Thicker Than Water

by CamRose





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





Astride his horse Coco, Nick watched in amazement, bordering on elation as Adam and Davey Howard drove off, bringing the confrontation to an abrupt end.  Somehow, the young boy’s words had swayed his father against carrying out his threat to prevent the Barkleys from bringing their herd of water-deprived cattle through.  Nick let out a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding until that moment. He turned in his saddle to give instructions to Heath, when he heard his name called softly to his right.




As he turned in the direction of his oldest brother’s voice, Nick was met by Jarrod’s fist, the impact of the unexpected right cross startling Coco as well as tumbling him from his horse.  Before he hit the dirt, he caught hold of Heath’s expression which somehow contained both amusement and concern.


Nick pushed up onto his forearms and watched dazedly as Heath reached down to gather up Coco’s reins.  As his head cleared, he turned over onto his elbows and felt along his jaw.  He could already feel a bruise forming and knew with certainty that it would match the one on the face of the man leaning over him.  He squinted up into the sunlight to meet his oldest brother’s gaze.  Their eyes locked and he flinched as understanding passed between them.  Then Jarrod looked away.


“Nick…,” Jarrod’s voice rolled over him like honey, and he watched as his brother picked his hat up from the ground, turned it over and brushed the dirt from it.  “I appreciate that you did what you felt you had to do, but I want you to remember two things….” He handed Nick’s hat to him.  “Never sucker punch me and don’t you EVER try to take away a choice from me again.”  Then Jarrod reached down a hand to help him up. “Pax?”


Nick looked at the hand that Jarrod offered him.  It would be so easy to take it and pull his big brother over into the dirt as well, but the truth was that his head and jaw hurt, and he did deserve Jarrod’s wrath, not that Jarrod would stay angry with him; the well of his brother’s patience with him seemed endless.  So he took Jarrod’s hand and let himself be helped up.


Later, he watched as Jarrod and Heath, working in unison, pulled out the last fence stake from the sun baked ground, while he rested against the tree that Jarrod had helped him over to.  He reflected that what his father had told him all those years ago was true….blood WAS thicker than water.