiny black mane and the dark brown of the horse. It was a spur of the moment decision, but Jarrod wanted to be the one to break this horse.


Nick and Heath stared at him as though he were crazy, but Jarrod was insistent. He had done it before, though it had been years. One couldn’t grow up on a ranch and not break a horse or two. Even if he was a lawyer! When the two cowboys knew Jarrod wouldn’t be put off, they helped him mount the horse.


Things went well for the first few seconds. Jarrod thought he would actually succeed. However, the horse had different ideas. Jarrod was bucked off and barely missed the fence post. He landed wrong on his right leg and heard a sickening snap.


As Nick and Heath helped Jarrod into the house, Jarrod tried to make them promise not to break that horse until he could have another go at him. Nick snorted and said, "Haven’t you had enough lawyer? Do you want to break the other leg too?"


Jarrod knew Nick didn’t intend his comment as a challenge, but that was how he took it. He was bound and determined to break that horse. He would not get the best of him.






A week later, Jarrod had overheard Nick and Heath talking about the big bay. They were planning on breaking him the next day and Jarrod knew if he didn’t act, he would miss his chance.


It was close to midnight when he made his way from his bedroom to the corral. He had gone into the barn first to grab a saddle and the rope he would need. It took him several tries, but he managed to rope the brown beauty and was able to secure the saddle. Jarrod carefully opened the gate and led the horse out. The other horses didn’t seem too concerned about where their friend was going, just glad they were not asked to be a part of it.


Jarrod took a deep breath and again was thankful his right leg had been broken instead of his left or he wouldn’t have been able to mount. He sat atop the horse and then was in for the ride of his life. The horse bucked at the burden on his back. Jarrod held on, determined to win this battle of wills.


He rode off into the hills, the horse doing his best to throw him. Jarrod felt the sweat pouring off of him, even though the temperatures were cold. The horse seemed to sense he would not win and eventually gave up, taking Jarrod on a smooth ride. Jarrod smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment.


He rode back to the corral and unsaddled the horse. After rubbing him down and giving him some oats, Jarrod limped away, smiling. His leg ached something fierce, but it had been worth it.


As he quietly entered the house, he heard a noise coming from the parlor. His mother, Audra, Nick and Heath were waiting for him.


"And just what do you think you were doing out there?" Nick asked, his arms folded across his chest.


Jarrod smiled to each family member and said simply, "Just taking care of some unfinished business. Good night, all!"



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The next morning, Nick and Heath just shook their heads as the big bay was saddled and ridden as if he had been doing it all his life.


"For having those lily white hands, he sure knows how to break a horse!" Nick said admiringly.


"Yep," Heath said, wondering if he would ever cease to be surprised by his oldest brother.