When You Believe

Chapters 1-13

by BonnieBee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Chapter One


Typically, when mail is received in the Barkley home, it has a specific place where it is kept.  Depending on who brings it from town, it is placed on the round table in the foyer where Victoria sorts through it.  For Nick, Audra or Heath, she leaves their correspondence in their rooms unless she sees them first.  For Jarrod, she leaves any letters on the desk in the study since a majority of the letters have to do with his law practice or legal matters with the ranch.  Jarrod rarely received any type of mail at home anymore since most of his went to his office in town or in San Francisco.  But on this day, a letter did arrive for Jarrod.  Victoria looked at the feminine handwriting, thinking it looked familiar, but dismissed it from her mind.


It would just be Victoria and Jarrod for dinner that evening.  Nick and Heath were on round-up and Audra had a date.  Jarrod didn’t have any plans so he informed his mother he would be home at the usual time.  Victoria looked forward to spending the evening with her eldest son.  She liked having the entire family together, but it was nice to have some one on one time with each family member as well and those times were few and far between.


Jarrod arrived home an hour before dinner, cleaned up and then joined his mother in the parlor for a sherry.  She accepted his offered kiss and asked him how his day went.  Nothing out of the ordinary happened and he was thinking of going to San Francisco for a few days.  During dinner, Victoria mentioned the letter waiting for him on his desk.  Jarrod had been expecting some contracts concerning the vineyard, so he didn’t feel the need to check the letter right then.  In fact, he had forgotten about it until he was headed up to bed.  He found the letter Victoria mentioned, knowing immediately who it was from.  His pulse quickened and his hands shook as they opened the envelope.  It had been ten years since he had heard from her.  He sat down in the chair, though he didn’t realize he had done so.  He read the letter through twice before remembering to take a breath.  How long he sat there, thinking about the letter and the one who wrote it, he didn’t know.




Jarrod jumped, not expecting to hear his mother’s voice.  The letter fell from his hands onto the desk.


“Mother, what are you doing up?”


“I was going to ask the same of you.  It’s after midnight.”


Jarrod looked over at the clock, shocked that it was so late.  He smiled at his mother.


“I’m sorry.  I lost track of time.”


Victoria watched her son as his eyes fell again on the letter on his desk.  He looked up to find her eyes on him.


“Lovely Lady, it’s very late.  You should get to bed.”  Jarrod stood, picking up the letter.


“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked.  Jarrod sighed and sat back down.


“Do you remember Adeline Taylors?”


“Is that who the letter is from?”


Jarrod nodded.  Victoria remembered Adeline very well. At one time, she had been sure that Adeline would one day be Mrs. Jarrod Barkley.  So sure in fact, that Victoria had ordered a small gift to present to them when they announced their engagement.  Jarrod was in his last year of law school when the two met.  She had never seen Jarrod so smitten with someone as he was with Adeline.  And they seemed perfect for each other.  Then one day, Jarrod told his family it was over between he and Adeline and nothing else was ever said.  Victoria knew Tom had tried to talk with him about it, but Jarrod could be very tightlipped about his personal life.  He informed his father that he had accepted the way things had to be and asked for the subject to not be brought up again.  Jarrod seemed to go on with his life without a backward glance, yet there were times Victoria could see an emptiness in his eyes.  A longing and she always wondered who had broken things off.  And why?


“She’s going to be in San Francisco in a few days and has asked me to meet her.”


“Will you go?” Victoria asked.  Jarrod looked up at her, surprise on his face.


“Of course.”


Victoria again watched her son as he was lost in thought.  “You still love her, don’t you?”


Again Jarrod sighed.  “I don’t think I ever stopped.  Even when I was married to Beth, there was still a part of my heart that she claimed.”


“Well, if you are going to leave for San Francisco, you’d better get some rest.”


Jarrod smiled at his mother and the two made their way from the study.  They walked up the stairs, neither saying anything until they reached the top.  Victoria turned to Jarrod and said,


“It would be nice to see Adeline again.  Do you think she would consider coming for a visit?”


Jarrod squeezed his mother’s hand.


“Thank you.  We’ll see what happens.”  He kissed his mother’s cheek and went to his room.  He  lay on his bed, but sleep was long in coming.  His mind kept bringing forth memories of he and Adeline together.  Most brought a smile to his face, but one in particular caused his heart to ache.  It was the day she told Jarrod she was leaving.


“I know you know the importance of family, Jarrod.  I have to do this.”


Jarrod heard her words in his mind as clearly as he had heard them ten years ago.  He remembered the feeling those words had caused.  It was almost as though someone had punched him in the stomach.  He wasn’t angry with her.  He understood how important family was. That was ingrained in him from his earliest memories.


Jarrod shifted in bed to find a more comfortable position.  He absentmindedly reached over to the other side of the bed.  The empty side.  Jarrod sighed.  Beth had been gone for over a year and he still missed her.  And in a way, he felt unfaithful to her because of Adeline.  He believed he loved Beth, but not in the way he had loved Adeline Taylors.  He had never loved anyone the way he had loved her.


Eventually Jarrod fell asleep, but was up early so as to catch the first train to San Francisco.  Audra hadn’t even awakened yet when Jarrod said his good-byes to his mother, kissing her on the cheek.  She wished him well and he winked at her.


In truth, he wasn’t sure what to expect when he saw Adeline again.  He admitted he was nervous.  Why after all this time did she write to him?




Chapter Two


The train pulled into San Francisco and Jarrod walked toward a carriage for hire instructing the driver to take him to his office.  Jarrod spent the day catching up on correspondence then went home.  He ate a light meal and turned in.  But like every night that preceded this one, sleep was long in coming.  Again he let his thoughts drift to Adeline.  He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of seeing her again.



The next morning, Jarrod dressed and made his way to the park located on the other side of the city.  He was early, but didn’t have to wait long.  His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. When their eyes locked, both were instantly transported back to their first meeting...


The dance had been going on for over an hour when Jarrod, Jim Scanlon and Brett Skyler arrived. It was tradition for the Cambridge Finishing School for Women to hold a dance in the Fall.  Harvard University was located near the school and most of the young men from there attended the dance.  Jarrod hadn’t planned on going, but Jim and Brett talked him into it.  This was Jarrod’s final year of Law School, as it was Jim’s and Brett’s.  Jim’s fiancée attended the Finishing school and Sharon was a sweet and quiet girl, well suited to Jim’s personality.  Jim and Jarrod had known one another for years and grew up in neighboring towns.  Brett was more of a playboy and danced with as many girls as he could.  Jarrod always laughed at his friend’s attempt at charm, but the girls seemed to like him.  Brett and Jarrod had been roommates their sophomore year and had cultivated a nice friendship.


Jarrod was more serious in his studies, not taking much time for socializing.  But Jim’s and Brett’s insistent pleas for him to get out and have a little fun finally won him over and here he was.  He was getting some punch when he saw a beautiful woman standing by herself on the other side of the room.  Jarrod made his way over and asked her to dance.  She looked up in surprise, but nodded and the two were soon dancing.  Penny was an absolute dream to hold in his arms.  Her brown eyes were big and smiling, her dark hair was piled up on her head, little curls falling down around her face.  Jarrod’s heart was smitten.  They danced together twice, then someone tapped on Jarrod’s shoulder and asked to cut in.  Jarrod had wanted to say no, but didn’t want to appear rude to the other man’s dance partner.


Jarrod and the other lady began to dance, but he kept looking toward Penny trying to be surreptitious about it.  He heard someone say,


“I’m sure Penny will be available to dance with you again,” the words were said softly, without any hint of reproach.


Jarrod looked at the woman in his arms and felt humiliation wash over him.  He was being very rude to ...he didn’t even know his dance partner’s name!  Jarrod smiled his most charming smile and turned his full attention to...


“I’m sorry, I don’t know your name,” he admitted, the color rising in his cheeks.  His mother would be so ashamed of him.


“My name is Adeline Taylors.”  The words were again said softly and with the hint of an accent that Jarrod couldn’t place.  Adeline was much shorter than Jarrod and had blue eyes.  Her hair was brown and there was a smattering of light freckles across her nose.  She wasn’t the beauty Penny was, but Jarrod found himself enjoying Adeline’s company.


They ended up dancing the rest of the night together, a fact that surprised not only them, but Penny Collins as well.  Penny had had her eye on Jarrod from the moment he had walked into the room and had been thrilled when he had asked her to dance.  When their dance had been interrupted, Penny had hoped Jarrod would cut in again soon, but he spent the rest of his night with Adeline. Penny was sorely disappointed.


Jarrod and Adeline walked slowly to Adeline’s dorm, both enjoying their time.  Jarrod couldn’t believe the time had gone so quickly and was trying to think up an excuse to see Adeline again.   They had talked of many things, from Jarrod’s education in law to the fact that Adeline had lived in England for the first ten years of her life.  That was the reason for her slight accent.  He found it charming.


This was the last year of school for them both and Jarrod knew he would be busy, but he had to see Adeline again.  He asked her to join him for dinner the next weekend and she agreed.  She was surprised that he had offered to walk her home as well as the invitation to dinner, but was pleased.  She had seen his disappointment in being cut in on with Penny, but had also seen the change that had come when he realized he had been ignoring her.  She hadn’t been upset, but was thankful for his thoughtfulness.


They parted with plans to see one another again, both falling asleep that night and having sweet dreams.




Chapter Three


Adeline stood before Jarrod, begging her heart to stop its frantic beating.  She felt as though she could pass out from just the sight of him, but willed herself to stay on her feet.


Jarrod, for his part, was trying to get his heart to start beating again.  She was just as lovely as the last time he had seen her.  The years had been kind.  Both waited for the other to speak, and finally, Adeline said,


“You came.”


Jarrod smiled and held out his hand.  Adeline took it, hardly able to believe he was standing before her.


“I had to,” was all he said.  He led her to a bench and Adeline gratefully sat down.  Jarrod didn’t let go of her hand and she was thankful.  She held onto it as her lifeline.


“I’ve so much to tell you, Jarrod,” she began.  She took a deep breath, knowing that what she was about to say would change his life forever.  Even though she was sitting, she still felt woozy.  It had been a few days since she had had a decent meal and it was catching up to her now.  She closed her eyes, trying to stop the world from spinning.  Jarrod noticed her discomfort and squeezed her hand.


“Adeline?” he asked.


“Jarrod, before we begin, could I ask a favor?”




“Could you buy me lunch?”


Jarrod smiled.  He led Adeline to his waiting carriage and the two rode in silence to a small restaurant nearby.  Jarrod frequented this place and was shown a table quickly.  He waited until Adeline had finished their first course before questioning her.


“Adeline, are you feeling all right?”


“Yes, Jarrod.  I am now.  It’s been a while since I’ve been able to eat a good meal,” she held up her hand to stop the questions she knew he was going to ask.  “But I’ll explain all of that soon.  Not here.  There might be...others listening.”


Jarrod raised his eyebrow. Who else would be listening to two old friends...friends?  Is that what they were?  Jarrod looked at her left hand and noticed she wasn’t wearing a ring.  He admitted to himself right then and there that he didn’t want to be “just friends” with Adeline.  He wanted what they had ten years ago.  He let his mind drift back...




“So you’ll come with me?” Jarrod asked, staring into Adeline’s beautiful blue eyes.  They had been seeing each other every weekend since the dance.  The Christmas break was fast approaching and Jarrod had made plans to go home. He knew that Adeline had no family to spend Christmas with and he wanted to take her home with him.


“Jarrod, what would your family think if you show up with me.  Christmas is family time and I’m not family.”


But I want you to be, was Jarrod’s thought.  He pushed the thought aside, knowing that now was not the time.  He still had another semester of Law school, and a grueling one at that.  Then he had to study for the bar exam and that would take up most of his time.  But he was planning on asking Adeline to marry him.  It just couldn’t be soon.  They had not said anything to one another about the future, but Jarrod knew he loved Adeline.  At first, he had just enjoyed her friendship, spending time with her.  But then he realized in his heart that he was beginning to think more of her than just a friend.  Penny Collins had tried getting his attention a few times and Adeline encouraged Jarrod to see her if he truly wanted to.  But Jarrod didn’t want to.  Adeline admitted she was relieved, but she didn’t know her own heart where Jarrod T. Barkley was concerned.


“You’re right, Christmas is family time and you don’t have any here.  Now, you have a choice. You can either spend Christmas alone or with me and my family.  They won’t mind, I promise you.”


Jarrod could be quiet charming and Adeline knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse him.  It was true that she was planning on spending her Christmas alone in her dorm room, just as she had spent all of her Christmases since her Aunt Maureen had died.  The semester break was five weeks and would give them enough time to travel to Stockton, spend a few weeks and then travel back.  She did dread spending the holidays alone again.


“If you’re sure your family won’t mind...”


“They’ll be thrilled.  I promise!”


So their plans were made and the two traveled to Stockton.  Adeline asked Jarrod to at least wire his family to warn them, then she insisted on going shopping and buying each member of the family a small gift.  Jarrod insisted that wasn’t necessary, but Adeline said she wouldn’t go if she couldn’t do this.


They arrived on the late afternoon train, both travel weary.  Tom and Nick met them in town and loaded up their luggage.  Jarrod introduced Adeline and then they were off to the ranch.  Adeline enjoyed the banter between Jarrod and his father and brother.  Jarrod had told her all about his family, so she felt as if she already knew them, but seeing them up close was different.  She laughed at the teasing from Nick and enjoyed listening as Tom caught Jarrod up on the happenings around the Valley.


That Jarrod came from a close knit family was evident.  He had not been ashamed to hug his father or brother upon seeing them again for the first time in many months.  How wonderful to have others care for you, Adeline thought.  She felt a sadness stealing over her and tried to push it away.  Jarrod noticed her quietness but didn’t feel he could ask her if something was wrong.  Even though he was in the middle of a conversation with his father concerning something about the railroad, Jarrod still reached over and took Adeline’s hand.   He squeezed it and she responded by curling her fingers around his.  This type of physical contact was not new between them and neither thought anything about it.  Nick however had seen it and wondered if he were looking at his future sister-in-law.


They arrived at the house and were greeted by Victoria, Audra and Eugene.  Victoria had been working hard for days, cooking all of Jarrod’s favorites, so thankful that she would have all of her children home for Christmas.  She knew that it was difficult for Jarrod to come home since he was in school so far away and having him home now was a special treat.


Victoria’s eyes were kind as they turned to Adeline.  She was about Victoria’s height but had a heavier build.  She was not over weight at all, she just had a more plump figure.  She was also as sweet as any girl Victoria had ever met and loved listening to her speak.  Her slight English accent was very easy to listen to.   Though she was not what someone would consider a beauty, she was pretty in her own way.


Audra, who had celebrated her thirteenth birthday a few months before, was impressed with their guest as well.  She thought the dress that Adeline was wearing was beautiful and loved how she had styled her hair.  Living in the East was vastly different than the West and Audra was eager to learn about her brother’s friend.


Fourteen year old Eugene greeted Adeline, but in typical teenage boy fashion, really didn’t have a lot of interest in her.  He thought she wasn’t very pretty, but he wouldn’t say that aloud.  If he did, he would be pounded into next week, probably by both his brothers and father.  Not to mention what his mother would do to him.  Adeline seemed nice enough though and he just left it at that.


Adeline in turn was very impressed with Jarrod’s family.  They were so sweet and she was thankful she had agreed to come with Jarrod to Stockton.  She admitted she was tired though and was glad when Victoria offered to show her the room she would be staying in while a guest on the Barkley Ranch.


Adeline took a much needed nap, though it was short and changed her dress for dinner.  She was starved by the time she arrived downstairs and found Jarrod in the parlor with his Father and Mother.  Tom was the first to spot her and waved for her to join them.  He offered her a small glass of sherry which she took and then sat next to Victoria on the sofa.


They were soon joined by Nick, Audra and lastly Eugene then headed into the dining room for a delicious dinner.


The meal was relaxing and filling.  Adeline loved spending time with the Barkley’s but was eager to sleep in a bed that did not move.  She stifled quite a few yawns before Jarrod noticed her tiredness.  He asked Adeline to join him for a short walk, then he promised she could head on up to bed.  He had wanted to get her alone to make sure she was all right.  Her expression that he had noticed earlier as they had ridden from town bothered him and he was concerned.


“How are you?” he asked and they walked around the corrals.  Each wore a warm coat, though the temperature in Stockton was not as cold as in Cambridge.


“I’m fine.  Just tired,” she answered.  Jarrod’s eyes traveled over her face, the full moon casting a silvery glow.  She watched him as he watched her, wondering what he was looking for.  She was about to speak when she saw his expression change.  He must have been satisfied with what he saw, for he took her hand and led her back to the house.  They stopped just in front of the door and Jarrod looked up.  Adeline, curious as to what he was staring at, looked up as well.  Mistletoe had been strategically placed above their heads.  Jarrod looked at her, his blue eyes twinkling and his eye brow raised in question.  Adeline smiled at him and nodded.


Jarrod leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Adeline’s mouth.  This was their first kiss and Adeline closed her eyes in pleasure.  Jarrod found that one kiss wasn’t enough and kissed her again.   When they broke apart, Adeline bit her bottom lip, and looked at Jarrod with some uncertainty.  He winked at her, causing her to relax and the two went inside.




Over the next week, Jarrod and Adeline didn’t spend much time together.  Adeline went with Victoria and Audra into town for some last minute shopping, while Jarrod worked with his brothers and father on the Ranch.  Jarrod received plenty of teasing from Nick about being out of shape, but Jarrod worked just as hard as his younger brother.  Tom allowed the teasing, but made sure Jarrod knew he was proud of him, something that Jarrod never doubted.


Tom and Victoria had a few discussions in the privacy of their room about Adeline and Jarrod.  They seemed to just be friends, but the parents wondered if that were changing.  Jarrod had always been a private person, even as a child.  If things were to go forward, both Victoria and Tom agreed they would welcome Adeline into their family.  They did hope, however, that they would take things slow.


The day before Christmas Eve, Jarrod wanted to spend some time alone with Adeline.  He asked Silas to prepare a lunch and then asked Adeline if she wanted to go for a ride.  Adeline was an excellent horsewoman, having received her training from the finishing school.


The air was cool, but not unpleasantly so.  The couple rode for a few hours, Jarrod showing Adeline a good portion of the ranch.  They stopped in a meadow lined with trees and ate their picnic lunch.  They then rode some more before returning to the Ranch.  Whenever they found themselves under the mistletoe, Jarrod was more than willing to give Adeline a kiss.  She never refused, and found herself looking forward to the tradition.   It seemed that Victoria and Tom and Adeline and Jarrod were the only ones getting any use out of the mistletoe, but none seemed to mind.


Christmas Day was a lovely affair and Adeline was surprised to find presents under the tree with her name on them.  Each member of the Barkley family had been impressed with Adeline’s gifts for them.  They could tell she had put a lot of thought into them.  Adeline felt as if she had made out like a bandit.  She hadn’t received a Christmas present in years and found herself feeling overwhelmed.  She needed a few minutes alone and when she felt it would be acceptable, she excused herself for a walk outside.  Tom watched his son as he watched Adeline leave.   When Jarrod made a move to follow, Tom stopped him.


“Give her just a few minutes, Son.”


Jarrod looked to his father questioningly, but agreed.  When Adeline had been gone for a half hour, Jarrod turned to his father.  Tom nodded and Jarrod walked quickly from the house.  He looked around, not sure where Adeline would have gone.  He decided to check his mother’s garden first.  Adeline wasn’t there, so Jarrod tried the barn.  The temperature was colder than in previous days and he thought maybe Adeline would seek shelter.


He didn’t see any sign of her and was getting worried.  He was about to walk out of the barn when he heard something.  He looked up and realized he hadn’t checked the loft.  He climbed the latter quickly, seeing Adeline sitting over in a corner.  Jarrod walked over to her and knelt down.  She looked up when he touched her and he noticed her tears.


“Addy,” he said softly, using his nickname for her.  He gathering her into his arms.  “What’s wrong.  Did you get hurt?”


Adeline shook her head, not able to speak.  She allowed Jarrod to hold her and when she had calmed down he asked her again what was wrong.


“It’s just been so long, Jarrod,” she said, her voice filled with emotion.  “So long since I’ve spent Christmas with anyone.  So long since I’ve even received a gift.  I’m sorry I left, but I was feeling a little overwhelmed.  Your parents are so kind and I have always wondered what it would be like to have my father put his arm around me the way yours does to Audra.  He’s such a wonderful man.”


Jarrod and Adeline had talked about her past, about how her mother had died when she was just ten and she had been sent from England to live with a spinster Aunt in America.  Adeline had written to her father several times, but had only received short, impersonal letters in response. She figured that his grief over her mother’s death had been too much for him.  Her Aunt had been sweet enough, but kept to herself.  Adeline had been sent to live at boarding schools and then in her first year of finishing school, her Aunt had died.  Adeline had been left all of her estate, which was now in a trust fund, but she received enough money each month to pay for school and expenses.


Jarrod himself couldn’t imagine not having family.  He and his brothers, sister and parents were so close.  Living apart from them while in the war and then at Harvard had been difficult, but he finally adjusted.  He had wanted Adeline to experience family life and hoped he hadn’t blundered everything.


“I’m sorry, Adeline.”


“Oh Jarrod.  You have nothing to apologize for.  I’m the one who’s sorry for running out.  I just needed a few minutes alone.”


“Do you want me to leave?” Jarrod asked, hoping she would tell him no.  He wanted to continue to hold her close.  She shook her head against him.


Jarrod tipped her head back with his finger and leaned in for a kiss.  Adeline responded by putting her hand behind his neck.  Jarrod took her action as a sign and deepened his kiss, making it more passionate than ever before.  When they broke apart, Adeline was breathless, but had a smile on her face.


“It’s nice to know you can kiss without the benefit of mistletoe,” she said impishly.  Jarrod laughed and leaned in for another kiss.  They walked back hand in hand to the house and Jarrod made up his mind to take things to the next level.  It was time to court Adeline Taylors.




Chapter Four


“Why are you looking at me like that, Jarrod?” Adeline asked.  Jarrod blinked a few times and smiled at his lunch companion.  He wasn’t sure how long he had been lost in his memories, but he knew Adeline wasn’t offended.  She smiled warmly at him.


“Just thinking,” was all he would say and Adeline left it at that.  Now that she was here with Jarrod, the courage she had earlier was waning.  She would have to tell him soon about everything, but was worried how he would react.  The logical part of her said he would be upset, but wouldn’t act harshly.  But the emotional part of her was afraid.


They finished their meal and then Jarrod ordered the carriage driver to take them to his townhouse.  Adeline insisted that they have absolute privacy.  He could see some fear in her blue eyes and he wondered about it.


They settled in his parlor with cups of coffee. Jarrod lit a fire  in the fireplace, adding a warmth to the chilled air.  Adeline couldn’t decide how to begin.  So much had happened.  Jarrod noticed her indecision and took matters into his own hands.  He was sitting across from her; she was on the sofa and he was in a comfortable chair.


“Why don’t you start with what happened after we last saw each other?” he asked.  Adeline looked up and smiled.


“It seems like such a long time ago,” Adeline commented, her eyes going to the fire.  Adeline let her thoughts drift back.




Adeline immediately noticed the difference in Jarrod after Christmas.  His attention toward her stepped up a notch.  Though she didn’t mind, she wondered at it.  They still saw each other every weekend, often spending all day Sunday together.  On Saturdays, Jarrod spent the day studying, then in the evening, he would come by and the two would either go to a concert or just go to dinner and talk.  But Jarrod also began dropping by at least once during the middle of the week, usually for only a few minutes.  Their physical relationship was different as well.  Not only did they hold hands, but Jarrod often put his arm around Adeline if they were seated next to each other and he always gave her a kiss when saying goodnight.  If there were someone else around, his kisses would be chaste.  When they were alone, the kisses deepened and lengthened, causing both to feel heady and breathless.


It was just before graduation that Jarrod told Adeline he loved her.  Tears immediately sprang to her eyes, for she had known for quite a while she loved him.  He informed her that his parents were coming into town for graduation and had asked if Adeline could stay with them all at the townhouse they were renting.  Tom had left Nick in charge of the ranch, his first time without his father.  Duke, the foreman, would be there to help him if needed, but Nick was looking forward to showing his father he could do it.   Audra and Eugene were still in school and wouldn’t be accompanying them on this trip.


Jarrod graduated from Harvard Law School with honors.  Adeline knew no end of her pride as she watched him during the ceremony.  The next day, Tom, Victoria and Jarrod attended Adeline’s small graduation ceremony.  Jarrod would be staying in Cambridge for another two months to clerk for a law professor who was also a local judge, then would be returning to Stockton where he would do some clerking for the circuit judge there.  His plans were to bring Adeline home with him.  He was going to ask her to marry him and have the date set for after he passed the Bar.


Adeline had agreed to a teaching position at the Finishing School, but wouldn’t be starting until later in the summer.  Jarrod, of course did not intend for her to keep that position.  So when Tom and Victoria left for Stockton, Jarrod and Adeline went with them.  Jarrod didn’t have to report for work at Judge Stein’s office for six weeks.  It was decided that on the trip out, Jarrod and Tom would share a sleeping car while Victoria and Adeline would share another.  Victoria enjoyed spending time getting to know Adeline better and hoped that Jarrod would realize what a treasure this young woman was.  Tom and Victoria noticed the change in Jarrod’s and Adeline’s relationship from what it had been at Christmas.  Both were happy for their son and pleased with the young couple’s apparent love for one another.  Although she knew Jarrod still had a long road ahead of him concerning his law career, she knew that Adeline was a perfect match for him and was hoping the news of their engagement would be soon.  She had purchased a small silver plated picture frame for an engagement gift just before she and Tom had traveled East.  Tom questioned her about it, and when she told him who it was for, he smiled.




Jarrod and Adeline were looking forward to spending time together without the distraction of school.  Jarrod spent several hours every day studying for the Bar, but he always made time for Adeline, even if it was just for a short walk.  Adeline enjoyed living on the Barkley Ranch.  She had always lived in the city all her life and found that the ranch was a quiet and restful place.  There were some rumors of trouble brewing with the railroad, but Adeline decided not to pay too much attention to that while visiting.


One morning Jarrod and Adeline found themselves alone at the house.  It was really an accident that it had happened, no one realizing as they went off in different directions that day.  Tom, Eugene and Nick were on the southern most part of the ranch working on replacing some fence posts, while Victoria and Audra were making a trip to see a sick friend.  Adeline had plans to go into town and was on her way down the stairs when she saw Jarrod walk in from outside.  He had just seen his mother and sister off and looked up to see Adeline as she walked down the stairs.


“Well, don’t you look lovely today,” he said when she reached the bottom.  In fact, Jarrod had never seen her look so lovely.  Her dress was a pale pink, one that fit her form perfectly and showed color in her cheeks.  Adeline was not too thin, but wasn’t what could be called fat either.  Plump was the word that came to Jarrod’s mind, but he found that term endearing as he took in her appearance.


“Why thank you, kind sir.  You look rather dashing yourself.”


Jarrod smiled.  “Where are you off to, my lovely young lady?”


“Into town.  I wanted to buy your family a small gift for their graciousness in allowing me to stay here.”


Jarrod’s eyebrows raised and Adeline knew what he was going to say next.


“You don’t have to do that,” Jarrod insisted.


Adeline smiled at him, her eyes sparkling as she said, “I know I don’t .  But I want to.”


Jarrod found himself lost in Adeline’s gaze and couldn’t resist leaning in for a kiss.  Adeline’s arms came around Jarrod and both were lost in their own world.  When they broke apart, Jarrod held Adeline close and whispered her name.  She closed her eyes in pleasure, holding tightly to the man she loved.


“Are you really set on going into town?” he murmured, and Adeline pushed back to look at him.


“What did you have in mind?” she asked breathlessly.


Jarrod’s eyes traveled over her face.  “I just thought maybe we could go for a ride,” softly, the intensity of his gaze causing Adeline to blush prettily.


“Don’t you need to study?” she asked, hoping he would say no.


“Actually, I woke up early this morning and spent several hours studying.  I think I can spare some time now.”


Jarrod continued to hold Adeline close.  She nodded slightly and Jarrod smiled.  Adeline went back upstairs to change into riding clothes while Jarrod saddled their horses.  They rode for about an hour toward the base of the mountains.  This had become a favorite spot for them.  There was a small stream that ran through the area, the perfect place to be alone.


Jarrod helped Adeline down from her horse and the two walked hand in hand.  They sat down near the bank of the stream and watched the water as it rolled southward.  Jarrod lay on his left side, on one elbow. His gaze went from the stream to Adeline, who had her legs out in front of her, crossed at the ankles.  She was leaning back on her elbows, watching the water passing by.


She seemed to sense him looking at her and turned to him.  He sat up and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue.  Adeline gladly accepted his intimate kiss and returned it.  Neither remembered lying down or Jarrod coming to rest on top of her so lost were they in their passionate kisses.  Jarrod had only ever kissed Adeline, never had he allowed his mouth to travel to her neck, but it seemed a natural thing to do now.  Adeline, having never experienced anything like that, groaned in pleasure.  Jarrod couldn’t believe how her voice alone excited him and his hands began roaming over her body.  Things were getting quite heated when Adeline pulled away, her breathing coming in ragged gasps.


“Oh Jarrod.  We can’t,” was all she said.  He could tell her objections were made half-heartedly, but he knew she was right.


Before he could change his mind (and oh how he wanted to change his mind!), Jarrod stood.  He helped Adeline up and looked into her eyes.  She smiled at him and it took all of his self control not to kiss her again.  His mind kept bringing forth the memories of his hands as they caressed her through her clothes.  Jarrod held Adeline close.


“Adeline,” Jarrod said softly.  “I love you.”


Adeline smiled up at him and repeated the words.  Jarrod gave her a chaste kiss and they mounted their horses, returning to the ranch.  Knowing that they both desired one another drew them closer, but they did concede that they should be more careful. They tried to never have too much time alone and with three younger siblings, as well as his parents, that wasn’t difficult to do. Jarrod stepped up his plans concerning his marriage proposal, hoping to ask Adeline when they returned to Cambridge.




Chapter Five


After three weeks of relaxation at the Barkley Ranch, Jarrod and Adeline made their way back across the country.  Their trip would take almost a week, but they both admitted enjoying their time together.  During the day, they watched the countryside pass and when they stopped to transfer to a different train, they would take short walks together.


They had made it to Chicago and found out that their train would be delayed several hours due to mechanical problems.  So Jarrod and Adeline decided to eat an early dinner then take a stroll.  Not being familiar with the city, they soon found themselves in a run down part of Chicago.  They were both beginning to feel uneasy and had just decided to turn back when they were confronted by a rather large man.


He looked as though he hadn’t bathed in weeks, his hair was matted and when he opened his mouth, several teeth were blackened.  His eyes were bloodshot and it was clear he needed a bottle. He unsheathed a knife, causing Adeline to gasp.  Jarrod tried to step in front of Adeline so that he would be between her and the offending man, but the would-be robber was surprisingly quick.  He grabbed Adeline’s arm and jerked her toward him.


“Now, fancy boy.  Jus gimme some money and I’ll let yer friend go.”


Jarrod never took his eyes off of the man as he reached for his wallet.  He cursed himself for leaving his gun in his case back on the train.  He threw his money at the man.  The man smiled wickedly and started to shove Adeline away from him then hesitated.  He looked over at her, his gaze traveling up and down her form and said, “Well, now. You are a cute little thing aren’t you?  Maybe you and I can go have a drink together, get acquainted like.  Been a while since I been able to be with a woman.”


Adeline’s face registered shock and horror at what the repulsive man was suggesting.  She looked over at Jarrod , his face registering anger.  Before either knew what was happening, Jarrod lunged forward and grabbed Adeline’s arm.  She screamed out in pain as the knife from their assailant plunged into her upper arm.  Jarrod and Adeline ran as fast as they could, making their escape.  They didn’t stop until they had reached the train station.  Jarrod drew Adeline to himself and it was then he noticed her pale face and the blood that covered her arm.


He hadn’t realized she had been stabbed and fear nearly overtook him.  Her arm was bleeding profusely.  A porter came to their aid and took them to an office inside the train depot.  A doctor was summoned and arrived within minutes.  Jarrod and Adeline were both in a state of shock, but Jarrod recovered quickly as a police officer began asking him questions.  The doctor stitched up Adeline’s arm, stating that although the cut was deep, it would probably heal quickly.  He saw no reason they couldn’t continue on their journey.


As the train pulled out of Chicago, Adeline and Jarrod sat next to one another, still stunned by the events of the evening.  Jarrod finally suggested they turn in and get some rest.  It was early still, but both were emotionally exhausted.


Keeping his arm possessively around her waist, Jarrod escorted her to her sleeper.  He walked in with her and for his piece of mind, checked to make sure her room was clear.  She thanked him softly and he turned to go.  He promised to come and get her for breakfast and reminded her that he was just next door if she needed him.


Jarrod felt incredibly guilty for allowing Adeline to get hurt.  He berated himself over and over for not paying attention to their surroundings.  He should have been more aware and he should have taken his gun with him.  Knowing he wouldn’t be able to get to sleep without talking to her about it, Jarrod walked to Adeline’s berth and knocked softly, then telling her it who it was.  She called for him to come in and found her sitting on her small bed, her nightgown in her hand.  He had left her over an hour before and wondered why she was still dressed.


Adeline looked up at him, her cheeks a bright pink, showing her embarrassment.


“I can’t reach the buttons on the back of my blouse,” she stated.  Jarrod’s eyes widened.  He cursed to himself for not thinking about that.


“Here, let me help you.”


He meant only to unbutton her blouse and then leave to give her some privacy.  About halfway through his task he realized what he was doing.  Adeline had closed her eyes at his touch, loving how his hands would just slightly touch her back.  Jarrod finished and then turned Adeline around to face him.


Neither said anything for a moment.  Adeline couldn’t tear her eyes away from Jarrod’s, loving the intensity of his gaze.


“I’m sorry Addy.  It’s all my fault,” he finally whispered.


Adeline’s brow creased and she shook her head a little, telling him she didn’t know what he was talking about.


“I’m sorry for not paying attention today.  For letting you get hurt.”


“Oh Jarrod.  It isn’t your fault.  I should have been paying attention as well. It’s just my thoughts were...”  She looked away from him, color rising in her cheeks.


Her words drifted off and Jarrod wondered what she was going to say.


“Your thoughts were...?”


She swallowed and looked up at him.  “I was thinking about that day we went to the stream and how I wished I hadn’t stopped us from....”


Jarrod smiled.  Truth be told, that’s where his thoughts had been as well.  Jarrod drew Adeline to himself and held her close, careful not to touch her injured arm.


“Adeline,” he whispered in her ear, “I want to stay with you here tonight. I promise I’ll sleep on the floor.  I just need to be near you.  You can trust me.”


Adeline was silent and Jarrod thought she was feeling pressured.  He wanted to assure her and was about to say something when he heard her speak.


“I don’t want you on the floor, Jarrod.”


Jarrod tried not to feel too disappointed, nor was he angry with her.  He was determined to show her he wasn’t upset and pulled back from her.  He opened his mouth to speak but she put her finger on his lips.


“I want you to stay with me Jarrod.  You don’t know how I’ve regretted stopping us that day by the stream.”


Jarrod wondered if he had heard her correctly and he didn’t want to take a chance.


“Adeline, are you sure?” his deep voice causing Adeline to almost tremble in anticipation.


Adeline put her hand behind his neck, drawing his face close to hers.  She placed a kiss on his lips, and he could feel her tongue as it pushed onto his mouth.  He hungrily kissed her and crushed her to himself.  He heard her moan and pulled back.


“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, thinking of her arm.


“You can’t Jarrod.  You are incapable of hurting me.”


The look on her face showed him that she trusted him completely. He lifted her up and placed her on the bed. She was sitting up, her eyes holding his as he removed her blouse. Jarrod glanced down at her bosom, loving how it heaved with her anticipation. He could see through her thin camisole that she was aroused. Again he looked in her eyes, wanting to make absolutely sure she knew what was about to happen and give her a chance to stop it. At the same time he was hoping she wouldn’t change her mind. He ached to be with her completely. Adeline stared back at him and then a seductive smile played across her lips. Jarrod returned her warm smile and leaned in to kiss her gently. His kisses started on her mouth and then traveled down her neck. Adeline moaned in delight, leaning her head back to allow him more freedom to explore. His lips moved to the hollow of her neck and his tongue darted out to taste the sweet saltiness of her skin.

Afterwards, their passions spent, Jarrod held Adeline close and kissed her injured arm. He hoped he had not hurt her, but she didn’t seem bothered by it.


As Jarrod thought on their time together, he realized that this was the first time he had ever made love to a woman.  It wasn’t the first time he had ever been with a woman.  He had actually had quite a bit of experience.  His father had once taken him to a well respected brothel in San Francisco and paid for him to have a few hours with a woman named Greta.  Jarrod had enjoyed his time with her immensely.  There had been others as well but never had he made love to them.  He had only sought a release.  With Adeline, the woman he wanted to marry and spend the rest of his life with, he had loved her completely.  They fell asleep, each thinking about their shared time.




Jarrod wasn’t sure what it was that had woken him up, but he found he was alone in the small bed.  It was still dark outside and the one small lamp on the wall burned just enough to let him see around the room.


Adeline was sitting over in the corner looking at him. He sat up and swung his legs over the bed.  Adeline didn’t take her eyes from him as he wrapped the sheet around himself and walked over to her.  She had put her nightgown on sometime during the night and Jarrod found his eyes drawn to the v-neck.  He looked back up in her eyes and saw her slight smile.


“What are you doing up?” he asked softly, a hand coming to caress her cheek as he knelt down in front of her.


Adeline looked away and sighed.


“I had a nightmare.  Couldn’t get back to sleep.”


“Why didn’t you wake me?” Jarrod asked, taking her hands in his own.


“I didn’t want to bother you.”


He leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips.  “I wouldn’t have minded.  Want to talk about it?”


She shook her head.  She didn’t want to talk at all.  She wanted to be in his arms again, feel his arms around her, making her forget about the events of the previous day.  Jarrod seemed to sense her desire and stood.  He held his hand out to her and she took it, walking with him to the bed.


Since she knew more of what to expect, Adeline became more bold.  He in turn helped her to forget her worries and the two rose to the heights of pleasure once again.  Adeline slept dreamlessly the rest of the night and Jarrod lay for a long time watching her.  He had gotten so caught up in their love making that he hadn’t been as careful as he should.  He knew that it was possible they had created a baby this night and couldn’t help but let the corners of his lips curl up.  It wouldn’t be the best of times for that to happen, but they would make it through together.  He would have to talk to her about it, but for now, Jarrod snuggled in closer to Adeline and fell into a deep sleep.




They arrived in New York, the last time they would transfer trains.  Jarrod didn’t even put his things in his sleeping berth, a fact which made Adeline very happy.  They spent their last few days on the train watching the scenery pass by and enjoying one another’s company and their nights were filled with the passion only young lovers could share.  Jarrod tried to be more careful, but he would never remember to talk to Adeline about their first night until she was asleep.  He kept promising himself he would say something, but it would always slip his mind.


They arrived in Cambridge and Jarrod walked Adeline to the boarding house where she had rented a room.  It was difficult for them to part and Jarrod was tempted to ask Adeline to just come home with him.  He had rented a small apartment and knew there would be more than enough room for both of them.  He even thought about talking to Judge Stein about performing their wedding ceremony the next day, but felt he would be cheating Adeline out of something special.  It was a decision he would later regret.




Jarrod’s first day of clerking for Judge Stein was a learning experience.  The man was a perfectionist in everything and he demanded that Jarrod be the same way.  Jarrod actually enjoyed the challenge and soon had the elderly man’s respect.  Jarrod was a hard worker and that was something the Judge found refreshing.


A week after they had returned, Jarrod made his way to the boarding house where Adeline was staying.  They had only been able to see each other once and that was for a brief time.  Jarrod had worked late every night, making sure he was doing everything correctly.


When he knocked on the front door, he was greeted by Mrs. Kingsly, the owner of the boarding house.  She smiled as she welcomed Jarrod in and led him to the parlor.  She went to tell Adeline she had a visitor and Jarrod couldn’t wait to see her.  Judge Stein had given him the next day off and Jarrod knew he wanted to spend it with Adeline.  He smiled at the thought of being able to see her again.  Plus, he had a plan.  He had stopped by a small jewelry store on his way home from work the other day and found the perfect ring.  It was elegant and screamed Adeline’s name.  He was going to give it to her on the morrow at their picnic.


His smile died on his face when she walked in.  That she had been crying was obvious, though she had tried to hide it.  He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong when she shook her head, her eyes telling him not to ask now.  He asked if she wanted to take a walk and she nodded.  He reached for her hand, but she refused to take it.  This puzzled him as she had never refused him before.  Perhaps she was upset with him for not coming by more often during the week.  The thought made him angry.  She knew what he was doing was important and she would just have to work through it.


Another thought calmed his slowly burning anger.  What if she were feeling guilty about their time together on the train?  That thought cause him to reconsider everything and he was working a response in his mind when she spoke.


“My father showed up today, Jarrod.”


That simple statement explained her tears.  Jarrod felt some relief and reached out his hand to her.  She took it and held on tightly.                                                                                                                  


“Is it hard for you to see him again?” he asked.


“He had someone with him.”


Jarrod thought perhaps Adeline’s father had remarried.  Surely she wouldn’t be upset about that since it had been twelve years since her mother had died.




Adeline couldn’t meet his eyes as she whispered, “My fiancé.”




Chapter Six


“Your what?” Jarrod asked incredulously.


Adeline began to weep and Jarrod led her to a bench under a nearby tree.


“Apparently, when I was born, my father agreed to an arranged marriage between me and the son of another prominent family back in England.  Since I was sent to live here, I was never told about it.  From what little information my father has told me, my fiancé,” Adeline choked out the word, “is ready to claim me as his bride.”


Jarrod sat in stunned silence.  He couldn’t believe what she had just told him.  His mind raced on, trying to comprehend what he had heard.  Well, one thing was for sure, she wasn’t marrying this other man.


“We leave tomorrow.  I’ve been busy packing.”


Jarrod turned to Adeline, shock on his face.


“You’re just going to go with them?  Just like that?”


“I have to, Jarrod.  He’s my father.”


“He hasn’t been in your life for twelve years, Adeline.  Now he comes in and expects you to throw away the life you’ve built, to satisfy an agreement he made twenty two years ago.  An agreement that you had no control over.”


“What am I supposed to do, Jarrod?  You’re right in that my father hasn’t been in my life, but he’s here now.  If I don’t marry Cedric, my father will lose everything.  Our lands have been

in our family for five generations.  I know you know the importance of family, Jarrod.  I have to do this.”


Jarrod shook his head.  He wanted to scream, to rail against what was happening.  It was unfair.  He was going to ask Adeline to marry him.  He was going to live with her the rest of his life.  Now she was going to be married to someone else. The thought of her being in someone else’s arms sickened him.


“Adeline,” he began.  Adeline reached over and put a finger on his lips to keep him from speaking.


“The decision has been made, Jarrod.  You can’t say anything that I haven’t already said to myself.  I love you.  I always will, that will never stop.  But this is how it has to be.  And it would hurt me so much if you hated me.  Please don’t hate me, Jarrod.”


Adeline began crying and Jarrod held her.  Tears coursed down his cheeks as well.  He couldn’t hate her.  No matter what, he would always love her.


“Shh,” he said after a moment.  Adeline could tell by his voice that he was having a hard time controlling his emotions.  “I don’t hate you.  I hate this situation and if I could think of a way to make it go away I would.”


They sat in silence for several minutes, then Jarrod asked, “Will you go back to England?”


Adeline sighed and sat up.  Jarrod offered her his handkerchief and she dried her tears.


“No.  With our marriage, my father will come into possession of all of Cedric’s family’s holdings.  Cedric is the last of his line.  He was an only child, as was his father.  He decided to make a new living here in America, so I think we’ll live in New York.  I didn’t ask too many questions.”


Jarrod placed his hand on Adeline’s cheek, and wiped away the tears that continued to fall.  Even though her face was red and swollen from crying, Jarrod thought she was beautiful.  He leaned in and kissed her, hating the fact that this would be the last time he would be able to do so.


When they parted, Adeline stood.  “I need to get back and finish packing.  I’m going to miss you, Jarrod.  I love you.”


Jarrod couldn’t speak for a moment.  He took Adeline’s hand and kissed it.


“I love you, too,” his words just above a whisper.


They walked back to the boarding house in silence.  They embraced and then Adeline went inside.  Jarrod slowly walked back to his apartment.  He poured himself a shot of whiskey then went to sit on his bed.  He looked at the night stand and saw the box that contained the ring.  Tears came to his eyes and couldn’t have stopped them from falling anymore than he could stop Adeline’s departure.


He eventually fell asleep and when he awoke the next morning, was glad that he had the day off.  There was no way he could have made it in to the office.  He didn’t go out at all, but stayed in and either slept, or sat in a chair reliving his memories with Adeline.  He wished her well, and hoped that she would be happy.  His mind went back to that night on the train when he had first held her in his arms.  He wouldn’t allow himself to think about how someone else would be doing that now.


Jarrod made it through that day and then took each day as it came.  He threw himself into his work. Judge Stein noticed that something in his apprentice had changed, but didn’t have a enough of a  personal relationship with him to feel the liberty to ask.  Jarrod’s work was as good, if not better than before, so he had no reason to complain.


A week after Adeline left, Jarrod received a letter in the mail.  He recognized Adeline’s handwriting and ripped open the envelope.



My Dearest Jarrod,


How I miss you.  My mind’s eye keeps seeing your hurt expression as I told you about Cedric.  I wish with all my heart that it hadn’t had to end this way.  I would give anything to be in your arms right now.  Please know that I love you and always will.  But I want you to go on with your life.  I know you’ll meet someone else and fall in love with her.  You are too special for that not to happen.


Maybe one day, our paths will cross again.  I came across this poem a few days ago, and I just had to share the words with you.


There can be miracles,

When you believe.

Though hope is frail,

It’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles,

You can achieve.

When you believe,

Somehow you will.

You will when you believe.


I believe in you, Jarrod.  And I do hope one day, for this miracle for us.






“So you did marry Cedric, then?”  Jarrod asked, refusing to allow his mind to conjure up the mental pictures of Adeline and Cedric together.  He couldn’t define the emotion he felt.  Jealousy, maybe?


“We did,” Adeline answered softly.


“What happened to your father?” Jarrod asked.


“He died a year after we were married.  I never really found out what happened.  We received a letter informing us of his death and the lands were willed to Cedric.”  She closed her eyes briefly before going on.


“About two weeks before the wedding, I realized...”she looked at him, knowing that when she said it, she had to look him in the eye, “I realized I was carrying our baby, Jarrod.”


Jarrod’s eyes widened.


Before Jarrod could say anything, Adeline continued.  “I was so scared.  I didn’t know what to do.  I finally decided to just go ahead with the marriage and then a month later would tell Cedric I was expecting.  Let him believe the baby was his.  But what I didn’t know until after we were married, was that our marriage was to be in name only.”


Jarrod, who had been staring at the fireplace as his mind tried to comprehend the fact he was a father, turned to Adeline.


“Cedric had been injured in a riding accident ten years before we were married.  He was unable to perform...his husbandly duties.  Our marriage was only to fulfill a contract between our families.  Other than a very chaste kiss on our wedding day, Cedric never touched me in an intimate way.  I knew I couldn’t keep my secret forever, so I finally went to him and told him.  He was livid.  He had always been kind to me, but from that moment on, he couldn’t look at me without contempt.  He demanded to know who the father was.  I didn’t want to tell him at first, but he...he made me.”


Adeline’s eyes filled with tears.  She hated the look on Jarrod’s face.  His eyes implored her to go on, to tell him everything.


“What happened, Adeline?” he asked, gently.


Adeline took a deep breath.  She brought her emotions under control and then began again.


“Cedric refused to allow me to go out of the house after that.  For the rest of our marriage, I was a prisoner in our home.  He refused to have anything to do with me.  Only my very basic needs were met. Not even those working for Cedric were allowed to talk to me.  Once, one of the maids agreed to get a letter out to my father, but she was caught.  I never found out what happened to her, but after that, no one would even look me in the eye.  When it came time for the baby to be born, a doctor came to my room and delivered her.”


“Her?” Jarrod asked.


“She was beautiful, Jarrod.  I wasn’t allowed to hold her.  But the doctor, he had compassion on me and let me look at her.  She reminded me so much of you. She had dark hair and I think she had your chin.”


“What happened to her?”


Adeline began crying in earnest.  Jarrod moved to sit next to her and placed his arm around her.  Adeline sobbed for a few more minutes, then lifted her head.


“Cedric made the doctor take her away.  He said he didn’t want another man’s child living under his roof.  I was so distraught.  I never guessed he wouldn’t have allowed me to keep her.  I just thought he would throw us out.  But he was determined that I stay with him.  Several weeks after the baby was born, the doctor came back to visit.  He said he was checking to make sure I was doing all right.  When he was sure we were alone, he told me that the baby had been put up for adoption and that if I ever got the chance, to come to him and he would try and help me find her.”


“Did you ever try?” Jarrod asked.


“I wasn’t ever able to, until now.  Cedric died six months ago from a heart attack.  On the day of his funeral, I was thrown out of his home, with only the clothes on my back.  What Cedric didn’t know, was I had been saving money off and on over the last several years.  Whenever I could, I would put money aside.  I usually had to steal it from him, since he never let me have any of my own.  My trust fund from my Aunt was given to him when we were married and I never saw a penny of it.  I had just enough to get out here and contact you.


“I want you to help me find our daughter, Jarrod.  I need to make sure she’s being cared for, that she isn’t in some orphanage somewhere, wondering why her mother didn’t love her enough to keep her.”  Adeline couldn’t go on for a moment.  She couldn’t bear the thought of their daughter thinking that her parents didn’t care for her.  “I named her Meredith Victoria, after our mothers.  I have no guarantee that the doctor kept that name, but that is what I’ve always called her.”


Jarrod’s mind was reeling from all of the information.  In just over two days, he had again found the woman he loved, found out that they had created a child together and that the child had been put up for adoption.  Adeline watched Jarrod’s face and knew he needed time to think through what she had told him. There was something else she needed to tell him too.  But not now.  She stood and Jarrod stood with her.


“I’ll go now, and leave you to think about everything.  I’ll come back tomorrow morning.”


Jarrod nodded and walked her to the door.  He felt as though he were in a state of shock, like he was living in a fog.  He realized after a moment that Adeline probably didn’t have a place to stay for the night.  Plus, he needed to be close to her.  He ran out after her, and thankfully she hadn’t walked too far.


“Adeline!  Adeline!”


Adeline turned around and looked at Jarrod with a surprised expression on her face.


“Jarrod, what-“


“Where are you staying tonight?”


“Oh, I haven’t decided yet,” she said, looking away.  Jarrod had been an attorney long enough to know when someone wasn’t telling the truth.  Adeline didn’t have anywhere to go, and probably no money either.  He placed his finger under her chin and turned her face toward his.


“Come back with me.  We’ll get some dinner and then I’ll get you a room at a hotel.”


Adeline wanted to protest, but found herself nodding.  She took Jarrod’s offered arm and the two walked back to his townhouse.


They decided to stay in.  They found enough food to make a simple meal and then spent the evening just being together.  Jarrod wasn’t ready to talk anymore about their daughter.  Not just yet.  He needed to think things through. Figure out a plan.  Jarrod was getting ready to take Adeline to a hotel when a thought came to him.  He smiled broadly and turned to Adeline.


“I was thinking, Adeline.  We should get married.  When we find our daughter, we will stand a better chance of getting her back if we are.”


Adeline had been thrilled for just the briefest of seconds, thinking that Jarrod wanted to marry her.  When she realized that it was just so they would be able to get Meredith back, she couldn’t hide her disappointment.  She tried to hide her tears and turned from Jarrod with the pretense of putting her wrap on.


“Adeline?” Jarrod noticed her quiet and turned her around to face him.  Tears were in her eyes and he wondered at them.


“Adeline, what-“


“I can’t Jarrod.  I can’t live in another marriage that’s just for appearances. Especially not to you.”


Jarrod realized how his proposal sounded.  He hadn’t meant for her to take it that way, but didn’t blame her for thinking that was what he had meant.   Jarrod, you sure are romantic, aren’t you?   He gently wiped her tears away, and said huskily,


“Oh my sweet Addy,” he said, using the nickname he had given to her years before.  “ I didn’t mean it that way.  I want to marry you and if you say yes, I assure you it will be a marriage in every sense of the word.”


She stared into his blue eyes, almost trembling at their intensity.  She knew he meant what he said and that she would be able to be in his arms again.  She swallowed involuntarily an nodded.  Jarrod smiled and leaned in to kiss her.  The kiss started out tender, but grew very passionate.  Jarrod parted Adeline’s lips with his tongue and she gladly accepted him.  They both moaned in pleasure and Jarrod broke the kiss just  long enough to scoop Adeline up in his arms and take her upstairs to his bedroom.




Chapter Seven


As they sat on the train as it made their way to Stockton, Jarrod held Adeline’s hand tightly in his. He couldn’t help but let his mind drift back to the night they had spent together, completely lost in each other.  Jarrod closed his eyes for a moment, guilt washing over him.  He had not even thought of another woman since Beth’s death.  And now, he realized that though he had loved Beth, he had never been in love with her.  Not like he was with Adeline.  True, he had only known Beth a few days and could have had deeper feelings for her in time...he drifted off to sleep then and woke to find Adeline leaning on his shoulder.  A feeling of contentment washed over him.  He kissed the top of her head and then fell back asleep.


Adeline watched Jarrod as he slept, so thankful that they had found one another again.  She was nervous about seeing his family again, especially since they had a lot of news to share with them.  She wondered how they would react to the news that they had married.  Jarrod had gotten in touch with a friend of his who was a judge and the ceremony had been performed that morning.  She asked him if he wanted to wait until they got to Stockton, but he insisted he would rather do it this way.  Later on, he was sure his mother would want to throw a reception for them, but he wanted to be married now.  She hadn’t argued, glad that they were finally able to be together once again.  But Adeline still needed to tell Jarrod something...something she should have told him last night before....


But she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.  At first she had been too lost in their passion and then out of fear, she kept her news to herself.  He would hate her.  She knew he would.  Adeline felt herself getting worked up and becoming very anxious.  Jarrod had woken up and was watching her profile as she looked out the window.  He noticed the change in her and reached out for her hand.


“Adeline, what’s wrong?”


Adeline turned to him, startled, not realizing he had woken up.


“Just thinking about how your family will react to everything,” she said softly.  It wasn’t the entire truth, but had enough of it there for Jarrod not to get suspicious.


“They’ll be surprised, but supportive.   My mother asked if I thought you would come out for a visit.  So, I’m just making sure you stay a long time.”


Adeline smiled.  She stared into Jarrod’s eyes, and saw them as they drifted down to her lips.  She smiled and leaned in, allowing him to taste her sweetness.  With her face close to his, he whispered, “I wish our private car was attached to this train.”


Adeline bit her lip, blushing just a bit.  “Tonight," she said softly, taking her finger and running it along his lower lip.  Jarrod caught her hand in his own and kissed it.  His blue eyes were intense as they held hers and Adeline could barely breathe.




When they arrived in Stockton it was late in the afternoon.  Jarrod got their things and they decided to walk to his office.  Jarrod would then go to the livery and rent a horse and buggy to take them out to the ranch.  He unlocked the door to his office and they went inside.  Adeline was impressed.  She always knew Jarrod would be successful.  She smiled as she looked around.


Jarrod came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.


“What are you thinking?” he asked, his mouth close to her ear.  She closed her eyes in pleasure.  She turned around to face him, pressing her body close to his.


“Just admiring your office,” she said, reaching up to kiss him.


Jarrod held on to her tightly.  He knew his family wasn’t expecting him home, so he made a quick decision.  He pulled back from his wife and walked over to the office door.  Adeline heard the lock click and smiled broadly when Jarrod turned around.  He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.  He led her over to the couch that sat against one wall.


“You know, this couch is very comfortable,” he said.


“Really?  Well, maybe we should try it out," Adeline said, pulling her husband down.




They finally made it home later that evening.  Adeline found herself getting nervous.  Jarrod reached over and held her hand for a moment, letting her know things would be fine.  Jarrod stepped down from the buggy and helped Adeline down then the two walked into the house.  The family was gathered in the parlor, talking about the days events.  Nick was the first to spot them and grinned widely.  He noticed the woman with Jarrod and thought she looked familiar.


“Pappy!  Welcome home!”


Everyone turned toward them and Adeline smiled at them all.  She recognized everyone except for the blond man who stood back from the rest.  That must be Heath, she thought.  She smiled at him warmly and he returned the smile, though it was hesitant.


“Evening everyone.  Mother, Audra, Nick, you remember Adeline?”


Nick’s and Audra’s eyes widened.  They had completely forgotten about Adeline Taylors.  Jarrod had never elaborated as to what had happened between them, why they had ended their relationship.  Each smiled at her and she returned their smiles shyly.  Victoria, who had been aware of the reason for Jarrod’s trip, stepped forward to embrace Adeline.  Adeline returned the embrace and blinked back tears.  She had always cared for Victoria.


“It’s so good to see you again.  I was hoping you would be able to come for a visit,” Victoria said.


Adeline looked to Jarrod who winked at her.


“Well, she’s here for more than just a visit, Mother.”  They all looked at Jarrod expectantly.  He smiled and said, “We were married this morning.”


All were silent for a few minutes, then Nick and Audra came forward to hug Adeline.  Nick patted Jarrod on the back, telling him congratulations.  Heath moved forward as well and shook Jarrod’s hand.


“Heath, I would like you to meet, Adeline Tay- er Barkley.”


Heath leaned in and kissed Adeline on the cheek.  She smiled at him.


“It’s nice to meet you Heath. Jarrod’s told me a lot about you.”


They all sat in the parlor and Jarrod told them about what had happened.  Victoria and Audra had tears in their eyes, thinking about the baby.  Nick had a stern look on his face. He was thinking he would like to get his hands on Adeline’s former husband.  He was glad the man was dead and was out of their lives.


“So, what’s next?” Nick asked Jarrod.


“I’m going to get in touch with Pinkerton’s and see if they can help us find the doctor that delivered Meredith.”


Adeline closed her eyes at Jarrod’s mention of Meredith.  Their daughter would no longer be a baby, but a child almost ten years old.  Adeline wondered if she still looked like Jarrod.  Did she still have his dark hair and blue eyes?  What was her personality like?  Did she ever wonder why she was given up for adoption?  Did she even know she was adopted?  Was she with a kind and loving family or in an orphanage, hoping to have a real home some day?


Adeline opened her eyes and looked up.  She saw Heath watching her with concern as the others talked around them.  She smiled at him to let him know she was fine and he nodded.  When Jarrod had told her about Heath, she admitted she was surprised.  But the way Jarrod spoke about him conveyed to her his love for his new brother.


Jarrod then announced that he and his new wife would be retiring for the night.  They had both had a long couple of days.  After bidding the family goodnight, they made their way upstairs.




Adeline looked ready to drop right there.  She was exhausted.  Her long train ride across the country as well as the emotions of the past few days were catching up to her.  Jarrod walked up behind her and began unbuttoning her dress.  He helped her undress and then into her nightgown.  Once he had her tucked in, he undressed and joined her.  Adeline snuggled up against him and he gladly held her.  The two fell asleep quickly, thankful to again be in each other’s arms.


When Adeline awoke the next morning, she was alone in their room. The clock told her it was still early, that the sun had just risen. She stretched and then rose from the bed.  After looking through her small wardrobe, she realized she needed to do some shopping.  She only had two dresses, the one she was wearing when she was thrown out of Cedric’s home, and the other that she had bought on her way out to California.  Maybe she could go into town with Audra or Victoria.


Adeline made her way down to the water closet and drew a bath.  She didn’t linger, deciding she would luxuriate in the bath later.  She returned to hers and Jarrod’s room and finished getting ready for the day.  She glanced over at the dresser and noticed a picture.  She walked over and picked it up, noticing it was a picture of Jarrod with another woman.


Adeline’s eyes filled with tears.  This must be Beth, she thought.  Jarrod chose that moment to walk in.  Adeline looked over at him and he came to stand beside her.


“Let me put this away,” he said reaching for the picture.


“No, Jarrod.  You don’t have to do that.  Seeing the picture doesn’t upset me.  I just...I hate the fact that she had to die.”


Jarrod smiled sadly, not catching the meaning of Adeline’s words.  Had he thought on them more, he would have been more curious.  Instead, he was thinking about their time together in his office the day before.  He had only ever slept on that couch, but now it would hold fond memories for him.


Adeline looked over at him and noticed his smile.


“And just what are you thinking Mr. Barkley?”


Jarrod leaned in and kissed his wife.  “Just that I love you, and can’t wait until we have time to be alone together.”


Adeline smiled and kissed him back.


“Ready for breakfast?” he asked, knowing if he didn’t get out of their room soon, he never would.


“I’m ready,” she said softly.


“I have to go into town today to the office,” he said as they descended the stairs.


“Jarrod, I need to buy a few things.  May I go into town with you?”


Jarrod didn’t answer, but smiled again.  Adeline looked over at him, recognizing the amorous smile on his face and pinched the inside of his arm.


“Ouch! What was that for?” he asked.


“For whatever thoughts you were having,” she said and then whispered, “I hope you’ll show me later what you were thinking.”


Jarrod winked at her and it caused her cheeks to blush the prettiest shade of pink. He was going to enjoy being married to Adeline.                   




Chapter Eight


Jarrod and Adeline rode into town together.  He dropped her off at the dressmakers and she told him she would meet him at his office.  He didn’t plan to work long, but wanted to get in touch with Pinkerton’s to get the investigation going.  Jarrod was eager to meet his daughter and bring her home.


His daughter.  He couldn’t believe it.  As Adeline had the night before, he wondered what kind of life she had been living.  What were they going to do if she were in a loving home?  They couldn’t upset her world and yet, she was a Barkley.  He wanted her home with him and Adeline.  He wanted his daughter to know her grandmother and her uncles and aunt.  Jarrod was torn.  He didn’t want his daughter to be growing up in circumstances that would require her being removed from her home and yet, he wanted her with them.


He realized that he and Adeline hadn’t talked about Meredith since she had told him about her.  They needed to talk about every possibility, be aware of every possible thing that could happen.


A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.  He called for whoever it was to come in and was delighted to see his wife.  He stood and walked to her, drawing her into his arms.  He kissed her with passion and loved how she responded to him.  Since it was the middle of the day, they had a very good chance of being interrupted, so Jarrod didn’t let things go too far.  It took every ounce of his self control to keep from laying his wife down on the couch and ravishing her.  He broke off the kiss and looked into her bright blue eyes.  The flush to her cheeks only weakened his resolve.


“Well, Mrs. Barkley,” he said, loving the sound of the name.  “Were you able to purchase what you needed?”


Adeline smiled.  “I was. I was able to order two new dresses and Mrs. Barton even had one that I could take with me today.  I can’t wait for you to see it.”


Jarrod smiled.  Right now, the last thing he wanted to see was his wife in a dress, but he decided he would keep that comment to himself.


“I’ve sent a telegram to Pinkerton’s and I should hear back from them tomorrow or at the latest, the day after.  They’ll probably send an agent to discuss details with us.”


Adeline nodded, her face serious.


“We need to talk, Adeline.  I want to know everything you know before we talk to the investigator.  I was thinking,” he said, drawing her close again, “that we could go for a picnic.  I know of a beautiful spot by a stream.”


Adeline couldn’t keep the smile from her face and Jarrod leaned in and kissed her.


“I’m all done here, so we can go.”


Jarrod locked up his office and escorted his wife to the waiting buggy.  He remembered something he needed from his office and ran back up.  Adeline waited patiently for him and he was back in just a few minutes.


They both changed into more casual clothes while Silas packed them a lunch.  They then rode out to their favorite spot, a place they had not been together in ten years.  Adeline got down from her horse and walked around, loving the fact that this place had not changed.  If anything, it had gotten more beautiful.  She turned around and found that Jarrod had placed a blanket on the ground and set out their lunch.  She joined him and the two ate quietly for a time, lost in their thoughts.


“What if she’s in a good home, Jarrod?” Adeline’s soft words brought Jarrod’s head up.  Before he could answer she went on, “And what if she isn’t?  I can’t stand the thought of her suffering in any way, but I want her with us.”


Jarrod reached over and took Adeline’s hand.  He brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.


“I don’t know, Adeline.  We need to be prepared for either possibility. I want her with us too, but...”


Adeline couldn’t stop the tears from falling.  Jarrod wiped each one  with his hand as they fell.  He then leaned in and began kissing them away.  Adeline accepted his kisses and the two gave in to their passions.   There were no inhibitions by either one and it turned out to be one of the most passionate times they had ever spent together.


Afterwards, as they lay next to one another, Jarrod decided he wanted them to go back to San Francisco for a while.  They had been apart so long and he wanted to enjoy his wife fully.  Not be concerned with being overheard during their time alone together.  Adeline rose and began to dress and Jarrod followed her.  They then decided to go for a walk.


When they had been walking for about a half hour, Adeline said, “I’m sorry about your father, Jarrod. I heard about it several months after his death.  I wanted to write to you, but....”Adeline’s voice drifted off.


Jarrod squeezed her hand.  “I understand.  He liked you a lot.  When I told the family that things were over between us, he seemed really sad.”


“What did you tell them?”


Jarrod sighed.  “That it wasn’t going to work.  Later on, my father tried to get me to talk to him, but, I told him I accepted the way things had to be and asked that he leave it at that.  He did as I asked, but I could tell he wanted to press further.”


“Your father was a wonderful man.  And Heath seems really nice too.  He reminds me of Tom.”


Jarrod smiled.  “Heath is a lot like father. Especially in the way he looks.  But also in the way he loves the ranch.  He and Nick are the perfect compliment to one another.  Nick’s a lot like Father as well.  He has his personality.”


“You have a lot of your father in you as well, Jarrod.  Maybe not in looks, though I can see him in your eyes.  But a lot of your mannerisms remind me of him.”


Jarrod smiled.  Adeline loved listening to Jarrod as he talked about his family.  She was thankful to be a part of it now.  But she couldn’t help but feel guilty.


“Jarrod, I’m sorry for...for that night on the train. If I hadn’t given in and asked you to stay, then none of this would be happening.”


Jarrod stopped to looked at Adeline, his face serious.


“Adeline, there is something you need to understand.  I don’t regret what happened that night.  No, maybe it wasn’t proper and maybe we should have waited, but what if we had?  Would you have sought me out after Cedric’s death?  Would we be married now?  I knew that there was a possibility that we created a child that first night. I wasn’t as careful as I should have been.  I intended to talk to you about it, but...”  Jarrod ran a frustrated hand through his hair.  He then straightened and looked her in the eye.  “And I refuse to label our daughter a mistake.  She was created out of our love for each other, not because we gave in to a moment of weakness.”


Adeline couldn’t stop the tears and Jarrod drew her close.  Adeline’s tears were more than just from what he had said.  She knew that they wouldn’t be together now because if it hadn’t been for her, Beth would still be alive.  It was her fault that Beth had died and Jarrod needed to know.  But before she could say anything, he started to speak.


“I have something for you.”  He led her back to their horses and he opened the saddle bag.  He pulled out an envelope and handed it to her.  She opened the letter and then looked up at Jarrod.


“You kept this?” she whispered.


Jarrod nodded, a slight smile on his face. Her eyes went back to the letter, re-reading the words she had written to him after leaving to marry Cedric.  When Jarrod began reciting the words to her, she looked up, his eyes holding hers.


“There can be miracles,

When you believe.

Though hope is frail,

It’s hard to kill.

Who knows what miracles,

You can achieve.

When you believe,

Somehow you will.

You will when you believe.”


When he finished speaking, Adeline noticed he held in his hand a small box.  He opened the box and took out a beautiful ring.  Adeline gasped, her right hand going to her mouth.  Jarrod placed the ring on her left hand’s ring finger.  It fit perfectly.


“I bought this ring two days before you left with Cedric. I was going to ask you to marry me, but...well...In any event, I kept the ring and the letter hoping for a miracle.  And this is our miracle, Addy.  I’m hoping for one more.  That we can bring our daughter home and be a family.  And maybe even give Meredith some brothers and sisters,” he added and Adeline smiled.  She admitted, she had been hoping the same thing.


Adeline’s heart was too full to speak.  Jarrod sensed she didn’t want to talk any more so they silently cleaned up their picnic lunch and headed for home.




Chapter Nine


Later that evening, Jarrod, Nick and Heath were involved in a game of billiards.  The ladies had gone up to Audra’s room to look at some new dresses she had purchased.


Nick had something on his mind that he wanted to say, but wanted to make sure the ladies wouldn’t overhear him.  He didn’t want to risk hurting his new sister in law.  While Jarrod was taking a shot, Nick poured himself and his brothers a drink.  He handed each one a glass before claiming his own and proposed a toast.


“To dear brother Jarrod and his new bride.”


They each took a drink and then Nick refilled the glasses.


“You know Jarrod.  I’m glad that you and Adeline are married and everything,” Nick began.  Jarrod looked up from his drink, wondering what Nick was going to say.


“Is there some reason why you didn’t want us there?”


Jarrod was about to laugh when he took a good look at Nick. He wasn’t kidding. Jarrod looked over at Heath who was being quiet.  Jarrod hadn’t intentionally left his family out of his wedding plans in either case.  The marriage to Beth was literally a spur of the moment thing.  And with Adeline...


“I’m sorry, Nick.  Heath.  I didn’t mean to leave you out of anything.  It’s just...Well, I lost Adeline once before and I didn’t want to take a chance on losing her again.  Just so you know, she did ask about waiting until we got here, but...I don’t know.  I couldn’t go another moment without her as my wife.  I had waited ten years.  I couldn’t wait anymore.”


Nick wasn’t really angry with Jarrod.  Just more hurt than anything.  Nick had always hoped that when his wedding day came, that Heath and Jarrod would stand with him. He would want them both to be his best man as he couldn’t choose between them.  Nick didn’t sit around and dream about weddings all day long, but he had hoped that he could be involved in his brothers’ weddings.  Then again, he could see Jarrod’s point of view.  He had never talked with his older brother about Adeline.  Jarrod had never been one who was open about his private life, but Nick knew he had been hurt.  He was glad that he and Adeline had one another now.


“I think I understand, Pappy.  Just know that we want to be a part of your life,” Nick said the words quietly.  Jarrod nodded and patted his brother on the back.  Heath gave him a lopsided grin to let him know everything was fine.


“Well now, how about the three of us go on a little camping trip.  Just for a few days.  Make it a celebration of Jarrod’s marriage!” Nick enthusiastically suggested.


Jarrod tried to look happy with the idea, but he didn’t want to be away from Adeline right now.  He hoped Nick wouldn’t get upset when he told him no.  Thankfully, Heath came to his rescue.


“That’s a great idea, Nick.  But somehow I think Jarrod and Adeline are going to be busy with trying to find Meredith.  Maybe when things settle down.”


Jarrod looked over at Heath and saw his slight wink.  Jarrod smiled his thanks.  Nick agreed to wait awhile, but he was determined for the three brothers to spend some quality time together soon.




The detective from Pinkerton’s arrived in Stockton several days later. Jarrod and Adeline gave him the name of the doctor who had delivered Meredith, her birth date and other essential information.  The meeting lasted for over an hour and by the time the investigator left, Adeline’s emotions were raw.  The ache in her throat from the unshed tears was almost too much to bear.  She slowly made her way up to their room.


After seeing the other man to the door, Jarrod went in search of his wife, knowing she was upset.  He found her standing at the window, but he could tell she wasn’t really seeing anything.  He went up to her and put his arms around her.  It was all Adeline needed to release her pent up emotions.  She sobbed against him and he held her, letting his own tears fall as well.  There was no guarantee that they would ever find their daughter.  They both agreed that if she was in a loving and happy home, they would leave her be so as not to upset her world. They would write to the parents and explain their situation and ask that Meredith be allowed to contact them some day.  They would not make any moves to take her from her home.  Unless she wasn’t being cared for.  That thought hurt Adeline more than anything.


After a while, Adeline lifted her face to Jarrod and kissed him.  He gladly returned the kiss and the two found comfort in one another’s arms.  As they lay in the afterglow of their time together, Adeline again thought of the secret she carried and wondered if she would ever have the courage to tell her husband.  She looked toward the dresser, and saw the spot where Beth’s picture had been.  Jarrod had insisted on moving it and had placed it on the desk so that it wasn’t quite as visible.  Adeline was thankful for his thoughtfulness toward her, but truly wasn’t bothered by the picture.  Beth had been Jarrod’s wife and she knew he had loved her.  And Beth must have loved Jarrod.  How could she not?


Adeline snuggled closer to Jarrod and he tightened his arms around her.  He began to kiss her again and she couldn’t help but smile.  Again they were lost in their own world.



Jarrod had informed the investigator from Pinkerton’s, a Detective Adamson, that if he needed to contact them before the end of the month, that they would be in San Francisco.  Jarrod had a court case coming up that needed his attention.  That was the excuse he gave to Mr. Adamson and to the family.  But Jarrod told Adeline that the real reason was so they could enjoy some time alone and not worry about being overheard during their time together.  His smile could only be described as devilish and Adeline laughed.


Jarrod spent his days at his office working on his case, and his nights in the arms of his wife.  Life was almost perfect.  The only drawback was not knowing where their daughter was.  Mr. Adamson had been in contact with them keeping them updated on any new developments.  So far, there hadn’t been any major breaks, but Jarrod and Adeline remained hopeful.




They had been in San Francisco for three weeks when Adeline came down with a fever.  Jarrod sent for a doctor, even though Adeline insisted she just needed rest.  The doctor agreed with Adeline and ordered her to rest and drink lots of fluids.  Jarrod stayed by her side, even when she couldn’t keep anything down.  He held her hair back for her as she wretched and wiped her face when she was done.  Adeline would have cried at his tenderness, but was too weak to even do that.  Her fever spiked and she became delirious.  The doctor was called back, but just said for Jarrod to keep on doing what he was doing.


Adeline began talking in her delirium.  Jarrod couldn’t understand a lot of what she was saying, but caught references to Cedric, Meredith and himself.  Just before her fever broke, Adeline began saying something over and over that puzzled Jarrod.  He stayed by her side and was thankful that she was finally sleeping peacefully.


When she woke the next morning, Jarrod was by her side in bed, watching her.  She smiled at him and he smiled back, but didn’t like how pale she was.  Before he could stop himself he asked, “What do mean Beth had to die because of you?”




Chapter Ten


He had honestly meant to wait until she was feeling stronger to say anything, but the words slipped out.  His curiosity had gotten the better of him.  Adeline closed her eyes briefly, aware that she must have said something in her delirium.  She had been wanting to tell Jarrod, and it seemed her fever had taken care of it for her.


“Adeline, I’m sorry.  You’re not up to this conversation.  I should have waited.”


Adeline opened her eyes and stared into the crystal blue eyes of her husband.  They were filled with concern for her and she knew now was the time to tell him everything.  She only hoped he didn’t hate her in the end.


“No, Jarrod.  I’ve been trying to get up the courage to tell you.”  She paused and Jarrod continued to watch her, waiting for her to go on.  He reached over and took her hand in his, hoping to give her some of his strength.  Surprisingly, Adeline took her hand back.  Jarrod raised his eyebrow in question and Adeline blinked back tears.  She didn’t want comfort as she finally told Jarrod the truth.  She was too ashamed.


“When Cedric found out about you, he was very angry.  I think I mentioned that before.  I admit I was scared.  We hadn’t known one another long at all, but he had been nothing but kind, even gentle in his treatment of me.  He knew that I hadn’t wanted the marriage.  In truth, he hadn’t either, but was eager to fulfill the marriage contract and turn the lands over to my father.


“But the day I told him about the baby, he changed.  The kindness I had seen in his eyes disappeared and I never saw it again.  He hated me.”


“Adeline did he hurt you?” Jarrod had to interrupt her with this question.  He had to know.


“He did strike me. Once.  That was all.  And yes, he did hurt me over and over but not the way you’re thinking.”


At Jarrod’s questioning look, she sighed.


“Cedric made a point of following your career.  I don’t know the specifics of how he did it.  Whether it was through a private investigator or a close associate of yours that he paid off.  But he knew everything about you. He followed every case, every trial and knew if you had won or lost.  He’s the one who told me about your father.  He seemed so smug and pleased that you were suffering through that loss. It made me angry, but I knew better than to show it.  I was almost due with Meredith and didn’t want to risk his wrath.”


Adeline drew a deep breath, feeling so tired, but refused to give in to the urge to sleep.  She needed to tell Jarrod everything.


“Cedric was a very influential man.  He had lots of money and used it to get whatever he wanted.  As I said, he followed every case but one seemed to stick out to him.  A man that you prosecuted  was put in jail.  Later, Cedric found out that the man was put on a list of possible candidates to be pardoned by the Governor.  Cedric used his money to make sure the man would get the pardon.”


“Cass Hyatt,” was all that Jarrod said.


“I never knew his name.”


Jarrod nodded, and asked her to continue.


“He contacted this Hyatt, and told him that he wanted you killed.  That he would work it out so he wouldn’t be hanged, but that he would get a life sentence in prison.  Of course, he had to make it worth Hyatt’s while.  He fixed it so that Hyatt would live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life.  He might be in prison, but would have every creature comfort.”


Jarrod felt his hand going into a fist and tightening.  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  Part of him wanted to ask Adeline to stop, to not tell him anymore and the other part was wanting to scream for her to hurry.


“When Cedric found out that Hyatt had murdered your wife instead, he was upset at first.  He rarely came to me, but would send his assistant in to tell me the things he had done to you or was going to do to you. But he came and told me he was going to have you killed.   I begged him not to kill you.  I pleaded for your life, but he just laughed and said what was done was done.  When he told me about Beth...Oh Jarrod, I felt so guilty.  I didn’t want her to die, but I was so relieved that you hadn’t been killed.  And then I thought about the pain you had to be going through.”


“I almost killed Cass Hyatt,” Jarrod said softly.  Adeline didn’t know what to say to him.  She wanted to reach out and touch him, but was afraid he would reject her.


“Cedric figured you would never visit Hyatt in prison, so he paid off officials to keep Hyatt’s secret.  I’m sure if you were to go and check, you’d find him living quite comfortably.”


Jarrod closed his eyes.  He was tired and worn down from caring for Adeline around the clock.  The news she had just told him was a shock and already his mind was trying to form a plan concerning Hyatt.  If what Adeline told him was true, and he believed that it was, Hyatt’s days of luxury were over.


Adeline watched Jarrod and after a few minutes realized he had fallen asleep.  She was too weary to do anything but watch him, letting the tears soak her pillow.




Jarrod woke several hours later and found that he was alone in their bed.  He sat up with a start, and looked around the room.  He checked the upstairs of the townhouse and not seeing Adeline, he proceeded down the stairs.  He went to the kitchen, but didn’t see her.  The study was also empty.  He was beginning to feel panicked, when he noticed she was curled up on the sofa in the parlor.  He sighed with relief.  He realized he hadn’t said anything to her before he fell asleep.  He quietly walked over to her and noticed her tear stained cheeks.  Jarrod gently gathered her in his arms. Adeline woke, but didn’t fight him.  She began crying again and he whispered soothing words to her.


“Oh Jarrod!  Please don’t hate me. I couldn’t stand it if you did,” she cried.


Jarrod pulled back from her and stared into her eyes.


“I don’t hate you, Adeline.  I don’t blame you for what Cedric did.  You weren’t at fault," he said softly, yet Adeline knew he was telling her the truth.  She began crying again and Jarrod held her close.  After a few minutes, Jarrod carried her upstairs and placed her in their bed.  She was exhausted and he was worried she would relapse.  Adeline smiled up at him, and asked him to stay with her until she fell asleep.  He climbed into bed and the two slept for the next several hours.




Chapter Eleven


It took almost a month, but a breakthrough finally came in finding Meredith. Jarrod and Adeline had already gone back to the Ranch when Mr. Adamson contacted them.  He had found the doctor who delivered Meredith and had a current address.  He asked if Jarrod wanted him to contact the man, but Jarrod sent a telegram, asking him to wait.  He and Adeline caught the next train out to Syracuse, New York.    It would take them not quite a week to get there and with each mile the train ate up, the more nervous they became.


Adeline, particularly was having a rough time.  She couldn’t keep anything down and spent most of her time in bed.  Jarrod was concerned for her, but she insisted it was just the motion of the train, combined with the fact that they could possibly be close to finding Meredith.  Jarrod wasn’t so sure that was it, but didn’t want to press Adeline further.


A few times Adeline felt well enough to go to the dining car.  She and Jarrod sat in a corner, talking in soft tones.  Neither one noticed that every move they made was being watched.


They arrived in Syracuse, NY late in the evening.  They checked into a hotel and then met with Mr. Adamson.  He gave them the address to the Doctor’s as well as directions and bid them goodnight.  Adeline and Jarrod made their way back to their room and settled in for the night.  Sleep was long in coming for them both.  It was a possibility that they could have the answers they sought about Meredith tomorrow.


As they lay in bed, they talked in quiet tones.  Eventually, they became more interested in exploring one another and ended their night in the throes of passion.




Jarrod noticed that Adeline was able to keep her food down, now that they weren’t on the train.  He was relieved that it was probably just motion sickness as she had insisted.


They rode in a rented buggy to the small neighborhood to the south of the city.  The row of houses that lined the street were all well kept and though not extravagant, they were large.  Jarrod and Adeline stopped in front of a two story brick home.  They sat in the buggy, both afraid to move.  Finally, Jarrod stepped down and helped his wife from the buggy.  They slowly made their way up to the house and Jarrod knocked on the door.  Adeline was holding Jarrod’s hand so tightly, her knuckles were turning white.  After was seemed like a long time, though it was really only seconds, the door opened.


“Mrs. Morrison?  My name is Jarrod Barkley and this is my wife Adeline.”


The woman stared at them for a long moment and then seemed to regain her senses. She invited them in and led them to a spacious parlor off to the left of the entryway.  Once they were seated on the comfortable sofa, Mrs. Morrison smiled at the couple.


“Now, Mr. Barkley?” she asked.  At Jarrod’s nod, she continued.  “What can I do for you?”


“We’d like to speak with your husband if he is available?”


Mrs. Morrison bowed her head.  “I’m sorry.  Charlie passed away last year.”


It was all Adeline could do not to cry out.  They were so close!  Jarrod sensed her agitation and squeezed her hand.


“Your husband delivered our daughter almost ten years ago.  Circumstances forced my wife to give her up for adoption.  We are looking for her and were wondering if you would allow us to search through his records to perhaps find a clue as to where she is now?”


The woman looked from Adeline’s pale face to that of the man sitting before her.  They seemed genuine in their request, but she still had a few questions to ask.


“May I ask why you are coming now?”


Jarrod felt it was reasonable for her to ask and briefly explained their situation.  The woman listened with rapt attention and after a few seconds, nodded.


“Tell me, Mrs. Barkley.  Did you name your baby?”


“Yes.  I named her Meredith.  Meredith Victoria, after our mothers.”


The woman smiled and again bowed her head.  She then began speaking softly.


“You came.  Charlie said you would one day, but I thought it would have been sooner.  I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through, Mrs. Barkley. Charlie said it near killed him to take that precious baby from you.  He actually had nightmares a few times about it.  He was so happy when he got to go back and see you again.  Said he told you to come and find him, didn’t he?”


Adeline nodded.


“Please, Mrs. Morrison.  Did your husband leave records indicating who adopted Meredith?  We are desperate to find her,” Adeline pleaded softly.  She was beginning to feel ill again, but knew it was from being nervous.


“Oh I don’t need records to tell you,” the woman said.  She smiled slightly and looked at Jarrod.  “She looks so much like you.”


Jarrod looked at Adeline and then back at Mrs. Morrison.


“Then you’ve seen her recently?” Jarrod asked, trying not to get his hopes up.


“Why yes, just this morning.  You see, my husband and I adopted Meredith.”




Chapter Twelve


Jarrod and Adeline stared open-mouthed at the woman before them.  She smiled a little and began explaining everything that had happened.


“Our son, Sam, was in the war.  He left when he was18 and when he returned four years later, we found out he had a leg injury that was slow to heal.  We didn’t realize it at the time, maybe because we just didn’t want to, but he had an addiction to morphine.  For the next few years it was a constant battle to help him over come this horrible....” her voice trailed off and they watched her fight for control.  After a few moments, she continued.


“We spent most of our meager savings on keeping Sam out of prison.  It came to the point that we were about to lose our home and Charlie’s practice.  One day, Charlie was contacted by a man stating he had a business proposition for him.  Charlie went to New York City and that was when he was hired to deliver your baby.  I’ll never forget the night he brought Meredith home.  Charlie cried as he told me about having to take the baby from you.  He had been instructed to place the baby up for adoption, but after seeing your face, Mrs. Barkley, Charlie knew he couldn’t do that.  So he asked me if I minded if we kept the sweet baby, just until he could figure out how to reunite you.  Charlie told the man who had hired him that he would insist on returning later to re-examine you to make sure you were okay.  In those six weeks, we came up with the plan to keep Meredith and always let her know that her mama was coming for her.”


Adeline began to softly weep.  Jarrod too had tears in his eyes.


“Your son,” Jarrod asked.  “What happened to him?”


Mrs. Morrison closed her eyes briefly.  “Sam died a few months later from an overdose.  It was difficult, but we had Meredith.  She called my husband, Grandpa Charlie and I’m Granna Mabel.  She’s a delightful child.  I suppose you noticed I was staring at you when I first opened the door...it’s just amazing how much she looks like you, Mr. Barkley.  Your eyes and hair definitely, but I think it is your chin that she has.”


Jarrod smiled and looked over at Adeline.  He noticed she looked pale and was again worried about her.  She gave him an encouraging smile to let him know she was fine and then turned to Mrs. Morrison.


“So Meredith knows I didn’t willingly give her up?”


“Yes.  She’s asked of course, if you didn’t want to then why?  And we’ve always told her you loved her very much, but we didn’t know the exact reasons.”


“Where is Meredith now?” Jarrod asked.


“She’s in school.”  Mrs. Morrison checked the clock.  “She’ll be home in a few hours.  If I may suggest, maybe it would be best if you weren’t here when she got home.  It might be too overwhelming for her.  Would you allow me to explain your visit and since tomorrow is Saturday, you could come by and meet her?”


Jarrod felt that was a sound plan.  He looked over at Adeline and she nodded, though he could tell she was reluctant.


“We don’t wish to hurt her or you, but Mrs. Morrison, it’s our intention to take Meredith home with us.  We want to be a family.”


Mrs. Morrison smiled, though there were tears in her eyes.  “I know Mr. Barkley.  Charlie would often tell me I had to prepare for the possibility.  That’s why he wouldn’t allow her to call us Papa and Mama.  He said that was reserved for you.  I’ll miss her.  She’s been my mainstay since Charlie died.  But what’s best for her is to get to know her parents.”


They all stood then and Adeline hugged Mrs. Morrison.


“Thank you, Mrs. Morrison,” she said.


“Please, call me Mabel.”


“Then you must call us Jarrod and Adeline,” Jarrod said, taking the woman’s hand.  She nodded in agreement and said goodbye. Jarrod informed her of where they were staying and agreed on a time they would be back the next day.  Then Jarrod and Adeline walked back out to their buggy and drove back to the hotel.




That evening, Adeline and Jarrod stayed in their room.  Neither felt like going out to dinner so they had something delivered.  Jarrod again noticed that Adeline didn’t eat much, mostly pushing the food around on her plate.  He watched her for a time and then took her hand in his.


“Addy,” he said, “You need to eat something.  You’ve barely eaten at all on this trip.  You were so sick on the way out...”


“I’m fine, Jarrod.  I’m just so nervous about meeting Meredith.  What if she hates me?”


“She won’t hate you.  We’ll explain everything and then show her without a doubt how much we love her and want her.”


Adeline nodded.  Her thoughts turned to Mabel.  Adeline felt guilty for taking Meredith away from the older woman.  Maybe there would be some way to keep her in Meredith’s life.  She looked up to  ask Jarrod about it when she noticed he was staring intently at her.  She loved it when he watched her this way.  It gave her chills while at the same time warmed her all over.  She leaned over and kissed him.  They stood together and Jarrod drew Adeline into his arms.  Their food was forgotten as they were more interested in each other.


Afterwards, they lay together, both exhausted.  Neither one could have moved if they had wanted to.  They fell asleep in one another’s arms.                              




The next morning, Jarrod awoke slowly and reached out to his wife.  He found the other side of the bed empty, but still warm.  He lifted his head and noticed Adeline sitting in a chair next to their bed.  She had been watching him as he slept.


“Morning,” he said, his deep voice sounding gravely from lack of use.


Adeline smiled slightly.  “Morning.”


“How long have you been up?” Jarrod asked, swinging his legs over the bed.


“Not too long.”


Jarrod walked toward his wife and knelt down beside her.  He rubbed her arms and leaned in to kiss her gently.


“Are you nervous?” Adeline asked Jarrod.


He took a deep breath and said, “Very.  But everything will be fine.”


Adeline nodded, but couldn’t stop the tears that gathered in her eyes.  Jarrod drew her to himself and held her.


“I can’t believe today is here.  I’ve waited almost ten years for this.  I’m so glad you’re here with me Jarrod.  I love you so much!” she sobbed.


Jarrod continued to hold her as she cried.  He knew she was exhausted from having been sick on the way out as well as not sleeping well since they had arrived.  Then the added strain of the first time they would see their daughter together.


When Adeline quieted down, Jarrod lifted her and carried her to the bed.  She had fallen asleep and he hoped that she could get some much needed rest.  They didn’t need to be at the Morrison’s for another four hours.  He gently climbed into bed next to his wife and drew her close to him.  She snuggled next to him and the two slept peacefully for the next two hours.




Chapter Thirteen


The ride to Mabel Morrison’s house took only fifteen minutes.  In that time, neither Jarrod nor Adeline said a word.  Adeline still looked pale to Jarrod’s thinking and she only ate a small portion of her breakfast.  He knew she was nervous.  He was as well.  It wasn’t everyday you met your daughter for the first time.


Once the horse and buggy were secured, Jarrod and Adeline walked up to the house and knocked on the door.  Jarrod smiled at her to try and reassure her, but Adeline didn’t notice.  The door opened and they were welcomed into the Morrison’s home once again.  Mabel led them into the parlor and then went to get Meredith.


A few minutes later, they returned.  Jarrod and Adeline both stood and watched as a young girl walked into the room with Mabel.  Her hair was as black as a raven’s wing and her eyes a vibrant blue.  There was no doubt that this was their daughter.  Adeline seemed incapable of breathing.  The last time she had seen her daughter, Meredith had only been a few minutes old.  Now, almost a decade later, she stood before her, a beautiful little girl.


“Meredith, these are the people I was telling you about.  These are your parents,” Mabel said.  Meredith didn’t say anything, but nodded to each one.  Mabel gave Meredith a gentle push and the young girl moved toward a chair.  She sat down, her eyes on her hands in her lap.


Jarrod and Adeline sat as well and began talking with Mabel.  They could all see how tense Meredith was.  They hoped that the conversation flowing around her would help to relax her.  After a few minutes, Jarrod asked Meredith a question.


“What is your favorite subject in school, Meredith?”


Meredith looked up into eyes that were so much like hers.  She swallowed before answering, “I really enjoy reading, but I also like art class as well.”


“Meredith, why don’t you run up and get some of your artwork for your parents to see,” Mabel suggested.  Meredith nodded her head and left the room.


“I hate it that she seems so uncomfortable,” Adeline said softly.


“It will take some time, Adeline, but Meredith will come around.  She’s generally shy around people she doesn’t know, but once she gets to know you better, she’ll open up more.  She loves to talk and oftentimes I have to ask her to be quiet just so I can have a few moments of peace.”


Mabel smiled, but both Jarrod and Adeline saw the tears that threatened to spill over.  Mabel composed herself before Meredith returned.  The young girl brought a sketch book and handed it to Jarrod.  He opened it up and was amazed at the pictures he saw inside.  Adeline’s breath caught.  The sketches were amazing.


“You drew these?” Jarrod asked, still looking at the pictures.


“Yes sir.”


“They’re wonderful!” Adeline exclaimed.  Meredith didn’t respond, but took her seat again.  Jarrod and Adeline looked through the book and became more and more impressed.  Meredith definitely had extraordinary talent for one so young.  The sketches were very life like.  Most were of buildings and landscapes, but there were a few of people as well.


“You do wonderful work for one so young, Meredith,” Jarrod said, handing the book back to his daughter.  She smiled slightly at his praise.


Mabel excused herself to get some refreshments.  Meredith moved to go with her, but Mabel said for her to stay.  The fact that she was uncomfortable was evident and Adeline wanted to help her feel more at ease.


“Have you had formal training?” Adeline asked.


“Just the classes in school.”


“Have you always liked to draw?”




Adeline looked to Jarrod and he winked at her.  Meredith shifted in her seat.  She then raised her head to look at the couple before her.  These people were supposed to be her parents.  She had always been told that her mother would come for her one day, and that when she did, she would probably go and live with her.  Meredith was trying to be brave, but in truth, she was scared.  These people looked nice, but what if they weren’t?  She knew her Granna wouldn’t let her be harmed, but if she moved away, how would Granna know if she was alright or not?  Meredith again looked to the couple sitting before her and realized she had let her thoughts wander. She knew Granna would scold her for not paying attention.


“I’m sorry, sir.  I wasn’t listening,” Meredith said, a little fearful of what Jarrod’s response would be.


He smiled at her.  “That’s alright, Meredith.  I know this is all very new to you.”


Jarrod and Adeline watched as Meredith relaxed just a little.  Mabel had done a good job raising Meredith.  She knew her manners and seemed a delightful child.  Adeline ached to see her smile and hear her laugh.  She had waited so long for this moment.


“Granna says that I’m to go and live with you,” Meredith said simply.


“We want you to, Meredith.  Very much,” Jarrod said.


“Where? Where will we live?”


“My family owns a ranch in Stockton, California.”


“You’re a rancher?” Meredith asked, her eyes wide. She loved horses and had always wanted to learn to ride.  They had never had the money for lessons.


“No, I’m a lawyer.  I have an office in Stockton and one in San Francisco.  My brothers, your uncles, run the ranch, though I have been known to help out once in a while,” Jarrod replied. He smiled and Meredith smiled back.


“California is a long way from here,” Meredith said.  Adeline’s heart twisted and she longed to reach out and touch her daughter.  “When will we leave?”


Adeline looked over at Jarrod.


“We don’t want to rush you, but we would like to leave soon.  Maybe in week, two at the most.”


Mabel returned to the room then.  If she was shocked by the fact they wanted to leave so soon, she didn’t show it.


“That will give us enough time to pack up your things and you can still enter that art contest at school Meredith.  The judging is this Wednesday and the winners will be announced on Friday in an open assembly at school.”


Mabel smiled broadly, though the other adults in the room could see it was strained.  Meredith smiled at her Granna and nodded.


“What picture will you be entering?” Adeline asked.


“Go and get it, Meredith.  It’s her best so far.  She’s been working on it for over a month now.”


Meredith left the room and soon returned with a small canvass.  On it was painted a rose.  If Jarrod had not already seen Meredith’s work, he wouldn’t have believed she had painted this.  It was so life like.  He knew even the roses in his mother’s garden would pale in comparison to the one Meredith had created.


“It’s lovely,” Adeline said.


“Yes,” Jarrod agreed.  He smiled at his daughter and she smiled back.  Meredith may look like her father, but she had her mother’s smile.  Jarrod felt his heart constrict.


“Meredith, would you go to your room for a while.  Allow us to talk for a few minutes?” Mabel asked.


“Yes ma’am,” Meredith said.  She took the small canvas from Jarrod and walked from the room slowly.  The adults waited until she was up the stairs and then Mabel began talking.


“I’m glad you aren’t waiting a long time to take her.  It’s right that she be with you, though I will miss her.”


“Mabel, we don’t wish to hurt you,” Jarrod said.


“I know, Jarrod.  But I will hurt.  Meredith is a delightful child.  She needs her mother and father.  I’ve enjoyed filling in the role of her mother, but that job is over now.  Charlie made sure we both kept it in the front of our hearts and minds that Meredith was loaned to us.”


Adeline smiled through her tears at the older woman.  She reached out and grasped Mabel’s hand.


“I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.  She’s a beautiful little girl, inside and out.”


Mabel smiled.  “Just take good care of my little girl, Adeline.”


“We will, Mabel.  You don’t have to worry about that,” Jarrod assured her.  Mabel smiled.  She knew Meredith would be well taken care of.                  

